Soemamenientieenaniememiasih WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Business Women Plan Curling Start WHITBY -- The Whitby Busi- season are as follows: Presi- ness Giris' Curiing Section ex-jdent, Aiice Caiiord; pect to have their first curling dent, Eva Thoher; night Nov. 7, with 48 curling/treasurer, Dorothy Bradley; members. bonspiel convener, Ruth Fair- Plans are under way for their|burn; games committee; Fran first bonspiel to be held at the|Pearce, Dorothy Beamen; way club Dec. 4. The executive isjand means committee, Eleanetlaidates to address the club. committee, bers|Everett; food hard at work and al! members Sarah Neil are being asked to help. Winona McEwen, The enieation for the 1965-66!and Penney Rostek. Whitby Blood Clinic Needs Donors Donors, donors and morel12, Royal Canadian Legion dono: Hall, Byron St., s. ty, are argenty needed te All regular donors and a make a forthcoming blood donor great many new ones will be|jwas centred was: "Progressive clinic operation a huge success.|needed if the clinic is to be The clinic, to be operated by|successful in reaching its latest the Whitby Branch, Canadianjobjective. The clinic will be Red Cross Society, will be heldjoperated from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 8 at the Branchland from 6:30 to 9 p.m. 17 Enroll For Pre-natal Classes Seventeen women have en-|day afternoon in Fairview Lodge ictori ¢jand will run until Nov. 25. rolled in the Victorian Order 0! "Durhig October, 198 home Nurses pre-natal classes. lvisits and 120- nursing care The-classes are held on Thurs-| visits were made by VON. Kiwanians Ask For Chest Support The support of everyone in| He said there are 10 local the community is required to/Organizations in the community +4.(which will benefit from the as- make the Whitby Community) once and support that! 'ts Chest campaign a huge success,/siyen, 'A concentrated effort Robert Cawker, campaign man-|is needed to put the campaign ager said at the Whitby Kiwanisjover," he said, '"'We need all Club, Thursday night. He called|the help we can get." on the Kiwanians to lend their) The campaign has an objec- support. tive of $30,800. Rink Champions Instruct Curlers Curling action at the Whitby] A large turnout of former Curling , val off Hote fast club members and many new oo eae paests on hand tor| Curlers were on hand for the| the activities. The guests were|event with tips on better curl- four members of the Unionville|ing explained by the distinguish- Curling Club, three of whom|ed guests. Coffee, tea and light were members of the Ontario|refreshments were served all Single Rink Champion team last guests and members following year. the lessons, Concert Ticket Sale Brisk vice-presi-lquired in Whitby in coming secretary|years, Dr. Kenneth Hobbs told pe. = ag I ge ape na rnp gag age Development P Advocated In Whitby WHITBY (Staff)--A progress- ive development program for additional assessment is re- the Whitby Kiwanis Club Thurs- day night. Dr. Hobbs, a mayor- alty candidate in the civic elec- tion, was the guest speaker, the first of the three mayoralty can- Mayor Warren Mowat and Des- mond Newman will address the club in turn during the next two weeks, Kicking off his campaign offi- cially, Dr. Hobbs stated he felt he "is the man the town needs t as its mayor. His entire plat- form, around which his address developmental program for ad- ditional assessment -- indus- trial, commercial and residen- tial -- so that we may some day afford the necessities of a com- munity that now appears to "| DR. KENNETH HOBBS luxuries, such as parks, safety Stewslna, ec. This shows come trial, commercial and addition- a or reer: lal residential assessment is ab- Pity' | jo Raggy onl days sotutely necessary," he stated. , The speaker suggested the upsurge of propaganda to the] png that t Sr eatd have the|town's school boards have been audacity to run for: mayor of|blamed for the rising taxes but, "Whitby," Dr, Hobbs said. He|he said, it was the town coun- stated he was a Whitbyite from|Cil's responsibility to make sure a long way back in one sense|the coffers are filled to pay for since his grandparents resided|the necessary educational re- here many years ago. |quirements wr ye oe a4 Re jevery year. a e taxes are 1 have been criticized for not high then it is the town council having any people work for which is to blame for not bring- me," he said, "but, I do not}; : rt) " aes nd ae 'ling in additional assessmen, want to be tied to anyone, any Dr. Hobbs charged. party, political party or favored)... x 'main td group. Party politics and favor-|_V° need agape Ng ed groups. should be elim- areas, safety sidewalks an inated." he 'stated many more things but, without : : : \the increased assessment, these PROGRESSIVE PLAN ithings are luxuries we cannot Dr. Hobbs said he hada youngj ------~C~--~"'"<i<ai<i<i<i<i<i<'C; ofthe community. "concen; Whittlers