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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Nov 1965, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Movember 5, 19658 "Want Extra Cash for Christmas..Use Times Action Want Ads Now" Cali The Direct Classified Number 722-2492 8 a.m. te 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12, 8--Articles for Sale 13--Articles for Rent 17--Female Help Wanted SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOTT B U S IN 5 S E RV fe E D | R E St, RY OFF Yoncerown, iar yr OF "ALL. KINDS Temporary $3,000 POUKDS OnE N Repoir and Excha' illati inders, di " "OSHAWA" | Srlerisaetvar ses | Key Punch : ; f : ers, Accountants Barristers Instruction Plumbing and Heating CG. a Ara vise PLUMBER'S TOOLS Operators ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, ALL TYPES of repairs and remodeling, | ee rah, , we Sid Raseiel Bice tow Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise Shop- i : 9 am.S: ; : ? ; : ping Centre, 725-9983. TW Reena emia Oil in just a paneer ~ or Fates, 'Estimates free. T-t91, 2. Fey : : sonable. "Aoply after "6 pam. 284. Trent em F pipe threading dies, BOB" CLANCY'S Accounting se ice, | 723-1661. ve a ighly-pai j = | 1, Osha' i CLANCY'S Accounting service. a ; Rug ere Service | |une Roose aie ews wn | PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT DUNLOP South, chance to create something RE-UPHOLSTERY py experts, © vert 5 able, four chairs. Best off tepladders, aluminum "ex- -|the Commercial Building, 286 King . i lete range of id dition. Telephone 985-7283 Port Perry. . ' Fo tal uy cnr Send sires! Oshawa; Ontario. Client parking. a beautiful every doy of your | Work iP ene oye yea : BOY'S clothing, size 14. Misses' or girls' gid" snthig ealorer: CANADA LTD. SCHOOLS will train you to be | rebullt. Furniture refinished. Oshawa i size 42-44, 728-2664 sors, spray guns, wallpoper In Whitby Account| psa: : cits F HOSMAR, Chartered Accoun Building Trades a hair-stylist, _cosmetician, bolstering Company, 287 Dean Avenue, HEAVY DUTY eng Richa vec, tae steomers, tarpaulins, blow Ontario. Telephone 331. salon manager. Your talent is CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered pme gyord | # rADLE AND B C0. Gar SPECIAL developed under personal _[siyied. Free estimate, 'See our material Vy Pea aoe Sonniition * Sea repaiied ' WELDING EQUIPMENT with @ minimum of one years \» anc . " * le be D i tants, Fini nge 0% Discount guidance, No advanced edu for recovering. jon. Upholstering, 75 Y y ar asia bie Ths; Bond strest West, cetylene welding outfits, experience on machines 024, OS OHg eg ae aaa CHESTERFIELDS ahd old chairs, re : pi secnitae acer eeririeeita , Bead ee aiid <0 On All Orders PAUL POGUE BEAUTY |fvered like new, Gel the best for, less : GURNEY gas stove for sale, 38", In good BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT YAL R ' Chartered Accountants. Licensed Trus-/ Remodelling, carpentry, til- Yonge St., Toronto, telephone |South. Call 726-6451, Free estimates, MATRA j (io MUSKRAT lady's jacket; biack Seal} trowels, wheel barrows, elec- in Loin og Simcoe Street ing, painting, plumbing, elec- 487-2107: or 249 Queens ' -- 7 if coat, sizes 16 to. 163 both like new; mod- tric virator, air compressor, Hie, ee Ey apt 50 ered Accountants, 264 King St. €.,| troughing, plastering, cement 439-0101. CANVAS awnings, curtains, eanoples. ie ee and chair; color brawn,| Water pumps, portable heat- 36539; William. C. Hali,| work of all kinds, Aluminum Complete service. Free estimates. Mel. : Perican My KAYE tusiater \Sjitable for coltase or. recroom, 480,| ers, steel scaffolding, electric sare leaaiiians cn Perkin SN| doors and windows, sidinc GLISSANDO BECAUSE THE DOORS OF-TULIR HOUSES LIVING BIRDS 15. ae J irenem 20 skilled men ready to J ' RU FREE! Frunaces cleaned, adjusted free.| ers, electric hammers, mas- Organ Guild pe le Service 4 ARE 100 SMALL. "To ALLOW PASSAGE» THAT OFTHE CONDOR = Gs anteed trouble free all winter If you onry saw, bullding jacks, SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. | Prompt serv- R. DAY, Certified Generalin, , Barrist ind if 'Gale | a . j ' SORDON Mite SOW. Oshawe Be OC pean ope ero | + A RIGHLY-PAID FUTURE oe en eros InUt nian peas condition, Res) (Tipe. Pipe. wrenches, pipe Complete bookkeeping service, 299 Simcoe| JAMES MACDONALD, BA, Lis, © with independence, and the DINING ROOM set, six pieces, aputiel 725-0397. 