cheques totalling $7,607 signed by Mr. Reid 'presumably re- porting undeposited cash re- tained by Mr. Reid during the period of Jan. 13, 1965 to Sept a7 | a. BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Jack L. Reid, 33, resigned Saturday as the town's clerk- treasurer after council learned from its auditors. of -misappro- priation of funds totalling Piz, kh : es told a/FURTHER PROBE Mayor Ivan Hobbs ; PsP iecebeais A .| The auditors letter, read to special council meeting Satur. council, said further j day he had been advised by \the|"" , investi- municipal auditors regarding|®@tion revealed that through the misappropriation. payroll accounts, Mr, Reid had The letter from the auditors,|7eceived salary payments ex- Humpage, Taylor and Mc-|Ceoens bis salany allowance Donald, a Peterborough char-| (8,400 a year) in the amount tered accountants firm, said|°f $1,785.71 in the period of Jan. | that on Sept. 27 this year, cash| '0 Oct. 31 this year. 'Clerk-Treasurer Bowmanville Quits | |dain Mounted Police in Regina./showers then turning colder. by a a a Se en ce mate ae diate tii en a St, Thomas....... London Kitchener ..... Mount Forest.. Wingham ... Hamilton .... St. Catharines. Toronto ....4.. |Peterborough .... THORN. ne osseecen WEATHER FORECAST Mercury To Dip To 20's <-> __| Cloudy, Cold Tuesday that funds in the amount of), TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts)lation that will dro $17,529.66 covered by personal issued by the weather office at/tures tonight into th cheques, were placed on deposit|?:29 @-m.; |south and into the |} s i a by Mr. Reid. Synopsis:" A fresh thrust of|the north. Ow fens IM/Muskoka .+s+s+0e. Mayor Hobbs first reported|(l4 tit_{s now crossing the) Tuesday will be aiainiy)NOTM BAy-++- the auditors' findings to gil prairies into Ontario.|cloudy and cold as an area of |SUDUTY -+++sesees finance committee, which in = a weather is pre-|high pressures crosses the prov- GLUON: avcicocece turn called a special meeting of |"°°°°* by an extensive area of ince. Sault Ste. Marie.. council which was attended' by ace gmat that extends north-| Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,|/Kapuskasing ..... Mr. Reid. . i and 'onl of cecueecite Lake Huron, Windsor,|White River....+. Clarence Oke, deputy-clerk of| ' ' northwest-|London: Cloudy with showers)Moosonee .....+.. the town for the last i years, is oly egy a ar ip taper ending by late afternoon then /rimmins acting as clerk-treasurer untilline ¢ ap dod hey rt iaeeenoene p tempera-|Kingston .. é 20s in the|Killaloe ....,. eonee RSRARSSERRSSRSESSRSSSS reat Lakes and cainly eae a eer council reaches a decision to fill! 9; cloudy and cold. Winds becom- te vaonaee . fon to ivrain around the upper lakes |ing northwest 25 this afternoon a ree _. with wet snow occasionally and decreasing to light by rior to coming here, Reid mixed in. Tuesday morning. was clerk-treasurer in Strath-| The resulting weather picture. Niagara, Lake Ontario, Tor- roy and deputy-clerk in St. for today's election includesjonto, Hamilton: Cloudy . with Thomas, his home town. He|Snow changing to snowflurries served With the Royal Cana-[e (om i? ihe nomth while i showers ending this evening. |the south it will be cloudy with|Tuesday mainly 'for equality ot opportunity in Turning colder this evening. cloudy and cold. Winds light: easterly be- coming northwest 25 by this evening and decreasing to light early Tuesday. Forecast Temperatures Mayor Hobbs said after Sat-|this evening. urday's spec'al meeting:| The rapid eastward motion of| "When a teenager gets into|this weather disturbance will {carry it to the Quebec border e RUBBER WORKERS ATTEND BANQUET HERE \telligent man does something|-- Low tonight, high Tuesday: Windsor .. 30 by this evening to be followed by a cold northwesterly circu- 40 Education ASSISTANT PERSONNEL OFFICER Rubber workers of Dun- said. "Further investigation and 'withdrawls had been made in | municipal affairs subsidies with! Of Thompson | 'bank deposit." are George Brooks, presi- Norman Allison, Canadian j|and seven hogs poisoned at thejing the total cash shortages to SENDS LETTER dent of local 494; Peter Bomarito, international vice-president of the rubber workers union and guest speaker at the dinner; standing left to right, Ald. Clifford Pilkey' Oshawa, president of the Oshawa and District Labor Council; lop of Canada Limited, Whitby, attended the 10th anniversary banquet of local 494, United Rubber Workers of America(CLC) at the UA Whall Saturday night. In the picture are five labor officials who were at the dinner. Seated, left to right, Chest Drive Advances Saturday Total $3,477 A $306,300-prescription for the|day that response from city Greater Oshawa Community|workers is greater this year Chest is being filled out with|than previous years. Last year civic employees donated $4019 to the Chest. "I believe," said ease, The Chest's drive for funds} went into its 2ist day, today,/Mr. Powless, "that a personal backed