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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1965, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Saturdey, November 20, 1965 'Want Extra Cash for Christmas..Use Times Action Want Ads Now' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 11--Pets and Livestock |17----Fenicie Heip Wanted |18--Maie Help Wanted ae to good homes. Telephone BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | Silt gamaimlio" SSiverccecr| SECRETARY | appucaTiOns PIANO -- Upright, apartment size or REQUIRED pie er on ee grand. Pay cash. Move immediately. State make and price. Write Box 898%! For. three or four doys @ rg a tn eee . Oshawa Times. se Accountants |Barristers Mortgages __ TV--Radio Repoirs OLD STASSWAAE, Gina, evaliy, He. iene me ~~ << to perform the following BOB CLANCY'S Accounting service.|JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar- ve einen typing. Have initiative end : service. itor and N He, FIRST & SECOND FAST T.V. SERVICE A : : ok See econ Rese yn7008, sim fhe commercial Building, Me King Pvesh pase AGE FUNDS Services Call ently: $2.50 i 13--Articles for Rent oe, hd ice oe sai a) se gtd fag deliveries JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account-lapie "tisarieor risa, ne vel . DEAN. JOSEPH G {ab 6 or 725-471 DOMINION rgd (2) Regular weekly deliveries ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street] a ay f had hansen 5 : East. Telephone 72-33. a hee ok ee Meo eee TELEVISION oe. RENTALS For more information ee cee ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account-|Centre Street. Office hours: 9 a.m. - 5.30 : Bowmanville -- Courtice ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawe, [eam Evening appointments. Dial Prime apartments 728-5154 9a.m. to9 p.m. FARK OF Pree KINDS PHONE Oreo. 1. Ontario, Telephone 723-122 All work guaranteed. e ~, 5 ch | i Lease Commercials Scrat donate ' I wees fred heute inane rade Se Building Trodes oo EIFY TY TOWER: arenes ni repair Mrs. McDonald. |) Sas crete 187 Ki Street East, Oshawa, On. tario, 7253809 8. 7. Hopkins, cay #. | NOVEMBER SPECIAL Purchase of Mortgages Telephone 725-0500. p * Sanding Machines 728-9431 tected ag Beadle, CA: E. Lukow. CA. | Save up to 15% during No- | and Sale Agreements Well Drilli Dicai \ < a : Cee seer enreicenses, Tres, vember on Rec. Rooms, Cup- | CENTRAL ONTARIO |--------2----_ 9 fe Plumber's Tools REQUISITES board:, Tiles and all general WELL DIGGING by machine specializing h Kon te ; ' t OFFICE : H pera ieobyt GE eg wna pubes Home Remodelling. TRUST & SAVINGS in 30-inch tile. w. Ward, 204 Chestnut R ) ha ae (9) * Painter s Equipment First class equipment, reliab- PERKIN, MacMiLLAN AND CO., All Work Guaranteed CORPORATION {Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809. Foret We WHAT ORGANS ARE LOC 5 * Welding Equipment ility,, punctuality, financial WALES PRRKIN, Mach 36¥2 King St | Just phone for my prices. |1--Women' . Column fae MORE AMUSED $HAN MAIR IN BRAIDS AND TIED : : OVERLOAD responsibility, excellent char- Oshawa, 7254509) | William." C. Hall 723-5221 iodide IONE oF tie Most | AMYOMERNAHEBODY | Wit RIBBONS WERE WORN * Builder's Equipment octer, age nse ecm ¢ cA ' . raARhnatas nia NCAR ana ERA - PERMANENTS on special, Page "Hair- SKILFUL BALANCERS PR carter Weide ' 51 K E Applicants should dicat |ROOFING, ere Tt ' aa y reoking. dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, corner of THE. WORLD. ' e u "MEIR, CUSTOM OF WEARI> | in ast ican U inaicate GORDON R. DAY, Certified General 9, Fine, cone meer and repairs.| MORTGAGE LOANS Westmount, Telephone 725-5363. IT CAM STAND Of | EES BECAUSE | BARRINGS WAS FOLLOWED BY 9 what area they are applying aoa ones CsnAwe SMOP*ILarge and smait jobs. L. and H. Roofing ou. agwarne VINE, | WAR MC RIDRTbUAL | AMERICAN SOLDIERS UNTIL for, Specific duties and re in , 3. WARM AX INDIVIDUAL ; $ - ping Centre, 725-995 tnd cee: eS oe 2--Personal EVEX 1K A STRONG, OF MIURY4o NISIOn. | THE MEXICAN WAR» HOCKEY muneration will be discussed Barristers | fn posecsolgay: Ae yh abe: WIND. a during interview. In apply- ase - eae Ye rye Telephone "7252006 or M42 Ask for "Bill' Horner Removal of superfluous hair -- EQUIPMENT C L E R K ing write to: CREIGHTON, DRYNAN A H, an VICTOR, Barristers, Solcilors, Notaries, NEW PLASTERING and repairs, siuecs 728-5157 : Merle Murdult ill, bain EXCHANGE TYPIST BOX 8764 ik of © erce Byliding, § mcoe sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms. Fr: s . Be ' 5 Erect Norihy, Oshawa, 723-5446; T. K-lestimates. A.C. Woods, 78300 er Active Realty Ltd. 24th. Phone Genosho Hotel |8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles For Sale OSHAWA TIMES I ee aC Mire Wg tll OTT Tre on these dates. for appoint- | eas Now at Stan's you can ex Are ble young woman OC, 728-8554: : $ - | responsi QC. 73-468; fy Se VIGO ms m8. oma your FR Way typ se | [PRIVATE AND ¢ CORPORATE monies for) ment, HONDA SHOP | change your old SKATE | is reine ith junior matri- Mortgages arranged, Home Improvements, 725-9428, ments of sale purchased. Creighton, ELECTROLYSIS "Oshawa's largest motorcycle | E | GUIsHOR Se eaioalent RNa: HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and "HILL. GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer rf Mat Murdoch and Victor, (See 'Bar 723-464 464] deoler". Buy - sell - trade. Re- | Fh Pe iy ' gone eee oni clerking duties Plant Mana er | wi a ir allow- : oll makes, Free esti- Known for its accuracy and ° . g | MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36¥2 King! garners and ranges. Free estimates. Cal! iain mntisasd STN i | ~-- | y | i mates. Access: helmets, reliabilffy, this rugged. gun ance on New or Used | 5 doy week, Complete staff See nw a tian ee FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Saie|AUTOS DELIVERED anywnere, Canada,| Pair G. S. Boychyn, QC; ) agreements purchased and sold. Hennick|Florida, California. Bonded drivers. To-| : \ R ired € h POSIT; Reesidence: 725-4604; Whitby:|and remodelling; chimneys, new and re- one Barristers, 31 King Street pe OriveAwey Service, 5385 Yonge; windshields, carriers, jackets, will, deliver years of sctis- | Equipment, benefits. Apply in writing to equired for warehouse a LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office jALL TYPES bi building, 9, roofing 7 repairs 668-276); 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA and /paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs.) ------~_-------- bees ce tires, -efc. Winter storage. inte asaotl | d bl | ctory shooting and assembly plant in other first mortgage funds available. Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. $4,400.00 8¥2 FIRST MORTGAGE wanted, |RIDE WANTED to vicinity of Toronto New Hondas only $295. No POST OFF ICE BOX 416 : Ajax JOSEPH Pp. MANGAN ; QC, Solicitor. EXPERT tT PAVING, 2 cents 3 square foot | Haleurion Hae sorer. Riraldld uaa A yc College. Please telephone 723. Abin payment, $24 95 | ' " cost, excellent covenant. ummertand | . Money fo loan. Office, 14' King Street|inciudes grading and fill, es hopt er i eA OUARE AGI SSL re a RIO DAR ree , East, Oshawa. 728-8232. lantee.. Terrano Paving, 723-8841 Securities | Limited, iy7 Simene Street npivine TO TORONTO, Queen and sps.|__199 King W. 728-4242 OSHAWA, ONT. MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barri fers: | CARPENTRY, biock and and ¢ oni {ane sree: arriving. 8 e'cleck.. Telephone PARTS SKATES Duties will include supervision licitors. Mortgages arranged. National! work. New or remodelling pecial fal : st "Building, 32, Simcoe Street South, |prices, Call-Tony 725-4953 |Optometrist THE AJAX of staff of 12: control of in- Vik 7336;, Charies C.. MeGlbbon, QC; | Ai heiid rbrchaee --|®. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simece| |3--Sportsman's Column For Washers, Stoves and Big sovings on Skating Out- | Sharpening & Rental Ltd. | RETARDED CHILDREN'S | ventory system covering 5,- Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Grant H. Arm- ae Osh Teleph Dryers fits for the whole family dur- peal Dentistry Street North vite 6, Oshawa. Telephone: [Femsone CUT cand wrap deer or moose. ELECTRIC MOTOR fits for the whole fomily dur 223 King St. West, Oshawa EDUCATION AUTHORITY | 000 items; receiving and ship- |CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental| ing our Big Fall Sole } GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, 'Solici| Piptekav 172 King Street East, Oshawa.| Require A Teacher's ping; manufacturing and as- Sauer Repair and Exchange | fore, eft, 4 King, Street, East Greet |For spointment 72517. Painting and 'Decorating ic eailars "OSHAWA from $/.25 pr. PHONE 723-3224 Ascictant sembly operations end quality , 37 ¥, Kelly, BA, BCL, /BIALEK, DR. E, P., Dental § Paiste; Thomas H. Jermyn,' BA, LLB,|t12. Simcoe Street' North, "Oshawa," Fer PAINTING AND TRAILERS APPLIANCE FOR THE ALDON SCHOOL FOR| control, Kerra eens i Mk DECORATING RAILE 186 Simece $. 