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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Nov 1965, p. 17

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 11, 1965 Gears Of Communications Dutch House thing against von Amsberg be-jbeen a soldier in the German cause he was a German, but|Army was not acceptable in ajthe Nazis during the Second they found that a man who hadIroyal position in a country that}World War. ' suffered the terrorism of wren NAMES IN NEWS (p__ OKs Beatrix Spigatcapst For World Grind To Halt of darkness', it A, the NEW YORK (AP) -- In one| Clifton Daniel, managing edi-| The Chicago bureau took over, Wed German a 'ean te ' = -- instant Tuesday the hub of thejtor of The Times, said thatjfiling of the AP's national ton "The child it o United States' communications|about 7 p.m. it was apparent|/Broadcast News wires which was ) yet unnamed, industry lost power, faltered,|there would not be enough time|normally are filed from New| THE HAGUE (AP) -- The secti pond but caught {itself and beganito publish the full 96-page|York with other bureaus send-|lower House of the Dutch Par- ction er emergency talking again. morning paper. Telephone calls|ing regional news at certain pe-|!iament Wednesday gave over- lights as Beantown joined in ark News and to S.|riods each hour. whelming approval to the plans Much of the blackness that Throughout the northeastern|to the New : resulted . f bear U.S.--where more than one out|I. Newhouse, owner of The Jer--KEPT NEWS FLOWING of Crown Princess Beatrix to fs Om 'Tuseday's of 10 Americans live--television|sey Journal, brought offers of| Similar innovations kept the)matry West German commoner Sewer faiture. tubes went black and some|both printing plants. Proximity|news flowing to AP members|Claus von Amsberg. radio stations fell silent. and the chance of a largeriaround the world. ~ It also voted -- but by a Canada's Silver Cross Mo- Newspapers found alternativejnewspaper run led Times offi-| United Press International|smaller margin--to give the for- tier this year is Mrs, Nora lpresses to put out abbreviated|cials to take the invitation fromjhad emergency generators|mer German soldier Dutch cit- Wagner of Teeterville, Ont. editions. the News. which provided dim but suffi-|izenship. Mrs. Wagner lost three sons The Associated Press made| In city rooms -- despite dim|cient power for lights but, like! 'This was the first time in the during the Second World War, emergency shifts in its vast|candlelight and flashlight--copy|The AP, was unable to trans-|pistory of The Netherlands and was selected to. place network of wires, and kept the|was turned out. mit news from its New York|monarchy of modern times that the wreath at the base of the news, even of the blackout it-| The New York Daily News|headquarters. Parliament debated and voted Cenotaph of the National War self, 'flowing without interrup-|and the New York Herald Trib-| Radio station WINS--a locallon a royal wedding. Memorial today. tion. lune both abandoned tentative|New York all-news operation--| An unprecedented controversy Emergency conditions con-\plans to put out abbreviated|went off the air at 5:28 p.m.jarose over von Amsberg's Ger- Remember the "Jesse tinued for more than 10 hours eet, when their service was|and -- hed vin two min-|man past. James robbery" of the bank before power was restore d/restored, utes jater, broadcasting music i at Big Ps so Nebraska that early today. | The News, which did not getitrom its New Jersey transmit | jane said Ahoy 4d noe rep crashed front pages June 4? Advertising losses ran ,into commercial power until after 5\ter. The man accused of the rob- ROGER LAPORTE the millions of dollars. a.m., said there would be no| At 5:53 p.m., the station be- bery and three killings, 3 Television was the first to) Wednesday morning paper. gan its news