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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Nov 1965, p. 21

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 4, 1965 The I Spy Guys Don't See Color By BOB THOMAS. HOLLYWOOD (AP)--One of the apparent Hilts of the new television season t oftbeat oteentaty series, I which a pair 6f on-the-beat stitn ret oben Culp and Bill Corns #éll, Culp-with his Sensitive ye hos Cosby with a Wise fidimor. Bo' are ai , which came in handy When théy were << to face across séénéry on Hong Kong and Japan locations. Aside from the fact that I Spy seems to quality in a season ly laéking in it, the notable featuré of the series is that oné of thé ¢é-stars is a Ne 'Bil Cosby views this fact|co! with uficoncern. Hé was _sképti- cal whefi cer Sheldon Leonard sugges the c6-star- ing a year ago. "When it hap- pens, I'll believe it," he said. It happened, atid Cosby now is ments trying 16 46 4 job fe- ardiess 6f His face. That has Caan true throughout his gn rising, three-year career. His pe veo routines in fight clubs, concerts and télévision havé| mi largely concerned the joys and sorrows of urban living. NOT EMPHASIZED On I Spy race is neither ; stressed nor ignored. "There is little referencé to race, except the kind of com- ment that one Italian might say about another Italian," Cosby afiy facial jokés. There's casion for it between £6 and me. We dig each other. We consider each otter as "Heily Robinson and Alexandéf Seétt, pa as a white man and a Ne Only three deep South televi- sion stations refiifed to accept the Wednesday night hishow, Cosby said. "Apparently we had no problem getting sponsors," he added. "In fact, I understand they are now standing in. line." He éonsidérs thé show an ad- varicé for Négro actors in gén-| 4. eral and Himself in particular. "The sériés has been a tre- pote gain for my caréeér," he said. "I'm losing money, compared to what I would bé fiakifig a6 a comédidn, but I will make it up fiéxt year. Thé important thing is that film pro- ducéré aré already thinking of mie in terms of folés as a hu- man being, and nét mérély as a séfvant or a runaway slave." BRIGHTEN LANE BRIDGEPORT, Ont. (CP) -- Night-time cuddlérs in, this com- munity will find their né¢turnal activities curtailed when a street light is érected at the jhead of thé 16cal 'Lovers' Lane." The ft6Wn council ré- jeently porideréd the problem of jeurbing the influx of mariy car- loads of young péople to the area and décided to install a) light in the dark, wooded sec-! DO TAKE THAT WOODEN NICKEL MONROE, Wis. (AP) --Take all thé Wooden nickels you can get. They are worth op to $5 éach here. THE BEST BATTLES -- 16 A Creditiste MP In Now Grit Picked; NDP Second Thé market éash fas been since the U.S. ér hardwood nifig éver treasury de- partment decided that wooden nickels issiéd by 4 Monroe Bank to edge a local coin shortage wéré illégal. Private coin collectors pur- Sué thé wooden ni¢kéls even mré eagerly than do treas- iC ufy agénts. A Bank official says the nickels are believed to be the only coins ever federally char- minted by a tered bank. The treasury department recovered 450 when they stepped in a week after the Fitst National Bank of Mon- foé issued thé rii¢kéls in May, 1964. That left 19,550 milssing. UY RO haughty and unprédictably. most bent MP, Gerard Perron. Mr. Perron, isté Real Caouette, was NDEAU ST. i Fe DE BEAUCE, Que. (CP)--The rural constitu: ency of Beauce treats aspiring politicians in thé manner of 4 woman -- selectively Oféé & Liberal fortress, then indépéndent, Libéral again atid recéntly Social Crédit, Beauce is being wooed this time by the leader of the New Demo- cratic Party's Quebec wing as well as by the district's incum- elected in 1962 and 1963 as a Social Crediter but later a followér of Credit- Low as thé New Democratié vote was in 1963, observérs say Mr. Cliche could. he « maia't contender in the Nov. § polling, With Mr. Racine looked upon