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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Nov 1965, p. 18

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- 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 19, 1963 ant Extra as - Two FF SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants Barristers Janitor Service TV--Radio Repairs GORDON R. DAY, Certified General| JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar-|ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco- Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop- co, and Solicitor and Notary Public,;nomical celling, wall cleaning done by ping Centre, 725-9953 he Commercial Building, 286 King Wes;modern machine. Free estimates. Work 'oguen Ontario. Client parking avail- guerentesd. 728-77%. BOB CLANCY'S o terice ee able, 723-4716 or 72 7, ----. ECONOMY AND Cornette eee 3768s, ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, Money To Loan , peste i lie a nn BA, BCL, Barrister and Solicitor, 73] ------~---- Eanes eer DELUXE JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered ed Account-|Centre Street. Office hours: 9 a.m. - 5.30|1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 ve rea- Priced bad ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Str p.m. Evening appointments. Dial|sonable rate of interest . to coneanicats riced to suit your get. East. Telephone 7: id nn LYOUr bills or for any slg sgt TERMS ARRANGED purpose providing you are steadily em-/ ZCOERT nos, c ie 4, Oshawa, Bui ding * Trades [ployed and have good credit, Telephone) Ontarlo, Telephone 723-1221. S SPECIAL Ke 463, | ~6OSHAWA TV HOPKINS, BE AND CO : tered Accountants, Financial Trade Build. 10% Di t Mortgages Eee Toate San oneare ee SUPPLY LIMITED ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa On (6) iscoun TAUNTON RD. E tario, 725-3509; S$, T. Hopkins, . &. Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. coe On All Orders MORTGAGE Just East Of Ritson ; FRIEDLANDER AND CO., i YALE Sicumaen 'True Remodelling, carpentry, til LOANS Chartered Accountants tees In Bankruptcy, 52% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 728-737) WALL, PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND &:| ing, painting, plumbing, elec- trical work, roofing, eaves- troughing, plastering, cement Chartered Accountants, 364 King St. E..| work of all kinds. Aluminum 2. lL, Seon: a Gana O. Parkin, eh doors and windows, siding. J. Graham MacMillan, CA. | 20 skilled men ready to serve you, i ! tte NELLIS'. HOME CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, "and| VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, IMPROVEMENTS Bank of Commerce Buliding, 5 Simcoe! Oshawa -- 728-2061 Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K Peterborougt 745-2184 Creighton, QC; or rename: G:, Kf oo Becta sSacted oi Sees Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G. L. Murdoch,| QC, 723-4 C. Vietor, 985-7115 NOVEMBER SPECIAL Mortgage: Save up i 15% athe N ish, ses taehern $y ANSON ANG HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL- AN. Barristers, Solicitors, 36¥a King) vember on Rec. Rooms, Cup- boards, Tiles and all general he East, Oshawa; R, D. Humenreys| Home Remodelling. G. §. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman,| tte; j. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office: | All Wo 725-1177; Reesidence: 725-4604; Whitby;| | : rk Guaranteed 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA: and) ust phone for my prices. other first mortgage funds avaliable H. McKoy 725-8576 728-8180 Money for first mortgages Open Mortgages Interest at 7% No Bonus No Charges for Valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased } Money for. Second Mortgages Fast Service. M. F. SWARTZ TELEVISION - RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES _ ELECTRONICS | 262 King St. East | | Oshawa, Ontario | for prompt service 723-4697 eu e Whitby -- 668-5679 90) % | WINTERTIME | T.V. TIME Resirential T.V. Service Anytime | GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solicl- ------ Second Mortgages 1 O tors, ete, 114 King Street East Dial ROOFING, concrerw Toors, Tat roofing, | 999 P R, i. ' Tae 78, Residence Phones: Greer, Lad grate AO Ng sae Hag cle Onur . New 25.9948; Terence V ra ot BC ig and tel Iobs. tL. and H. Roofing pen contract © bonus or TELEVISION pop Thomas H, Jermyn, BA, tLe. and Construction, RR 3, 725-6907. hidden charges. Get the cash 728-5143 925-2662 ||CARPENTRY, remodeling. re By rooms,/ you need today. or free bro- PASO G NR hs: Eee aT ed a ee , etc. Telephone 725-3406 or 942 JOSEPH MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. /"ePairs, & chure write or telephone seer io loan! Olen, tai King. Streei|4535- evenings, | : TV SERVICE East, Oshawa. 