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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Oct 1965, p. 13

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ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture--Judges 13:2--16:31, By Alfred Buescher Samson was born to great ends. A Strong, valorous and Nazarite from the womb, he was born and raised in a godly home, to be de- stroyed by intemperance, passion and self-indulgence.--Judges 13:2-24. Israelites had he not g weaknesses.--Judge: the Spirit of the Lord, have proved a deliverer to his fellow By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer The fires of Rhodesia are are burning. The suggested use God took his power away when Sam- son drunkenly allowed Delilah to cut his hair, the symbol of both his strength and a life perfectly devoted to God.--Judges 16:4-22. endowed with Samson could strength dies with iven into moral tion of t s 13:25-16:3. God grants GOLDEN TEXT: Proverbs 16:32, of force, raised by the Arch- bishop of Canterbury only as an ultimate necessity if sanctioned by the state, has embroiled Britain in heated controversy, and undoubtedly was a factor leading to the desecration of ancient Canterbury Cathedral. Now some African Negro leaders have taken up the chant, exploiting the = arch- Samson's prayer for to avenge himself, Samson his enemies in the destruc- he temple.--Judges 16:23-31, BIBLE LESSON Men Of Influence In Bible: Samson By R. H. RAMSEY trouble for the rest of his life, Samson was next to the last/At his marriage feast he pro- of 12 judges who ruled Israel|posed a riddle, wagering upon between the death of Joshua|the Philistines answering it, His and the anointing of Saul. All,|wife wheedled the answer from excepting Samson, were na-|him, betrayed him, and he tional leaders who were, by the|slaughtered 30 of their ranks. grace of God, able to deliver) Samson's wife was given to the Israelites from some 9P-janother man; Samson retali- pressing servitude to other na-\ated by destroying the Philis- tions, In the careers of most Of}tines' fields; their revenge was] them were remarkable military|to burn his wife and her father victories. at the stake. This further infuri- This is not so with Samson.|ated Samson, who then went He did not lead the nation, hejout and smote the Philistines won no military victories, his;)with a great slaughter. exploits brought no revival of fscaping to the rock of Etam,| religious or national spirit./he allowed the men of Judah to What he did, he did on his own,| deliver him again to the Philis- without followers of permanentitines and, once among them, results. It would seem that/slew a thousand of them with Samson was '. a ged jawbone of an ass. close friends and one to whom) canons fi ainabnde 'Wat the nation did not look for de-|,.°"uttarr with Delilah, Enam:| liverance, ored, he became a slave of his Yet Samson was born to great/nassions, and acquired an un- ends, for Gods's blessing and|pealthy appetite for wine. The guiding hand rested more surely end of that usefulness for which upon Samson than on any of his!|God had designated him came contemporaries. 'The angel Of when the drunken Samson, the Lord' appeared to hiSiasieep in her lap, finally sur- mother assuring her that the/rendered his devotion to God, child she was about to bearirelinquished his birthright as a would "begin to deliver Israel'qeliyerer, and was shorn of his out of the hands of the Philis-\strength and reduced to the tines."" status of an animal. Further, he was to be a Naz- arite, one wholly dedicated to BETRAYED GOD God; but his life, as he led it,' Samson did not lose his power) seems the classic example of just because his hair had been the devastating effect of intem- cyt, God took the power away perance and uncontrolled pas-\hecause Samson allowed Deli- sions, lah to take away the symbol of| both his power and life per- BORN INTO PIETY fectly devoted to God, Samson was born into a home THE BEST BATTLES -- 15 bishop's remarks as evidence of Christian support of bloodshed to destroy the minority white government in Rhodesia, should The Valiant Fight Of Jervis Bay By PETER BUCKLEY LONDON (CP)--A_ 44-year- By STEPHEN SCOTT old Royal Navy man who led; BURNABY, B.C, (CP) a charmed life in the Second/constituency that has supported World War flies