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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1965, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 2, 1965 20--Real Estate for Sale KEITH PETERS "REALTY LIMITED 103 King Street East 728-7328 BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY Live suburban--6 room split level home with attached gorage. Sparkling hardwood nna file floors, beautifully de- corated throughout, walkout lass patio doors, situated on f. me lot 52 x 147, taxes only aw) 0.00 per year, Asking only $21,900.00, For further informotion please call Robert Johnston 728-2548. ASKING $14,900 Attractive 3 bedroom. bunga- low, very clean, in excellent condition, lot landscaped and 206 feet deep. Large over moster bedroom, principal, Interest ond' taxes only $94.14, 6% N.HA. mort- age. Call Eorle Allen 725- 782 FIREPLACE, GARAGE This home has got it, natural stone fireplace, two large re- creation rooms, © attached double garage with breeze- way, property 81 x 185, elec: tric heating. Only 3 years old and approximately 4 miles from downtown, Phone Bill Rotcliffe 655-4457, NEW HOMES Take possession of a new home in N.W, suburbs Jonu- ary 1, 1966-----NHA mortgage with only> $3,035.00 down Full price $18,300.00, We also have others. Call Stan MeCormack 655-3066, 8 ROOMS $11,000.00 full price -- Oi! fired hot woter heating, low cost, nice lot near transporta- tion and schools. See this and moke on offer, Call Will Irvine 728-2868. $400 PER ACRE Neor Maple Grove, port cedar bush. Call Art Donaldson 725-9882 Ss, D, \] REAL ESTATE LIMITED i. 323 King St. West 728-6286 4 POPLAR STREET Split level with three bed- rooms, living room, dining room, Back yard fully fenced This home is only three years old ond is waiting for your opproval. NORTH WEST $5 room bungalow with car. i port and rec, room, also. on extra room in basement that could be used os a fourth ' bedroom, aluminum = storms 'i and screens and doors and only 6 yrs. old A I LR NEW BUNGALOW Consisting of 5 rooms with electric heat, attached gar- age, 2 aluminum doors, col- % ored bathroom fixtures and ; Hollywood. kitchen. 4 COUNTRY ) 4 bedrooms at Zion, 6 room qi brick on large lot. Full price only $14,600. Call now to see Open 9:00 a.m, - 9:00 p.m After Hours Cal! j Les Hall 728-5513 A Frank Smith 723-3533 i Bob Stevenson 728-1903 4) ; Dick Barriage 725-6243 i Jack Sheriff 723-3775 : __Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 BBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 i $13,200. IMMEDIATE POS } SESSION: 11% storey 4 bed- R toam home, enjoy the steady ! clean H.W. heat, house new- ly decorated and ready for ' enjoyable living 2,500. i down j U $10,500. VACANT NOW; 5 t room 11% storey home. large { kitchen with additional. sum- mer built i ed, try your down pay one mortgage in porch, oi! heat SO EASY TO OWN A HOME IN braemor gardens STEVENSON RD..N AND ANNAPOLIS SE ea SPORTSMAN RETREAT Twenty fen minute: show lake stocked with trout Asking $33.0 sonabie offer Navid w HYMAN » 2 Frank| Ltd, Bowmanville, 623-3393, oll heat, Pri vate drive, Fully landscaped with out- door barbeque. Carries like rent, immed! ate possession, Phone 723-654) SEVEN ACRES sandy loam, north of Port Perry on paved road, modern eight- room frame house with furnace any Sath jroom. Also small barn suitable for harses. Immediate possession, Full price $8900 with $3,000 down, Call George S$. |Stone, 985-2632, Port Perry. H, Keith Ltd, Realtor, $1000 DOWN -- Two-bedroom bungalow in central location with three-room apart ment in basement, One three-piece and one two-piece bath, New garage. Good furnace, 30 days possession, To inspect call Murray Boyle 723-4270, aséph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377 OWNER transferred, nearly new three bedroom brick bungalow, Asking only $2,700 down, One 6'4 per cent mortgage Possession 30 days, Call Bob Johnston 725-9365 Metcalf Real Estate OLD ENGLISH four-bedroom home com plete with modern kitchen, dining room, | sun room, fireplace, oll heat. close to schools, $14,900 To Inspect call Jean Parr, Stradeski, Realtor IMMEDIATE possession, clean, cory two- bedroom bungalow, aluminum storms and door, Nice location, Full price $8900, Call owner 725-2539 RAVINE lot 100° x 375° site, with five-room modern house. | Stradeski Real Estate, 723-4651 i REAL ESTATE salesman, We require a person with neat appearance and good car. Experienced preferred, but wil! con sider applicants with prover sales record Leads Protected and full office co-opera Treed Low peyments 723-465), Don lot, g00d apartment Don For confidential interview please} call Joseph Rosco Realtor, 728-7377 | NORTH Very desirable ranch style bungalow with attached garage in choice location. Just three years old, contains jlarge fiving room and dining room, very | modern kitchen 14' x 11', three large bed: rooms with plenty of closet space, mod }érn bath with vanity, Asking $21,900 with $5,000 down. To see ask for Henry Stin } 725-0243, Cart Olsen, Realtor PRIVATE SALE Townline ~~ n6rth. |s10 900, Large lot SO' x 600', two-bedroom