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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Nov 1965, p. 13

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"BETTER LETTERS, LIVING, LEARNING' MOTTO "Better Letters, Better and other secretaries held Living, Better Learning" is each year to mark National the motto of the National Secretaries Week. Members Secretaries Association and of the executive of the Osh- the Oshawa Chapter tries to awa Chapter are seen here promote this motto. One of giving a few pointers to a their major projects is the student, Miss Rena Gra- typing contest for students ham at the typewriter, and assisting her is Mrs. Stella Barnett, treasurer. Standing are from the Jeft, Mrs. Mary Tilk, president ;Mrs. Millie Stewart, vice-president and Miss Joyce Power, record- ing. secretary --Oshawa Times Photo St. Stephen's UCW 'Sportswear To Formal Clothes To Hold Bazaar 'Influenced By Movie Fashions St. Stephen's United Church Women meet monthly except By PEGGY MASSIN jof - during July and August. There! pARIS (Reuters) are two Units which also meetjous recent Paris fashion trends in casual clothes worn on the each month. have ridden to fame on waves|French Riviera. : Three meetings on Missions |°! Publicity evoked by success-| feed el dee ray hag gd ped Eg ein uu sige ie mg fil movies. eye en Middle Eastern - in- Camp, short 'term school teach-|_ ce gy and pr ig ete lection ia gore "| 7 er from India, spoke: and illus-|tumes from such pictures as), r i trated" het talk with colored|Viva Maria, My Fair Lady, |clothes hci icing a ae slides. Mrs. Frank Crawford | Harlow and The Knack are in- Arapesdue showed a film entitled This Is|fluencing everything, from' Cori) Beaton's costumes Trinidad. sportswear to formal clothes) yy pair Lady are directly r A family night was planned and accessories. sponsible for the current ep when members and their fam- Pierre Cardin spent three demic of ostrich feathers and flies put on a variety program. -- on bara aioggrons the lavishly bejewelled and es ast year designing @ COS-'headed evening sheaths. anion koe -- tumes for Viva Maria. Subse-| The collections shown 1 church service was held, speak- fo Os ns shown last ex was Mrs. (Rev.) G. A. Mundy| tently, the 'granny look" with July promptly produced numer- of Brooklin. A life membership | !0"8 full skirts and ruffled turn-jous counterparts of My Fair pin was presented to Mrs. S. C.| peaay's Eliza Doolittle complete English Form Rundle, past: president. |with egret feathers and wide A bus trip to Toronto to visit |choker collars made of pearls. The Scott Mission and the Unit-| RECALL PAST ERA ed Church Publishing House, Jean Harlow and the slinky proved interesting. bias-cut fashions of the 1930s The members attended Osh- awa Presbyterial at Simcoe Street United Church with speaker Rev. Floyd Honey of Toronto and the Fall Rally at Port Perry United Church where) the speaker was Miss Muriel) Stevens, nurse on furlough from| the Congo. Several members at- tended United Church Women School at Albert College, Belle- ville, and assisted in the pre- senting of the Bible' Study. Per- haps _ the most important achievement was the forming of a Bible Study group who meet in the mornings once every two weeks. Members helped at Hillsdale Manor, and Red Cross Blood Donors clinic, visited the sick) and shut in, catered to weddings and banquets and held a suc- cessful Dessert Luncheon. We are holding a Christmas Bazaar and Tea on Thursday, Novem- ber 25 at 8 p.m. to be opened by) Miss Winnifred Brydges of} Columbus United Church. The officers are past president, Mrs s. C. Rundle; president, Mrs David Duchemin; _ vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Lloyd Jewell; secre- tary, Mrs. John Cook and the treasurer, Mrs. Ray Smith. Apple upside - down cake is quick to make and also quick to Group In 1890 have had a major impact on CHILD GUIDANCE "Often you have heard and read that punishment of a child should be suited to his offence. This 'rule' may be effectively lied in a few instances as when you deny the use of the car to a youth you know has been speeding or driving reck- lessly. You might effect this punish- ment by a mere command or by having him leave with you for a few weeks or months his driver's licence. The police de- partment might revoke his li- cence. There are many other situa- tions in which suiting the pun- ishment to the offence may not be effective. Suppose your little child bites other children of the neighborhood, Suppose, for pun- ishment, you require the young- ster, three or four, to stay alone indoors for several hours or dren and was very aggressive for) Guide Bazaar Held By Parents The 5th Parent Committee of |the Oshawa Girl Guides recent- ily held a successful bazaar at the Guide House House. Mrs. Donald Ibey introduced Mrs. John Baskell, Commission- er for Kingsway District who jopened