Ike Felled Again, Returns To 'Tent FORT -GORDON,-Ga:-(AP)= rs describe former presi- dent Eisenhower's condition as comfortable following a second Series of heart pains which forced his return to an oxygen tent, i, The pains Wednesday were more prolonged and of longer duration" than the mild attack Of angina pectoris, or heart pains, which occurred just after midnight Monday night, doctors said, Announcement of the sudden reversal in the condition of the 75-year-old general of the army came about an hour after the doctors had said he was mak- ing a good recovery and might be playing golf again in two weeks, a Late Wednesday night, Capt. Wallace Hitchcock, Fort Gordon press officer, said Eisenhower a been "comfortable since 6 .m,"" had--hbeen--any--soalidimprove- ment in his condition, SITUATION CHANGES Earlier Wednesday, it was announced that the former pres- ident would be flown to Wash- ington Friday to enter Walter Reed Army Hospital for the re- mainder of his convalescence, However, slightly over an hour later, Hitchcock told re- porters; "While the general had a fine morning, this afternoon he had a return of his chest discom- fort. Plans for his departure for Walter Reed have been hel din abeyance." Seeking some idea of the sig- nificance of the new pains, re- porters asked questions of Dr. Thomas W. Mattingly, who treated Eisenhower in his 1955 attack, Mattingly didn't come to the press centre but responded through Hitchcock, Asked if they were more seri-| But he wouldn't say whether|ous than the first attack, Mat-| this meant that Eisenhower was|tingly replied, 'it is more pro-| completely out of pain or there longed and of longer duration." - Provinces, Area Councils nil Suffer From No-Loan Bit OTTAWA (CP) -- Provincial; Within the past few days, the government commissions and|Manitoba Hydro Electric Board) Municipal councils may bear|borrowed $15,000,000 in U.S. the brunt of new U.S,-Canadian|funds on 25-year bonds, and| moves to defer further big bond|New Brunswick borrowed $10,- borrowings from the U.S. (000,000 on 25-year debentures. money market until after the! provincial and municipal gov- new year starts. : jernments and their agencies in| A source here said it was ex-|Canada tend to go to the U.S. pected that about $250,000,000 in| ; Canadian bonds would be of-|moMey market to float major) py SEYMOUR M. HERSH fered in New York in the final bond issues because of the big) wASHINGTON (AP) -- The months of this year. jpool of capital available in New|ion two United States aluminum The squeeze announced Tues- York. It usually is more expen-|yoducers have backed down in day night by Finance Minister|Sive and more difficult to place|a dispute with the Johnson ad- Gordon first affected a pro-|the same kind of securities in| ministration and cancelled price posed $50,000,000 bond borrow-|Canada. increases the government had ing sought in New York by Hy-| Mr. Gordon's statement did/|labelled "inflationary." dro-Quebec. not specifically put a ban on| The Aluminum Company of| The offering was to have been|Canadian borrowings in the|America--No. 1 producer in the made Tuesday for general bid-|United States, but asked Cana-|country ended a week-long ding, and Hydro-Quebec ex-/dian authorities to defer bring-|battle with the federal govern- pected to pick up the cash next/ing U.S. funds, into Canada untiljment Wednesday night and re- Monday as part of its expansion after Jan. 1. The effect of this,|scinded the price increase it an- financing. Instead, after Ot-however, was to close out the|nounced Monday. Two. hours tawa-Washington talks, the bids|U.S. money market temporarily later, Reynolds Metals followed weren't opened and the issue to Canadian bond and debenture 'suit. : | was withdrawn, offerings. Kaiser Aluminum and Chem- spt 5 ical Corporation, third largest! manufacturer which also raised prices this week, said it will consider its next step today. Alcoa's decision to cancel the price increase was announced at a press conference by De- fence Secretary McNamara. He called it as "a patriotic act." | McNamara also said the gov- ernment agreed to an immedi- ate resumption of negotiations for the orderly disposal of a surplus of 1,400,000 million tons of aluminum now held in U.S. stockpiles. LIMIT DUMPING McNamara said he believes the government will be able to limit the: amount of aluminum disposed