A ch eA 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 5, 1965 [DURHAM COUNTY 'Fifth Cubs And Scouts : Plan To Organize Band WHITBY -- The Fifth Whitby|given regarding this band at fu igelist parish hall. In the ab-|prospective band members gence of the president, Mrs./meet with him and assist in the} Noy. 10 -- Zone 2 Safety Meet- Vincent Mallon, the meeting|formation of the band. He an was chaired by Mrs. James|swered questions asked Dby}ton. , Cronin, who opened with prayer. mothers. * Mrs. Frank Canzi gave a re-|. Mrs, Dan O'Hagan thanked)siocx port on the card party to be|the speaker for his interesting) Royal Winter Fair. held Nov, 23 at St. John's Parish|talk and presented him with a) Nov. 11 to 17 -- Ken Knox rep- 'Hall. Mrs. William Goverde and| gift from the Mothers' Aux-jresents Durham County at the -Mrs. Louis Bedard also gave/jjiary, | their reports for the card party. Raymond Bibeau, Mrs. Joof/pinean, ture meetings. Fach Sunday iliary met at St. John the Evan-|afternoon Mr. Grenier invitesicration of Agriculture Conven- The meeting closed with pray-jTonto and Ottawa. i. Mrs. Thomas sar a faa er by Mrs. Jesse Cronin. Lunch| Nov. 12 - 20 -- Royal Winter with Mrs. Harold Forbes, Mrs.|_.." served by Mrs. Raymond) Fair, Toronto. FARM CALENDAR 'Nov. 9 --.Miss Pat Wray, home economist, will be at the Durham County Agricultural of- fice. Directors' meeting, Dur- ham County Hog Producers' Assoc, department office. Nav. 19 and 11 -- Ontario Fed- tion, Toronto. ling, Anglican Parish Hall, Pic- Nov. 11 -- Inter-county Live- Judging Competition, 4-H National Club Week in To- Nov. 15 to 19 -- KAS, Kempt- ville, Plant and Bulk Tank Milk Ryn, Mrs. Louis Bedard and Mrs. Ben LaHaye attended the Ladies Auxiliany Study Course 4 Sc Afteatt a a tne re] SOLLOL hool port. :" It was mentioned that follow- Pl Di 4| Nov. 18 -- 1.30 p.m, Central » ing the Dec. 14 meeting, a sup- an iscussed Lake Ontario Conservation Au- COURTICE -- Plans for the new Senior Public School, to be built near Hampton, were : ; discussed at a recent meeting d tion of the Fifth Cub and Scout ins 'Coutise "Home and Dance, Solina Hall. School Association. The school § per will be served and members ill exchange gifts. The guest speaker was Louis » Grenier who spoke on the forma- : * Band, for all boys from eight to a ils wil ! 17 years. Further details will be Senior Public School Hotel To Expand which will serve all the pupil: t the Flying Dutch- = - "fet in the area. man Motor Hotel this week an-/ nouced plans for a $250,000 ex-| pansion program which will * make the hostelry one of the largest and most modern motor|Well as | hotels on the Macdonald-Cartier Music, Religious Instruction, a the usual Grades The new school is expected to Flying Dutchman open in September, 1966, with an enrolment of approximately 500 Grade 7 and 8 pupils. It will have 16 classrooms, plus a BOWMANVILLE -- The man-|Well equipped science room| itis) office, Brighton, Rev. There will be Home Econom- lies, Industrial Arts, Shop work, and 8 subjects, also extra cur- Graders' Course. Nov. 16 -- Harvey Wright, soil specialist, at Durham County office. thority Land Use Committee meeting. Nov. 20 -- 8.30 p.m. Durham County Jr. Farmers' Annual Noy. 22 -- 7.45 p.m. Kiwanis Farm-City Forum on 'Safety at Work", Queen Mary School, Peterborough. Hal Wright, sec- retary-treasurer of the Farm Safety Council of Ontario, will moderate a panel discussion. | Nov. 25 -- OIA meeting, agri- S!M. Ashford will speak on New Zealand agriculture. Nov. 26 -- 6.45 p.m., Federa-| ;| tion of-Agriculture annual meet- 7 ing and banquet, Orono United) Church, | Nov. 27 -- 8 p.m., Durham . Freeway. ricular sports. Text books will County Junior Award Night, Legion Bantams Post Their First Victory WHITBY (Staff) -- The Le- gion Bantams posted their first win of the season when they downed Police 6-4 in Wiiivy Minor Hockey Association ac- tion. Three, two-goal scorers pro-|blers and Rotary battled to a|F. Wells; Mrs. E. Bovay and vided the power for the Legion|5-5 draw. while four players shared the Police goals. For the Legion it was Mark Howe, Steve Short and Jim Gifts To Chest Please Official Contributions