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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Nov 1965, p. 3

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- Diefenbaker Gets Support Of All Five Tories In PQ OTTAWA (CP)--A caucus of|pressed fullsome praise for Mr.| five Progressive .Conseryalive MPs from Quebec pledged loy- alty to Opppsition Leader Dief- enbaker Thursday and decided to call a provincial convention early next year. Theogene Ricard, 56-year-old former textile mill official and MP for St. Hyacinthe - Bagot, was re-elected caucus chair- man. He assumed the post last April after Leon Balcer bolted the party and later quit politics, charging there is no room -for French-Canadians in the party while Mr, Diefenbaker remains leader. A Ftench statement issued by Mr. Ricard's office after the four-hour closed meeting ex- | Diefenbaxer, | "The caucus reiterated Its jloyalty and confidence toward ithe party leader, Rt. Hon. John |G. Diefenbaker, and expressed its admiration and gratitude for |thethe energy, combativity \sincerity he demonstrated in the election campaign," it said. THREE ABSENT Three of the eight Conserva- tive members of the Commons from Quebec were absent from the meeting. Martial Asselin, Charlevoix, was reported in hos- pital in La Malbaie for a check- up while Heward Grafftey, Brome-Missisquoi, and Georges Valade, Montreal Ste. Marie, are on holidays. | Canadians Are Only Limi On Independence: Robarts LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The only limitation to Canada's prospects as an _ independent country lies in the limits of the imagination and creativity of its people, Premier Robarts said Thursday night. He said he is "more and more convinced with every passing day that what is required is a commitment on the part of the people to the concept of a Cana- dian nation and its future de- velopment and growth." | Mr. Robarts told a service | | these, the other things will take care of themselves." | He said Ontario got 180 new| industries last year--"we're in {good shape, but we have to take |positive positions on where we| are going and what we are do-| ing." | | He also said foreign owner- ship tends to be considered too greatly. | "I can't get too worked up| jabout American money here--| levery responsible economist! and economic advisory group in) Canada, including the Eco- nomic Council of Canada,| club that the governmentlagrees that foreign investment sphere is to provide the publiciis essential for Canada's con- facilities -- power, transporta-|tinueq economic growth. | tion, a trained labor supply and) 'The problem, therefore, is| social services -- within whichinot svhether we need foreign| private enterprise can create|capital, but rather how best to| the wealth. jutilize foreign capital in our! "Tf the government provides|economy." : The Computer In Papers: 'Big And Exciting Things' TORONTO (CP) -- The com-|both magazines and newspa-| puter is sparking a revolution|pers." in print in the newspaper indus-| Mr, Gosbee said that with new try says A. W. Gosbee, national processes and for maximum| sales manager for Thomson|cost efficiency newspapers may) Newspapers Ltd. |start printing from common! Magar me a iiss grow P are| plants. taking place in our industry,"| ,, : | he told the Toronto chapter of| One plant could serve Tor- the American Marketing Associ-|onto and satellite cities. But in ation Thursday. jareas such as southwestern On-| Mr. Gosbee predicted that|tario, it is probable that news- within eight years Canadian|papers will pool plant and hu-| newspapers will become heavy|man resources to an_ even! The statement said a conven- tion of the 75 onservative can- didates in Quebec in the Nov. 8 election will be held to prepare "a program of political action in the light of the encouraging results obtained in Quebec." Place and date of the meet- ing will be decided later. An in- formant said it likely will be put off until after the opening of the 27th Parliament Jan, 18. A caucus of all 97 Conserva- tive MPs is scheduled for Mon- day. The Conservatives won eight Quebec seats in the 1963 elec- tion and 14 in 1962 after sweep- ing 50 ridings in the 1958 land- slide, Thursday's caucus in Mr. Ri- card's office was attended by Clement. Vincent, -- Nicolet- Yamaska. Russell Keays, Gaspe; Roger Regimbal, Ar- genteuil-Deux Montagnes, and Paul Beaulieu, who trounced ex-minister Yvon Dupuis and an "official" Liberal candidate in St. Jean-Iberville-Napierville. 