728-8232 NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, Cc A c Realt Limited - MEGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Sidewalks, re-modelling,. rec-rooms. Free seaity Mm DAY OR EVENING Solicitors. Mortgages arranged. National estimates. A. C. Woods, 728-3420 or Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-5286 Trust Bullding, 32 Simcoe Street South, |" Stevenson's Rd, S. moe 728-7326; Charles e MeGibbon, 8c) |COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS| OSHAWA Edger F. Bastedo, QC; Gran rm idone to your satisfaction. Call Oshawa | srong. Home Improvements, 725-9428 728-1691 j |GUARANTEED repairs to ail wringer! ELECTRON ICS ae jwashers and ranges. Free estimates. Call) FIRST & SECOND se esclenss ua Classified Rates 728-1742 a | MORTGAGE FUNDS ons ibe |ALL TYPES building, rooting repairs| FAST T.V. SERVICE and remodelling; chimneys, new and re-| ' | 5 Cash--1 Insertion of 24 words, $1.08 |paired: sidewalk and concrete repairs.| for wail loesied hones Service Call only $2.50 additional words, 42¢. eachs 3 con- | Whitby 668-2774, Gord May e DOMINION 'secutive insertions of 24 words, $2.88; | EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foo! 'additional words 2c. each, 6 CON- |inciides grading and fill, two-year guar- Prime apartments | TELEVISION {secutive Insertions | of ee $8.04; antee. Terrano Paving, 723-584) | ° | " ial % nee i Sinbad sntatilniaiicsideinicnies 5 . 1 wesasonciaas hucumleal santas RENOVATIONS, REPAIRS. Recreation) Prime Lease Commercials earl 9a.m. to9 p.m. Charge -- 10 per cent additional charge rooms a specialty. Experienced, reliable e All work guaranteed if not paid within 8 days jservice. Telephone 723-7732, Purchase of Mortgages renee rae asa Method of Counting -- Less than 24 work. New or remodeling. Seca "pii| ond Sole Agreements Weil Drilling--Digging words counts as 24 words; each word, | - 'Sa erat "Wey Ser aberernos" coors |oret= Call Tory Fass" "| CENTRAL ONTARIO. WELL BI¢GING, py mcr ae fos pope re ee 'Den try TRUST & SAVINGS | Street west, whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809. |CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., eae ra BIRTHS--DEATHS-- Surgeon, 172 King Street @ast, Oshawa. CORPORATION |] Women' s "Column SOCIAL NOTICES For appointment, 728-5171 723-5221 PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- cron oge th deco ily goin 8 BIALEK, DR. E. P. Dental Surgeon, ------ |dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, corner of ona' ri m ' 112 Simcoe Street. North, Oshawa. For) Westmount. Telephone 725-5363. days. appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441. MORTGAGE LOANS IN MEMORIAMS \Dressmaking $2.00 for the first 25 words and &&. z each. thereafter, plus 12c, per line of |DRESSMAKING -- Sults, coats, dresses, verse; 25c. additional charge if not | aiterations, silp covers, drapes. Fitting a paid within 8 days. | ialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 66 668-2372. |PERSONAL STYLING -- for fashion- CARDS OF THANKS wise wornen! Dressmaking, alterations. $2.00 for the first 38 words and Sc. (citting a specialty. 728-1823 for appoint each thereafter, with 25c. additional | men}. charge if not paid within 8 days. COMING EVENTS Gardening and Supplie: $2.00 per inch (display); $1.50 for the first 20 words and Sc. each thereafter | (Word Ads) | "for the BIRDS" --Personal FIRST & SECONDS NO BONUS Removal of superfluous hair Ask for "Bill" Horner Marie Murduff will be in 728-5157 Oshawa Nov. 22, 23 and 24th..Phone Genosha Hotel Active Realty Ltd, | on these dates for appoint- PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for) ment. all mortgages. Mortgages and agree-| ELECTROLYSIS ments of sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar 723- 464] risters".) FIRST AND AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, rag it SECOND mortgage. Sale rae California. Bonded drivers ts purchased and sold. Hennick onto Drive-Away Service, $385 yee Oe ok cer ek vedere | WILD SIND MIX tees, Hanae, Becrterey 1 Kia reel] Street, eas t7ac bis SUNFLOWER SEED | $4,400.00 814 FIRST MORTGAGE wanted, ,,, SAW WHAT YOU" DID See ee DEADLINES PEANUTS Haliburton lakeside summer home, half tary "Oyu | YOU eee. WORD ADS _- ~ ~ cost excellent covenant Summertand 3 ad # i Securities Limited, 112 Simcoe Street RIDE WANTED ty of Toronto 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS a eS North, Oshawn, 725-3868. Teachers' College. e telephone 723 Losr, AND FOUND ird Feeding Stations 0 Leki a 9 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION ICE SALT )ptometrist 3--Sportsman's Column einrHy AND. DEATHS WATER SOFT. SALT F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe we-sicin CUT cand wrap dew? OF Tome. 9 a.m, day of publication STRAW Tey Pune fe CATAWA, TORO LT Tecnona. G25-2608 , CLASSIFIED DISPLAY | PURITY DOG MEAL ; son's. Brand new two-piece suites, mod-| ELECTRIC TRAI ? | | N, HO. Horndy Dubio, 728-457 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous; 2 col- | c c Pai tin 5--Trailers ern styling, foam cushions. From $99.