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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1965, p. 9

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Packers And Vikings In Key NFL Battle will be looking for their eighth| By MIKE RATHET There is little doubt they will straight victory against Phila-) Associated Press Sports Writer|do their best to avoid jolting ht The key word in the National/him again. \delphia Eagles. i | Football League is upset. The Packers find themselves| In the other games, the East-/ Minnesota Vikings will be do-jin the underdogs' role--unusua!jorn Division leaders, Cleveland ing their best not to upset any-|but understandable. They have|Browns, are at. Dallas Cowboys, one Sunday. And, at the same|scored a total of just 36 points|Chicago Bears at Detroit Lions, time, Green Bay Packers willjin their last four games, won New York Giants at St. Louis be trying to upset the Vikings.|only two of them and fallen one |Cardinals, San Francisco *49ers The Vikings so upset coach'game back of Baltimoye Colts|at Los Angeles Rams and Wash- Norm van Brocklin during last/in the Western Diyisién 'race.|ington Redskins at Pittsburgh Sunday's loss to Baltimore Colts, While fhe Packers try to "~ Steelers. that he announced his resigna-jin the race by upsetting the ee oat pre _tion, which he later rescinded.|Vikings, the front-running Cole nee pon ache: HOCKEY SCORES, STANDINGS son tesders 'San "bien sion leaders, San Diego {Chargers and Buffalo Bills, the A ha : i ; Eastern leaders, with a day off, By a | OHA ge all A F A pt, While Houston Oilers are at New Fasten Division 10 0 35 93)York Jets, Oakland Raiders at --RLT F a4 44 15|Denver Broncos, and Kansas 123 2 84 6 54 15 City Chiefs at Boston Patriots. 0 42 4 37 11| The Packers, able to produce 1 4 58 11 /only two field goals last week entiAcinn 1 27 58 11/against Los Angeles, will have ; 2 67 19 {0 put some life back into their Niag. Falls A Pt Oshawa 26|Peterb'ugh 5 14| Montreal 13'St Cath'nes 11|Toronto 8 Hamilton Quebec 2 Baltimore 7 6 Hershey Be 5.5 410 63 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 1 i 0 36 : Springfield 1 b 44 62 9 offence to get by the Vikings. Western Division Rochester 0.2% 36 Pittsburgh ey gee Sees 5 Cleveland 460 Buffalo 0 34 35 21 11 3 10 6 Friday's Results Hershey 4 Baltimore 2 Providence 1 Rochester 2 Saturday's Games Providence at Cleveland Baltimore at Hershey Springfield at Pittsburgh Sunday's Games Springfield at Buffalo Baltimore at Providence Cleveland at Rochester Central Professional F A Pt 42 32 14 3h 630 13 30 25 11 34 41 10 30 40 10 Tulsa Houston Minnesota St. Louis Okla. City Memphis 6 22 26 8 Friday's Results St. Louis 4 Minnesota 4 Oklahoma City 4 Memphis 2 Houston 5 Tulsa 3 Tuesday's Game Memphis at Houston OHA Senior ee 5 4 4 4 6 5 F. A Pt 64 47:17 Yakville : 36 «26 16 London Kitchener Friday' 3 47 Results 5 4 4 4 3 56 s 8 Peterborough 3 Niagara Falls 3 Kitchener 2 Toronto 2 Tonight's Games Hamilton at Osh London at Montr Sunday's Games Oshawa at Kitchener Hamilton at St Catharines Niagara Falls at Toronto Eastern League New Haven 2 Clinton 9 Johnstown 2 New Jersey 4 Greensboro 4 Charlotte 5 Jacksonville 1 Knoxville 2 International League Dayton 0 Port Huron 3 Fort Wayne 6 Toledo 4 Ottawa-St Lawrence Sir George Williams 12 RMC 2 Senior Intercollegiate McGill 0 Western 8 Exhibition McMaster 2 Toronto 14 Manitoba Junior Monarchs 8 Warriors 2 Rangers 5 Braves 2 Saskatchewan Junior Brandon 14 Estevan 2 Flin Flon 1 Moose Jaw 6 g Bart Starr remains Green Bay's) starting quarterback, being lifted last week. The Vikings will have to get most of their quarterback Fran with running back Tommy Ma son out. Minnesota shares third place in the West with Chicago and Detroit. The Bears will be trying to break at least a part of that ogiam against the Lions while their top rookie running back, Gale Sayers, guns for a first year touchdown record. Sayers momentum 'from} Tarkenton currently despite ee ee ee a ae