VOTE LIBERAL / VOTE VIPOND Published by the Liberal Party of Ontario Riding ... the man wholll really do more for Ontauo Fuding Dr. Claude Vipond has practised medi- | Claude Vipond and the Liberals are pledged to: cine in Oshawa since 1948. ul ae ae ; Medicare by 1967 2 Liberal CLAUDE VIPOND, Liberal candidate for Ontario Riding. He's a doctor who has practised here in Oshawa ... in the United Kingdom . . . and even in the far eastern country of Malaya under the Columbo Plan. He has a family like you for whom he wants the best possible. (He figures what's good for them might be good for you.) He knows people; he knows their basic needs . . . the frail- ties and desires of the human condition. And he times $40,000,000. aid to students yearly. are good Job re-training because of automation Unity through a strong central government Continuing economic growth 250,000 new jobs yearly Increased Old Age Pensions to needy cares.