operation again. Duane E. Pope, began trial | for him. On Hallowe'en he |feel it. At NBC-TV's headquar-/ At The Associated Pres 5/Wwith its news wires out, the sta- this week, and the central | Went trick-or-treating in a |ters in Manhattan's Rockefellerjheadquarters the lights wentition was fed international and) 7. prosecution witness had to | Wheelchair. What would he |Centre, the awful momentjout, telephone lines died and/national news from other West-| be taken 'to court in a wheel- | ike most? -- To meet enter- jcame at 5:16 p.m, EST when/banks of teletype machines fell inghouse radio and television) STUDIOS chair. Teller Franklin Kjeld- | iner Elvis Presley. power levels fell too low to/silent. stations in Chicago, Baltimore,) gaard, the lone survivor telecast, A movie being telecast | The AP supplies news On &/San Francisco, and Fort Wayne, | PASSPORT SERVICE among the bank staff, is The Canadian Council of |locally over WNBC-TV stopped.|co-operative basis to approx-itnd, Identification 1 95 paralysed below the waist, | Christians and Jews present- |A couple of blocks away at)imately 1,200 daily newspapers) 1, poston, the three morning Service.......... . shot in the back and neck, | ed two provincial premiers -- |WCBS-TV, a scheduled movie|and 2,400 broadcast stations in newspapers, The Herald, The 8 : who may soon by vying for |suffered a similar fate. So didjthe U.S. besides sending andiqijn. and The Record. re-| Christmas Portraits the post of Prime Minister -- |WABC-TY's movie. jreceiving news from more than), i..04 power and expected to| Greeting Card Special | John Robarts and Jean Le- 'panig sTaTIONS LUCKIER |!"0 foreign countries. publish, Radio and television|fm Sitting plus 12 cards 3.25 sage, with awards at the | 'wwgc and WCBS -- flagship|CALLS CAME IN stations switched to emergency Sitting plus 12 cords f Royal York in Toronto this | Gig stations of their respec-| Outgoing phone calls were|power supplies. (deluxe) 5.50 : week. A third recipient was tive U.S. networks -- were|impossible, but incoming calls} he Providence, R.I., Journal Wedding Coverage Maitland Steinkopf, provin- |i joker, Automatic system sifrom AP staffers and member ined egede 9 ge cial secretary of Manitoba n dope regained power at 8 p.m. and H hurch and reception anny y switched them to auxiliaryjnewspapers quickly appraisedjeynected to publish a full edi- 95.00 3 a blob G i / albums power and broadcasting of local|the New York staff of the ex-|tjon, 59.00 Book Earl A Scot named Andrew | wapc -- keystone station of|tent of the blackout. | eA ae eal Quinn came in under the |the American Broadcasting Co.| New York writers began feed-| Gang g Business Sittings "rope" Tuesday, as the first |dropped off the air for 20 min-\ing the story by unaffected di- 'ARS GO SWIMMING 1 glossy print 7.50 murderer in the United King- |ytes until it could telephone its\rect telephone extensions to the BLINDLEY HEATH, England) CUSTOM FRAMING dom to be convicted under the | programming to its transmitter) Washington AP bureau, which|(CP)--Surrey restaurant owner U new cat wy geread capital lin New Jersey. rolled it out on teletype to the| Richard Fryer wants the local punishment for a five-year | Television network program-|rest of the U.S. iti | H E STILL WELL 7 ; period. Quinn admitted killing |ming to the rest of the US| The New York cable head of stlgeomengslatinenic ag tomen| | tes me |] Dr. J. E, Rundle wishes to acknowledge with thanks, the assistance of the is boss after being fired at a /continued. without interruption.