to the Whitby|winners. Brian McMonagle and Community Chest Wednesday|Dan Vallant each had one. totalled $412, it was reported to- day. The objective of the cam-|.tanding game for the All Stars, paign is $30,800. Cecil Brown, chairman of the|the season. Whitby Real Estate Section, re- ported his returns were almost complete. "The response bY/Ramblers meeting the All Stars Whitby real estate pedple isiat 5 p.m., the gts meeting very encouraging and I am/xinsmen at 6 p.m. and Rotary pleased with the results. These citizens realize that we in Whit- by must reach our objective and|--_ have been quite generous in this worthy cause," he said. The canvass of the 900 em- ployees at the Ontario Hospital is well under way. A report is expected in a few days. FINED FOR SPEEDING YUMA, Ariz. (AP) -- Race | | driver Roger McCluskey, 35, jhas paid a $20 fine in Yuma justice court for speeding. Mc- Cluskey, a veteran of several Whitby Bridge Club Winners WHITBY -- Following are the results of the Whitby Duplicate Quantrill. Police scorers were:|Bridge Club games. Mike Forbes, Dave Ross, Randy| North-South: First, Mrs. K. McCay and Pat Forestall. Hunter and Mrs. J. MacGilli- In the second game of the|vary; Mrs. E. Bowman and Bantam action, Abner's Ram-|Mrs. P. Irwin; Mr, and Mrs. Mr. E. Coles. For the Ramblers, Ronnie) fast-West: Miss G. Bovay Halton was the big gun with three goals, followed by Terry and Mr. W. McCraig, tie; Mr. Halton and Brian Jensen with|and Mrs. H. Winter; Mr, and one each. For Rotary, Don|Mrs. D. Desrosiers; Mr. and White led the way with three|Mrs, Jim Wilson. and John Reed two. In the third game, Pee Wee All Stars bombed the Kinsmen 6-0 with Dave Balsom and Dave Heron scoring two each for the HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Adam Grant playing an out- picked up his first shut out of Next action for the Bantams oes on Nov. 9 with Abner's going against the Police. at 7] PLANT OPERATOR TOWN OF WHITBY Applications will be received for the position of Operator of Sewage Treatment Plant, until 12:00 NOON, en Monday, November 8th, 1965. This position entails shift work. Ap- plicant must have Grade 10. education or higher (Ontario Standards) and have demonstrated mechanical or electrical experience. Applications in writing ore to be addressed to the Town Eng- ineer, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ont. SATURDAY ONLY 85 ONLY McCORMICK'S The four-storey addition will|be supplied and the school! Orono 'Town Hall. Indianapolis 500 races, paid the| : ve ill be the same as in provide 30 additional rooms, a ours wi Nov. 29 to Dec. 3 -- Miss Pat/fine for driving 75 miles an ! dining lounge, a swimming pool,| High Schools with no recesses. |wrov will be at the county|hour in a 60 m.p.h. zone' Oct. COUNCILLOR T. EDWARDS Chairman Sanitation Committee a gift shop plus enlarged hotel Hampton was chosen as the} p57. mt on U.S. 80 eaat of Yuma: and banquet facilities and ajsite of the new school aiter large foyer which will be part careful consideration by the WHEN YOU CAN ae of the new entrance. school board. It offers # more It is anticipated construction| central location and many prob- For as Low as 56 00 per ] U0 teh DEUSON @ See. as55 will start as soon-as-possible in lems such as_ staffing, buss- No moforist should be without snow tires ! They es and transportation problems) aden nab have to be considered. | Study Need For are an inexpensive form of driving insurance. A protection against costly accidents... time The Municipal Board has ap- Health Tests consuming delays. proved $400,000 for building the two-storey school and ad- ministration offices. BOWMANVILLE -- The man- | agement committee of the Dur- T T H | ham County District High own 0 onor School Board has been asked to | prepare a report on the advis- F ll H oe: ability of requiring students en- a en er s tering Grade 9 to have a medi-| BOWMANVILLE -- War vet- eal certificate. erans and residents of the iown Members of the Courtice com-|will honor the fallen of the two mittee said such certificates|world wars this weekend. would ascertain whether stu-| Members of Branch 178, Royal dents were physically fit enough|Canadian