728-7535 Tebles, Choirs, Linens, Dish [RETARDED CHILDREN, Adie v i salto of df uf ies to commence January 'o° ft: |Dressmaking INTERIOR and EXTERIOR FOR SALE, NEW 1966 | All nylon construction, full es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee [salary Range $2,400 to $2,800 Reply in own handwriting, Classified Rates |DRESSMAKING Sul Gresser.) Broadloom, Custom Draperies | 50' x 10' MOBILE HOME | PIANOS | depth traction tread. A brond Urns, Punch Bowls, Briad! Written. applications giving giving full details of educa- ie alterations, slip covers, drapes. 'Firing FREE. ESTIMATES | Complete with stove, frig., | SCHUBERT -- small size -- | .new winter tire priced almost Wear, Men's Formals, White details of education etc. tion, previous experience to yin 1 insertion of 24 words, $1,085. |= Hie ai Y DODD & SOUTER dinette suite, chesterfieldand | only 36' high -- Walnut Fin- as low as @ retread Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. should be addressed to: Box 8878, Oshawa Times. Cash-- , pootd PERSONAL STYLING -- for fashion- 668-5862 chair, beds, drapes, storms ish. Price includes bench and | from $17.56 up MRS. NAN TALLON, dd} U ds, 4c, each; 3 Seative insrions oh 24 warty, $288; |Fitng a apecaly. TRH for epi and screens, 4 pce. bath, key) cover" Our. RENTAL: SARGEANT'S RENTALS SECRETARY TREASURER, additional words '2e. each, 6 Con | nent, __ Plumbing and Heating oil furnace PURCHASE PLAN is available | 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 P.O. BOX 204, AJAX secutive insertions of 24 words, $5.04; " SUBWAY TRAILER PARK | ay aicoenebi - ---- -ER PAR on. this model. List price D | bacdtlics __Before November, 30th, 1965 Se Gardening « ond "Supplies ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-| AND SALES | $783.00---Our price $609.00. | |CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church | ---- spines ne capes FOREMAN -- roe -- 10 per cent additional charge ------ | plies, Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark! 19 aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 > s § /hitby } i | pak pald within B days. Ltd. flombina, Heating and Engineer ee a SE Wh by Ons oy, ee piano ond TIRE STORE Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414. "WAITRESSES REQUIRED ELECTRICIAN w " i | ench $275 rng li HAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, ici Method of Counting --, Lass than A for the BIRDS ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling -- WILSON & LEE LTD bel oben rapt: ack aon sunpites Full and part-time. A qualified electrician with words punts iy abeewiaiien coun new 'and used Cn Rees | o-- Marin ne ine Equipment |_87 Simcoe St.N. 725-4708 oe ae Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725.1644. 7 hpi 4811 pi experience in all phases of Ss ene words phone number counts | WILD BIRD MIX jrates. Estimates free. 723-1191 ory |i8va-FT. Weymouth cabin. cruiser, 80 poi 5 King St. W. ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred + ew electrical maintenance re- two words SUNFLOWER SEED 'Rug- Upholstery § Service HP Johnston: motor. Telephone Ajax "4 DING MACHINES, typewriters, cau Telephone 725-6511 people! Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- MR. CAMPBELL a 942-5056 i i ~ - --|quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries. Apply : : teady inside employment ® ie | PEANUTS hal We ks, cha We buy, sell, rent, service TYPEWRITER, stanaard, 35; a } "| BIRTHS--DEATHS. CHESTERFIELDS and ier chair re 1959 40 HP OUTBOARD MOTOR, electric and trade, with budget terms, New and|s30; adding mack oe eile yi riba gen Facilities, bar kitchen, parking. Reason-| with generous benefits and « SOCIAL NOTICES | CHIC SCRATCH covered like new. Get the best for tess |start. Good condition, $225. Apply 223\used. Low, low. prices, Bill Hamilton PY et Blan C beys = 7 ' es. MTOM, writer, $40; el! By i 7 ood t $2.00 per Insertion with 25 cen's addl- | Bi Gg Feet g Stations at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street |King Street West Raglan izer, $100, 7234ase | oh Teaister, Mem WaNTED -- bench saw, reasonableTele-| Genosha Hotel -- Suge Fe Poy is offered tional charges if not paid within 8 IF 9 1 4 % phone 728-4527. © the right man. South. Cali 728-6451. Free estimates. 50 'hp johnson motor (1958) excellent| FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, new quality|T PA heaters, also one r -- SH ER References w be required. 