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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Nov 1965, p. 18

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'A TIMES, A * e 4 driver, was killed Th on|transport west of ee Terms Cut [Minute Planning [75 Toten, itanet etaliats For Trio In |For A Princess «| 2a MGR THINK Saa Bomb-Plot HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- The,magnificent, After all, when you| Who is picking up the tab? Beverly Hills Hotel, which|are dealing with creature com-| 'The British government for prides itself on coddling its|forts, the smallest detail can be|the English visitors, the pe NEW YORK (AP)--Federal|guests, faces its greatest chal-|crucial." department for Americans." HY Full Employment Judge _ William __B.Herlands|lenge at 8;20-p.m.-PST-Sunday.|Three hair dryers had to be (Potted Slatkin. Thursday reduced prison terms] That's the scheduled arrival/purchased for the royal party, for three New York men con-|time of Princess Margaret andirord Snowdon's favorite cigar- VOTE M { victed last June of plotting to|Lord Snowdon, who will belettes were flown in from Paris, BIG BAND. A-G0-GO onday or blow up the Statue of Liberty|spending four days and three a hotel's red da will be $ ATURD AYS and other national shrines, nights in the Los Angeles area. rolled out. A large Union Jack : The three received maximum|They will stay at the Beverly|, ba h 7 COUPLES ONLY sentences of 10 years each June|Hills Hotel. roe Sacte-locknen Taal eo, « JERRY REIDT R NEW 17, but Herlands ordered that Preparations began six trance); the British consulate and his orchestre DEMOCRAT they be brought before him/months ago, when it waslsuggested it would be a nice JERI JAE JORDAN PLUS Thursday fr | - . no learned that the ae vee be|touch. after he had read reports of/coming to California to appear The party te taki thell vex their backgrounds. at the annual ball for WAIF-- ey See eee Michelle Duclos, 26, of Mont-|World Adoption Internationallentire fourth-floor wing of the] #i-GO-GO-Girls real, pleaded guilty before the|rund. Major hotels in town "et ear te shane + haat tive Peete pn trial of the three to smuggling]/made a pitch to house the visit- feet atent fom P oe Man itr DANI the dynamite here. ors. The Beverly Hills found aj 0} 2-4 rod Snowdon and to fu BILEF f AV) IDM DAN She received a_ conditional/friend at court,Sharman Doug- . their heads when given or- : : sae five-year sentence, but last Sep-llas, a former ambassador's| i". B tember Judge Herlands sus-| daughter who is helping to shep- . Henry High pended imposition of sentence|herd the princess and her hus- : and ordered her placed on five|hand through Hollywood society. School years probation. A condition of) Word came through six weeks probation was that she neverjago that the Beverly Hills had AV | | | | ; return to the United States. |/won out over its competitors. a The severest sentence was imposed Thursday on Robert ee oe ae meet- Steel Collier, described by po- © ve ne Genavten AND THE lice as the ringleader of the Ee aes saasited Malia plot, who was given a five-year| ci stxin, hotel vice - president. THIS WEEK Ld AS USUAL SHANDELLS em eet placed on pea "The amount of detail is truly Featuring for five years after service of "a FRANKLIN SHEPPARD Tonight Walter Augustus Bowe, 32, re- ceived a three-year sentence AND and was placed on a three-year probation when released. , The Ai-Go-Go" S 8:30 P.M. LUCIEN GOES OUT TO WATER THE RINK soranse, ve Community Chest Lucien Rivard Phinoceros ed 'dope-smuggler Lucien Clem Bishop, discribed as ' coming from Yellowknife EIDE & Party candidate in Mont- Rivard, used to escape from "ng i" § teal Papineau, prepares to Montreal's Bordeux jail last Womusine ino Nien, ee 4 rocki a water skating rink with March, Left to right are and Micheline Chartrand, i i ( | garden hose in Valleyfield, Denis Bosse Phinoceros secretary of Dr. Paul Fer- i Que., a burlesque of the Party candidate in Beau- ron, founder and president j i ruse his namesake, convict- harnois - Salaberry; Dr. of Phinoceros Party. (CP) " Q , o, | RED CROSS iy A t,.. 