|The Canadian Press, Canada's|bY Por! custome ; : brickyard. News pee were handled by|national news-gathering co-op-|keep trying to park their cars STUDIOS above pictured members of the THETAT Fraternity. They were among the staffs in Washington, and Chi-jerative, wvas immobilized by/on it. The pon infest | i i in hi i fforts, The former U.S. Air Force |tapo gton , eee on as a AP mani heagiea ene Cchewn Shopping Centre volunteers who qssisted in his campaign e s chief-of-staff, Gen, Curtis | Most of the big evening shows|head office. Both are in the|" é age 8 TNE! 1 Don Mills 444-7231 Guelph LeMay, was made a grand |were on films of tape--and dup-\same building. CP switched surface look like gravel. } officer in the Legion of Honor, |iicate copies were aired fromjover to an emergency service France's highest order in @ |ros Angeles and Hollywood to|from the AP's Washington bu- military ceremony in PariS |the still-functioning networks, |reau to maintain the flow of in- Tuesday. Officials at all three networks|ternational news to its Cana-| » . ' 'FRANKLIN KJELDGAARD said that the losses of advertis-|dian members. 4 One of the lesser-known (in jing revenues probably pill be| The power failure delayed) } A few years ago, Ameri- | the outside world) playwrights |enormous, but none would haz-|production by a half hour of the] § cans watched television cover- | of Broadway, Irving Kaye |ard a guess as to how much.learly edition of The Globe andj } age of Buddhist monks 'in | j)ayis, died of a heart attack |There is no insurance to cover|Mail, Toronto's only morning] | Viet Nam practising self- | this week at the age of 65. He |such losses. paper. The first edition's news| | ! immolation in the streets of | had 12 efforts appear on the | Newspapers were hit hard,|and advertising content was} | Saigon. Now they can see it | street of dreams. too. In New York, The Timesjdrastically curtailed but nor-| | FAGH on their own streets. The case worked out a hasty arrange-|mal production was restored in) | in point is Roger LaPaorte, ment with the Newark News--|the next. t : 22, of Utica, who set him- across the river in New Jersey} AP photographers took to the} | MONTH : self ablaze in front of the --to publish an eight - page|darkened streets, then rushed] | 5 United Nations this week. edition. The Times expected to|their pictures by motorcycle} | oe ; LaPorte, whose religious faith run off 500,000 copies for deliv-jacross the Hudson River to the] | (Roman Catholic) does not ery in the metropolitan area|Newark AP bureau where they}: | : preach pacifism, asked for- and in key centres around the|were transmitted onto around-| | , giveness of the priest that U.S. the-world wirephoto facilities. i te comforted him on his appar- j ent death-bed, saying he i } (LaPorte) was sorry for hav- ing broken the tenet on sul- | AR cide, He suffered burns to 95 | RENT-A-C Pevieroeoae DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH 'gs Despite 'orders' from Rho- s | PLUS LOW | Patong Prime Minister Ian | 55.00 PER DAY MILEAGE CHARGE | : Smith, Chief Justice Sir Hugh | 725-6553 Beadle of that country arriv- r] : ti ' ree : c ed in Britain this week to dis- R U T H E R F oO R D S PACK OF No.7 CIGARETTES cuss his nation's plight with Prime Minister Wilson. Smith doesn't age eager to dis- CAR AND oe _-- SON: i cuss the independence issue | ° | with Wilson any more, and . 725-6553 Oshawa was displeased by Beadle's ial wi | } i activities. FRANKIE FLORES laa ' ri e ° ees mpe '| No other cigarette delivers ; rankid Flores is growing (OOo '. f smaller. His right leg was am- 0.H.A. Junior B Hockey } i putated a year ago and he has | | £4 ; e ; ig only a short time to live, due VOLKSWAGEN | Eto bone cancer. The son_of | TOMORROW | @ Tlavour like NUMDET /. Mr. and Mrs. Isabel G. Flores Sales & Service | | of Augusta, Georgia, Frankie | | j stays ih the living room so he | WERNER'S SERVICE 8:00 P M i can see all the things left CENTRE e e ® m cream-0 ag €-crop 0 accos, mmm 'mmm || Highway 12 end 7. 