51. Fret P Pf a wali WO OIL SPACE A 'eg: NIGHT CA days. | A | CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re-|condition, complete with Morse single/furniture, only $299., inc. complete bed- jistered Chihuahua. Whitby asus | Please appl me ~ te ES, T ie apply pe IN MEMORIAMS |. WATER SOFT. SALT styled. Free estimate. See our material|lever control and cables. Telephone |reom, living room, kitchen ensembles. | Smegin | | Opportunities Director 'of Personnel for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75) 728-9671. Pay only $3. wkly. Unbeatable vaiuel (REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12 ~ 1] p.m. to 7 a.m. $2.00 for the first 38. words and Sc. STRAW Charles Street, 723-7212. ------------ ---- | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe §,|"@W Smooth-top mattresses, $24.95; ee isto Garces 4 nt| (PURITY DOG MEAL RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish|7---Swap and Barter HONEST CAL'S Furnilure ond Appi lmattraases; ah 07 chive Lah" Te WANTED APPLY / ed 17 years. Complete range of materi als > ances. Big discounts without sacrificin s ae H HAWA -- | MASTER DOG MEALS Workmanship "guaranteed tive "ve 0. trasicing andé kitten cabinets; sings cwanly. 424 King. Sires! West, Gahewer throne 'east Tauie' eae? te] A QUALITY DEALER MR. CARMPBELL CARDS OF THANKS | PURINA DOG MEALS Free. estimates. 'Creat terms," Matiresies steel kitchen and bar sinks; sump pumps, 28-90. used, Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West. FOR Genosha Hotel GENERAL ' rebuil re refinishe pa age ee --- Hel $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc PET SUPPLIES holstering Company, 787 Dean Avenue, Pressure systems (repairs); piping, fi! HARDWOOD, beech and maple, cut any|FOUR 1988 CHEVROLET wheels" with T each thereafter, with 25c. additional ont, {ings, Dollers: rads; small boat kits; new length; single cord, $10. double $18 de-itires and tubes; two are snow tires. Tele-| QUALITY PRODUCTS | sacestapy tor tedies and children's charge if not paid within 8 days. a Pa Re Sum 2 Ho chan, Hillside and livered. Newtonville 786-2283 collect phone 728-0196. wear, experienced preferred, Apply |.| HOSPITAL ar outh, 3-7088, mer * nie i ' 4 i oop igh COOPER-SMITH _ S#les_and Service e- A Rg ay aol lt pr | lie a 5 © am ~ ' gun; also fishing equipment for sale, in-| te lal sh PB hata FEL es Sv PRA $2.00 per inch (display); $1.50 for the GUAMANTRAG RRRAINE So aI oie? -Articles For Sale Dundas East, Whitby 668-548). cluding rods and om Tolenhore Pan| arec. for, Travel Mote'¢ {| |DOES A "BEAUTY COUNSELOR" cal first 20 words and Sc. each thereafter | CO) washers and ranges. Free estimates. Cal! ~|SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and used|Perry 985-7197 Camp Mate trailers ony on you? We may need someone in your (Word Ads) | | 728-1742, BREE Lo Suan ae kates. Sold, exchanged. Expert sharpen-| FILTER QUEEN; Sales and Service Re| Compers. For further inform- jarea, or call for products. 723-9349. 6 MEN AUCTION SALES | 16 CELINA ST |BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can ing. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East, 725-6344. | pairs to all makes vacuums. Free esti-| otion write: | EXPERIENCED girl for coffee bar and $2.10 PER INCH PER INSER#ION Z vas awnings, Complete service, free esti cies Service CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS -- at Wil-/Mates. 323 King West. 728-7552 |variety store, 5-11 p.m. shift, Telephone WANT | 773-1139 - 723 2312 mates. Mil Jelnik, 728-1998. eee TEXACO -- Fuel and Stove son's Brand new two-piece suites, mod-| THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No TRAVEL EQUIPMENT |72s-392. DEADLINES See oil, "Blue cool stove, nut, ern styling, foam cushions, From $99./down payment, $15 monthly at Honest | CANADA LIMITED PRACTICAL nurse for nursing Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street) cat's, 474 King West, 728-9191 | Steady employment. Write Box 8813 oar WOODWORKING fgets aie TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or 171 et Deptic Service stoker coals @ Slab Wood @ |oshawa 66) Third L | Srbleg S th i] 1 " wae sce Bae nacn Rane oAN es ees a Ty ine awa S. 'es em down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or Cannel Coal © Building Bun: Stn nnnnen nen | 18 CUBIC FOOT freezer, Marquette", tes 5S p.m. DAY PREVIOUS 778-0410 SEPTIC 7 TANKS c aned Prompt serv. c 4 ig Sup VACUUM repairs, all makes, _hoses-|a00d condition, $150 Apply 102 Olive Ave-| Ookville, Ont MATURE LADY companion for elderly ice or calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnu plies, brushes, ete. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. Sroe RINE BoP eratisbanind A Rail lady, private home In Brooklin, live In. No experience necessary. |Street. West, Whitby 668-2563. 668-3524 Fleming Vacuum Service. Main Street, |For further particulars, telephone 655-| Evenings and week-ends until LOST AND FOUND a | SAWDONS' (Whitby) | Pickering. a BOX TRAILER, $85. For ih etied BOWES "SEAL FAST' 43h, = Christmas. 