Plan trated effort to bring in indus- ------=| Six-Week Contest WHITBY--The Whitby Whitt- {School with 18 members pres- ORONO -- Durham County'sjentation was made to President . Milk Delegates ...: Tops Club met Tuesday ent. 200 milk producers met herejAlice Boychyn in_ recognition evening at Kathleen Rowe Appointed Pp At a previous meeting a pres- Wednesday and nominated 10\for her guidance and leader- 4 commended the Public Utilities %some speculating developers," she said. ~ want to progress, yet keep taxes delegates to represent them be-|ship. A little over a year ago vote to the mammoth task of Ticket sales for the forth- coming benefit concert to be held in aid of the Whitby Gen- eral hospital are rocketing, Mor- ley Smith, chairman of the con- cert committee, said today. "We hope anyone desirous of the Henry Street High School, | missed the earlier announce- ment of where tickets can be purchased for the concert, the committee. announced them again, Tickets can be obtained attending the concert obtain/from the following locations: their tickets early. The advance|Whitby Music Centre; Courtice sale of tickets are going very|Drug Store; Snelgrove Drugs; well and it could be a sell-out|Worfolk Pharmacy; Mercantile attendance," Mr. Smith stated. |Department store; Canadian The concert will feature both|Bank of Commerce; The Bank the senior and junior Whitby|of Montreal; Jury and Lovell brass bands, plus members of|Drugs and, the Becker Milk the Oshawa Barbershop Quar-|store in the Blair Park shop- tet. The event will be held at'ping plaza. into effect Nov. 1. manville; Nestleton; Harvey Graham fore the newly-organized Ontario|Mrs. Nov. 17. |Milk Marketing Board. | For the benfit of anyone who} The new marketing plan went|a very good response and this The 10 are: Allan Down, Bow-|!arge number of y manville; Don Budd, RR 1, Port|join another Tops Club has been Hope; Art Hamilton, RR 5, Bow-|formed since in Whitby. Boychyn organized the} |Whitby Whittlers. She received |has been kept up. Due to the requests to Members were reminded to| rogram afford," Dr. Hobbs said. He noted there are no park areas left along the waterfront to he obtained by the town. Dr. Hobbs Commission for its foresight in securing the last area left. "This area could have been turned into high rise apartments by MORE ASSESSMENT Dr. Hobbs commented on the industrial land purchased by the town which the council found it could not afford to develop after it had been purchased. "If we at the same level, we must have additional assessment," he said. "You have to spend a dollar to secure this assessment," he said. "There is no other way." "The town must have a dedi- cated mayor and a council who are willing to work for the fu- ture and this increased assess- ment," he said. Taking his thoughts a step further, he ex- plained how some people feel he has no experience. The town has almost always had a mayor with experience lyet it hasn't advanced too far, jhe contended. "If you want a jmayor with experience and the |same program as you have now jthen you won't vote for me on Dec, 6," Dr. Hobbs stated. "However, if you want the town to progress as it must then you will vote for me. | "I may not have the experi- jence but I do have a new ap- |proach to old problems," Dr. Hobbs stated. "Sometimes - a new pair of eyes can see the problems better and find ways to cope with them than an old |pair of eyes," he commented. |OPPONENTS COMMENDED Dr. Hobbs commended his op- |ponents in the mayoralty race, stating they had a sense of re- |sponsibility and he believed, sin- |cerity. He said more than this is required, however, and cited jdedication as an added ingredi- jent that was necessary. 'I have \that dedication," Dr. Hobbs istated. He confessed that some peo- Parents Meet School Teachers WHITBY -- The Four Leaf Clover Parent-Teacher' Group held its fall meeting Nov. 3 at Clover Lane School. The presi- dent, Mrs. Ross Clark, wel- comed the members. Mrs. Allan Lawrence, teacher at Claver Lene Schosi, intrs- duced the teaching staff and Mrs. William Outram teacher at Hilltop school also intro- duced teachers of that school. It was decided to carry on with the book money as in pre- vious years. This money book is awarded for the best atten- dance by parents. It was an- nounced that the next general meeting will be held Dec. 1 at Hilltop School. Mrs. Lorne Atkinson showed colored slides taken when for- mer teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Fells, retired from Clover Lane School and were presented with retirement gifts. Mrs. At- kinson also showed films taken when with her husband and family they visited Upper Can- ada Village. Mrs. Clark thanked Mrs. Atkinson for her recrea- tional part of the program. Parents visited in their child- ren's respective classrooms and had a chat with the teachers. The social conveners, Mrs. Geffrey Thompson and