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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1965, p. 12

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IO Sa AP COURTICE DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL VOCATIONAL WING UNDER WAY Plans For Expansion AJAX (Staff) -- The Ajax and General Hospital is pleased with the service the new hospital has been giving its Pickering fast reaching its first birthday|patients up to date. Perhaps and the 50-bed hospital, serving Ajax and Pickering Township, has been operating at 80 per cent capacity for the past sev- eral months. Already expansion plans are in the air to serve the fast growing township in coming years, No plans have yet been drawn up but a meeting to dis- cuss a hospital addition has been set up by the hospital board and the Ontario Hospital Commission this month. Everyone seems immensely the best way to judge a hospi- tal's popularity is by the way its patients comment on the operation of the Harwood ave. building. SERVICE COURTEOUS During a recent two-month period every patient asked thought the nursing care in the hospital was pleasant, prompt, attentive, efficient and courte- ous. X-ray patients also record- ed no complaints phen asked about the staff's courteousness. Not one patient spoke out Oshawa District Girl Tops Beef Cattle Club UXBRIDGE -- Thirteen mem- bers of the Scott 4-H Beef Calf Club completed their project this year, with the high club member being Dorothy Brown of RR 1, Oshawa. To complete a 4-H Calf Club roject, each member must ex- bit his or her calf at the elub's achievement day where points are awarded on the calf and on showmanship. In addi- tion, points are awarded throughout the year on care and feeding methods, monthly feed/member being James Ross, of reports, judging, an exam, and attendance at 4-H meetings. Other Scott 4-H Calf Club|Club project is marked by the members completing their 1965\entry of a sample of seed pota- Jeff|toes, harvested from the mem- Bailey, Uxbridge, RR 4; Ken-|ber's plot, at the club's achieve- project are as follows: neth Ingleton, Markham; Bram Collingwood, Uxbridge, RR 3; 3; Brian Beath, Brooklin, RR 1; RR 3; Wayne Beath, Oshawa, RR 2; Donald McTavish, Ux-i45; potato Club completing their 1965 project are as fol- Uxbridge, RR 3; Brian Norish,|lows: Linda Johnson, Uxbridge, Don Card,|RR 4; Malvin Ross, Uxbridge, RR 2; The Scott 4-H Beef Calf Club| mont, RR 1: Karen Geer, Port is sponsored by the Scott Agri-\perry, RR i; Richard Oldham, bridge, RR 3; Ian Hogg, Ux- bridge, RR 4; Dale Swanick, Uxbridge, RR 4; Port Perry, RR 1. awarded Sandy McTavish, Uxbridge, RR|day entry, as well as on the project work throughout Barry Timbers, Mount Albert,/year. Uxbridge, RR 3; Donald Mc- Tavish, Uxbridge, RR 3. The Scott 4-H Grain Club is sponsored by the Scott Agricul- tural Society and the Riverdale Kiwanis Club, Toronto, with Maustyn McKnight of RR 2, Uxbridge, and Norman Meek of Sandford, as club leaders. POTATO CLUB Nine members of the Scott 4-H Potato Club completed their project, pith the high club RR 2, Uxbridge. Completion of a 4-H Potato ment day. Again, points are for the achievement the Other members of the Scott Bruce Norton, Clare- - Hospital Will Study plaint,"" "One of the best hospi- tals I have been in from Halifax to Toronto," 'Compliments for the Delicious meals." That was the way comments ran nine out of ten times. Some patients were a little less kind about the threatment they had Jed had something nice to say against the hospital's impressions of the jreceived at the hospital and a commented: "Would be nice if abora-| you'd fi i ' you'd find a softer toilet paper," tory procedures and ner be "Food always good except for osplitallone boiled egg that was raw,' "Tea nearly always cold," "TV and radios played too loudly for very sick patients," "Semi-private wash facilities too near door," "Too much light at night from light colored curtains in Intensive Care Unit but everything fine." One patient summed up the general comments about the hospital very simply and noted: "This hospital has everything a good hospital requires." Addition To School Starts Canstruction has commenced on the new addition to the Cour-j>"2: tice High School for the Dur- ham