723-7605. ant, Licensed Tey, |) Pere able, 723-4716 or 725-4717. | fife. PAUL POGUE BEAUTY |Free estimates. Credit terms. Ma' clothing, size 14, Men's coat and suit, au ant, 47 Prince Sree ae 4, Oshawa, 725-0311, e rl baskets and heavy wiring included. Ex-} torches, propane torches. Requires key punch operators trea " a aH $ -- Bougnr t, wa, in- HK ing, 187, King ica Racine, co A. cation required, Call or write: SEIS. Siem ize ree = 728-9731, 200 amp. electric welders, 026 and 056 alpha numeric. SCHOOLS LIMITED, 2337 |at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street N * j condition. Telephone 725-6630. Re Cement mixers, _ finishing The hours "aie ae dellanes WALL, PERKIN, mai CA "TAN-AND Co,| 'tical work, roofing, eaves- Avenue, London, telephone |Sales and Service : pale gol ; Wy jern styling. Reasonably priced. Tele! jack hammers, hand trowels, page Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime, 4% DONTHEM owt oF DOORS KHOWN FEATHER OF felephone 728-1318. generator, ramset, power rol- For opproximately one month. My 1 serve you, Barristers Y SBTIC TANKS TO Rhee Pree feline tae, FL aed phn eel purchase from Western Oil Co. 725-1212. mortar mixers, mortar boxes ; Please Contact wae | NELLIS' HOME : : ' HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL- 24 hour practice service. \ice or calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut SAXAPHONE E fiat, alto; "guitar: z : Man, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King | IMPROVEMENTS Free trial period. Try before Habba sll Ade. aaa | muskrat fur jacket, 14-16; electric View a bse bie M dete Aer Sireet East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, | Osh 728-2061 b ------- ; Master. All articles good condition, Tele-| trie plane, tarpaulins, 14 MRS. BETTY KEIP QC; 'G, §. Boychyn QC; W. A. Hillman) P fash mg 745-2184 you buy. | Surveyors |7-----Swap and Barter 8--Articles For Sale hone 728-1839 band saw, 4" joiner, sond oth Panis" Ba vittica:| Peterborough --- 745-2184 725-6617 DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Onterio| THREE-PIECE bath sets, $55.) shower,| [TRUMPET for asie Super Deluxe, Hutt. blaster, power tamper, power 4 wf IG make. sale. ele. og RE org NOVEMBER SPECIAL Land. Surveyor. Commercial blue prints,| medicine, and kitchen cabinets, stainless 303 RIFLE [Garaeeey anaes fre te vice ae post hole auger. 668-3361 668-276 other first | reorine funds available. s, 1) Ontario Street, 725-5632. ji pole enna Sa Save up to 15% during No- pressure systems (repairs); piping, fit ¥ ik CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, iH, and vember on Rec. Rooms Sup. Oshawa |H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land tings, boilers, rads; small boat kits; new Vs igg Te sone os. king Street s + A N S VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notari ; . phe Driving School Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East, Phone|laundry tubs, $15. H. Chinn, Hillside and) Known tor its accuracy and | gith Bench. $200. dpe WHITBY Bank ef Commerce Building. § me boords,, Tiled and all general 'a Ing 2cnoo 725-6881. |Parl Rd. South, 723-7088 fallosiiy, this rugged Gun [eereanee an jean.) SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD, Street North, Oshawa, eke ome Remodelling. eors. teachin di sc ' a ikaiinigtialomieatati, 'cenipeataaiols , g | FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator (small, clean, 4 * P 9 yeor ing driving _ Apply 870 Wilson Road 223 King St, West, Oshawe reighton, QC; or residences: G All W a A * will deliver years of sotis- |$50 or best offer. Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G Maroc: ork Guaranteed automatic and standard cars. |TV----Radio Repairs 'Articles For Sale feetory hidoting: Saath, PHONE 723-3224 ates QC, 723-4768; J. €, Victor, 985-7115. Just phone for my _ prices. Professional instructors. | l ANTIQUE VICTORIAN rocker, needs re Mortgages arrany sss age McKoy 7 725- 8576 728-0091 $24.95 Hinishing and fecivering, Tetehiens Tee y 4 REER AND KELLY, isters, Solici- fe want toric TV TOWERS REGENT | 034. Tobles, Chairs, Linens, Dish- tors, etc, 114 King 'street Eas!. Dial ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME lewie weitir DRAWERS andernaeTh, fant es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee 724-2278. Residence Phones: J. M, Greer, FALL SPECIAL a - SKATES H é iy, BA, BCL, |fress included, $21, Baby-Tenda, $5. Jrns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Sogn Thomas Jermyne BA, LLB, FLOOR FINISHING. No wox- Jontor Servien oe wae Gide STAMP & Col N |Seod eonattion Apply 350. Baldwin Street, Wear, Men's Formals, White Are you reading this column 725-2662. 