'NEW TWIST IN BALLOTS OTTAWA (CP)--The case of the twisted ballot, as a means of switching support from one political party to an- other in an election, has been reported by Dr. Marc Arsen- ault, defeated Progressive Conservative candidate in Tles-de - la - Madeleine in the Nov. 8 federal election. In an interview here, Dr. Arsenault, who lost by 307 votes to Forestry. Minister Maurice Sauve, charged his opponent received votes from | | illiterate electors when Lib- eral party representatives in polling bobdths turned the bal- FIVE - YEAR - OLD An- Sert Room of New York eee THE OSHAWA TIMES, BOE ee a Friday, November 19, 1965 3 Margaret, Tony Guests Of UN By BORIS MISEE ¥ UNITED NATIONS (CP) -- The United Nations throws open its doors to welcome Prin- cess Margaret and the Earl of Snowdon today. The three-hour visit by the princess and her husband to the headquarters of the 117- nation organization will over- shadow, for part of the day at least, the study of such sub- jects as disarmament and peace-keeping. The royal party is scheduled to arrive at the UN after a visit to the Empire State Build- ing, to have a private luncheon with Secretary - General U Thant and to attend the Gen- eral Assembly. Princess Margaret's visit to the UN comes at a time when the Security Council has before it the Rhodesian question. Members of the 11-nation council could not agree Thurs- day on a compromise resolu- tion on what action should be taken against Rhodesia's seiz- ure of independence from Brit- ain. Further informal consulta- Paul Martin, external offsirs minister, stated Canada's views on a world disarmament con- ference earlier in the current session when he called for such a meeting which, he said, should include the Peking gov- ernment. The debate on disarmament followed the introduction by 41 Afro-Asian nations on a draft resolution proposing creation of conference to be held not later than 1967. The resolution would urge that the "necessary consulta- tions be conducted with all countries for the purpose of es- tablishing a widely representa- tive preparatory committee. which will take appropriate steps for the of a world disarmament confer- ence." WINNIPEG (CP) -- ttf peg, often threatened by floods, is to overhaul its entire storm relief sewer system by 1969. The office of Mayor Stephen Juba SPEND MONEY ON said the task may cost $10,000,- a preparatory committee for a'000 For Fantastic Values See the... Goodboy Furniture Mart Bargains Such As... 3-Pce. Bedroom Suite Includes, a Double Dresser, a Chest of Drawers GRAND OPENING SPECIAL tions were expected to take|-= place among members before| they resumed meeting today. | In the assembly's main polit- ical committee, the Soviet Un- ion called for the holding of a world disarmament conference outside the framework of the UN to enable the participation of Communist China and other countries not members of the world organization. URGED TALKS up their three-week visit Nikolai | 'ATTENTION BUSINESSMEN... ! | We serve a special businessmen's lunch, City's Waldorf Astoria to- day. The Princess, accom- panied by her husband, Lord Snowdon, will spend a week in New York City, winding neke Waple curtsies as Princess Margaret thanks her for the roses the young- ster presented to her in the Princess, Spouse Soviet Ambassador Fedorenko urged the commit-| ltee to do whatever is possible | so that a world conference) could take place before the |middle of next year. | A | William Foster, chief U.S.| Whitney, publisher of the New\qisarmament negotiator, said York Herald Tribune and U.S. |his country would not object to) 'ambassador to Britain during |Pe king's participation in a} to the United States. Per- sons in the background are unidentified. or coffee 5c extra. TRY US TODAY! (AP) @ LIGHT LUNCHES ond taste tempting @ CHINESE FOODS including main course, soup, bread, butter, vegetobles and desert, for 80¢ and up. Tea We also specialize in delicious including Toke-Out-Orders, | were lots upside down before they handed to the voters: Dr. Arsenault said his cam- paigners told voters who could not read that ff they | wanted to vote for him they should place an "x" the first name on the ballot-- his own, because of alphabet- Entertain Jackie NEW YORK (AP) -- Princess bead |Margaret and her husband re- spl iges jceived Mrs. John F. Kennedy as their first guest Thursday F hare : inight after arriving here on the ical Hsting. But the Liberals, last leg of a whirlwind U.S. tour he said, turned the ballots up- A 1G ; side down: before they. gave ito sightsee "in the most vibrant : icity there is. them out and the name, Mr. | spies g Sauve, became the first. ae not hg _ gh eg i jous visit,"' sai e . wae page at ig eth ctl \"but the beginning." Her six- volved lday itinerary includes a ball, ; ldinner parties, country outings, shoppinng and enough tourist |hopping to stagger a hiker. | The princess and her hus- "I can't," she said, "'my hat will blow." Laughing, she .and her husband climbed into a Rolls Royce. After freshening up at their hotel, the princess was intro- duced to some 400 newspaper, radio and television representa-| tives in a hotel suite. She wore! a bright orange wool dress by) Hartnell, double strand of pearls and diamond rose! broach. A private reception for diplo-| mats and newspaper publishers was held in the hotel after- wards, users of computers and by the|greater extent... . Peerages By Here the jband, the Earl of Snowdon, "early 1970s--with the move to|basic newspaper product will be} computers --our product willjcollected, assembled and pro- combine the best attributes of'duced in one, operation." j Summonses Issued To 18 On Traffic-Ticket Fixings QUEBEC (CP)--Summonses|ation of Quebec City's munici- have been issued ordering 18)pal court. persons to appear in court in| Tabled in the Quebec legisla- connection with traffic ticket-jture, the report said a former | if | made a speedy start toward The royal couple then were) ja suggestion that the govern-|t |ment scrap the principle of her-| ~~ jeditary peerages. jaske