the bazaar and tea room. The Guides helped out in the kitchen and waited on the tea tables. The kitchen conveners were Mrs. A. Thompson and Mrs. Murray Hainer. The home baking convener was Mrs, C. Fron, Mrs. G. Wirggitt for aprons and Mrs. D. Ibey and Mrs. Leo Conlin looked after miscellaneous. Mrs. J. Black looked after the candy and the Fish Pond was looked after by the Guides. The Guides also had a table which consisted of aprons, baby the - century shirtwaists|clothes, handiwork and candy. Numer-j¢merged as a dominant trend|/The Brownies had a White Ele- phant table. the} A new way to look at stereo Electrohome presents the mod- ern sound in stereo, Thrilling three-dimensional performance | | through exclusive 360° Satel- Suiting Punishment To Offence Is Not Always Effective By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD ,towards them in other ways. days because he bit other chil-|; _leral members have 50 years' The Daughters of England, fashions, Benevolent Society was_ insti- The supple bias - cut crepe} tuted November 7, 1890, and in-|dresses, chunky heeled shoes,| corporated January 9, 1895. A and shoulder - length platinum) group of English men and|blonde wigs vividly recall La women who were lonely for the famous boudoir school of gla- homeland, formed a lodge, with mor. 31 members. Jacques Esterel shows all the Members are Protestants of formal clothes in his collection, British descent, and each lodge|With the models wearing Harlow has a name connected with the! Wigs. homeland. They span the con- The British film The Knack, tinent. which received first prize at the Any. worthy cause is helped Cannes Film Festival last A new project has heen started SPring, has exerted more influ- to help the CNIB. Each year the ence on junior and teen - age Grand Lodge presents a bursary fashions than any other picture to a student graduating from ajo" record. Paris streets are school for the blind. crowded with hundreds of The first lodge originated in "stand-ins" for the talented Hamilton, November 10, 1890.|young comedian, Rita Tushing-| Lodge Queen Victoria celebrated ham. their 75th Anniversary at the ~~ | Wentworth Arms Hotel in Ham- HIS MOTHER HAD MARK ilton, November 10, 1965. Lady Randolph Churchill, The members of Empress of Winston Churchill's mother, had India, Lodge 26, Oshawa holdja tattoo. their meetings at the Orange Raa Temple, the first and third Tuesday of each month The oldest living. member, Mrs. Alice Williams, now re- siding in Toronto, has been a member for 68 years, and sev lite Speakers! See, hear Flectrohome 3-dimensional stereo... at CHERNEY'S 80 King St. E. #LECTROHOME STEREO WITH THE DIFFERENCE ASK ABOUT COLOUR Authentic Crested SCHOOL JACKETS active membership Executive officers Worthy President, Mrs are Kate But how is he to learn te be careful of his playthings when jhe has none? He needs guid- ance while he is using his play- |things. By. quiet, positive suggestions you might induce him to be careful. At the moment he de- liberately harms or breaks a |toy, you should give him a When you release him later,|lusty whack on his fundamen- he might be more aggressive,|ial or make him sit for 20-min- He needs your immediate guid-|utes, unamused. : ance in ever so many situations} But giving him physical pain before he can become a good|or making him sit unamused playmate. iwhen he bites another young- If, as you saw him bite an-|ster or deliberately destroys, a other youngster, you requiredjtoy, is not related to the of- him immediately to sit in a(fence except that it is connected chair for 20 minutes, un-|with it in time or place. amused, or if you turned him| How can you effectively suit over your knee and gave him| punishment to the offence in or- sound whack immediately|der to require a child, nine or every time he bit a child dur-|12, to begin his homework ing the next several days, he|promptly or do his chores faith- would almost surely cease his|fully? Deny him the privilege to biting ways. He jvould more/do them and he will be pleased; surely obey if you also found|he will be rewarded for his ways to help him gain pleasure|derelictions. ) from desirable play behavior. | Don't bother about suiting |the punishment to the offence, CONSIDER OFFENCE Just be sure you provide suf- Suppose your tot, two, three/ficient discomfort to him, as or four, were rough with his|quickly as possible following tovs and deliberately broke|his doing what you don't want some of them. Limiting the pun-|him to repeat, or his failure to ent to the offence, youlobey your positive command, might deny him all toys for aj In recent months a number definite period. 