'cit ing, plastic finishes. Guaran- nomical on: MO UREW IVES! Fact, Ss. SHOP Big savings on Skating Out- | RGM KITCHEN ogg enor Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. because your husbands pay JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Ne, ee ontter. teed. .15¢ sa, ft., 300 feet [modern machine. Free estimates. Work Priced to suit your budget. fits for the whole family dur- IS0 set, three-piece; china cabinet; rock- ' won't quite stretch? Meney 0 loan. one V4 King ir oe guaranteed, 728-7736. TERMS ARRANGED our Big Fall Sale Oe eit ar bel ahd aprines) drimer]| SARGEANT © RENTALS NeeIbEON and BA 5 7, _aeBONALD ANE: SON, Money To | oC 23 ATHOL ST. W. from $7.25 pr [wicker sewing basket. 162 Simcoe South.) 463 Ritson Rd, S, 725-3338 LET US HELP YOU... carporo collec: - i 2 ' a iy Frost Builging, 30 8 Simcoe neiveet South evenings 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000'al a rea- OSHAWA TV OSHAWA | BUILDING, 12" x 18, to be moved, com-|/ ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred : jayauy Cheries C.. MeGibbon, @C;| --------_---- jiacanlieminnctae! Genuine' Vala et imabaak: Se denanie ate lplete with oil burner, cook stove. 193/people! Oshawa Tennis Club for banquets,| We are looking for 6 ladies tear} Fr. 8B sted, QC; Grant H. Arm-| your bills or for. any other worthwhile SUPPLY LIMITED e@ SNOW TIRES |Park Road North : i Ng ba ah og enniversariets Facili- with cars -- to demonstrote strong. | THE Purpose providing you are steadily em TAUNTON RD. E. | BEDROOM suite, walnut rotary clothes) /o% hE en, parking, Reasonable ofc / | RH. CABINET CO [ployed and have good credit. Telephone Just Eost OF Ritson CLEARANCE OF OVER 1000 Alk nylon construction, full [feel fpertable): youth's sport cont, S120) ae sanbet Tabien ehorch one 'anada's leading vac- Pate fs ' : | n 9 on, ' ft Call before 6 p.m., 723-2937. card and banquet tables, church Classified Rates 1614 CHARLESST., WHITBY sere oe COINS BELOW 1936--AT depth traction tread, A brand |gixfomn, orey. Cal Top. condition. Price |alsie runpers, Cleve Fox Rentals, 4i2} UUM cleaners, Evening work 668 6911 Mortgages 728 8] 80 REDUCED PRICES. new winter tire priced almost -- |$35: Telephone 778-5404 | ___ |Simeoe Street North. Call 723-2414. only, mo experience necessary " is MeLARY rangette, $15; china cabinel,| WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, pa o8 {OW as 0. retrecd $207 be $60.; baby bottle steril-/ reducing machines, sick room. supplies as we train you. Guaranteed Cash--1 Insertion of 24 words, $1.08) | Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, MORTGAGE eae meme bad from $ 17.56 UP | |izer, $4. All very good condition, Tele-|Ald Rentals, 108 Beatrice, 725-1644, salary $100, weekly. phone 725-9946. additional words, 4'4c. each) con- Cut buil binets : yt 24 = utom built cabinet e = secutive Insertions of 24 words TELEVISION - RADIO EXCELLENT SELECTION OF |e Tee. ammo pea | asineen Oppertoalt additional words 2c. each, - |ROOFING, concrete floors, tial roofing, INVEST ORS ° | en . Fao os CANADIAN AND FOREIGN |Walnut dressi - i : = perth ; geostiong (by = 8, tiptoe' ahd coun Gk Ls ee a yee 4 24 HOUR SERVICE STAMPS, ALBUMS AND DOMI N lO N ps page mology i Spee or i E Write to Box 7670 ACCESSORIES 0708, ¢ HO C OSHAWA TIMES J t additional charge pila Bhcatealtcel dB Rd soto pr oi gies nth Charge -- 10 per cent additi EXPERT PAVING, 2 c able in first and second mort- HOLMES | < ered a cents squari CABIN TRAILER for two, ideal for hunt: Wet veld witin 8 dys ° TIRE STORE sete wit'trace for 'msiorsie,"seootr| VARIETY STORE includes grading and fill, two i gage funds, or small car. Telephone 263-2773 Method of Counting -- Leas than Foal pot hadi Paving, 723-58 ___| Diversification --- manage- are ts fo cs infialy --, > coreriaien counts ark. New or remedeline, specie! -ot ment -- High yield -- Cap- FLECTRONICS WANTED--Stamp collections 145 King St. W. [RANGE 7 wetness A ell ed in middle hed heavy yo en as one word; phone, number counts [prices Call Tony 725-4953. |. ital appreciation. and accumulations prior to Telephone 725 6511 phone 725-1895 tial area. Only 1 year old, do- ' two words. | YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim for prompt service 1940. HIGHEST PRICES Sipe See | wo 713 ~whitewell anow Tires eimest| ind good turnover but could be | CENTRAL PAID. new also pair ladies" "igure skates, 7¥| doubled with proper promo- ATHE-- neys built and repaired; gas finings BIRTHS--DEATHS. linstalied; roofs repaired. Free estimates. JANSSEN'S POWER |medium. Excellent condition. Phone! tion, owner has other inter- In our organization we have Coll SOCIAL NOTICES | 723-0997 } ae 5679 728-0729 4 | t ONTARIO Whitby 668-56 e EQUIPMENT CENTRE ne | ests and new lease terms in ur gepcilailien, sey Sis $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents addl- | ROOFING, ALL 3 - qi thin 8 | " L SIDINGS, chimneys yi is |TWO ELECTRIC stoves, fully automatic, available. Information by ap- tional charges if not paid within Toro, Moto-Mower Massey | Jo" Frigidaire, 30° Westinghouse, both In y ap or batter thon Sls. built, repaired. Block, cement work. | days. e f | V Tractors. r tment only. Call Mr. Workmanship guaranteed. E. R. French, TRUST and SAVINGS HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED MA L ORDERS 0 ER perouson jelpies ae ey Sreckne acest? abiondtabeh ag pes "Bolohosd fe men. If you would be interest- | 723-699 S " ip- ; ' ee e caRPanTRY 'oom CORPORATION TV TOWERS $2.00 ACCEPTED. ane Ligand aces on |REFRIGERATOR Leonard 12 ame | ed in selling,' have your own remodelling, rec. 