as thé man to beat. Mf, Perron, 45, a hotel-kéeper in this community 40 milé SOtitheast of Québec City ,pé 12,627 votes in 1963, against 10,532 for Mf. Racine atid 1,134 for the Consérvatives, The Conservatives are field- ing a man this time too--Pierre Bardou. Mr. Perron may be operating) under a handicap -- his inclus- jon, newly publicized, amon the six Social Créditers whé, in. 2,095/1963, signed a statement of! jin St. + yeeros thé 1963 stateriént. The state ment was latér fépudiatéd by IMF. Déafréi_and his--colleagues: "THé Marcoux pamphlet, pub- lishéd éarly in October, has been a feature of the campaign héré but has fiot stirred much voter falk. Somé résidéents say thé issue it raises is an 61d oné, thé de- tails of which wéré trashéd outim aftér thé statemént Of "the six" Was fidde public in 1963. Mr. Cliche, who practisés law | Joseph, has éxpresséd) the view that rural discontent | might bolster the NDP where} bere ft bolstéred the Cree: istes. Farmers in Quebéc have been| oe E Israeli PM A Pioneer In Country TEL AVIV (Réutets) = Levi Eshkol, Israel's prime he ies sinc® Juné. 1 is_Sfie- 6 the pioneer builders of the Jéwish state. He was born Levi Shkolnik in a Ukrainian village heat Kiev 70 years ago. Like many Istaeli leaders, he Hebraized his name. He atrived in Palestine * LSA SSUN SOP ie ts 1914 when {t was under Turkish vid fulé, atid hé has béen active in public affairs practically ever |iste: siricé After the First World Waf ifi which he volunteered for serv- ice in A British Jewish batta- lion, -hé héelpéd to id a@ Kib- butz (communal settlement) in the Jordan Valley, which he Still régards as homé. Shortly before the éstablish- Ment of the state. 6f_Isreél.in 1948, he served on the high com- mand of Hagan, the illégal Jew- ish Self-4lefencé organization. ENTERED CABINET When the state was foun he becaftié direttof- peneral him te the finance ministry. --_ Eshkol became a shréwd bargairiér ee wh6 got thirigs done. With hid aviliiy as a condiiiaior, kol oftei acted for in coalition disputés afid hé vie : came the prime minister's log- . ical suéeéssor: € arrieéd. aatign- SRDS SEBEL S Eshk6l fas 6één threé fives & and has ithe défeniée ministry undér Da-|térs. A GREAT TEAM... "we are still redeeming thém for a fii¢kel apiece but We have had féne brought in," said John W MacInnis, 37, assistant bank cashier. A Monroe aritique dealer fecéntly sold 180 Wooden nick- éls for $360, Maéinnis said, "TI know persénally of many votes up on his nearest oppo- nent in the four-way 1963 race. Sécond t6 him was Liberal Jéan - Paul Raciné, a former member for Beauce and the Pearson party's candidate again this time. The NDP placéd fourth in 1963 with 740 votes while the Conservative candidate was third. that have beén sold for up to $5.' Dale Alexander, -Dalé Alexarider, for of a bar uséd the wooden nickéls as an opening promo- tion last year and wound up with a rich cache because, hé said, "some people would fot take them as change at first." Alexander dats the price at 50 cents, $1 and still climb- ing as soon as the coins were 30, opera-| 40,--opera- | \name_ is complainin weather, 0 support for a Liberal minority | government after that year's incoriclusive election. Dr. Guy Marcoux, himself a Social Credit mémber of the last Parliament and this year) an independent candidaté in| midst Quebec Montmoréncy, has cén-| until, tendéd iri a pamphlet that the THé two years since have seén Robert Cliche, 44, whose'-- pronounced Kleesh,| take over the Quebec leader- ship of the NDP and plunge into the fight for his native Beauce. hé asks and géts $5 each for his dwindling supply. Fédéral law prohibits a per- son from passing any object Liberals staged a "deal" in connection _with _the signing of ident. recently of bad what somé call in-| sufficient governmént aid afd' of sundry other factors, such as| the price they receive for milk. | The Liberals hald Beduce ail-! continuously from in 1949, by & popular