jinsul-brick home with one-bedroom base |ment apartment, son at large garage with work-| jshop, fenced lot, several fruit trees Cali! 725-3820 |NORTH OSHAWA Four-bedroom, 1\ storey, two bedrooms and bath on main floor, Family room, Full basement, oi! jheat, lovely fenced yard. Garage and paved drive. Owner anxious to sell, Ask |'Ng $13,900 with terms. For details call 72B-S103, Ask for Elmer Fredin, W [Martine Realtor JUST LISTED! Lovely executive vee] heme in Whitby, featuring four bedrooms, two fireplaces, 28-ft iwing| room, dining roam and ftinisned recrea tion room. Hot water heated. Suitable for arge family or in-laws to see call Larry Andely Martin Realtor |22--Lots For Sale BE READY FOR SPRING Invest in your For appointment 778-5103. W. O. Building Lot Now! Choice level lots 100' x 150° 4 miles Eost of Bowmanville, Close to schools. | just 20 min. | from GM EXSELLENT TERMS -OF $150 down end $48.80 for 36 ménths McGILL ESTATE 728.4285 SERVICED xemni-rons doubles, $7,000 per lot, REAL BRO ready to active Ray Ridges go 62 a, with Oshawa' and Toronto clientele a Mr Mike. 942-241) PMA Realty $1900 FULL PRICE for this tw acre registered huliding lot. located on eso north of Taunton Ra. F&F nee eskard Ré., all level cleared land. ack Sheriff. S. D. Hyman Real Estate "De 4284 Fe r RESULTS | Use } | TIMES Classified 3; ACTION ADS 723-3492 egy ae diag Py Fe Ee a -- 7 . -- AP elt DS Wiye gcmernr ne! te 30--Automobiles For Sale 31---Compact Cers For Sale ° 36--Legal 38--Coming Events | THREE. "ROOM vate entrance, 24--Stores, Offices, Storage OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building lights and water included, Available No- vember 1, Apply 234 Gliddon Avenue or tel jephone after 4, 723- $323, NICE" apartment on main floor, all veniences please, Apply 91 Ritson Road North TWO-BEDROOM Unfurnished apartment,| | share. THREE unfurnished rooms, central, heat, and downtown. BROCK for gentleman - | beds oral Motors, furnished apartment, Pri \coLBORWE STREET BAST, Apply 164 Grenfell Street, and board tor Close to BAST, 15) will five-da' welcome, 723-7552. no stove or frig, automatic washer, dry-| FURNISHED large room, er, hospital area, One child welcome, Pos: |si"ale beds, session immediately, Telephone 723-7500. | Telephone 723-6690 'ariment tor| ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, will: 0" second motor, $49, Telephone 728-9871, sult ft | city: WIDE COVERAGE and at iow cost | FURNISHED bedroom tor rent $ what you get with Times Action Want! Mrs, Natoli, Ads. Telephone 725-3492 and get in touch) 3478. with a courteous ad-writer. | RURNISHED ROOM | ping. Clean, quiet |26---Apartment for Rent nee phone 725-9144, [RISTON ROAD south WARM, single room for iady, in clean stairs apartment Three room up. " quiet apartment, Kitchen privileges Clove , MygpPing. And necessary, Central: location, After § for light gentieman. bus. Available November 6 $75 month! plus hydro, Telephone 725-8528 Yin condition, Nothing down, Easy terms. and Fiat Dealer . " 3 Sus Brown Motors Lid. A THREE BEDROOM apariment with kit piel bon ligitall 5 oe HOrme. | 725-4568 Specializing in Volkswagen h v furni ny ¥ Re 5 chen and living room. furnished." Suitiing gp Osnawa, Givd. South, Telephone |4@ PONTIAC Parisionné convertibie, V-a Repair ond Service a ntormation telephone 720.1720. | | 7026 qutomatic, double power, Low. mileage 160 Simcoe South ee! Save! Nothing down. Terms. Licen * tment, tly fur-| ees Sau cence FOUR ROOM apt. No children, Call 723-| THREE - ROOM ape rer ey cup.|Ui3%. Gus. Brown Motors Ltd, 725-4568 728-005) 292 after 4:30 noards, Parking. Adults, abstainers, Im-\'6) PONTIAC Parisienne convertibie, ii BASEMENT apartment, three room, 4/ mediate possession, Dial 728.2798 jeence H29188,-V-8, automatic, full power = VAURBALE steneuoenes, sae | A piece bath. Close to south General Motors. white, red trim. Nothing down! Easy | the road, $274, Full price, Licence fans FURNISHED bedroom, suitable for one Vicash. tr fas monthiy. One child welcome, After S'centieman, $5 weekly. Central, Apply '163 terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd,, 725.4868, [Cash trade or terms at Niels Motors,| : simeoe Strebt South i OLDSMOBILE onvertibie - THREE-BEDROOM aparimen!, trig and 330 cu, -In, motor w options 1943 COMET wagon, automatic, good con- SINGLE ROOM and double room. fur- . AS, OX gen, ay ce col stove, 'on Solina Read, Two school chil : " = coven! condition. 225-233 728-724) after (dition, Private, Alax 943-4244 after @ p.m r} welcome. 8130 mental', Telenhane Siete gentiemen only, Telephone 728 i. 725-5085 after 4 p.m - 141 VOLKSWAGEN, red. new paint, < f ar ; nt rakes ic jue with a tH South General Motors. Couple or two gen cole Ne -- tal, Telephone 723.4988. be matching interior. Telephone 725-0445 Bent otter, Telephone 728-4484 or 72) tiemen only. Apply 248 Malaga Road : 1944 CHEVROLET, biscayne, sedan. Avio- |. TWO-Redroom apartment. adults only, in Ned ere are eb ~ matic, radio, windshield washers and) *& VALIANT V.200 four-door sedan, stan cludes frig, stove, washing facilities and siding De eo Li le) wheel discs, All new tires, White with req @@'? transmission, excellent -- running, parking, Telephone 723-5858 from § to 9°™ aS interior, One owner, .