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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1965, p. 18

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ee nee eee Sr ap: cope miehetaanleiil 18. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 20, 1965 THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK DESIGN No.438_Lower Fi. 1190 Sq.Ft. Upper 630, The Building Editer, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontarie. (0 Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled 'HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail requests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable te The Oshawa Times). Address Seecccseseccoocsses CeOOO RSE OO SOLE sEDSEEELOLERESe POoeKereeeeoseeavecoeseeereee® FIRST AID TO RUST SPOTS ON LINOLEUM QUESTION: Do you have a remedy for a large rust spot on linoleum? My tenant set his rusty toolbox on new linoleum. I tried lemon juice, but it didn't do the job. Please sug- gest something that won't take/struction, the finish off. ANSWER: Only suggestion ean offer will work only if the rust hasn't penetrated deeply, and may remove some of the finish: Careful rubbing with fine steel wool and scratchless scouring powder. Then re wax surface in area. CANDLE WAX ON STONE QUESTION: The stone base fm front of our fireplace is place was burning storie near the fire was quite warm some wax from a candle was dropped on the stone and quite bad wax spots remain. I've tried everything I know to remove them. Do you have any suggestions? ANSWER: Don't know what "everything you know" con- sisted of. But, following method usually is successful. I assume you have by this time scraped off as much of the melted wax as possible, using a putty knife. Place heavy kraft paper or a blotter over the spots, then run a hot iron over it. The heat will melt the wax, which will be bsorbed by the paper or blot- ter: An old-fashioned way, but it has been working. FIREPLACE LEAKS QUESTION: We have a prob- jem with our fireplace leaking. It leaks in the front and sides, and drips onto the hearth. It has ruined the floors and ceil- ing. We have had carpenters and masons look at the fireplace but the cannot come to any con- clusion as to the cause. Can you suggest what is wrong? Our house is about 2% years old. ANSWER: I assume the chim- ney flashing has been found in good condition and tightly in- stalled, and there are no cracks in. the mortar of the chimney. The only other cause for the leaking which occurs to me is that perhaps the chimney lining Each length of the lining must be placed in position, then set in cement mortar and the joint structure smooth on the inside, before brick is laid. If lining fs put down after laying sev- eral course of brick, the joints cannot be filled and leakage oc- AILING HOME curs. (I suggest you send 15 cents (no stamps) to Superin- tendent of Documents, Wash- ington, D.C. 20402, for copy of leaflet No. A9:1889-2, Fireplaces and Chimneys, giving specific details on proper fireplace con- etc. REPLACING WOOD SILL QUESTION: A leaking down- spout caused one of the wood window sills on our enclosed porch to rot. Is there any way we can repair this sill our- selves, or must we have the whole frame replaced? ANSWER: A special kit is now available at many building sup- plies, hardware and paint deal- ers, for just the purpose of re- paing the window sill only, with- out the rest of the frame. The kit contains a heavybod- ied pigmented material which dries to a pliable, flexible coat- ing, and a glass fabric material, with special applicator, to be cut to size and applied over the old sill. Result. is a smooth "new" sill which can be paint- ed to match rest of frame For professional installation, some building supplies dealers carry prefabricated protective units fitting over several stand- ard-size window sills. These are made of aluminum with baked enamel finish and give perma- nent protection . Have excellent appearance, too. REMOVING ADHESIVE HOME DESIGN No. 438 Double picture window gives a novel and striking appearance to the exterior of this one and half storey home. Entry hall provides direct access to all major areas of the house, Den is a dual purpose room with sepa- rate closet. Extra large rec- tangular kitchen has table space in "window-wrapt" cor- ner, door to terrace and good traffic circulation to other parts of the house. The upper two bedrooms are unusually large with plenty of storage closets, also full bath. Base- ment contains laundry and heating facilities. Second floor may be completed at future date as space is required. A garage plan could be supplied if required. Standard Blueprints for this Design No. 438 cost $15.00 for the first set, and $5.00 for additional sets. They are available in Canada by re- turn mail, (Ontario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax). Now available at this newspaper office (or from ad- dress below) is our new De- sign Book entitled 'Suburban and Country Homes Designed for Canadians," price $1.00 tax free. This edition includes information on Cost of Bulld- ing, and financing in