Mrs. Arthur Flieler, served refresh- ments, Ajax Lionettes To Hold Bazaar WHITBY -- The Ajax Lion- ettes met at the home of Lion- dent, Lily Wilson, chaired the meeting. Plans were made for the Christmas Bazaar at the Ajax Hydro building Nov. 20 starting at 10 a.m. There will be a variety of tables including home- bake goods, novelties etc. The $25 money. tree will be on dis- play at Henry Paff's Men's Wear in the shopping plaza, Ajax. The draw will be held Dec. 18. Joyce Delong, Ajax, when members will exchange gifts. MEAT EXPORTS RISE Australian meat exports rose by 34,235 tons in 1964-65 to a ple feel he has little time to de- total of 429,736. | 250.000 ette Sylvia Ballard. The era New Jobs A Christmas party will be| held at the home of Lionette) Parents Plan Skating Rink tion held its November meeting at the school Nov. 3. The presi- dent, Mrs. Don Banks, chaired the meeting. Princinal Jerry Stachew intrs- duced Howard Hempstead, superintendent of public schools, who spoke on "'How parents can help their children."" Mr. Hemp- stead mentioned the new cur- riculum on mathematics, and also the new methods of teach- ing, he stressed the importance for parents to apply themselves to learn the new methods, to be able to assist their children. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 5, 1965 | Of Your Future VOTE Monday for DEMOCRAT Mrs. Max Atkinson thanked the speaker. Miss. Carol Smith, accom- panied by Mrs. Harold Brown, sang several selections. It was announced that arrange- ments have been made to ac- commodate the pupils with an} outside skating rink. | Refreshments were served by) members of the executive. | ADDS NEW SHIPS | The Norwegian Sea Rescue) Society operates 30 rescue craft! including three new cruisers. | | | | | [ Royal Canadian Legion Branch 112 -- Whitby POPPY CAMPAIGN Friday Evening, Noy. 5th © Saturday, Nov. 6th All. Veterans and Legionnaires Please Come -- It is your Duty to Help CHURCH PARADE - SUN., NOV. 7th Parade forms at Legion Hall at 10 P.M. | | | | | leading the council and com- munity to better days. "No one has served on the school board in this town more faithfully than I have,"' he said. "Look at my record and this fact can be proven. I have attended eight committee meetings a month) BROCK Evening WHITBY Feature THE TRAIN WILL CARRY YOU ¥ TO THE PEAK OF ADVENTURE! * Programs Start 6:55-9:05 Starts... 6:55 and 9:20 >) Carlos Tamblyn, contact the absentees and using|for the past two years," Dr. || JULES BRICKEN presents Orono; Frank Stenger, Enniskil-the truthful saying len; Ben DeJong; Francis Jose,|@Way from club meetings, does Enniskillen and Harry Kennedy|Peen proven contrary. of RR 1, Cavan. | A. prospective -- General purpose of the Orono tended the meeting and' was meeting was to organize all of the milk pfoducers in Durham. The farmers at the meeting in- meu, Coen a Shrinking Violets Lose 22 Pounds Peas d er Violets TOPS lub m esday evening injof food s st t Dundas Street School with 22 lake x Pe wa as members present. A weight loss . 4 of 22 pounds was recorded, these from her diet for one those with the greatest loss|week. shared their diet ideas with the) Games were played under the less successful members. Tt was anvounced that a Queen leadership of Barbara Hodgson will be crowned at the Christ-/2"¢ Dorothy Martin. The win- mas party. All members will be|ner of the twist contest was striving for the "Crown". Bery] Clarke. Euchres To Aid Hospital Fund Rebekah Lodge, No. 132, met, Visiting committee reported Nov. 3 at the IOOF Hall. It/that Sister Alma Dewey is re-\COuld consolidate handling costs regular form by|covering nicely. Sister Kathleen|@"4 cut delivery and transporta- opened in | Noble Grand, Sister Verna/Brough thanked the lodge for|tlon costs. Attwood. assisted by Vicelher decoration. of chevalorie| Grand, Sister Sheila Gordon. Sister Attwood thanked the/Oct. 23, she also sisters for the help she re-imembers- who attended ceived when the president of|ceremony on her behalf. Rebekah Assembly made her Official visit. pleased to have received many|and accepted. articles for the forthcoming bazaar and tea to be held Nov.|(Past Noble Grand) 13 in the IOOF Hall. held Nov. 10 at the hall. Each lady chose one categorie| \jewel she received in Toronto thanked the the An invitation to attend a birth-! day party at White Dove Re-| 'S ALWAYS Vite a The bazaar committee is very|bekah Lodge Ajax was received) cluded fluid milk producers who individually ship milk direetly|!°"S: "Staving| Hobbs said. 