by $218,196, of which|contact with the prospective $3477 was kicked into the cof-|contributor seems to be a better fers Saturday. means of arranging donations." And today, the Oshawa Board|Unlike previous years when a of Education is expected to file} general request for Chest dona- a report of its employee can-|tions was made, employees are vass. Walter Branch, co-chair-|being contacted directly for con- man of the Chest campaign, an-/tributions. maga -- = =" rr} A five-mile telephone booth is area of collection -- $6, ; ; ; 4 should be exceeded by five |Tace {9 stimulate interest in ~ per cent. There are. 382 teach- Chest's blitz was held Saturday ers, principals and vice-princi-)from the corner of Stephenson's pals in the 28 public schools. rd, and King st. along a series Miss Aileen Gibbs, secretary|of roads leading up to the Osh- to Dr. C. M. Elliott, superinten-|awa Shopping Centre. Partici- dent of public schools, spear-|pating were a 12-man team from headed the school canvass and|the Keystone Club, Simcoe Hall worked with«Dr. Elliott. They|Boys' Club, and an eight-mem- counts disclosed a series of| 'In addition, excess salary) discussion with Mr. Reid de- 1964 which had been accom- the substitution of these cheques|trouble, there is usually some RED, DEER, Alta. (CP)--One| The total of these was $6,950, |like this, there is absolutely no farm of Social payments from prior years Vv d l Hit totalled $1,186.22,"' the letter) | an a S termined that certain other cash' | t The Farm %.. by not recording the re- | i\ceipt of certain department of} for cash prior to making thejreason for it. But when an in- purebred cow was found shot|the auditor's report said, bring-|excuse,." |Thompson Sunday morning. Police were called to director of the rubber work- ers union; and Albert Tay- lor, president of Local 222, UAW, who represented auto workers at the banquet. Some 400 people attended the affair which started at 7 p.m. and ened at mid- night. Don't Allow Dead To Vote Caouette | VAL D'OR, Que. (CP)--Cre-|in the federal election campaign \ditiste Leader Caouette cam-|--a party gathering at nearby |paigned Sunday in the north-/Sylyan Lake, Alta. western Quebec riding of Ville- the gathering featured a neuve where he is seeking per-|.gmmunity sing-song, musical |sonal re-election in the general|tajent from the Red. Deer con- election today. stituency and a speecn by Mr. "Give me your day tomorrow|/Thompson in which he thanked and I will give you my nextiparty workers for their efforts. four years," he pleaded as he! pespite polls giving the riding made his first address of the jg his Conservative opponent, campaign in this community. (Gordon Towers, Mr. Thompson | Looking tired, the Creditiste| predicted he' would regain his leader said the speech was his|seat in the 'Commons by a 90th since the opening of the|wider margin than in the 1963 campaign, which*he wound upjballoting when his margin over lin Rouyn Sunday night after a|Mr. Towers was more than swing through 47 Quebec rid-|1,000 votes. ings. Mr. Thompson attended | During his speech to an esti-;church services with his family the found in the -hog feed. It was |the second time in recent weeks |Thompson farm. On their first trip, officers found that vandals had driven spikes in all four tires of a farm vehicle and shot another' _ cow. Mr. Thompson said the cows were worth $200 apiece and the hogs, ready for marketing, $100 each, Saturday night Mr. Thompson held the last of his engagements Credit Leader! lfarm, 12 miles. west of here,jamounts are involved that can} jafter Mr. Thompson discovered|be evidenced by- audit proce- ithe dead animals. Poison was/dure," \that vandals have struck at the|and through him, the $17,529.66. "Our investigation is continu-|«. ing to ensure that no further Reid's letter to council said: | It is with deep regret that I/ submit herewith my resignation as the clerk-treasurer of the {Corporation of the Town of Bow-| manville effective Nov. 3, 1965. | with Alan Strike, town solicitor} "T have enjoyed working with| agents for|all! members of council during} i- the four years, seven months,| fied of the shortage. and wish to acknowledge my| sincere appreciation for the FURTHER LETTERS help and assistance afforded A further letter dated Noy. 5!me." | the report said, The firm said it consulted) the bonding company were not CITY OF OSHAWA To assist the Personnel Officer in the various personnel functions, Duties to assist in recruitment interviewing, selection. Job descriptions and evaluation, salary administration, contract negotiations, benefit programs and other related labour relations programs, The successful applicant to have some University background or equivalent in industrial relations, persorinel administration or actuarial courses and required to have practical experience, Applications close November 19th, 1965 at 5:00 p.m. All replies treated in strictest confidence Apply in. writing only in first instance, giving