hamen 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 1, 1965 submitted by their secretaries. DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA Election of officers for the coming year took place at a rerent meeting of the Daugh- ters of Isabella St. Anthony of DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports of Foreman and Mrs, Jack Wood- man, LAUREL GROUP UNIT 4 The Laurel Group, Unit 4, of St. Andrew's Church met in the St. Church was the setting for the fall w WEDDING 'ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Fornis are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early : of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting completed form a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as seon pasethts the csrémony. You arg aseea to submit names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to social editor either before or the day after the wedding. . . Chasczewski - Copithorne -- Paul's Presbyterianjof royal blue velvet and powder blue crepe, with matching head- edding of Karen Patricia ithorne and Alexander Pat- rick Chasczewgki. The bride ig the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Copi- thorne, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, John Chasczewski, all of Oshawa. Mr, Fred Chase, brother of the bridegroom, was best man, 'and the neth Bradley and Mr, Brian Copithorme, shers were Mr, Ken- The britle's mother wore a tur- ladies' parlor, The meeting was quoise and gold brocade dress The Rev, Walter Jackson per: formed the ceremony, The wed- ding music was played by Mr. Frank Walters and the soloist was Mr. Ross Cotton. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length, straight cut gown of white crepe, trimmed with lace and a detachable train draped from the shoulders, She wore a matching shoulder length veil, and carried a cascade of white chrysanthemums and red carnations, The sister of the bride, Miss Jo-Anne Copithorne, was maid of honor, and the other attend. ants were Miss Donna Myers and Mrs. James Lyons. They were dressed in identical gowns Padua, On Nov. 11 the follow- ing officers will be installed: Regent, Mrs. William Eyre; Vice-regent, Mrs. Stephen Bon- fordi; Past regent, Mrs. Gerry Forestall; Financial Sec., Mrs. George A. Robinson; recording secretary, Miss Teresa Coyne, treasurer, Mrs, Andrew Mowat; Srd year trustee, Mrs. Dalmer Page; 2nd year trustee, Mrs, Leo Zylka; ist year trustee, Mrs, J. Lyons; monitor, Mrs. John Cardinal; custodian, Mrs. Jack Lawrence; chancellor, Mrs. Lionel Brennan; inner guard, Mrs. Peter Brady; outer guard, Mrs. John O'Connor; guides, Mrs. Ronald Hurst and Mrs, Gerald Lasier; banner bearer, Mrs. Russell Smith; organist, Mrs. Roland McKenna and scribe, Mrs, Anthony Adams, There will be a presentation to Miss Enid Tenheaf who obtained with gold accessories, and a cor- sage of gpid mums. The bride- groom's mother wore a dress of teal blue, with red and black accessories and a corsage of red mums, The reception was held in the lower chuyeh hall, / The couple left for points north on their honeymoon, the bride wearing a three - piece sapphire blue suit with black and white accessories, and a corsage of pink roses. Out of town guests were from Cornwall, London, Hamilton, Burlington, Brantford; Bramp- ton and the United States. The couple will reside at 1050 Ravine road, Oshawa, opened by Mrs. A. J. Parkhill, followed by the reading of the minutes of the last meeting by Mrs. George Telford. Mrs. Ran- dolph Mark gave the financial report, Mrs. Parkhill thanked the members who assisted with the bazaar. A good attendance was requested for the UCW pot luck supper to be held November 16, Following refreshments, serv- ed by Mrs. A. . Yeo and Mrs. George Telford, members sort-| ed goods for the rummage sale} to be held the following morn- ing. BATHE PARK LADIES' Aux.