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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1965, p. 16

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RASA apie ensayo a) ee 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November Fu, 1903 Courtice High School Rewards Top Studenis Jacqueline James, Earle Keat- COURTICE -- A large number of parents and friends of the students attended the fifth an- nual commencement exercises Friday night at Courtice High School. Greetings from the Durham County District High School Board were brought by its chairman, Clare Allin, Garnet Tubb was the chairman, The valedictorian was Shirley Apery and the commencement speak- er was N. R. Richards, BSA, MS, dean of the University of Guelph. Musical selections were presented by the school band, directed by Mrs. E. Snell. An alumnae dance, attended by parents, graduates and stu- dents, was held following the presentation of awards. Coffee was served in the school cafe- teria. ACADEMIC STANDING Students winning prizes for the highest academic standing were: Grade 9, Sandra Sobil; Grade 10, Peggy Millson; Grade 11, Melody Muir; Grade 12, Jan Zavitsky; Grade 13, Shirley Avery. The Oshawa Wood Products Award for highest standing in strial arts went to. Grade 1), Paul Tubb; Grade 12,-.K. An- selstettler and Paul La Chap- 'pelle. Carol Edwards was the ewinner of the commercial Plaque and medal for the high- as standing in Grade 12 com- 'mercial subjects. e»The Roy Nichols Award for ie Grade 13 student, display- the best personality and the t popular by the staff and) issmates, was won by Lynne #tainton. "The Bank of Montreal Trophy speed and accuracy in typ- was won by Valerie Stew- 4rt. The Canadian Imperial k of Commerce Award for hest standing in bookkeeping "was won by Valerie Stewart ile Bernice Bertrim won the oronto - Dominion Bank Award r speed and accuracy in short- nd. ROTARY CLUB PRIZE | i: The Rotary Club Prize for the Grade 13 student with the high- '®t standing in mathematics was @won by Shirley Avery. The Lions lub Prize for highest standing Grade 13 science was won by wendolyne Glaspell and the wanis Club Prize for the high- t standing in Grade 13 geo- #raphy went to Lynne Stainton. The Agricultural Award for HOUSE TROPHY Pighest standing in Grade 12 @griculture was won by Stephen Liptay. Prizes for Grade 10 and 12 students obtaining the high- est standing in home economics were won by: Grade i0, Lynda Killen; Grade 12, June Turn bull. The Alto Music Co. award for highest standing in Grade 10 and 12 music went to Gail Wal- ter of Grade 10 and Charles Ashton of Grade 12. Student Council bursaries to Grade 13 students with the high- est standing were: English, Shir- ley Avery; history, Bernice Grace; Frenc, Bernice Grace; biology, Lynne Stainton. The Valedictorian's Plaque, donated by Oshawa Wood Prod-| ucts, was presented to Shirley Avery while the ;Student Coun- cil plaque, donated by Hender- son Concrete Products, was presented to David Tonkin. The House Trophy, donated by) Eastwood Construction Co., to} the winning house in the intra- mural program, was won by the Canaries. Linda Scott and Rick Gay were house leaders. The Department of Education Prize in Grade 13 history was presented to Bernice Grace.| Joan Westlake won the Under- wood Award for the most pro- ficiency in all business sub- jects. Candace Colvin won the award for the student showing the most proficiency in secretar- ial subjects. The St. Joseph's Parish Coun- cil of the Catholic Women's League Award for the Grate 10 student standing highest in Latin was won by Peggy Mill-| son. SPEAKING PRIZES Senior Public Speaking prizes were won by Janet Robson and Stephen Liptay. Junior awards went to Peggy Millson and Donna Terrill. The Nursing Award, sponsored by the Bow- manville Memorial Hospital| Women's Auxiliary, to the stu-| dent entering a nursing school, | were presented to Esther Rose-| vear and Roberta Cook. | Ed. Spoelstra was the out-| standing boy athlete in 1964-65; while Gwen Glaspell was the out- standing girl athlete. Both re- ceived Courtice High School Ath- letic Society Awards. HONOR DIPLOMAS Secondary School Honor Grad- uation Diplomas were present- ed to: Shirley Avery, Robert Burton, Douglas Dewell, Allan) Fraser, Richard Gay, Gwendo-| lyne' Glaspell, Bernice Grace, Darlene Gray, Ben Hofstede, | Extortion, And A Try At It 'Charged On Dad And Son 4 * OWEN SOUND (CP)--A fa- and son who operate a) t attraction near Colling-| 'wood, 40 miles southeast of there, were committed Friday 4or trial on different charges.