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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Nov 1965, p. 27

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Russ Create Enthusiasm For Expo '67 MOSCOW (CP)--Russia has jumped into planning for Expo 67, the Montreal world's fair, to the jubilation of all its or- ganizers and astonishment of some. The depth of the Soviet com- mitment for the 1967 exhibition became evident Tuesday at the conclusion of two days of talks here between the exhibition del- ation headed by Commis- GIANT FAB _ 20c OFF joner - General Pierre Dupuy | and representatives of 10 coun-/| GIANT tries invited to participate in a | theme pavilion. | SIZE Dupuy told a press conference | he expects Russia to make a) large contribution to the pavil- | ion, dedicated to the theme| DELMONTE FANCY --- SAVE 10¢ Man the Explorer. It is one of | . 28-0Z. five special pavilions planned} for the fair within the general | TINS theme Man and His Universe. | Participating countries will) : contribute to them in addition | ta i to ----s their own na-| 'HOSPITALITY $13 MILLION OVERHAUL DUE FOR U.S. CARRIER Dupuy expreched ogeiaiait atl FAMILY The Navy's famed Shan- Bruce Nieminen, of Stor, rier will be overhauled dur- ilies, however, will move vill covciess 10 er ate) APPLE PIE SIZE gri-La aircraft carrier heads Ohio, as the carrier arrives --_ing the next six months and . from the ship's home base pavilion Under 'discussing an nang ar Naadey "ane Pa Cad trthamtan tat most of her crew will live at Mayport, Fla., to Phila- eae the United States, Brit-| gets welcoming salue from will cost $13,000,000. The car- | aboard. More than 150 fam- delphia. (AP Wirephoto) ain and France. PRICES EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th ; ' Sad ie cane Pehle eh WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, rd lighted gp Ber _-- awe by| ; : Ask Assembly Vote (/ToQut meno 25a] _ FRESH PORK SALE! ! from the other countries. a ake i : ge 5 1. Ambulance (ever ns | Bima \ Nee L i Pork On Red China Entry Operations atte es oe : i a 4M om hibit. No fewer than 29 Soviet ATIONS (CP) --,mission of the Peking govern-|strengthen support for seating) ic oe ae _jexperts were on hand for dis- | ma A < 5 oe -- The United Nations today eg ry the Peking government as me bg ot emg pi Nh fun-| cussion of this subject. Ce ; : : RIB siders a last-minute proposal by; The amendment would deletejeral nations have indicated they| tio thunicipalities will dina The discussion was preside | . ; Ceylon calling on the General/from the resolution now before/could not back the Nationalists'): 16 sesMalinae Gervite afar. by B. A. Borisov, Posy : F r PORTION Assembly to vote on the seat-|the 117-nation assembly any ref-jexpulsion to make way for thel nee 15 they ga yin a Joint letter | missioner of the Soviet entry in : , o 4 ; ing of Communist China with-jerence to the expulsion of the)Communist Chinese. Fe peo Eyelid tot and theltee fair. eagieget mornin ecg Mites ' : i 9 out touching on the status of Na-|Nationalist government on For-| A United States-backed eset P. 5; took minutes of the meeting and | tionalist China. |mosa and would call only for ajjytion calling for a two-thirds Ontario Ambulance Operators these immediately were typed + See : TENDERLOIN | decisi ) i ion | A880ciation. up and circulated to the Soviet The Ceylonese proposal wasj|decision on whether Commu-| majority vote on the question, ie jup : made late Tuesday night in the|nist China should be seated inlas well as the resolution seek.