| The Bathe Park Ladies' Aux-| ge a meeting | nisney, was welcomed into thejthe year will be held at the The treasurer's ar aa church on November 9. report wa ' given by Mrs. Leslie Lioyd jer Mrs. Robert Elston, Mrs.\ The November meeting will the bingo report by Mrs. Wil-|Douglas Southwell, Mrs, Donald|be at the home of Mrs, N fred nies. agit ted Cooper and Mrs. Ronald Leon-|Mechin, _ and Mrs, John Chasczewski, all of Oshawa, in cere- mony in St, Paul's Presby- terian Church. Ireland Studio KAREN PATRICIA, daugh- | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Copithorne, became the bride of Alexander Patrick Chasczewski, son of Mr. MMME. REAL Caouette never leaves her husband's side as the leader of the Ralliement des Creditistes campaigns throughout Que- bec. But unlike other poli- tical wives she does not mix with audiences, does not shake hands, has no com- ments. When the campaign is over she will return to her household duties in the Cauotitte home in Rouyn, in Northwestern Quebec. Mme. Caouette, Always Present, But Leaves Politics To Husband By BENOIT HOULE OTTAWA (CP)--"If you want te write something about me, observe me on the platform. You will see that I am at ease. I have nothing else to say." And having said this much, Mme. Real Caouette, wife of the leader of the Ralliement des Creditistes, smiles graci- ously at the frustrated reporter. Her husband is seeking re- election in Quebec's Villeneuve riding which he has represented since 1962. He is founder of the Ralliement des Creditistes, formed two years ago when part of the Quebec wing of So- cial Credit separated from the conform to the image of the politician's wife. She does not mix with the audience at ral- lies. She leaves hand-shaking to her husband, acknowledgi those who approach him for that purpose with a nod of her head. She does not comment on her husband's speeches. She obvi- ously believes that Real, with all his verve, is capable of handling any situation that might arise, no matter how dif- ficult or apathetic the crowd. When a candidate's wife is presented to Mme. Caouette they engage in a quiet chat. When attending a musical national party headed by Rob- ert Thompson. Mme. Caouette, 49, does not show, such as those presented in Mr. Caouette's honor at Vic- toriaville and Asbestos during Home Executive Plans Ahead For Most Efficie nt Transfer (CP Photo) the present campaign, Mme. Caouette listens attentatively. ALWAYS PRESENT | Traces of a smile some- \times cross her face when her lhusband is presented with a bouquet of flowers by a woman at a meeting, as happened in Riviere-du-Loup and Thetford Mines. But if her campaign role is completely. passive, there is ev- idence that she is completely devoted to her husband's ca- reer, Day after day she is at his side as they travel throughout Quebec. And she proves herself up to the rigorous routine, al- ways looking serene in spite of the fatigue she must often feel. "T'm in this because my hus- band is," she has said. 'The sacrifices are worth it, I feel I owe it on account of the im- portance of the matter. But it's not a personal hobby." She has become. accustomed to the political whirl in 27 years of marriage, for 25 of which her husband has been in politics. But she has said she wouldn't be involved if it weren't for him--"I'd rather be at home." Which is where she will be as soon as the Nov. 8 election cam- paign is over -- Rouyn in northwestern Quebec where her husband is a car dealer and lwhere they raised their three the highest mark in religion. Mrs, Russell Smith reported to Hillsdale last month with Mrs. Lionel Brennan, Mrs. John O'Connor and Mrs. Gerald La- sier, Members were thanked for the many hours spent at Hills- dale during the past year. Members were reminded of the honor guard at daily Mass for November, and also daily ejaculations for the