$1.950, Telephone 2007 Dod, dependable | transportation | BROCK STREET EAST, 138 turmished sin-| 485-3341 between & to § Phone after 4 p.m 1. | gentlemen, north Apply above address wi General ing to Telephone 726-3405, con Lady preferred, No children| ROOM AND BOARD' close to south Gen. Shift worker |}957 OLDSMOBILE 88, y week wo. willing ling to Motors single board optional, offer to share 'SM CHEVROLET two-tinor. Absolutély in 725-6 Apply |showream condition! 286 Frontenac Avenue, 728 Licence 385638. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. house /1960 VAUXHALL Cresta, Tele. | original owner No down As payment Excellent new Basy Licenc | Brown. Motors Ltd, 725.4548. ites? CHEVROLET fei Air P.m.,,/ per-beige with matching trim. S$! four-door terms four-door 2nd car One @ APBRO4, Gus cop howroom | KING STREET EAST, 335 -- seikcon./ Me rooms. Apply above addreas or Vole isi BONTIAC Strato Chie, sedan. @ cyl ained modern apartment, stove, retrig. POON O44 inder, automatic, windshield washers erator, laundry tacilitie adults only. Va ROOM for rent for lady in new quietioversized whitewall tire: ™ niles cant December Apply above addrese, thor Apply from § pom. to & pm $14 SRAPS. Apply IR® Windsor Street. 799-4018 FURNISHED bedranm - living room and. Park Road North 1989 METEOR 900 Monicaim. Va aus bright kitchen. Suitable for working cov NICELY FURNISHED bedroom. pri-mmatic, dual. range, deluxe radio, power pie. immediate possession Central, Apply|vate entrance facilities, south|sieering and brakes. Excellent' cond parking 303 Pacific Avenve off Park Road South.'end, Telephone 723-2628. ee ton, Afternoona 723-4282. 57 -- Room | four-speed. Licence 482567, Cash, trade or terms at Nicols Motors, Whitby, 668-333) 195) OLDSMOBILE Super fi, new body and paint job, Best offer! Telephone 725 Room and board '630 share, 1964 METEOR, ood con dition, Best ' offer 728-7196. automatic, accepted, 'power power brakes, fair condition, $150 Telephone 942-4125, 1985 PLYMOUTH in good running condi: tion! Clean, only twenty thousand miles ering, best '6S Monza 110 HP. Red, excellent condi tion, Under nine thousand miles. Many extras. $2,578 Make offer, Telephone 728-264? 31--Compact Cars for Sale Nick and Dan's Authorized Datsun Zoltan, Your [MS CORVAIR Monta two-door, 110 HP] powerglide, radio, whitewall tires, Etc Mileage 4500. $2495. Prone 723.2400. | 1940 VALIANT Perteet Condition. New autematic 1%) THUNDERBIRD, while wih red in| 32.000 Nana | ite 'or, two-door hardtop, 'miles. Telephone Nowcastip 987-4378, srephorre| | WwW 9%---Real Estate Wanted |26--Apartments for Rent darn for Rent 20--Real Estate for Sale Do You Wont It Looking For an Apartment? ATTRACTIVELY MORE CASH SABYAN = Check These Features FURNISHED ROOM Pold for Good elean cars, MOTOR SALES LTD, Ab ees Available in private home, | Trade up or down, Liens paid, vencem 3 Soles and Service OPEN HOUSE Coll between 5 and_7 p.m. New ond Used Cars DAILY oy just listed ? MALA GLEN | 82 PARK RD. N. |. [080 Meron Sis 334 RITSON RD. S, Business is good, We ore just r 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-346) LARMONY AGE obout out ot Vetings, nd COURT 728-8671 723-942) Open. Evenings Harmony Road, South; Eost neve S ie : = ren * D Collegiote, Her- | 9%, Whitby, Ajax or Pick * Immediate Oceupaney with-p ong * VOLVO & PEUGOT _ of Donevan giote, ering. * Ch Wel ae 'roan in he "pond South, Tele ALL CASI * tourt Dr, and Walnut Ct. PLEASE CALL re eae ee poh For clean cars or trucks, Wa sae ce ig Nea Featuring the exclusive ' im and gigi ' ruRhis 0, ious Toor jor two] Goal up or down: Liane anid General Repair and "Lux Livi Home b' minutes to eral | gir 5. Telephone afternoons of erg 2 ie ph 4 Motors avenings, 723-8722, NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED JAKE AND BILL'S GARAGE K *# Bath and o half in all WANTED, two quiet girls fo share home ROCK ST. NORT! Auto-Electric Service New, exciting models includ- REAL ESTATE LTD, 2 und 3 bedroom suites [wilt nurse (private nome," Oshawa 146 BROC ORTH 4A9 Ritson Rd, South ing 2 bathrooms, 2 car gor- : eke 46 45 * Twin elevators Telophone MeN, "iit For ce am Oshawa 728-092) sodding front and reor ah tae 5 t' 4 -. ard y' Masa stome ee * Balconies TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms, on saneaiaben pid AUSTIN, ASS. Very 'condlt fronts ond walk-out bose- |S 5 $SS5555S5S5S5| & FM, Music Appl Peer the ond South or Yelephone | 959 PONTIAC. Licence, re aaa 5, Telephone atier 5 p.m, 728-6608, - Ld ' afier pm, tian, 6 cy! vy ay spbit ain ic. AN ja) fam ments, Lew. dawn. poyroen'? : | WEED HELP ! S| Rental Representatives on FURNISHED" room In haw home. Skene aoe mS |32---Trucks + tor Sole or trade, Possession © one a week, S duty: dally 1.9 pm, - No cooking, Close to Donevan Collegiate! Os Brown dl S Teste VERT? --------------- -|$ thd and public schools, References required. |/66 PLYMOUTH V- aulomeile, ve dio, No down pay: 