\- . ; { ond surrounding area Umne-or taroerc io am: day previews | MASTER DOG-MEALSEainting ond Decorating __ ----|Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, gamers Min three engines, two trans TWO REGISTERED German Shep <eLL AEE Ail PURINA DOG MEALS | - Oshawa. ur accessories. Value $250. Complete set,/s1x montns, champion bloodtines, Bendy Housewives, students and EORRECTIONS Gat PET SUPPLIES PAINTING AND TRAILERS VACUUM repairs, all__makes, hoses, $125. Telephone 725-8514 after 6 p.m. |666-2103," Ys Y) single girls. Full or parttime. 9 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION | DECORATING FOR SALE, NEW 1966 leiahes Vim Sve. tin" Sree MOVIE SOUND PROJECTOR, 16° m.m.| ----| BEAUTY SEAL Ont. Ltd Any advert ane Png ports " INTERIOR and agg nasens 50' x 10' MOBILE HOME | Pickering Pas ety One UUR: Ate. TONES. 72 '12--Articles Wanted -- Canadian cosmetics of pres- sblicatior vill be je" e day's 23) ae + i j pa FREE ESTIA Pen open one aU tet Ake cash registers, adding machines, $35. UP.|Useg. Excellent condition, $425. Telephone rand. Pay cash. Move | immedistedy Highest benefits and imme- ER RENTAL Oe. CO: | DODD & SOUTER | : faa i sterfi a icin Suaranice. Pel bide Business Ma-) 595.4555 atele ee and price. Write Box 8985, diate income. | | chair, s, drapes, storms |chines, 4, _. |FWO.WAY EM RADION ee ee pheese Miser eae While e@ endeavor. wil! be made % # reens, PEE NES teeH a 7 " ADIO, one bese 5 : a aoe YS Hh oe ree 16 CELINA we be 668-5862 and scre. 4 pee. both. = iTIONED refrigerators, guar. oné mobile, GE. transreceiver, 25 wane piven OLASSWAR china, jewelry, ete., Write Box 8953, the advertisers as soon as possible, \Plumbi 5 aa. furnace. Re 6st 608 Anderson Street, each, Full price $200. T eB is EY eee we accept no liability In respect of | umbing on eatin | BWAY TRAILER PA ville €23-2503 Re ch we denen anaanee 16 arise 723-1139 ~ 723-2312 -- _ 7 FE ae ANID SALES PARK --_|7yv TOWERS SPECIAL -- afoot tower SVCLE = Whe ROE, |13--Articles for Rent _ OSHAWA TIMES through elther failure or delay in for- FREE TO TRIM? Call "sim Or it cur ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup , = LES structure all-channel antenna Installed,!¢i9; aiso child'stesk, $5.; toboggan ts zg Recs 2A SEN i Ne ERENT warding such replies, however caused jam down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or Pi*s Telephone 725-352), Harold H. Stark) 1010 Dundas St.E., Whitby $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, sewing machine, $15.7. GE vacuum, $7.; WAITRESSES REQUIRED whether by negligence or otherwise. 772 g419 d+ Plumbing, Heating and Engineer PHONE 668-2866 j Gibbons Street, 728-8180, _lwheelbarrow, $8; lawn mower, $25.; gar. bis rien wil ete ee for yf Sein eecinieeatee es {J | = Sey Street South re |MUSKRAT fur coat. Good as new, size den tools, $5.; stacking stools, $5 Gall} R F N TA i* Full and part-time. ¢ ol . | neti ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, |6-- 38-40. Full length. Telephone 723-7645 728-5840 Sa) icaeroase nn = ens Print ine ies ee 'Marine Equipment TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 401i, GAS DRYER, inglis Superb; Beatly| 7 to 4 p.m. --4 toll p.m. REGULATIONS : jrates. 1191, J. Foley.| structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower|washer. Telephone evenings, 263-270. | OF ALL KINDS 11 to 7 a.m. Yas Oubawa 'Ties Will note te A HIGHLY-PAID FUTURE rr Uphol Sel geen WINTER STORAGE lineluded,, single all-channel antenna com-| 39" MOPFAT. electric range, Ber orggere | sponsible for errors In advertisements In just a few months you con ug-Upholstery Service | BOATS & OUTBOARD |plete, Hill a the cept ge gle condition, fully automatic, $40. Telephone | Apply MR. CAMPBELL submitted otherwise than In writing not 3 a eal Be va " abe aes anaes | jone year, ee all towers a ' 4 for more than one: insertion of any | fave a highly-paid career, icHesTERFIELDS and old chairs, re MOTORS Television, corner Bond and Division, Whitby 68-5205 S * Sanding Machines Genosh Hotel Bivertisement ter 6 4 the price with independence, and the ae at oN Get the bers for less 728-5143-4, SKI-DOO Snowmobile -- Sales and Ser- iO fe) e charge for 4 single Insertion in which chance to create something (2! Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street) We also store lawn mowers ONE FRIGIDAIRE 30" range, §: vice. United Rent-Alls, 382 Wilson Road) *& P| ber's Tool ee --_------ charge tor Lake all Weed fait 4 , ae, $25. Good umber's Tools error occurs beautiful every day of your uae fe : adlredi Meda tillers, tent trailers, cabin --|condition. Telephone 725-7970 ol LABIA ARS IDI a | ' ; : NIGHT CASHIER 'The Oshawa Times reserves the right | life. PAUL POGUE BEAUTY |Sivieg. 'Free estimate, ere our materiei| trailers, etc. |PHILLIP'S TAPE RECORDER (new); ous ice, le wo en 7i18,,0ne| * Painter's Equipment ll pm. to7 0 fo classify advertising according to SCH Il train ve fi It - ie aan |pop cooler; pressure system; two roto! x = . Mm, Mm, its proper classification SC OOLS w Hatin Searls be Charlee sitet pats Upholstering, 75) WILDE RENTAL fillers; Ford tractor, model 9N, with back | 22-8813: | * Welding Equipment In th f q gia als yale tal ret. IRMORROLSTERY by ampere" enabian SALES & SERVICE BanNoetle suede: Rte REL eon Heer, SAehie aaron Re Sa Wicrefter! &e Buyj | APPLY in the cases of display advertisements; salon manager. Your talent - Dy experts. Establis sare Jidsmabile needs motor job, go y, sonable offer accepte ne Hallicratter! j a Psa not be held respon | developed 9 dee nara ed 17 years. Complete range of materials 1415 Dundas St. E. 668-3226 | tires, and transmission, automatic; pony, radio, Model $85, ideal for amateur, good uilder's Equipment MR. CARMPBELL sible for more space than that which 1€V d r > Norkmanshin guaranteed five years. = 'one year old. Apply Ferguson's BA Sorv-|condition. Telephone 728-5510 | Be uiennig MA GAGA naa ae doigdecl ally , Bae 1814-FT. Weymoutn cruiser, £0 5 Mas Eis wcludl' Shrok bekapies: THES HOR: guidance. No advanced edu Free estimates. Credit terms, Mattresses ice Station, Taunton Road East, 263-2351 - | G h H | , i - built. F oa vanniehan Osta HP Johnston motor. Mralphene 'Alax : NEW, USED '-- vacuums, polishers. Re enosna ote Hishors endeavor. te _seprosuce 8). Ac: |. cotion required. Coll or Write: ee any, ORT Daan Avenue, (ea2-g056 |TYPEWRITERS, "adding machines and pairs to all_makes. New hoses. Phone SKATE AND Guibas ee be itapility at caver AS ed any PAUL POGUE BEAUTY § |y950311 : ' 1959 40 HP OUTBOARD MOTOR siaciricl time clocks, new and rebuilt. One year|Jack Lees, 728-6956 | CAPABLE WOMAN to sive In. Housekeep- acnivacion in any form are contained SCHOOLS LIMITED, 2337 fictess i: ea -------- start. Good condition, $225 'Apply Auras: Neal bd ef ad ayltor alg VINCENT BACH" B-flat trumpet and| HOCKEY i and care of three young school-age bs baa Yonss Si: Torsnts. talanhon Sales and Service King Street West kins Business Machine Sales and Ser-'jeather case. Excellent condition. Shipped | children. Private room with bath, sep- 7 ge St., to, ¢ jvice, 728-7783. Open evenings. from" New: York. Asking $200. Telepnone EQUIPMENT arate from' family, Professional parents. a aay ares 487-2107; or 249 Queens 50 'hp johnson motor (1958) excellent 91 | |Location Whitby. References requested. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A R t |STEAK DINNERS, .99, consisting of steak, | 723-5990. TIMES ACTION WANT A ; Avenue, London, telephone bebo gpd gle Sa hn st st ger condition, complete with Morse single! chins, coleslaw and roll, Crowley's Restau BEST ™g EXCHANGE |Write Box 8242 Oshawa Times. Y t \ Av P P washers and ranges. ee estimates. Call | " ji i | bicpiceieles = cade pensar ags | 439-0101 late EE er Sanh ANE AMBIA TOON rane Taunton oie GENRE RAS Te loers cari palitct ete eee te |SALESLADY for ladies and children's ~ 303.3492 SAMBDO ORAP ES ConsiigT Cina can it Ne i Js eS ae sa ioe Call 728-5385. or 723-3697, a Soeenee preferred. Apply | -34 a Ad aan ett |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture -- 1 ollis and Sons, 50 King Street West, j EARN UP TO $100. |Yas,t¥nings: Complete service, tree est 7--Swap and Barter ' loot eee |GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired Now at Stan's you can €x- |oshawa mates. Mil Jelnik, 728-1993 fei Badunebes and-appliances. One location only. Pretty! at art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, A WEEK OR MORE ae _. |THREE-PIECE bath 'ets, 4857 shower, |Furm'ure, 444 Simeoe South, 7233271. |My 90 Pr 18 Bond Street West: Chonge your. old SKATE |DOES A "BEAUTY COUNSELOR" medicine and kitchen cabinets, stainiessi¢ a on you? We may need someone in your * INDEX TO G Y JORS \ N 'Septic Service steel kitchen and ber. sinkas sumo puripasleny crices ahh office ar home All'sizes i945 ADMIRAL Stereo, $25 cash. Aner &,| QNd HOCKEY EQUIP- {ites or call for products 729969 | -- BIG PAY B WAITING Gn. beac << lorasture: atenss (eapalrtis Dipl: |and prices. Telephone Phil Harper Whitby telephone 668-359 MENT with f iI pe A besittinds | for R TES lean ' )+ piping, fit-| 668-4558. i wi : Srp oe CLASSIFICATIONS | , MARVEL GRADUATES SEPTIC TANKS, cleaned, er crits tings, bollers, rads; small boat kits; new pres CHANG -- Discount! New, beta i aa Sxeenianeey fe aoe reechone| ss | Marvel Hairdressing Schools | .6, oF calls, Walter Ward. 204 Chestnut iqundry tubs, $15. H, Chinn, Hillside and|/PLUMBING TOOLS, musical instru: /jseq. United Rent-All. (Householders; @Nce on New or Used | 725-3932, : 1--Women's Column iin principle "chiek otter ox ¥ s _____ |Parl Rd, South, 723-7088 mentsr gas Water, "heater other . misca' rental Store. 