pene > er ee ee ae ae Ged Pal Creer CANADIAN PLAYERS BRING LIVE THEATRE TO OSHAWA The Canadian Players, a group of professional actors, will bring live theatre to Oshawa on November 18, under the sponsorship of the University Women's Club of Oshawa and District. They will present 'The Im- portance of Being Earnest" at the McLaughlin Col- legiate Auditorium at 8.00 p.m. Proceeds from the play will be put in the Scholar- ship fund of the sponsoring club. Shown here are the members of the committee making the arrangements, as they admire one of their posters. They are, from the left, Mrs. Edward Glazier, Mrs, I, F. Biggar, ways and means chairman; Mrs. Bar- nard Lewis, president of the club; Mrs. R. -P. Jaeggin and Mrs. A. R. Garrett. --Oshawa Times Photo DISTAFF DIARY NORTHMINSTER UCW "There is a special meaning for us in the fact that Thanks- giving season immediately pre-|their proper place, then cancell- cedes Christmas, it could bejed their prayers by refusing to called 'Thankmas' because the/take office, because they were best of Thanksgiving and Christ-|too busy; they didn't want to mas ought to be combined to|feel bound; they had worked prepare for the holy holiday,"|and no one bothered to thank so stated Mrs. Victor Cubitt at the November meeting of the| Northminster United Church/| the members prayed that they might seek first the Kingdom of God and let other things find | nerve. Arrangements were made for church parlors. |the men of the congregation who Mrs. Cubitt was assisted with|would be making an every- the devotions by Mrs. Mervin member visit on Sunday, No- Cryderman. jvember 14. Mrs. Wilfred Anthony, vice-} Mrs. W. Bruce Luke, supply pfesident, conducted the busi-|secretary, reported that al- ness session. though Northminster UCW had Mrs. James Semple, president,|sent the supplies requested by gave a report from the official|/presbyterial, some locals had board, on which the members been unable to meet the re- of the United Church Women/quests made to them, so addi- would be expected to vote at the tional supplies had been re- annual meeting. |quested at the fall rally. Mrs. Mrs. J. L. Fallis, recording | Luke had articles of warm cloth- secretary, gave a comprehensive ing with her, which were to be report of the annual fal! sec- tion rallies of the Oshawa Pres- byterial held at Orono and Port Perry. Mrs. Kenneth Crone of the nominating committee, report- ed that most offices had been filled for the forthcoming two years term. Miss Shirley McKee, church deaconess, announced that Sun- day, November 21 would be the annual UCW church service at which she had been asked to speak. Mrs. Harold Hawkshaw, lit- erature and community friend- ship secretary, reported on new books. Mrs. R. B, Galbraith, stewart ship and recruiting chairman gave a pointed and timely ac- count of a fictitious nominating committee meeting, in which Isent for forwarding to an In- Idian reservation. | The worship service was held lin the chapel, following which, |members of the Rossland Unit jserved refreshments. VICTORY LODGE The regular meeting of Vie-| tory Lodge LOBA No. 583, was held recently in the Orange Tem- ple. Lodge was opened by Wor- thy Mistress Betty Atkins as- sisted by Deputy Mistress Don- alda Strong. | Devotional exercises were performed by the Chaplain Anne McNevin. The flags were pre- jelection of officers would take) jplace at the next meeting andireport on the 'Sunbeam Chapter OES Officers Installed In Colorful Rites The installation ceremony of|Esther, Sister Coral Williams; Sunbeam Chapter, Order of the| Martha, Sister Eunice Smales; Eastern Star was conducted by|Electa, Sister Gladys Bickle; Sister Marianne Girard, PM;|warder, Brother Bryan Curry; |Brother Hugh Espie, PP, In-|sentinel, Sister Donna Lohnes, stalling patron; Sister Dorothy) Sister Thelma | ling organist; Sister Sybil Lang-/their official year, Sister Ruth Bestwick, PM; In-|Sunbeam Chapter, No. jstalling Soloist; assisted by] of the Eastern Star. jother past Matrons of Sunbeam! Officers from various chap- jChapter, on Thursday evening.