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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Nov 1965, p. 15

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non-confidence vote in the Com-| Mr. Diefenbaker said that mons there wouldn't necessarily|"constitutionally no one minis- be an election. ter can vicariously accept re-|place. It cost the public treas-; The resignation of Mr. be "a minister, he - sponsibility for the wrongdoing|¥f¥ $13,500,000. This amotint/don as pee laa would have to recommend to) ihe sabinet." does not inclidé What the po-|the Liberal wold have Goverfor-Géheral Vanier that i : litical parties spént oh cAm- an r tter, Some other party could form ad-| 'They "all go down the drain," |Dicmin>* Rectats tote 2 bet to oe! administration "and that wouldjhe said, terming the situation a| wir. Diefenbaker also con-|$ign his cabinet post is a dif- NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES St. Paul's Church Plans Diefenbaker Back In East With Piles Of Suggestions mai UR RES RE, Afier-Service Rally AS part Of its Noveiiber visi- jation, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church i8 Holding ah after-serv- Ice reception this Sunday. Rev. Dr. D. M. Warne, of Whitby. will be the special speaker. He js assistant editor of Christian tor Of Youth for Christ in Bast: ern Canada. For several years fhe acted as assistant to Dr. Life Hour. Mr. Horton tensively in thé s travelled ex- iddié East, as the]jwell as in 15 European countries Education Matérials for Presbyterian Church tn Canada. Dt. Ware took part in the Civil Rights March last spring' ih Séima, Alabama. For the past year he has been chait- man inter-church cofii- mittee that prepares material for religious education in the schools. This summer he has been chairman of the action committee which began investi-/Church this Sunday 'to illustrate gation of sub-standard housing In Oshawa. Dr. Warne will answer ques- tions on what the church is doing. Rev. Robert Henderson, of Belleville, will preach at the third age org 4 services of|transformed by the renewing of a Harmony Road ptist Church this Sunday. Hé is the former secretary of extension of the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec. The congregation meets in Harmony blic School, Harmony rd. s. Three years ago Mr. Hender- son was the preacher when the church ofganized and tomorrow|°chial appointments. he returns to preach again. His message will be 'Spiritual Pion- The congregation will meet at 3 p.m. at the site of the new church home, recently donated by First Baptist Church, for a sod turning and dedication of the property. Construction is expect- ed to begin this month at the lot on the corner of Harmony rd. s. and Taylor ave. The Anglican Church, at its General Synod last August, re- ceived, discussed and approved the report of a special commit- tee that has been studying the question of marriage an divorce for several years. This report, which took the form of a Canon or Church Law governing every aspect of mar- riage and the question of re- marriage of divorced people will be the basis of a series of three Sunday morning sermons at St. George's Anglican Church by tector, poe F. G. Ongley, who was a delegate to the General Bynod from the Diocese of To- rento, REV. CLAUDE A, HORTON The Oshawa Christian Youth Centre will hold its 1th annual banquet Nov. 27 in the Harmony United Church banquet hall. The speaker ,of the evening will be Rev. Claude A. Horton, presi- dent of Lorne-Park College. Previous to this appointment, Mr. Horton served as pastor of lily available to parishioners at [jected it. inaking language broadeast sur- veys. He is a graduate of Till- jsonburg Business College and Winofa Lake School of Theology. Jacob's struggle at Peniel and the cofiversion of Paul will be included in the Bible Lesson at the Oshawa Chfistian Science spiritual transformation. The lesson-sermon will be on the subject '"Moftals and In mortals". ; A verse from Paul's message to the Romans will underscore the theme, 'And be fot conform- ed to this world: but be ye your mind, that ye may prove what is that-good, and accept- able, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2). Clergy of the Anglican Church of Canada elected to the House of Commons or Provincial Leg- islatures must forfeit their par- A rule adopted in 1949 gov- erns the participation of clergy in election campaigns. It states that "no clergyman can be & candidate for office in either the Dominion or Provineial elec- tions, or continue as a sitting member of either House, with- out resigning his charge." Commenting on the rule Most Rev. Howard 'H. Clark, the Primate, said that a priest on appointment to a parish agrees not to participate in any activity which would hinder him from carrying out fully