dying. | Arrangements are being made for a fashion show and hair styling in St. Gregory's audi- torium, November 22. Mrs, Stephen Bonfordi and Mrs. Andrew Mowat attended the convention in Toronto as alternates for the regent, Mrs. Forestall, and vice regent, Mrs. Clifford Harper who were un- able to attend. They were ac- companied by past regent and provincial trustee, Mrs, Wil- jliam Eyre. A_ detailed report iwas given to the meeting by Mrs. Bonfordi. Mrs, Anne C, Walsh, Supreme Regent of the order, from Florrisant, Mo., U.S.A., had been the guest speaker. Four days chosen as the cen- tennial project for 1967 are, March 19, feast of St. Joseph, June 24, feast of St. John the Baptist, July 26, feast of St. Ann and September 26, feast of the Canadian Martyrs. | ONTARIO REGIMENT |. ASSOCIATION AUXILIARY | The October meeting of the Ontario Regiment Association Auxiliary, was held recently at the Armories. Members were asked to assist with the annual | Cadet dinner to be held at the Armories on December 8. A do- Ination will be sent to the Hills- \dale Manor bazaar. jnext meeting will be November Plans were made for the base- ball banquet on November 13. Mrs. Haight adjourned the meeting. Game winners were Mrs. James Brady, .Mrs. Leslie Lloyd, Mrs. Cyril Shrigley, Mrs. Wilfred Ogden, Mrs, Alex Pele- shok. Lunch was served by Mrs. John Fisher. VICTORY LODGE The regular meeting of the Victory Lodge LOBA No. 583 was held in the Orange Temple. Lodge was opened by Worthy Mistress Sister Betty Atkins, as- sisted by Deputy Mistress Don- alda Strong. Devotional exer- cises were performed by Lou- ise Hockett. The flags were pre- sented by Jr. Duty Reta Butt and Olive Harrison. | Edith Selleck was reported on| the sick list, The Christmas party will be held December 10, with Eva Tipton convening the program. Happy Birthday was sung for Betty Atkins and Eva. Tipton. Draw prizes were donated by ard are the nominating com- mittee for 1966. The bazaar will be held on November 17, There will be a tea room and supper will be served. Baby sitting ser- vices will be available. Refreshments were served by Mrs, E. L. Gauer and her group. CENTRE STREET UCW East Unit The October meeting of the East Unit of Centre Street UCW was held at the home of Mrs. Reuben Broadbent. The leader, Mrs. Eldon Southwell opened the meeting with the poem "Friend- ship'. Mrs. Arthur Magee was in charge of the devotion. She read the story of how the hymn "Dear Lord and Saviour of Man- kind' was written, East unit will be in charge at WIF't PRESERVER Slip a scrap of pegboard over the nail when you install panel- ing. If you miss the nail, you won't mar paneling. Wo WITH BLADDER IRRITATION Hillsdale Manor on November 1. | are ma le miserable by common Urinary | The final plans tor the bake sale Goll fe eutekty 7 combat the secondar i the Sonia es pony 'Bolles euveea br icner nd Beads ratlne ed. Members who need to have! %,#!#% of water their baked goods picked up were asked to call Mrs. South-| well. The last rummage sale of| OYSTEX tablets with 3 times daily for a few a cleaning urinary anti» ptic, also an enio pain reliever for jeumatiom, nm cheulat aing, thet SF from deussiss, Poel better fas. days, CY. Louise Hockett, Betty Atkins WARD'S | NOVEMBER Starts Tuesday 9:00 A.M. See the many dollar this week in || WATSON'S UNDERWEAR A factory clearance of Watson's "Courtauld Viscose" Satin Stripe Ladies' Underwear , . , t imperfections in some of the gorments . a-yeor offering and « wonderful chance to stock up, or try these 1 quality garments a | built-up shoulder , | Reg. 1.19, Size O.S. Reg. 1.29 BLOOMER elasticized at knee Reg. and Olive Harrison and won by Anne Foote and Mildred Carno-| chan. Cora Gardener gave the report of the successful social bingo. Lunch was served by Elda How- ard and Anne Holdsworth. The KING STREET UCW 5 A toy demonstration