to Canada Wed-|the New Democratic Party nesday for ceremonies com-'since it was formed and that! memorating the valiant fight of/has returned the party's na- the armed merchant cruiser tional leader to Parliament with Jervis Bay in 1940. a 5,000-vote majority might be Cmdr, Ronald A. G. Butler considered a safe seat. was one of 65 officers and or Not so, say the opponents of --of the ship's complement of'T, C, Douglas, NDP leader, in 255--who survived the Jervis|/Burnahy - Coquitlam constitu- Bay's engagement with the Ger-jency in the Nov. 8 federal elec- man super - cruiser Admiral! tion. Scheer. "Mr. Douglas is in for a big He also survived four other|surprise," says Social Crediter ship sinkings and a plane crash|James Kennedy. His party's before the war was over, jcandidate trailed Mr. Douglas) Still in the navy, on bg anton th 15,000 votes in the 1963 elec- work, Butler now is making/tion. plans to honor a double promise) The Liberal! candidate is made to the late Sir Winston|equally optimistic and the Con- Churchill, The wartime prime|servative says anything can minister -- wa je he pred ogg _ oh although write a history 0 is war ex-jhe a ut admits he is running periences and must return to|because he feels his party must Canada to thank those respon- put up a fight. sible for caring for the Jervis) Mr. Douglas sees no reason Bay survivors. jhe will ict continue to hold the svar wknneun QATAI jconstituency he has represented ay Dade oe gt Rg oa aoe of (since 1962 'when he won a by- StnO WORVAR, Ry eon election after the seat was va- ve m4 = pie pe fa ol cated by Erhart Regier, who 4 ' had held it since 1953. Scheer struck savagely before Only recently returned to fed- oe bo Bonk bit sear! politics. after being pre- 0 : Admiral] ji / " rfal'mier of Saskatchewan aches Pivagll . ene' oleae oe years, Mr. Douglas had been a § ) "1ass | Hy 962 by the Germans as grosskreu- roe ste el aad wii ae gg = ge oe A en ¥ : 'are; Mr. Kennedy, 40, a real- the British. They were inferior tor Michael Barcus Allen. 48, to capital ships but superior to!Conservative who describes heavy char dilda himself as being between busi- Hopelessly outgunned, the nesses; and Liberal Richard Is Douglas In For Big Shock ? Prime Minister Ian Smith seize independence illegally. Each new move seems have generated conflict and confusion, without resolving the issue of how Rhodesia's future can be stabilized when the whites have military and econ- omic control, while- the far The constituency is consid-| rural and metropolitan living. Itland lack of includes working-class districts; sub-divisions with homes in the|® $20,000-$25,000 class; British Co-| lumbia's largest Frénch - lan-| guage grouping and heavy, light and service industries. There has been a considera- ble increase from the almost} 50,000 eligible voters in the 1963) election and much of this is in| the white collar and _ profes-| sional classes. All parties ex-| pect considerable support from} this new group that they say! CANNINGTON, Ont. (CP)-- could number between 5,000 and/Finance Minister Gordon said 10,000. Friday night willful misrepre- In 1963, Mr. Douglas defeated|sentation and -- underhanded Tom Kent, aide to Prime Min-|scare tactics are being used in ister Pearson, by 19,067 votes to\opposition to the Liberal gov- 14,148. The Conservative candi-jernment's Canada Assistance date -got 3,990 and Social Credit|Plan. 3,917. | He told an election rally in The Liberals say this time| Victoria constituency that eld- they have the advantage of not|Crly people have received tele- political cohesion. ENOUNCED FORCE to} THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 30, 1968 13" Canterbury Idea Adopted |/By Black Africa Leaders weapon against Smith, a decla- ration apparently aimed at cool-| ing the Negroes' ardor for a day of reckoning, and designed to comfort the British people at home with the thought that their government will not engage in destruction of their kinsmen in Africa, Wilson's big weapon is his threat of economic sanctions against Rhodesia, But it is a question how effective such sanctions would be, and whether Rhodesia could not get suffi- cient help from South Africa and other countries to survive, Smith says attempts at econ- omic strangulation may hurt Rhodesia's 4,000,000 Negroes more than the 220,000 