a As ¢ buile m NOVEMBER 14th our Ki Th Ne inet & yit a ee P69 oo ny error 38----Coming Events ,28--Coming Events SUNDAY, ST. GREGORY'S 1H: features CAM WARNE & His Orchestra at St. Gregory's Auditorium 194 Simcoe St. North 8:30 P.M. Members $1.00 Non-Members $1.25 BAZAAR AND TEA Simcoe St. United Church MEMORIAL HALL WED., NOV. 17, 1965 et 8 PM Auspices ~ 'Astra' Unit U.C.W. Aprons, Mitts, Decorations, Felt Items, Doll clothes, Bak- IN MEMORIAM brother, Now Fred ember 13, 1964. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, His weary trials and troubles past In silence he suffered, In patience he Always remembered by Kay, Gord and family. ange - ye foving ne inert ot husband nd eer Freder jovember 13th» 1 Oshawa, on Saturday, November 27 In the Simcoe Street United Church, and one in Bowmanville on December 4 in the our United Church, var the paper for further announcements. CHOIR of lory To God. choir of Oshawa presenting, Handel's Messiah. There will be two performances. One in Nothing can ever Mee away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories tinger gh ny Remembrance keeps him A faithful pusbend. one of 'ne. best. May God grant him eternal rest. --Sadly missed by wife Jean and sons Ted and Dennis. 39--Notices BOWLERS for eaneoney Night Ladies' u ie. Time 7 Centre Bowlin, piensa call alley. 56 or contact bowling p.m. Oshawa Shopping Lanes, Ladies interested McGHEB -- In ever loving memory of {our dearly, beloved son, Tam, who passed away Hevea lath, 1954, ones in the heart fies a picture Of a loved one laid to rest. is memory's frame | shall a it Stine Snows Yat Suns ine fades, and shadows But love and remembrance outlasts all - Sealy missed and lovingly remembered y Mother, BIRTHS Reif) are proud to announce the arrival of their son Michael John 7 ibs., 12 ozs., Oshawa General Hospital, Thanks to Dr.) Beckett and the 4th floor staff, WILSON -- Mr. and Mrs, (nee Carol Tilton) the safe arrival of their son, thanks to Dr. TREE LIGHT BAZAAR St. Mary's of the People Auditorium 532 Stevenson Rd. floor stat Proud grandpatents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiison and Mr. and Mrs. | Victor Tilting, all of Oshawa, GARDNER -- Orville and Connie (nee! on Wednesday, November 10, 1965 at the) Ross Wilson are happy to announce Mark Ronald, on Tuesday, November 9 1965,|husband David at Oshawa General Hospital. A special| away November 14, Glazier and nurses of ee Nothing can ever Fess away | ROLLO - In loving memory of @ dear father and gr David R. Rollo, |who passed away November 14, 1963. Lov and ind in all his ways, || Upright and just to the end of hi days, sinesre and kind In heart and mind, wee beautiful memory he left |Always "remembered _ by Dick 'daughter In law wane' and 'randchiidren. ROLLO -in loving memory of @ dear R. we whe passed The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories lowe, avery day, Remembrance keeps him near, Always remembered by wife Mary. SUGDEN -- Tin loving memory of a|" DEATHS dear mother, Ada Sugden, who passed! |away November 14, 1954, | | Memories live not for a day, Nor 4s @ dream to pass away; Love' CALDER, Donald Suddenly on Thursday, November 11, 1965, Donald Calder of Brooklin, Ontario (mem- ber Toronto Caithness Association, St. Clair Chapter and 127th Batt. York Ran- ers), 'beloved husband of Annie Isabe' e's greatest gin holds silent tears, | And lingers on f --The family. rough passing years. TURNER -- in loving telinnt devoted mother, Sarah Elizab passed away November 14, 1950. 