preceded the October meeting of King Street United Church Women at the home of Mrs. Gordon Pier- son. The unit leader, Mrs. Rob- ert Elston, presided for the business period. The next meet- ing will be November 15 at the church, = sees aeceoky BREE 2 ~ >>> S58 eEtiitd a 2 eer beets at paeeeee rss a : = segs zg ers rt stingepstcs incase ~ = on 322249 Size O.S, Reg. 1.29 PANTIE flare or band leg. . Reg, 1.19 Size O.S. Reg. 1.29 PANTIE long leg, wide gusse Reg. Size O.S. Reg, 1.55 styles. . | RESS FABRICS --- BEDDING | --- LINENS -- DRAPERIES -- LINGERIE, . +. size M-L, SALE WEEK SPECIALS all savin he big savings ere due to small . » this is our once- t special savings, -. size ML. | Rented; Oy | 9 ee ey irene . size M-L, $9' \ eee were | 99 1.09 eee ee ee tt. PENMAN'S HOSIERY The well-known Penman brond winter-weight hosiery .. . choose from Botany wool/nylon end Botany wool /ecitton/nylon . full fashioned with no-seam comfort foot. . . slight jgichildren, Roger, 26, who works; Volunteers for Hillsdale his father's garage, daugh-|Manor Tuck Shop for November imperfections which will not affect the wear accounts for this big saving. Stock up for overseas parcels or winter 'weer... e2e A new member, Mrs. David By ELEANOR ROSS , Talk to doctor and dentist, 42 Many families are on the|you are moving far away, about!!" : 5 move "ame days as business|referrals. Notify the post office|'e" -- sD Boge 38 08 flourishes and executives and| of address change and dots: Poii| Creditiste cancicste 2 other personnel have to relocate|the children's school and ar-| in onder to work in another|range for transfer papers. || NOW HAS SECOND WIND branch or open a new office or} List major household furnish-| Steve Lawrence is properly plant. lings to be washed or cleaned--jin his second career, since he "It's all very exciting for the|curtains, draperies, rugs or car-|had to "retire" as a boy 80- family, but not-for mother who, pets, lamp shades, blankets and|prano when his voice broke at as the principal hearth and|bedspreads. Schedule all this/the age of 11. home executive, had to cope|just enough in advance for con-)-------------- si with pulling up household stakes|venience--but as nearato m°v-'ieht bulbs. Fix up bathrooms and setting them down else-\ing day as possible sp*these ar-|and kitchen with necessary sup- where. ticles will be clean/when they|njies, Make a floor plan of the There may not be an easy 80 to your new hont. new quarters and mark where way to move from one domicile) Rugs and carpets should bejto place major pieces of furni- to another, but it can be donejdelivered, whenever possible, to/ture. porns a and with minimum'your new address. | Give a-copy of this plan to contusion. the movers -- with furniture So here's the first of a two- ere ot sort carefully |Placement indicated, even if you - part moving story. and discard or give away things expect to be on the premises To begin with, the first step no longer needed. Moving time| When the van is unloaded. is to plan well ahead of thejs g good opportunity for ™ These preparations come un- d moving date, and -- @ mas-|important task. er the heading of over-all ter list of things to-do. Jot these! Sven if the move is a far strategy. down in chronological order as}.16 it is worthwhile beforehand| In our next chapter we'll deal much as possible, to avoid the|1, 'ot things in shape, espe-|with tactical action: packing. trap of having to accomplish |; eee everything at the last minute. a much decorat-| SET TIME TABLE Measure windows to see if | Creative Coiffures ARTISTIC HAIR STYLES 73 King. St. E. 725-7221 Make arrangements with the is necessary to alter curtains mover as soon as the departure/and draperies. Put new shelf-| is set. Give notice of the date|lining in cabinets, drawers and) to discontinue or transfer such|closets. Stock the closets