HOW CHAMP AND CHALLENGER MEASURE UP has scored 11 times and needs two more for the record. By MIKE RATHET The Browns could all but lock up a second consecutive eastern title if they beat the Cowboys and the Cardinals lose to New "| York. New York Jets, with Joe Na- math taking over as the No. 1 quarterback, could-pull into sec- American Division by ond place--i# the League's Eastern beating Houston. Oakland and Kansas City are tied for the runner-up spot in records to the West with 5-4-1 6-2-2 for San Diego. NEW YORK (AP) -- Dick |Stuart finds himself in an un- usual position as baseball's in- ter-league trading period be- igins -- he's going to make a great catch for someone. Stuart, Philadelphia - Phillies' ifirst baseman who mangles a ball with both -his bat and glove, figures 'to wind up with an American League club after the Stuart's Field Play Puts Him On Block |American and National I jclubs can swap players, jrun for three weeks. | because | Stuart's name tops the list of| jexpendables. A legitimate slug-} his fielding, Stuart javailable when the Phillies ac- i" ouis Cardinals, |by an American League team they probably would be welcomed|Pitcher, Jim Bouton have been|{ 7 veicomec/mentioned as trade material. |;ser°%, ie i a A Se , ee ee ee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdoy, November 20, 1965 @ KO Almosi Certain In Clash For Crown LAS VEGAS (AP)--This is a town where it's legal to bet, and the bookmakers will quote you odds on almost any sporting event you can name. They've had to pay off on some big upsets, but a real stun- ner even for here would be if the Cassius Clay-Floyd Patter- son heavyweight title fight Mon- day night goes the 15-round limit, The betting today is even money it won't go more than five rounds. There hasn't-been a decision in a heavyweight championship Curlers' Dream Materializes The curler's dream became a ireality for four Oshawa ladies this week. Competing at their home club in the inter-club bonspiel, lead Doris Clark, second Ann Jarvis, vice-skip Lori Foster and skip Irene Gunn scored a_ perfect eight-end in their second game. Skip Gunn drew to the eight- foot ring for the eighth counter. The rink continued its fine performance to emerge as the top-scoring entry. First Games: Oshawa CC (Doris Clark, Ann Jarvis, Lorl Foster, irene Gunn, skip) 10, Bowmanville (Hilda Braden, Jo Authors, Marion James, Queenie Fletcher, skip) 4; Oshawa Golf (Anne |Biggar, Thelma Jackson, B Irene Jackson, | Betty Lofthouse, skip) 8, Annandale (June) i e MeP' Ellenbeth Aague fielder, Announcement of the)Hobbs, Dorothy Mcliveen, skip) 3; Por wifl|trades was presumably held up cPhee, Jerry Atkinson, |Perry (Shurline Kivell, Helen Hadden, Pauline. Morrison, Pauline Brawes, |Marg Mcintyre, Shirley Parker, skip) 5, Whitby (L. Staples, N. Butts, J. Archi. |bald, A. Morison, skip) 3; skip) 3; |(Bea Taylor, Pat Poulter, Gwen Kemp Catcher Bob Rodgers of Cali-) Mabe! Irwin, skip) 4; Oshawa Golf (Elean| bout since Rocky Marciano beai Ezzard Charles in 15 rounds of their first fight 11 years ago. There have been 16 title scraps since then, and all have ended| Patterson. day, the New Yorker is a 3-to- 1 underdog to the 23-year-old Clay, an all conquering cham- pion who is bigger, stronger and every bit as fast, if not faster, than the aging challenger. fight won't go the limit, al- though he won't predict a knock- out victory for himself. "otherwise I wouldn't be here." the expected trumpeting of coming triumph: but right now I won't say what n kayos, including 11 involving Now nearing his 3ist birth- Even Patterson agrees the "I expect to win," he says, From the cocky Clay you get "I'm gonna knock him out, round, For Ciay it appeared io be @ jolly period in which he can talk everyone's ears off on his plans to skin "The Rabbit." For the brooding, introverted Patterson it's a time for seclusion and meditation. The strangest bit of this bi- zarre battle is that Patterson, completely discredited in his two one-round losses to Sonny Liston, will be the one oost fans will be rooting for. "He's the good guy and I'm the bad guy," says Clay. 