THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 3, 1905 15 (baomentsnsanisnne ving mpg 0 ISM PA ELECTION TALK Premature Count In Advance Poll OTTAWA (CP)--A premature;time on election day, next Mon- count in one of the advancelday. polls for the Nov. 8 election was! Mr, Castonguay said that a reported Tuesday by the chiefis,ouy returning officer at Ma- electoral officer, Nelson Caston- fartic in' the Quebet constite- i A Actiency of Villeneuve held a count The Canada Elections .|in his advance poll and the re- ete g fir lage Maffoog sults were given to scrutineers vance Is, where voting was held snetey and Monday, befor the candidates. made at 9 p.m. local standard' The deputy, was dismissed, Caouette Would Show Expenses OTTAWA (CP) -- Creéditiste, The statement added that un- Leader Caouette said Tuesdayjion members are forced to con- his group is ready to publish a/tribute money to the New Dem- financial statement and limitiocratic Party against their will, its campaign expenditures pro-| Le Ralliement Creditiste was vided the other parties agree to|the only party financed only by follow suit. "the people' and was free to In a press statement issued|Protect the public interest, the by his office, he charged that|*tatement said, 7 ee gee Mr, Caouette proposed that the "'old parties" lead Canadalyonresentatives of all parties from scandal to scandal be-|meet to sign an agreement to cause they depend on the un-ilimit their spending to a "rea- derworld and "high finance"|sonable sum' at the next fed- for their campaign funds, eral election, Last Election? Ask PM Nov. 9 TORONTO (CP)--Will this be|corded program his government crc EEE te JR a ae Prime Minister Pearson's last|would: have introduced major ) election? legislation on railways, bank- Mr, Pearson, 68, said in aling and unemployment during j television interview Tuesday|the last Parliament, had the | night he has been asked sev-|House not spent three months eral times in the last week/on the flag debate. _ whether this will be' his last) He said this was another rea- 'election and his answer has|son for electing a majority Lib- always been yes. | "But ask me again on Nov, Siecle lasoaare in the federal | 9," he said. | | The prime minister was field-| Questioned on his statement { ing questions from Donald Gor-|that another election will be . don of the political science|necessary if a minority govern: department, University of Al-jment is elected, the prime min- berta, Calgary, Claude Ryan of|!ster said he was not trying to Le Devoir, Montreal, and Shaun|blackmail the country with the } Herron of the Winnipeg Free|threat of another election, } Press in the CBC program The| Everyone knows minority | Men and the Issues, |governments lead to early elec: Mr, Pearson said on the re-'tions, Mr. Pearson said, PQ Associate Status Opposed CALGARY (CP)--"Associate|Southern Alberta Jubilee Audi- status' for Quebec would mean/|torium. a separation of Canada into two) Mr, Harkness, member of the| former 'Conservative defence|/88t house for Calgary North, Minister, said Tuesday night, |cited national unity as the most 'Those ministers of Quebec|!mportant question in the Nov. who talk about associate status|® federal election for that province are in effect} A Conservative government talking about separation of Can-|would call a Canadian federal- ada into two countries," Mr,| provincial conference to "re-de- Harkness told 270 persons at an| fine the powers of govern- election forum in the 2,700-seat' ment.' In Defense Of Pension-Spending NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP)|sents about 44 cents per capita, Health Minister LaMarsh says/she said, Opposition Leader Diefenbaker| But Mr, Diefehbaker, she fs talking at cross purposes/said, has proposed taking $25 a when he criticizes her for aaah out of the Canada Pen- spending too much penstonjsion Plan and giving it to each money and then makes huge|person now receiving old age pension promises himself. security, Miss LaMarsh told 450 lunch- car hos Ma Fv re . ow receiv: con members of the Niagara Ri- ing old-age security would be ding Women's Liberal Associa- $860, 000,000 each and every tion Tuesday that Mr. Diefen- year and Diefenbaker cannot baker has criticized her for us-|see the difference between §2,- ing $2,200,000 of pension-fund 000,000 ~once and $850,000,000 money for a pension advertis- single year from now ing plan. The amount repre- Manning Urges Vast Replacement EDMONTON (CP) -- Prem-jjor parties with 'progressive fer E, C. Manning urged Ca-/abandonment" of their : tradi: nadians Tuesday to replace tional positions, | "the largest possible number'! "The old political order is of federal MPs with men whojdisintegrating," he said. "The will get on with the country's/actual distance between what business and forget partisan|the two old parties stand for is policies, becoming less and less at each At a rally for three Edmon-jelection," ton Social Credit candidates) Mr. Manning said the House which drew about 1,200 people| of Commons has seen endless to the 