9 AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION Instruction | : | | peat heaton tele ' saminda BIRTHS AND DEATHS | ~ |Surveyors STUDENT TYPEWRITERS, new, used, Cernone 723-6420 | fouseKEEPER a ae ee 4 sed, | -- Blends ear une Paneer yea 'edu- Heat | eee LIMIT cash registers, addi achines, $35 75 JOHNSON OUTBOARD. Like new,| 9 a.m. day -of publication Canada Driving Schoo! H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, "Ontario Land ED |Vear: guarantier Wahawer BUnineee' MaluEed tou suming: Hartoden two. fants DISTRIBUTOR Jeated lady. Apply 149 Wilson Road indi Apply in person. > wal ey & WI : i t CLASSIFIED DISPLAY @ Fully insured dual control | surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone 244 Brock St. S Whitby chines, 728-3664, 725-9748 and controls, Phone Dunbarton 839-1573 Capable, mature man to in- |RELIABLE housekeeper crecuired 'for 7:30 P.M. Monday 1 enlumn -- 4 p.m. day'previous: 2 col cars @ Licensed by Ontario | 725-688) SUIT, "Teen Man", size 34-36, _tall,, RECONDITIONED refrigerators, guar- RANGE -- Blue ribbon, 24" heavy duty,, vest $2,500 in Bowes fran- Telephone: Whitey," 668-3237 or pgeed70l. umns or larger---10 @.m. day previoUS | Department of Transport @ DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario niack, in excellent condition, $25. Parts|anteed. Apply 505 Anderson Street,|good condition. Apply 23 Drew Street (off chise for Oshawa and sur- " MAJOR POOL Cars supplied for Government Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints, for electric train. 28 boy's bicycle,| Whitby 668-666) -|King Street East) Full | EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER | with CANCELLATIONS AND =i 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. 725-22 -- ~ - ~ fila rounding area. ui auto relerences, for two adults. No heavy Equi Cc CORRECTIONS Tests @ Home pickup ser- | --_----$_$$----$--$ i TV TOWERS SPECIAL foot t | sory line for calling on |work. Excellent wages, live In. Telephone quipment Corp. See AT DAY OF PUBLICATION tse ® Sh cer men. TV. Radio Rasire MOFFAT refrigerator with freezer chest,|structure all-ehannel antenna installed, ;|9--Market Basket | accessory 9 work. E . : Re ak cals 'natare p ----Kadio Kepair: n new condition. Reason for ng, own-|$50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, 361|- ----| service stations, garages, car RAO SEAN _______| 690 Drake St. -- Oshawa 'iiication il be eiarged ofa: day's 728- 4811 er Is leaving country. Bargain $75. Tele-| Gibbons Street, 728-8180 NO. 1 WINTER POTATO) 781b, Me-| dealers fleets. Nationally | RELIABLE WOMAN wanted for day care ol : i phone 668-2838. ~~ |Intosh apples, $2.75 bushel, Free home! f lfor two pre-school children In my home, | NearTIBA TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 4o-ff,| 110sh apple: re attaas | advertised, proven quality, |i'axe Vista area, Telephone 728-9048 after | R WILL TRADE '58 Zephyr (English ear), structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower LLBiedle Mal slath aller | bast ptofits "obd eompony". |é BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- 50¢ "GLISSANDO Aba are for best boat|included, single all-channel antenna com-|SPANISH ONIONS, 50-lb, bag, $2.50) W.| P ' bs W A N 28 E D re) Guild moter and arallor "Very good condition, plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed|Eyman, Va-mile past. Roy Nichols| training. Write or wire: Mr. |EXPERIENCED hairstylist wante st While every endeavor will be made rgan ul ECONOMY, AND Whitby 668-8682, Call after 5 p.m r, $50. See all towers at TRIO|Garage, Courtice. Turn north to first cor. O. L. Orendorff, Sales Man- jknow the latest style trend. Telephone | te Fi ' to forward replies to box numbers to ' ~~~ | Television, corner Bond and 'Division, |ner. 'ume nul Eves! Cam. 1722947) 3 experienced Real Estate TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and 729 5143.4 ager, Bowes "Seal Fast" Com onabeaa Sal Saleslod: a' Berant wa Sitablitiy ln peapect: oF : time clocks, new and. rebuilt. One year s . ROASTING CHICKENS Orders taken) pony, Limited, 765 Woodward |HOUSEKEEPER - "companion, abstainer, | esmen or esiadies. joss or damage alleged to arise triol period, Try before Priced to suit your budget. guarantee. Outstanding good buys. Jen- SCOTCH PINE Christmas trees. Onlfor freezer, 4 tb, $1.35, 3 Ib. $1.15. Free ' 2 |for elderly lady in good health, live in, all) To handle New and Resale through either failure or delay in. for you buy. TERMS ARRANGED kins Business Machine Sales and Ser- stump or delivered. Churches, clubs, Boy| Delivery on 10 or more. 728-5291 Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario convenlahees, weekends. fret, Welle Box! propartias warding such replies, however cat ed , fs : Vice, 728-7783. Open evenings couls given special consideration. Tele VARIETY store, new plaza, excelient|/8973, Oshawa Times : ; . 