352 Wilson Road South (at, F : Lg frdenl n. principle cities , lianeous items to clear, Reasonable, 509/Oj1\, quipment. |PRACTICAL nurse tor nursing home f cenertamah's Calunn clusive "MARVEL TOUCH' |Surveyors . 8--Articles For 'Sale |Dundas Street West, Whitby eau | Steady employment. Write Box Ses 'Osh. S--Trallers | training. Complete course -- |= | OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, DINING SUITE, walnut, sayen, Pleces, jawa Times. b-tarina taviernind | DAY or EVENINGS. For free |H- FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land |figure work, custom picture framing. Breyton: Leet ines eet / |MATURE LADY companion for elderly 7--Swap and Barter ee | Surveyor $, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone FREE 2 » \Clark Stud d kends, SCOTCH PINE Christ | companion for elderly . ag eg brochure, write or visit 5-688 4-hour Burner \Clark Studio, evenings and weekends, ristmas trees. On |lady, private home in Brooklin, live in. 4 Article ale MARVEL BEAUTY S 668-4497. 325 Brock North, Whitby stump or delivered. Churches, clubs, Boy |For further, particulars, telephone 655 Sie : J DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario 1 geryice FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS. -- Speciais|sroy> Suen special consideration. Tele | 4438. SCH Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints} TEXACO Fuel and Stove offered now for Christmas. Telephone eve-| PON ve vr aN ee ger eg = PERS kis oar AR Il Ontario Street, 725-5632 | "Blue Coal' stove, nut, |nings, 668-6583 FIEEPLACE WOOD--white birch, maple ina oey Saye Ak bee hente Comer | Dept. OT, 210 Bloor St. W., | FV. Radio Repoirs | le annie w Slab. Wood @ |WE BUY, sell and exchange used tome eaag, (ane JE sallvarkd:. Phone: | Sharpening & Rental Ltd. |Street area, Whitby. Call 668-2878 ie | r ete : id so loc ! '| ¢ ture or anything you have. The Ci | ger ge ye oa S--Emoioyment Wanted \. Toronto |- -| Cannel Coal @ Building Sup- [trying Post Store, Ws Simcoe Street| COMPLETE TABLE TENNIS outfit, golf) 223 King St. West, Oshawa HOUSEKEEPER, 45 to 50 years, -- edu- paced Aah I 9 ated lady. Apply 149 Wilson Road South. 16--Agen | | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED | plies. |South, 723-1671 bag and cart. Boy's clothing. Reasonable a ce Bath hs : Canada Driving School | aay 668-3524 |SKATE EXCHANGE -- new and used;|'elePhone 726-0382 PHONE 723-3224 oor agg biog * wea | @ Fully insured ct convo | TW TOWERS SAWDONS' (Whitby) | Bauer sige, "hockey saulament Valey ANTIQUE." GRANDFATHER clock ap Telephone Wii, a3 or 8-78 | reek, 6 on 5 st, 72 0} imatel 00 years o hallow well ; @ Licensed by Ontario poe ae pump, two years olds Telephone Newton |EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER with | er en A ARE THE BEST ! ! an hay wit ANTIQUE CHERRYWOOD corner whal-|PimmP. Jv) | 4 wton- CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church references, for two adults, No heavy Departm tronie rt | | 244 Bre .) Vhitby not cupboard with mirror, Telephone eve- 3 aisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412) work. Excellent wages, live In, Telephone Cars supplied for Government |. WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! G0 Tae a ae Ta one Pee ater BABY'S CRIB, highchair, car-bed, .bas-|Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414, 723-9194 Serage Tests @ Home pickup ser black, in excellent condition, |$25. Parts|BEOROOM suite, while roxotone, $15; Synelle walker, reclining seat. rocking) WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, vice © $4 per lesen | for elec train, 8" boy's bicycle. chair, converting to lounge, brown Cus-|i00)'" Reasonable, Whilby 668-8993, (reducing machines, sick room supplies.