1} Though absent you are ever 'near, of a) who| bore, Tit Cod called him heme te suffer no! # HICKS -- In loving memory ef @ dear) / Hicks, who passed away CAMPUS IN CLOUDS of about 80 miles west of music to Chest Donors Swell Coffers Donations made to the Great- er Oshawa Community Chest have come from: YWCA (em- ployees); College Bakery; Mill = jal Variety; Collece Hill Mar- ket; Mr. J. Steffen; Custom Dental Laboratories; McCallum Transport; Mrs. F, J. Rundle; Dr. R. J. Kimmerly; Parker Electric; Donna Rae McMaster; Dr..A. Rudnick; Mrs. E. F. Armstrong; MclIntosh-Anderson Funeral Rundle; Empress of India No. 26; Miss E. M. Holmes; Mrs. W. Charl- ton; Mr. W. Charlton; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; 944 Simcoe Street North (em- ployees); Earl F. Hurst; Adams Furniture; Mr. R, Manning . Starr Furniture; Ritson Cen- tre; Handy Bar; Jean Ander- son; Edwin Farrow; Lucia 'Onofrio; Mr. R. Faprbert TRIO Antenna Ltd; Oshawa Separate School Board (em- ployees); The Burns Co, Ltd.; Polish National Union of Can- ada Branch No, 7; Mr. A, H. Barker; Mrs. Douglas Hurl; '|Anthony Lazar; Parrot Paint Company; Stan's Sharpening Service (employees); C and M Fruit Market; J. L. Beaton En- terprises. Limited (employees); K-Mart (employees); Dominion Store - K-Mart la yal Stanley W. C. Mumford; R. Acheson; Joseph Kerr; fia leigh Supplies; Mr. R. Martin; D. Crotir; M. Fogel; R. Nichol; L. Picin; Mrs. M. Jenkin, Lew- ington Flowers; Miss P. Bald- win; Metropolitan Stores (em- ployees); Metropolitan . Stores Ltd. (employees). Reliable Furniture; Hornsby Studio; Mr. Nichols; Young Moderns (employees); Labatt's; Mrs. Torok Beauty Shoppe; L. Home; Mr, Samuel C, Daughters of England- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 13, 1965 9Q By VERN LACEY VICTORIA (CP) -- With out- im its parks poliey into the oper- ating room, The government plan calls for, wounds to 'the wilderness but concealment of the scars, However, some conservation- ists maintain the parks patient stands a good chance of dying. How does the government plan to put industry into parks without putting telltale marks on the wilderness? |passed six months ago, a cer- lowed. Surgery, to the recreation and conservation ent, means spotting out mineral claims and timber holdings in parks, then waving ahead development. "You can't throw a man out of his home and you can't toss a miner off his claim," says David Turner, deputy minister of conservation. "It's his liveli- PRESERVE BEAUTY SPOTS But you can't have steamroll- ers flattening hikers either. To protect areas of special beauty permanently, the depart- ment puts them in quarantine, "Nothing can go in there ex- cept little footpaths,' says Mr. Turner. Wilderness beaches and look- outs will be kept screened care- fully from industrial develop- ments. Meanwhile construction of in- Under a new B.C. Parks Act} tain amount of surgery is al-je B.C. To Permit Industry In Parks But To Hide Scars wit ie lel ads r le was Kokanee Glacier Park ie soot goon BC, marked ed eth a Pay Bg says Mr. Tae ae "It looked as if it had the measles, So a little surgical work seemed the best thing to do." INDUSTRY LET IN Kokanee -- an A-class park and therefore untouchable--was opened to industry nf a cabinet order demoting it to B class. © Eight of oe 2,700 now are in the B class. they are the eight largest, cav- about 4,000,000 of ag 6, $29, acres of park in the province. A-class parks comprise 2,300,- 000 acres and C-class -- small community recreational parks about 29,000 acres. The government feels there is room for both industry and na- ture reserves in sprawling parks. But, by law, nothing under 5,000 acres can ever, be developed for industry. "About 2,000 of our 2,700-parks are under that area," says Mr. Turner, Another section of the Parks Act provides that for each acre of land turned over to industry, an acre from crown reserves must be turned into park. "We are making a reserve about every third working day," the deputy minister says. "And we have barely touched the north." While Mr. Turner and his' A breathtaking view the Rocky Mountains pro- vides for art Schaberger, Tailor; Shell Oil Company of Canada Ltd; sale, aprons, Christmas dec- orations. Fish Pond for the anks, and loved father of Helen, brother of Robert Calder of Yakima, Resting at the Turner and Porter Yorke|@nd shirley. Still missed, loved, always dar. --Ev Onda 'ed by dustrial roads and plants is supervised by governtient inc biel, Conservation