905-7162 OSHAWA CRUSHMEN | ° -- VS -- | umber/ cigarettes are paCke | BELLEVILLE | : ¥ | 'e j | an aneeren meen | firmer, rounder and fuller, For BLACK CAT | E R i R E R | ° ° ; Children 12 and Children 12 end Draw for 25 | Kin Size value ; . i) UM BER 7 oT under will receive | Tickets to Oshawe | ? CIGARETTES i Accompanied Free drink of Generals Game | , if by Parent. Orange Crush. Seturday Night. a pack of Nu mber/ ' | . ogee : e OBA oie "Xa | Cigarettes. They deliver SATURDAY g . y ! NITE | the flavour | KING SIZE FILTER TIP | Al ee 7:15 P.M. | NERALS | | OCTOBER : GENERALS ' | SHARING $30,000: (5789 Exch) ba | i WINNERS AND Mrs. 6. Armitage, Chatham, Ontarle a fp gta Mrs. A. Provost, Montreal, Quenee =~ Guernsev Gold we | -COMBRIATION Sivenceeee fk eee ae Niagara Falls | Mrs. M. Baling, Toronto, Ontario Mc. ©. Dugan, Halex, Now Soot" Mas, Lemay, St Hache, Quebeo MrT. H. (as) Should rd. Pe juchamp, 'thomas, Ontario g Ottawa, aa bed af FLYERS } winssonede Goshen Mr B, Fleweling, Moosomin, Sask. Mrs. R, MacDougall, Ontario Mr. A. Talbot, Lafontaine, Quebee oney Wil " | (2g Mg eochcimeson tase, Mex Shorter Rc. Me Mctnen y Monsha re Tc Cay, nh ' . B. , King: rs. 4 a Mr, , Pe eS MS She's Ouse" Mw aes ite RA lr ota ge nt Noe Sano Check under ee eaten ob ohny- Bu rep ie < orton ; Mr. J. G. Clow, Ottawa, Ontario Mrs. D. J. Kohmer, Burnaby, B.C. Mrs. P, Pigeon, Montreal, Quebec Mr, L. Wheeler, Halifax, Nova Scotia or under the cap of every bottle of GUER D | 2% forthe Brea words that could make you a CASH TICKETS AVAILABLE BUS SERVICE 4 . WINNER in the IDEAL DAIRY LTD, GUERNSEY GOLD AT Leave Dewstown 6:00-6:20. [| SHARING $20 000: ($377 EACH 2% "Money Milk" contest. MPa 7:00. Return ofter the game. : ' Bring in the lucky flop or bottle top to Ideal Dairy Ltd., Bolsheot's sportsheven oe Mr. L. Abell, Grande Prairie, Alberta, Mr. S. Giles, Ottawa, Ontario Mrs. R. Leonard, Pte. Edouard, Ontario =' Mr. H. Reid, Guelph, Ontario 390 Ritson Rd. North, Oshowa . . . answer a simple NEXT 'HOME GAME | Mr, A. H. Andrews, Ottawa, Ontario Mr. M. Golden, Montreal, Quebec Mrs. M. MacKeigan, Taylor, B.C, Mr. G. Rumming, Yellowknife, N.W.T. tion and we'll give you your CASH PRIZE! It's @ Jim Bishop Sporting Goods SAT., NOV. 20th | Mr. L. Beluszky, Barrie, Ontario Mrs. E. Green, Ottawa, Ontario Mr. H. Manning, Toronto, Ontario Mrs. M. Sargent, Sardis, B.C. ree ! ; Downtown Oshawa ettes. Those Mr. S. Z. Bendes, Mr. A. Grigor, London, Ontario Mrs. F. Marchand, Montreal, Quebec Mr. A. Sephton, Vancouver, B.C. , ' njoying delicious GEURNSEY Generals vs, Hamilton No. 7 emgarettes. Those who. submit simple! . . . aS easy os enjoying Port Colborn: ' i Mrs, R. Shi Laurent, EAL DAIRY LTD. teri e, Ontario Mr, M, Grusie, Calgary, Alberta Mrs. M. McEachem, Mrs. Re aw, St. Laurent, Quebee GOLD 2% ... fresh every day from ID! @ Auditorium Box Office the numbers m correct sequence Mr. B, Boucher, Kingston, Ontario Mr. F. GyurRocki, Langley, B.C. St. Catharines, Ontario Mr. W. Sliva, Elora, Ontario share i@ $30,000. Those who submet Mrs. R. E. Branscombe, Chatham, Ontario Mr. N. Hetchler, Edmonton, Alberta Mr. D. McKay, Cooksville, Ontario Mr. B. E. Smith, Fort Simpson, N.W.T, ' y : Mr. J, K. Byrne, Scarboro, Ontario Mrs. P, Hopkins, Willowdale, Ontario Mrs. J. D, McNab, Nelson, B.C, Mr, W. Soules, Revelstoke, B.C, IDE A L D AIRY these numbers im any other sequence Mr. S. M. Davidson, Mrs. W. 6. Knutsen, Merritt, B.C. Mr. R. Pellettier, Downsview, Ontario Mrs. M. L. Taylor, Calgary, Alberta G sho S00 Cnet wen econ He ae Patan Ota Me ee Re tt te ba acme G& LTD. all persons eighteen years or over Mr. D, Fischer, Winnipeg, Manitoba Mr. 6. Ontario Mrs. D. Reay, Terrace, B.C, Mr. M. H. Wylie, Geraldton, Ontario { 390 Ritson Rd. North a PH: 728-6241 SPONSORED BY BOCK CITY TOBACCO CO. (1960) LIMITED THE MANUFACTURERS OF NUMBER 7 KING SIZE FILTER CIGARETTES eee G i THORNTON RD, SOUTH OFF KING ST. WEST

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