local doctor, Raoul | Proulin, who ran as an indepen- | 1987 | it was captured | New way to eos FOR A GREAT AREA.:: | declared illegal tender. Now | in lieu of a U. 5. minted coin. for your Yih HOME: WARD'S said. "We certainly dén't do'tion. everest * * - em MIKE STARR Ontario Riding GARNET RICKARD Durham Riding Northumberland Riding IN DURHAM VOTE | RICKARD Published by Durham Riding P.C. Assoe. From Guernsey Gold "Money Milk" Check under the top flop of every Puré-Pak carton . or under the cap of every bottle of GUERNSEY GOLD 2% for the magic words that could make you a CASH WINNER in the IDEAL DAIRY LTD, GUERNSEY GOLD 2% ' 'Money Milk' contest. Bring in the lucky flop or bottle top to Ideal Dairy Ltd., 390 Ritson Rd. North, Oshawa... answer o simple question and we'll give you your CASM PRIZE! it's simple! . .. a3 easy as enjoying délicious GEURNSEY GOLD 2% . . . fresh every day from IDEAL DAIRY LTD. IDEAL DAIRY LTD. 390 Ritson Rd, North PH: 728-6241 Melis Mia Dif L/PR MOET Lae ewes Select Your Christmas Daperies From Oshawa's Largest Selection It's not too early to order your 'draperies for Christmas! , . . i iee terete; eiiee! tid wtf 3% as-a gift to others or for yourself ped = cond m~ J ~ ~ -- =~ ~ 2 _ J Att 2 . . or to your home. Select now from Ward's vast collection of fabrics, patterns and styles... Sag ete and be assured you'll have them P PUL OM in time for the Holiday Season. 1 Seah | Aether Ready To Hang LINED DRAPES TWO RANGES Big variety of sizes, colors and patterns. 1000 pair in stock now. ECONOMY RANGE AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA SP at s TEDMAN'S | SYMPHONIC RECORD PLAYERS | tz" Discount Drug Dept. Junior Sophisticate VAGABOND Automatic 4 speed record player B.S.A. 4 speed manual record player, 45 R.P.M changer with flip-under needle, Separate adopter included. Unbreakable Plastic cab- tone and volume control, heavy duty inet. Size 12 x 5 x 10, Colors: Turquoise 44 ker, st daptable, richly finish speaker, stereo adaptable, richly finished Slué. Saher Toh: in black alligator and silver trimmed. PRE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Giant Size Shampoo Size 20% x 6% x 14 (For Dry, Normal or Oily Hair) | PRE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL NO DOWN PAYMENT Reg. 3.00 1088 '0 190) | 46% Only 3.00 Per Month @ FREE e 2990 44 5998 i NO DOWN PAYMENT SHAMPOO ths | = ia Only 5.00 Per Month APPLIER BOTTLE PRESTONE ANTIFREEZE In a handy Plastic Container with an easy to manage handle. Special. 2.57 Ward's, your recognized drapery specialists for Oshawa and district, now have a vast selection of domestic and im- ported fabrics . . . choice of Fiberglas or Milium ... ready to hang or custom-made -- Select yours now ! FIBERGLAS READY TO HANG "FIBERGLAS DRAPES * THE REALLY CAREFREE DRAPERY FABRIC Over FiTs -| 46" Pode FITS | FITS 144" | 192" Traek | Treek FITS | FITS a 72" | 96" a! Treek | Troek rf é ae | In stock now in 10 different sizes and in dozens of eolors and potterns. As Low As pelr DELUXE RANGE | ets 48" Custom Made DRAPERIES If you haven't visited Ward's Drapery Dept. lately, you will be pleasantly surprised at the tremendous variety of fabrics available, either by the yard or custommmade by Ward's experienced staff to your exact specifications. YOU WILL ALSO BE PLEASED WITH THE MODEST MAKING CHARGES. Westinghouse Custom Model Fits 96" Track Fits 144" Treek FITS Fits 72" | 192" | Treek | Treek Pibiccoa Attention Beatle Fans Now et Stedmans there ere aveileble In Corduroy or Melton eloth, ONLY 2.98 Paden 1388 D8. 210 Length =. | 1898 rs '0 oe 7898 Fingertip Comfort with automatic shut-off and refill humidistat. 05 SPECIAL @ ONLY 6.50 PER MONTH ¢ USE YOUR CREDIT « PER GAL. "Oshawa's Largest Drapery Selection" WARD'S DRY GOODS 31 Simcoe St. S. at Athol Phone 725-1151 A ~ Layaway Plan Credit Plan OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA ren eantenentne pecans

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