'That ought to make us a lot of money." YOUR SATISFACTION 1s OUR AIM All Cars Carry Our GUARANTEE 1| |Noreen Malcolm, Clare Martin, skip) '0, CHRISTMAS GIFT OF ALL involy j.| Bowmanville (Ad Goheen, Viv Dillworth, | nvolved Ameri Betty Lander, Bea Falk, skip) 4; Annan- can League teams and could not eae i |ger but constantly rapped for|be officially made until the in- ter-leagu erio n |bale Oshawa CC} became ustatas d began \(Ollve King, Dot' Mason, Fran Pollitt,| New York Yankees also are|Myrtle Donaid, quired first-baseman Bill White|reported to be in the market! Annandale | (Sheila Coupland, June Bloodworth, Janet | 4 fe | y 2 | Rowland, Hazel Dawson, skip) 5; Oshawa) in a multi-player trade with St./after last year's sixth - place|Golf (Wilda Sutton-Brown, Ann Murphy,| jfinish. Outfielder Roger Maris, | Despite his fielding Stuart|first-baseman Joe Pepitone and| Jean Ross, Babs Henry, skip)9, Whitby | (Mae Curley, Agnes Houston, Grace Woot- || en, Mar| McCaffrey, skip) 4; Oshawa CC} Audrey Francis, Agnes Jackson, Norma) Joyce Black, skip) 10, Whitby "I could take him out In the first round, but I better not do that because you and the other writers will say it's a fix. "But if I give him a hard beating and knock him out in the seventh or eighth round, people gonna say I'm cruel. Makes me wonder what to do." With the major part of their training completed, the fighters have to kill the hours until fight time at Convention Center. Kelly Disney Used Cars Ltd. 1200 Dundas E. Whitby 668-5891 BUDGET TERMS DROP IN | HOME COMFORT | with SALA LETS ETON, f Garret, Eunice Bowman, Marg McCarten,| that needs a power hitter. Hejfornia _ Angels i im| : J s, pitchers Jim |Caye Bassett, skip) 10, Osh CC (Mary | batted only .234 for the Phillies /O'Toole and Joey Jay of Cin-| McLean, Lee Tresise, Sean Coniins Beive | last season but smashed a pod ee -- Bob| Second Games: Irwin 8, Falk 3) Morison| |Purke Si s |10, H ' The trading period, the only homers and drove in 95 runs. | Absa oe Seek © et hada' Vee i beeet Ei St. Louis also have been men- Donald 1; Martin 6, Black 3; Bassett 9) -|time during the year when/TWo FIELDERS TOO? [tioned as being available. lestrey &, Bunon tS | | The Phillies also are reported 'Caffrey 6, Dawson 3. Five prominent Canadian foot-|ready to deal away outfielders, ball men will be honored at the/Tony Gonzalez and Wes Coving- jannual Grey cup ae. cod ton, Gonzalez was fined during| evening, November 26 at Toron-|the season by | to's Royal York Hotel. They are|Mauch and Corie eublicn | the late Jesse B. Fitton of To-| criticized Mauch for his running » jronto, George L, McMahon oflof the club. ' ic aigery, 4: patty a geet . New York Mets, who already | Ottawa, R. T. 'Bob eld of | have lled of | Toronto and D. M. "Don" Me-|pu eo. dnrae off a major trade Pherson of Regina. All will re-|p', acquiring third-baseman Ken celve CFL-CRU plaques for out- payin' -- the Cardinals, said |standing contribution to football Erling ee ae ee the dons lin Canada. Tickets for the event} would be aeeuirad ta te fen lare available at O'Keefe Centre,| Ong whi on nA ; "gyi Front and Yonge sts., by mail, | outtietd pposed to an lphone or at the box office. The outfielder and the other an in-' number is EM 3-6633. Ladies are cordially welcomed. | SOCCER SCORES LONDON (Reuters) -- Soccer| results: | ENGLISH LEAGUE Division Tt Workington 1 Scunthorpe 2 York City 2 Millwall 1 curtain is raised on the inter- league trading period at mid- night. Their opponents are at the bottom of their respective di- visions, Denver last in the West and Boston bringing up the rear in the East gingston Suelph galt Woodstock (Kingston points) Friday's Results Oakville 4 Kingston 6 Galt 8 Guelph 6 Tonight's Game Guelph at Galt Sunday's Game Kingston at Oakville 32 30 13 Melville 4 Regina 7 35 50.9 Western Canada Senior 28 40 5\Yorkton 4 Calgary 