Legion, will march to take part in physical training |from the Legion Hall to the cen- and sports programs. The board/taph for the annual Remem- was informed one student col-|brance Service at 10.30 a.m. this) lapsed recently at Courtice High|Saturday. In the event of rain| School from exertion and there|the service will be held in the | had been a similar occurance|auditorium of the town hall. last year. The annual sale of poppies tol It was pointed out that health|raise money for Legion. charit-/ impairment could develop quick-|able work will be held on Fri- ly during the years of rapidjday and Saturday of this week. growth and parents could! The Legion Branch will hold easily not be aware of this. Injits Armistice Dinner in the Le- cases of heart deficiences there|gion Hall Saturday night. The| often are not any outward signs|speaker will be Frank Hills, of| until over-exertion causes dif-|Port Hope, provincia] sports of- | ficulties, it was explained. ficer. Sark Has No Income Tax But It Has An Atom Tax SARK, Channel Islands (AP)| The average tax works out, Taxes are down on the Isle of|petween $5% and $70. - Sark. The parliament, known as| py. island' ital the Chief Pleas, has cut the/ ' & virial queen rate about a penny in the pound, | called the Dame of Sark, is Mrs. | That means roughly that for|Sibyl Hathaway, the widow of| every $3 a man paid before,!an American, Robert Woodward| he'll now pay $2.98. |Hathaway. | Sark has no income tax, but) | something called the atom tax. | i However, why pay full price for tires you'll use only a few months of the year? RENT A PAIR OF SNOW TIRES FROM DUNLOP AND JUST PAY FOR THE MILES YOU DRIVE! And they are replaced free in the event of failure. See us for details. ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE LID. Available At Both Locations That has no sinister nuclear significance. Atom stands for) "a_ tax of money." a arrived at AA guessing RED CROSS ow much money and property @ man may have. it pays to look! IS ALWAYS THERE shabby. WITH YOUR HELP Sark's static population is 496,| of whom between 100 and 120) pay tax. | Women are not required to - pay taxes unless they are wid- ows of obvious substance and wealth. Neither are working men. The tax to be levied is decided upon by a group called the Douzaine, 12 good Sark men and true, including the president of the island parliament, William Baker. At an annual meeting the Douzaine decides who should pay what. Each November the taxpayers are given demand notes for their taxes and they must pay up by the end of the month. OSHAWA 227 Toronto Ave. WHITBY Phone 728-9432 401 Dundas St. E., Phone 668-3356 GP PAINT SALE FRESH -- INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WHITE AND HUNDREDS OF COLORS NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR SPECIAL MIXING 'for $200,000 aid to Students. ONE LOW PRICE GALLON DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY -- PHONE 668-5862 FREE DELIVERY QUART BISCUITS 4 Ib. box of McCormick's Fancy Biscuits. 1.97 20 ONLY TABLE LAMPS See this wide assortment of smartly styled table lamps that will brighten your home in more ways than one. Beautiful designs on gloss bases, topped by elegant silk shades, 144 ONLY Madras DOOR MAT Madras door mat, reversible, in @ variety of colors, Ideal for rainy or snowy weather, 25 ONLY Vanguard POOL TABLE 21 x 46 Here's fun for the whole family this Christmas @ Vanguard Pool table that is made of top quality materials complete with molded balls, cue sticks end rack. | 5 * 7 7 20 ONLY BOSTON ROCKER Attractive Boston Rocker finished In a lovely cinnamon shade, a real con- versation piece for guests to admire and enjoy. 4.47 25 ONLY SUPER HELMET SEVEN Seven exciting action safety features, red flasher, directional signals jeft and right, safety warning buzzer, detachable flash- light-headlamp, brilliant rear-reflector, pro- tective goggles for day or night, adjustable protective eor flaps. 5.97 100 ONLY DUSTERS Choose from our wide selection of cotton prints and cotton sateen prints in a lovely range of prints and colors in sizes small, med, and large. 1.67 On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa an? Whithv