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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Nov 1965, p. 21

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20 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, November 11, 1965 Crisp, Crunchy Apple Desserts Temptingly Warm From Oven Hats off to Johnny Appleseed)2% cups sliced, peeled apples this month! For the wonderful/4 eggs, separated fragrant aroma of apple des- one-third cup granulated serts baking in the oven lends sugar a friendliness and warmth to one-third cup dairy sour eold November days we would cream hate to miss. tablespoon flour Whether your fancy runs to|+ -- grated ornage ples, bblers or crumb : never serve them plain. The ad-|¢ teaspoons orange juice dition of good Canadian ched-| % teaspoon salt be cheese, or a topping of ice cream whipped cream or ice cream) Butter an & quare enhances the flavor admir- pan on = yr 325 -- 5 iy g. ably and once you've run ' through the family favorites, F. Combine brown sugar, cinna- there's a multitude of other fine}|mon, wafer crumbs and al- apple desserts awaiting you! jmonds, Sprinkle two-thirds over Perhaps you'll start with albottom of prepared pan. Set FRESH APPLE COFFEE-CAKE| remaining crumbs aside. Melt covered all over with @ CriSPY|) ter in a h 7 topping of cinnamon, brown utter in a heavy saucepan. Add sugar and nuts. Just a hint of|@Mples and cook over very low hears a Loy ngage thejlow heat,;until tender, Beat egg uttercake base, for a pleasinglyolks slightly, gradually beat in change. Serve it with talligranulated sugar. Add sour glasses of cold milk for the cream, flour, orange rind and younger set. ' bint juice, combining well. Pour over FRESH APPLE COFFEE-CAKE apples and cook oper very low (Makes 9 Servings) heat, stirring constantly until % cup chopped almonds mixture thickens slightly. Re- Y cup lightly-packed brown | move from heat and cool. Sprin- sugar j kle salt over egg whites and \% teaspoon cinnamon jbeat until stiff but not dry. Fold ; 5 jinto apple mixture. Carefully cups sifted all-purpose flour)pour over crumbs in pan. Sprin- teaspoons baking powder ikle with remaining crumbs, and one-third cups granu- |Bake in preheated oven about lated sugar \45. minutes. Serve warm with; eggs jice cream. two-thirds cup milk | cup butter, melted | APPLE BEIGNETS make teaspoons grated orange |mighty fine eating after a stren- rind juous round of bowling or skat- Y, cups coarsely chopped, jing. Try setting up an assembly peeled apples jline . . . letting folks add their For The Topping: jown crunchy -nut topping and Combine almonds, scoops of ice cream as you fry brown DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. SA HOME LEAGUE and outlined advice for future sugar and cinnamon. For The Coffee-Cake: Butter a 9-inch square cake pan. Preheat oven to 350 deg. F. Sift together the flour, bak- ing powder and sugar. Beat eggs well; stir in milk, melted butter and orange rind. Make a well in dry ingredients and add liquid all at once, mixing light- ly until just combined; do not over mix, Turn into prepared pan; spread evenly. Bake in preheated oven 15 minutes. Top with apples and sprinkle with topping; continue baking 30 to 35 minutes. Cut into 9 squares) and serve warm. | When company comes, an- other orange-apple combination comes up in featherly light form. APPLE ANGEL PUD- DING, has a souffle-like tex- ture that's divine with vanilla more of these delectable apple fritters. NOT ALLOWED TO SIT | MONTREAL (CP) -- Singer| Janet Stewart's husband is a couturier so she has a particu- larly fine collection of clothes, but that has its drawbacks. In an interview here she refused) to sit down, explaining "Rudy always says, 'Never sit in your wardrobe,'"' and added that she has become used to stand-| ing. | WEAR DYED NUN'S HAIR MONTREAL (CP)--The false eyelashes fluttering these days at 'in' resorts may once have belonged to a nun in a secluded The regular weekly meeting took place in the citadel with Major and Mrs. Gordon Holmes in charge. Mrs. William James, secretary, welcomed everyone. Mrs, James read the various announcements, and reminded the members of the Christmas bazaar, November 19, at 1.45 p.m. Mrs. Major Holmes gave a reading followed by Major Holmes giving an interesting