Co troduce legislation jmake all peerages valid only|Lords still {s composed mainly} for a lifetime. warming up New York. driven to the home of John Hay Heredity OK | Barely had they stepp d off LONDON (AP) -- Prime Min-|their plane late in the afternoon ster Wilson rejected Thursday|when photographers shouted at he princess to turn her head. | Good Nomes To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill McFeeters -- Vice Pres. Schofield-Aker Ltd. 723-2265 |the Conservative government in Labor MP Alfred Morris|1957, certain persons of out- d Wilson in the House ofjstanding merit may be nomi- the 'Eisenhower administration. |world conference. Mrs, Kennedy arrived at the! But he said the committee |Whitneys only minutes after the|should first find out whether princess and her party entered.|Communist China 1s willing to Mrs. Kennedy stayed half anjattend and make a constructive jhour and left with a tiny white | contribution before extending box in one gloved hand. any invitation. | Ache wh aN tw SALES OPPORTUNITY Leading Canadian Financial Institution has 2 open- ings for executive-type salesmen to assist in de- velopment of new operation in this area, Unlimited opportunity for above-average earnings and early promotion to Supervisory Responsibilities. The man we want should be between ages 25-45. Previous sales experience not required, however, a high degree of initiative and determination is essential. A sound background of business experience in banking, accounting or trust company work would be an advantage. These openings will be filled im- mediately. Please outline your qualifications by letter. All replies will be answered and kept confi- dential. APPLY BOX D1810 OSHAWA TIMES! RESTA URANT Upstoire 14% KING ST. E. 728-4666 -- 725-0075 cared mmons whether -he would in-|nated to hold peerages just for that would|their lifetime. But the House of of peers who have inherited ti-| Under a law introduced by! fixing frauds uncovered by @ judge, court clerks, aldermen recent royal commission. land lawyers were. involved in Among those persons against|the system gvhich cost the city whom summonses have beenan estimated $100,000 annually. fssued ate former municipal) -------------------- ert 9 as a "jssued| Actor Convicted OfManslaughter | Thursday by Gerard Simard, Quebec City sessions judge.) Time of the scheduled court ; i} appearances of the various per INDIO, Calif. (AP)--Former| in-|actor Tom Neal, 51, onetime |Hollywood hero in low-budget movies, has been convicted of sons summoned varied. Names of the persons The persons against whom|!"Voluntary manslaughter in the| the summonses have been js-|S?00ting of his estranged third of $156,876 or, in some cases,|the case to the probation de- with having conspired to influ-/Partment for an investigation follows the publication of the| Mrs. Neal had sued for di-| Sylvestre report into the oper- tles from their forebears. | | sv voun | THERE'S A HAPPINESS IS 442% say HAPPINESS IS 4% HAPPINESS IS 6% «© INGS ACCOUNT ON YOUR CHEQUING ACCOUNT ON GIC's 3-4 AND 5 YEARS = -------- DIFFERENCE Electrohome introduced HAPPINESS IS SWITCHING NOW TO CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION with a difference. true High Fidelity sound to Canada in 1963. This leadership has never been re- linquished. Even a casual listening will tell you that here truly is Stereo HEAD , OFFICE: OPEN SATURDAYS Oshawa 19 Simcoe St. N., 723-5221 Bowmanville 23 King St. W. 623-2527 | FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE made public. ing the general public of a total) Judge Hilton McCabe referred The issuing of summonses|to be returned Dec. 7. | volved were not immediately sued are charged with defraud-|"i@ Gail. 29. ence the course of justice. jand sentence. recommendation vorce not long before her death. ! do the Jones' rea When it comes to whisky, the Jones' can afford to please themselves. Yet they don't let price dictate their taste. They have taste of their own. Which is why it's not surprising that 80 many of the Jones' drink Bonded Stock. This is a smooth, mellow whisky for havin One ot whisky. Gooderham's have been distilling fine whisky since 1832, with a flavour you don't have to disguise. The sensible price is an extra you get one of the Jones' to appreciate Bonded Stock. All you need is a taste for good ELECTROHOME TELEVISION WITH THE DIFFERENCE Early Americon. charm. The e@coustically perfect chassis . . . AM/FM stereo button controls . . your coat on! Ask for a two. g good taste in the first. place. her thing: you don't have to be The 'Homestead' from the "Discernment Series' brings you enclosure for epecker systems. Feotures inciude © 50 watt fully tronsistorized . Dual "1009" changer. Come in! Leave superbly erafted cabinet offers Blectrohome's balanced 629 95 . Eosy-to-operote push Less Trade-in radio . ; -minute demonstration. C@&'herney's (Downtown) FINE MEN'S WEAR SANTA'S FOREMOST CLOTHIER. 5. aie IMPORTED in genuine, bl eeding, Indian MADRAS Handsome, long sleeve come Gift Gt ...55 555 shirts in S.M.L. A Wel- Ree ery FS | Your Christmas Shop. for © SHOES by Slater e@ HATS by Dobbs @ GIFT CERTIFICATES (Pa . MEN'S WEAR LTD. ESTABLISHED 1924 74 SIMCOE NORTH FRIDAY TO 9 P.M.

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