'ch theraatiers plus. 2c. per ea | U Telephone Pas ie of ae OSHAWA 723-5221 ARE THE BEST! 1 duty. across top freezer, automatic defrost.) cor phone 723-1163 for an 28e. additional charge Hf not |4535, evenings, BOWMANVILLE 623-2527 ° 843 King West 728-9429 _|Sfove, Westinghouse, 30 Inch. Telephone B 0 L A H @) @) D CEpOIntin ant er Sia hand paid 'within @ deys. E' IG and repairs, stucco, alan -- WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! : iisiad | 728-23 | fee us at sidewalks, re-modeliing, rec-rooms. Free 1 5 TYP. TERS, hi 4|FOR SALE -- 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air,| CARDS OF THANKS estimates. A. C. Woods, 728-3420 rs) We are Agents for TYPEWRITE RS, adding | machines ee eS ee ei rs $2.00 for the first Fd words and | [728a717. é pelican ee ° lguarantee, Outstanding good buys, Jen-|between §.30 and 8 p.m. _ we CHAMBE with 25¢. eaditions |COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS . . . . RINKERS DRY kins Business Machine Sales and Ser-|pHILLIP'S stereo set, too each thereafter, charge if not pald within 8 days done to your satisfaction. Call Oshawa jvice, 728-7783, Open evenings. kets, Ym" set sockets), extra sockets io é TELEVISION CLEANERS {ior and ws 962 Chevrolets ate-cyiinder, LIMITED FOOD CLUB at Home. Improvement 5-948, h 1" tele-| V2" COMING BVENTS Resirential |WRINGER. washer with pump. 2 ele-| he ene D Phice 38 GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer orner Bond and Division | ..- | vision, both In good condition. Telephone $2.00 per inch (display); $1.80 for the 9 ¢C |728-1742 786 728-5123 first @ words and sc. each thereafter |Titivi and ranges. Free estimates. Call Second Mortgages 728-5143 WHOLESALE |SCRAP HARDWOOD -- onefoot iengits|Q_ \Agrket Basket ansapesieromaesanetiaentettetintbintininpityses \J--Marke aske' (Word Ads). ae i ecilidiacc oles last oecii i ae ger bad se eae OO $7.15 single cord. Phone 723-2281 before 933 Ritson Rd. §. AUCTION SALES jand remodelling; chimneys, new and re | : |9.30 a.m. of evenings. Kens, taken for ------ $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION paired; sidewalk and concrete. repairs. | hidden charges, Get the cash | TV SERVICE MILL END | TYPEWRITER, ) standard, $35) portable ae Se i, $118. Free OSHAWA Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. you heed today. or free bro- | DAY OR EVENING |$30; adding machine, $25; electric type-|delivery on 10 or more, 728-5291. B h Sh " utcher op DEADLINES RENOVATIONS. ; Repairs, Recreation) chure write or telephone jwriter, $40; electric cash register, item-|No, | WINTER POTATO) 75-lb, Me- WORD ADS } Ity. Experienced, reli-} e ' 728-5286 STORE izere $100, 723. 4434 Intosh apples, $2.75 bushel. Free home 3 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS gibt walusiedbh td be | C.A.C. Realty Limited OSHAWA | |WE BUY, sell and exchange used turni- delivery. Call evenings 655-4983 is rent in busy "ore oo Sie catib ts as j fe ture or anything you have. The City spree V5 plaza, no opposition. to} sh . | APPLES FOR SALE Mac's, Court Ppo: Lost AND FOUN |Dentistry Oshawa Shopping Centre, mae Dres Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street tangs snows, Spys, a2 per" bust barvide COURIER Walle IN Sobine OPPORTUNITY 9 AM. DAY OF aL ICATION CAREFOOT, OR. JOHN M.,_ Dental Stevenson's Rd. S. ELECTRONICS _ ersey Wess Pl c/a ------ BNE UP Ne Orchards, iva. miles! and freezer, Good equipment | Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, Oshawa dS |BEST QUALITY aluminum windows, north of Whitby on No, 12_ Highway | : f We have an opening for on PIRTHS AND, DEATHS |For" appointment, 728-5171 728-1691 - eee and sweater |doors, awnings, railings etc. Low, loW/spanisH ONIONS, S0lb. bag, $2,80:| Wate te full dete i jdegl embitious young lady to inter- ' BIALEK, DR. ©. P. Dental Surgeon, Aiyenenans FAST T.V. SERVICE Fabrics. | Pricen Callao W. Eyman, half-mile east past Roy Steer (eee oe oe view local residents by ap- iF ISPLAY 112 Simcoe Street North, Osh: Foy SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and used|Nichols Garage, Courtice, go north to| 'pointment to see to . Te ian. ay previous; 9 col appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441, 4 MORTGAGE Service Call only $2.50 | skates. Sold, exchanged, Expert sharpen-|first corner : pointment, Must have at- umns or larger--!0 a.m. day previous 3 ---- DOMI N ION ling. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East. 725-6344.|appLEes -- Spys, $2.25 bushel. Bring BOX 6020 tractive personality, car and D k ressmaking | THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No containers, Frank Krolewski, Solina Road Ost Ti Whitb: be prepared to work CANCELLATIONS AND shawa Times, itby i CORRECTIONS {CABINS =<. Have Your Chilicen't aati Money for first mortgages TELEVISION down payment, $15. monthly at Honest peer Pes sbde bbe Pilelii OP god | some evenings. $120 weekly = } alle 4 ide) 4 to 6 call 725-5085, |: Tage ETRE TURAL = : 9 AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION dressed for Christmas. Teen-age dolis a Open Mortgages 1728-51549 to9 KNITTING LTD. Cale ecw, Meet ee ce aoisecdenB sl Abs ---- RESTAURANT well established on busy| to stort after completing pre- Any advertisement. cancelled before |SPeclalty! 725-8502. Interest at 7% | od a.m. to7 p.m. 82 H S : SKATE-X-CHANGE -- Discount! New, APPLES -- Mac's, Spies, $1.25 per bushel| highway, Oshawa area, living quarters,| -- [iminy t Apply 4 lication will be charged one day's EXPERIEN Fer ever srery vere a B < i All work guaranteed 2 unt t Ajax used. United Rent-All.° (Householder's|and up. Bring own containers, Algoma | gift counter. $15,000 down. For particulars ary troimng. pply in ireertion. oe el aeaiom, i oie eee aa ee eal ae Renee A -- Seb Fos Db Le aR PHONE 942-0100 rental store, 282 Wilson Road South (at Orchards, Thickson Road North, Whitty. |write Box 917 Oshawa. Times person to: ye . Mrs. All in io Charges for Valuations '3 Ke) De' Heide, Roselawn Ave., 725-5948 Z _|APPLES FOR SALE -- Mac's, Court: | ----$ $$ _$__$____ ad BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- 50¢, | Mortgages and Agreements FALL SEASON SOON ' |$KI-DOO Snowmobile -- Sales and Serv-| lands, Snows, Spys, $2 per bushel and up.|] 6 _| ORESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, | surehaced TV CHECK-UP NOW First: Street South of Plaza ice. United Rent-Alls, 352 Wilson Road|MayBelle Orchards, 1! miles north of 15--Employment Wanted Delta Industries Wile every" enaeAVOr~ Wil" be" rade 1ons,--silp..cowars,.dranes..Ritting..2 C-- *7--quatitiedservicernent Open? to 5 South. (at Olive),..728-5565. ba ey. on No. 12 Highway. | ad te forward replies to box numbers to |SPecialty, Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. | Money for Second Mortgages 7 $ 5 Mand to Frid ay crenata B : os = fr the advertisers as soon as possible, |PERSONAL STYLING -- for fashion.| Fast Service. ( ) Se apii 9 is rm aires oR, TELLING. furniture of ap-| 16--Farme | MOTHERLY LADY rogacasting Centre nh nces. a mer, ampton : had ead mg PMD OF ines [Fitting "spec ie ee saa M F SWARTZ qT R | * . z or 263-2095 DEAD and < crippled ¢ farm stock p picked Will care for 3 or 4 child- 360 King Street West through either failure or delay in for- | ment. | aint | STUDENT TYPEWRITER ew, used, up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. ren in her own home, Ki warding such replies, however caused }- tte HROORSDR fe sebteare a teeate 26% King St. East, TELEVISION HONDA. SHOP cash registers, adding machines, $35. up.| Tatephone Collect Hampton, 263-2721. and Park Rd, area lieben AT 1 P M whether by' negligence or otherwise. |Gardening and Supplies Oshawa, Ontario, 728-5143 "Oshawa's largest motorcycle | Year guarantee. Oshawa Business Ma-|Licence 389-C-65. end: woke provided imes will not responsible for fs - ----~ rd " ines, -3664, 725-9748, . (eolien encalied tor: th 30 days. 723-4697 [city Tv TOWER, antennas, also repairs. | dealer'. Buy - sell - trade, Re- |chines, 728-3664, _725:9748._ ___|30 GRADE cattie, Holstein, some Charole, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8th : - -- | All k teed. 511 D A pair-all makes. Free esti- |RE-CONDITIONED refrigerators, _guar- geese, ducks, police Pups. 668-2067, 7 - 9%.) DUTCH ae Cae ee csnlde Missoula 5 : anteed, Appl 505 Anerson -- Street, aa ---- | Call 723-¢ 6273 ' SUMMERLAND {Telephone 725-0500. | mates. Access: -- helmets, | Whitby 668-6661 : 11 Pets and Livestock eee -- Established General Insurance : | RELIABLE : MOTHER will mind baby or x ' gency requires REGULATIONS us i 1 See | \ Th h TN Ml not BUL TIME "Vy RON"S TV TOWERS, aerials, rotors.) windshields, carriers, jackets, i ne at ' aeuee gt natin alll dB | | 3 -SURITIES Fast service, all work guaranteed. 