talk, "Distance ,Dims the Vis- ion.' Mrs. James thanked Major and Mrs. Holmes. The! Cheerio Group will be in charge of next week's meeting. ALBERT STREET H-S The November meeting of Albert Street Home and School was recently held with Mrs. Hayden Kemp presiding, Miss Vickie Knox, who was the winner for the Community Chest public speaking contest, gave her talk on the Canadianj National Institute for the Blind. It was decided to present Mrs. R. J. Fair with a life time mem- bership in the Albert Street Home and School Association. Mrs. Albert Thompson intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs. Foy, from the Children's De- partment of the McLaughlin Public Library. Mrs. Foy gave committees. A nationally dressed doll which will be presented to the Oshawa General Hospital for its bazaar was exhibited. Mrs. Donald Sadoway will accom- pany the president to the Cana- dian Centennial meeting to be held at the City Hall. The following members will receive attendance awards for the year Mrs. Walter Kuch, 8 years; Mrs. Walter Grigorenko, two years; Mrs. Paul Plishka' two years and Mrs. John Dut- chak, two years. The annual reports of the of- ficers and chairmen were heard and proved the organization ex- ical year. Officers elected to serve the 1965-66 season were: Mrs. John phen Gonta, secretary; Mrs. Walter Kuch, press secretary; secretary; Mrs. William Droz- wick and Mrs. Paul telephone committee Mr s, John Masiewich and Mrs. Wal- ter Kuch program; Mrs. Don- ald Sadoway, Mrs. William Drozwich and Mrs. Paul Plish- ka, Sunday School committee, an. informative illustrated talk on children's reading The parents were invited to visit the classrooms where the} teachers presented the eurricu-} lum for the grades | A bake and candy sale was) held to raise funds for the Asso-| ciation A social half-hour followed with refreshments being served by the Room Representatives. UKRAINIAN (Barvinok Branch) | The annual meeting of the} Ukrainian Women's Association held at the home of Mrs. Paul) Plishka. | The president, Mrs. Walter) Grigorenko, thanked Mrs. Jo-| seph Maga and Mrs. Alex Stec} for convening a successful fam-| ily barbecue recently. | Mrs, Stephen Gonta, convener) of the bazaar reported a fine attendance. She thanked all the members for their WOMEN jmittee Mrs. of Canada Barvinok Branch was tions; Mrs. Steven Hercia, Ukrainian Folk Dancing; Mrs. John Masie- wich, shower convener, John Goreglad and Mrs. Rosti- plaw Panczenko, hospital visit- ors: Mrs. Donald Sadoway, Mrs. Alex Stec and Mrs. John Gore- glad, auditors. After the installation to office Mrs. John Dutchak resumed the business meeting. Plans for the Students' Day Dinner, Novem- ber 14, were read by the com- Mrs. Kuch, convener; ( invitations; slaw Panczenko, Mrs. Steven Hercia, Mrs. will be the guest speaker. May 7, the Spring Frolic. It was also decided to cater to a banquet in May. An auction held by Mrs. Wal- ter Grigorenko concluded the meeting. Refreshments were rticipation|served by the hostess i European convent. Visiting beauty expert Gerard de la Baudiniere said the nuns are ice cream. Be suré to-serve it warm from the oven! selling their hair to help raise| money for churches. APPLE ANGEL PUDDING | (Makes 6 servings) | one-third cup lightlypacked| brown sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon | \% cup graham wafer crumbs ¥% cup finely chopped almonds} 2 tablespoons butter | PORTRAITS @ Children ; Family Ute, OPENING SPECIA! 8 for 1.00---16 for 1.75 H. E. Stillwell Studios Oshewa Shopping Centre 728-4801 haute coiffure .. .- 6 european styl Modella Hair Stylists international coiffures 71 celino st. ists oshawa, ont. Select Your Christmas Draperies from Oshawa's Largest Selection It's not. too-early. for - Christmas ! to-order-your draperies Dress up your home for the Festive season! Select now from Ward's vast collection of fabrics, pot- terns and styles . . ond be assured you'll have them: in time for the Holi- day Season | JET Hi ta street tic and imported fabrics budget . . yours now ! lies. bi} eA Wg Ward's, your recognized drapery specialists for Osh- awa and district, now have a vost selection of domes- . for every taste, decor or ready to hang or custom-made -- Select "OSHAWA'S LARGEST 31 SIMCOE ST. S. ot ATHOL TWO RANGES peir