Canada, Heating, Insulation, Construc- tional Details, etc., plus many outstanding new designs -- ranch, one and half storey, split-level, two-storey colonial, and duplex homes, Also in- cluded in this book are full details on how to order Blue- prints. Waterproof paste can usually be softened with paint remover. DARKENED CUPBOARDS QUESTION: My kitchen cup- boards are birch, eight years old, and need refinishing. They seem to be getting dark. How can I lighten them? The first time they were finished we used a non-grain raising sealer then a few coats of a clear top qual- ity satin-like finish. ANSWER: All wood tends to darken and mellow with age. I suggest you remove the pres- ent finish down to bare wood. Perhaps most of the darken- ing is from the finish. If 'not, apply a prepared wood bleach, following label instructions care- fully. Then refinish, as before. SCRATFHES ON: LEATHER QUESTION: My husband has a desk set of leather. He's been using it for years and there are jseveral scratches on some of the jpieces. How can these small scratches be treated so they won't be so noticeable? The leather is still in excellent con dition otherwise. | ANSWER: Paint the scratches |with a leather dye to match the jleather on the desk accessories, jusing a finely pointed artist's |brush. Dye is availabie at ieath- GARDEN GUIDE Test Gardens Produce Thousands Of New Plants Debbie Took A Walk And Won A Home Each year thousands of an- nuals and tender bedding plants are grown in the test gardens and ornamental grounds of the Plant Research Institute. In- THE HOME By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- It all started with that long walk that Debbie Reynolds took in the cluded in the test garden plant- WORKSHOP rain. It has ended with a posh dressing-room trailer that threat- WHEN BUYING OR SELLING PROPERTY eee LOOK TO SCHOFIELD-AKER © Residential @ Commercial @ Industrial 7 Seine MORTGAGES iOURS beet rat at Yet end 2nd, Arranged 9AM, tl 9 P.M, and purchased T. ot of Building 360 King St. West SAT. Till B P.M. ings are many very new vari- eties and many kinds that are still in the testing stage and will not be available to the public until two years from now. ' These plants are evaluated annually on the basis of over- all effectiveness in the garden. Disease resistance, continuity of flowering, abundance of size and habit of growth are the important points considered. Here are some of the varieties that were outstanding this year and which will be listed in seed catalogues in the near future. The Knee Hi varieties of sweet peas were, in my opinion, the most outstanding of all annuals tested because they represent- ed an advance in breeding of this type of flower that might well revitalize sweet pea grow- ing in areas where they have been considered a poor crop. Last year we were full of praise for the new Royal series, which withstood our hot summers bet- ter than any other sweet pea, and gave long-stemmed flowers with four to five large wavy florets to a stem. The Knee Hi series has all these fine points and, what is most important, may be grown without staking. All seven varieties of this series produced an abundance of bloom, more than any qind pre- viously tested, on long 8 to 15- inch stems. ASPECT OF COLOR In the aspect of color, the flamboyant deep-crimson. Early Splendor amaranthus excelled all other annuals in the test garden. This variety presented no trace of disease, a factor evident in previously tested kinds. The brilliant crimson apex and dark blood-red basal leaves will ensure this variety a place in bedding schemes wherever boldness is desired. As always in our test gar- den, there were many new petu- nias on trial. The new multi- flora doubes bore a_ greater profusion of bloom and_ stood up well against wind and rain. Of these, Double Rose Marie land Coral Delight were out- standing. New bedding vari- eties with more compact, larger, and often more frilly flowers were very much in evidence this year. Rating very high are Red Ensign, deep scar- let red: Dreamland, large-flow- ered bicolor purple and white; Cleopatra improved, red; Blue Lagoon and Violet Satin, two very good bedding blues; Pin- wheel red and white; and the almost yellow Sunburst. The dwarf mound type, Rosabelle, recovered from heavy rains more rapidly than any other. Teddy Bear is a new dwarf sunflower that everybody is go- ing to like. It grows only a foot high and has large yellow flow- ers, which are quite effective in both beds and borders. Its floral effect, however, finishes by the end of August. é Royal.Ensign, a bush morning glory with bicolored rich deep- blue and white flowers, has al- ways been a striking plant in the tests. This year a new intro- duction. from England, Cam- bridge Blue, with bicolored bloom, substance, durability of the whole plant, uniformity of As te family will bring cheer to the whole neighborhood. Momma wears holly in her hat and carries a wreath. Poppa sports a gay muffler and a candy cane, Junior in a striped cap joins the carol singing. All such fun to cut out of hard- board and paint. The big, five- sheet Pattern 414, which