725-6617 . phone 668-5470 after 6. | NO. 1 WINTER potatoes, 75-Ib. bag, $2.75 . ' Tremendous advertising sup- whether by negligence or othe STEAK DINNERS, .99, consisting of steak, Telephone 723-9439 Prospects for right person, low invest- FOR EMPLOYMENT In Animal Hospital. | Yin Ties wil hal ba caanonaie for OSHAWA TY. chips, coleslaw and roll. Crowley's Restau.|FIEEPLACE WOOD--while birch, maple,|------- _|ment. - Stock, fixtures at cost. Owner! apply in writing to Dr. D. C. MacKay 421| port replies uncalled for in 20 days Janitor Service | rant, Taunton and Garrard Roads, 725-(ak,etc., 12 and 16" delivered. Phone SAPPLES -- Mcintosh, Spy, Delicious,/nas other commitments. Write Box 9132) Dundas St. E. Whitby or call 668-4053 Only persons interested in ee 728-685 Courtland, Tolman Sweet, Russet, Flem-| Oshawa Times, Py ss - SUPPLY LIMITED 768 a nab ish and Bose Pears. It will pay you to sis -- |HOUSEKEEPER required, livein, care' eorning over $10, 000 yearly REGULATIONS ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, A TON RD. E BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture COMPLETE TABLE TENNIS outfit, golf visit Algoma Orchards, Thickson Road|IN WHITBY -- Shoe repair business, ma-| sor three children. (two school age). Affer! need apply, ee hcauce : ce wall cieani TAUNTON R and appliances. One location only. Pretty |bag and cart, Boy's clothing. Reasonable. | North, Whitby, jchinery and stock. No r offer |, os. Telep! 725-7547. | Confidential interviews sarhiahin. tue asters th sements Modern mac i Just East Of Ritson Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271 Telephone 728-0382 : ss . pie 3806 or eh Telephone Whit-| WANTED babysitter to live In, east Osh-| submitted otherwise than in writing not sosadts PLUMBING TOOLS, musical instru- ANTIQUE GRANDFATHER ciock, ap-- 10---Farmer's Column awa area, For information telephone for more than one insertion of any ments, gas water heater other miscel-|proximately 200 years old. Shallow well OWNER of a well equipped Sheet metal 723-7677 i advertisement nor 'beyond the price Money To Loan 5 Tems fo clear. Reasonable. $09 Pump, two years old. Telephone Newton-/ NAVE $3,000 for 20 to 30 acres of pasture shop would take partnér with experience |. - charge for a singie insertion in which - -- --_ Du s Street West, Whitby. ville, 786-2931 and, with running water. Must be within'in heating and air conditioning work error occurs. 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a rea- ri es 2" 30 miles of Oshawa, 725-9738 after 5/Write Box 8936, Oshawa Times 18--Male Help \ Wanted _ S Real Estate Ltd. sonable rate of interest to consolidate OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, MERCURY FURNITURE -- Sklar andip.m r ir : ny ther figure work, uste pictur frami Kroehler; GE and Philli small appli -- : sor for any other worthwhile! = TELEVISION - RADIO Clark Studio, 'evenings and weekends, ances, TV's, Discounts for Christmas! DEAD and crippled farm stock _picked 15--Employment | Wanted LICENSED 723-464° 4645 the advertisers as soon as possible, 24 hour practice service DELUXE F The Oshawa Times reserves the right . ; He: ' tly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone ed and have good credit. Telephone 24 HOUR SERVICE 668-4497, 325 Brock North, Whitby \ evenings in December. Alax 942- Telenhore ye teet darwin a6. 721, RELIABLE WOMAN will give loving 723-46 ; FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS -- Specials |< -|Licence 389.C-65 care to a small child by the week or day | MECHANIC in the cases of display advertisements, ---- wee ------ | offered now for Christmas. Telephone eve- PIANO FOR SALE -- Apartment siz in her home, near Donevan. Phone 723- MAINTENANCE The Times will not be heid respon- [Mortgages _ ' | HOLMES ininga: 583, Mason and Risch. Like new. $350.00 pn. |30 GRADE cattie, Holstein, some Charole,| 7978 oS Gr Sik day weak ible fi than that which aaa Bae RTASET » ducks, policr 668-2067, 7 - 9.