whites, Even if the Rhodesian Ne- groes, assisted by their neigh- bors, manage to destroy the white regime, there still is the question of whether they have sufficient education to prevent Prime Minister Wilson has al- ready renounced force as aper campaign claiming his righ Gordon Assails Opposition Misrepresentation Tactics \dissension and turmoil from) more numerous Negroes are|turning Rhodesia into anotherjelementary education for Ne- --alered to be a cross-section Of|weakened by lack of education|Congo, ARGUES RIGHT | | Education is the key, Smith) jhas launched a British newspe t | be subject to a means test-- jthat it will be based instead on jan individual's needs," The text of this part of Mr. |Gordon's speech was given to jreporters in advance of deliv- jery, | In Toronto earlier, Mr, Gor- don said Canada should take a} lstiffer stand in trade negotia- tions with the United States. He told a group of University. | to independence on a number of points, including the argu: ment that regardless of race or color, Rhodesians get the chance to vote if they have certain earnings and two years or four years of secondary school education, depending on circumstances, "No one can describe these) as unreasonable or unattainable qualifications," his full - page newspaper advertisements say. But. Rhodesian figures tell a different story, The 'number of natives in elementary school this year totals about 628,000; the number in secondary school only 11,500, The number in the final year of elementary school totals 29,000; in the first year) of secondary school, 5,500, | This year. only 56 are shown) to have reached the final year of high school, A Common- wealth expert says this is how Smith maintains white suprem- acy; He encourages massive groes to provide a big pool of labor able to carry out direc. tions, but a miniscule higher Trouble As ~ Girls Take Men's Jobs OTTAWA (CP)-The Chateau Laurier hotel's decision to re place 12 veteran waiters with attractive young waitresses { its newly-redecorated cockta lounge is being protested by un** ion officials, vi Lawyers for the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway, trans. port and General Workers (CLC), which represents 550 ho- tel employees, are seeking a" court injunction to prevent the: change, ci But the hotel's manager, Myles Craston, says' 12 girls will start work Monday, ' The union claims the manage- ment's plan violates a union' contract, J, R. Grealy of Ot- tawa, the brotherhood's hotel general chairman, says there is no provision in the contract for use of "cute young females" in the lounge, economy, BAHA --| WORLD FAITH Teaches: "Religion and science must go hand-in-hand", For Information re: weekly meetings or literature Write Box AS Oshawa Times i | | u | ,.\stratum too small to direct the} | Lhe Tomorrow? Reveals the startling signl- ficance behind world news! » with PROPHECIES next 20 Veors! Monday - Saturday 9:05 - 9:35 P.M, {or immediately following Jr Hockey) and Sunday 10:30 - 11:00 P.M. having an imported candidate. phone calls telling them that in They expect to pick up a large proportion of persons who did not vote in the last election plus the support of new residents. Frank Crawley, Mr. Allen's campaign manager, says the Conservative party is a national organization and has a duty to run candidates in all constitu- encies, If there was no candi- date in this riding, some 4,000 Conservatives would be '"'dis- franchised." WHAT'S IN A NAME? HALAFIX (CP)--This old At- lantic might order to qualify. for supple-jof Toronto students that "we 1350 ee ments to the old age pension/still have to live with our] they would have to sign over|friends in Washington, but that, their property to the federaljdoesn't mean we shouldn't be) government. just as tough as they are." | Mr. Gordon said he had been| He also said the provinces linformed that such telephone|will have to be consulted on any calls had been received in the| changes in banking legislation. | Cannington area, 50 miles) Mr, Gordon told the students) northeast of Toronto. He did notjhe believes free tuition for uni-| ascribe them to any individual] versity students will become a or group by name, lreality "but not right away." "The misrepresentation is de-| 'Free tuition is important, _|liberate," he said. 