5 Have clients for 2, 3 and 5 Telephone 723-0544 good condition, 9200 or best offer, t 11 $ 4 bedroom homes, in Osh. S 728-9468 or ROOM for gentleman, parking space, phone 7269330 = ak uses gels 5 wa and vicinity, and need S 9466 rally located, Apply 410 King Street in PONTIAC "Laurentian sedan, & cylin: é€ jake, Excel : § immediote listing help, If § 728- 6 d tomatic, power steering, Shade-|ient ea tnd moter. way nearly new S FURNISHED room, lady preferred. Close win eld, 'Nocturne mist', 9,000\ tires, 6 x 9 body with 6 racks, Price NHA Approved $ iy are considering sellin ne 8} after hours 723-6255 te downtown com, Indy preferred. Clo¥*| miles. Telephone 723-7347, Hes . is ° S please give me 9 co 2 Aoply 122 Church Street, 'l43 OLDSMOBILE Super 08, four-door rm 5S Yours may be the one, S$ | hardtop, immaculate condition, possible! w eady he road! Licence LOT S 5 $ won| winale turnioned sarpeied roams financing, low down payment to right vagrant Cash, ia i, Died at Nicols S DON STRADESKI $ O S H A W A gentiemen, Parking, one block from|Party, .One owner, 725-2783, Motors, Whitby, 668 R ' tered lan M 8] € REALTOR s North General Motors, Telephone 728-6697,,|MODEL "A" 1D, good 6 running "Condi: ion Vorkiwkaen-s van, Ful price ork egis p S s BLOOR STREET WEST -- Housekenping| {ion New plat $375, Telephone Lind-\Licence 162618. Cash, trade or terms at : 5 63 King St, West REALTY Pure Teel Wee mantarsons Hovee Plan tay, seca Nicols Motors, Whitby, 668-2391 ready to build on 5 ; oe a wake : (BOND ST.) LTD sink, alahen, lingn al singlet private|i9ea PONTIAC organ, tour oor | 8 CHEVROLET, 1 tons" piyweed Bon i; $5 sss A * athroom., Telephone 72! _., sedan, standard shift, oma' jar', py tin grip on rear, ni 9478 a ee | <vvwvasmmee \HURNIGHRD housekeeping rooms. for|2!,000 mileage. Price $1550, Telephonei new m, "Good. condition throughout. 72>. OLDER APARTMENT wo, gentlemen, Apply 99 Elgin siren | tah 7382 3 'i 'og th Ransonad » 723-1090, He) re 65 MUSTANG, two door hardiop. Used|19is FORD -- 00 sink body with good MOVING ™ ; il, one-year Sy = Furnished lonly five months, must sell immediately, tires, Rest offer, Telephone Mr, Taylor oa Yamlly home, "lit aa veer Two Bedroom LOIN sTRReY Mast: 98 = Fr privi-| Sacrifice, Owner leaving country, After! 725-9151, washroom, carport, Kassinger bulit| HOMES Simcoe at Aberdeen leges. Close to downtown, Apply after 4/6 725-1119 ask for Brian : i i home, 6 per cent_NHA mortgage, open $120 pm 1958 FORD FAIRLANE, twodoor auio|33-----Automobiles Wanted to offers. Contact Douglas J, M. Bullled NEEDED | ROOM to rent with use of modern kitch | matic Asking $275 or best offer, Alax ava ai Real Estates at 723-1168. Adults and Parking en, for nice clean gentleman. Apply 222| 942-0554 after 4 p.m, CARS WANTED ORONO -- two-STOREY, six-room brick Call: ABLE DECEMBER Ist Dovedale Drive, Whitby, 668-4870, | 1963 MERCURY convertible, in excellent home, barns 20' x 30° and 40° x 25°, $9,000 ai; AVAIL E DE ) rt condition, One owner! Whitby 668-8209. Buying A New Car? with $2,000 down, Vi Prank Real Sulate Bill J h t 725 3302 iil bag eat en tatehion ona orton 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne V-8 automatic, ying 7 | s iN r " haute" ane aes nae Triple on | onnston jentrance Telephone 668-2392 or apply 542\1wo-door hardiop, power steering, power ae ye ae, cor ad So al wi wo ir " Mar treet East 5, Beige col four thousand ori 4 x ROOMS and apartments for single men y si brakes eige color, four thou 9 6 os to the lew " i " " " Prom $3,000 0 $4,000. deen eayinients Ne 728-1066 i!0 snore, eee We EN ty A il ROOM for rent, for genileman, parking |"Al Miles, $3,300. 723-7599 before 2:30, Cor Dealer and 'Save agents, please, /28-5264 ; Aker Ltd ptt dBlecinsc dh id Prae : | space, pa Road South or tele Lt PONTIAS Eadslenne, convertible TED CAMPIN MOTORS 7 0 f f S BRICK" COME home, asad location! | SChofield-Aker Ltd. _lons-ao, rwo.nsoncon,, tontmen nay 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 | three apariments, in good condition, oll | yz aa |'Irig and stove, intercom, FM music: COW FURNISHED rooms, single and double. 44 BUICK Skylark converiible, Res, "9974 | heating; garage. Substantial down pay NK ine, id es aad? jclean quiet workman 559 Ritson South or| equipped, radio, bucket seats, Still under 0 ment required. No agents, Write Box 705,| STOP THI |Telephone 723 es 126844 warraniy, $2480 oF beet offer, Telephone | cars for wreckin Oshawa _ Times, For fast action, list all pro- |TWO-BEDROOM apartment, 'Iria "aNd| FURNISHED room, close to north Gen |200_ Wentworth l PRIVAT = Jul Drive. Th stove, drapes,.FM music, intercom, 14UN*| eral Motors, hospital and four corners.