COULD BE MISLEADING, HE SAYS OTTAWA (CP)--Dr. Eugene Forsey says Governor-General Vanier could refuse to sanction another federal election if Prime Minister Pearson's mi- nority government is defeated in the Commons. He also says that Progressive Conservative Leader Diefenba- ker could leave a false impres- sion by stating that if defeated, Mr, Pearson would have to ad- vise Gen. Vanier that there was another party that could form a government. Forsey Raps "Dief' On Eleciion Siory "Mr. Pearson would of course have no right whatever to prof- fer any advice to the Governor-} General on the choice of a suc- cessor, unless the Governor- General asked him to do so," writes Dr, Forsey, who is re- search director for the Cana- dian Labor Congress. He says in a letter to the Ot- tawa Journal that if defeated in the Commons, Mr. Pearson could either ask for a fresh dis- solution of Parliament for an election or simply resign. If he son inane as os MP Parmesan mee reat -- ST. THOMAS (CP) -- Rev. Robert McCrea, hired as part- time minister by the United Church several months ago, said Sunday he has been threat- ened with trespassing charges if he continues to conduct serv- ices for dissident groups at two United Churches near here. He told 40 persons at a serv- ice in nearby McBride that the Elgin presbytery of the United proceed with legal action if the services continued. Mr. McCrea also has been preaching to a group at Iona United Church, The churches are part of a five - point charge which has been without a full-time minis- ter for about six months. Mr. McCrea first was intro- |duced to the congregations last jsummer when the United Church asked for a group of ministers to act part-time until permanent clergy could be posted. Some members of McBride U.S. soldier of the ist Air side a narrow, heavily woded Cavalry os gga 7th a valley. The North Vietnam- ment guards a_ prisoner from the North Viet-namese ese units held the high ground. Eenemy losses were 304th Division who was captured during heavy fight- described as heavy in the action. American casualties ing in the Ia Drang valley near the Cambodian border were termed moderate. (AP Wirephoto by radio from Minister Says He Faced Charge Of Trespassing ,and Iona churches decided last) /month to break with the United | Church because of objection to the new Sunday school curricu-| lum and the "dictatorial prac-| tices" of the United Church. The latter. complaint con-| cerns efforts by the presbytery) to consolidate the five churches| by July, 1966. Congregations at McBride and Iona requested! their own minister, but were Church of Canada threatens to|told by presbytery they did not/ers together, have the 175-family total which! is the minimum for ministerial) appointment. : The group then set out to) establish its own '"'interdenom- inational services" and_hired| Mr. McCrea, a former Chris-| tian Missionary Alliance minis- ter from London. | As a_ result, services have been conducted by Mr. McCrea leach Sunday in United churches at McBride and Iona. United Church services have been held at later hours in the same 'buildings, WEATHER FORECAST with South Viet Nam. Most of the U.S. forces were in- Saigon) Russian People Promised : More Clothes, House Goods MOSCOW (Reuters)--The So-jaimed at improving living) .TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts viet people were promised to-|standards and strengthening the issued by the weather office at day more clothing and house- hold goods in the shops next yéar. There will be more textiles, more knitted goods, and more country's defence potential. It promised a sizable expan- ision in the production of tex-|across Northern Ontario over-|night, ltiles, knitted goods , clothing and footwear and a big increase 5.30 a.m.: Synopsis: Light snow spread jalght and is expected to con- tinue off and on today and Tues- household hardgyare like wash-|in the output of refrigerators,/day. Amounts are not expected Ing machines, television sets,|television sets, radios and wash-|to be heavy. Milder tempera- rigerators and radios. ling machines. 'tures should prevail in most This promise of more attrac-| The Russian people were also|sections of Ontario today, to- tive shop windows in the New| promised more apartments, night and Tuesday. A few show- Year came in a joint statement|schools and hospitals and lar-jers are predicted for southern by the government and Com-|ger appropriations for educa-|Ontario Tuesday. munist party central commit-|tional and health services. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Ni- 5 | Farmers were told they would|agara, Lake Ontario, southern Tt was published in: Pravda,|get more agricultural machin-|/Lake Huron, Windsor, Lendon, the party newspaper, and setjery. There will be more invest-/Toronto, Hamilton: Mostly éut the draft plan and budget ment in the meat and milk fn-)sunny and a little milder today for 1966. |dustries. clouding over this afternoon or Boosted production of con-/ Under the new managementjevening. A few showers tonight gumer goods is a result of new system approved by the Su-/and Tuesday. Winds light. methods of industrial manage-|preme Soviet, industrial man- ment introduced last autumniagers were giyen a. wide field\ian Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe: which made profit the main cri- for independent 'Action. Plan To Ease terion for running a business. | The plan and budget will go Ship Bottleneck The party-government state-|before the Supreme Soviet | OTTAWA (CP)--The St. Lasy- rence Seaway Authority plans a ment said the new plans werelapproval Dec. 7. variety of measures to get ships through the system before win- \ter closing dates next months, says President Pierre Camu. Canadian Woman, 24, Saved From Mile-deep U.K. Caves GLOSSOP, England (CP) --|no indication so far of the na- He was asked Saturday about Rescuers brought an injured 25-|ture and extent of her injuries.|2 bottleneck of outbound ship- year-old Canadian woman from| A nursing sister said Miss|P!"8 at the Welland Canal link: flooded caves more than a mile|Carr did not appear to. be suf-/\"& Lakes Erie and Ontario beneath--thesurface--of--Derby-|fering a result| Dr. Camu attributed the sit- ahire's wild peak district Sun-|of the lengthy ordeal, Earlier|Uation to extended" fox, ~ high day after a 20-hour struggle injreports said she was believed winds and a shortage of pilots. a weather. to have a fractured skull. oh dee i with rere he rescue squad brought) Miss ¢ ' pie sentatives of the Dominion Ma- Donna Carr of Calgary inch by ate pesaion th Pore yg odd Association and the Ship- inch along the dripping wet tun-| perial College of jping Federation of Canada in fels to safety in this northernifondon, fell 40 fe Sede Montreal Friday to discuss the England district about 40 miles|eveni hi ening while exploring 4| There would be no extension éast of Liverpool. Derbyshire ¢ ay $ Authorities at an infirmary in| Giant's Hole. en se a a | caus nsiv' effield said the girl was con- mata and in fairly satisfactory OB cragpe Nae her Dag wilig sd brag tbat was to begin on ion. X-rays had bee: st ad and leg in-|that date. ; cope further tests were oe juries. They strapped her to al Howeper, small tugs, ice ing carried out, but there was special stretcher and pushed|booms, portable heaters, spe- jcaiststas Drain niacee "| and dragged this along tortuous|cial lubricants, an increased tunnels, sometimes up to their|water flow and a number of Garland Weds necks in freezing water and/other measures would be taken -- PRONE TRE DIS to speed navigation of the canal. Mark Herron -- LAS VEGAS (AP)--Judy Gar- land was married Sunday to L/ actor Mark Herron. 54 SIMCOE NORTH The singer, wearing a long TUES. and WED. Specials: gown of white and gold with| LEAN, TENDER matching cape, married Herron Ib in the Little Church of the West, LEAN : ; ibs $ 1 a smal] commercial wedding chapel here. FRESH, TASTY, SKINLESS The wedding took place at 1:30 a.m. because Miss Garland said she wanted "to avoid being Wedded on the 13th." LEAN, TENDER, BONELESS BEEF micas: || SHOULDER Write Today -- Oshawe Times || ROA Box 1021 | T She and Herron travelled to- gether in the Far East Jast year and Herron announced later that they had been married in a Chinese ceremony. 1 d ber of dily employed people ere turning spare time hours into cash in- come replenishing light merch- andise accounts established lo- eelly by prominent Conediew monutecturer. Constant repeat turnover end de- finitely no soliciting can provide @ Telicbie secona income to_ sincere Northern Lake Huron, Georg-) ~a | Mostly Sunny, Milder Some Showers Tonight Sunny with cloudy periods and a little milder today, clouding over this afternoon or evening. A few scattered snowflurries 'to- } changing to showers Tuesday. Winds light. Timagami, Cochrane, Al- goma, Sault Ste. Marie, White River, North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy with occasional periods of light snow and a little milder today and Tuesday. Winds southerly 15. Forecast Temperatures |Low tonight, high Tuesday: |Windsor ..... St. Thomas. London Kitchener es Mount Forest..... Wingham ..esoves Hamilton .... . |St. Catharines.... TOFONtO .....eee0e |Peterborough ..., Kingston ... | Trenton Killaloe .. Muskoka . North Bay.... |Sudbury |Earlton . {Sault Ste. Marie., Kapuskasing White River...... | Moosonee Timmins i "a POLAROID COLOR PACK CAMERAS 28 King East -- Oshewe 723-4621 | | WATICAN CITY (AP) -- A group of Roman Catholic bish- ops staged today what they. PC Chiet resigned, the Governor-Gen | TORC -- Conserva- % : gc lg a RONTO (CP) -- Conserva-\tempt" to force the Vatican nied pouctice'" would tik Mar tive Leader Diefenbaker says/ecumenical council to condemn istenbakee to. ferns govern.