County District High School Board. The initial stage, design- ed by architects, Pentland, Baker and Polson of Toronto, Barrie, and Oshawa, was com- pleted in 1961, The new addition is being constructed under the federal - provincial plan to in- crease technical school accom- modation. The school is designed as an "L" shaped plan with an aca- demic and science wing, a voca- tional wing, and common facili- ties located in the junction be- tween both wings. The track and playing field are contained with- in the "L" and main entrances, parking and service to the voca- tional wing, boiler plant and cafeteria are all close to the street and away from academic areas, The addition consists of six two drafting rooms, three sci- ence labs, agricultural lab, workshop and greenhouse, two gymnasia, 10 standard class- rooms and a new cafeteria. shops, three commercial rooms,|*- scHian an 2 smell tracter. The general contractor, H. Brooks Ltd., of Oshawa, expects to complete the project in time for the fall term of 1966. WHITBY DISTRICT BOWLING SCORES tian LADIES Maenigs -H naneun $7 sters Points: 'Roses 10, ences 5, Tulips 11, Pom-Poms 11, Violets 10, Lilacs 9% Lillies High Double Fiat: Ev Curtis 425 High Single Fiat: Edna Bedard 258. High Single with Mdep: hard 510, Muriel Me- High Single With Ddip: Muriel Me wee Pd 175 and Over: Mary Slligtt 215, Betty pe tay Ai Jon Coulthard 21, ty curs Ly is , Cook Beoinnt auannt 19%, Bony Oren! es Nessie Shephard 184. Cellar Dwellers: R. Payne 83, 95, B. Gaine 90, 9, M. Meliwain 9%, P, Sutton 92, P. Wileox 87, F. Carswell sier 93, A. Schell 49, A. . Andrews 92, 8, Alkenheed, V. Evans 68, FORM LARGE AREA East: and West Pakistan, cre- ated out of partition, together, form 365,528 square miles, an Agriculture is one of the major jinterests in the locality and par- area about the size of France and Spain combined. pleased every person asked. In the dietary department four people out of 82 asked com plained that their hot food was not hot and two out of 80 said their cold food was not cold. All patients agreed that the food was attractively served, taste- fully prepared and promptly served on clean dishes. Out of 92 people asked two complained about inadequate portions and) said the food was not cleared! ipromptly. | PATIENTS COMPLIMENTARY | Practically every patient a) about the hospital service pro-| lvided in the new hospital. Fol-! lowing are some comments |made about the hospital by the/ | people who have enjoyed "| \facilities: 'Excellent,' "No) |complaint at all," "Too Short a} \stay, thanks to all," 'Never dreamed a stay in_ hospital could be so pleasant and nobody |could ever change my opinion," "Staff could not do enough for) us," "I have had a good time," [cant think of a single com-| RECORD TOTAL SHOT REGINA (CP) -- A total of| 7,628 hunters shot a record 32,-| 800 cock pheasants in Saskat- cheyran during the 1964 season,| the provincial wildlife bureau) reports, Some 25,045 cock pheasants were felled by 5,963) hunters the previous year. en, Port Perry, RR 1; Malcolm Col-| well, Claremont, RR 1, The Scott 4-H Potato Club is! sponsored by the Scott Agricul-| tural Society and the Uxbridge Kinsmen Club, with Walter Kerry of RR 1, Port Perry, and Albert Hockley of RR 1, Clare- mont, as club leaders, | In addition to the three Scott 4-H Clubs, a Scott Junior Beef| and Dairy Calf Club exists for] boys and girls who have not) cultural Society, with Alan Ball)Zenhyr, RR 1: Margaret May of RR 2, Uxbridge, and NeiliGoodwood, RR 1; Ken Geer,| McLeod of RR 2, Blackwater, as club leaders. 4-H GRAIN CLUB | In the Scott 4-H Grain Club, 15. members completed their} project, resulting in a 100 per cent completion for the club. The high member in the Grain} Club this year was Alvin Brooks! of Mount Albert, RR 3. j To complete a 4-H Grain Club} project, each member must ex- hibit a sample of seed grain,| harvested from their 4-H plot, at the club's achievement day.) Points are awarded on the! achievement day entry, as well as on the project work through- out the year. Other Scott 4H Grain Club} members completing their 1965) project are as follows: Grant) Mustard, Uxbridge, RR 2;/ James Ross, Uxbridge, RR 2;| John Noble, Uxbridge, RR 2; Malvin Ross, Uxbridge, RR 2;! Bruce Wilson, Uxbridge, RR 