|/6i RAMBLER American convertible, |Q§HAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars id Mehl hinics Win corpert, wo; Perries with gry facilities, controlled Ral auc APPIY! Apply 240° Division Stree! power equipped, radio, low mileage. Ideal tor wrecking, Tires and parts for sale, bathrooms, fireplace, broadionm, built-in |291 Marland Avenue, Ap! J -|®URNISHED warm' clean bedrooms for|(ady's car, $1,080 or best offer, Telephone pu Nelson a Telephone 7252162, | range, rec-room and, many wine extras OSHAWA REALTY | \THREE ROOM apariments Albert Ssiree!, respectable young man, Telephone 725:| 7214406 'to -- Yor werecking. Tele Price $23,900 after 7 p.m, 'Private bathroom, unfurnished, close 0) 3260, 1960 CHEVROLET Biscayne (bive), T evil pnen 28. isn Robert Nichols, CHURCH STREET Income home, Teel (BOND $T,) LIMITED 'schools Ghilgren welcome, pails le No. one jaroe furnished" bedroom," goed "To-|inder, geod family: ear, easonable, Whil-| lsaAW AUTO WRECRING CO er || apartments, new gas furnace, aluminum | 25 Bond West 728-9466 Fs 1, Telephone bs lity, Sominutes walk ta. bus, Parking | DY 468-5492 REUER sorte far GaIRr IFOR. ane inwiaie | torms, Immediate possession xcellen - : F 7 condition No dealers Telephone 725-2161.| FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE |TWo BEDROOM apartment, refrigerator, ites, Mla a Led A eBid ah borg th NGL) aviomatie eer boven. bad Bloor Sram, Sey ee COMPLETELY furnished income home| OR vie stove, dryer and drapes . supplied ARGE room for Iwo gentlemen: private, 482 Cromwell Avenue, 134--A bile R | Own rec-room. Children welcome, on bus|single beds, close to South General , --, utomo le epair nelting 18 per cent of asking price. Willl KIC) MMUSS, NO FUSS, Peo pacamber i. Telephone Motors, Shift worker: welcome, Free|19§7 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 hardtop. | Accept trade, Write 527 Oshawa Times LL US. SH Pe ables parking, Telephone 725-2915 $300 or best offer or will trade for '58 or OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex- COUNTRY LIVING at its best. Spacious| DON'T CUSS, CALL U | anes i Re:|WANT ADS reach thousanos of interester '59 Ford product with bad motor, 623 jpert Farmurior and auto siectrle service bungalow with attached double garage.| kB ay El amnirimnent, Ree) prospects every day, Take advantage of 5645 22 King Street Pll ee ip Sad Ag ACTIVE Fooeresouth plant, Apply 206 Marquette! ine vast audience by telennoning 723-349?| 1997 CHEVROLET siation wagon, lic \TRANENISSION echallats gamle utes from Oshawa, For more informe REALTY LTD, Avenue Telephone 728-2892 = 3 and pla vour ad before them now. xan An ideal a, Fi Bgl Pes yori Phere 720-7299. A tion, contact Joe Crawford, 723-1021, 57 ONE - BEDROOM basement apartment 4 - a say Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377 | 728-5157 Rusilable November sine Twe-bedroom|28---Room and Board Ltd . vcr (Cnet as 67" SERVICE "on 4, front é --- - ' OLDER HOME -- two blocks trom down sncond floor apariment available Dee ROOK AND BOARD for gentiemen, will:|wnite, red trime Black roof, Rully equlppr| at Marien Auto, 25 Grenfell Street, 728 town. Five good size rooms In. excellent ° ° 4 a eens : {og fo. share, home cooked meals, park:'ed, Licence 291898. Trade considered, | 5179 condition. Low asking price end conven| Listin S nvite GROUND FLOOR, three-room apartment. | Close to South General Motors.| Terms available, Gus. Brown Motors Ltd.,/ ; nepheeiaas ent terms to suitable clients, Contact Reasonable, private entrance, parking Five. favs, Telephone 723-2786, 798-7375, 34 -- Automobile Repoir Gerry Osborne, 728-6724, Joseph Bosco, After 6 evenings, 762 King Street East one bat Realtor, 728-7377 i or telephone 728-239! plate asi airale for 10, gentiemen i959 CHEVROLET we automates Tur-| 7 ir" if i im. cence. LARGE EIGHT.ROOM home on 135" x SMALL three» room oasement @parl-/GM, Good home, good meals. Telephonelisasis, Cash, trade oreterms, at Nicols| TUNE-UP a fot. Forveneey, (perernined. Hib ment, references, private alin Pre-| 778.206) Motors, Whitby, 668-3331 i YOUR CAR NOW edrooms with partially finis arge ferably no children, Apply 75 Wellington . ! m EROS! family room, Spacious kitchen, Natural Street West alter " 910" SINGLE rooms and board. Apply 25 DiVi-|\940 PONTIAC convertibie, Musl be seen stone fireplace in very bright livingroom. WOW, a7 oo = ry jsion Street to be appreciated, Licence 45553, Cash, FOR FALL To inspect call Sally Wallace," 725-6297 REAL ESTATE LTD. Ml Small y eriments. evallepie er 4|ROOM AND BOARD, genlieman preter-|'rade or terms at Nichols Motors, Whit: souaph Beece, Resltor, 790-7377 : cotton! Hollywood Motel and "aesteur [fea aerial close to Motors, Telephone DY. 668-3331 Minor vand Major tune-up. $1,200, DOWN. Builder's trade-in, Three 728-7576 ant, Whitby 468-2067, 7-3 43) PONTIAC convertible with 327 motor.| Get top performance from ric your car, SEE YOUR SERVICE SPECIALS AT GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 534 Ritson Rd. South 728-6221 THREE-ROOM furnished e rent, Close to South General Motors, Sult-|!N@ to share, lunches packed, Telephone |1941 PONTIAC four-door hard top, Two- 35--Lost o and Found _ able for working couple, Apply 241/728-7692 |tone V8, ier "Lien radio, waite, walls: Cost = M 2 Bloor Street West. ™ | chrome discs. cence No. | Shopping Contre. 'newara contact: THREE-ROOM basement apartment, j.