Minister Calgary. Established in advanced business manage- 1933 with fewer than 100 Permar, SATURDAY, NOV. or fully h, children. SPONSORED BY C.W.L. Chapel, 2357 Bloor Street West, from Sat- urday ROWE TOURS "Blorida" 20 days escorted. Jehuery 9 - 28 -- also Mar. 12 - $1. "Mardi ~. New Orleans. - 27 -- 16 Tour, Feb. days. Travel delux ae eeniienad, washroom mot: No night travel. th information to above tours phone or write PHONE 885-2527 ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY PORT HOPE BINGO p AT ' U.A.W.A. HALL 13th | 7:30 P.M. perienc 40 GAMES $10 A GAME | FR 4 GAMES OF $20, $30, $40, $50. JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH AQUARIUM SOCIETY MEETING Wed.) Nov. 17 CIVIC AUDITORIUM GUEST SPEAKER SHOW, AUCTION EVERYONE WELCOME CHRISTMAS "Merry Go Round" be BAZAAR NED, NOV. 17th 230 PM, King St. United Church 129 King East, Oshawe TEAROOM: 2:45 p.m. Supper 5 to 7 p.m. OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL WOMEN'S AUXILIARY Mammoth Bake Sale and Tea Dolis of all Nations, treos- urer's, Hospital Cafeteria. FRIDAY, NOV. 2-4 P.M. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR and TEA ROOM Simece Street United Chureh MEMORIAL HALL | | | | | WED., NOV. 17 -- 8 P.M. | Heme beking, fancy work, novelties, etc. Sponsored by THE ASTRA UNIT BAZAAR AND TEA St. George's Parish Hall Centre Street Sat., Nov. 20 2 P.M. ' Featuring Antiques, Home Baking, Fancy Work end Tea Room. SPONSORED BY WOMEN'S GUILD EUCHRE and BAKE SALE TUES., Nov. 16th 8 p.m Prdeoe ond Lunch. 75¢ Admission QUEEN ELIZABETH SCHOOL Cemetery. Memorial offerings to the On- GAGNON, Baby Micheline Entered into rest In the Oshawe Genera Hospital Wednesday, November 10, 1965,! Micheline Gagnon, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurent Gagnon, aged 29 days Service was held Friday, November 12. linterment at St. Gregory's Cemetery, | | MOUCK, Margaret (Pegsy) lat Memoria! Hospital, |Friday, November 12, 6 Lambert Street, Bowmanville, igear daughter of Mr. and Mrs, §. K Fraser and dear sister of Charles Fraser, | Halifax, N.S., and Helen a. John Mac- Donald), Windsor, N.S. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Peis a Ser- vice In the chapel on Mond: |p.m, Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. i } | ORMISTON, William ©. At Toronto Western Hospital on Friday, beloved husband of Ethel Gascoyne and dear father of Shirley (Mrs. K. Beer) and June (Mrs. A. Carnochan). Resting at the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brook- lin, Service in the chapel on Monday, No- vember 15 at 2 p.m. Interment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. WERRY, Fram & At' Memorial Hospital, sewmenvitie, on Friday, November 12, 1965, Frank A erry, aged 83 years, beloved husband of Ethel May Hooper, dear father of Marion (Mrs. Aldon Hoer) and Helen (Mrs. George White) and the late Percy. Werry, Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, Service in the chapel on Monday at Cemetery. 2 p.m. Interment Bethesda Kindnes beyond Price, yet within reach of all. GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all cccasions. OSHAWA ts haa TRE CEN 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6 6555 VISITORS KILL MORE The average moose hunting success. ate in Ontario was 24:5 foe snnian per cent for residents and 56.9 per cent for visitors in 1964, TRY WOOD ON A BUN Wood-yeast, a byproduct of pulpwood, was used in Sweden 20 years ago to make a syn- thetic hamburger. Noon. Funeral service 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. Interment Park Lawn lay, at 3.30 November 12, 1965, William ©. Ormiston, Everlasting -Memorialization is almost possible with the Tarlo Heart Foundation would be appre-;/- MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER | thot we supply and install; Please call | MOUNT LAWN MEA' DRIAL_ PARK | 723-2633 | OBITUARIES NERAL OF | JOSEPH ANDRE GALLANT Requiem Mass for Joseph Andre Gallant, 9, who died Tuesday at his family residence, 