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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Nov 1965, p. 17

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If Diefenbaker Taken On Larger Crews No Answer To Marine Collisions: DMA Regional Gov' ties during talks Thursday on THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 19, 1965 97 how to establish it. The problem was discussed at|clal support to inter-municipal 2 a conference of the Ontario di-|services. Hard To Define vision of the ommunity Plan-| No one could ning Association of Canada. precise political or economic TORONTO (CP) -- A single,| Speakers described regional/structure but most delegates government as some form of It's Not Likely 'Til Spring Y OTTAWA (CP)--The Domin-lof pilots provided by pilotage|°omplete definition of regional/-ivic administration that couldlized assessment, By KEN CLARK None was held this year,"unity" overhang from the elec-|. | : OTTAWA (CP)--it there's tojparily because of the prospectitien campaign during which ie. Moree tear fee authorities, he said. ---- -- riot ren ae greed a local --* representation if it is to suc- be a new challenge to the lead-jof the election that eventually|some of the rebels of 1963 re- 7 sareet See' a. | QUEBEC (CP)--Joe Thomas, micipali-ipalities together to give finan- 4 ; not the answer to reducing St. : s ership of J lpr bang eee -- Nov, 8. Pi = 8 ord turned to the fold. Lawrence River ship accidents|® oer aboard the ill-fated within the ranks of the Progres-|stitution permits such a cancel-) One of them, George Hees, » 7,.\ore carrier Lawrencecliffe Hall, sive Conservative party, a suit-jlation in an election year. will be in the caucus meeting eo coreg said Thursday he saw the able formal setting is unlikely} Mr. Diefenbaker has called alyonday. He made a_ political "transparent" attempt to. en-|{reighter Sunek approaching on until next spring at the earliest.|meeting here Monday of the 97\comeback, taking Northumber-|j,79¢ crews at the expense of|te St. Lawrence'River Tuesday The party's next annual meet-|Conservatives elected Nov. 8.liand from the Liberals. berate r just before the two ships col- ing is seen as the likely forum|There is no suggestion that his) "se. one of eight prominent $s lided and the ore carrier went if there is to be any action by =-- will be challenged) en mentioned as potential suc- Fe ee ee Srey te the bottom off nearby Ile ole Cad, national presi- For one thing, the caucus-- reg ol hes degree whol represents inland shipowners, . , cub paid Sc eee dent, says the next annual meet-|particularly the Prairie section . was commenting on a state-|watch at the time, made the ing will be held either in the|--has been Mr. Diefenbaker's Three other possibles are also)ment by SIU President Leonard|ctatement at a press conference| spring or fall of 1966. chief support in the past. And 42|in the caucus. They are : (Red) McLaughlin 'that therelarranged by the Seafarers' In- There is no possibility of it}caucus members are from the| Davie Fulton, the former jus-|are five or six ships similar tolternational Union of Canada being held before Pavliament|Prairies although not all can be|tice and public works minister|the Lawrencecliffe Hall which (ind.). opens Jan. 18, he said. The par-|classified as strong Diefenbakerlelected in Kamloops after ajhave too few men in the deck! 'Thomas said he first saw the ty's national executive decides|supporters. short hitch away from Parlia-jcomplement. Sunek coming downstream the date. In any event, there's still ajment as provincial leader in| The Lawrencecliffe Hall sank|when it was about a mile away, oe --_-- British Columbia. Tuesday off Ile d'Orleans, 14/and at that time there was no meee ett Michael Starr, the party's|miles downstream from Quebecjindication that the two vessels House leader in the last Parlia-|City, after a collision with the!would collide. But he said the ment and former labor minister,|6,000-ton freighter Sunek. Sunek later changed its course. re-elected sae Ontario a, Pn agerbaryn oid ina Alvin Hamilton, member for| Montreal! erview esday Qu'appelle and regatded as the|that the union has asked the|f| Enjoy The Greater man who helped Mr. Diefenba-|federal government to act im- Happiness of ker most to keep the Prairies in|mediately to increase the num- Seite the Conservative camp. ber of deck personnel. r Both Mr. Starr and Mr. Ham-| Mr, Hurcomb said in a state- ilton stood with Mr. Diefenbaker| ment that an examination of ac- in the 1963 cabinet crisis injcidents in the Great Lakes-St. which Mr. Hees and two other|/iawrence area in recent years| ministers pulled out, largely|provides no evidence that! over ag Pseosioie a smaller crews were a factor. arms for Canadian . Mr. Fulton had left earlier in|, Some Possible. causes of acci- tt t to rejuvenate the dents are increased traffic, ex-) an attemp treme weather conditions and! Conservatives provincially in B.C. The party's failure to|te incompetence or negligence| make a egy rg st ag : od B.C. under his leadership has | been cited by some as a handi- Pilot, 2 Others cap in any bid to succeed Mr. Okay In Crash Diefenbaker. OTHERS ee i Premiers Roblin of Manitoba, ni : Robarts of Ontario and Stanfield yg te Ont. (CP)--A ea of Nova Scotia also get fre-/2"d two hunters walked away quent mention