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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Nov 1965, p. 3

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ELECTION TALK Not Signs Ot TORONTO (CP)--A_ bit of hocus-pocus was added Thurs- day to the battle of the election signs in the Toronto riding of act Gaavkharauch Candidates for all three par- ties in the riding have been complaining for several weeks about the mysterious disappear- ance of campaign signs posted on lawns, streets, in fields, on telephone posts and other ac- cessible places, But Thursday, all three can- didates expressed ignorance about how signs for each of them on the Don Val- ley Parkway, a north-south rapid transit artery that runs through the riding. . * Their Times The catch is that there's a $50 fine for anyone caught put- ting signs along the parkway. Campaign managers in the ridine suspect each other of putting up the signs in the nopes their opponent would be fined, Allan Crost of the Metropoli- tan roads department said he is turning a blind eye to the signs, The department was se- verely criticized for favoritism when {t enforced the bylaw pro- hibiting signs on the parkway in the last election. Now, the department has de- cided to do nothing about the signs unless someone com- plains, So far, no one has, Reds At Work, Says Martin WINDSOR, Ont. ternal Affairs ing him and the government fo' supportin of the United States munist party. The leaflet criticizes the gov- ernment as endorsing "the ruth- less and barbaric policies of the U.S, in Viet Nam" and says "the Honorable Paul Martin » » » as the main spokesman,! (CP) -- Ex-|continually supports these {n- Minister Paul Martin says a leaflet, criticiz- "barbaric policies' in Viet Nam, is the work of the Com- human policies." Bruce Magnuson, Communist party candidate opposing Mr. T/Martin in the riding of Kssex East, where the pamphlet has been distributed, Thursday de- nied his party published or dis- supported what the leaflets said. Mr. Communist across federal election. Magnuson is one of 13 party candidates Socreds, NDP: 'They're Definite' KAMLOOPS, B.C. (CP)--Rob- ert Thompson said Thursday the New Democratic and the Social Credit parties are the only two in Canada that have definite principles and policies. The national Social Credit leader said the Liberals and Progressive Conservatives have ing right of centre. "One can no longer define the Liberals and Conservatives," he said in an airport press con- ference, 'The label doesn't say what is in the bottle." Communist Draws In Montreal MONTREAL (CP) -- An esti- mated 900 students crowded into the 470-seat Burke's Hall at Sir George Williams University Thursday to hear William Kash- tan, Canadian Communist party leader, debate against broad- caster David Bassett on whether or not communism is a prorkable political system. Mr. Kashtan defended social- ism and said the Communists They would advocate the multi- party system, He blamed all unemployment problems on the weakness of the capitalist system and said that even in a: capitalistic 'so- ciety it is necessary to have government support for indus- try, Mr. Bassett, who has radio and television shows here, said communism would not find al good breeding ground in a coun- lost their identities by appeal-) to voters on the left and) | tributed the leaflets but said he| Canada in the Nov. 8 GIANT PORTRAIT of T. C. Douglas looks on from behind as the national New Democratic Party leader addresses mass rally at To- ronto's Maple Leaf Gardens Thursday night. Crowd of Tight-Money Policy Or No Douglas Asks Of Pearson By MICHAEL GILLAN jsaid, "The Canadian TORONTO. (CP) -- In the|have a right to know before the dying days of the federal elec-/election, not after." tion campaign, NDP Leader T 12,000 cheered Mr. Douglas as he spoke 55 minutes, re- newed challenge for Prime Minister Pearson to say whether he favors increas- ing interest rates to combat inflationary pressures, (CP) By BENOIT HOULE MONTREAL (CP) -- Credi- liste Leader Real Caouette Thursday night threatened legal action against Guy Marcoux, who he accused of having smeared six Oreditistes. Speaking at a rally in Mont- real's Atwater Hall, he threat- ened legal action against Dr, Marcoux, 'who dirtied the rep- utation of six of the Rallie- ment's members of Parlia- ment,"' He did not specify what legal action he would take, or when he would do so, Dr, Marcoux, a former Credi- tiste and a member of the last Parliament for Quebec - Mont- morency, last month published a booklet called Dans le Meme involved in a "deal,"' Claude Wagner said earlier Thursday 'there was no proof to justify the justice depart-| Sd | /PLAN