354 Pine ave., was held from the Armstrong Funeral Home to St. Mary's of the People|, Church at 9 a.m. Friday. Interment was in Resurrec- tion Cemetery. Pallbearers were Maurice Gallant, Paul Beucher, Yvon Beucher, Meril LeClair, Robert Leger, Guy Lambert. Bowmanville on 1965, Margaret F i{{eagy) Fraser, beloved wife of James FUNERAL OF JOHN MacKAY Funeral service for John Mac Kay, 72, of 288 Nassau st., who died Monday in Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, was held Thurs- day at the :Gerrow Funeral|® Home. The service was conducted by Rev. John Porter, pastor of Westminster United Church. In- terment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Pallbearers were Field, George Brown, Winacott, William Woolley, Wal- ter Mills and Harry Pallant. nnis Pearson Pleased By Service Vote HAMILTON (CP)--A honey- mooning Mount Hope couple are among people known to have been booked on the Yar- mouth Castle which caught fire and burned on the first leg of a Bahamas. cruise overnight. Rescue directors doubted the eg RR 1, Mount Hope, would be known before at least mid- afternoon. It was then that res- cue vessels were due in Miami with survivors. The Gillens --- Alan, 27, and Lynda, 20, week ago today in Hamilton. CANADAIR LIMITED Systems & Systems analysts requi MONTREAL Procedures Analysis red for manufactureing applications in our systems and computer serv- ices department, Should hold a Universi ment and application turing Systems. These ments for experienced ices department. Should hold Bachelor equivalent education, tems. Knowledge of Co essential. Please telephone: MR. C, G, ty Degree and have at least 5 years experience in the design, develop- of E.D.P. to Manufae- are challenging assign- analysts. Programmers Computer Programmer required for business applications in our systems and computer serv- of Commerce or have and experience with Autocoder for IBM 1401 Computer Tape Sys- bol is desirable but not CAMPBELL 744.1511, Local 5646 for convenient interviews or mail resume. CANADAIR LIMITED P.O. Box 6087, Montreal, Quebec' Nelson|Mr fate of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gil-| inspiration students at the Banff School of Fine Arts, located in a mountain resort centre ment. Power Super Market Ltd.; Pres- students it now handles more than 30,000 a year in courses ranging from art, --(CP Photo from National Film Board) |Kerr Industries Ltd.; Clear a FIRST Claiming, maiden, In Canada. 7 Furilongs. Enchow, No Boy 118 Si Jolie, No Boy 115 Vm A Devil, No Boy 118 Dollar Scholar, Steve X113 Sultan's Ranee, Dittfach 115 acorn Gift, Werry X113 Alta K., Werry X113 Gre pad ity Ha yh No Boy A-! Dan's Flight, No Boy 1 Also heme: Cresta Role, Ferro, X113; Stan's Kay, Fitzsimmons, 115; Gray Fel- low, Leblanc, 118; Tondahar, No Boy, Nad losier se No Boy, 115; Chop Logic, No Boy, A-118. A--Dane Hill Acres Entry SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000. (3000) Claiming, three-year-olds end up, 7 Fur- jongs. Sheree, Ferro X114 Smart Flyer, Kornblum X104 Falls Way, Potts 122 |Free View, Cuthbertson X107 Rampant Lion, No Boy 112 Indian Line, No Boy 116 Ansman, No Boy 117 KI-D-Ka, No Boy 115 Real Black, Werry X110 Artista, Armstrong, ye ed py Werry X11 onus Ghost, No +r Ww Also Eligible: ny? aries No Boy, Latin Bid, No Boy, 116; Keep A Taking, McComb, 115; Kitt, LS ++ aenias 4; Hootenany Annie, Barroby, | THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000. (3500) foaled Claiming, maiden two-year-olds, In Canada. (Divn of ist). 7 Furiongs. Brother Chervil, No Boy 118 Prince Bunty, Tingley 118 Fair Dandy, McComb 115 . Jet Myth, No Boy A-118 Rosa Signora, No Boy 115 Norfirst, Finley X110 - ho Jackson, Cuthbertson X102 Breezy Breeze, Leblanc 115 Sectoria, No Boy 117 He's So Good, No Boy 118 E| Esmeralda, No Boy 115 Those Who Walt, No Boy 118 Also Eligible: Kingdom Bay strong, 118; Jewet, No Boy, 115; RACE -- Purse $2,000. (3500) two-year-olds, foaled GREENWOOD ENTRIES MONDAY, NOV. 15 ind Fast Strike, No Boy, 1187 Mr. Goo, No Boy. 118; Jewel Smuggler, No Boy, eit H Foredeck, No Boy, 115. A--Dane Hill Acres and @ Walsh Entry. FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. (3000) Claiming, three-year-olds and up. (Divn of 3rd). 