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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1965, p. 10

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mom aera es MR, AND MRS, HOWARD Courtesy of The Canadian Statesman Courtice Couple Celebrate =| socyaz, norice Golden Wedding Anniversary | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs, Paul Michael Mr. and Mrs, Howard Taylor, ter, the Right Honorable Leater|wish to announce the forthcom- Trull's road south, | were at home to friends, relaiorable tives and neighbors on | ceeasion of their golden wedding) anniversary, The former Lillie/ler, Huggins and Howard Taylorjada, were married October 27, 1915) Guests were present in Courtice. Midland, Orillia, Aurora, Tor | 1 » The couple have three daugh-|9nt0, Newcastle, Bowmanville, ters, Theda (Mrs, Arthur Bed-|Kendal, Wrankioné and Ot THE STARS SAY win); Alice (Mrs, Stanley Hoy);| 'The vouple received many ation yw and Dora, and three sons, Alvin,|iovely flowers, a table lamp. By ESTRELLITA Donald and Stanley, There are/figor polisher and dishes, ai roR TOMORROW 10 grandchildren, well as many other gifts, The bride of 50 years ago re-| Mrs, Hubert Skelton of Mid-ang ge good ceived her guests wearing ajland, Mr, Taylor's sister, was|situations, If action on a cere mauve printed silk dress with/the only guest present at the!tain project seems to be re. a corsage of yellow roses, Mes-/anniversary celebration Wh0lquired, get busy. If intuition sages of congratulations werejhad attended the wedding 50/toll¢ you to "bide your time", received from the Prime Minis-|years ago. |have 'patience, The proper ap- is ys ""|proach--and timing--will be a Plants For Indoor Landscaping =" «tines dings" Thrive On Tender Loving Care FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, By ELEANOR ROSS How does your garden grow? Many of us would like a fresh answer to this familiar nursery rhyme question, Today, happily, gardens can 'ow and blossom both in the ouse as well as out, During the fall and winter months, "'in- door landscapes" offer the most enjoyment and you can brighten any room of your home with the flower-fresh beauty of growing plants--the ideal decor. Some flowering plants have seasonal blooms, and others--in- cluding the African violet, be- gonia, primrose and gardenia-- will blossom throughout the John Diefenbaker,|Lynda Joan, to Mr, of Can- all of Oshawa, The wedding w Governor-General mony United Chureh judgment inall you can achieve a great deal cus, primrose, bouvardia, and|within the next 12 months, As most varieties of geranium)! yesterday, you have entered jwhere financial matters }with southern exposure, are FILTERED LIGHT Sunlight, filtered through aj July, next September and Octo curtain, or light from windows |pber, facing east or west are best for) This African violets, cyclamen, denias and gloxinia, Proper watering of plants de-|be important to avoid extrava- pends on the kind of plant and/yance and risky speculation-- the size of the container, As alespecially during the first two general rule, water your plants|weeks of next April, mid-May whenever the top soil becomesjand early June, Late Decem- dry, Containers without bottom|ber, January, late April and all drainage call for less moisture,|of next October will be excel: and water should always be atilent for job advancement and- | does not mean SAT should go overboard in spend- ear. room temperature, or business expansion Plants, like children, thrive on) Keep your indoor garden The current month, January, tender loving care and we haveaway from heat and drafts, May, late June and late July dug up some tips to help you|Most plants prefer cool spots,| Will be highly propitious periods reap a beautiful harvest of flow-|slightly under normal room|for romance, and, if you are ers for your home, jtemperatures, and should be/Single, there is the possibility According to the floral ex-|moved to cool areas of the home/o! a sudden marriage during perts, most blossoming plants|during the night, any one of these months. Good need light and sunshine, Hibis Indoor gardeners can match | Qpportunities for travel and seipenasispancenaeaa a livng landscape to their dec Stimulating social activities are orating scheme happily forecast in January, | 'The anthurium with its waxy JUly and September of 1966 {red_--blossoms--and----the--multi-|--A--child_born. on. this day--will leolored bird-ofsparadise make/0@ endowed with a keenly ana- lexotie accents for