| About 60,000 people live in| Academy of Sciences and other : PORTION lj i innit ffected. | government agencies that might 346. A form of an amendment to a 12-|the UN. ling Peking admission, took up|the area @ j . . Average nation resolution seeking the ad-| The Ceylonese proposal could 'he entire debate Tuesday, de-| Seven funeral directors said|become involved in the Soviet elenai laying a vote. \"increased costs make it eco-| exhibit. : : 1 CENTRE CUT PORK | The U.S. was joined by 19/n0mically impossible to con-|, Russia's own contribution is IGA SW. lother nations in Meet hd the|tinue" in the ambulance bus-jexpected to centre around de- ROAST or oro y anners a a ae ae jiness. Text of the letter was|velopment of Arctic towns and resolution calling for a two-|!" A : | ion in the permafrost : Bishi 2 1 esday night by|construction in the permafro ; thirds majority rather than a ace sae fo Fresi_lzone. Waather ahd" weeaie: SWIFT PREDRESSED 5-6 LB, AVERAGE CHOPS T W it Fil Column eT cee cour bee dent out|dent of the association. jgraphic research may also be YOUNG CA PONS 5b 0 rl e 1 m for at least another year. Leanne are Bs Grass Puy, at the orean: confet: Rs |Funeral Home and Holmes Fu- Ys : ' By BOB THOMAS power that Louella wielded in\) CANADA AGAINST IT Ineral Home, both of Dresden; |@Mce,, Professed not to be sur SWIFT PREMIUM RINDLESS SLICED pig ' HOLLYWOOD (AP)--A bit ofjher heyday. Then Hollywood| Britain favors Peking's ad-|Fred H. Robinson Fimerai ee SS tae theme vovlar SMARTIES 2 ns 89° Hollywood history was marked|was ruled by a handful of ty-|mission. Canada was expected|Home, Bothwell: John C. Bad-|TeSPon LB. PKGS. : : i itt . | ' t other Expo officials this week as the Parsons office|coons who ran the big studios,|to continue its opposition. der Funeral Home, Thames. oem eed slated a eoniahinent LIDO FAMILY MIX moved into new quarters onj|and all played ball with the lit-| The 111-nation assembly. in|Ville; McKeallar and McDonald} wi Y PREMIUM VAC. PACK ° 26-02. South Beverly Drive. tle lady who started writing|1963, the last time the 'aie was| Funeral Home, Ridgetown; | ®! the extent of the Soviet com shih lBatges BISCUITS 5 ig "The first thing we did was|about movies in 1914, when-they | debated, cast 57 votes against};Bowman and Ford Funeral go eg us enough offers IENERS oo 49¢ PKG, hang up a picture of Louella,"|were barely a flicker. _ |the seating of Peking, 41 in fa-|/Home, Blenheim; and Secord to fill up the 'sntice exhibit," : BLUE BONNET COLOURED said Dorothy Manners, aide-de-| Change in the Hollywood hier- | yor, with 12 abstentions. jand Jones Funeral Home, Mer-| T y 3-LB. | a emarked an Expo spokesman 89° camp for 30 years to Louella | archy loosened her hold on the} U.S. Ambassador Ch arles|/in. lorivataty, LUNCHEON MEAT 12-02. MARGARINE PKG. Parsons, who reigned over the|film colony. The tycoons died Yost Tuesday said the question) Mr. MacBeth, owner of the)" asveq what he thought the ¢ i wi e | maj dio: i ; . fase : rad ae PUREX TOILET -- White, Pink, Yellow Aque movie world in its golden ear as/off, ajor studios lost their of peace in Asia was involved in| Alexander Ambulance Service| Russians expect to gain from TINS E E bed es } TWIN ¢ the most powerful of columnists./power and movie making be-li,e decision facing the assem-jhere, represents the association| such massive _participation-- TISSUE 55 The event marks the firsticame an "international affeir. bly, and therefore no one could|on a committee set up by the| they have already mapped SWIFTS BEEF OR IRISH maeee time within memory of the most/But the Parsons column re- deny the importance of apply-|provincial government to look} yjans for a 15,000,000 national STEW 2 24-02. 79 BEDFORD FANCY--SAVE 4c press agents that the Parsons|mained a prime outlet for film las the twothinds ule, into ambulance services in On-|savition--Dupuy said they want 12-02. A column has. not been compiled|news. : ,|tario. Pa gga ng err age ss TINS ASPARAGUS CUTS 2 Tix; 39° ; ni ' j He repeated U.S. charges tha 4 from Louella's Beverly Hills) Louella's successor, amiable; " oe |, The committee has called for SIMONIZ VISTA WOOD--SAVE 20¢ home. And by the end of this|Dorothy Manners, devoted 3)/Communist China's attitude to-| #10. standards in trainisig' te on SLIVERLEAF FLOOR WAX 32-02. 