2,500-seat Northern Al- Hockeying for political position berta Jubilee Auditorium the| while premier charged Canada's ma-| waits, donno every on," the country's business SO sent | Polling Station In The ir Flies Franchise To N.W.T.. By JIM WHELLY jaircratt by freeze-up and have YELLOWKNIFE, N.W.T,|"® Tesidents believed capable (CP)--A helicopter is to be-|0f handling polling station dut: | come a mobile polling station ies if ballot boxes and supplies | in Canada's largest and on were dropped by parachute. | remote constituency Nov. 8. lwhich includes the island 4 Stan (Red) Williams of Ye I peninsulas north of 'the Aretic lowknife, returning officer for} coastline, the majority of the! the 1,304,903-square-mile elec: | : toral district of Northwest Ter- ppt, bexes are being dropped | atari | gg rd = tined for Spence Bay on Boothia| eral and NDP. to sena vanes | Peninsula, 1,400 miles north of| sentatives on the helicopter, Winnipeg, may go in by doy Pp | Sled because fog in the area has It also would carry a deputy! made flying impossible, returning officer, poll clerk and TEE " START SAVING NOW FOR THE YOUNGSTERS ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST! Central America's Finest Bananas FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 2-29: USE THIS COUPON) You'll receive the Album and Packet No, 1 of 20 pictures absolutely FREE! There are 21 packets of pictures in the entire collection--each packet contains 20 beavtifully-colored pictures. We will offer 3 NEW PACKETS of pictures EACH WEEK at 19¢ each, PACKETS NO. 2&3 OF 20 PICTURES EACH NOW ON SALE AT 19° EACH! IMPORTED, 18.07, MINIMUM. Welour certainly be pleased : 3 when you present them with this ma * CENTRE CUT LOIN Ontario Grown, Hot House, No. 1 Grode Tomatoes 7h) GRAPES tz GRAPEFRUIT "=" FROZEN FOOD FEATURES KERNEL CORN Clearbrooke lb poly bag Mh Je Reg. Price pkg 300 -- SAVE 46 RASPBERRIES 1S-or pko 3 Se Beef, Chicken or Turkey Reg, Price 8 for Se -- SAVE 166 CLARK MEAT PIES 4 to: is: 99¢ Baked For You With Loving Core By Jane Porker JANE PARKER PUMPKIN PIE ~49. Price each Bie -- SAVE be Indian he interpreter to MOST ARE REMOTE Operate polling stations at Hes-| The 117 pollin stations in the | lop Lake, Rae Lake and Snare| Northwest Territories are offici- Lake. jally listed as rural. Most could The three settlements, within| be better described as remote. a 130-mile arc north of Yellow-| The district includes all Can- knife, which is 750 miles north/ada north of the 60th parallel of Edmonton, have been made! except the Yukon and far north- inaccessible to float - equipped ern Quebec and Labrador. Notice To Members INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS Initiation, Reception and Dance Concert Hall -- ROYAL YORK HOTEL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1965 AT 8:00 P.M. Held Ungler The Auspices Of THE HIGH COURT OF CENTRAL ONTARIO Members not receiving Tickas Guest) at the Court Motor Rove! York, Nov, 4th Moy ohtein same (Members and '¥ display table, Convention Floor, Jane Parker bias or Lemon CHIFFON CAKE ech Be Jane Parker jee pkg S80 -- SAVE 4e SPICED FRUIT BUNS »..~« 31c Jane Parker Brown 'n' Serve Reg. Price pke Bo -- SAVE fe FRENCH ROLLS vis of6 2c dane Parker Vienna Twist Filled Full 2b cake @ Qe COFFEE CAKE acl cake 49 Reg. each Ge -- SAVE 100 bévi's F000 CAKE 10-69 SIDE 229: Super-Right Quality MUSHROOMS <%= 59. BEEF LIVER" 39, 1 ORANGES cs. «kL. 9. | COOK sats 5c Famous Brands -- Priced Low at A&P FRUIT COCKTAM OY SLAY ae nortindh Se CLARK BEANS "POPS SPE 5 20-02 tm HGe FLEECY LAUNDRY RINSE secs a2Herti Be RICE KRISPIES SPECIAL. 13-01 pkg Ze DARE'S COOKIES Lib cel na @ Se PEPSODENT tec. prise tose tne SAVE 100 family sna ube BQ TOILET TISSUE Werte ka ot rots 5 Ne COOKIE JAR Reg. pkg 890 -- SAVE 4e CHERRY PIE FILLING acti 20 orn Be TOMATO SOUP SPECIAL! 7 voor sins De CANNED SPORK WONSPECIALL 12.02 Hn he Qe CORN CHEX "SPECIAL 2 v.02 ko Se KLEENEX sPrciaut pkg of 200 3 Te ARRID SPRAY DEODORANT B frox aerosol in 1.19 CRESCENT --aenee BUTTER FLAVOURED -- til2pounds Je JANe PARKER, suiceD, | WHITE Reg. Price loaf 22¢ SAVE 19¢ BREAD 4 PORK CHops FIRST 2 RIBS Ib. a0¢ : BACON 35 39RD TO STH Rips Ib Schneider's Skinless Red Mote 8X Brand, Assorted COLD CUTS Maple Leaf Rindless, Vae Pao SIDE BACON AND GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY A&P CHOKE QUALITY GUT 19 Reg. Price tin 37¢ -- SAVE Be 2 42-102 ins & Yc A&P Pineapple- GRAPEFRUIT DRINK Choice Quality, Halves SPECIAL AtP PEACHES = 3 20821 95¢ All Purpose Liquid Cleaner SPECIAL LESTOIL «tre om vin) 32. ee b &Qe Solid White Meat Reg. Price tin 370 -- SAVE Be GEISHA TUNA FISH 27-021 & Ge Solld White Meat eg. Price tin 680 -- SAVE de GEISHA TUNA FiSH t-extin Se Holtzheuser Benedorp Croquettes Reg. pkg $90----SAVE 176 OLATES = 3:4: 1.00 Holtaheuser -- Your Choice -- Mix & Match SPECIAL! DUTCH BISCUITS -- 5k 99% GROQUETTE, FESTIVAL, PETIT BEURRE, MARIE, DUET (GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY UD. AP FOOD STORES AsP MEANS DEPENDABILITY ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1968,