188] tires, etc. Winter. ieee beh vn Be Ore toon Be edaaiay COZY-J_ RANCH KENNELS, German|pre-schooler in my home, Farewell and) _ submitted otherwise than in writing not | TOP SIZE 112 Sim St. North Farewell Avenue. Phone 723-7521 | : : . fan BORA CSS. IT ORY, Yi Shepherds, trained grown stock; pups.|Olive area, 723-9457. iting coe St. rt Se Oe New Hondas only $295, No ([Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. (Boarding; Palominos, Pintos, foals, pon: BABYSITTING per hour, day or week FEM ALE OFFICE : ' . for more than one insertion of any: | sure advertisement nor beyond the price | TULIPS Oshowa, Ontario 725-3568 |Well Drilling--Digging down payment. TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ff. ies. Ashburn, 655-4662 evenings. Reasonable rates. Mother's care. Inter- charge for a singie insertion in which | HYACINTHS $$$ | 199 King W. 728-4242 | structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower /ReTGia~n shepherd ps and grown|View Mrs, Luck 668-3866. error occurs. | DAFFODILS Mortgage Money {WEL DIGGING by machine Specializing --------~ eae a ee ee ea cd mnatantees sou pure white, tan end black, $20-$307 | MOTHER with one pre-schooler will MANAGER 'i in inc ile, é ard, 4 estnut) i " a a » $I H 67. The Oshawa Times reserves the right | NARCISSUS Available Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809, WHITBY'S ONLY LOCAL one year, $50. See all towers at TRIO Part-Spaniels, $10. Selling out. 668-2067. _ |mind one or two children, fiveday week, : ; ; to classify advertising according to iad TEXACO DEALER |Television, ,corher Bond and Division, BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for|fenced in yard. King and Wilson area.) Experience in Bookkeeping, Its proper classification CROCUS 1 ous dnte rest '1--Women's Column |728-5143-4 training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, T.| 728-7872. Shorthand, Typing. ' In the cases of displ ' | SNOWDROPS - ----_--| @ FUEL and STOVE OIL [FURNITURE = three rooms, new qua |Bfoed, 114 Elgin East, CAPABLE .woman would like live-in [ob Jp the casey of display advertisements} : PERMANENTS on . special. . Page Hair-| © WOOD e COAL lity. furniture, only $299., inc. complete| RABBITS FOR SALE -- Breeding does,|In private home, doing general hoyse-| Fy cellent working conditions. ' Times will not be held respon. | [RIS Member Ontaric dressing, 396 Pine- Avenue, corner off @® BUILDING SUPPLIES bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembles. bucks and young. Standard size wire|work, Good references. Fond of children. Fri benetite.: Avwaet ible for more space than that which | GRAPE HYACINTHS | Mortgage Brokers _Association Westmount, Telephone 725-5363. | : te Pay only $3. wkly, Urbeatab'e vatue!|cages and feeders. Apply mornings only|Write Box 925, Ti ringe etits. ractive funarh idaver ta terse aa eae =f el CALL 668-3524 |Barons' Home Furnisnings, 424 Simcoe|J, H. Gibson, Nestleton. |WOULD like to do baby sitiing In -my| solary. vertising matter correctly, but assume | ° | SAWDONS' | South, ____ |§T. BERNARD pups -- registered. Ex-jown home five-day week. Elgin Street Write no liability of advertisement if any | BIRD FEEDERS } | (Whitby) Limited |OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, |cellent pets and watch dogs. Stud serv- West, Oshawa, Telephone 728-4388 inaccuracies in any form are contained | figure work, custom picture framing.|ice and boarding. Telephone Brooklin| MjDDLE - AGED LADY requires en therein, bs died BIRD MIX ee ed Removal of superfluous hair 244 Brock St. South _ Clark Studio, evenings Teo 655-4760. _____| keeping: werk, tive in, Telephone. 723 sey Pac ib oi LOWER SEED ONUS Marie Murduff will be in |RERRIGERATORS, $20.95; beds, _-- |FOR SALE -- Walker and Blue Tick| DAY CARE for preschool child, baby awa limes IT'S EASY TO PLACE A $12; e Ask fo ill" He Oshawa Nov, 8th, 9th, and FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, new quality|crossed hunting hounds, _guaranteed.|weicome. Telephone 723-5904, K for "Bil ener [new smooth top mattresses, $24.95; cribs,| i rriture, only $299., inc. complete bed-|Pups, Trigg hounds. Field dog. 68 Wayne| web TIMES ACTION WANT AD i id ceo EO 5 10.9: 7 Call Classified Direct STRAW 728-5157 gy aad agg ciel [20957 new rib matrreses 995; loves, room, living room Kitchen "ensembles, |Sireei, Apariment 9 [YOUNG MOTHER 'will keep chiidren in) WAITRESSES REQUIRED on these dates tor appoint -- |ss4\95; dressers, chrome sets, radios and | c2¥ only $3. wkly. Unbeatable value!|pegisreRED siandard. bred iBone a A i f v " ' pacer, ht if nt, Lake Vist B " 723 3492 Active Realty Ltd. ment. Jauns, new and used. Valley. Creek, 16 Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S.