s Tt Is up to nursds to under-jsis today, in western culture,| She said housewives fare bet-|have to treat many maladjusted THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 5, 1965 17 Registered Nurses stand the situation and supportiis on youth. Older people ya i ee". come, tha people." . development in all fields, he left out since society gives the|their retir: usban follow) wr Lyons stressed older peo-and the nurse must {dentify|'no' as the final answer." ' id. i |i ssi . *re|th a id like 'forlorn pup- : Study Old Age hl 'Thuaee edad fe bans ee ee: ha tc? ae pies." eg me ple's ability to cope with theirjthese defensive patterns. The three - day workshop, LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Prob-|the role of the nurse in care|have difficulty looking for jobs| Old age homes provide every|mental and physical losses} "Try to involve them in sponsored the Middlesex ' der the|Planning. because employers prefer tolservice, she said, except filial/brought about by the years./meaningful activities, but don't|County Registered Nurses As- dems of old age came under the devotion. "Asa consequence we'Each reacts differently he said,!mistake the aged person's first!sociation, ends today. ANN LANDERS Victim Of Snoring Dr. Deinum said the empha-/hire younger people. Separate Bedroom Dear Ann Landers: What do you think of a husband who wakes his wife up at 2 a.m. to tell her to stop snoring? Clem started this a few months ago when he retired from his job. I am not retired, however. Clem can sleep late in the morning but I can't. Last night when Clem woke me up I got real mad. I asked him what in the world he thought he was accomplishing. He said: "Nothing is more an- noying than being kept awake by a snorer. The snorer should stay up and keep his victim company."" Isn't this the meanest thing) you ever heard of? I do not) Snore on purpose. If I could stop! I would. What can I do?-- =| Pooped. | Dear Pooped: First see a doc- tor and learn if he can do any- thing about your snoring. Some- times minor surgery will elimi- scrutiny of a doctor, a psychia- field. I'm sure many of them would Speaking during the second have preferred to go straight ' but society would not let them,|day of an Ontario-wide work When a man finds all doors|Shop on nursing and the Lp closed he loses his courage and|of the aged were Dr. C. pre dignity. Please, Ann Landers, [|Stuart of Toronto, senior med- am begging you--help me to be|ical specialist with the Ontario a useful citizen.--Willing but\department of public welfare, unemployable. Dr. E. J. L. Deinum, psychia- Dear Willing: I am printing trist with the Ontario wee i your letter and addressing my| here, and Welter pp is So bag remarks to employers ministrator @t ett : 01 ' for the Aged in Toronto. Where would you be today if ' 'Today the physician sees the --, 80-year-old people alive, well chance? Put yourself in this ; man's shoes, i beking you|and active, who, 35 years ago, | to give a break to men who| Were not expected to live to half have records. Some will fail tat age," Dr. Stuart told dele- you, but the ones who come Sales: -- : : through will have been saved| There is an increasing num- for all time. And such a maniber of disabled elderly for, can well turn out to be the best; which the community must pro- employee you could have. In vide, he said. They are owed my book it's worth the chance.|this debt of "common grati-| Dear Ann Landers: I am go- tude," since they were partly ing with a gentleman who is \Tesponsible for the affluent so-| separated but not divorced.) ciety of today. | 7 j Increased medical knowledge trist and a social worker Thurs- day, and each agreed they were a challenge to his respective COMFORTABLE Pillow-Back RECLINER Covered in "'Care-Free"' Washable Vinyl. nate the problem. If the doctor|Kenny and I are together Mon-|. . says it is more complicated in\day through Thursday. On Fri-|is the major reason more peo- your case, buy a cot and sleep|day he moves right in with his Ple are alive today, Dr. Stuart in another part of the house. (estranged wife and children-- Said. But this longevity has Dear Ann Landers: I am a\Suitcase and all. nhs ere saga member of America's most per-| Yesterday I told him to go ak : sag one te ea secuted minority, an ex-convict.|back to his family full-time or _~ eee. eure esnineind Now that I have served my|stop sleeping over there. He FOePAS "T can always get | GRRaAAAAAAAA A time, I can't get a job. First|answered: BURNS I was truthful and owned up to|another girl friend but I can! my record. The answer was:|never replace my wonderful| "We appreciate your honesty, children." | but we can't hire you. It's! Why doesn't this dumb jerk against company policy." realize that one day his "won- After several such expe-jderful children" will get mar- riences I wrote "no"' under the|ried and have lives of their own question: "Have you ever been/that don't include him? By that convicted of a felony?" Twice|time he will have passed up a} the truth came out and I was| chance to make a new life for} fired. jhimself. Should I make Kenny How can a person survive if|choose between me and his fam- he is unable to earn a living? |ily? -- Sweet Adeline I am 39 years old, in perfect} Dear Adeline: Wake up and| health and willing to do any smell the coffee, lady. He has kind of legitimate work. I amichosen. Them. I'll bet an old a bachelor and can work 14/Dewey button if you told Kenny hours a day, six days a week.