gives actual-size guides and direc- tions, is $1.75. Postage stamps not accept- able. Home Workshop Editor, The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. Flirtatious and coy, these cut- out fawns with candy cane make an amusing decoration at the front door during the Christ- mas season. Patterns 434 and 435, which give actual-size cut- ting and painting guides for the fawns and an extra candy cane for the door, are 50 cents each. These patterns also are in the Christmas Cut-Out Packet No. 55 -- a big value for $1.75. Postage stamps not accept- able. Home Workshop Editors, The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. great improvement on the old nolana species with deep laven- der flowers. This is another good carpeting plant and it will grow well in dry sandy soil. Linum Grandiflorum and L. grandiflorum 'Rubrum' are well-known red-flowered annuals but they are not often grown in Canadian gardens. They are easy to grow and can be relied upon to give an abundance of bloom. In the test garden this year was a new variety, quite different and perhaps more pleasing. This is Bright Eyes, which has white flowers with a distinct red centre. The trials of $50,000 UPSET IN HIS BELLY RENO, Nev. (AP)--Walter Cunningham yielded 93 gems --worth an estimated $50,000 Thursday from his stomach. Police said Cunningham, -52, admiited swallowing his share of the loot in last Saturday's $126,000 jewel theft from the mansion of a wealthy San Francisco automobile dealer. Another $72,000 worth of jewelry was found cached in a vacuum cleaner in the home of Albert E. Schlesinger, the theft victim. His chauffeur, Robert H. Heermann, 27, was arrested in San Francisco and cockscombs brought much comment from visitors. Most outstanding were the new Empress types with very large cockscombs on small ten-inch plants. Varieties in this group were Rose Empress, soft glowing rose; Kardinal, brilliant scarlet; and Gladiator, deep gold. From the 153 varieties of an- nual asters and the 40 varieties of salvias tested, it is hard to select the best. Since 1958, the last time asters were tested here, there have been many im- provements both in resistance to aster yellows and in varieties. There are now many brighter ¥ colors, different petal forms such as in the needle-pointed Unicum group and varieties with stiffer and stronger stems, such as Geisha, Princess, Am- bria and King strains. The Best of All strain produced the best bedding types in colors of azure blue, white, pink, purple and scarlet. There were dwarf com- pact plants which stood up well to wind and rain and did not develop disease. A _ regular spraying program to combat aphids and leaf hoppers, and thus stop the aster yellows dis- ease from developing, was car- ried out all summer. The salvia collection wanniil many newer colors. Not only were there the usual striking vivid reds but also light salmon, deep burgundy (the name of one charged with burglary. At least 65 brilliant-cut dia- | monds, 26 baguette and small- cut diamonds, a 20 carat emerald - cut ruby and an emerald chip were recovered from Cunningham at a Reno hospital by means of an | | noma. Igou, 24, were arrested by Reno police Monday at the request of San Francisco po- lice. Also arrested in San Fran- cisco in connection with the theft was Vern Bennett, 19. He was charged with receiv- ing stolen property. Cunningham and Larry | variety), pink, and white-tipped pinks. ens to cause major discontent among her fellow stars. Between scenes of The Sing- ing Nun, Miss Reynolds repairs to the most elegant trailer for a star since Marion Davies dwelt in a colonial mansion on wheels, And she enjoys it unashamedly. "And why shouldn't I?" she said. "I spend almost as much time in this dressing room as I do in my own home. If you're going to be a star, you should live like a star." It was different during her 14 years at MGM. Then her be- tween-scenes time was spent in a series of shanties. When she was back on the lot for her first film there as a free-lancer, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, she cracked. "The day that it happened, the rain was coming down like mad," she recalled. "I had to walk four blocks to the bath- room (actors' dressing rooms traditionally have no plumbing, then four blocks back. SEEMED RIDICULOUS "I was out for a week with a cold. That meant $30,000 a day loss to the studio, which seems like a ridiculous thing to have happen because there was no bathroom nearby." Debbie decided to splurge on a trailer for herself, since the studio wasn't about to do it for her. She ordered a 34-footer and had it especially designed, in- side and out. The trailer is di- vided into three sections: A sit- ting area with cushiony chairs and couch; the dressing-make- up section, surrounded by full- length mirrors; storage and th. "I wanted it done with utter elegance," she explained. 