in stock now, ECONOMY RANGE Gg % HANG LINED DRAPES Bia variety of sizes, colors and patterns, Over 1,000 sits | FITS 96" Trock | FITS | ime | OO 1 435", | Troek | Troek "" - s Finished Length 93" Finished Length 1498 1098 1698 1998 ~ | 9998 4498 5998 FITS | FITS | 144" | 192" Track | Treek DELUXE RANGE | #ITS FITS 48" 96" Trock | Track 1388 2198 2798 63" Finished Length 93" '1ose) | 3898 580 7898 FITS FITS 144" | 192" Trock = Treek Bee tee i > Custom Mad Dutchak, president; Mrs. Alex ice-pres : Mrs. Ste- SS ee. Ts. e'\Church Women was held at the Mrs. Morley Parfinuk, treasur- -) d , financial er; Mrs, Joseph Maga, financia' cers ond & guest Mra, Mate Mrs. meeting INCH PINCHER TOPS CLUB|Fred Graham; card convener,|sistant, During . " ace sess Satna ep hep ep a an gS et Rte th ae ee October the Inch|Mrs. Leonard Rogers; pianist,|press Pincher TOPS Club has enjoy-|Mrs. Leonard AI geet era a Mrs. James Moore; Mrs. Wilfred|the hostess and her committee,|pot-luck supper end Christmas Refreshments were served byjbe held at the church with @ The December meeting will|party ed a busy and varied program. They meet Mondays at 7,30 p.m. at Harman Park Club- house where new members will be welcomed. Total losses for October were 32% pounds. High loser had a loss of 74% pounds. A scale has been purchased and all members are anxiously awaiting its arrival. A party and bingo was enjoy- ed Thanksgiving week in place of the regular meeting. A successful auction sale was held at which a mystery box was raffled. The officers attended an Area Executive Meeting at Bathe Park Clubhouse -- hosted by the Fade-A-Weighs. Guest speaker was Mrs. Jean Flatt, area super- visor, | - Plans have been made for a tremely active despite the factichrisimas party in December at it was to have been a Sabbat-jwhich the 1966 officers will be| installed. | CENTRE STREET UCW2 | The November meeting of} Unit 2, Centre Street United | home of Mrs. Leonard Gold-| smith. Mrs. Mansell Gerrow, | president, welcomed the mem-| Plishka,|Brown of Moncton, N.B. Mrs. Robert Sulley led the devotional period assisted by Mrs. Roy) Lick. Plans were made for the congregational dinner to be held on Thursday, November 11 The November 24 meeting will) be held in the chapel with a} toy demonstration following the The Nominating Committee, reported the following officers) for 1966: president' Mrs. Man-| sell Gerrow; vice - president, Mrs. Aubrey Weeks; secretary, Dainty acrylic "Hen- ley" collar shell, White with contrast- ing trim. $5.00 Popular heather tur- the neck long sieeve pullover: in lambs- wool/Orlon. $9.00 Bulky 'Shaker' knit Orion cardigan with crochet trim. $11.00 Versatile, femini Fileseta Banion mock neck shell, Casual poodle knit Orion long sleeve pullover, $13.00 BEAUTIFUL SWEATERS DESIGNED FOR EVERY OCCASION. AVAILABLE IN FASHION'S FINEST SHADES, S M L. Mrs. Roy Lick; treasurer, Mrs in charge, Mrs. Walter Rosty- Morley Parfinuk decora- Mrs, Paul Plishka and dinner. John Paserb of Toronto 1966 was chosen for LIVING ROOM DINING. ROOM BEDROOM AN? je DRAPERIES 1 you haven't visited Ward's Drapery Dept. lately, you will be pleasontly surprised at the tremen- dous variety of fabric s available, either by the yard or custom-made by Word's experienced stoff to your exact specifications YOU WILL ALSO BE PLEASED WITH THE MODEST MAKING CHARGES. DRAPERY SELECTION" ao Open Friday 'til 9 p.m. WARD'S DRY GOODS PHONE 725-1151 ST. CATHARINES 684-1224 "CLS. approved. Sizes np. toa Full 345-6q° ft. DON'T DELAY -- PHONE 694-3361 GET 20 FT. OF WALL TO WALL DRAPERIES FOR $20 WITH EVERY | WALL WALL BROADLOOM Complotoly Installed with Underpad Your Choice of 6 Plains & Tweeds First Quality Only FIRST BUDGET PAYMENT JAN. '66 FROM $2.50 'WEEKLY to FOR CUSTOMERS LIVING IN ANY OF THESE AREAS CALL LONG DISTANCE AND ASK FOR ZENITH $-8220 NO TOLL CHARGE @ PETERBOROUGH @ LINDSAY @ KITCHENER @ GUELPH @ GALT ©. BRANTFORD @ LONDON ¢ BELLEVILLE @ WATERLOO © BARRIE @ WOODSTOCK © COBOURG 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE, DAYS--NIGHTS-- SUNDAYS--CALL COLLECT WITHIN OAKVILLE SHEDDON ST. HAMILTON JAMES ST. N. 522-5544 100 MILES eau 723-6751 NIAGARA FALLS VICTORIA AVE. 354-1122 CANADIAN BROADLOOM 1570 KINGSTON RD MILLS PHONE 694-3361

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