| 3 Archibald McArthur, owner of ikhe Scenic Caves on Blue Moun- in, is charged with extorting 0 Aug. 15 from Richard Atkin- nm, a Toronto police cadet. "Jerry Archibald McArthur,! 'the son, is charged with at- 'tempting to extort money from ur Toronto high school stu- 'dents Sept. 5. * Both men elected trial judge without a jury. DIDN'T PAY *» Constable Atkinson told Mag- Piste A. S. Stewart he had en with three others who en- by |passing. tered the caves without paying a $1 admission charge. When caught and taken to the office, the elder McArthur said he} would not lay a_ trespassing | charge if they paid him $10. Constable Atkinson said the charge' was laid against the fa- ther after a discussion with po- lice in Toronto. Court was~told Mr. McAr- thur's son told a group of Tor- onto students they could avoid a trespassing charge by paying him money. No sum was men- tioned. The youths refused to pay and last month they were found guilty in Meaford court of tres- Sentence was sus- pended. SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE $26.00 on your auto "JOHN SSReS tease eases eee esr eee eins DIAL 728-7567 ger eo 597 KING ST. If you are an Abstainer you save up to insurance, RIEGER E., OSHAWA sig EERSTERST ELEN 7.50-14 Blackwell Tu' 20% OFF SNOW TIRES Reg. 29.95. SALE pica '23,95 WINTERIZE YOUR CAR Turnbull (5), Mary Van Camp} 'Thomas Bee Rn te Rs cr ae ee Bee, cdi Rt ee Court Rules For Company MONTREAL (CP)--An Aus- tralian-born immigrant whose romance with an woman at Great Whale River in 1961 cost him his job as a technician with Canadian Mar- coni Co. Ltd. lost a $25,000 dam- age action against the company in a judgement made public Friday. Superior Court Justice Andre Nadeau held that the dismissal of Terence J: Whitfield, 31, for persistent violation of a no- fraternizing - with - natives clause in his contract was fully justified by the terms of his employment. Mr. Justice Esther Lynne McMaster, Peter Sobil, ley, Ross Rosevear, Stainton GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Those receiving Secondary School Graduation Diplomas for the general course were: Klaus Anselstetter (4), Charles Ash- ton (4), Jean Baker (5), Brian Bradley (4), Judy Branton (5), Larry Broome (4), David Brown (5), John Cousins (5), Joan Dal (4), Ted Dobroshinsky (4), Mar-) Nadeau also ion Essery (4), Roger Farrowjfound that the clause in the (5), Sharon Fisher (5). lcontract was neither illegal as Michael Gibbs (4), John Gil-|being "'contrary to public order bert (4), Andrew Goodwin (5),/°T good morals" or as a viola- Donna Goodwin (4), Davidition of the Canadian Bill of Green (4), William Hall (5),|Rights. : Doreen Hamer (4), John Han-| The Eskimo woman involved cock (5), Edward Hanewich (4),,¥@8 Ann Witaltuk, the first of John Heeringa (5), Shirley John-\her race in the world to be- ston (4), Joseph Kozak (4), Paul|come an airline' hostess, who La Chapelle (4), Alex Laird (5).