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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Nov 1965, p. 7

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ee) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, November 19, 1965 7: 4 Jungle Jim Trimble Shocked As Larks Give Him The Axe MONTREAL (CP) -- Mont- The 47-year-old Trimble said,of the Year in his rookie sea-jtook the Ticats to an 114 ree- real Alouettes of the Fasternihe was "shocked" to hear their|son. ord in playoff competition. Foothall Conference are going decision, He joined Hamilton Tiger-| Trimble then came to Ment to have to do some shopping.| "I don't have a clue about Cats in 1956 and in 1959 helreal whére he signed a This time, it's to replace head|I am going to do yet but I'd|signed a five-year contract with|tract with the Alouettes ia Feb. coach Jim Trimble. me to stay in football," he) Hamilton. ruary, 1963. In his three sea- The club's board of directors |*4i¢. : During the seven years he|sons at the Montreal helm, he announced Thursday it has de-| Trimble, a native of McKees-|_.° with Hanaities, - coached| guided the team to only 17 wins cided not to renew its contract esis he ay the i est! them into five Grey Cup games. |against 25 losses. with Tamme) tional Football Lea va if {952| While at Hamilton Trimble| Despite the fact that he ne Ted Workman, president of Fifi" pilladelphia 'Eagles. Helamassed a remarkable 61-28-2|l0nger has a Job as coach with the Alouettes, said the club has|™ Paar me ply ee fe th no replacement at the moment|¥4% "amed professional Coach/record in seven seasons, and/, te ress soa i op Three Western Teams cman meat "| SPORTS IN BRIEF iti wt best possible coaching candi- doing very well in school," he dates in North America," he MADE FAVORITE RANGERS DEMOTED _ said. 7 said in a statement. CHERRY HILL, NJ. (AP)-| NEW YORK (AP) -- Ney ominate -Star Selections a2 eee fl untae ots hs aor Mano Om Neal et tag alter Nebtg veceed Moatinns than $250,000 by less than/Hockey League Thursday sent McDANIEL, AAG, 1% lengths in his last three By WALTER KREVENCHUK |members but two placed himjord -- 268 yards -- in his thirdjfinish a notch ahead of Har-jand Fouts were members of the} aero ea te hg starts, was made the 2-1 favor- a horney yy Perigy exes to ae cit tae oe WINNIPEG (CP) -- Fullbacklat corner linebacker. The oth-|\WFC season. rison in the receiving depart-|1964 all-star defence, ed he "handled the meeting byY|it, Thursday as 12 two-year-olds|Daltimore . eriCan) = Mortgages! Prep. Management Geore Reed, who rushed forlers put him at interior line-| He also was chosen the! ment. Herman caught 53 passes| Janzen, WFC Rookie of the telephone. |were entered for the 13th run-|League and forward Bill Hicke| your INVESTMENT more than one mile, and en k WFC's Most Valuable Player|for 828 yards. Year in' 1959, led in intercep-| Atwell, co-owner of the Alou-|ning of the Garden State Stakes\to Minnesota of the Central|169 Simese N. 733 Tent "Joe Cottey, who caught|#cker. before making his first all-star) Raimey finished third in rush-|tions with seven, He was theléttes with Workman, said thejat Garden State Park Saturday.!League. | werd. Hi 4 "1 : VE team, ing with 1,052 yards while|only defender to ret an in |board members discussed the - a | @ record-equaliin asses, FFENSI r while|on efender to return " 4 were the pe canines choi- hale tells Reed i as Reed is only the second|Thomas had the best average tefveption for a touchdown, move 7 ' ee last ble . e ces for positions on thge 1965) 7017 1 ovell Coleman, C player in Canadian Football|gain per carry--8.5 yards--and) Robinson, who won rookie|H¢ 7 the Cecision Was Uns Western Football Conference), it---Dave Raimey, W League history to exceed one|the longest gain--104 yards. {honors in 1961, won his. second|™0US- At sea and ashore! allatar team announced today Yl ait--Ji "ete an mile rushing in a single sea-| Ploen had the second - best|consecutive individual .scoring| "Most of them felt that he Colfe,y whose cathes for last|alf----/im mae s _ |son. Fullback Earl Lunsford of|Pass completion average among|crown with 95 points and hadididn't generate enough offence. |Flanker--Hugh Campbell, Me def vel place Edmonton Eskimos