|ters were given a. hearty wel- | The officers installed werejcome and many past officers of |Worthy Matron, Sister Wilma/Sunbeam Chapter were present. Taylor; Worthy Patron, Brother|The Worthy Matron expressed George Taylor; Associate Ma-jher thanks for their loyal sup- tron, Sister Gladys Elliott; Asso-|port and hoped they would con- ciate Patron, Brother George tinue to support the Worthy Thompson; secretary, Sister|Matron-Elect and her officers Meta Moore; treasurer, Sister|for the coming year. Ann Brown; conductress, Sister} Visitors present were from: Gwen Hanna; associate conduc-|purham, Cooksville, Whitby, tress, Sister Ellen Curry; chap-|Belhaven, Bowmanville, Wes i serial, Miner Pears Denkiite, conte Coton , "iston, Scarborough, Cobourg, Mim Adeh, Siier Sandel Mgrs See ena ; 5 : omas, eterborough, Bent; Ruth, Sister Alta Irwin; Agincourt, and Glenhee, Scot- land, Sister Wilma Taylor gave the sick members all oe were -- to be/and the WM wished alla speedy present. Margaret oy was re- recovery. A donation was given ported on the sick list. Happy|to Simcoe Hall and retarded Birthday was sung for Anne/children of Glenholme School. epg and Florence Newn-|Invitations were accepted to jam. |Whitby and Port Perry. The The prizes for the draw were|trustees, auditors, secretaries donated by Betty Atkins andjand treasurers' reports were won by Anne Burgess and Anne/given and accepted. Sister Wil- |sented by Gertrude Sommerville and Junior Lecturer Florence Newnham. God Save the Queen was sung and the Pledge of Loy-| alty was repeated by all. | It was announced that the| MeNevin. Tasty refreshments;ma Taylor presented the WM were served by Anne McNevin'with gifts from the» chapter and Olive Harrison. jand her officers. Brother Frank It was announced that the|Train presented the WP with next meeting would be held on|his gifts. Sister Ruth Bestwick November 25. 'sang the recessional. = | 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 11, 1965 SOCIAL & Jo Aldwinckle, Ranger Sharon Dickey, Guide Gail McWilliams, and Brownie Kathy Smith from Parkwood Disirict placed the Oshawa Girl Guide wreath on the Cenotaph today. Many prizes were awarded at the euchre party held at the Glenholme Workshop by the 19th Scout Group Auxiliary recently. The president, Mrs, Donald Roter, welcomed all visitors. Mrs, Earl Campbell and Mrs. Kenneth Batt, co-conveners, opened the euchre party and thanked all members, parents, and business firms who worked anc contributed to the success of the event. Mrs. Desmond Delaney is con- lyener of the home baking booth lfor St. Mary's of the People Three-Light. Bazaar. Mrs. |Michael McArthur is the pub- llicity convener and Mrs. Ger- lald Cole is assisting Mrs. John \Kelly in the candy booth. | | Among the prize winners at McMaster University Convoca- tion last Friday, was Miss Mar- lgaret Rice, daughter of Mr. and IMrs. D. H. Rice, Hillcroft street. She was awarded the Josephine scholarship valued at Beian [orc idn' Beerthuzien|$100 for academic proficiency in them or they didn't have the/Haley, PM; Installing Marshal; |and Brother William Henderson|her second year. Sister Gladys Morgan, Install-|presided at the last meeting of| a | as. Worthy Women, held recently in the|refreshments to be served to|maid, PM: Installing Chaplin;|Matron and Worthy Patron of| 73 Order) Among the Canadians invited to attend and participate in the first international world cham- ipionship, all breed, dog show being held in Nassau in the Ba- hamas, from January 10-20, 1965 wii be Mr. and Mrs. Karl S. Innes, Taunton road east with their Norwegian elkhound entry. PERSONAL Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department turing home made bread and rolls, Mrs. Geraldine Smith and Mrs, Evelyn Harris; candy, Mrs. Barbara Peebles; fancy work and sewing, Mrs, Mar- garet Poirier and Mrs. Helen Owen; Christmas table, Mrs. Donna Gardner and Mrs. Cath- erine Peebles; teen doll clothes, Mrs, Hudy Reinkoester, CONVENER Mrs. Edward H. Heavens is convener of the fall bake sale and tea being held at the Oshawa YWCA, Ade- laide House, Saturday, No- vember 13, from 2.30 p.m. Y-Teen Dance To Help Red Feather The Y-Teens at the Oshawa YWCA are busy making final arrangements for Friday's dance which will be held in the Recreation Room at the YWCA. The Strollers will provide the music, This is the first time this group has sponsored a dance. They will be