|WaS employed in 1961 by the Stephen Liptay (5), Gerlad| epartment of northern affairs Marsh (4) aurea MeNair|2¢ Whale River, 750 miles north- it A - jwest of here. cy Conatine Pamment, 4). "White tld newspaper men hak (a) Wendell Prime (3) lin Toronto after his dismissal Jerry Reynolds (4), Carol Rob- EE heagiel Se dae ertson (4), David Rogers (4),\never took place and the Jack Rose (4), Bernhart Roth) ; h (5), Linda Smith (5) Edward|woman aia Net appear Ab ine tba ee ; Meat ey trial as a witness. § St. Pi "se Pierre Vera squGHT EXCEPTION Mi heal 'Talema (8) N Whitfield had said an excep- degacs a ae Yi Tonkin tion should have been made at Thompson (4), David Tonkin Whale River for Miss Witaltuk (4), William Turkocio (4), June/since she was a sophisticated . ti h (4), Ben Watson (4), Betty Janeleen neat -- ag nar Bi i Werry mo erg ) Wacrs southern Canada vr soon not : yneihave been considered a "'na- Wright (4), Mary Yeo (4), Janitive" despite the fact that she gp "er es re ; was born on an Isolated island udents in the commercialjin James Bay. clerical, secretarial course who| Mr. Justice Nadeau said Whit- Fe Me age yd Schoo lifield was ences by oe vraduation iplomas were:|tract to the same "'out o Barbara Balson, Bernice Ber-/bounds' rules as the RCAF trim, Sherrell Branton, Candace|personnel at the Whale River adhe agg Pe eigen lg air base "es a . civilian ferguson, Lillian Malszewski,|personnel shared the same Lynda McGregor, Judith Neil.|mess. Margaret Pingle Jane Raap-| He said the clause in the a, Beverley Samis, James|company's contract reflected no Snowden, Sharon Spires, Valerie|racial discrimination but was Steart, Joan Westlake, Phyllis|standard clause in all Westlake, Donna Wilbur. jand U.S. -- contracts (4), Vera was a Canadian intended --y i No slide projector ever looked like this hefore . : . or did as much It's the dramatically successful Sawyer's. Shows 100'slides non-stop with new circular tray. Takes regular trays, too. Can even show. up to 40 slides automatically without a tray. Shows 35mm slides, Super Slides, and slides from instant cartridge cameras. No other projector, at any price, does so much, so. well. - : "NEW 550-R" Remote control forward, reverse and focus COMPARE AT 137.50 ] 19.00 AT KARN'S Complete with | roto tray and | easy Edit Tray Eskimo} | Against Romance In North 'for the protection not only of the civilian personnel at the base, but also for that of the native populations unfamiliar with the morals and customs of white people." The clause reads: 'Indian and Eskimo villages are con- sidered--cut-of bounds--end-per- sonnel are prohbited from frat- ernization or association with the native population except in special circumstances, Infringe- ment of these orders is cause for discharge." The Indian and Eskimo vil- lages were situated about half a mile from the Great Whale RCAF base. FOLLOWED DISCIPLINE The clause followed directives contained in Canadian - U.S. agreements in connection with the construction of mid-Canada defence line. Mr. Justice Nadeau referred to Whitfield's letter written to the president of Marconi in March, 1961, asking for special permission to be exempted from the clause because of Miss Witaltuk's background. The let- ter said if his request was re- fused and his resignation de- British, Canadian, American and South African news service j |names concerned." | This threat, said the justice, \"pretty well reveals the men- |tality of the plaintiff." 24-Dey Escorted Tour Te | FLOR | By Air-Conditioned Moter Cooch Ne Night Trovel | Jon, 22nd to Feb. 14th, 1966 | Phone 623-3265 COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE BOX 631, Bowmanville manded "within 12 hours every} will have the full story and the} RE eee ex eit ila i ie <a. ate sah i al a tl | Free catalogue shows all "MATCHBOX" models, | including these racing cars: Lotus, Ferrari, Jaguar, Maserati, Ford and Racing Car Transporter; passenger cars, too: Rolls-Royce, Cadillac, Jaguar, Pontiac, Chevrolet, Ford, Stude- baker, Volkswagen; plus Trucks, Buses, Diesel Road Rollers, Oil Tankers, Jeeps, Land Rovers, Tractors and many, many more including Models of Yesteryear and Gift Sets... all accurate true-scale models, metal die-cast for strength and coloured Ri] with safe lead-free paints. "MATCHBOX™ Toys are 9, available at dealers everywhere from .47¢ up. R & H PRODUCTS LIMITED, Montreal 8, Que. Send Coupon | Today for this Catalogue of