JANINA TELESNICKI MARY KOLYNKO BRIAN WILLIAMS DIANNE SAVOIE DARLENE KADOSKI SANDRA McGAHEY GARY STEVASON MARIA DRYGALA WEATHER FORECAST TEN GRADE 13 graduates ment and their parents or : this year will receive $3,800 guardian were ---in the case of death -- or are, in scholarships from Local. ' embers of Local 222. The s . | . Army Helicopters Collide Now Diefenbaker --= bee Milder Tonight, Saturday; it "ras announced today by scout ta Sree Americans Die In Viet 'Agcsqssin's Meat anion hla cmp altel cam | * SAIGON (AP)--Nine persons, finding a prison camp where) |, McCloskey. Beverly Gibson mi ; all of them 'believed: to bejthey released 10 South Vietna- By KEN CLARK ibecause the Liberals never say ome owers OMOrrow and Mary Kolynko, eva ottne bre ong td the "Americans, were killed today|mese soldiers and. killed one} rnyonToN (CP) -- Jesting|What they are going to do. | ates of O'Neill Collegiate |, Chairmanship of Mr. Mc- isi te BEVERLY GIBSON when two U.S. Army helicopters} Viet Cong. ls i scklers, Con-| A Conservative government, I yc Worecal anh ;| and Vocational Institute, ' Closkey, icludes Beverly collided in the air 250 miles} They said they also found a 8 ne ohne uid: Would take immediate), TORONTO (y= alia gd rao of a i ones will receive the top scholar. Gibson, secretary; -- Peter northeast of Saigon near the|workshop containing a genera-|ny day night told a party|steps'" to remove restrictions én|issued y the weather office at/this afternoon. Cloudy an | ship award of $600 each. Wilson, advising vocational headquarters at An Khe of the|tor and a store of mines, gre- a. Deceded by a threat on/0il exports from Canada, He did 5.30 a.m.: cooler Saturday with a few] Three students, Janina member to the board of U.S. Ist Air Cavalry Division, |nades, ammunition and several his' life that Canada needs|not elaborate Synopsis: A trend to milder|snowflurries Saturday. South-| 'Telesnicki of Donevan Col- education; Alderman Clif- The two helicopters were en/Viet Cong uniforms. "leadership that will lead." In his wide-ranging talk that weather is emerging. lwest winds near 25 becoming| legiate Institute and Dianne {Td Pilkey and Trustee route to An Khe from the Plei|) Near Chu Lai, in the north- " ' P ahs ia generally covered old ground, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,{northwest 15 to 20 by evening.| Savoie and Darlene Kadoski William T. Werry. The Me area, where troops of thejernmost region of the country, a) An Patse We he ai ne Dis he said the time has come for rake Phinda Miwcis ea On. | of O'Neill CVI, each wil} Union's scholarships and bur- Ist Cavairy have been hunting|joint operation by U.S. marines /lice earlier in the tay Mr. Diet \Canadians to choose between a) Ake Huron: Ning ion, Tor. , Forecast Temperatures receive $400, Sandra Mc- 'S#TY program 'this year down Viet Cong troops since the|and South Vietnamese troops enbaker wou € nocked)..<cialized state' and the prin-|'@! 0, , Lon , |Low tonight, high Saturday: Gahey, Marie Drygala, | totals $5,875. | siege of the Plei Me camp was|was in its third day. Some | off ey his Zdmonton election ciples of private enterprise and| mie going Bose A a evitis| Windsor soccecsees 45 55 Gary Stevason, and Marlene lifted 11 days ago. equipment, uniforms and docu-/Campaign visit, individual initiative. His party|!°C4Y- spac pr ; i a jy|St- Thomas....... 50 Mason will be awarded $300 WITHDRAWS FROM RACE | South Vietnamese Army|ments were picked up but there) Two dozen police were a8-'stands for the latter, he said. |2 . yi ye artal 'ch a svg London ..ccosveee 50 each and Brian Williams, | LAUREL, Md. (AP) -- The troops swept an area of the Boijwas little contact. Two Viet signed to the Jubilee Auditor-| pe said the Liberals' 'three ae ete artial ¢ gre Bem Ritchanad |. 3.04. 50 $200. The scholarships ave:'ittasslate" broke thar aenes Loi forest about 35 miles north-|Cong targets near the coasts|ium as a safety precaution, butinew Quebec candidate recruits|U™G@Y &%' e A eesti ou a Mount Sorest....5. 3 47 awanlel to ane scien! Thursday (and MnhounNed "4an:| west of Saigon following up|and observers reported exten-|there were no incidents. --Gerard Pelletier, Pierre-Elliot winds te to 15 'ont and tal Wingham ....e00. 47 going to a recognized school lcially that' Aniline will not race| three bombing attacks by U.S.|sive damage to buildings and Mr. Diefenbaker drew/Trudeau and Jean Marchand--|W<*! 7 ~ . oe Fane north Hamilton ; Hi a,\ B-52 bombers. They reporteditrench systems. a crowd of 4,300, which over-|believe in 'statism' aad are|°™Y +? " aberias tical _ |St. Catharines... een yasgiat 3 ~'ewed from the main auditor-|against free enterprise. Algoma, Sault Ste, Marie, /oronto MARLENE MASON of higher learning from jin next Thursday's Washington,| grades 12 or 13, are based |D.C. International. Aniline adh argon and won in Germany ium into downstairs rooms. The| QUEBEC DECEIVED Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Kill-|peterborough .... Bes a Bszenes! bn "arllno oud and val all ess joverflow watched Mr. Diefenba-| 'The people of Quebec had|2!oe, North Bay, Sudbury:itrenton ., an ker on closed-circuit television|peen deceived about him, Mr,|SU%y With a few cloudy inter-|Kitlaloe sets. Heckling was sporadic. Diefenbaker said, He had been|¥@!s today. Variable cloudiness|wickoka , oe | | | | | | | | The Oshawa Organic Gar- tion classes given by Ron | The crowd was drawn largely|pictured once 'as a man haga Phe Enea vonace. oF North BOY ss icases deners' Club will hold its Herd, safety instructor for the from Conservative _ territory.