2; Bruce Norton, Claremont, RR 1;| Kenneth Ingleton, Markham; Larry Noble, Uxbridge, RR 2;)| Norman Wilson, Uxbridge, RR! 2; Richard Oldham, Zephyr; | Malcolm Colwell, . Claremont, RR 1; Sandy McTavish, Ux- bridge, RR 3; Dale Swanick, a, PHONE 725-5833 JOHN WAYNE "IN HARMS WAY" "CRACK IN. THE WORLD" (CoLor) Last Day!) we Alfred Hitcheock's Physcho Second Feeture Dr. Terrors in, color | Doors Open et 6:30 People Policies for the An "open" Confedera fon Conference will be convened to draw up a blueprint for a new concept of our national through equolity. destiny, based on unity Confederation -- our unique union of provinces and cultures -- must be strengthened, not weak- ened. Closed conferences and secret deals have ex- aggerated differences and increased tensions, We have a right to know what decisions are being made about the future of our Confederation Interest rates on consumer loans will be re- duced by the enactment of special legislation (Consumers' Loans Act). Present interest rates add 20% and more to the cost of necessary and ba sic Consumer purchases. eee rates dry up consumer demand. We provide urban dwellers with the same type of credit advantages now available to farmers NOVEMBER 8th -- VOTE RICKARD, Garnet X PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE FOR DURHAM yet reached 4-H age. | COMING | TUESDAY NOVEMBER 16th | PORTER SHOW with GRAND OLE O'PRY STARS GRANDPA JONES WARNER MACK NORMA JEAN BILLY WALKER and the WAGONMASTERS 8:30 P.M. ADVANCE TICKETS 2.00 9) AT THE DOOR .... 2.50 CHILDREN 1.00} TICKETS ON SALE AT @ AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE @ BOLAHOOD'S SPORTEHAVEN @ BISHOP'S SPORTING GOODS DISC SHOP Oshowe Shopping Centre THE CENTRE SMOKE SHOP ° * Alex @ ALEX MeGREGOR DRUGS Bowmanville @ WHITBY ARENA @ WHITBY MUSIC SHOP @ RAY'S SMOKESHOP Bay Rirges @ CREST HARDWARE Port Perry OSHAWA Civic 1 | METROCOLOR Pec cy eS LAST DAY 'MARRIAGE A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE RESTRICTED @ COLOR DR. RUNDLE aa m4od < | WAGONER | | Vote HO i INDEPENDENT ...Jo Stop Party Politica And A Return Jo Democracy An Invitation To The People of Ajax -- Pickering and Bay Ridges r MEET DR. RUNDLE AND HEAR HIS QUALIFICATIONS, PLATFORM and VIEWS Wednesday, Nov. 3 -- 8 p.m. | AJAX HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM r o | | ; I | THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4th -- 8 P.M. Meet Dr. Rundie et St. George's Anglican Hall Corner Athol and Centre Streets --- Oshawa L. On Mon., Nov. 8th Elect An Independent M.D. As Independent M.P. and | Protect Your Individual Freedom I Daily On | I CKLB Radio 1350 =| loan 6. san cain ph 'wi Sime tm mines ims pier sn eam suis ems: Mihi ink tek i le wld AQOZMOSZmM VA oOa and find the answer to the comedy question of the year! Peter Sellers Peter 0 tpn se s o ° - e e e = ° ry e e e : Paula Prentios e es e e e e e d e e e e e Toole Feature Times 1:35 - 3:30 - 5:25 . 7:25 - 9:30 LCs 9:20, and least but not last Woody 'and guest star Andress again! oe te at ef} Seeeecoseoseseeseeoee 'Troy/re of together deed tvs UNITED ARTISTS SiO0DT ALLEN/ELVE DONNER GFARLES HPELDMUN/ BURT BACHARACH TAL BAVD TECHNICOLOR® PS ecccesoeescoscese® LAZASS Sante ITALIAWSTYLE"' iverpoo Ph: 668-2692 2 FIRST RUN HITS SUSPENSE THRILLER ... ; "THE IPCRESS FILE" with : : MICHAEL CAINE Also WESTERN ACTION... "Bullet For A Badman" Audie Murphy Both in Color Each Evening from 7:30 (Including Sunday) Cattel ee sstery eat YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM WELCOME by AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS' HEATERS At ve extra cost? Hear e@ | RUNDLE ! "30 She is young and innocent. He Is young...and not so Innocent. OMITTANCE mroyresemad TTT = WYLER'S ==" the Collecto. stating TERENCE STAMP » SAMANTHA EGGAR STANLEY MANN and JOHN KOHN / Based on the best-selling novel by JOHN FOWLES Music by MAURICE JARRE / Produced by JUD KINBERS and JOHN KOH | Birected by WILLIN WILER/ TECHNICOLORS® [tities Sesediect o Eitetean Rea! RUNDLE xX AUDITORIUM i Published by E. Crysdale, Officio! Agent for Dr. Rundle TOMORROW } LAST DAY: QpETER SELLERS -- PETER O'TOOLE "What's New Pussycat" q IN COLOR (Restricted) OPEN wAILY + P.M. ita aaa ee

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