9 orth four Saskatoon 3 Edmonton 2 Western International | Spokane 6 Trail 1 j | Western League | the ONLY heating system GOOD enough for your family! Electroheot is 100% efficient. No more heoting the outside through a chimney. Clean (no fuel dirt or dust) . . + @nd nmeot! Provides individual room temperatures for maximum com- is fort. " ENQUIRY TODAY ABOUT ELECTROHEAT 2 5 6 games CARDINALS MOVE ST. LOUIS (AP)--St. Louis Cardinals move into St. Louis' (Ed-|new downtown Sports Stadium * 'next May 12. There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN For personal we or for @ ACADIAN Models SS 6 Te Ge you leare @ new... @ BUICK Request pe Pe te ty | MILLS AUTO LEASE PHONE 723-4634 LTD, 266 KING ST. WEST |Seattle 3 San Francisco 1 | Victoria 5 Vancouver 4 | Western Intercollegiate Saskatchewan 6 Alberta monton) 7 Go Modern with Electric Heat 56 Prince St. -- OSHAWA PH. 728-4611 Division IV Doncaster 1 Port Vale @ Newport 0 Tranmere 0 All Fine Gifts DON'T Come In Small Packages GIVE FAMILY PRESTIGE and ENJOYMENT PONTIAC BUICK OR LATE MODEL MAKE CHRISTMAS A HOME AFFAIR meet Hamilton to second game of point . eastern ay in-the the total- final. Cats at a d rally Riders Ottawans downtown afternoon,* sands of mammoth Friday FRANK CLAIR, Ottawa Rough. Rider coach, ac- knowledges cheers of thou- Giant Rally For Riders TORONTO (CP) -- All 32,655 seats at the Canadian National Exhibition Stadium will be sold for the Grey Cup game Satur day, Nov. 27 y In distributing the tickets for | setup, the EFC allots that team another 500 tickets. There will be no public sale of tickets for the game which is scheduled to start at 1 p.m EST and will be seen nationally on the CBC and CTV television networks BARTENDING SERVICES Wedding, Dances, Banquets, ete. Telephone SALES SHOWROOM OPEN 9 AM.-9 P.M. Sot, 'tll $ P.M. From SMITHS SPORTS FOR Home Improvement the game, bringing together the champions of the Eastern and' Western Football Conferences, 2,000 ducats off the top for the various football leagues and organizations in the coun try OR Winter Hobbies. ARBORITE AND FORMICA HARDBOARD WALL PAN- ELLING for Rec. Rooms SHEET PLYWOODS for FLOORING & PANELLING CEILING TILES for All Home Use HARDBOARD TRAIN AND AUTO RACE BOARD KEM-TONE and KEM-GLO PAINT for Finishing Your Remodelling or Project Units. i BERRY GARAGE DOORS for WINTER PROTECTION COTTAGE PLANS -- PLAN NOW FOR WINTER OR SPRING BUILDING POWER TOOLS and HAND TOOLS for the HANDY MAN or HOBBYIST COMPLETE SELECTION of LUMBER ond BUILDING PRODUCTS for EVERY PURPOSE Accessories Dep't OPEN come Ask For Your Mills Man For Courteous, Efficient Service KEN QUINN GARY HOOEY @ PRANK WHITE @ ROSS SHEYAN DAVE BATHE LEN BURTON @ BADE CRANFIELD -@ MURRAY FRANKLIN DON GAVAS MIKE JACULA : @ RON SILVER @ RAY McLAUGHLIN ART ROWDEN GEORGE PRUNER e@ BILL HAYNES ee BOAT HARDWARE the game {fs 75 per cent of the remain Since e e here e ; JOHNSON OUTBOARD e MOTORS zo to the four EFC 25 to the club ing tick teams and per cent five WF The eastern clubs--Hamilton, Montreal and Toronto-- 4,000 tickets onference champion 4,500 for FISHING RODS, REELS, LURES. ACCESSORIES General Motors "Original Equipment' ACCESSORIES CAR HARD Your HEATER somes cron, (CAR WARMER a a STARTING? LITTER q Available for oli models each vllotted SHOT GUNS, RIFLES an additional HUNTING COATS, PANTS & ACCESSORIES as host spectacle A GOOD SELECTION OF, USED OUTBOARD MOTORS Litter Bug--Use Install a.G.M, Original BASKET Cold Weether ed 1,660 tickets BLADES Blue Bor middle are in the Free Home Delivery | | HOLLAND LUMBER CO. R.R. No, 1, OSHAWA ot 5-Points 725-4709 e CFL's geographic NEW & USED BOATS Your PONTIAC @ BUICK @ VAUXHALL @ VIVA @ ACADIAN @ GMC @ BEDFORD DEALER mw CLIFF MILLS MOTORS «. 266 King St. West PHONE 723-4634 PATRICK G. McDANIEL, A.A.C.1. REALTOR & CONSULTANT Appraisals: Reol Estate Mortgoges: Prop. Management YOUR INVESTMENT: BROKER Downtown Oshawa 169 Simcoe N. 723-2861 .

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