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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1965, p. 11

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RECEIVING scholarships at the annual graduation exercises of the Ukrainian Youth Association, are from the left John Taras, Robert Matusiak, John Kaplan and Jerry Ostafichuk, from their CHILD GUIDANCE By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD There was a time when Sun- day school and day school teachers and parents often talked to children about doing right and not doing wrong. Such discussions do not often happen today, if my observa- tion are correct. There may be many reasons why this practice in moral edu- cation has waned. One obvious reason is the philosophy widely accepted during the last 50 years, that itis not easy to dis- tinguish between right and wrong, that rightness and wrongness are relative terms. In this theory parents and teachers' were widely indoc- trinated. Many of them grew hesitant to label matters right or wrong. As a part of this philosophy of uncertainty about what is right and what is wrong, many college professors of education taught and wrote that you can't teach character with words, Be Mutually Companionable For Discussing Moral Issues may be futile but positively harmful. ' Now most any conscientious |Parent doesn't have to be a iphilosopher to guide his child of two, eight, or 12 to see that it is right to speak the truth and wrong to lie and deceive. try to act accordingly. AWARE OF TONE One reason, however, why; teaching children with words about right and wrong is that many a parent or teacher has considered himself a preacher, merely telling the child what he should do or should not do, tell- ing such with an air of author- ity, often telling it in angry sessions--wrong to steal. \It is right to respect the posses- was correct and felt an urge to|sions of other persons and wrong to appropriate these pos- It is right to respect another individual as a precious person and wrong to disrespect him, however widely he may differ in any way from you. It is right to try to imagine how you would feel in another person's place and wrong to have no re- gard for how he feels, thinking Laskowski and their Scout- master, Mrs. Michael Weres, Talk about right and wrong is futile except in the immediate situation, The only time to talk with a child about a moral is- scolding tones, It still holds true that exhor- tations jawed at a child not only only of yourself. the child about right and wrong only when he is immediately faved with a moral situation, which usually means at a time when you suspect he has done something wrong. As a rule this is the very time when he is most unfit to reason and ally least persuasive, don't suspect him of any par- ticular wrongdoing and he profit from your talk; the very time when you are least able to help him profit from your talk ~--when he is emotionally least receptive and you are emotion- I've long maintained that the \best time for you and me to talk about matters of right and wrong with a child is when we doesn't feel himself under a I never could accept the doc- cloud of suspicion. This ideal trine that you should talk with tegrity, fairness and justice, may be able to talk' about right and wron, h good effect at moments when we are mutually companion- able. Canada Savings Buy yours today! Bonds are teacher, Mrs. Anthony sue is when he is brought face Ukrainian Youth Association Annual Graduation Ceremonies The Ukrainian Youth Associa |the Honorable Michael tion held their annual gradua-|and Mrs, Starr, Alderman an tion ceremonies, recently at the|Mrs. Alex Shestowsky, The Rev- Dnipro Hall, Edith street. Thejerend John C. Pereyma and exercises were a climax to|Father Figol. Mr. Stephen Ba- another successful year for the|kay, head of the Oshawa Unit young boys and girls who, dur-|of the Ukrainian Youth Associa- ing this past year have studiedition, Dr, Nicholas Ostafichuk and favorably completed theirjand Mr, Mykola Bartkiw, direc- learning of cultural, educational|tors of the Oshawa Youth As- and social aspects of their/sociation, Other guests included Ukrainian. heritage |were a bus-load of young people The day started with a Mass)from the Toronto Chapter celebrated by the Reverend) Each of the head table guests Starr d KEEP IN TRIM By IDA JEAN KAIN What is. the most important first step in reducing? Accord- ing to the victorious dieter in today's story, prior to starting lown mind that reducing will \bring you satisfaction, Secondly Nurse Decides Loss Of Weight Will Bring Satisfaction, Does It a diet, you must decide in your) to face with it. So they taught. Many teachers in day school or Sunday school, therefore, be- lieved they should not talk with children about matters of right and wrong at other times. Some 'still believe this. Naturally, they refrain from 'talking about matters of right and wrong with ; children. weighed 162 pounds, By the end) Fortunately, you and I may jof June I weighed 155 pounds.|/naye had parents and teachers | "I found it best to record my|with strong convictions about |weight loss by the month, Each\simple matters which are jmonth I lost between three and wrong, They often talked with five pounds, In March 1965, one ys about these matters, In pro- year from the starting date, 1 portion as we esteemed these jweighed 120 pounds, Since that|/narents and teachers, we be- a great way to SAU 'time my weight lias not gone/jieved that what they told us "rover a period of 20 years,"lohe has'chenued trot 30 t0 12; GET:20 FT. OF WALL TO WALL LJ DRAPERIES FOR $20 WITH EVERY she writes, "my weight in-/and my dress size from 18% to Your Choice proximately numbering onejHeritage, they would also be-|creased from 110 to 180 pounds.