his parochial duties, These duties require that his ministrations must be read- of a cam: for an election would inevitably make a major demaiid on a candidate's time. date for election, givitig his sup- port to one of the political par- ties, should not appear t6 be representing his con ition in whieh there may be many peo- ple who appreciate his parish ministry but who do fot share tive Leader Dielehbaker is beck in the capital today after offer- ing advice on a variety of sub- jects to the Liberals during a 24-day post-election train ride. . Diefenbaker and his wife arrived . Friday evening and Myron Boycé on the Light aiid) it was also felt that @ candi-|anout 75 persons and a piper were at the Union Station to greet them, The offerings of adyice began' in Prince Albert Wednesda: night just béfore his private car was attached te a way freight leaving the northern Saskatch- his political views. It is better ewan town for Saskatoon. for him to campaign as an in- dividual and not as the rector of @ particular congregation. If a clergyman is an Official candidate for election it is his duty to resign his pafochial ap- In a press reléase, he acctised the Liberals of following a "made - in-Washifigtonh" finan- cial policy and concealing until after the election the tempo 4 ig pointient. This does not effect/the U.S. his status as a priest, and in the event that he fails to: be elected to office, he-may again take up clerical duties. In this case his be to the parish in which he formerly served or to some other parish. Archbishop Clark added,. how- éver, that churchmen, whether clergy or laymen, should take an interest in polities and exer- cise their franchise accordingly. This is one of his Christian obligations as he seeks, in a democraty, to carry out his "duty to his neighbor'. halt to Cahadian borro: Diefen- In Saskatoon, Mr. baker's car was hooked onto the CNR's transcontinental Paho- rama for the ride to the ¢ap- appointment might|ya), ISSUES RELEASES During the trip, which had campaign overtones, he issued press réleases recommending that: 1, Canada not join Britain in imposing sanctions against white-ruled Southérn Rhodesia which. broke away from Brit- ain, 2. Immediate action be taken 'Men and Missions" -- United|to correct a slowdown in Prai- for World Conquest" will be the theme this Sunday in Free Methodist Churches across the nation and around the world. The Free: Methodist Church, 1042 Rossland rd. w., Oshawa, will be participating in this world-wide obsefvance. A pro- gram depicting the work of 210) constitutional Free Methodist missionaries on 93 fields will be presented by the laymen of the church. The Clark Caverly Trio will be presenting special music. The young people of the church will also observe Men and Missions Day and promote their special project of raising funds for new outgoing missionaries. Rev, R. J, James is the minister of the all times, whereas the waging church, rie wheat deliveries to the load- ing port of Vancouver. The trip was climaxed Friday morning when Mr. Diefenbaker invited the corporal's guard of reporters left with him from the election into his car. He said the Liberals had a responsibility to resign along with Walter Gor- don, who quit as finance 'minis- ter. With this out of the way, he confirmed that he is thinking o/ taking a week-long vacation ir Jamaica. For thé next few days he ha: no precise plans. He will catcl up on his correspondence anc do a few other things. PLANS SPEECH A Catalyst In OTTAWA (CP) -- Fiuorida- tion of Ottawa's pater begins Monday after more than four years of controversy. The issue came to a head-- and was resolved--at last De- cember's thunicipal elections when Ottawa voted 58,234 to 36,079 in favor of fluoridation after a plebiscite in 1962 re- Elected city officials were and telephoned threats abuse as the day for starting fluoridation approached. And die-hard opponents were circu- lating a petition aimed ata fur- ther plebiscite at the next civi¢e election in December, 1966. compiled by medical, subjected to a series of mailed|and scientific bodies that fluori- and|dation helps prevent tooth de- Fluoride In Ottawa Water Community "Natural fluoridation isnot a dangerous when they use arti- ficial fluoridation." they consider wuhsafe, that it constitutes 'mass medication." ents cite evidence dental, cay. The Ontario Health Associ- ation, the Ontario Medical Asso- ciation and the medical ad- visory board of the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto have supported fluoridatian. The city now joins Toronto) and Winnipeg along with 171 other Canadian communities using fluoridated water. Ottawa residents won't be the only one's affected by the change. About 40,000 persons living in municipalities border- ing the capital have homes con- nected to the