with services as gas, electricity, tele-/hangers. phone, fuel, and milk deliveries. Equip WOOLWORTH'S Super Bakery Specials _BAKED FRESH DAILY IN' OUR KITCHEN! sockets with electric! STRAWBERRY SPONGE ROLL 00° 63: Another Woolworth Service ! Only PARTY SANDWICH TRAYS -- Serves 16 to 20 People -- 5.95 LEMON MERINGUE PIE Made with Fresh Lemons and Flaky Pastry Special Special This is Week Week |8 were Mrs. Harry Wood, Mrs. \Jack Hele and Mrs. Fred Por- ter. | Thanks were extended to Mrs. Harry Davies for the use of her home for the night of cards. The Christmas dinner will be held on Saturday, December. 4,.at Club 401. The draw prize donated by |Mrs. Jack Woodman, was won |by Mrs. Clifford Bould. Refresh- Iments were served by .Mrs. | ¥ coon let PIMAGINE... SIMPLICITY WASHER | | | ONLY 2.00 A WEEK MODEL 22-6 DELUXE WITH SIMPLA-FILTER @ Exclusive -- Live filter action Exclusive --~ Dual pump timer control Exclusive -- Power pump Exclusive--Chrome wringer top ond hand rests. Exclusive---5 lorge 2" coasters. 2 YR. FREE HOME SERVICE 12 YR. MECHANISM WARRANTY BUY NOW WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT 88 King St. W. 725-4543 .. Open Friday te & P.M. Petits } PUSS e"pgeceec Sage cebetse 32a 5 - | = or = reeelestizeazez "Egahsiaiere? Sf Seitz It's true. No business outfit (much less a casual one) is really and truly complete And height, coloring, fac without a hat, sonal preference, Du finest in a wide range of shapes, brim widths, colors and styles. In doubt about the hat that's right for you? Let our style experts help you dec FROM 7.95 4 £ mt age ee e Hees coeem : = ae e 2 2 As 2 i Pmoad. since men differ in ial contours and per- inn's has amassed the ide. DUNN' OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 36 KING ST. EAST (Open Hi % p.m. Thurs. and Fri.) Downtown (Open till @ p.m. Fridey) medium beige shades, Regular 2.98 pair SALE, pair 1 SEAMLESS NYLONS. There ore our "Lady Pompadour'" line . . . an excellent 400-needie 15 denier seamless mesh with reinforced heel and toe wearing points . . . generous stretch tops for extra com- fort, too, Light and dark shades, Measured lengths. paler 3 PAIRS 1.29 or 45° petr UNIFORMS A clearing of Ladies' White Uniforms from such welll-known makers os 'White Sister' -- 'White Cross". . . these are al! first quality . . , reductions becouse style has been discon- tinued and a few countersoiled models from our regular stock. COTTON POPLIN A fine drip-dry finish poplin that washes ond wears well... populor style in shift or straight-skirt with short sleeves. Sizes 6 to 20. Regular to 9.98 each. SALE, each ' TERYLENE TAFETTA OR, DACRON PUCKER A group of stylish easy-to-core-for uniforms in terylene ar dac- ron . . . good selection of styles in short sleeves, Sizes 6 ito 20, Regular to SALE, a essay ee .98 BROCADES and METALLICS A speciol group of these rich lustrous fobries for Evening ond late afternocon gowns and tops... @ large shipment has just arrived from a European supplier and we are pleased with the very fine and careful weaving detoils . . . see many new patterns in this season's most wanted light pastel end dark shades 36" wide. SALE, yard 4 2.98 FOUNDATION GARMENTS GIRDLES A clearing of 50 only of our girdles from regular stock . . priced down for quick sale due to broken size ranges and dis- continued styles . . . included are regular, pantie and Brief models. Sizes of medium, large and extra large, Big Savings for Quick Clearance. ma, OS .. , "NEWLAND'S" KNITTING WORSTED A guaranteed hand-washable, shrink and stretch resistant knit. ting yam . . . color fast colors and long wearing due to 50% wool and 50% nylon content of this 4-ply virgin fibre worsted. Colors of blue, brown, green, navy, turquoise, pink, red, rose, yellow, fown and white. SALE, ball 79° Approximately 2-oz. ball, Regular 95c, 31 SIMCOE AT ATHOL \ Ph. 725-1181