'to. IS ALWAYS THERE THE \ " If You Spurn Any Old Car) wmori ney a, | Pi A ein], a Friday N Try Sale In London Today | | _ ty wig Anti A riday Noy. A 8:00 By CAROL KENNEDY seater, one of only two ex-|polished brass and fragrant AFOUR LEAF (2) : LONDON (CP)--Thinking ' of/@mples of its type in the world, | leather. a er OS cas SIAN on Music by don sale today for about $30,000.|a!so gets an entry in Sunday'sirysty 19th- century '"'bone- ~OHN WAYNE FEATURE AT: 1:30 - a and the A-GO-GO's greed pre-1914 autos. Racing| wardian barrel-organ Naturally it's no ordinary London-to-Brighton veteran car/shaker" bicycles, a 1906 fire- , KIRK DOUGLAS areal af) le }~ t § i ti i ; ' . penser nen ennennnonneeea _ sale. The car in question is alc iver Jim Clark is taking part Sotheby's are. disnbpolated "1N HARM'S PLUS OTHER SPECIAL GUESTS buying a used car? You might|GETS ENTRY Less glamorous entries in the 5 : oH Avamons_pvavces vacaret : be able to pick one up at a Lon-| Whoever buys the Minervalsale include an assortment of oH , REGENT . ARD | run, an annual outing of pedi-|engine and a green wooden Ed- jalopy--and this is no ordinary engine green wooden PATRICIA NEAL spectacular Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost built in 1911 for an In-|"!s year. that the scheduled star of their A There is a fine distinction be- uu dian maharajah, canopied, scar-|) on "veteran" and "vintace'|2UCtion -- an elaborately- WAY 2 ge i 3 @ baroque state carriage. |c#% and woe to the unwaryloyned 'by 'Kaiser' Wilhelm I 1 1 ' c : innocent who confuses the two ' It will be a star attraction ofl within earshot of a buff, "Ver (curing his exile--was kept out DOORS OPEN 6:30 -.-almost a love story * the first grag cr g mage sed eran" is pre-1914, "vintage" ta by high import du- Saturday Matinee Siig ahs @ ALL PROCEEDS FOR THE eran cars to be held by Sothe- th riod 1914 to 1930 : : ' by's, the famed fine art auc- due that fae become hoor The Dutch owner would have DOORS OPEN 1:30 2:05 --- 4:30 . COMMUNITY CHEST toneers of Bond Street--a sale|yjntage thoroughbreds," at/ad to pay more than 60 per "TARZAN THE 7:00 --- 9:30 § PONSORED BY THE that has drawn wealthy collec-|jeast until the Second World|cemt of the car's value in as- ] omirrance ie ae ' tors from North America, Eu- i , sorted duties, All autos, no mat- " Quemag . ; Gabe bad oll over. Deltala: oobi pus ae ter what their age, are taxed MAGNIFICENT | 'omeos. ' ; VIPOND bal LIBERAL TEAM ™ Ny autos, doting from ir The vintage and veteran en- ior toteeee be gel imported "oR ACK IN ; |, me TO BE HELD AT to are expe to make/thusiasts were out by the score ' 5 about $180,000. Among them arejin Earl's Court Stadium for two} A spokesman for Sotheby's, : " W, {} L LIA be. LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS guch rarities as a rakish 1981|days before the sale when the|which plans another auto sale THE WORLD -- Hispano-Suiza V-12 convertible|cars were on public display.j/next June, said the firm hoped ALL COLOR SHOW W YL ERS. R'S. 22 ALBERT ST., OSHAWA --one of the great