ACTION | The six Creditistes, who were Social Crediters in 1963, have already announced they plan to \take legal action against Dr. Marcoux in connection with the | booklet, | The six are Robert Beaule, Quebec East; Lucien Plourde, Quebec West; Raymond Lang: | Pierre - Andre | Gerrard | |Peron, Beauce and Gilbert Ron- | jlois, Megantic, /Boutin, Dorchester; | deau, Shefford Mr. Wagner announced in Quebec City .earlier Thursday ithat his department had investi-|Gas Co. Ltd., strike-bound here = \gated the claims of Dr. Mar-jand at Sarnia since early Wed- |coux, who is running as an in-jnesday, the|business office Thursday when) The OCAW has 146 membe: Noy. 8 election, and found there |office workers refused to cros , oe 2 hy dependant candidate for | |were iJegiance. Mr. Caouette said the only coux was the fact that Legal Action On Marcoux Threat Of Angry Caouette vard is no longer here to fi- nance them." "This year they (the Liber- als) show you a nice announce- ment, framed in red,. showing Caouetle, Thompson and Mar- coux under the title "Je Vous ai Tant Aime" (I loved you so much) or 'Que reste-t-il de nos amours' (what is left of our loves), "They could just as well have shown pictures of Pearson, Du- puis, Rouleau, Asselin, Rivard and Banks under the same ti- tles. "Anyway, I leave the scan- dals to the Liberals. Those who want justice will vote for the Ralliement des Creditistes,"' 8T. THOMAS, Ont. (CP)-- Prime Minister Pearson came deep into auto-agreement terri- tory Thursday, and one of the loudest audiences of his cam- paign roared approval at his prediction that southwestern Ontario would see "'a great in- dustrial complex." After two consecutive nights of rowdyism--at Montreal and Lindsay, Ont.--the prime min- ister had clear sailing before some 2,000 here Thursday night, and the applause was spiced by horns, bells and organized cries of 'Yea, Mike." "I am going to sprint from here on in," said Mr. Pearson (eae > instant IACI, Oo ps THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridsy, Movember 5, 1965 § the last 12 months comparedening of the Commorweaith, with eight per cent the|While maintenance of the Com- United States, "This doesn't)monweatlh will be "a tough look like tight money." \job" in the midst of changes, Attacking the opposition forjine rewards will pe wor we its ye ~ the yor neers. efforts, ment, Mr. Pearson said he was sneered at and jeered at, and < a tion 68: was told he had lost his shirt.|,gn,;™ome, the auestion of ma- 1 think I have managed to) .aiq «1 wd mm sive we ; will make 20,000 additional jobs for/De imnotent.." Ht me -- who will have shirts," he way te oy far ax Goon said, Earlier at a Chatham recep-\COUld maintain its traditions tion, the prime minister made pe en yt while working to- an apparent reference to Con-|S¢ther with the rest of the coun- servative Leader Diefenbaker on doesn't matter if the roots when he said he was "sneered A _|are English or French, so long at by perhaps the most accom-|.." 116 'tree is Canadian," Sac (in the same bag) in which he expressed his opinion that six Creditistes who agreed to support the Liberal party fol- lowing the 1963 elections were Speaking to 3,000 persons in the packed hall, Mr, Caouette mentioned that Justice Minister The Creditiste leader warned his party organizers to be care- ful in their choice of the volun- teer workers they employ at the polls, "The Liberals stole from us in 1963 by paying people who came and told us they wanted to help us in the polls, but who messed about with the ballot to the 1,100 or so in the main auditorium and the estimated 900 who nearly filled two cafe- terias. While the automotive agree- iment dominated his speech, the lprime minister also criticized New Democratic Party Leader Douglas for allegedly saying ment's taking legal action in|was still a vital force in Que-| what is called 'the affair of the bec. |Nov, 8 that the Social Credit in| Quebec is not as dead as "io before, he said, The total \think,"' no grounds for criminal picket lines. Inia action against the six in con-| The company said It is mak-| people |nection with the switch in al-ling arrangements to have city |crossed the picket lines and en- He said that on Oct, 23 The thing between him and Dr. Mar-\chatham announced that strik- that the government, after Nov. boxes," \8, would introduce a tight- . money policy." Mr. Caouette said the party "This is a pretty scarey state-| ment to make on monetary pol-| jicy,"" he said. It could create) "Some newspaper men may|fear and uncertainty in the busi-| | write that the Social Credit/ness community, "although in| He clarified this spending philosophy is dead in Quebec,|this case it will not." that Caouette is slowing down.