Oriental and lytical mind, great tenacity of icontemporary rooms, purpose and enormous will Married Women Can't Find Jobs In Sweden power, MONTREAL (CP) -- Married ee emore ee i § " " INGHOSS or 0; po agg egal bog 10 ting| traditional or provincial dec 5 0 : Alva Myrdal, § -} orating, you may find begonias, i A gg ig nw geraniums and hibiscus to your Discount tions, said Sunday, taste, if You Miniature orange, lemon and Bring. Th myrtle trees can be the answer aq. to many hard-to-decorate spots in the home, Use the fragrant trees with full, flowering branches as corner accents or to conceal pipes, etc Flowering plants available at your favorite florist's shop will make your home blossom with a fresh garden-look. We know of no other decorating accent that does so much at so little Dr. Myrdal, speaking to re porters before the official open- ing of the second Canadian conference on children, said Swedish women in smaller cen- tres often find a lack of job openings and often feel "resent ful and frustrated," This particular kid of frustra tion arose from the fact that private industry was waging "a sort of propaganda campaign" For All Your Bridal Shoes TINTED FREE CHOOSE DANCEY'S i nate, Norm See SH eroaie eownrown owawa fk ' Fine flowering plants make ss ak) The government is nol en-|weleome gifts. too. which can fon ! gaged in a campaign to get) be sent anywhere in the coun t married women ou! to work,try' to family and friends an) she said, but it did regard mar: inviting gift of an indoor land ried women as the group of scape to enjoy the citizens with "the greatest un used potential." | Women in larger centres were accepted on an equal basis and in a different posi tion "] think the real struggle for equality for women in Sweden ended three years ago when they were given the right to be ordained as priests in the state Lutheran Church," year around Betty INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 IDEAL Fish | Chips ies palates atest Nt Yow Deep Fried SHRIMPS ond SCALLOPS Te Teke Out or fet tn, The Home of Geiden Deen Fried Fish and Chine | 725.4812 17 Athol Se. W, take place on Saturday, Novem. 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 2, 1965 ee ta ene er ee Blind Soprano Builds Career As Soloist And Voice Teacher : GALT, Ont, (CP) -- Lorraine|in a production of The Mes- i Jackson is « soprano who isisiah, ' building a career as @ soloist] Miss Jackson is thankful for and voice teacher despite the|the fact that during the first / handicap of total blindness, 17 years of her life she had par- And one of her pupils is anitial vision, But she also siyes her parents much a« Hammond « Pain wedding at Paignton House, Muskoka, were as follows; Mr, David Perkins, Miss Jean Rus- sell, Mr, Kenneth Skerratt, Mr, and Mrs, George Russell, Saunders and Mr, George Saunders, service, attended the Oshawa guests attending the Mr, Craig Russell, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Steen, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Eagleson, Miss) Jean Buchanan, Miss | elect took her to dinner at the) Spruce Villa and afterwards held a pantry and small appli- and Mrs,jance shower at the home of Thomas Russell, Mr, and Mrs,|Mrs, Stanley Pilkey, | The Progressive whist was Sharon|and refreshments were served and Mrs.|by the Ladies' Wxecutive, The) door prizes were won by Mrs, Taylor and Jack Mrs, J. J, Burns, chaiyman,)man, Other prizes were won by| Oshawa Red Cross Homemaker) Mrs, annual) Bruce A, FP Oshawa Samuel MacGregor, Lawn Club celebrated Hallowe'en with a successful card party, Satur: day night, at the club house, MacMillan, M SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Kditor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department | Bowling played| | Cole} Mr, | rs, Alice meeting of the Ontario Division Drew, Mrs, Dorothy Bentley,| 'Homemaker Service, held in|Mrs, Ernest Cay, loronto, Mrs, H, Bowman, Bar-|Luke, Mrs, Joseph C, Mr. Joneph |, Ward, irfe, Chairman Homemaker Ser-/Mr, William Dewland, Dr, A, W, vice;' Miss Nancy Mellon, lrector Homemaker Service; and) A Di-| Harding, Mr. Ernest Cay, Mrs, J, Renwick, Mr, H, A, Camp- {Miss Doris Moore, Ontario De-|bell, Mr, Walter Dearborn, Mr ipartment of Health and Welfare,|Arthur Brown, Mrs, 1, took part in the program, Mr, Alfred Stanley, Robinson, Mr, Orville Bagle Erie J, Kaiser social evening is being planned Mrs, Pearce, Chester Another jerescent has just returned homejfor the latter part of January, from a teneweek