luxury cars|Burly, sheepskin-coated men|to persuade the British govern of pre-war Europe, associated/and suave undergraduates with|ment to change the duty classi- x CERYONE COME with movie stars, exiled kings|Oxford drawls peered critically|fications and allow vintage cars BILTMOR ES t I=] iti and the novels of 'Michael Arlenjat speedometers and burnished|to be imported as '"'works of O - --and a 1904 Minerva two-lengines, lovingly fingered thelart--which may be brought TELEPHONE 725-5833 ctor ee into Britain free of all tax. A customs and excise depart- TERENCE STAMP bd : ment official greeted this idea|] NER o Atfair Of Once-Dying Spy, cs TOD ANCE 4. "Came = -- -- -- Sace one. Motor cars are motor cars . --or if they' re that old, they're | Festival 1} '_g © Very Strange One': Cardin i..." " { Royal Canadian Legion Hall SOREL, Que. (CP) -- Justice|tawa in which he said the man we momma ee Minister "Cardin sald 'Thur5day|"poses no threat tothe sauces LISTEN HERE: ¢ ORCHESTRA for your Dancing Pleasure -- of the nation." eek oan Yancouyer,, Masta Worker ae rine Minkter" Fearon aid SATURDAY, NOV. 6 ! LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE Spy case. May 11-in the House of Com- Mr. Cardin said he "found the|mons that the government wa ; ry eRe aie eh whole thing pretty strange."|thinking of laying charges| iam . : : Jictor G soe a PAL) a The postal worker, Victor G.\acainst one of two Canadians : ° - WOMEN'S wr ss A ; % Spencer, 57, identified himself| involved in a matter that led to a Vancouver Province re- isla : o | , " to the expulsion of two Russian J ne VIRTUES KING ST. W., OSHAWA porter as the person whose case diplomats. : the justice Gopartment is iaves-i Z ' ei pet nt is inves yi a 2 _ MADE HIM Mr. Cardin said: "He has| SATURDAY a. a : ie confirmed that he is the man." NIGHT % : = A KILLER! In a telephone interview, Mr. 3 Cardin added that he under- stands the man told the news- D A he gE paper that, if he were able to do so, he "would tell everything e | GEORGE MEEK PRODUCTIONS AJex, Canada and that heads would swim." OLD TIME and | {Canada's Most progressive Promotions--in touch with the world's The justice minister said he MODERN | iAguseadi Presents will deal further with the case| Dance to | hi Ott fter | the election Monday 'There was | R U D tf t t nimeet "Tueedsy pi Ot. VE LTRI "KEEP and his GORD's_ | - ,7ORD'S || NEW TORNADOS | INFORMED... Most Versatile Group It's been called The Wonder DANCING | ful World 'ot Sport and" Bi 'ephenson's three-times-a-day Wed. Fri. Set. Sun. Fr | Sr el Ba | RED BARN | ==" sev "sot Mare ae Od fete . Dress Sport Shirts id FLOWS) a Sanne breaks will keep you informed Dance To ween | ON every facet of it. The popu- é svannece from the book "THE VIRGIN of by Fresh ry Gord's Ultra-Sound larity of Bill's spirited look at . AES oa dn cates he a Meee |ROSSANA PODESTA GEORGE RIVIERE | BADMINTON CLUB other major sports events, FRIDAY | p-to-go!! | ace the Wonderful World, And who BOBBY KRIS | soimomn, Fo pg cap aaa po a 'to om THE KINGS IV end the IMPERIALS Pree | | LITTLE CAESAR csi. 7 SCOTT BRADY Singing their new Song "You Really Got A Hold On Me' Z ANNE BANCROFT "COME ON IN AND HAVE SHAWN' JACKSON - ' asian ain SOME FUN" wn CERB ff This Sat. 8-12 P.m.| _/7 | : Aro dagcal JAY JACKSON ert ae | . @1010 § CLUB ESCAPE =) § aa ws eam,_|@ Eniertainment Nighily at 9 PM. @ 8) | ONTARIO'S a oe Whitby Arena MATINEE SATURDAY 4 p.m. to6 p.m. te Dancing tvery Seturde kets Available at the Door ALLAN McMILLAN -- Manager tn ements eee pen ( J

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