| The Canadian money supply| They will see on the night of|is expanding as more money is being lent and invested than) supply rose by 13 per cent in| | Office-Staff Honors Picket, Union Gas Closes Offices WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Union|between the union and company | were adjourned without settle- ment on a new collective agree- closed its downtown|ment. Windsor and about 65 at Sar- Supervisory employees lished Z "nemgs sneerer in Canadian his a Pearson 7 poke to about t people, most of them stu- About 250 people were at there at» Ridgetown high noon reception in a suburban motel to hear the Liberal Jeader|S°"0l during the afternoon, but say that the auto agreement,|"@, didn't touch on the cam- afier eight months, has resulted |P2/8n. A telephone call to police in the 20,000 new jobs, an 18-/'nat a bomb was in the school per-cent increase in production,|"4 not interrupt the meeting. and expansion or intended ex-|, His London motel is also be pansion by 170 automotive|"& occupied by showman Lb- erace, and a welcoming sign firms, He said one firm--he was 3 referring to Ford of Canada--|S4ys "Welcome to the Prime Minister and Liberace:"' planned to spend $128,000,000 in|,' ie new facilities in this area, | "At least I got top bill," he CLARIFIES ESTIMATE |laughed. : es-| Today the prime minister lgoes to Kitchener before an levening rally in Hamilton, timate in his St. Thomas speech, and said the company \© didn't know how many millions would be spent on its planned new plant in this area, but that $50,000,000 would go into an en- gine plant at Windsor and a to- tal of $48,000,000 into two new plants in Oakville, While the federal government doesn't deserve all the credit for Canada's present prosper- ity, he said, it deserves some. "Certainly if things didn't go right, we'd get all the blame." Maintaining his plea for ma- jority government, he said a strong central government was needed to act on behalf of all Canadians both in and out of Canada, The country must continue Its effort on behalf of international HELONVON Tawny Canadian Pout ERY NDON WIR LIMITE banks handle bills. |tered the business office Thurs- The company's head office in|day to maintain service, Super- peace, and toward the strength- } Pearson In Auto Country -- With Cheers, Not Heckles ts C. Douglas has challenged|Financial Times. said the NHA Prime Minister Pearson to state|loan rate will be increased after visory staff members also were | maintaining emergency serv-| FOR DURHAM ices, | Re-Elect HONEY, Russel C., Barrister FOR CANADA Make Your Vote Count Vote Mar-|ing service employees strength- | coux wanted to be the Sociallened picket lines in Windsor before voters go to the polls|Nov. 8. This would make it|Credit leader in Ottawa, insteadiand office employees who re- siecsphindaes whether the government plans|more difficult for people with!of Caouette, but, it's Caouette ported for work saw the lines,| SARNIA (CP)--L. B. Pater- to introduce a tight-money pol-| modest incomes to build homes.|who was there." |milled about. in front of thelson, manager of Union Gas Co.'s Icy afterwards. -- As Mr. Douglas was making; Mr. Caouette attacked the building and then went home. |subsidiary service centre here, | Mr. Douglas issued the chal-|his charges in Toronto, Prime|Liberals for what he called) The striking servicemen are |said the centre was closed Wed- lenge Thursday at a press con-|Minister Pearson in St. Thomas|their attempts in 1963 to show;members of Local 9-758 of the|nesday to avoid the confusion of |ference then posed two addi-| was accusing the NDP leader|that Social Credit could be/Oil, Chemical and Atomic Work-|moving equipment through pic- tional questions to Mr. Pearson|of making "very scary state-|equated with 'misery andiers International Union (CLC).|ket lines of striking oilworkers, at an evening rally of 12,000 in|ments' about Canada's mone-'hell." \The office workers are mem- Maple Leaf Gardens. \tary policy, | More than 60 workers, mem- , savineiee , bers of Local 9-769 of the samejbers of Oi], Chemical and "If the government is re-| (Mr, Pearson said he disliked ke ey Ra astra RE re geo erly elected does it propose to intro-|hearing such a statement to- e Liberals seemed to have) will try to gain power in Can- ada through peaceful means. try like Canada because of the general affluence, Pearson Does Some Reminiscing RIDGETOWN, Ont. (CP) --,ham while on an election cam- The Russian congregation in the|paign swing through southwest- Methodist Church in Moscowjern Ontario, = gang, Rescue the Perishing. Mr. Pearson said he chose the Then the pastor announced initext, "blessed is the peace- Russian that Lester Pearson,)maker," and preached the ser- Canada's external affairs min-imon in English. It was trans- ister, would preach the sermon.