| 2 8] . . . : tom covered, pleated skirt, matchings : Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 For 728-4811 abattoir a chest,|Dedspread, both $15. Mantle radio, cus-/MERCURY FURNITURE -- Sklar and|enTERTAINING Filly lo onehondred| a LOO nd Boar c j A 5" tom made, base light , 10" r, iG lips smal 42 2e--Room and Board | TELEVISION new condition. Reason for selling, own-|so." prade: pase, Nant wood, 10" speaker, | Kroehler; GE and Phillips small aPpll-\neopie! Oshawa Tennis Club for ban} RESULTS Se moternobiion Sar Rika | GLISSANDO oe Bond cad Diva er is leaving country. Bargain $75. Tele Open evenings in December, Ajax. 942.(Wels:, Parties, weddings, anniversaries. | Atoms Cat dcr tale | | ner nd and. Division phone 668-2838 NEW Tappan 400 built in slectrie range,| a7) i Facilities, bar kitchen, parking. Reason-| Use DAC $ : r waar " ully automatic, Sell at special reduction, |~! bI tt 728-6315. 32---Trucks for Sale 3 Organ Guild 728-5143 Wena', Gi atone ar tare ee Phone. 725-7139. after 5 p.m WEDDING DRESS -- full length, de wanitEn . cal - Seng or TIMES 3A bi ante | = ~ rized, sno \ or : eat (| . -- bench saw, reasonable. Tele 14--Automobile R Sea i a RON'S TV TOWERS, aerials, rotors. motor and trailer. Very good condition. CCM RACER, wheel size, 26" lustred satin, lace trim. Complete with 128- | . 25--Lost fe Bios J | 24 h ur Pre a ser ee Fast service, all work guaranteed. i88 Whithy 648-8683. Call after S$ pur man's, like i ginal. price $79, ask eta phod brides id dress niauts wa PS baled haat at Classified lanai Free trial peric ry before Farewell Avenue.. Phone 92 ae , ing $39. Telephone, 725-1 ing . oF mai resses 1 fenath BER: inerrant " e 6 reeenle | yeu bay: y zs BABY'S STROLLIO-CHAIR includes high '9 elephone, 725-1367 blue satin, sleevele n turquoise DEALING IN SERVICES? An ad in the ACTION ADS Sp ceaune Bicwis city TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs. chair, carriage, stroller, table' and rock GUITAR, MARTIN DIB. Original pricel satin, elbow-length. sleeves with match-|Business Service Directory brings extra y 2 il Work. guaranteed i Dean Avenue.jing chair; also vaporizer. Phone|$320, two years old. Seiling for $150. Tele-|ing hat. Each worn only once. All size 10.|customers a) moderate cost, Telephone| 9---Notices ' 725 66 1 7 Saishane 723-0500, |480 Bader, fee pee , 'phone 728-7008. Phone 723-9678 723-3492 to olace vour ed. | 723-3492 1 AN ENGLISHMAN, BY AKVE. CROSSED THE ENGLISH CHANNEL IN A BOAT DRAWH CIGARESTE HOLDERS ARE NEARLY AS LONG AS AMANS ARM SCRAPS. 1X MEW GUINEA HOW MANY TIMES 16 4KE ANT MENTIONED INTHE BIBLE D w COLLEGE, AAWICE: SHE 15 ENROLLMENT, COMMENDED ONCE FOR IND STRY, AM ™ {RY, AND {ews ONCE FOR FORESIG © ing Fear Sysco. lan TWO, Wall pho Pome 8--Arrticles for Sale | HONDA SHOP "'Oshawa's largest motorcycle Buy - sell - trade. Re- esti- sT helmets, ~ jackets, dealer' pair all mokes. Free mates. Access: windshields, corriers, tires, etc. Winter New Hondas only down payment. 199 King W PARTS Washers, Stoves storage. 728-4242 | For Dryers | ELECTRIC MOTOR Repair and Exchange OSHAWA | APPLIANCE 186 Simcoe $ ond ot JANSSEN'S POWER EQUIPMENT CENTRE Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- Ferguson Riding Tractors. Service on all power equip- | ment. Licensed mechanic on duty. 843 King West 728-9429 PIANOS | SCHUBERT -- small size -- only 36" high -- Walnut Fin- ish. Price includes bench and --| key cover, Our RENTAL- PURCHASE PLAN is available on. this model List price $783.00--Our price $609:00. One only used piano and $275.00 | bench | WILSON &.LEE LTD. | $295. No 728-7535 8--Articles For Sole dise, Fr Known for its accuracy and reliability, this rugged gun will deliver years of satis- factory shooting $24.95 SKATES Big savings on Skating Out- fits for the whole family dur- ing our Big Fall Sale from $7.25 pr. SNOW TIRES All nylon construction, full depth traction tread, A brand new winter tire priced almost as low as a retread from $17.56 up DOMINION TIRE STORE 8--Articles For Sale iday, Saturday & to 12. 13--Arrticles for Rent mes Action Want Ads Now' 18--Male Help Wanted WATCHES 40% SAVINGS On all top quality Rodanio merchandise. We carry a com- plete line of men's and ladies' Plus other top savings on other merchandise. A small deposit holds any article un- til Christmos. Yeor guaran- tee to all watch repairs. WATCH WORLD 24A PRINCE ST. 723-6922 jGpen Saturday 'til 6. |30" FOUR-BURNER electric range, fully automatic, $55, good working order. Tele- [phone 723-0805 |30-VOLUME Americana encyclopedia, |also 10 volumes of Science. For informa- tion telephone 728-2845. 9--Market Basket No. WINTER , POTATO) 7 Intosh apples, $2.75 bushel. delivery. Cali evenings 655- 4983, SPANISH ONIONS, 50-Ib. "bag, Eyman, vo-mile past Roy Garage, Courtice. ner TH, ROASTING CHICKENS -- Qrders taken |10--Farmer's "Column HAVE $3,000 for 20 Yo 20 acres of past land, with running water. 29 miles of Oshawa 725-9738 after |DEAD and crippled lup promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone.| ment. 263-2721, Telephone Collect Licence 389-C-65 WELL ROTTED cow manure, _ truck load | Call 725-7700, Hampton [30 GRADE cattie, Holstein, some Charole, 'til 9 Thursday and Friday! Me) Free home| $2.50; W. Nichols Turn north to first cor Must be within farm stock picked Prespecis pick-up IN WHITBY -- 'Shoe rep Will. deliver, $6. or by bushel Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glosses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Briod! Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs. Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. $. 725-3338 WANTED A QUALITY. DEALER FO QUALITY PRODUCTS We require a dealer in your orea for Travel Mate and Camp Mate trailers and Compers, For further inform- ation write: TRAVEL, EQUIPMENT CANADA LIMITED H 661 Third Line | Oakville, Ont. BOWES "SEAL FAST" DISTRIBUTOR Capable, mature moan to in- vest $2,500 in Bowes fran- for freezer, 4 Ib. $1.35, 3 Ib. $1.15. Free| chise for Oshawa and sur- __.| Delivery on 10 or more. 728-5291. | rounding area. Full auto | NO. 1 WINTER potatoes, 75-lb. bag, $2.75. accessory line for calling on Telephone 723-7639, e service stations, gorages, cor QAPPLES -- Mcintosh, Spy, Delicious, It Courtland, Tolman Sweet, Russet, Flem:| Jeclers, _ fleets idles y ish and Bose Pears. It will pay you to, Odvertised, proven quolity, visit Algoma Orchards. Thickson Road; best profits and company North, Whitby training. Write or wire: Mr. | O. L. Orendorff, Sales Man- ager, Bowes "Sedl Fast" Com- pany, Limited, 765 Woodward Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario. VARIETY store, new plaza, for right person, low Stock, fixtures at cost. has other commitments, Oshawa Times. chinery and stock. by 668-3606 or 668-3691, 14--Business Opportunities ir business, ma- No reasonable offer) refused. Owner deceased. Telephone Whit-) APPLICATIONS will be received from those with parcel delivery exper- ience, and those who feel they have the qualifications to perform the following duties: (1) Regular paper deliveries iwa area. (2) Regular weekly deliveries and collection of accounts Bowmanville -- Courtice area. (3) Regular weekly deliveries and collection of accounts Whitby oreo. REQUISITES First class equipment, reliab- ility,, punctuality, financial responsibility, excellent chor- octer. Applicants should indicate whot area they are applying for. Specific duties and re- muneration will be discussed during interview. In apply- ing write to: BOX 8764 OSHAWA TIMES ONTARIO TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS BOWMANVILLE, ONT, requires Training School and Forestry Camp excellent | invest-| Owner | Write Box 9132) | geese, ducks, police pups. 668-2067, 7 - 9.) OWNER of 8 well equipped sheet metal| -----| shop would take partner with experience! (11--Pets and 'Livestock COZY-)_ RANCH KENNELS. | In heating and air Shepherds, trained grown stock; pups 17--Female | Help | Wante: Boarding; Palominos, Pintos, foals, pon-| ies. Ashburn, 655- 4662 evenings. | BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, read for training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. °T.| U R G F N 1 | | Broad, 114 Elgin East. | ' WHITE, purebred Samoyed puppies. {Small deposit will hold for Christmas. |Brooklin 655-3071. | U R G E N T | THREE AMERICAN COCKER Span-| els, Registered. One red and white male, one red-white female, also black - white) Six women for pleasant tele- Ajax 15 phabnsh ts Lali = ce = phone circulation -- survey HORSES BOARD -- new, insulated 1 barn, box. stalls, $35 monthly, Brooklin,| %!-00 per hour plus large 145 King St. W. Dial 655-4937, cash bonuses. Morning, after- Telephone 725-6511 CHIHUAHUA, registered, brown, ma noon and evening shifts. SKI JACKETS, $6.77; better dresses, $12.77; uniforms, $5.44; stretchies, $6.77; transistor radios tems -- all at Nesbitt's annex, 5 Celina Street at King. All first quality merchan- guaranteed, iday, Saturday, Doors open Thursday, 12 noon )_ sharp. i 5 TYPEWRITER, standard, $35; 87 Simcoe St. N. 725-4706 $20; adding machine, $24) electric. tyne. ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, .cash- Writer, $40; electric cash register, item- ers, duplicators, chequewriters, files, |!zer $100 723-4434, desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service) THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No} noe BRED Beagie pups. monthly at Honest | Pets or could be trained for hunting. ary and trade, with budget terms New and | down payment, $15 used. Low, low prices. BIll Hamilton, Cais, 424 King West, 728-9191. Raglan REMINGTON | FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, 'new "quality qun; jfurniture, only. $299., inc room, living room, kitchen ensembies. Perry 985-7197 79 Pay only $3. wkly. Unbeatable value! | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe §.| REFRIGERATORS, $74.95; beds, $12. roooLes = ctalnlature, "Black, females, ae smoo mattresses, 4,955, white o " sah | HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appli-| stoves, $24.95; a $10.95; new crib | 668-6) | ances. Big discounts without sacrificing mattresses, $9.95; stoves, $24.95; TV's,| HANDSOME YOUNG COLLIE (ma aay 424 King Street West, Oshawa. |s4o.95: space savers, $54 95; dressers, eight months old. Used to children, hou chrome sets, radios. Guns, new and trained, Reasonably priced, Telephon HARDWOOD, beech and maple, cut any|used. Valley Creek, $10. double $18 de BUYING OR SELLING furniture or pliances Good used furniture |r 263-2695 Jength; vered BUY AND SELL -- and appliances. Goold's Furniture, Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481. single cord, Newtonville 786-2283 collect complete bed: cluding $7.75 single cord. Phone SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and used 7.20 a.m ates. Sold, exchanged. Expert sharpen- Four Ing. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East, 725-6344 |CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS -- at Wil-/ phone tires and tubes; rods and lures, 16 Bond Street 'west Call Elmer, 723-2281 or evenings "1955 CHEVROLET wheels 728-0196 shot-gun mode! 870 pump| REGISTERED CHIHUAHUA' also fishing equipment for sale, in-| Weeks old, male and female, Have medi- | Telephone Port pl i abl had some needies, Telephone} 72 "8D; SADDLE MARE Hampton 263-2294| Hackney coll 3¥2 months old, good children, has all needies. very lovable, and many more gift}WELSH PONY -- filly, three "years, | reg from ,,champion istered, partly broken, stock. Telephone 9422957. TRAINED PUPPIES--Six months, small) ------ breeds, Also one Toy Collie, $25-$35. deliv- portable,| ered, Telephone Port Perry 985-2645. ae FREE to good homes. Telephone 3-2695, Make | reasonable. 423 Phillip Murray. 7 728-1187 and coll, months; ride and drive. 7 gelding. Good to 215' SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one-toot lengths, Scot!, Oakwood, SOR21 before SIAMESE SEALPOINT kittens, sired by| double champion. Also stud service. Call with Alax 942-0926, evenings. two are snow tires. Tele-/siAMESE KITTENS -- purebred, ma phone | house Jinn, eight weeks old. Tel with Please call 728- ; also part! Pinto 'pony, Ken | Telephone MR. BROWN | 723-5051 CLERK TYPlat A responsible young woman is required with junior matri- culation or equivalent for typ- ing and clerking duties 5 doy week. Complete staff benefits. Apply in writing to POST OFFICE BOX 416 _OSHAWA, ONT. NOW IN OSHAWA WHITBY -- AJAX conditioning work. | _| Write Box 8936, Oshawa Times German SUPERVISORS ROLE--To provide residential supervision, counsel and guid- ance to wards 14-16 years of age. QUALIFICATIONS--Grade X education; preferably Second- ary School Graduation. --Some previous experience in youth work, --oge 25 to 45; integrity; good moral character; self- control; ability to instruct and supervise adolescents. » SALARY--$3,900.00 per an- num to commence, rising te $5,000.00 per annum with experience and training. --Apply in person Monday to Friday -- 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. ond 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m, (Special arrangements made for week-end interview by tele- phoning 623-3301) to Superintendent or Office Manager Ontario Training School for Boys, Bowmanville, , Ontario, _ PRODUCTION CONTROL CLERK Applicants must have thor. ough knowledge of planning and production control pro- ceedures. & @ Permanent Position @ Education -- Grade 12 minimum @ Full company paid bene- fits including Hospital, Medical ond Pension Plans, APPLY Personnel Department 'CANADIAN AUTOMOTIVE TRIM 274 MACKENZIE AVE. AJAX, ONT. 942-4160 Plant Manager Required for warehouse and assembly plant in Ajax Duties will include supervision of staff of 12; contro! of in- ventory system covering 5,- 000 items; receiving and ship- ping; manufacturing and as-, sembly operations and quality control, Reply in own handwriting, giving full details of educa- tion, previous experience to Box 8878, Oshawo Times. FOREMAN -- ELECTRICIAN A qualified electrician with experience in all phases of electrical maintenance re- quired.- Steady inside employment with generous benefits and a good rate of pay is offered to the right man. References will be required. Please apply in person to Director of Personnel OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL "CLOSER" Man over 21 with car wanted to work in Oshawa area. $75, per week 723-5051

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