| a ven.year-old, black gelding, "brain to aren. Telephone 259841. ee Full and port-time | Cooper- Smith Co. | First AND secon 'mortgage. Sale ELECTROLYSIS |Bond Street West HONEST CAL'S Fumiture and _ADBIL lérive, or ride, English. Telephone Whitby 17 ge » He in Wanted." 7 04pm. -- 4 t0 11 p.m. 16 agreements purchased and sold. Hennick |ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash.| Ces Siovasetiatse ceccunroniesgle naan Te te 11 to 7 a.m. INDEX TO : 723 139 Pa 2312 lity Hennice, Barristers, 31 King Street 723-4641 ers, duplicators, chequewriters, files, qWality, 424 King Street West, Oshawa.|geauTieUL German Shepherd puppies,|--------____- ct Rd desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service 728-9191, ..\good breeding, for sale. Nice Christmas s / CLASSIFICAT! N wu cinnamon PRIVATE AND CORPORA ine DELIVERED anywhere, Canada, jand trade, with budget terms, New and|NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. | presents, Dunbarton 839-4546, Apply MR. CAMPBELL SERY ana field sod. Promp! de TE monies for|Florida, California. Bonded drivers. To-| seq. Low, low prices, BIll Hamilton,|pairs to all makes. New hoses, phone U R G Th h IH | ery and free estimates. Telephone,?!! Mortgages. Mortgages and agree-|ronto Drive-Away Service, 5385 Yonge Raglan : "| K Lees, 228-6956. |POODLES, small miniature, nine weeks enos a ote nn a _| old, black and brown, Will hold till Christ Pray ecto Column |7a-9710, evenings 728-0875. pests ol, sale purchased. 'Creighton, Street, 225-7754 lig aaa ¢ cH aeLianiebanvantTER son vt hs na Wictes. (gen 2 om Terris Colunn TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or Til coll y an, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar-|Tapy WOULD ike ride to downtown| OVIE-MITE projector with\TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower|mas. Telephone 725-4142 wanted te r ut! risters : ; jsound. Ideal for church, school,' clubs,|structure all-channel antennae installed, | ' | | mind two children, one-pre-school, five $--Trallers them down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or ies Toronto, arriving at 9-930 a.m. Kindly| GERMAN SHORTHAIRED pointer, 22 é--Marine Equipment 728-0610. : ' ---- call Tae Dror cee cerca Reiners S00. Oshawa. TV Supply "Limited, years old. Excellent hunter and retriever; ae nim ee Sbwhe, aul Werte | MANURE well Tolled aa per-yorar top Musical Services TO ALL MY NEIGHBORS LT por Abece an royhuss > ALAR CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS -- at Wil-|1wo pups, 10 weeks old. Phone 942-2665 VouNG "indy Gi Waal apbwarantg 4 y e i it ve a 4 s Markel Basel" |sal, $425 per yard. Delivery charge 'on VERSATILE Tour-piece combo avaliabie|!0r any, inconvenience have "caused. lermee, "sn thor caus We wear lon anna fen Mmamuece, sles, met-|TOY COLLIES, Spitz and Terrier pup-| Six women for pleasent tele- |TOOMG adv, of teal ehbeatencs, fot \eParmae er Colon two-yard orders of top soll. 725-0697 for weddings." dances, banquets, etc.|From now on | will be able to turn Intolsmail chesterfield, suitable for recroom Wilson's. Furniture, 20° Church Stree t,|pies aise Labradors and Border Collies! phone circulation survey _--_|afraid or work, for a few hours per day. 1i--Pets and Livestock DANGEROUS TREES trimmed or re "epnone 7269719. Wheels have heen aligned kay Ceneri| Telephone. 728-9725. after' 4.30 Oshawa 425-4100 delivered, Port Perry | $1.00 per hour plus targe |S#ary and commission. 668-6601, o ; ' 5 | - $1) A Badal ste ARR Wa---Articies Wanted Service, MEA Ory: Allied Tree\ Optometrist Tire Service, 524 Ritson Road South, 728-|HARDWOOD, beech and mapie, cif wny|VACUUM repairs, _all_makes, hoses, |GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, male and fe) cash bonuses, Morning after. {REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED. bE eed for Rent pice df as 5 length; single cord, $10, double $18 de- brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.| phone} ae . i] Highest commission paid. Harold C, Ped- usiness Opportunities TOP SOIL, with or without manure; also|- F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe 3--Sportsman' 's Column livered. Newtonville 786 2283 collect Fleming Vacuum Service, Main. Street, FOR SALE -- two male dogs, biack and noon and evening shifts. well, Broker, Newcastle, 987-4336 1S--Employment Wanted jmanure for sale. Wm. Kuzik, Whitby Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephane | Pickering |tan. Both 114 years. Registered. Telephone - 16--Agents Wanted | Telephone 4668-3906 or 668-3981. 723-419 |LADY'S WOOK 'skirts, size 16. Like new. ~ sitios seis st after 4 pam., 725-7200, | ARTHUR MURRAY'S STUDIO needs 17=Remale Helo Wanted h ms ot Ge. |DEER HUNTING ticences,, New and| Man's wool Worsted suit, size 42 short.|RIFLE -- 300 Savage; one box ite d Telephone Mr. Brown |women over 18 for teaching positions. 