|iated into Russian for the con- That was back in 1953, before! pregation, Atomic Workers Union (CL&), have been on strike here since Tuesday. Liberal 'ia cake thi they| The service workers struck ess money this year as they! when contract talks in Toronto Mr. Pearson became prime minister. Mr. Pearson, son and grand- son of Methodist ministers, re- called the incident Thursday. Mr. Pearson, who was in Mos- cow to negotiate a trade agree- ment pith the Soviet Union, had been taken to church by Andrei duce a tight-money policy and|wards the close of a campaign raise interest rates under the|because it might create "fear guise of an anti-inflation pol-|and uncertainty in the business icy?" he asked. community." He also asked whether the| (Canada's money supply had were not placing as many .ad- vertisements in the newspapers. He wondered aloud whether this could be "'because Lucien. Ri- He told it to 400 school children in this community near Chat- Gromyko, then Soviet foreign minister, Liberals are planning to raisejincreased 13 per cent in the last the present 614-per-cent interest/12 months. 'This doesn't look rates on National Housing Act\like tight money,'"' he said.) loans, and replenish the mu-| The NDP was the only party nicipal development and loan/in this campaign to hire the _ \fund "now that all the money|Gardens for a rally. Organizers | They said 44 ships were wait-lis exhausted?" lhad hoped to match their 1963 . Still A Backlog ling in Lake Ontario and six in) Mr. Douglas told the rally,|Gardens figure of 15,800. which he said was the largest] The fun started an hour be-|-- In Welland Canal canehoshia held by any party in the cam- |fore Mr. Douglas and his Que- A pilot shortage has slowed /naign, that he has been in-|bec leader, Robert Cliche, were | ST. CATHARINES (CP)--It|movement through the canal apne that loans have been cut/piped to the platform. While a will take two days more 'to since the weekend's heavy off this week and credit cur. concert band played show tunes clear the backlog of shipping inde forced its closing { 19 |{alled in anticipation of, a tight-|and marches, supporters of Tor- waiting to pass through the|Winds forced its closing for %\money policy. onto-area candidates marched Welland Canal, officials said|hours. Thursday the canal op-| 'If that happens it will cut|placards around the covered ice Thursday night. erated at full capacity. Canada's economic growth," helsurface. ] ~ SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH 124th Anniversary SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Two Services: 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. GUEST PREACHER: Rev. Earl S. Lautenschlager D. D. PRINCIPAL OF EMMANUEL COLLEGE, TORONTO Good Nemes To Remember When Buying or Selling | REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker---President | | | Here's the newest dollar sign in Oshawa! Bill MeFeeters----Vice Pres. Schofield-Aker Ltd, 723-2265 'tor continuing good times. TRUST HAPPINESS IS 42% savines sccount SAVINGS HAPPINESS IS 4% ensue account HAPPINESS IS 6% 3.1 20's e 'lh. 3-4 AND 5 YEARS i HAPPINESS IS SWITCHING NOW TO CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION HEAD OFFICE: OPEN SATURDAYS Oshawa 19 Simeone St. N., 723-5221 Bowmanville 23 King St. W. 623-2527 PHILIPS AM/FM RADIO STEREO @ 4-SPEED AUTOMATIC CHANGER @ 4, 8" DUO-CONE SPEAKERS @ TAPE RECORDER INPUTS/OUTPUTS = © SEE! HEAR IT! THIS EVENING © 3339926 35555 22 6555555888 Raw? -. where a special silver-dollar-bonus waits for yout To call attention to the installation of our new revolving sign, we are giving away . Shiny, new, silver dollars! All you have to do to get yours, is to open a Savings Account at our Simcoe Street office, of $10.00 or more, You'll.get your silver dollar right then and there! But that's not all. We'll also give you an extra bonus of 10¢ per ten dollar deposit to a maximum extra bonus of ten dollars per account. There's never been a better time to open a Savings Account at National! You'll get @ shiny, new, silver dollar. You'll make extra bonus dollars. You'll enjoy the benefits of our longer office hours, free chequing facilities, higher interest, and a choice of four time-tested plans to accumulate money. Look for our new sign--it's worth free dollars for you! Save with safety--look into National! OPEN FRI. NITE 'til 9 P.M, €herney's << PHILIPS 4-SPEED AUTO, TURNTABLE LIFETIME GUARANTEE National Trust SINCE. 1898

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