99¢ month, the column will nolyears of service to Louella gg og Petal or ong better vehicles and equipment 1-LB. € TIN longer bear Louella's name. assistant. , 8 Sess ee"! and subsidization from the gov-| PKGS. CREME RINSE CONDITIONER Hollywood has known for its presence in the organization| SMOKING es 4-02. Id be a destretive one. -- |@™nment. 4-02. ¢ € many months that Miss Parsons . ive | He said the ambulance serv-| has been in failing health. Since| Offer Details Ambassador Halim Budo office at Chatham, owned by As-| JEWEL ac OFF BTL. BTL. 1-LB. 1962, she has suffered pneumo- Albania, whose country is re-lsociation President Douglas Ar- PROBLEMS SH RTENING 2 65° nia, shingles of the optic 'oa To Be Released -- garded as @ spokesman tor Pe-lbour, will be overloaded with o-- and fractures of the hip: and| |king in the UN, argued the U.S./the withdrawal of the 'seven| Shgulder. Survival seemed) TORONTO (CP)--Details of/had lost its 'automatic major-!funeral homes. CALL doubtful for a woman who alsoj8n offer which Farmers Allied/ity" and thus was forced to seek! 'This is a very serious mat-| SMOKER'S DIAL had experienced tuberculosis |Meat Enterprises Co-operativelapplication of the two-thirds ter," said Mr. MacBeth. "Tt is| : and two heart attacks. Amaz-|Ltd. asys has been made by E.jrule. beginning to mushroom and it! 728-2221 riv iR. Gunner of London probably} -- eR Es Meias | ingly, she has survived. will be wade publlé Mt the Dec. | is about time the provincial bai bear ca ueraaie " . | ® government woke up on this," HEDDA PRINTS NEWS 8 annual meeting of FAME, its) Ban Could Hit ek Gaid an Ausbhine Ai TO BREAK THIS HABIT It remained for her longtime|president, Melvin Becker of} 3 lhas. been written but has not | 24 - HOUR SERVICE rival columnist, Hedda Hopper,/Ayr, said Tuesday. | \come before the legislature | to print the news that Louella| However, David Ritchie,| Tobacco Crop iit te : = ann ne was entering a rest home and vice-president of F. W. Fear- | her column would soon bear the|man Co. Ltd. of Burlington,| LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Brit solo byline of Dorothy Manners.|who says he handles all Mr.|ain's ban on bart of Rhodes MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT Those close to-Miss~-Parsons|Gunner's affairs in- Canada, de-|ian tobacco will have no effect : confirmed that she now is in ajnied that any new offer hadjon the 1965 Ontario crop but Extra-Fast-Service-When--You-Want-Ht! private sanatorium. She is often|been made jcould strongly affect next lucid, they say, but suffers from! Mr. Gunner is owner of the|year's acreage quotas, an offi L FLORIDA SEEDLESS the debilities of her ailments|Fearman plant, which the co-|cial of the Ontario Flue-Cured and her age. The latter has long operative tried to buy last year./Tobacco Growers' Marketing C] ce | RUBY RED or WHITE been a subject of conjecture.|FAME lost its $1,500,000 down|Board said Tuesday night. | The best sources indicate she|payment because of inability to Stanley C. Smith of Port! was born Louella Oettinger in'pay an additional $1,900,000 Stanley, a director and former) : 4 | pm Freeport, Ill., Aug. 6, 1880, mak-|when it came due, and dr, |ekalvenais of the board, said! | é ing her now 85, Gunner reclaimed the plant. | this year's crop was not be-| In today's movie world, it is) Mr. Becker said the British|lieved to be sufficient to meet! 3 SIZE C : difficult to conceive the kind of businessman had made an of-|domestic demands and increase | | . eitcayh nae ROSA a ae menos ---- jfer to FAME last August. He | exports to Britain at the same Ps ' : declined to disclose details be-|time. 96's : ' DEATHS cause he said it would be un-| pritish buyers are attending) ee believes |{2@. Ontario auctions now, Mr.