'I do have the time Newcastle; Wilf Brown of RR 1,|"9t help weight gained." It has| nounced that a six-week loss ofjcan supply that leadership. Vote commencing|for Hobbs for progressive lead- Nov. 9. This is amongst Whitt-lership at the Dec. 6 election | to devote to the job, and am prepared to do so,"' he added. Winding up his address, Dr. od bint br member at-|Hobbs stated: 'The town of : ig Whitby needs leadership in warmly welcomed. It was an-|meeting the hard days ahead. I Relessed nv UNITED ARTISTS Seturday Matinee 1:30 day," he said. BURT LANCASTER \to dairies in Oshawa, Port Hope, Bowmanville, Toronto, Orono, Peterborough and Lindsay. In addition there prere also \farmers who were concentrated |milk producers who shipped \their milk to Toronto and farm- jers who were concerned with |Warkworth cheese and milk | production. | The dairymen feel that by forming a single dairy organiza- tion in the county they could sell their milk to the marketing board who would in turn sell it to the dairies. The result of this jwould be that dairy producers |RED CROSS WITH YOUR HELP The meeting of Unity Club will be BN GUARANTEED INVESTMEN 3, 4 or 5 YEAR TERM 308 Dundas St. West Whitby TS TOUGHEST DRIVING OF THE YEAR Getting your cor to start all Winter long is really a simple matter. A com- petent fall tune-up is usually sufficient or a battery warmer in stubborn cases. It is much more important though that you know how to stop it. Collisions due to the inability of mot- orists to brake their cars on icy roads for the overwhelming jority of Winter driving accidents. One common mechanical fault that you should hove looked after now, if you haven't already done so, is uneven brake pressure on the front wheels. Uneven pressure that con cause a braking car to swerve dangerously on dry roads become down- right disastrous in Winter. One wheel gripping befote the other con easily throw @ car into a spin and out of control. Just as bed is one bold tire that fails to grip. A traffic study of 2134 skidding accidents showed half the cars had 40 percent more braking power on one side than the other; 30 per cent had one or more tires worn smooth, Snow covered roads make slow speeds a moral obligation. The standard stopping distance on dry pavement at 50 mph is 188 feet. To equal this on hard-packed snow with good tires you can't drive foster than 28 mph! Thruway authorities recommend 528 feet (26 car lengths between cars when you 'are following at 60 mph on snow packed roads. That's double the recommendations for Summer. If you have any doubts about your car's reliability, bring it in and let Northside's efficient Service Department thoroughly winter-condition your car now! Phone Doug Hart, Service Manager, for appointment. NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER 918 BROCK ST N { To BE The first euchre of the season will be held Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. and every Friday thereafter. Proceeds to go towards the Whitby General Hospital Fund. There will be prizes and re- freshments, the general public is cordially invited. Conveners are Sisters Bernice Moase and Verna Attwood. SEEKS NEW CLASS LONDON (Reuters)--The In- ternational Yacht Racing Un- fon will ask for a sixth yachting class, for off-shore races, in the Olympic Games, it was de- cided at the union's annual meeting here Thursday. At present there are five Olympic classes -- Finn, Dragon, Star, 5.5-metre and Flying Dutch- man. If a new class is accepted it will be for the 1972 Olympics. One-Stop DECORATING SHOP . Wellpaper and Murels Custom Dreperies Broadioom j C.1.L. Paints end Varnishes Fle-Giaze Colorizer Points | DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron Sy. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 lownaw (And we live in ine cellar an apartment 1) wT od goals waxes BE. RS Be No matter what | whip up for an evening meal, I've a wine on hand to make it mean something. Stew will do--if there's chilled DuBarry Sparkling Via Rosé on the table. And just taste what Manor Claret can do for hamburgers, Manor Sauterne for fish and chips! And my whole cellar hardly cost the price of a box of good handkerchiefs. 74 Sherry An appetizer wine, most popular in Caneda. Serve with bors d'oeuvres, and the soup course. 74 Port A delightful dessert wine. After dinner, with snacks, with cheese ++. perfect! Manor St. Davids Sauterne Chilled, it does wonders for white meat of any kind--fish, fowl or pork--and salads. Manor St. Davids Claret Canada's most distinctive "wine of the country". ideal with steaks, hamburgers, red meat of any kind. Mazel Tow A rich "kosher" wine. Delicious--appeals to everyone, DuBarry Sparkling Vin Rosé An "anytime" wine thet's light end' tingling on the tongue. Serve before, during and efter any meel at all. What more pleasant or welcome gift than e cellar of Brights fine Canadian wines? 4 You'll never get a warmer "thank yout". STAGE DOOR Lounge and Dining Lounge ot the WHITBY HOTEL 207 Dundes St. W suusuew whe VV e WLishe v¥ cssemy The Finest in Nightly Entertainment Proudly Presents THE FABULOUS BOBSMITHS | "CANADA'S MOST VERSATILE COMEDY DUO" @ Whitby's Finest Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M. @ Matinee Saturday .. . 3 p.m. to5 p.m. JAMES MAHER--Manager \ | |