giving the pro- ceeds to the Red Feather Cam- paign. ! This is one of several groups for teens at the YWCA. Their program is a combination of education, physical fitness, and service. Past and future pro- grams for the fall session are: judo, keep fit' hair styling, make up, Christmas decora- tions, a visit to the Children's Aid Society, and a speaker from the Ontario Hospital in Whitby. Another feature of their activi- ties is meeting girls from other groups through visits and con- ferences, Just recently 40 girls from the West Toronto Teen groups visited here and enjoyed a tour of Oshawa. Another of the teen programs is the Leadership Training Course. These girls are learn- ing the skills necessary for camp counsellors singing, dancing, games, sports, nature, and drama. Most of the girls will be counsellors at the YWCA Day Camp in July. This group loften sponsors dances for the younger teen set. Still another program is the Friday evening Baby Sitter \Training Course. The "'Y" co- loperates with the Ontario Safe- ity League and the local TB association in arranging these | \sessions. This is a seven-week course for those who want to learn child care and safety as well as entertaining the child. SOCIAL NOTICE FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stevenson, Oshawa, wish to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Gail Louise, to James William Prouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prouse, Brooklin. The Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean, married in Port Perry in 1915, brated their golden wedding an- niversary at the Lions Com- munity Centre, Bowmanville. Mr, and Mrs. Dean have lived in this area most of their lives. Mr. Dean farmed north of Burketon and later worked for Brookdale Nursery. They had five children' Arthur of Black- stock, Mrs. Lorne Garrow, Doris, of Port McNicholl; Mrs. Elwood McKee, Gwen, of Taun- ton road and Bertrum and George, both deceased. There are eleven grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. The room was attractiv decorated with aut h Long-Time Local Area Residents: Mark 50th Wedding Annive and now living in Oshawa, cele-| ely| vee I eae Congratulatory messages were received from the Governor" eneral and Madame Vanier;.° the Prime Minister, the Right Honorable Lester B. Pearson, the Right Honorable John Dief- enbaker, leader of the Opposi-_ tion, Premier John Robarts of° Ontario; the Honorable Michael: Starr, MP; the Honorable Dr. Matthew Dymond, MLA; Mayor' Lyman Gifford, Mr. Albert V. Walker, MLA; Mr. Russell Honey, MP; the couple's grand- daughter, Mrs. Donald Dage- pais, British Columbia, and cousins from Saskatchewan, of cut flowers' and the tea table was centred with a three- tier wedding cake topped with golden wedding bells. About 125 jfriends and relatives visited' jwith the couple during the eve- ning. The granddaughters and wo nieces served refreshments \while those pouring tea were |four nieces, Mrs, Robert Dionne, |Mrs. Raymond Lunn, Mrs. Ro- jland Brown and Miss Lorraine Brown, | Members of. the family pre- sented the couple with a wallet of money and a gold pen. Also jamong the gifts received was a iradio, clock and another sum of |mone: Out of town guests were jfrom Midland, Port McNichol, |Cadmus, Greenbank, Kitchener, |Whitby, Toronto, Orono, Ponty- pool, Blackstock, Burketon Enniskillen, Pembroke, manville, Taunton | 5% Discount If You Bring This Ad. For All Your Bridal Shoes | TINTED FREE CHOOSE DANCEY'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Mr. Lloyd Hicks, Whitby, is a patient in Port Perry Com- munity Memorial Hospital,| event are in aid of the hotly hd porlliage ok 2 hl World Service work of the | | him a speedy recovery. : YWCA. eienamnainiimnidaaememeiaell | The Literary. Group of the] HOLDEN University Women's Club of Oshawa and District are meet-) ing tonight at the home of Mrs J. M. Moffatt, Simcoe street north. The book under discus- sion will be 'The Counterfeit- lers" by Andre Gide. to 4.30 p.m. Proceeds of this Mrs. Florence Russell, con- jvener of the bazaar being held jby the Motor City Streamliners iTOPS Club at Woodview Com- munity Centre next week, has finalized all arrangements. Mrs. Dorothy Parfitt, the first organ- izer of TOPS in Oshawa, will officially open the bazaar. The tea room will be in the charge of Mrs. June Deveau, Mrs. Ann \Brown and Mrs. Lillian Wilson; | the touch and take table, Mrs.