7 Furlongs. Split The Loot, Finley K114 Love Quest, Walsh 119 Ace Aard, Barroby 119 Sliver Beau, Finley X117 Shining Wings, Werry X111 Autumn Rose, No Boy 107 Nobody's Lady, No Boy 116 Shuswap Sal, Barroby 10? Day's Best, No Boy 110 Triple Alliance, Inouye 115 Gay Van, Fitzsimmons 11) | Bronze Turkey, No Boy 111 Also Bligible: Argo Bound, No 112; No Discard, Armstrong, 112) Gall, Bell, X111; Gandlo, No Boy, 1 PIFTH RACE Puree $2,300. Maiden, two-year-olds. 1 Mil Celtic Lyn, No Boy "16 Blue China, Leblanc 114 Irish Benedict, Dittach 119 Sabre Drill, No Boy 119 Ten Pence, Gordon 111 Michael J. Toppa, Parsons 119 Jive Mister, Armstrong 114 QUINELLA WAGERING SIXTH RACE = Purse $2,200. (: Claiming, three-year-olds. One Mile, Chief Brant, Steve X105 Sioux Cadet, Barroby 110 Lemartel, Potts 112 Red Purse, Fitzsimmons 110 2a Maid of Honor, Ferro X10? Take Notice, Barroby 117 Young Fashion, Parnell 107 Maytown, Turcotte 107 Weed Bender, Wall 112 Claiming, ian yin 7 Furlongs. Tulran, Werry Mist Bandit, Ditttech 12 Senator Gray, Leblanc 122 Park Helghts, No Boy 119 Kidding, Leblanc 116 Spicy Favour, Finley X106 Machavoine, No Boy 111 River Party, Inouye 116 Arm-|Caledon Colonel, Turcotte 114 Gold Royal Ouch, Finley X114 : (12A), 4. Stephan Watson (25). J SEVENTH R/CE--Purse $2,400, (4500) cre Express Freight Lines | Pinewood Derby Results Listed Full results of the Pinewood Model Car Derby which was held between the city 25th and 12A cub packs recently are as follows: Pack 25 speed: 1. David Rud- minion Tire Store; Paul Ristow; Mrs. Employees; Keith Peters; Vankerwerden Real Employees; Mrs. ton Transport Limited; H. E. Prairie Automobile Transport Limited; Inc.; Russell Transport Limited; Do- Hanson Transport Company Limited; Hilda Ris- tow; S. D. Hyman Real -- Estate Agent; Keith Peters Real Estate Employees; Millen Real Estate M. Winstan- spectors, "We try to keep roads well back from beaches and such," says Mr. Turner. ley; E. L. Disney; Douglas Bul- lied Real Estate employees; Sid Martyn; Joseph Bosco; W. O Martin; Guide Realty Ltd. em. ployees; Joseph Crawford; Schofield Aker Ltd. employees W. L. Dougan; Lloyd Lafoy General Motors Employees; M: D. Bennett; Mr. Norman Down Mr. J. Haas. Kenneth Kiernan, exude confi- dence in the parks plan, criti- cism has been heavy. FEARS CHANGES Among the chief critics is Roderick Haig-Brown, a distin- guished conservationist and out- doors author. "It is not a safe act," he says. 'You can vary the holdings of oarks as the cabinet wishes." :0 real safeguard against a gov- ronment turning every applic able park into a class B area, niski, 2, Gordon More, 3. John Sciuk, 4. Billy Griffith. Pack 25 design: 1. Randy Tay- lor, 2. Stephen Watson, 3. Billy Stewart, 4. Norman Sheppard. Pace 12A speed: 1. Billy Dressing, 2. Gary Welker, 3. Ricky Bell, 4. Jimmy Edwards. Pack 124 design: 1. Peter Fal- laise, 2. Bryan Wilson, 3. Shayne Armitage, 4. John Ford. Inter-Pack Speed: 1, Billy Dressing (12A), 2. Randy Tay- lor (25), 3. Jimmy Edwards (12A), 4. David Rudniski (25). Inter-Pack design: 1. Peter Fallaise (12A), 2, Shayne Armi- tage (12A), 3. Bryan Wilson) BIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. bg three-year-olds and up. eos Hash, og Boy 116 rench (3000) % FOR Rigo ag No Boy Also Eligible: Roney More, Ae112; supers chief, N McComb, A---G Groves, J Kruger, and rf "Mine garten Entry. X--5 Ibs AAC POST TIME 1 P.M. sett WHATEVER THE CLIMATE OUTSIDE COMP Sd Ahk bd RT wwe AT YOOR were married a) Witt Whether it's bitter cold outside; or just damp and chilly : : . set the thermostat : ft costs less to heat with Gar Wood. Your Decler can TEMPERED-AI RE AUTOMATIC HEATING AT 3 ees? McLAUGHLIN FUEL OIL 110 KING ST. W. Cont Ol ECONOMY nay 723-3481 NEED CASH CHRISTMAS SELL DON'T NEEDS