| 29 set --Wanted | to. Rent BA fbn 942-5699 | Telephone 728-5455 2 vate entrance and bath, $78 monthly, Don) Waren a icned one or two Melvane (one Purmeyyn Sean 'Shendard, Uk uke jLost pram ro cal, part 1, a WILSON Siredehly See Ueire tere apariment by December lat for married [dence No. Mala2 Telephone 92- 5693, YOUNG GIRL to share two borrgem couple, Telephone 728-0900. lied CHRYSLER WINDSOR: ee ee apartment, in' new apartment building, + one 0 'LOST -- Women's black. wallet "Santain~ AT THE TIMES private room and all privileges, Central,| b tetagtal sg ge couple with three chil:| tour-door automatic, power ring 8M ling jarge sum tuab Pepin eh) ~ |$60 monthly, 723-6805. id en wish to rent twor or three-bedroom |nrakes, custom radi Priv LJ 'ge ' wa seis ltyrnished home in Oshawa + Alax di8-| priced' ¢ se Paig phone 725-2499 (Papers. Zeller's or Kre "a ' MM CIAL. |PuR seit two: ltriet, Telep 793-2087. or 725-4497 : pe : awa Shopping Centre. Reward. CO. ER japartment, Heat, hydro supplied, Pri | TWO-MEDROOM ps rene apt a USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make! telephone Mrs. Edward Henry, mm 146. vate entrance and off-street parking, Suit be bly trailers, also used tires, $0? Bloor Street) ps | ' je. Apply 1&4. Bealt Ave, | apartment building in Wilson-Adelalde ig acy atrer 4, 723-228) LOST -- One lady's gold watch. | BUILDI NG Oe er Sees eee eur. larea for mother and schoo! age children as Oshawa clinic and Mary St, P |TWO - bedroom apartment, adults | Betore 5 p.m, telephone 725-2387, in 44 FORD, XL haraten, ve batoenaie, phone. Tae 725-0783 noe ou adults with small baby, $125 monthly,' ring, radio, whitewalls and|sQUND -- <Allractive haltgrown, grey Northend of city Telephone 120-7304 lnetesl: town terre other extras, Telephone 724149 afetr/ ang white part. Persian kitten, Vielnity : Sj St PARTLY furnished apartment, 11h rooms) WanTeD = Garage to store car In' for es lof Anderson Street, Telephone Whitby on simcoe : lorivate entrance, ground floor, south end.) ne mS that a de, araterany 1962 FORD Fairiane $00, one owner, ae 668-6729, sede | Telephone 723-2005, lneated. and altualed. In Whitby, but: nel 000 miles, Asking $1, 1,100 Pris te, 648-3: 2 off | /36--Le al 2,000 sq. ft, with office [RAVINE ROAD -- two-bedroom, living) necessary, Phone 468-4208 after 6 pam, |'S7 CHEVROLET, two-door, hardtop, 9 spoce. Will remodel to suit, room, dining room, kitchen, paved park: $194, Full price, Licence HINTH, Coahy . ling, laundry facilities. $115, monthly, De al trade or terms at Nicols Motors, y Talanh |cember |, occupancy. Phone days, 728: | 30- ~Automobiles For Sale 668-233) NOTICE elepnone {487 Boor after 5.30, 725-6983 1959 BUICK, four-door hardtop, licence 723-4452 [CENTRALLY LOCATED fi KELLY DISNEY | Hadae7, Black with grey Interior. Ne dawn - room apts, electrically hea' : Ipayment asy terms. us Brown Motors stove, parking, $120 monthly, Ready to let USED CAR. LTD: |Lte., 728-7375 : in one month, Telephone 723-2050 after 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST IMOTORS, $35 ur All car paris, Cour- AND OTHERS OFFICE for rent, 460 sq, ft. of prestige > P.™ | WHITBY -- 668-5891 litce Auto Wreckers, Telephone 723-5238, or office SORA hee ia Fivagh gta tick THREE ROOM apt, frig, stove and park:| Cars bought and sold nights. 725-4404. accountant ete, Apply Ox » Osh\ing facilities, Apply after 4 p.m. to Apt ? | <r 2 awa, Ont 10) at 111 Craydon Rd, Whitby, Single! Leins paid off ™ Bk el a _ IN THE ESTATE OF FOR RENT -- 'Store or office, 304 Kitch, Person or adults preferred, | Trade up or down matic, tull power, For appointment, 72% KENNETH CARLYLE lener Avenue, 725-0 PARTLY FURNISHED | seit-contained, Always top quality, 7749. anes McGILL, | FOR RENT -- approximately 1500 square|!hree-room upper fla, Vehitby, $90. per LIENS PAID OFFI We trade up or down. LATE OF THE feet of floor area, SuITABI® Tor bady shop DAnth..Telephone 668-3866 BUYING-OR-SELLING Over 60 ears to choose from, No down: or storage located on Simcoe Street APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Unturnish ING OR-SELEING payments! Gus "Brown-MotorsLtd 728 VILLAGE-OF North, $100 monthly. 7250793 ed, five rooms, bath, separate entrance. | TED CAMPIN 17378 SL Y ae dace tas haa "=| Available now, Phone 668-5949 before 5.00 |i960 CHEVROLET" Bel Air tour door ay a e sedan, H48453, V-8, automatic, very clean, ~| ONE-BEDROOM apariment in modern MOTORS No down 'payment, Easy terms. MODERN: three » bedroom bungalow on/apariment building. Swimming p60 |,| | Brown Motors Litd., 728-7375, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, well landse n res S shi a area, convenient to schools end. shopping. (oernine oo na etaie cant 607 KING ST, ----- OSHAWA |1964 PONTIAC Parisienne, tour = door DECEASED. Recreation room. $138 monthly" (orl qunithy, Apt 103 7 Just East of Wilson Rood hardiop ; _Oattonl Sea includes te ). No object to children over an 7% 79% " power steering, . |twelve Ren 208 Oshawa Times el tWO-BEDROOM ~ apartment, walk-out 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 [Poe Cnitewalis, washers. Low mileage,| All persons having claims | FWO'ABDROOM house on large fenced 1oilDANeMeNt: New trig, stove and broad 1842 CHEVY It leur - door, « cylinder, | Private. 