Calgary drove for 1,794 yards og rT $ 58.2 per centitiye interceptions. Maybe he's too defensively matched a record he set last/ Foon e pe Bidnga W 1961. with 124 successes on 213 at- 4 roasure of B.C.'s decline|minded. You can't change him yeas Vas one et Dive players centre--*t Benecick, § His partners in the otfensive| tempts jwas that only two Lions made|®t this stage. Members of the whe broke through a three- club| ye lbackfield are Lovell Coleman| Canadians grabbed five lthe team. In 1964 they laced | board aren't football people but) domination of the 25-man somaprenn anes at, W w of Calgary, halfback Dave Places on defence. Henry Jan-\iit. on the squad, Gals one(tley want to see a better be are Claua tee catch Payer! Tackle--Clyde Brock, S Raimey of Winnipeg, halfback|2e" f Winnipeg, Larry Robin-/7 i9, was considered for offence| ence. & TOMMY--JOE COFFEY KENNY PLOEN -- REED LOVELL COLEMAN HUGH CAMPBELL json of Calgary and Dale West : c resulted from a tie for an ot-|E End--Tommy- -Joe Coffey, E Jim Thomas of Leary yer of Saskatchewan captured half\7'?° kle Ken Sugarman -- and oF Gray, Canada's. outstanding Calgary Stampeders, Winni- DEFENSIVE TEAM Kenny Ploen of Winnipeg. jgary a corner linebacking slotii oman in 1960, made his sev- CAR? Dias cic toe tide saapartivets Half--Jerry Keeling, C is Coffey's fellow end. aehle Pert Rigney, the WFC's Most. Valu-) The Men To See Is in the standings -- took 99 |Halt--Henry Janzen, W Ted Urness of Saskatc hewan,|ROUND OUT THE SQUAD able Lineman in 1960 and 1961) janes: |Half--Larry Robinson, C ithe only native Canadian to) Rounding out the defensive|and Canada's best in 1961, was| JACK : P the. Stancbedeys ent the|Half--Dale West, S lerack the offence, centres Alcsquad are Dick Thornton of|on his sixth. \Corner |'backer--Al Miller, W |Winnipeg and Al Benecick OflCalgary at half; Harris: Pat|Calgary defence, was honored ry ag i gage alba St 'backer--J. Furling, C)Saskatchewan at guard, Frank) polmes of Calgary at tackle. \for the fifth consecutive year. | ; | ot 3 f Tackle--Mike Cacic, B.C |Clyde Brock of the Roughriders jineh ; td-| ' | ONTARIO MOTOR Lions, defending champions} - ; | inebacker. E. A. Sims of Ed-| MANY FACE SEA ALONE | who plunged. to | Ben place|End--E. A. Sims, E at tackle. |monton and Dick Fouts of B.C.| About 3,000 fishermen on the| SALES PALM BREEZE . "WRITE CAP The makeup: Offence -- Five| (Legend: Saskatchewan ~ 8,| Fullback Coleman, Canada's| Keeling, West, Harris, Caciciman dories. Riders; four Bombers; two|Calgary - C, Winnipeg - W, Ed-|outstanding Player in 1964, fin- --Five Stampeders; three Blue|B.C.) |with 1,509 yards, He was the Bombers; two Lions; one| Reed, 24, a graduate of Wash-|leader in 1963 and 1964. nian tah a3 Pee ALL BACK HARRIS named Canada's Outstanding|Campbell: were members of the fensive half spot. Ragetereane Harenens & ; ge ess Rpm phigh aah de positions; Jim Furling of Cal- he gor Just one vote. DEALING YOUR peg Blue Bombers and Saskat-) 141+ pick Thornton, W Herman Harrison of Calgary|#"4 Mike Cacic of the Lions aj. all-star unit. Teammate Gciabeis each hal seven. play-| \Interior L'backer--W. Harris, Ciline formed by Herb Gray of|Winnipeg and Jerry Keeling of| Harris, the backbone of the HUGH ES three and British Columbia\t2ckle--Pat Holmes, C |Rigney of Blue Bombers and/,) Miller of Winnipeg at corner this season, two. ee eee ie |COLEMAN HAD 1,509 YARDS |4t end. Grand Banks still fish in one-| Stamps; two Eskimos. Defence|monton - E, British Columbia-lished second to Reed in rushing Roughrider, one Eskimo. ington State College, was| Coffey, Benecick, Rigney and Wayne Harris of Calgary re-|Player for grinding out 1,768)1964 all-star offence. ceived unanimous support onjyards and establishing a one-| Campbell caught 73 scsidial defence from the 24 voting'game conference rushing rec-'for a WFC-record 1,329 yards to) Rough Rider Brass "Quietly Optimistic' By BOB MacKENZIF and went on to win the series.