| r 37 y Sin tenes. Sere. Joan. thet Wole | SRI Sai niaaaiiS Pam a |SKATE EXCHANGE -- new and used: |942-5547 or 942-4777. ev aS enlace i visd |TYPING "done at home, Please | telephone MAN REQUIRED its proper classification y fo classify 'advertising according to p Providing you are steadily em D) th 1 Th ib ---- Mane taken i teehee |Bauer skates, hockey equipment. Valley/ ELECTRIC TRAIN, HO Horndy Dublo,|HORSES BOARDED. Large box stalls. |for further information, 728-4146. @ Good working conditions, lish d t ad: | Sartaie' walter exereeiv; tor ceaime | MORTGAGE Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-4401. |complete with three engines, two trans. |Fhornton Reed South, FMRC: 8 eLiAMLIE womun: Wil eck star ore: 'Aba FOR LOCAL Recta Se ee colnee | LOANS [ANTIGUE CHERRYWOOD carner_what|/O7™e"s one funded feet Hack and hora [ie iran in har ome. Fiver eS . mate i c k 4, s Lapdiet Mase ace Ae | [not cupboard with mirror. Telephone eve-| ¢19. Telephone 725-8514 after 6 p.m, Tia and. Livestock ps ei cael eel ets MEADE'S : SHOPPING CENTRE y r first mortgages for prompt service Wiese 723-8635 after 5 ik HR SREDOO wah es IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Open Mortgages | Call ie Tappan 400 built-in electric range, used, Eucalledt condition ns tne Tels |OEY RANCH KENNELS. German 17---Female Help Wanted SUNOCO nud hi lond TIMES ACTION WANT AD Interest at 7% { a} fully automatic, SeV at special reduction. | 79. gese 4 Shepherds, trained grown stock; sa eae ' 8161 Should have experience land- ' ? Whitb 668-5679 Phone 725.7139 after 5 pm ? 5. |Boarding; Palominos, Pintos, foals, | 588 King E. 725-816 scaping and some on snow Call Classified Direct No Bonus ewe " é ~~ | TWO-WAY FM RADIO, one base andjies. Ashburn, 655-4662 evenings. | NOW.IN OSHAWA ----- Seer No Charges for Valuations Aime searaRe in ee cM ACER, wheel size, 26", young one mobile, GE transreceiver, 25 watts| BEAUTIFUL bua y 1 " prews. 723-3492 4 man's, like new. Original price $7% 8sk-| each, Full price $200, Telephone Bowman- % A CLOSER Mortgages and Agreements | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED ing $39. Telephone 725-1367 We 623-2503, training, talking strain, Apply Pea il | ee |Broad, 114 Elgin East. WHITBY -- AJAX Write full particulars te purchased | GUITAR, MARTIN DIB. Original price) yo. oes --~----- . Money for Second Mortgages | Shave TOWERS $220, two years old, Selling for $150, Toe ey MOrr AL, electric rante,, ay el WHITE, purebred Samoyed puppi : Mon over 21 with car wanted BOX 8955 INDEX TO + Service phone 728-7008 z ¥ |Small deposit will hold for christmas. and surrounding area ork in Oshawa area, $75. Sau Mile ARE THE BEST! Fir hd cet Brooklin 655-3071. oak OSHAWA TIMES: \30" FOUR-BURNER electric range, full yey : ek. CLASSIFICATIONS M. F. SWARTZ olen tar ond Green eee {u1¥7/SKI-00 snowmobile -- Sales and Ser-|rHREE-- AMERICAN COCKER Spar'| Housewives, students ond per ve 5 iinils "ealcenn ie WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! [phone 723-0805, tut Tar ole v8 5565 Wilson Road jels, Registered. One red and white male, single girls. Full or parttime 723 5051 eee ee 26% King St. Fast | die al Wve Jone red-white female, also black - white y ° ise 2--Personal f ---- | a e heatamanis Coluien Oshowe, Ontorio T R | bra erga "greyclopedia, ONE kitchen table, two chairs, $15. One|female, Ajax 942-1507, BEAUTY SEAL : Ont. Ltd. re USED. CAR hian chair, $5. Good condition. Telephone! HORSES BOARDED -- new, Insulated; Canadian cosmetics of pres- S--Trallers © : | ° ° tion telephi 778-7845 ; 7 $5 &--Marine Equipment 723-4697 . . lon' telephone s 728-8813 barn, box stalls, $35 monthly. Brooklin.| tige, Has immediate openings. Driving Instructors SALESMAN 7--Swap and Barter TELEVISION ae een: tae Ta (one) "narrow | stove, "fefrigerator, good condition, rea-|Dial 655-4937. Highest benefits and imme- 4 Mach d \ eariiCles tor Sale © . é : whitewall and wheel, $18, driven 8,000) <onable offer accepted, One Hallicratter| marranaaT "yen aE ce an ust have used car sales ex- camarkes Basket 90 orner Bond and Division miles, Telephone 728-4026, radio, Mode! $85; Ideal tor amateur, good|< in va sea lovable, ead with| ciate income. Place: Teachers perience and be bondable. Tiotals ted Uivestock ° 728-5143 GERHARD-HEINTZMAN 'Upright piano, |condilion. Telephone 72-5510 lchitdren, has all needies. Please call 728- Write Box 8953 ptge' APPLY Loos . 'oc . ci Pilnstt at nitvates apprecinieal Telephone. Taste" '°.Pe|NEW, USED' -- vacuums, polishers, 'Re. |2065 ae ee oe DON ARMSTRONG for Rent | ' ; 5 ' 2 pairs to all makes. New hoses. Phone|sjAmese KITTENS -- purebred, male, ye. diploma, siness Opportunities Resirential WINTERTIME ONE PAIR of snow tires, 700 x 13, with Jack Lees, 728-6956 Y jhouse trained, eight weeks old. Telephone OSHAWA TIMES Adee ocoibeg GUS BROWN yen Wesites Second Mortgages T.V. TIME \gey' set one winter. Telephone 725-\mest QUALITY aluminum windows, |728-4572. Vee ee -| Write Box 8988, Oshawa Times Alien T.V. Service Anytime |doors, awnings, railings, etc. Low, loW/CRoss.BRED Beagle pups. Make ideal --F em, E E openin for conscientious emale Help Wantea y |MUSKRAT FUR COAT -- Si-length, mod-|prices! Call 728-5385. or 723-3692. __|Chye or cnyld be trained for hunting, Very : sates ac hing f iho can cere MOTORS LTD ha es Pansies Hate Wantes Open contract. No bonus er T R | oe a ey hides, size 38. Excellent) |GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired|reasonable, 423 Phillip Murray. 