|devoured French-Canadians be-\\yi40, today. Winds inoreasing Sudbury November mceting Tuesday lands and forest department, 'The party held -all three Ed-|fore breakfast." ta: anutheel hw ay this ris Farlton : at E. A. Lovell school. J. K. Gun handling, survival, com- |monton district seats in the Jast) He touched only occasionally - d shitti v t the a th Sault Ste. Marie.. Graham of Enniskellen will pass and map reading, deer | Parliament. on a favorite' campaign theme, |e ei Ae ing into the north- give a talk on "Wheat Grass." and moose hunting procedure | Mr. Diefenbaker told themjimmorality in government. At Ve sothecr White River, Tima .| The public is welcome to the will be included in the in- |the Liberal government since it/one point, he said it was not his al: Variable eloudinens: Pa meeting which begins at 8 struction. Mr. Herd says that |took office in 1963 has pro-jintention to raise mud. He sald) emer Anday, winaily "cloudy |zimmins p.m. of about 300 sportsmen who 'vided "leadership that goes this}he had called on Canadians to dahivdis. | Che f fi " Kingston : have taken the course so far |way and that way." restore integrity to publle life/"Sresy. nance Of & few) The Durham and Northum- . this year, only 57 have failed. "In the last. 2% years na-, While Mr. Diefenbaker spoke,|S"oWers late today and early) berland Counties Council this : 'tional unity has been set back three young male supporters of oe ean Began winds 15° to} week awarded a $2,680 con- An official opening and |as never before because of the|Bill Stocks, a bearded independ-| 4 Y a northerly winds near tract for an Emergency Mea- dinner for dedication of the |tinkering of a group that con-lent candidate in Edmonton|2°, Saturday. hi ee G sures Organization commuui- new municipal garage and |trols the national destiny of the|Strathcona, paraded outside} peti Nes ite abel och- cations network. Council. has other Dominion provincial |Liberal party," he said, with signs. One said: 'Diefen- tem si ad cloudy with Ta: | alloted $7,000 for the estab- municipal road projects in| Mr, Diefenbaker said he has|baker belongs in the Senate." |Pidly moderating temperatures inn ' * the en alg Pe rg will be held |no apologies for his opposition! Stocks, a 23-year-old univer- -foo ower wi e Nov. a rono, \to the establihsment of the/sity student, has a campaign : erected at the Golden Plough The Rotary Club of Bow- |Tyal commission on bicultural-| platform that calls for loosening How to relieve " Lodge in Cobourg. oak dine a ahah it |ism and bilingualism. The com-lof divorce, abortion and birth| Use Dodd's Kidney C dill NAVY RUM Construction of a storm ill raise money for com- |mission had helped divide|control laws. BACK *..2% aqdiiiac | (Dark) : , the country. Mr. Diefenbaker, closing out systemie condi- Ferre ee Caileate gue hssu al gang by, gelling | ste told: his oil-province audi-/his campaign, flies to Vancou-| ran, leeien , PALM BREEZE WHITE CAP o Oleg! Varh be ence he understands some oil|jver today for an afternoon vc ACHE you feel better-- | 0 e svery Clone f ' seeeeeeee Kapuskasing ..... White. River..... Moosonee ... rest better. De- close Harmony rd. n., a city ' A : Col. F. 8. Wotton, Emer- export reductions will occurjin the Queen Elizabeth Theatre. read Ga belie, Chpineer Wx .departinent gency Measures Organiza- after the Nov. 8 election. He|Then he flies to Regina for aj bh ge cor gag ae Bf a tion c-ordinator for Ontario said he did not know for sure night rally. | i } and Eastbourne ave., will be County, was among 40 sen- iss; ia dan son an maar -- eee " closed starting at 8 a.m. Tues- ior EMO officials who attend- | : day morning. Engineering of- ¢@4 & recent two-week course i é pert Wo he ae THINK | | : | Bae ee reopened by noon on Wednes- Measures College in Arn- day and .attempts will be Prior. The course, stressing made to have one lane opened national survival, organization u ' , Pai ® e ge for traffic by 6 p.m. Tuesday, Planning and operations, is Of C ] H l h C : Oo t R d ducted 16 times t , » oO n oO n A safety course for novice puppinanee leg fue | omp ele ea I are my) ' a rl i § .] huntsmen and outdoorsmen in provinces and municipali- ' will be held Tuesday night ties, It is designed to ovro- VOTE M d f from 7 to 10:30 p.m. at 43 vide a common national basis on ay or Sandra st. w. It will be the ' for civil defence planning at HODGES | X|oenocr DEMOCRAT series of 10 instruc- all levels of government. EMERGENT MEETING CEDAR LODGE AF &A.M. 270 All Mesone ere requested te attend « Masonic Service for our lete brother FRED NELSON SUNDAY NOV. 7, 1965 -- 7 P.M. The MclIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home Masonic Clothing Wor. Brother F. R. Britten, Brother C. E. Houck WwW. M. Sec. 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Maurice APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATES bert mee | wish to purchase $ of your Gt ' dees bewestment Cerfificateetos a year period. Please register as follows: Rs WE abbneee 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 ature. ¢ t a) The Above Message Sponsored and Poid For By The Above Named Persons