448-S180 | the Estate of the above- in Whitby, Garage. $110 monthly. New alll gn Apply 182 Sussex St, between 4) automatic: new motor Januarys new tires! igs BUICK "Wildcal" convertible, Li} mamed deceased, late of the furnace, large basement. 725-679 and 8 om August: radio, other extras Ree tte cence HS8SR8, demonstrator, fully equipp| jj} of Port Perry, Count e| s | BASEMENT Bpariment" furnished." Con. No reasonable offer refused. 723-5' ed. Very reasonably priced, Gus Brown : bo h pA y egeg Reeser A ony Four' | veniences Separate entrance. Phone 720. */'*F Motors Ltd. 720-7975, -- K Be © tario, who ) Fea or falorention apnin 592 Grew hireet, Oth [es em 1940 CHEVROLET Impaia, six cylinder, ja GRAND PRIX Pontlacy licence We] about the 10 doy of August, awa sedis FOUR ROOM two bedroom apariment une MUIOMALIG | radio windshield washers, oggna, 389, Vt, with three carburetors, 1965 are hereby notified to furnished, private bathroom, private en. {' white, iow mileage, tres and four-speed transmission, Just like new! send the undersigned Ex- BOWMANVILLE, ane yg eae bungalow. trance. Laundry and parking facilities. snow tires, 728-3858 2W-7975 e iN phe Dra he oth _|electrically heated, TV tower. Ideal. for apply 204 Drew. Stree! 1942 OLDSMOBILE F-85, V8. Spor! i945 CHEVROLET Super Sport, Va a cutrix widow lady, Telephone 723-494 a! juper di f Novemb r 1965 their ONE BEDROOM apariment on main SOUPt duckel seats. power steering: matic and other extra "Breve dessa ay 0 OF 42 COUNTRY" Home, four bedrooms, mod floor, completely private, lady or quiet Fadi, $1,595. Phone days 728-1603, jatier § p.m, names ond full particulars of ¥ Yi " y. jf ferred. Apply 1 ab 4 Stradeski Real Estate, Telephone 723-4451 | Nori ees: SPPIY. 10) Ritnon ead ot eee aease ears imrariee. tiige,| 088 CHEVROLET Be their claims, Immediately orth bie bucket , Seats: Royal master tires.') icance 220937, Cash, trade or terms, at after the soid date the Estate | PICKERING area, new large four bed-' THREE ROOM apartment, Sellcontained CTUlse control, 390 cu. inch engine, fly! Nicols Motors, Whitby, 668-2331, Il be distributed hovin 'coms, Yhree baths. double garage heater' and furnished, Centrally located, (Powered. still under warranty, 12,000 wi e istribu' faving acre lot, $150 monthly. or sale. Telephone suitable for couple available at once Ap miles. $3,200 or best offer, Must sell! .. CHEVROLES 'imate "conver regard only to the claims of veces Bly iSeks Mens ar Lalas' Weer, 72 : Tience. tanesane Cash, Wrage or terms} which notice has been rec- FOUR-ROOM house to rent; in. condi.|74 Simcoe North 8 FONTIAS station wagon, V:8 auto-\ a+ Nicols Motors, Whitby, 668-333) eived | tion; all conveniences. Apply 9 Edward ONE and TWO pb + matic, radio, power steering electric win i Street, Alax. Adults only Drapes, refrigerators. stove, controtted| {0 positraction rear end, whitewail NO DOWN PAYMENT! Take over pay-| DATED AT OSHAWA, OCT | [tires, 9001.4. Claremont 469: $4680 ments of $90.75 on 1944 Pontiac Paris! OBER 19th, 1965 | FIVE-Room house, furnished or unfurnish. entrance, intercom. Laundry -- facilities.) enne, twedoor hardtop; cptional equip . ed. Available November 15, Near south Adults preferred. Apply 349 Marland Ave.,/'S? OLDSMORILE Super && hardtop, auto : ae ise Hon ta and AUDREY MAY McGILL, | IGenerai Motors. Telephone 723-4830 apt. ala mallee fully powered, radio. black bor Yilnreke ashe Mg wey a "4 wash Executrix | | ed nim, Termal Licence Haraan, GuslCranes:, deluxe radia, vinyl tp, phe $125. MONTHLY -- Bungalow, located inj APARTMENT -- three rooms and privale/nvawn 'Manors via. Sseenen ers and white wails, excellent condition by her Solicitors, good area in Whitby, Owners travelling Da'h. fefrigerator and stove, private en rag Telephone 242-2275 betore §.30. Kell f for six months wish reliable couple to/trance, hydro and water paid, Available 0 VOLKSWAGEN, Karmen Ghia, hard|ies9 PONTIAC ; ; as Greer ond Kelly rent home furnished for a aix-month|!mmediately, Apply 139 Huron Street to. red with matching trim, mew moter. tamatic radio. Laurentian, fourdonr, oe 114 King Streét East, period. Call Rae R. Johns Realtor at) -- ~~ |Spotiess condition. Easy terms! Licence oi r Os wv. rio C484) or 728-46) '27--Rooms for Rent HA2d®, Gus Brown Motors Ltd, 725.a5ee, [cller! Private sale, Phone 7280775 __Oshawa, Onta TENDER for | Separate | School | Addition WHITBY, ONTARIO Tenders will be received up on till 4 pom. Tuesday, Nov- ember 23, 1965 for a gen- eral purpose room addition to |} St, John's Separate School, | Gifford Street, Whitby tario. Plans and specifica. | tions may be obtained by gen- eral contractors on deposit of $50 at the architect's office, Rankin, '33 Church | } { Street South, Pickering, On- tario, Lowest or ony tender not necessarily accepted, Hamilton, | Administrator, Benson § Business Ook NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF GERALD ge a4 GRAY, c LATE OF-T CITY rf OSHAWA, COUNTY 'OF ONTARIO, DECEASED. All persons having claims