sporting vaca: ition in England, While there he visited Sir Winston Churchill's\Club who have just andifrom 'Fall Council" lant grave at Bladen, Sussex, \his birthplace at Blenheim Pal- day at Blackpool where he at- | , jace; spent a week in Bourne-|Misa Courtice,|B, Pearson and the Right Hon-jing marriage of their daughter,| mouth attending leading football|Mrs. Laurence! matches; and finished his holi the|Leader of the Opposition, the|Wayne Patterson, son of Mr,| Right Honorable Georges Van-,and Mrs, John James Patterson. | tended a bowling tournament Members of The Oshawa Pilot Catharines Beth president; ish, trict 17; Walter Miss weekend, Miller, Campbell, Lillian District-Governor returned! held in st./Studying, She has given several are; president; vices} Beam:| of Dis Miss. Mary Maclean; Mrs, Russell Flutter; Miss Lor and Mrs, M, Read, Horsham, Eng-iraine Ostle from|ber 20, 1965 at 3.00 p.m, in Har-|land, wisll sail on the 88 Car-}Kroll, Miss Lillian Beamish had Mis 8 Tlllian jmania on Friday of this week/charge of the workshops which unlimited time Mra, Colborne ito apend her daughter, Montgomery, with! were conducted William) chairmen, and presented a re street/port on the Governor's Council by district east, It is expected that Mrs./and International Convention at Read will arrive in Oshawa on}tended in Dallas, Texas, Miss November 13 jhas never seen Beverly and \Barbara, her only grandchil | idren, } ithe former Claudette Out-of-town the Hoy - Germond wedding last Mrs. Ray Henry Buzminski, Saturday in King Street United guests This will be @/Lillian Kroll had charge of the | Maintain a realistic attitude "@pPy event since Mrs, Read/registrations and credentials, attending Marie-| Church were; Mr, and Mrs, Wil- Andre Marcoux, a recent bride|liam Boyes, Hamilton; Mr, and lwas entertained at several show-|Mrs, Douglas Williamson, Mr, | jers and parties prior to her}and Mrs, Edward Killingback, marriage, Mrs, Jack Lyons held/all of Cooksville; Mr, and Mrs, ja plastic ware shower at her) Wallace Napper, Mimico; Mr, James and thome; Mrs, | Alln held a Muir |Mackness; a pantry lowe at the home of Mrs sented; the bridal Jack Mackness,| and your horoscope indicates that|Mrs, Sonny Buzminski and Mrs,|stock: Mrs, Mr, Hoy, Mrs, Wood.-| Ronald bathroom) Willows, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, jshower at the home of Mrs,/William Clark, Fullerton; Mrs.| | shower|/Gordon Smith, Exeter; Mr, and should be placed near windows/an excellent five-month cycle|was held by Miss Marie Mar-|Mrs, Charles Hienbuch, Strat: Wilford; Mr, and Mrs, Gary Hopf, jeoncerned and still further up-|fred McKinstry, where four place|Sebringville; Mr. and Mrs, Wil jtrends are prophesied in early) settings of chinaware were pre:\liam Hoy, Windsor: Mr, and attendants| Mrs, Robert Hoy, Mr, and Mrs held a miscellaneous shower at) Alexander Hoy, Mr, Jack Aitch and the co-hostesses were Carroll; camel wool... all you/the home of Mrs, James Hillleson, Mrs, Thomas of RAH! RAH! RACCOON Run up a winning score with this yersatile coat in extra points for the cozy fluff of genuine raccoon collar and luxurious deep pile lin Ing, A WINMEE.. ona cqsnsecceessesees «Sines 6520, $40 Available at all stores in Ontario 7 FASHIONS SINCE 1867 St. Hoy, Mrs,| Malcolm Hoy, and Mrs, Thomas jing. On the contrary, it will/Charles Bennett and Mrs. Jack Aitcheson, co-workers of the bride-| Ontario Mr, Paul's, : Be , and a nature playground com: Married jn Oshawa 25 since she was born and a Sate Vee plete with @ tree-house, a canal) years ago, Mr, and Mrs, -- raised across the road from musk' in 1962 from the Univer: "it flowing water, a "real) Thomas Linton, Byron her present residence. Many sity of Toronto, taking first: life' grotte and other fascinat-) street north, Whitby, cele- friends and relatives called class honors every year ing features," Miss LaMarsh) brated their 25th wedding at their home this past Some of her texts were avail: "id anniversary Sunday, Mr. weekend to help them cele- able in. braille, others were Mrs, HH, P. Hi of Ottawa and Mrs, Linton have lived brate, Here they examine and iransoribed, She. took nnias 'ta will be project director of the) in the area ever since their one of the many = gifts lolana with 'A braille slate, centre, which will be staffed by! marriage, Mrs, Linton, in received, | 80 Egfirton Awe. £., Toronte 12. Ont, eight-year-old with another sort of handicap, cerebral palsy, "T can't do a lot to teach a child who is eight