|the Nov. 27 Grey Cup game in OTTAWA (CP)--Football is a|The league has a standing pro-|Toronto. game of mistakes, says general cedure to decide the winner. The Hamilton game will be manager Red O'Quinn of Ot-| The teams get a 10-minute|the start of a television double- tawa Rough Riders. rest after the end of regulationjheader for Canadian football "The team that makes the|{ime, then play a 20-minute|fans. The Ottawa - Hamilton least number of mistakes usu. |overtime game, complete with|game starts at 1 p.m. EST, and ally wins." a half-time kickoff at the 10-|three hours later Winnipeg Blue The former all-star end with) Minute mark. Bombers and Calgary Stamped- Montreal Alouettes has aisana-| If the score still.is tied, thejers meet in Calgary to settle bled the youngest team in the teams stay on the field for altheir best-of-three Western fi- Canadian Football League this|five- -minute break and go into|nal. That series is tied 1-1. year and both he and coach sudden death overtime, where| Both games will be carried Frank Clair admit the Riders|the first point scored decides|on the CTV and CBC television have made a lot of mistakes on| the Eastern _Tepresentative in'networks. the field this year. i (| "onigy yen , rte Qainn| iret from their mistakes," uinn 0.H.A. J B yo k added, "and our boys are learn- | unior oc ey in g. "They are capable of winning| "TONITE" any given game, and when they | get rolling there isri't a single} team that can stop them," | 8:00 P.M. O'Quinn was disappointed last) Sunday when the Riders blew a 13-0 half-time lead and lost OSHAWA CRUSHMEN 18-13 to Hamilton Tiger-Cats inj|f the opener of the two-game, -- VS -- itetence fina but he mast PETERBORO Don Byes been quietly optimistic about = this Saturday's game in Hamil- Admission -- Adults 75¢ -- Children 25¢ ton. nidere tucr in oat mer! «FREE | FREE | triucu | Allit takes is fun- loving people a and 22 or younger. Children 12 ond | Children 12 end NIGHT cco STAs Clipe Copa hore reached the 30-year mark. De- Accompanied Free drink of the Little NHL Tyke fensive guard Sam Scoccia is} by Parent. Orange Crush. League. 35 and in his 15th of pro| : ball -- 12 with the Riders) | and three with Saskatchewan : "ge Roughrid O.H.A. Junior "A" Hocke ee eae, seat Mery Collins, ete ell Y It's a brand new kind of winter fun--being towed on suspension for better floatation, and we've greatly 8 New Smee ae 2014" track, and 2014° track with } dot on ie centre Gerry SATURDAY skis behind a fast moying Snow Cruiser. And this increased track-to-snow surface so that Snow Ney Sasmiens---guick Genathahlh tain eek new style skis with While chances of a tie in total | NITE 1966 OMC Snow Cruiser makes all kinds of other Cruiser skims away to places that secm all but /% a econ ht emai ge growths ; hilo beam -- points after Saturday's. game is | 5 e : ; ' : A : tai preva rpiow tested new ion system for better remote --= i¢ hasn't happened! ---------- | nice things happen--like winter cookouts and inaccessible. Adds extra stability too! loatation; rink, o-atretch track, sub-zero tested. since 1959 when Hamilton ral- : ae ' family sleigh rides. Gives you a good reason to use ; , . us mo See Steene ee vee hed P.M. your cottage all winter too. In fact, Snow Cruiser ee Gate be ry dear? OMC Snow Curser H T NTI a G 5 : GENERALS | will show you that winter can be just as much fun desley', Ho's Yeted uniler if ; peede iY yond reed ep taeprlong = | as summer. 'snowmobiles' inthe tne Srede cccbeand ates LICENCES o 5 vs. | And this year, Snow Cruiser is better than ever. yellow pages. Be been Por pene Men NOW ON p 4 ; : Hamilton We've built in new 'Torque Sensitive Drive' that x } wna , RED WINGS acts like your car's automatic shift, gearing down SA L a or. é automatically for steep hills and heavy loads. The een SHABON CHRIS ROBERTS partes We, ry pgs | motor can't labour or race but gives smooth, steady, OPENS NOV, 8th constant power all day long. We've added new soft Cheek Your Gear TICKETS AVAILABLE BUS SERVICE Then See Us For AT Leave Downtown 6:00 - 6:30 « Good Hunting @ Bolghood's Sportshaven EGO Dowels Shier the Sere Velues Bowntews Othewe noire arya : SEE THE SNOW CRUISER AT -- Pron * Btvatenn" Goines omnes tees. | 8 OSH AW A VY ACHTH AVEN a e : 7! ; | Harbour Road off Simcoe St. South 723.1901 _. a a fag SEE THE SNOW CRUISER AT -- MITH -- SMITH SPORTS 353 King &. W. | 920-7341 THORNTON RD.SOUTH OFF KING ST. WEST 353 King St. West 728-7341 : GF NORTE RCE TC

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