728-3996, EXPERIENCED without. watching clock and be ambi- é {): ondition. 728-2970, __ |at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West,|poODLES -- Minlature, black, females,| SHORTHAND TYPIST tious to get ahead, Own car necessary 725-6568 hidden charges, Get the cash ! state for gy ve Ota Ped you need penal or free bro- TELEVISION WE BUY, sell and change used turni- 1728-9731 lwhite males, Deposit secures. Telephone $120 weekly after completing preliminary 1--Farms for Sale ae? A I a anything you have. The a training. Opportunity for rapid increase Lots for Sale hure write or telephone | 728-5 143 Stare, dae Brien ahr ine ADMIRAL Stereo, $325 cash. After 6, | 668-6105. Deke ioe This position requires some- |i, income. Apply Mr. Porter, Sulte 201, : : Raut, 7a 16 Hit ab |SADDLE MARE and colt, also part) one with excellent shorthand |Broadcasting Centre, 360 King West. 4 2 ¢° | 4 j-- ~ aoa nop | ) 1 s rT 0 Storage i CA.C, Realty.Limited | - SKATE-X-CHANGE -- Discount! New,|Hackney coll, 17 months; Pinto pony, p.m, Monday, Nov, 22 ; 1 sis | : , | TYPEWRITER, standard, $25.; portabier|iceq, United Rent-All. _ (Householder's| gelding, Good to ride and drive. Ken| and. typing abilities eae eaan = Sn aT Oshowa pping Centre, Tv SERVICE eee Ma lee eatic 'YPC Irental store, 362 Wilson Road South (at|Scotl, Oakwood, S0R21 ae |SAu Ca bAIEAtiOn CoUECInen. a} Stevenson's' Rd. § DAY OR E ING register, $75 rat Slpeiricel. Nona) REGISTERED CHIMUAHUAS -- eignt| STARK ELECTRONIC Habel Pe walle {> Wek. Saleh ROUGH : | R EVENING 75. 72 | ambitious ar i ~y BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-|weeks old, male and female, Have medi and commission, retirement and group / ter, Smith-Corona, fil ' im bese: 728-] 1691. | 728-5286 ng cabinet, four-drawer (wood), Pye |Piiances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294|cal papers; had some. needies, Telephone |benefits, No experience required, we ' Pe : 3 dhe ' isl sf Hd la 8 263-2695. 725-5279 ltrain you. Opportunity. for advancement equire: or winter works Compact ¢ r Pi | push-button car radio fits Sprite, Austin,\°" ECCS NRE Gey ERE ed RS oe ie ie ) . 2-Trucks for' Sale $1820, FIRST MORTGAGE wanted, 180 OSHAWA ric. Sprite lett hand door' (news, Ausiin|SCRAP HARDWOOD -- onetoot lenaihs,|TOY POODLE puppies, white, Engish| AJAX 942-2120 for APP. |10, the itn ge ainictest Core] ivislon, © etait" immedie Automobiles Wanted finds 25 miles to So Acipaer interest " 850 right front fender, numerous other|$7.75 single cord, Phone 723-228] before|breeding, excellent quality Also. Amer-| Hidence to: Box shawa Time: $ ; , 14--Automobile Repair a ee Summeriand Securities ELECTRON ICs Austin body and engine parts. 723-1060.|9.20 a.m. or evenings can Cocker Spaniel. puppies, ampion CAPABLE WOMAN to live in. Housekeep- OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED. Experl- ately. Cast cha Raia fed, 112 Simcoe Street North, Os : make ae hh ae Vii dene 7 pee Yu : a Faund Awa, 725-2568 . ' si THREE hot water, tanks, complete, 30-|MUSKRAT fur coat, 14) man' sui". ve-|/ 0d Very reasonable, 725-6473. jing and care of three young school-agelenced, guaranteed lamp salesman. Sel + 34--Lega i alton * "4 an ' i a. | Pp te ith' bath, sep-jing fluorescent and incandescent lamns % : 9 each; 1 blond) . $30 3 ver ton toa Harris tweed jacket, TWO REGISTERED German Shepher | children riva room w a p-jing AUCHo $2000 SECOND mortgage wanted on 414|RON'S TV TOWERS, aerials, rotors./powerful range hood, coppertone, $20; (40-42, $A h. A ¥ six months, champion bloediines, Readylarate from family. Professional parents.|if interested write today to Dominion Ajax 942-2401 #--Com ng Events ya Olt aaygoom brick bungalow, Tele-|Fast service, all work guaranteed, 8B lined drapes, beige, 144' x 406", $35. Alljand snoWsull, 6 and 10, $4 each. Apply|for training, Very reasonable, Whitby|Location Whitby, References requested.|Lighting Corporation, Box 782, Hamilton, 39.--Notices phone 725-9272, [Farewell Avenue, Phone 723-7521, lexcelient condition. 1272 Wecker. Drive, (237 Athol Street East 1668-2103, Write Box 8242 Oshawa Times. Ontario,

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