years old but { believe that this child can benefit from instruction,' says Miss Jackson, 'She can't do everything other children can but she has an interesting voice, and this|They didn't pamper me and can be an outlet for her just as|make me feel different," a game of baseball might be for) anciner hilt apped child » »| Children's Centre "The handicap special prob: At Expo' '67 special child pwit MONTREAL (CP) -- A chil: lems, I can help this child de- velop p sense of rhythm and | jdren's creative cenire will be included in the federal govern- can make it easier for her to} ment pavilion at Expo 47, " Health Minister Judy LaMarsh| said at the opening of the sec. ond Canadian conference on children Sunday night, | rye ' | "The centre will, . . com: ai Tk ieee Pegg od prixe a model nursery school, She became an associate of USC, drama and art studios SUCCERS, "My parents never made me feel different from any other child, | used to play on the street with them and do every- thing I could, Perhaps that's why 1 have fewer complexes than some blind people do, Miss Jackson began studying music seriously about 16 years ago at the Ontario School for the Blind in Brantford, She earned her Grade 10 music cer- tificates in both voice and pi- ano teachers fact, has moved very little Oshawa Times Photo xaKaK KKK BEFORE YOU BUY ... GIVE STARR A TRY Because Here's Where The Values Are! She now teaches privately at home and at Huronia Hall for the Blind, and also goes to Tor onto once a week to continue recitals and was soprano soloist! | cataaianiaaeaietaaetamementeetenen AUTOMATIC DRYERS with exclusive 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE KiVeHeN For the Main Course Hf you haven't tried it yet, dairy sout@ream gives caull- flower a nice lift, Break one large head into small flowerets and cook in boiling salted water as usual, Drain and atir in % pint dairy sour cream, | | Season with a teaspoon care- way seeds, salt and pepper, Keep warm over low heat until ready to serve, Heavenly Ending After. your next big dinner, finish off with this refreshing, light dessert, Grapefruit Cream, Simply melt 26 large marshmallows in the top of @ double boiler along with 1 cup of grapefruit juice, Let cool before folding in % pint whipped cream. Pour into pretty sherbet dishes, sprinkle with coconut and chill, That's all there is to it. Pumpkin-Scotch Parfaits Here's another dessert quickie || made from a package of but- || terscotch instant pudding mix, Combine % cup canned pumpkin with 1% cups cold milk and add a dash of cin- || nhamon and cloves, Sprinkle |) | Automatic Dryers ' with the pudding mix and Model D-72 j beat 1 minute with @ rotary REG, NOW $ oa . beater, Pour into parfait |) 199.95 "4 glasses and serve topped with |) x : whipped cream, | | Coffee A-Go-Go,.. Model D-82 $ combines instant coffee with REG. NOW hot milk... a teaspoon or two 229.95 per cup. It's marvellous with something sweet like choco ; late brownies and provides Model D-92 the young moderns with REG. NOW $ plenty of pep for the latest -! dance craze, 259.95 Butterscotch Apples November is apple month, when warm desserts like this one go hand in hand with dairy foods, Cream together % cup soft butter and 1 cup |} brown sugar, Blend in %& cup |) flour, 4% teaspoon salt and % cup chopped nuts, Sprinkle over top 12 large apple halves in a shallow baking dish, Bake in a 375°F oven, about IAC TERMS AVAILABLE AUTOMATIC DRYER } Wy NO> 30 minutes, Delicious with MODEL [ thick pouring cream, but e Fully illuminated -- control better still with ice cream pone @ EXCLUSIVE clean oir filter Budget Saver @ Convenient Step-on Door When economy is important opener try this beef pie: lightly brown @ Interior' Mlumination 1 pound of minced beef, then @ 2-year service guerantes stirin an envelope dehydrated @ Automatic dry & time eyele onion soup mix, % cup skim @ Sporkling white porcelain top milk powder and 3 table- spoons flour, Add 2 cups water, and simmer until thickened, Spoon into an un- baked pastry shell, sprinkle with plenty of shredded pro- cessed cheese and bake, about 25 minutes in a 400°F oven, SEE THE NEW 1966 MODELS NOW AT STARR FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 491 Ritson South -- 723-3343 OPEN TO 9 P.M. FRIDAY -- IAC TERMS AVAILABLE ) Prepared by the Home Eoonomiete af THE CANADIAN DAlRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAD (1) Mee, en ae ees en enon en enenenl

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