'of parents have prritten me or told me personally of teen-age: lover whom they have lost con THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 19, 1965 43 trol. When I have inquired about what cherished privileges they might deny this recalci- trant youth, they have never named the use of a car. When I have suggested it, they have replied: "But how could you suit this to the of- fence?" Always my answer is, "Why try to do-so? It could be your most effective means of control, Your concern should be merely to connect the penalty with any definite, serious case of disobedience." PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. We have three children, six, nine and 13. The two younger ones seem always to HOUSEHOLD HINT ee ani ee atti Instead of cabbages and kings,| let's talk about cabbages and " apples. Served together and TOWN and COUNTRY topped with your favorite sour- cream dressing, the Ontario Charcoal House Food Council, Department of|M% this Restowrant won created fer your Dining Pisasure. Gur food ie the very best money can buy. If you ore plenning @ fomily Agriculture, suggests this tasty item for a delicious combina- gathering, club meetings, or @ Christmas Party or Bonquet. tn- tion. quire about our BANQUET ROOM, drop by end see us or phone 723-1821. 15 Bond E. od SNOW AIDS ESCAPE BRUNSWICK, West Germany (AP)--Snow and frozen ground enabled two East German youths to cross a minefield un- harmed into West Germany 723-1821 be talking at dinnertime. When as quiet as the eldest does? A. Be first concerned that your eldest child talks so little. | Perhaps the younger ones' lo- quacity furthers the older's ret- icence. | 24-Day Escorted Tour Te | FLORIDA || By Air-Conditioned Motor Coach No Night Travel Jan, 22nd to Feb, 14th, 1966 Phone 623-3265 COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE BOX 631, Bowmanville may we hope for them to keep |§] OSHAWA"S NEWEST and Most Modern Hair Styles at... The Mayfair Salon 27 Celina Street 728-0662 egress Saturday -- The Last Day for a Free Blanket BUY NOW! GET 2 ITEMS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE |Let Us Take a Big Load Off Your Mind BUY NOW AND GET A ELECTRIC BLANKET Hurry! This offer is too good to miss! With the pur- chase of a new automatic electric dryer (any model) Cherney's WILL INCLUDE AT NO EXTRA COST -- A $29.95 DOUBLE BED SIZE ELECTRIC BLANKET with a 2-year guarantee. Arrange for yours today! You need both right now, but you will appreciate both a great deal more as colder weather comes. It's a lovely blanket! Nylon binding top and bottom .... illuminating dial control . . . convertible contoured corners. Buy your automatic dryer this week . . get your free electric blanket -- we'll arrange for later delivery if you so desire, THE CHOICE IS YOURS Top Loaders disappear after the first taste. Gjoyer: Worthy Vice-President, If you find your wash load getting bigger. . . relax! This new Westinghouse top- Home economists at Macdonald)yrs, Nancy Murrall; treasurer, {nstitute, Guelph, recommend Mrs. Annie Mitchell; secretary his recipe. Melt one-quarter Mrs, Doris McDonald, District up butter in a baking dish and gepyty, Mrs. Doreen Ladd add three - quarters cup brown vate sugar. Arrange six thick rings of apple in dish, Cover with gingerbread batter and bake Front Loaders Stack-ons e Built-ins Westinghouse offers you the widest choice in home laundry equipment. Let us show you the different models this week, OSHAWA: unbalanced loads that stop other washers ... Gives years of trouble-free washing. aS estinghouse (~) EXCLUSIVE WITH CHERNEY'S loading laundromat is engineered to clean up on the biggest wash. It washes up to 15 pounds in a single load, so you'll wash less often. It gives you double washing action -- the agitator draws clothes through hot sudsy water while the ribbed tub OVED WARM QUILTED REMOV PERMANENTLY LINING Superfluous Hair Electrolysis the newest selek- Shortwave method. Revealing your '* true self free of worry and embarrassment - Over 15 years experience. MARIE MURDUFF Will be in Oshawe at the Genosha Hotel Noy. 22, 23, 24 PHONE 723-4641 VADIANT CLEANERS NOW HAS 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS @ 1120 Simcoe St. N. 728-2361 @ Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-1023 , for pick-up and delivery call 728-2361 turns in the opposite direction t» get your clothes extra clean. The rugged Westing- house heavy-duty transmission and new suspension system handle even those big IN NEED of a HOMEMAKER? Central, McLaughlin, O'Neill and Donevan WHITBY: Anderson High School and Henry St. High School HEAVY DUTY LAUNDROMATS FROM ......*248 Call... AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC DRYERS FROM .... $14.4 RED CROSS Homemoker Service at 723-7073 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT No Money Down -- No Carrying Charges OSHAWA DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE Open to 9 p.m, Thurs. & 36 King E. Friday Open te 9 p.m. Pridey SPECIAL TERMS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS - NO MONEY DOWN, FIRST PAYMENT FEBRUARY, '66

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