in the leadership with minor injuries Thursday) guessing game. after their single-engine Cessna/ Mr. Camp is another thought|1g9 crashed near here in heavy! by some to have leadership} push. | chances despite his electoral de- Junk teed ol ten! feat in Toronto Eglinton Nov. 8 ; wood Dickey, both 53, of Orillia| at the hands of Trade Minister Sod vllct he Late, abest oh gardens Sharp. also of Orillia, were treated at The expected interval until : the next annual meetin ives hospital for cuts and bruises) Come ond inspect Oshowo's g give and released, | most convenient . Dief ker time to rein- aot ggg og as party The plane, worth about $17,- community at Stevenson 000, was destroyed. Road North end leader. A. spokesman for Orillia Air Annopolls, You'll like Most observers feel his is , Services, where Mr. Larsh is a/ working from a stronger base Beiadeotnstie di once engine| whet you see! AFTER THE KIDNAP'S OVER Charles Hyde, III, 13-year- old kidnap victim sits at a news conference in Tacoma, Washington, today, after be- ing released by his abduc- tors late yesterday on pay- ment of $45,000 ransom money by his father, n before the election. By de-|"'Y' Charles Hyde, Jr., presi- ners the Liberals a majority failure was a possible cause. dent of the West Coast Gro- |hy a whisker in the Nov. 8 vote, cery Company in Tacoma. /,r, Diefenbaker's hold on the The boy, who was unhurt, |jeadership was, if anything, was held by his abductors (strengthened. for nine hours. (AP) Moreover he has given no} public indication he intends to) bad 2 bees down in the ee | Keeping Drunk From Jail, s:*22,2,°""" The Canadian Player's Foundation Performing . . "The Importance of Being Earnest" Canada's largest By Oscor Wilde Object Of Plan For 1966 Ba taves every opportunity to tell reporters about his good health and brushes off retire- TORONTO (CP)--A rehabili- tation plan to help ease drunks out of the "revolving door" of fail sentences will be put into action here early next year, H. David Archibald, executive di- rector of the Ontario Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research Foundation, said Thursday. Mr. Archibald said in an in- terview that the first of seven provincial diagnostic centres will be set up with a 60-bed unit partly to help the chronic drunk. "There are about 9,000 to 10,000 in this category in On- medical examination while so- ment suggestions as old-hat talk he's been hearing for years. Thurs., Noy. 18th, 8:30 p.m. cial workers study their per- sonal history. More severe cases will be sent to rehabilitation farms, two of which will be set up within a 50-mile radius of Toronto next year, said Mr. Archibald. Less severe cases will be as- signed to half-way houses, the first of which will be ready in about three months at Toronto with accommodation for about 20 patients, he said. After the testing stage, other centres will be established at Kingston, Ottawa, London and McLaughlin Auditorium Presented by the University Women's Club of Oshawa and District. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR $1.75 HILARIOUS! selling ale... FROM MOLSON'S - INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 tario, more than a third of them|Hamilton. in metropolitan Toronto," said Mr. Archibald. | "These offenders have been| handled on a revolving door ba-| sis. They are sentenced to 30) days or three months over and} over again." The detoxication and diagnos-| tic centres are the basis of the} provincial government's $18,-/ 000,000 crash program to deal) 6 £ with alcoholism in the province ns ma | $145 $1795 NORE MORE JAIL COMPLETE WITH FRAME, LENSES AND CASE Under the plan, police will take these drunks to the diag- nostic centre instead of to jail. They will undergo intensive TO LICENCE ASSESSORS SARNIA (CP)--The Ontario municipal affairs department says it will begin a program early next year of licensing all provincial assessors. P. G. Gil- lis, department director, told an assessor's meeting here Thurs- day regulations on issuing the licences will be forwarded to municipal councils as early as possible in 1966. IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE SEE KING AND SAVE " DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN NATIONAL BRANDS } @ FOR MEN @ FOR WOMEN @ FOR CHILDREN @ BUY DIRECT FROM THE LABORATORY AND SAVE @ FIRST QUALITY LENSES ... SATISFACTION @ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRIST PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICE Why Not Call TOM FARQUHARSON SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada RESIDENCE; BUSINESS: 668-4371 725-4563 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd Floor PHONE 728-1261 HOURS: MON, TO SAT. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed All Dey Wednesday enough hot water to float a battleship CASCADE 40 gives you all the hot water you're ever likely to need at ONE LOW FLAT RATE. Use 40, 80, or 100 gallons a day and your water heating bill will never go up. Ask about CASCADE 40, Call your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 --In Co-operation With-- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ..... . . . TELEPHONE 668-5878 AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. .... . . . . « TELEPHONE 942-0500 . TELEPHONE 942-2930

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