|( a" when he retires he wants|\Communism openly. ment. jto see eosueans "experienced in) Copies of a petition demand- "If Mr, Pearson asked for a\Patliament" to take over Jead-jing such a condemnation in the fresh dissolution, before the re-\ership of the Progressive Con-Council's document on modern ome Act. hee bonis into servative party. <-- gies vay i il effect, the plain duty of the) face : i ,100 prelates as they as- Goveiiior-General would be to} » nis interview taped for sembled in St. Peter's Basilica refuse, aabasaest Sunday on the CBCito begin voting on the doc- ae television show This Hour Has ument, Attached to the petition aprender ou enn a eee include igri gyre nd 2 ERNE OES : A : cific declaration affront to decency. and common|**'4 it is quite impossible for). ga inst Communism in the sense to have a fresh election|* eader ea fre under our system to schema's passage on atheism. on the old distribution of seatsjcome up who hasn't got the The council fathers voted on when jie new distribution was foundation of years in Parlia-|this section today, with results only months away." ant Dr. Forsey says the Gover-| « a vis nor-General "'would have nol The man who is the leader choice but to send for t el ey sanyo om ine a oF or ",\the opposition is under the leader of the Opposition and ask| microscope every day of the oo Realstiibution sae came|week that Parliament sits. He into effect." must lead his party in Parlia- He adds that if both Mr. Pear- og he is in a goldfish bowl. son aid Mr. Diefenbaker say sh ana 0 erie the. experience they are unable to carry on in), 4. C4" only come from Par- the Commons '"'the Governor- lament. General would have the right In reply to a suggestion that to make a further effort to/former justice minister Davie avoid a fresh election before re-|Fylton, elected Nov. 8 as PC distribution came into effect." : aE : He could = pat lige tie ot abilities mentioned, leaders of the other parties|Diefenbaker said: also, and urge them to try to; "Oh yes, and theré are sev- work out some arrangementsieral others in the same cate- for a caretaker government tojgory. carry on routine business and|anyone. I'm simply saying that pass non-contentious legislationjabove everything else, experi- until the Redistribution Actience in Parliament . . . is essen- came into effect." jtial to leadership." he to be announced Tuesday, The council fathers could submit the "Dief" Talks Public Censure Of Needs Of Reds Urged \Marxism or name, and it declares that the only way for Christians and none-believers to achieve any understanding is through a pru- dent dialogue. Many conservative prelates view this as a dangerous open- jing to Marxism. At least 706 votes would be pce en needed to make the commission tr ne council 7 take the amendment under seri-| mardi arans ous consideration. The distributed rs ask that contain the ee must be rejected, not only because it is EP ib Neon text deplores|.ontaminated with atheism but i es not single out!aisg because it has been de- Communism bY|clared intrinsically perverse by the teaching authority of the chureh. . . ." Unilingualism IF YOU ARE NOW TAKING Quebec Asked =A LAXATIVE ONCE, TWICE or MONTREAL (CP) -- A con-| THREE TIMES A WEEK ference of French-language ed-|... THEN YOU SHOULD Bu ucationists held during the| the Laxative Tablet HH -. weekend adopted a resolution, GENTLE DIFFERENCE calling for unilingualism in Gue-| Take gentle-acting NM... Nature's bec, ; | Remedy! There is no letdown, ne 'The meeting, sponsored by| uncomfortable after-feeling. NR is L'Association Canadienne des/an all-vegetable laxative. For over Educateurs de Langue Fran-|70 years, Wt has been giving folke caise and L'Association. d'Edu-/ pleasant, effective relief overnight \proposed amendment alongycation du Quebec, also called) with their votes. If enough didjfor a study of "the best way would have to of promoting" jso, the section be rewritten. Council sources said there|Quebec or a "unilingual" sys-| |was a wide feeling among the|tem for the province, bishops against an open con- \demnation of Communism, par- ticularly at this time of evolv- ing relations between the Vati- can and Communist states. These sources noted that an jearlier effort had collected 450 petition was rejected. | NATIVE SON dent not born under the British flag was Martin Van Buren who 'served from 1837 to 1841. member for Kamloops, has the/Signatures on a similar petition} Mr.|to the drafting commission. This} I'm not particularizing) 'The first United States presi.| | | | FUEL 'eee either priority for the French language in Helps you feel better .-. and look better! | REGULAR + CHOCOLATE COATED + JUNIORS OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks al- ways on the ready to serve you, Fuel Oi! Budget Plan available. NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL McLAUGHLIN 723-3481 110 KING ST. W. 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