| |Lillian Linton and Mrs. Emily \Keetch; white elephant, Mrs.| |Ann Tripp; home baking, fea-| | ORDER N Succtssful Solving Of Problems| Requires Consulting With Aged LONDON, Ont. (CP)--A con-|ment of a government pro- sultant with the federal health| gram. department said Friday that no| Oressa Hubbert, clinical co- program for solving problemsjordinator at St. Joseph's Hos- of the aged should be initiated|pital- school of nursing in Lon- without calling upon elderly|don, said the scarcity of nurses persons themselves to help. jin this field (old age and its Lola Wilson of Ottawa toldjdiseases) could be attributed to the closing session of-a seminar /fear and ignorance. on..Nursing and. Care of the'| Many young people see an Aged that nrese'nt methods|image of themselves in older sometimes Isolate old people--jpersons, and by doing so reject "the very ones we are tryingjthem, Miss Hubbert told a to help." |seminar. "We become so problem-ori-; The three - day workshop, entated we lose sight of them sponsored by the Middlesex as whole people." |County Registered Nurses As- Miss Wilson said the aged|sociation ended Friday. could participate in organized) Kindness is the most impor- local study groups, leadership|tant characteristic for a staff training programs and service|member nursing the aged, she projects. "Responsibility should said. be shared with the elderly to) The tendency on the part of try to change society's attitude|the staff member is to want to towards them and the attitude|qo for the patient, she said. they have towards themselves|Tpis is deadening to the pa- that they are useless and non-|tjent's dignity, initiative and productive," self-worth. Fulfillment for the aged can-' Fyen the terms '"'granny," not be legislated, she said, be-\'grandpa" and "dear" add in- cause each has his own Con-|syit in injury and make the old} cept of the "'good life." It's UP) people feel childish, she added. to local communities to help|-- : ga aig Accum people meet life and get satis-- TAKE SAME TRAINING faction from it. | Women in training to become But, she added, it's important officers in the Salvation Army to steer a middle course andjare required to undergo the find a way to allow develop-isame course as men. INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 in Switzer JE ceremony is to take place on Saturday, November 7, 1965 at 3.00 p.m. in Brooklin United) | 74 Celine Street Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shodes ond Fobrics.. . see... MéC DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS WXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 Church. \ BROS. New Signature Chairs by Kroehler --more good looks, more quality, more comfort, more pride of ownership-- Ow FOR CHRISTMAS Order now for Christmas delivery-- or use our lay-away plan, "© Eudtinous hands and hour ¢ Water and shock-protected "Sw Vhejewel precision id Movement made BIRKS WELLERS Early American style swivel rocker with super comfortable "'Sleepy-Hollow" back, 139.95 99.95 Vaiue-Priced Relaxer reclines to the perfect position for elther TV-watching or nape b Contemporary. styled Rocker-' Relaxer easily ad- usts for TV-viewing and oungin 9. Diamond back and luxurious seat" cushion are designed for long-term sitting comfort. Height 39-inches. King-size comfort, plus man-size proportions will make th is the favorite chair of that man at your house, Relaxer justs fo! TV and chair easily ad- rreading, watching snoozing. Revers- ible zippered seat cushion of 100 polyurethane foam, Choose from rain- bow colors In plastic up- holstery. Helght43-inches, Extra comfortable swivel rooker. with high back for extra relaxing comfort. nylon cover for long service. Here is @ relaxer styled to t Heavy ake up less space in the living room but opens up for comfortable lounging. Heavy 63 vinyl cover. 139.95 Buy on our own budget plan. FURNITU King St. E. ack. struction assures many years of restful comfort. Height 40- Inches. Racct ioatins : Gariiage-seawurone on Top-quality seat cone Bos RE COMPANY 725-3514