age, education, exper- ience,-present salary and other pertinent dato, Personnel Officer, City Hell, Oshewe, Onterie. "When a mans a Red Cap it says a lotfor the man" issued a statement today saying they are "totalling returns and all indications are that there won't be any trouble in climb- ing over last year's total."" } Secondary schools and Sep-| arate schools are still working) at canvassing. | ber rivalling team of Seventh mated 500 people he asked for|Sunday and visited his father Oshawa Rovers, a group of sen-|8 vote that would obviouslyjand mother at their Innisfail ior scouts. The Keystone Club|"give me a more substantial farm near here. won the race, started by Mayor|majority than the 1963 one of} Lyman Gifford at 9 a.m. The}12,000." said might be 'carried on voting) drag, involving the pulling of the} Mr. Caouette came back today. booths, was over in 50 minutes, |themes he has spoken on in all) "I don't want the dead to vote with Miss '"Stormie" Dingley,|corners of the province. itomorrow," he said, recom- Miss Red .Feather here this An Oshawa welfare worker, 1 riding in the winning David Powless, in charge of the|year, eivie employee canvass, said to-'booth. against certain irregularities he mending his supporters to vote early and in numbers to make sure no one takes their place. | Speaking to 225 partisans at {Malartic, Que., he warned HERE AND THERE The Canadian Institute of Public Opinion reported Sat- Gets $4 $96 | urday the division in popular " \-vote among the more than seven in 10 likely to go to the Some 300 war veterans) ios as: Prog. yg 29 per donned their blue Royal Cana-| cent: Liberal 44 per cent; dian Legion garb here over the) NDP, 18 per cent; and Socred weekend and won a quiet | e i Through a typographical er- struggle a milies ot poms ibid ror if wae reported in Satur- families still feeling the agony! gay's edition that the NDP of warfare. figure was also 44 per cent. At least $4896 was raised in the Poppy Day blitz waged by, An Oshawa man, Lawrence Legion branch 43 Saturday and) Nicholas Abrams, of 214 Bloor Friday nights, Bob Brant, co-| st. e., was taken to Oshawa chairman of the local -Poppy| General Hospital with abra- committee-said-today,-He-term-|-siens--and_lacerations..to__his ed the campaign 'a complete] right leg after an accident on success." He said the objective| Bloor st. e. Saturday. His car was $500 and that late donations) was In collision with a car should boost the total collec-| driven by Mitch Emilvano- tions over the target. Last|wicz, 16 Manning rd. year's collections amounted to orrensein cimcenaurs ha gunna ied $3400. Money raised goes to help families left impaired by| World War One and World War|p Two Poppy Fund PALERMO AILS PHILADELPHIA (AP) rank (Blinky) Palermo, for- i mer fight manager, has suf- fered a heart attack in Lewis- HOLIDAYS DIFFER burg, Pa., federal penitentiary, Christmas is the only holiday|where he is serving a 15-year Britain and the United States|term for extortion and conspir- celebrate in common. "acy. PHARMACISTS ARE VERY CAUTIOUS Contucius said, "The coutious seldom make mis- tokes."" Pharmacists must never make « mistake, It might mean your life. Each prescription is @ sacred trust. All prescriptions are studied, The dosage is check- ed for safe use. If doubtful the Dector is phoned. Every ingredient is triple checked te meke certain it is the one specified. You cen trust pharmacists. We @re very cautious. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need @ medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping near- by. or we will deliver promptly without extra charge. A qreet many people entrust us with their prescrip- tions. May we compound yours? EASTVIEW PHARMACY 573 King Street East Oshawa PHONE 725-3594 Fost -- Free Motorized Delivery P. B. Francis, Phm.B. -- J. R. Steffen, B.Sc. Phm and others as nine per cent. | Ker OSHAWA RADIO ELECTION NIGHT '65 Hear Complete Results On_CKLB COMMENCING AT 7:00 P.M. Monday, Nov. 8th with Analyses and commentaries by a panel of experts including professors from Toronto, York and Scarborough Universities. Presents Direct Reports from candidates headquarters in Ontario Riding Direct Reports from candidates headquarters in Durham Riding Special Reports from ridings in Metro Toronto Special Reports from Northumberland Riding Direct Reports from Returning Officers in Ont- ario and Durham Complete Nationwide returns from across Canada CKLB News Director Ross Gibson assisted by CKLB Vice President Mill Marchand and FM Manager Dick Trotter will co-ordinate a 20-man team to bring Oshawa and district list- eners the most comprehensive election night coverage---both th CKLB-AM and CKLB-FM, : local and national on be This Special Election Round-Up Brought To You By: SCHOFIELD-AKER REAL ESTATE MeLAUGHLIN COAL AND FUEL SUPPLY OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED e * ° @ ALDSWORTH CLEANERS AM 1350 Geeteetcansertspfimmouref the straight ale The CARLING BREWERIES Limited.