|j9, hundred and eight members)|come good Canadian Citizens ini['m five feet, five inches tall) 'Since I walk a great deal at 6 Plains Stephen Figol of St. George's|gave a short congratulatory Ukrainian Catholic Church, The|speech and pointed out that by entire organization (now ap-|beingu proud of their Ukrainian mutually partook of Holy Com-|their endeavours for liberty, |and 45 years of age. Analyzing/the hospital, I follow for 10 min- munion, with proud parents}democracy and in their fight}how I gained so much weight,/ytes each morning a_ mild, looking on. jagainst tyrannical and dicta-|{ decided it was between-meal| pleasant exercise program. After the church services, the|torical institutions. |snacks--the wrong kind. I am) "After three months of exper- ceremonies moved to the Dnipro| A concert was staged by theja nurses' afde and my hours|imenting, I have come up with Hall, The successful. members|members consisting of the tra-|are from 1 to 9 p.m. this most satisfying food pat- of the Ukrainian Youth Associa-|ditional singing, dancing and) «pwo years ago I made a few|tern: tion. were presented with their|playing of Ukrainian songs and feeble attempts to lose weight,| 'Breakfast: Small serving of merit badges and awards forjdances. The eventful day ended|}.¢ with no success. Six months|wheat cereal with non-fat milk; achievement in their activities)with a dance and general get-\ went by while I pondered the|poached egg, slice of toast, of the past year by the head ofjtogether of the young people, problem, Finally, on the first|glass of skim milk. The Ukrainian Youth Associa-|who enjoyed both jerking to the! day of spring, 1964, I resolved) 'Lunch; Lean meat, potato, tion in Toronto latest beat and polkaing to the/to "get the situation under con-two vegetables, one slice bread, The head-table guests includediold time favorites. __|trol. 'The fitst step was to cut|No dessert. a ris out after-supper snacks, I told| 'Supper: Meat or fish, potato, ANN LANDERS myself 'I do not want the extrajone vegetable, bread and butter, Lavender Cadillac calories in candy, cookies, cake/fruit. and pies.' Instead, I drank a "Mid-afternoon I have a snack glass of water, Also, I purposely plus a cup of tea, and take a kept busy. }multiple vitamin capsule. "After 24% weeks I weighed--| "Now, that I have found the the pointer stopped at 175, So,/right plan for me, I see no just eliminating those swveets/reason to abandon it. I call it Better Than Hearse Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band and I didn't think much of your answer to the parents who complained about their daugh- ter's boy friend, The young man} worked for his uncle who is a mortician. When he went calling on his girl, he often rode over in a hearse and then parked in front of the girl's house, Our daughter should be so lucky. She is dating a shady character who appeared out of nowhere. He has plenty of money to spend but no one seems to know for sure if he works or where. should not be used as a joy| wagon and I'm happy you set) the young man straight. Dear Ann Landers: What do you think of a woman who in- sists that her husband take his annual vacation when she goes to the hospital for a check-up so he can come and visit her every day? The doctors put her through every test under the sun but they couldn't find anything wrong with her, Nobody was surprised, The woman is a con- My husband. thinks he is a bookie. This character drives over here almost every evening in a lavender Cadillac with white . } sidewall tires and a built-in TV.) a. husband who got gypped out of his vacation is a very good guy. His wife is a sour puss, This stunt is typical of her I am: in a position to give you facts, not gossip, because.I"m a but I'm not saying who, Please print your answer Thank you.--Mad Dear Mad: You don't need to say who, I can guess, So why did you let your wife talk you into it? A person who is in the hospi- tal for a checkup is usually occupied and-or exhausted. One hour's visit after work would have been plenty for both of you Too bad, dad, If you think the hearse is a con: | versation piece, you should see the way ou rneighbors. stand around and gawk Some parents don't know, when they are well off, I would! like you to print this letter, It) may cheer those folks up.--Not Happy Dear Not; Here's the letter and I hope it makes evenybody| feel better. I've heard from sev-| eral funeral directors, however, and they don't feel so good. Please read on, Dear Ann Landers: You fre- quently state in your column} that you welcome professional| advice, As a funeral director I'd) like to say that the young man who used the funeral coach for! social calls was guilty of a breach of business ethics, | A family who has suffered a recent bereavement does not appreciate seeing a hearse em-| ployed as a vehicle of conven- jence or pleasure. | Every profession and trade has a code to guide the conduct of its members. If that young! man does not know better than! to go visiting his girl in a hearse, someone did an exceed- ingly poor job of training him,-- Vv. A. OW. Dear V. H. W.: Thanks for | relative, stant complainer, This couple could have gone to Europe five | times on the money he has spent jon doctors and hospital! bills in the last 20 years. WIFE Make window shades of color- ful cotton fabrics. Stiffen with liquid or spray-on vinyl, tack to roller, and hem with cotton your letter, I agree--a hearse'fringe. 2 FOR THE 74 Celine Street FINEST Custo Re ya y Made APES in the lotest Shodes ond Fobrics . a Mé DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 did help. "Encouraged by this prog-| ress, I studied how. to balance my meals, I followed your sug- gestion of having a protein food at each meal, By May 30, just 1/10 weeks from starting date, I my life-time slimming pattern." USE MILES OF FILM Candid Camera throws away enough film each year to pro- duce six full - length feature movies, VER | The *'PICCADIL One of the-bundles from the fashion scene... a LS. $5 IN ST. CATHARINES 684-1224 LY'? by LEBERG Britain that have-changed tall-waisted, lace-trimmed Picadilly that's all line and color . . . Claret, Jade, Navy and Grey...... $17 _ FASHIONS + Sizes 8-16 eee ewe SINCE 1867 & 1570 KINGSTON RD AN pip, ed Sho, ws SUS RA FESS * ae tia yes DO Completely Installed with Underpad LIVING ROOM. DINING. ROOM BEDROOM |» & N'T DELAY -- PHONE & Tweeds BROADLOOM 694-3361 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE, DAYS--NIGHTS-- SUNDAYS--CALL COLLECT WITHIN 100 MILES HAMILTON JAMES ST. N. 522-5544 OAKVILLE SHEDDON ST. 845-8522 eruAWA 723-6751 NIAGARA FALLS VICTORIA AVE. 994-1122 ANADIAN BROADLOOM MILLS PHONE 694-3361

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