agoinst the Estote of the above-named deceosed, late of the City of Oshawa, County of Ontario, who died on or obout the 28th doy of July, 1965 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Ex- ecutrix on or before the 9th doy of November, 1965 their names ond full particulars of of their claims. Immediotely. after the said date the Estate will be distributed having re- gord only to the claims of yg notice has been receiv- ed, ta at Oshawo, October 19th, 1965. MARION EILLEEN GRAY, Executrix, by her Solicitors, Greer and Kelly, 114 King Street Eost, Oshawa, Ontario, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF Central Council of Neighborhood Association NOVEMBER 5th, 1965 20 Regular games $50. ea, NELLIE ELIZABETH HALL| LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN. THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the above-named de- ceased, late of the City of Oshawa, County of Ontario, who died on or about the Bth day of September, 1965 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Executrix on before the 9th day of November, 1965 their names and full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received, DATED at Oshawe October 19th, 1965. MARGUERITE ELLEN O'REILLY KLINCK, Executrix, by her Solicitors Greer and Kelly, 114 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, KLINCK, Executrix, CITY OF OSHAWA SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES A sole ot lands in arrears of taxes in the City of Oshawa will be held in the Council Chomber of the City Hall, Oshawa, ot the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the seventh day of December, 1965, unless the taxes and costs ore sooner paid, The list of lands for sdle for orrears of taxes has been published in the Ontario Ga- zette on the 4th day of Sep- tember, 1965, Copies of the said list may be obtained at the office of the City Treos- urer, Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 5th day of August, 1965. 1, F, MARKSON, Treasurer, 37--Auctions AUCTION SALE. Having received instructions trom Mr Pod Pringle;-205- King St. W., Oshawa, | will sell by public auction on Set- urday, Nov, 6, 1965 at-1;00 p.m, the household contents beds complete, dressers, chest of drawers, rockers, ward- robes, washing machine, re- frigerator, electric range, an- tique pandofa coal and wood stove, 4 piece Lake Victorian suite, rug, sewing machine, electric massage machine ond mony other articles too num: erous to mention, Terms cash, no reserve, Phone 725- 3039, Myles King, auctioneer. The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction at Stirteyants Auction Hall, 33 Hall St., Oshawa on Thurs- day, Noy, 4 at. 7:30 p.m, Television, chesterfield, dishes, end tables, lamps, couch, many other articles too num- erous to mention, Terms cash Myles King, auctioneer | | } | : ' silicided | By Special Request _after the Bingo, SPECIAL BINGO ot the OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM FRIDAY Over $5,000.00 in prizes $1500,00 Jackpot $500.00 Snowball $150.00 Special Game $1000.00 Esculator 9 Early Bird Games 5 Late Games $50 ea. Admission $1.00 (receive one cord for regular games), All games 25¢ double card--~ except Jackpot. This Bingo will be operated on a s.milar basis as the Bingo in Scarboro DOOR PRIZES All games will be played on double cards, Shore The Wealth--7:15 p.m, Regulor Gomes--8;15 p.m, "BUSES Leave Bond and Simcoe St. 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 8:00 p.m, Available ATTEND PUBLIC MEETING Wed., Nov. 3 AT 8 P.M, AT HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL WHITBY to hear Oliver Hodges New Democratic Party Cane didate for Ontario Riding dis- cuss locol issues of interest to the community, EVERYONE WELCOME THE RESIDENTS OF HILLSDALE MANOR Cordially Invite You to attend their ANNUAL BAZAAR Wednesda November At 2:00 P.M. Sale of work, Afternoon tea, _Home boking ond Door oor Prizes, LIONS BINGO Wed. Night $1,200 in cash prizes. Jackpot nos. 54 and 57 Early Bird Game 7:45 Jubilee Pavilion _ "| RUMMAGE SALE _ 38--Coming. Events BINGO TUES., NOV. 2nd. 20 requior gomes $8 and $10 SHARE THE WEALTH $50. JACKPOT 52 Nos, $20, CONSOLATION FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor and Edith BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird Game FREE ADMISSION $1250 in Prizes Jackpots 56 and 50 Children under 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 ac orners Whitby Separate Schoo! Brd RUMMARE SALE a ak al Gifford Street lcorner of Bloor and Simone St, Weednes- Whitby, Onterio. laay, Reve & at 1:90, __|WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3 10:30 AM UAW Hall (Bond Street) PROCEEDS TO CRIPPLE CHILDREN'S SCHOOL Sponsored by Women's Aux. Oshawa Police Assoc RUMMAGE SALE at C.R.A, 1:15 P.M, November 3rd. Maraaret Hamilton Group RUMMAGE SALE November 3rd. 2 P.M_at Valleyview Clubhouse Everyone Welcome FERNHILL PARK WEDNESDAY NIGHT, Early Bird Game 7:30 16 Gomes $6 eoch $10, $15., $20., $30, SHARE THE WEALTH FREE ADMISSION DOOR PRIZES cd

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