from the stockpile to less than 200,000 tons and: thus Passersby took a second look yesterday when they | saw these men carrying an Johnson New Phase In Gas Strike Longer Injunction Asked TORONTO (CP)--An injunc- strike and Sarnia 65. tion - punctuated strike which) Basically, the Oil, Chemical has generated charges of inci-jand Atomic Workers Interna- dents, threats and intimidation|tional Union (CLC), says, it ig scheduled to reach another|wants to bring these workers here pe era to. standards of pay for the It comes in an appeal by Un-isame work in other areas. It fon Gas Company Ltd. for anjclaims.these are low-wage sec- extension of an injunction which |tions compared with the rest of vents picketing at its prem-jits jurisdiction. i es in Windsor and Sandwich| Before talks broke off in Tor- Township around that city. onto on Noy, 2 the company of- The application, to be heard fered a total 21-per-cent wage at Osgoode Hall here, is in con-|increase spread over three|"ayoid disruption" of prices. nection with an eight-day-old)years. Last Saturday when federal walkout in the Windsor and| The union at that time asked |officials denounced the price in- Sarnia sections of the res more|an improved pension, health|crease,. they also announced gas complex which serves more|and welfare benefits, as well as|that the government was con- than 200 municipalities through-|an across-the-board pay in-|sidering releasing 200,000 tons out western Ontario. crease of 20 per cent in a one-|from the stockpile in 1966, Windsor has 146 workers on year contract | -- CROMBIE BY CAMBRIDGE elephant into the Los An geles County Museum of History and Science, The Pulls A Kennedy On Aluminum Price-Hikes reported that President Johnson was "sputtering mad" about the boosts. Johnson, who has not mara as being "very pleased' lations, executive price-president Leon E. Hickman had discussed the price boosts for three days be- fore the company decided to re- scind its increase, which went into effect Monday. The talks were initiated by the company, the defence chief said. The price increases were roughly two per cent, raising the ingot cost one-half cent to 25 cents a pound and the cost for fabricated products by an average of one cent a pound. At its recent high, the price was 26 cents a pound in 1960. FEEL JUSTIFIED In statements Wednes- day night, Alcoa and Reynolds both stressed that they consid- ered the price increases justi- fied and needed to maintain adequate profits, YES, WE ARE commented publicly on the dis-|were justified by economic cir- pute, was described by McNa-|cumstances," | over the price-increase cancel-| 'felt compelled to cancel the| McNamara said he and Alcoa|insistence president John D. Harper andjthat it is urgently concerned animal was one of four kill ed in Africa for the Museum, then stuffed in | \d " \g' Alcoa said it "continues to), feel strongly that its pricing ac-; tions were not inflationary and ' The company added that i 5 price restoration because of the| \self-proclaimed Rhodesian will be immediately closed. Hudson to Los Angeles by van. (AP) N.Y., and shipped Sadler Rebuies : Smith Recognition STOCKHOLM (AP) -- Swe- en will not recognize the new re- ime, the Swedish government nnounced today. In a communique the gov- rnment said that it has 'no in- tention' to recognize the new :regime in Rhodesia and the wedish consulate in Salisbury of the government about the possible effect of any) general adverse price increases |herg ' on the national economy while| founded the Viet Nam military opera-|mrtanic tions are being waged." Ib It was the second time in| - STABLE DOOR CLOSED The U.S, Coast Guard ice- watching service was after the sinking of the the world's largest ship, y an iceberg in 1912, By DORIS KLEIN TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -- Prin- 'leess Margaret gets a look at the stark beauty of the Old West today--and probably a kit- chen refrigerator where an in- vitation to her wedding once was stored, The Princess and her hus- band, the Earl of Snowdon, ar- rived Wednesday from Los An- geles for a 44-day rest to break up their three-week tour of the United States. No trace of the laryngitis that plagued her in smoggy Los Angeles was present when she made a planeside speech at Da- vis-Monthan Air Force Base. Waiting at the plane along with Governor Sam Goddard THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 11, 1965 § Young'Princess Meets Old West thought if might melt. So they put the invitation in the refrig- erator."' The Douglases attended the wedding. They found the first invitation months later, still in the refrigerator, "We're going to let them de- cide what they want to see," Douglas told reporters. Among suggestions offered to the Snowdons were a view of the Grand Canyon and a visit to Lake Powell, both in north- ern Arizona, a trip to the Pap- ago Indian reservation and one to. Kitt Peak observatory near Tucson, Censorship In Rhodesia SALISBURY (AP)--The Rho- désian government today im- posed censorship on all publi- cations in the country. A press statement issued by -- Law and Order Minister Des- mond Lardner - Burke said emergency powers had been as- sumed over. dissemination of in- formation, the defence forces, postal and radio communica- tions, control of - goods and services, control of government employeés and African affairs. It was not known immediately whether the emergency regula- tions would impose censorship on outgoing press cables. .|chiffon dress. were her host, Lewis Douglas, and his wife. Their daughter, Sharman, and Princess Marg- aret became close friends when Douglas was U.S, ambassador to Britain in 1948-50. } Douglas invited 200 neighbors business acquaintances and old friends to a cocktail party Wed- nesday night at the picturesque) Arizona Inn to meet the royal! MARTEN'S 58th |pair, te | | As the princess circulated | among the guests, someone| splashed a drink on her beige, | | "I got wet, did you?" |said with a smile. |TUCSON KEY TO TRIP "Tucson is the place the Prin- cess really planned her trip| around," said an acquaintance. | "She's really wanted to come} here for years, ever since Shar-| man first told her about it." | §o close are the princess and the Douglases that when they did not reply to her wedding invitation, she sent them an- other cable. | "What happened," said a) friend of the Douglases, "was that Lew and his wife were in New York and their Mexican help couldn't read the big invi-| tation when it arrived at the] ranch, | "The help saw the big, red) royal seal on the back and she} three years a Democratic ad- ministration battled with a met-| als industry. | In June, 1962, president Ken-| nedy was met by a steel indus- | try boost at a time when he,} like Johnson, was trying to! stabilize prices and avoid infla-| tion. | SETS TARGET DATES | CAPE KENNEDY, Fila. (AP) | The U.S. space agency has set Dec. 4 and Dec, 13 as the target dates for the double Gemini shot involving four astronauts. Why Pay More. FUEL OIL SAVE! 8: Phone 668-3341 DX FU Serving Oshawa -- Whitby & Ajox Districts 0%» 40% OFF Regular Stock - Finest Quality Newest 1966 Fashions in Furs!! Entire stock of prime quality furs included in sale. Nothing held beck ! EL OIL DESIGNED WITH AUTHORITY TAILORED WITH FINESSE... «e.and worn with distinction Choice fabrics bearing the most respected name in coatings -- Crombie -- have been fashioned by Cambridge into the season's most successful outercoats, Cambridge a name for fine clothes "Door Way To a Man's World" : 2312 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Phone: 728-7974 ae HS HHH HHH HE wa BE as sae A gs Es ABs Se se oe - UU n'S INEAR Try Jordan Sherry on the rocks ...a great mew way to entertain Parties are fun... but thirst-provoking. Every Jordan Sherry satisfies a thirst --pleasantly and inexpensively. Choose from seven fine Jordan Sherries, dry to rich golden cream. Serve them any way you please, straight, chilled or on the rocks. GN JORDAN WINE REG. SALE a le SE om 9295 sm, 975 mo = 5395 Wi LD W INK $895. JACKETS 995 and mony, many more UALITY FURS HS ' 173 295 '295 395 '495 STHER & Fine quolity, naturel FOX STOLES Fine quality, black-dyed INDIAN LA JACKETS Fine quality, dyed JACKETS Fine quality, dyed, MINK trim BLACK PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS Fine quality, Hollander dyed BLACK DIAMOND MUSKRAT COATS Fine quality, dyed, MINK trimmed BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COATS Fine quality, MINK trimmed GREY PERSIAN LAMB COATS Natural Canadien 999 ne +595 And many, many more wonderful buys ! BUDGET TERMS EASILY ARRANGED MARTEN'S FURS | T5 KING STREET EAST $250, $350, $495. ° $495. $650, © $795. $895, $895. Opposite Hot | Genosha ¢ ha | ia i » #