more than 125 "MATCHBOX" TOYS IN FULL COLOUR ASK DAD OR MOM HELP YOU FILL IN COUPON R4&H PRODUCTS LIMITED 30 Courval Street, Montreal 8, Que. Please send me the FREE illustrated catalogue showing the full range of "MATCHBOX" Toys in full colour, with space to keep a record of my "MATCHBOX" models. oT weereercconeccecenss AE cccccercccad Please print in BLOCK LETTERS | LAY-AWAY PLAN A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Purchase 'Til Christmas OOTING "NEW 550-ER" Remote control to advance or reverse slides COMPARE AT 199.95 COMPARE AT 119.95 99.00 Complete with Roto Tray and Easy Edit Tray CHRISTMAS TREES 97° James pest Secret Agent "007" ATTACHE CASE % For Price Sake FOR PRICE SAKE! F.PS= %* For Practical Santas % Famous Products Sold % For Particular Shoppers % Fun - Premium - Savings *% For Perfect Selections % For Powerful Specials % Fantastic Price Slashing %* Fine Professional Service TUES. & WED. ONLY PLUS FREE DRAW on Stock PUREBRED of FRENCH Trees POODLE PUP In The North Registered with Canadian Kennel Club Your Tree From The Americen Continent Smart New Men's SOLID COLOR DRESS SHIRTS styled for 1967 by Globe" guns and rifles; codes coders, etc. Compare ot 13.95, FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL Reguler 4.95. FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR and de- Men's Canadien Meade ZIPPERED RUBBER OVERSHOES all sizes, Compare at 7.98 poir. FOR PRICE SAKE, poir LOWER LEVEL Eldo WOODBURNING SET @ new dimension te en exciting craft; creative, easy and fun for all ages. 3.33 . DAILY 10 - 10 = SEN CI-L "WHIZ BANG" "22" CALIBRE SHORTS compere ot 75e ... FOR PRICE SAKE .. LONGS compare et 86... FOR PRICE SAKE .. LONG RIFLE compore et 98¢ . .. FOR PRICE SAKE . LONG RIFLE MUSHROOM compere at 1.05... . FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR GIFT BOXED 5-PIECE DRESSER SET By "Lady Belle" .. . fine cotton with lece end embroidery. Choose from severe! colors. Compare at 2.98. 1 88 FOR PRICE SAKE a MAIN FLOOR BOY'S SIZES 8 TO 16 YOUNG STAG WHITE DRESS SHIRTS of fine eotton broadcloth with tapered body, sanforized. Compare at 2.98 each. FOR PRICE SAKE . . MAIN FLOOR MEN'S SKI-DOO SUITS outdoor winter overalls; like a Jet Suit; split zippered sherlon furred hood; waterproof and h i h 1 quilt lined. Compare at 39.95. FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR SKETCH-A-GRAPH By the makers of the famous Etch-A-Sketch, En- larges, reduces or copies complete with Drawing Ped. 3 stylus, Red, Blue, Green and pantograph | with Training Color Books, Compare } 4.98. FOR PRICE SAKE A s MAIN FLOOR FLASHBULBS @ AG-1 and AG-1B. Compare et 1.80 doz. 1 44 FOR PRICE SAKE .. ive cee @ M-2 and M-2B. Compare et 1.92 doz. 1 54 FOR PRICE SAKE ' @ Ne. 25 and No. 25-B. Compare et 2.28 1 83 doz. FOR PRICE SAKE ; s MAIN FLOOR THE ORIGINAL "MAKE IT SNOW" SPRAY for your trees, gift packages, windows, wreaths, ornaments, etc, 10-0z. spray bomb. Regular 1.00. .. FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL 4,97 ADULTS Compare at 4.98. Seven Action Safety Feotures! MACLEAN'S TOOTHPASTE ONLY ALLOWED FOR PRICE SAKE _ "SUPER HELMET" LOWER LEVEL including eer flaps and tinted 25-LIGHT OUTDOOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS Canadian made by Universo! . . . Canada's prestige name in festive lighting, Avoid Costly Service Calls Specia! Rates on TUNE-UPS and BRAKE REPAIRS GARY'S A Service 723-6532 Plek-up end Delivery 1B) fi © ina LAS 28 King St. East 723-4621 Open Evening till 9 P.M. for whiter teeth, economy size. Compare et 1.09. TI' FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR goggles. Compare et 12.95. FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL | OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUS SPECIALS Compore ot 10.30 set. pee 6.88 FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL We reserve the right te limit quantities. 1038 KING ST. WEST AT GARRARD RD.

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