|to flake off he'd go back to his| I will move anywhere. family on a full-time basis. If; I keep reading that at least\it's marriage you want, forget two-thirds of those with records|him. You are a sometime return to jail within 90 days, thing. Staple Materials Are Essential To Starting Business Venture By ROBERTA ROESCH broadcloth, gingham, pique, Many women write to me/'enim, organdy and similar whose major hobby is sewing|things that are good every year and they feel that owning a/2nd all year. In the beginning, fabric shop would be the right|! advertised my stock and my work for them. shop. "But how do you start?" they| ESTABLISH y ask me. "What background do| "4 swine diet life," Lu- you have to have? And where/cille continued, "is to realize do you get your fabrics?" right from the start that you "If they want some answers|have to count what you spend 4 from my experience, tell them/against what you take in and) H to start by jumping in and find-|gear your activities accordiiigly. | ing their way as they go, be-|You also need to establish the cause it's a guessing game in|policy of never accepting an the beginning," says Lucille) order for a fabric without a Heckman who, 1% years ago,| deposit. started a fabric store. In her! 'The personal touch is im-| little Sif outside thin Key-Tainet 79.88 Here is a wonderful way to relax ! A man-size chair that reclines for reading or resting . . . glides back to full reclining position. 100% CONTINUOUS -- FILAMENT NYLON WITH FOAM RUBBER CUSHION oF COMPLETELY INSTALLED -- LABOR INCLUDED Squore Yard SLEEPS 2 SEATS SEVERAL Riv po ween + RL EY ae EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED Add a bedroom to your home for less than fifty dollars! Space saver divan in handsome frieze fabrics, Built-in storage compartment base. Converts to a bed in a jiffy ! GLASS DOOR BOOKCASE Buy it for yourself ! Lay it away for later delivery ! This is a popular gift item ! Walnut finished mar resis- tant cabinet with 4-way ad- justable shelves, 2 sliding glass doors. Can be used for books, brick-a-bac, ete. 32" toll 33' wide, 12" deep, See our selection of Anniversary Priced Lamps, Tables, Desks, Record Cabinets. Budget Terms Quickly Arranged shop, lined with bolts of fabrics, portant, too--lots of service.' by BUXTON she sells all kinds of materials To give her customers the See our Gift Selection: @ Wallets @ Billfolds @ Purses for clothes, slipcovers, drape-|service that keeps them com-| ries, curtains and other homeling to her shop, Lucile has decorative items. |branches out from the. single "Most women who sew say |activity of selling fabrics to sell-| 'I'd like to open a fabric shopjing buttons, threads, and zip-| sometime.'"' Lucille told me,|pers, doing alterations, making} "and I was no exception. As for|cafe and other simple curtains, | my background, I was a book-jhelping people envision how keeper who liked to sew before|fabrics will look in their homes _ I had my family. Then, in the and providing a slipcover and !honks te an ingenious new design, years I stayed home with myjdrapery service by jobbing out|Burton's new leather key toiners Se Nig lg Pyeng rtd bred oo that she gets for are thinner than an empty billfold, f y tosse 1 ose items. The bul idea of opening a fabric shop) 'To repeat," she said, 'my bulky cal -- rates ~ after the boys entered school." |advice, from my experience, is h : Wi hd sige ipa reali When that time came, Lucille|to jump in and find your way. |* sb Se pioter ey tp oben started looking for a possible Sure, you'll make some mis-|°! the touch of a button, In many location to open a store. Then|takes. But, learn from your Citing colours and leathers. 4 one. day. when she: saw.2 tiny|mistakes and hang on," tsop from 2:25--~6 ioop trom 3.50 shop being completed in a new! 2 building she took the plunge,| rented the store and made plans DITD ty SULIVD JEWELLERS | 20 Simcoe North to go into business. | Open to 9 P.M, Fridays =| ESTABLISH CONTACTS | THINK BEG "To get fabrics with which} to start, I looked in classified | s s Of Economic Security VOTE Monday for phone books under 'Fabrics' and 'Textile Brokers,"' she said. @Lady Buxton 2-Pce. Living Room Luxury With Large 96" Chesterfield You will like this one ! This 2-pce. suite offers you the ultimate in luxurious comfort and high styling. Notice the quilted fabric. The poly/dacron cushions have zippered covers. "This gave me the names of wholesalers, importers and job- bers. Then I made personal|_ calls on some of these people to pick out my first stock. After you establish your first contacts, you don't have to worry about obtaining fabrics. Salesmen and supply: representatives come to you. "From my experience, I would advise starting with a staple stock of material rather than fancy fabrics,"' Lucille went on. "A few suggestions are GRABS LEAD | HONOLULU (AP) -- Al Gei-} berger birdied two of the last three holes and grabbed the first-round lead in the $60,300 Hawaiian Open Thursday with! a 68. Frank Beard of Louisville! and Rex Baxter of Amarillo, Tex., were a stroke behind with \ 69s, three under par for the 7,000-yard seaside course. NEW DEMOCRAT 3 bf hha | CHOICE OF 3 SIZES miece Ce oe pee | DINETTE SUITE 5 Pce, Suite. . 99.88 36" x 48" x 60" Table 4 chairs. T Pce. Suite . 139,88 - 36" x 60" x 72" Toble, 6 chairs 9 Pce. Suite . 169.88 36" x 60" x 72' x 84" Table, 8 chairs. REMOVED PERMANENTLY Superfluous Hair By Electrolysis and the newest BEYOND fastest lek oa COMPARE method. Revealin : ; A, * re --+ Practical hostess chairs can be used in any room -- upstairs, downstairs. Use them singly or in pairs. Neat button back styling, spring seat, walnut finished legs. Rockers .. . Recliners . . . Fine Period Stylings. SEE OUR SELECTION ANNIVERSARY PRICED CHAIRS BEDROOM SUITES AVAILABLE DISTINCTION Only By Appointment 723-1712 This is an excellent buy! Care - free formica self edge table top. Bronzetone finished legs with self levelling glides. Nicely padded chairs covered in a washable fabric in a choice of striking colour combinations. or 728-2911 MURDUFF he ose " cnet || ~G@ORGIAN mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTHs OSHAWA PHONE 723-4641 CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD, 80 KING STREET EAST (DOWNTOWN) OSHAWA DIAL 728-164!