city's water sys- tem. Critics of fluoridation say it represents a serious threat to health that could produce un- told after-effects, especially to children. Fred W. Richardson, an Ot- tawn-high-school teacher. spent more than $1,000 to dig a welll he Canadian Dental Associ- He also said he plans to fil an engagement made "a long while ago" to spéak at a high- land society function in Sydney, N.S. Mr. Diefenbaker, sometimes ation says no other public health measure has had as danger," he says. "It becomes/much scientific certification as has fluoridation. Ottawa decided on fluorida- Some anti-fluoridationists say|tion Dec. 7, 1964. It has taken the move violates their individ-/11 months to acquire the fieces- ual rights as citizens in that/sary equipment, test and install they are forced to use. water'it, REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST | OF LATTER DAY SAINTS {World Headquarters, Independence, Missourl) ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA GRACE LUTHERAN PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rey. Philip Fiess, Minister Ronald A, Jansen, Vieer SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL in his back yard so he and his| family will not have to use the) several Free Methodist Church- es, as well as being field direc- fluoridated water. -- 11:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP 10:00 A.M. Church School For Children end Adulte 11:00 A.M, Morning Worship THEME: "ZION SHALL BE" SPEAKER: ELDER WILBUR CANIFF All Are Invited Phone 728-9604 Brench of The M (CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH --_64 COLBORNE ST, other Church, Tho Boston, Mossochueette. First Chureh Fri Listen to: The Bible To SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M, SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "MORTALS AND IMMORTALS" Wed. Service (incnudes testimonies) 8 P.M. READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. Monday to Thursday--1 1:00 o.m.'+ 5:30 p.m, 11:00 a.m, «9:00 p.m. | ot Christ Scientist : | i} | } You CKLB 9 A.M, Every Sundey Temporary Place of Worship: (Comer Rossland PASTOR: REV. D. ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH DR. S. J. PHILLIPS SCHOOL and Simcoe Sts.) N. HABERMEHL, 8.A., M.Th. Nursery care provided 7:00 P.M. -- EV (Services of Chr, Ret. Churches P.M. (Back to God Hour, each 10:00 A. M. -- MORNING WORSHIP during morning worship ENING SERVICE Tune In to CKLB et 11 A.M. on elternating Sundays In the Oshowe-area) and at 9:15 Sunday) NO COLLECTION Jesus said: "! am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh |] unto the Father, but by Me." -- John 14:6 YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND . SPECIAL GOSPEL MEETINGS i] Sunddy, Nov. 14th, 7-p.m. -- Tues., Nov. 16th to] Fri,, Nov. 19th, 8 p.m. | Hl i] SUNDAY SCHOOL 3 P.M. Speaker -- MR. SAMUEL PATTEN 150 ALBERT ST., OSHAWA ALL WELCOME C THE SALVATION ARMY Corps Officers Mojor & Mrs. Gordon Holmes 133 Simcoe South SUNDAY, to serve con: NOVEMBER 14th 11:00 A.M.--"DOES GOD ALWAYS ANSWER PRAYER" 2:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.--"BE SURE YOUR SIN WILL FIND YOU OUT" TUES, 2:30 P.M.--HOME LEAGUE WED, 8:00 P.M.--PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY Home League Christmas Bazaar, Fri. Nov. 19th at 1:45 p.m. "A Welcome Awaits You at the Army" | Whistle-sten ea: ghers, Bhs doing it again on the Way back to Ottawa. He stepped off his car orca- sionally at station stopovers to say hello afid shake the hands of well-wishers who heard he was coming Along. Arriving in Ottawa, Mr. Dief- epbakér, still buoyed by the| Nov. 8 federal election count which gave his party 99 seats and denied the Liberals their sought-after majority, sald he doesn't éxpect Parliament will be ¢alléd into session until early in the new year. He repeated his statemént made earlier in the day at Capréol, Ont., that the p r constitutional course for the government is to resign along with Finanée Minister Gordon. tisk." Mr. Diefenbaker suggested during his trip that the govern- government," made a "big mistake" in call-Hated his oa ment has a ¢onstitutional rée-ling the election in the first!privy councillor. sponsibility to resign along with OTTAWA (CP) -- Conservs-referred to as the last of the/be Her Majesty's Loyal Opposi-|'travesty of parliamentary|tended that by disclosing he|ferent matter. ; gave bad ativice to the prime Prime Minister Pearson had|minister, Mr. Gordon had vio-|must bear of secrecy as ajadmitted it has been wrong policies, he said r. Gorton. comes the cabinet." Terfiing the Gordén resigna- tion a vote of non-confidence against the Liberals by théin- Selves, he told reporters "the 'wrong-doing of a minister be: wrong doing of the What's your He also said if the Liberal government is defeated ih a HEAR The Back to the Bible Broadcast DAILY Mon. to Sat. 