'The prime} but it is not the first thing that} minister made clear months agoljis going to happen,"' he said.) that the increased help which|Mr. Gordon said: he personally, will be provided under the Can-|believes free tuition should be ada Assist Plan will not'provided for students. Sa NEN ee CANADA'S FINEST ALL ELECTRIC (HOME HEAT SYSTEM------ @ SAFE @ CLEAN @ DEPENDABLE A ts The Philistines put out his q ; aS . . of yr ge piety, ae eyes, bound him ey fetters andJ°Vis Bay with her six-inch /Hayes, 25, a lawyer in the of- port have. been Installed First in Oshawa nounced by an , armament was pounded by the/tice of Liberal Senator J. W. De called Dunk, N.S., had it been| heaven, His mother was warned threw him into prison. Later,| | when his hair had grown long to abstain from strong drink again, they added to his derek and unclean foods during her gation by forcing him to play an pregnancy, for the child was to} be a Nazarite from the womb.| After his birth, she was further warned, his hair was never to be cut, and he was forbidden to drink wine, all factors in what is now called a Nazarite vow. This abstemious life Samson was supposed to lead, plus the background afforded by a godly home, was conducive to the training and development of a virile leader, a man born to serve God and his people at any personal cost. This child of such promise grew to be a mighty man of strength and valor, with the Spirit of the Lord working on his mind, will and body. Unfor- tunately, worldy powers and selfish desires began working on his moral nature at the same time, leading to the gradual de- cline and final ruin of this one who could have proved sucha blessing to his fellow Israelites MARRIED A PAGAN It was contrary to Hebrew law for an Israelite to marry into a pagan, idolatrous family, and doubly so for one who was under a Nazarite vow. Nonethe less, Samson insisted on marry- ing a Philistine woman, an act that involved him in no end of UNITED the fool at a festival in honor of their god, Dagon. Led into the temple, Samson prayed to the Lord for strength to avenge himself, God an- swered his prayer. Samson leaned with all his might} against the middle pillars of the temple and pushed them down The collapse of the temple killed 3,000 Philistines, as well as Samson himself, Later, his brothers recovered his body and he was buried as a hero Samson had been born to God's service. But he suc- cumbed to the importuning of passion and to the growth of intemperance, used his God-| given powers for selfish satis-| faction, and experienced ruin, becoming a mere sottish figure. Though he finally achieved re-| CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH (Anglican) Mary and Hillcroft Streets SERVICES 8 AM.-11 AM, -7 P.M, NURSERY CARE 11:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL--11 A.M WEDNESDAY -- 10:00 A.M HOLY COMMUNION oaks, Kent, was only a 19-year-|stituency before Admiral Scheer's 11-inch guns'p Farris and soon caught fire both fore Elaine d aft, Butler, now living at Seven- MAKE FIRST BID None has contested the con- 3 . Mr. Kennedy old midshipman at the time. He was unsuccessful Social Credit received the Distinguished Serv-|candidate in the 1962 provincial ice. Cross after the sinking--jelection in Vancouver East. probably the youngest naval of-! ficer ever to get the award, the! Royal Navy says. The Jervis Bay's captain, Cmdr. E. Fogarty Fegen, was lost with his ship and was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross. The Jervis Bay had been op- erating out of Saint John and : a memorial stands there to the venge, it- was not enough forj|victims of the sinking. It will him or his generation. be the scene of the 25th anni- GOLDEN TEXT versary services. "He that is slow to anger -- -- field." given Lord Halifax's family| name instead of his ancestral | title, says Mayor Harry Ludlam| of the English Halifax on a visit here. The original name is thought to mean "holy flax LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE "HOUR SUNDAY 5:30 to 6:00 P.M. "Everlasting Listen to; The Bible Speaks To FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE $T, EAST Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist In Boston, Massachusetts, SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Wed. Service (includes testimonies) 8 