| By THE CANADIAN PRESS |... Ontario government showg (smith soldat eg Moa P B.L. GREEN & CUT | "4 G De Dublin--William T. Cosgrave,|ouarantee loans to enable |tey apparently have not been 85, former president of the Re-|AME to make the purchase,|PU'chasing more than normal CANADA FANCY GRADE WAX BEANS OR PEAS public of Ireland, ee 'amounts of tobacco. 6-0T. Montreal--Sigefroy Deschaz- an pe aes oe ee He said the tobacco board McINTOSH APPLES a 75* 10-07. C elets, 88, father of Jean-Paul) . B eigen will consider a return > ----- BASKET TINS Desehatelets, former fed eral trip to Britain in search of an Desehetelets, former Ontario To Be lagreement with bupsce. there] BORROW ONJUsTYOUR [ff [ME CANADA CEE GRADE wees Toronto--Chester. (Chet) lwhich would commit them to UP TO mw SIGNATURE | SPY APPLES 6-QT. 75° NIBLETS OF CORN, PEAS, BE bt BASKET BUTTER SAUCE FROZEN Dies, 72,-major league baseball Major Gateway purchase a_ specific amount scout in the Toronto area MONTREAL (CP) -- Ontario){f0m Canada ; Need money to- | ATYPICAL PAYMENT PLAN Toronto--Thomas F. Fortune, |wiii act as a major gateway to| "The time is right to make day?--CallCitizens | ycash, 20, 30. He kes CANADA No. 1 GRADE H 47, credit manager of The/Canada and Quebec for tourists|@nother trip to England and, Finance right 114.46 pial oe | ) 3-LB. ie ; Paes. C Globe and Mail; after suffering | visiting Expo 67 and is prepar-| While I would not expect a def- 310.78 19.00 | CARR CELLO BAGS a heart attack at the news-ling for the role, James Auld,|inite commitment at this time,| awayl!! Speedy 758.89 ae anes. oF ; : ; ais pee 5 | 1489.74 P asern Falls, N.Y, -- [4,-| Ontario minister of tourism and/the time is right to. start. | Service is as much | 5459.49 Col. BHéthund "J. Fleming, 45. | ormation, said Tuesday. @ part of our busi- 3107.92 | A. WATSON : | Promotional literature and| 4999.86 last surviving chaplain of Mer-|centennial events in Ontario} A. E. JOHNSON. 0.D ness as the friend- STREETSVILLE we i poe nan are being planned with the||l} 4+ "J VW, ly, confidential , . ping unit; of @ heart /knowledge that 75 per cent of/ll OPTOMETRIST | treatment that [ z the visitors expected to visit} Fort William -- Clarence H|kxpo will come from. New York| 14Y2 King St. East -- | awaits you here. % | D (Sandy) Moors, 79, merchant|and mid-western state, he told! 723-2721 ae | GRAN and former alderman, hydro!s service club } ' commissioner and school] ------____ i ais --SE=--EEE_--_----S=' | trustee; in a head-on collision | 7 between his car and a truck. WINNER Bracebridge, Ont.--Dr. Law: RED MI Q ! ON OPEN FRIDAY TILL8 P.M Phe Nicholson (Pat) Ryan, 68 | ormer mayor of Bracebri . . | of a heart attack," | Would like his former customers to know ( ITIZENS a NANC ae Kingston--William J. Allins i ee rae : a aie cone dec N. and Conlin Road. HB COMPANY LIMITED MOTOR CITY IGA LANSDOWNE IGA former president of the On that he is now in business at the H 61 KING STREET--WEST Riston Rd. S., Oshawa Lansdowne Shopping Centre tario Retail Farm Equipment Bia? Measles, oan Supertest Station on Simcoe St. Phone 723-3451 | DYL'S IGA COLLEGE HILL IGA os Nl ieee seule MITTON SUPERTEST STATION | BRANCH OFFICE | 166 Adelaide St. E., Oshawe Cubert St., Oshawa BRAEMOR IGA acid-tongued author and ar- Simcoe St. N. und Conlin Rd 725-4211 || WHITBY; 319 Brock Street, Suite 1 Phone 668-5821 | BILSKY IGA BECKSTEAD IGA Stevenson Rd. at Annapolis Ave: tish& who became famous after i , Ontario Oshawe freqitent appearances on TV; of Licensed Mechanic and British Cor Specialists, We like to say "Your loan is OK Lae eae Rae By DANES sieht end a heart attack.

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