18--Male Heip Wanted I "eo ' ae "|Paintin ind D ti used guns ammunition Best prices.|Gray with stripe Neerly new. Telephone Like new, $90. Phone 728-1550. GOLDEN LABRADOR pups, ~ purebred of We train you at our expense. Apply in 19--Male or Female Help Wanted ins raction 'ai 9 bd ecora ting --_ |Valey Creek, 16 Bond Street West. 1725-3768 #O0D WARMER "Bardeau, IW new con-| Phone. Hampton 263-2604 person, 1 to 9 p.m., at 11% Simcoe Street 2--Real Estate for Sale | PAINTIN eB BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture dition, com : re 723- 505] uth, -- ion, complete with six pans and roll|BOSTON TERRIERS, registered, two sso s rae aR 200---Summer Properties Canada Briving School | NTING AND 6--Marine Equipment ~ and appliances, Goold's Furniture, 215\cover. Similar to steam table; suitable/male, one female, nicely marked, Altona} ---- _. |KITCHEN HELP, evenings trom 5 pm. aa Made ® fully inmured duel conirol | CUECORATING -- |Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481 for cafeteria, restaurant or church. Cost|Road, Pickering Township. Telephone to 1.30 a.m., Southend Restaurant, § Z--Real Estate Wanted cors © Licensed by Ontario INTERIOR and EXTERIOR WINTER STORAGE JENCYCLOPEDIAS, 30 volumes, plus| $208. Sacrifice. Best offer, 942-1540 282-9109, "NIGHT CASHIER Bloor Street East, ie 24--Stores Offices and Storage Department of Transport Broadioom, Custom Draperies 2 three annuals and ten-volume set of aci-- REFRIGERATED display counter, com |Toy COLLIE, female, spayed, one year| ; 11 167 WOMAN to live in and care for two pre 25--Houses for Rent deh | FREE ESTIMATES BOATS & OUTBOARD ence books, Call 728-2845. plete with compressor and connex, sixiold, has 'had all needies, -sultable for p.m. to a.m, school children. One child welcome, 2%--Apartments for Rent Cars supplied for Government ) > 48 ACRES of Scotch pine Christmas| (eet long. similar to meat counter. sult i family, $ $35 Telephone _ 725-7079, Write Box 7276, Oshawa Times. Z--Rooms or' Rent Tests © Home pickup ser- | DODD & SOUTER MOTORS |trees, resay for market. 'Colt 249-2077, /e6e, fr cafeteria Giepiay of, detearlts| «5 sickens Wented" APPLY WHITBY, CROCUS CRESCENT -- Rell- 2--Room a oar | j _ -- - etc 0: acrific: Bs 2--Wanted to Rent vice, 668-5862 We also store lawn mowers, | NiNg-PIECE wainu) diningroom sulle,| otter. 947-1540 rticles Wante nee MR. CAMPBELL able babysitter required tor four-year-old | 728- 4811 ie - | tillers, tent trailers, cabin |inetuding six chairs, one armchair, $300 ~-- aman SMALL, CHEAP CABIN ftraller. Suitable yen my home or yours, shift hours, TELEVISION, Sparton, Console; five 35, %--Automobiles for Sale PAINTING pee agp ere AND DECORATING. Exterior | ' : Tele} S'--Compact Cars tor. Sale ------------------------- |ind interior. Paper hanging, Bewmanvine| trailers, etc [Rowan ais:" Seem! <OMaNO laca ine' wll chrome. with' Arbor. |tr,P'grun drying 'work: Aer Jpn, Genosha Hotel | iiiynwnrsyaar towers 32--Trucks for Sele 623-258 ite top; chrome baby tenda; two-piece | (Ura! cn ree W Ad ' sesame Oe tienda t WILDE RENTAL $35. -- TWO SNOW fires on rims. Sult|chesterfieid, foam cushions, 'wo-D<¢ elephone htenon LADY will do light housework, baby sit- days weekly. Telephone 668-5 cle ond = pil ant- Ss Don T Plumb ng and Heating SALES & SERVICE Chev, or Pontiac, '57 to '66. Phone 723-\with fitted slipcovers; two Arborite top| ROUND EXTENSION table with pedestal|ting, mending, etc., In exchange' for/ HOMEMAKERS -- Musi be able to live %---L.egal ou site toys anre tte Ss, AS 1415 Dundas St. E, 668 3226 end tables, matching coffee table, light|base wanted. Telephone 725-674|. After 6,|room and evening meal, in Ajax-Picker-|in. Aged 40-60 years. Reference re 37---Auctions ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup 2 rsh ie |For SALE -- Full Tengih black Persian |S0lOr? baby crib, mattress; all good con:|call 723-2707 jing + Whitby area. Telephone Orono 211,|/quired. Telephone 723-4921 --Coming Events Cost-They Pay [ee sponta 725-3521, Harold H. Stark |18%-FT. Weymouth. cabin cruiser, S0|lamb cost. Almost news In excellent. con. dition. Telephone 668-5028 WANTED TO BUY = Lion weight two.[otter12300.m. ee a eauTY COUNSELOR" cal W--Notices i ymbing eating gl Engineer-/HP Johnston motor. Telephone Alex} sition Size 18, Reasonable, Phone 728-|ELECTRIC GUITAR, Sondar design, nal-|wheel trailer. Suitable for making 'ong|@ GENERAL housekeeper wanted to live in, you? We may need someone in your Simcoe Street South, | 942-5086, 7460, lural @iniah. 6125 Janhone 723-1412 trin Telanhane 722.1004 ainnhane after 6 @.m 723-4679 aren ar call dar mrocuete 722.0240 | | ©

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