P.M. READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. Monday to Thursday--11:00 a.m, - 5:30 p.m. Friday 11:00 a.m, - 9:00 Punishment" p.m. You CKLB 9 A.M, Every Sunday The Most Dependable Name In ELECTRIC HEAT Total or Supplementery Unites by woe FOR FULL INFORMATION CALL CKLB -- DIAL 1350 is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." --Proverbs 16:32. "GRACE LUTHERAN PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 ---- LUTHE (East TH Pastor: chinipn SUINY Rey. Philip Fiess, Minister 11:00 A. MASONIC 91 Cent You Are Invited to Ronold A, Jansen, Vicor SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL AY 9:45 A.M, -- SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL FAITH RAN CHURCH ern Cénada Synod) i REV. HENRY FISCHER 725-2755 BER: 31s OCTO s WoOTST Very M. -- THE SERVICE TEMPLE BUILDING re St. at Metcalf St, Worship With Us 11:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP PENTECOSTAL 320 Ritson Road South (near Olive) 723-6325 BAGOT AND The Whole Gospel to the Whole World The Reverend R, G. Br Sunday: 10 A.M,--Sunday School 11 A.M.--Morning Worship 7:30 P.M.--Evangelistic Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Sot, 8:00 P.M.--Young People "The Church and Birtt 7:00 P.M,--Festal Evensc Nursery Facilities available MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10:00 A.M November 4th- Is EVERYONE WELCOME Thursday Ho S]. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH The Reverend Canon F. G "SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3lst -- TRINITY XIX 9:00 A.M. -- HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER --HOL CENTRE STS. Ongley, M.A.--Rector ooks S.Th.--Assistant REV. EVANGELISM » Control" -- Rector MRS. F.W. ong -- All Saints' at the 11:00 a.m, service, ALL SAINTS' DAY Y COMMUNION ly Communion---10:00 A.M t ~ Hears Mrs. Roffe, Mali, Africa to Viet Nam since 1928, and ary to Thailand, 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School OPENING SERVICES OF OUR WORLD 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Missionary since 1929 in West Africae MONDAY - FRIDAY AT 8 P.M. RICHARD J, BARKER, Minister CONFERENCE E. ROFFE Rev. Jean Fune, missionary Rev, R. H, Johnston, mission REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Independence, KNOX SIMCOE ST, NORTH (Four blocks from King) World Headquarters Minister Rey. G W. C, Brett, B.A Missouri) ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA Musical Director Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M 9:45 AM RCH SCHOOL 1:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL Church School For Children ond Adults 11:00 A.M Morning Worship Theme: Ordination Service 11:00 A.M "MAKING PROMISES" 7:00 P.M Speaker: Eider R. M. Russell "GENUINE RIGHTEOUSNESS" All are Invited a Wohi W Phone 728-9606 imo th Ge cae RESBYTERIAN ST. LUKE'S Rossiand Rd. W. et Nipigon a: PAUL'S Wilson Rd. N, at King St. E. Ro "alter Jackson Minister Mr. Frank Walter Musical Director Minister REV. D. R. SINCLAIR, B.A, Pianist Miss Jone Weir 9:30 A.M CHURCH SCHOOL ii:v0 A.M, 9:30 AM CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, Reformation Sunday THEME "FAITH OF OUR FATHERS' 7:00 P.M Ai Gattste "tan HI TEENS your present system, UKRAINIAN Simcoe St. South Minister Rev. J. Jacenty 9:00 A.M.--Church School 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship HUNGARIAN Minister Rev. &, Seress at Knox Church Simcoe St. North 3:30 P.M.--Worship Service 2nd and 4th SUNDAYS quiataat iwi heating ever devised ? Did you know the new electric heating in here was simple and inexpensive to install, economical to operate and it's the cleanest, safest, en gustem 728-4611 50 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA Youve certainly been brushing up On the subject! - Got a chilly bathroom? Adding a new bathroom? You can make any room warm and livable with electric heating. You can add electric heating with- out disturbing your present heating system. And it will cost you less to install than it would to extend Electric Heating Information Centre. The spe- cialist at your Hydro's Electric Heating Information Centre can give you complete information on the type of unit best suited to your room, installed cost, operating costs, and help in arranging installation. Call now. 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