(vRE> AF F K TONIGNHI TMEY REAP BENEFL WIL LIAM O'REILLY ANNA PELESHOK JANICE ROE OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1965 TWO BOYS CHECK OVER FIRE HALL MARY PERNAK See LYDIA SKOCHKO JOANNE HARMER | RONALD GREENOUGH GAYLE HUBBARD A JURIT STOROSHCHUK GAIL MILLER VIVIANNE VACHON ' NETTA ELLIOTT WILLIAM WHITBREAD ' i 3 City Collegiates Honor Top Students The achievements of a year's|May, William O'Reilly, Anna|Hubbard, Jurij Storoshchuk, hard work will be marked to-|Peleshok, Christopher Pinto,|Gail Miller and Vivianne night when three of the city col-|Janice Roe, Sharon Rothenbush, Vachon. legiates hold their annual com -|Donald Sadoway, Alyce Wheeler At O'Neill Collegiate top hon- ' mencement exercises. and Elizabeth Wheeler. ored students will number: DIETER WILHELM BEVERLEY GIBSON The three are Donevan, Cen-| From Central Collegiate Insti-|Netta Elliott, William Whit- : tral and O'Neill. Proceedings a@t|tute top honored students who/bread, Dieter Wilhelm, Beverley each collegiate get underway ait|will step forward tonight williGibson, Howard Goldblatt, 8 p.m. be: Brian Williams, Sandra Fry,|Kathy Williams, Gregory Bell, McLaughlin, the last of the|Mary Pernak, Lydia Skochko, Richard Townsend, Louisa Gar- four collegiates, will hold ijs|Joanne Harmer, Andrew Cher-jrett, John Fox, Jane MacDonald commencement in early De-|kas, Ronald Greenough, Gayleland Robert Baker. cember. At Donevan, where the cqol- ! legiate will be holding its Y N It It ll B seventh annual commencemeé? at, ou ame e Professor George Tatham, De an of Students of York University, | B . fs A Ci will be the guest speaker. t ty H ll 150 GRADUATE n rie l a At O'Neill over 100 studesats ; i ' : From sex education to the|W. D. Tane, on behalf of the pone gy egg Another 1150] sstablishment_of_an arts and-or|Gstiawa Police Department. He ssa cian hit rhage f technical college in Oshawa --lalso outlined the services the Hsu Fab aay Onl nig Hee i s the gamut of sugges-|department offers the city's chil- ie sciercial ite dente benad | hich will be made Mon-|dren and youth. , day to the Select Committee on FESTIVAL FOR YOUNG TRUMPET SOLO : Youth of the Ontario Legislature|" y4¢ 3. A. Aldwin skle t At Central Collegiate the|when it meets at City Hall. | ocident of the O naceae wea school band will be playing ¢lur-| Briefs from organizations and Fonival, usta a bp nd tik 'olk ing interludes. There will ailsolindividuals in the city will be y oe My e would like to} be a solo spot for trumpet eer|submitted to the committee, to|S°e, More Participation in civic Wayne Sayers and a vocal *solo|be chaired by Sylvanus Apps, projects, such as the festival, by Elaine Sargeant, accom an-|MLA. by the young folk. ied by Jacqueline Muzik. C. M. Elliott, superintendent] The Young Women's Christian Valedictorian Brian Williiamsjof public schools, suggests in Association brief contained its will give his address at the endjhis brief that sex instruction for|Suggestions for a trained social of the evening. children has been dodged by al-|*#:ker who could counsel girls Pictured above are 43 of the/most every public body. He and other residents; a full-time are top orp students {from|says a lot of hardship would PF Sie = health et the three collegiates. A ; te ai as|Staff member and trained lead- GREGORY BELL RICHARD TOWNSEND Sion be FY Dewevan:-Cal: be avgided af this situation was) ith professional qualifice: legiate top honored pupils will tions. meme be: Susan Allen, Andrew.Biobas,|TRAINING FOR DROPOUTS | 'The need for a Group Home|figy, Joanne Chmara, Stiaron| Training and employment)or trouble girls and women and Clemens, Carol Dempsey, Glen|°ught also to be provided forla family service bureau is also Elliott, John Forsythe, Dirk|School dropouts, Dr. Eilliott/stressed by the YWCA. The or- Garlichs, Daphne Hart, Fvonna suggests. 4 ganization also presses for the Hoskin, Pamela McCarl, S|raron|, 18¢ college foundation would!re-opening of the Mental Health i Oe: meen Ih the city 1 Meech: young folks in school who are} he clinic and family counsel- Rvorage S1L( BG mice's sats. eens So eee Th , i i Pf to the brief submitted by the Sske aes Eocene Muscular dystrophy is one thing firefighters are willing Chest Don atic ns Oshawa Ministerial Association.Jawa, The league also hopes for| '® Watch go up in smoke. The issue of morality, including|the extension of services offered There are 20,000 victims of the crippling disease in Greater Oshawa Comn unity sexual morality, will ultimately|py the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club| Canada--20 here in Oshawa--and local firemen are trying Chest campaign totals hit|get some of the study and ac-land the Simcoe Hall Settlement] to raise $10,000 here to help battle the disease. ein bau $288,417 today in the 26tin day|tion it needs from the associa-|House. And since firemen know just how intrigued little boys NF of the drive. tion, regardless of the results) Magistrate F. S. Ebbs also| are about their job they invited two Oshawa lads--who both This is an average of $11,093|0f the Select Committee. comes out in favor of a family} have the disease--down to Number One station, Simcoe st. per day since the annual! cam-} Dr. C. C. Stewart, Oshagva's}counselling service in his brief.| n, to romp around the big red engines and slide down that paign to help 20 local ag:encies|medical officer of health, in his|Among his recommendations is} greased pole. got under way last manth. brief states that the city needsjone that legislation be chang- Totals were increased $1200/a re-establishment of a mentaljed to hold parents financially TWO HAVE ROMP overnight by donations from{health clinic for an, attack onjresponsibly for damage done by In the top photo with Donald Layng, co-chairman of the management and employ 'ees. of|"the greatest public health prob-|their children. campaign drive which ends today, is Ian Wamsley 7, of London Life Insurance' Com-|lem in our country. today". The counselling service théme| 948 Chevrolet st. In the other pictures Dennis Siluch, also 7, pany. i His recommendations as olis stressed yet again in the brief} of RR 4, Oshawa, is just being plain curious about the fire Richard W. Fairthorng:, cam-jrange from the establishment of|presented by the Social Plan-| engine. During a two-hour romp through the station the paign chairman, hopes 'to havellocal facilities for treatment of|ning Council of Oshawa. "'Fam-| lads looked. into every nook and cranny and tried out hoses _|the drive "cleaned up'" by thejalcoholism to the need forlilies struggling with complex so-| . and ladders for size. end of next week. He said all)more low-cost housing. cial and emotional problems Fifty firefighters are involved .in the local drive for section chairman are 'working} Senior grade pupils of Osh-jought to have an agency 'staff-| funds along with 400 helpful parents. Objective nationally is hard to get this done. , awa's elementary schools couldjed with adequately trained per-| $600,000, some $9,000 of which was raised in Oshawa and . Campaign total set t/vis year|be given incentives to encour-|sonnel, to help them achieve a district. ' is $306,300. The drive twas welljage participation in schoo] safe-!healthier family life. The effects' : JANE MacDONALD over-subscribed last yeg r. ty patrols, suggests Sergeantion youth are obvious... . Oshawa Times Photos Diogenes _ a