'This is what the public expects of movie stars: White mink rugs and champagne." Debbie reported rather glee- fellow stars and their studios. got it, too." fully that her dressing room is stirring up trouble between her "When Glenn Ford saw my trailer, he had to have one of his own like it," she said. "'He ! $27,400.00--21 year old--8 room split level located in North End of City. This beautiful home is complete in every detail. Some of the features are: Balcony off Dining Room, cedor panelled front hall entrance, a panelled den for Dad, finished Rec. Room with Fireplace and Walkout Basement, expensive light fixtures and broadioom, heated garage. Must be seen to be opprecioted, $15,900.00----CLOVERDALE ST. 10 year old 6 room, 3 bedroom bungalow, exceptionally well maintained inside and out. Broad- loom in Living Room, new floor in kitchen and bathroom, lovely recreation room in basement. Very modern 4 pe. bath up and 2 Pc. on = level. Exterior is nicely landscaped. New roof, awnings, olum. storms end screens, i pr di A real good buy for en Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec-Trees 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-5281 FENCED IN FOR KIDS AND PETS--$15,500--Solidly built-- 5 room clay brick bungalow. Consisting of Living Room 14 x 16 completely broadcoomed: Modern Kitchen--3 good size bedrooms --partially finished Rec. Room. Paved drive. Lot size 50' x +a is goss landscaped and hos 3 lovely maple trees. ve us @ call real soon, enxious to sell os : Owner they need RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH *5.00 PER BAY 5-655 PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa light-blue and white flowers, was added. This variety has the) same characteristics that make) Royal Ensign so much admired: | floriferousness, abundance of blue and white saucer - shaped| blooms on wide - spreading) 'WHATEVER THE CLIMATE OUTSIDE $28,950.00--BRAND NEW 7 ROOM SPLIT LEVEL built in Beau Valley by H. Kassinger Construction, Living room--Dining room and dream kitchen plus large family room with stone fire- place on main floor, 3 bedrooms (17 x 12) (12x 14) (11 x 10) on 2nd floor, 2 beautiful bathrooms--1 4-pec. and 1 2-pc. This elec- trically heated home-is completely decorated and sodded back QUESTION: How an lino-jer goods dealers, housewares leum adhesive be removed from|and.some variety and shoe re- a wood kitchen floor? The old|pair stores. When dye is dired, linoleum was taken: up butt quite|treat entire surface with lea- a bit of the adhesive is left' on|ther dressing or shoe scream. the woood flooring underneath. | With reasonable care, scratches ANSWER: The simplest me-|can be made practically invis- | thod would be to scrape the floor ible. plants, and the ability to grow in} almost any kind of soil. The fact) that these plants will grow best if the seed is sown directly where they are to bloom should add to their value for the home gardener. | Lavender Gown nolana is a) with a floor sanding machine. If regular linoleum paste was| used, it should be easily remov- ed by scrubbing tthe floor with a hot, strong solution of wash- ing soda, using a pound to the/ gallon of water. Allow the solu-| tion to work on the paste for) about a half hour, then scrub) with a stiff brush or scrape) with a wide-blade putty knife. | VOLKSWAGEN | Seles & Service WeRNER'S SERVICE CENTRE Highwey 12 end 7. © aomatee 985-7162 Lioyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited announces the appointment of Mr. Jack Hogan te thelr Real Estete Seles Steff, Mr. Hogan has successfully pessed his Departmental Exam- inations ond also his Course 1 Examinations tibed by the Ontario Real Estate Boards and le now rr and able to help you in any of your real estate problema, nm Cell JACK LLOYD METCALF 40 King St. E. eg 155,000 BTU's RATES Day $6.00 HOGAN at REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-4678 I I 227 King St. W. 'STOP FREEZIN ~t 1 | " per baad HEAT FOR RENT Month Week $24.00 $72.00 STAN'S SHARPENING and RENTAL Ltd. 723-3224 COMFORT AT YOOR COMMAND = MIMAND TEMPERED-AIRE AUTOMATIC HEATING AY Ws Best McLAUGHLIN FUEL OIL 110 KING ST. W. Whether it's bitter cold outside, ex just damp and chilly . . . set the ap ag 33. your Ger Wood warm i healthfally beneadified and at a phenomenally low cost. Actual owner-records Gar Wood units use 43 a, ond front. Be sure to see this weekend. $23,900.00---GOOD LOOKING STONE FRONT BUNGALOW located in Beau Valley. Living Room 24 x 12, large kitchen with dinette attached, 3 good size bedrooms. Electrically heated--lot 60' x 120'---sodded front and rear. immediate possession, Be ol settled long before Christmas. fuel sag less service----last longer: re your dealer to show you: ae Ol ECONOMY 723-3481 OPEN HOUSE BEAU VALLEY THIS WEEKEND 1:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. VARIOUS MODELS ON DISPLAY . AT YOUR SERVICE 728-2233 £D. DRUMM WRENE BROWN 725-3867 MARGARET LEE MARG. HALL . 723-1358 GEORGE KOORN' ALLAN THOMPSON 728-2870 DONALD HOWE IRWIN CRUIKSHANKS 728-5205 REG AKER Pao BILL JOHNSTON ... 728-1066 BILL MeFEETERS ... "Over a Quarter Century of Service' - SCHOFIELD-AKER | 360 KING WEST 723-2268 (See additional Listings Advertised Daily in Classified Section) MAIBLE BOUDREAU 725-9345 7 NEEF eae f 72 723-1726 ee

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