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. 1350 RADIO ? idea of generous sérvice--not a religion of inherited creeds, revered saints, or holy books. Unitarianism is 'not an easy religion. It demands that ptople think out their beliefs for themselves, and thén live those beliéfs. The stress is placed upon living this life nobly and effectively rather than on the preparation for an after-existé UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ONTARIO Orange Temple Bruce $t., Oshawa (Upstairs) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER '14th 2:30 P.M, HEALING and MESSAGES 7:00 P.M, Remembrance Service and Méssage by the Rev. Ruffeis Mrs. Fergunon. If you have given.up "old time" religion, Unitarianism has the answer for you. NOVEMBER 14th 11:00 A.M, SPEAKER: DR. JOHN MAYER Chairmon of the Philosophy Department Brock University, St. Catharines, UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Simcoe Hall Boys' Club Visitors always welcome. 723-671 Eulalie Street | Branch of Toronto | OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH | (Tennis Club Hall) Ritson Rood N. & Hillcroft Spiritualist Temple Pastor: Rev, Roy F. C. Stoddard Meeting Sunday: 2:30.P. M.--HEALING & SPIRIT GREETINGS 7:00 P.M.--DIVINE SERVICE REV. E, M. McGRATH BOTH SERVICES Thursday 7:30 P.M.~-MESSAGE SERVICE (Psychometry By Pastor) trae religion? ears * New Voices * News In Depth | Dick Trotter FM MANAGER Mr. Trotter has released the list of new programs and fea- tures to be heard on CKLB-FM Radio, Below Is Your Program Guide. Please clip and save for future reference. REV, RICHARD J, BARKER, Minister 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M. a nd 7:00 P.M. REV. DOUGLAS PERCY Director_of--Missions ond Development -et- Toronto Bible College || 6:30 P.M.--Prayer Fellowship morse Presents The "FM" SOUND beginning MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1965 CKLB-FM will program completely separate from CKLB-AM Except 11:05 p.m. to 6:05 a.m. * New Programming * Special FM Sports * New Music --_ -- -- -- -- CLIP AND SAVE -- -- -- -- --. DAILY MONDAY TO FRIDAY EVENING FEATURES 6:00 - 6:05 -- News and Weather 6:05- 7:00 -- Sunrise Serenade '7:00- 7:05 -- News and Weather 7:05 - 7:40 -- Sunrise Serenade 7:40- 7:45 -- Sports 7:45- 8:00 -- Sunrise Serenede 8:00- 8:10---- News and Weather 8:10 - 10:00 -- Sunrise Serenade 10:00 - 10:05 ---- Women's News 10:05 - 11:30 -- Whistle While You Work 11:30. - 12:00 --- Back to the Bible YOU ARE INVITED. TO HEAR Mr. Roy L. Alton Businessmon -- Bible Teacher et the OSHAWA GOSPEL CHAPEL. 40 Nassau St. SUNDAY 11:00 A.M, -- Subjects: "Peter and the Word" 7:00 P.M. -- "Him That Believeth" A Special Invitation to the United Church mem- bers as these messages deal with 'The New Curriculum" Versus "The Word of God". THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX SIMCOE ST. NORTH {Four blocks from King) Minister Rev, G W. C. Brett, B.A, Musical Director -Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M, 9:45 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, "CREED AND DEED" 7:00 P.M, "CITIZENS OF HEAVEN" Come end Worship With Us ST. LUKE'S Rossiend Ré. W. at Mipigon Minister REV, D. R SINCLAIR, B.A, Pianist Mise Jone Welr ST. PAUL'S Wilson Rd. N. at King St. & Rev. Walter Jackson Minister Mr. Frank Walter Musical Director 9:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, "THE CHURCH IN YOUR HOUSE" An Cordiaty invited UKRAINIAN Simcoe St, South Minister Rev, J. Jacenty 9:00 A.M.--Church School 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship 9:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL Junior Highs 11:00 A.M, "CONVICTS OR GOOD GUYS' 12:15 A.M. Reception with Dr. D. M. Ware HUNGARIAN Minister Rev. E, Seress at Knox Church Simcoe St. North 3:30 P.M.--Worship Service 2nd and 4th SUNDAYS 12:00 - 12:05 -- News, Weather, Stocks, Sports 12:05- 1:00 -- Luncheon Date 1:00- 6:15 -- Sound Stage 6:15 - 6:30 -- Check Point 6:30- 7:00 -- Spectrum (News Magazine) 7:00+ 7:30-- On Parade 7:30- 8:00 -- Organ Moods NIGHTLY 1100 - 11:05 -- NEWS, WEATHER ond SPORTS MONDAY TUESDAY 8:00. 9:00 P.M. = European Coneert 9:00. 11:00 P.M, a Music from the Mesters WEDNESDAY 8:00- 9:00 P.M, = Curtein Colle O10» cee _ 30:08 -.11:00 b 9 ped ' Holland in Art end Musie 9:00 - 10:00 P.M, = Serenede 10:00 - 11:00 P.M, -- Lotin Cameos FRIDAY 8:00- 9:00 P.M, «= European Concert 9:00. 9:30 P.M. -- Travel Show 9:30-11:00 P.M. -- Interlude a cei Si ce sme tees cc sie mek eo the "new" CKLB-FM will feature 50,000 WATTS at 94.9 m.c. With vertical polarization and stereophonie sound. EARLY IN 1966 -- WATCH FOR IT if it is following © 77 The government as a whole responsibility

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