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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1965, p. 4

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TODAY IN She Oshawa Times e = yo ad Nov. 20, 1965... . A 2 Thomas. Chatterton, the Publiched by Canadian Newspaners Limited = ; ¢ ; . English boy poet, was born 86 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario Ba 912 vears an teday -- in i f . 1752--at Bristol. An orphan, T. L. Wilson, Publisher p he spent. most of his time SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1965.-- PAGE 4 : aot cis see : j and composing poems which he passed off as the works : f { of a 15th century monk . ) uo ¥ ; : ; . called Rowley. Horace Wal- Cabinet Talent In Que UG Bf va cc ma A ¥ Y : lectuals accepted them as 4 FS Ye My ( f quite genuine. In 1770 Chat- ; ; " n q ee terton went to London, \ K ] W Wy 5 yy) 5 d ' ULL (i ( where he found literary suc- If ay ere But Clear sian PAL Vn. : : f. cess and financial disaster, ' Le Z \ f ay . He committed suicide by = Three men who have been,in the next follow former Finance Minister t \ ' j ; a : taking arsenic three months ~ ; ; : ; _.\ie : ' f efore his irthday. -forefront of the Quiet Revolution Gordon's lead and resign. It smacks ie \ 3 fh ss becaoe +that has worked its wonders in Que-_ of the ridiculous that he should at- Z _ s the first child of the Piterim : . . . if . . . -) b gsi ) Uy F the ' Ay A : bec since the passing of Duplessis tempt in any way to guide Prime : Hi) 2 ' d i ' Pes age Ps 'are now Liberal members of parlia- Minister eParson in his formation of hives. = ; : : : : 1841--Sir Wilfrid L ment from the province. a new cabinet. Yet this appears to © ' 4, ) '5 2 : Ns ails 4 Add yaaa : ; , ' Journalist Gerard Pelletier and be his intention. , * " \ 7 Gl ge was born. A rei \ = Professor Pierre-Elliott Trudeau A spokesman from his office has f Ss ay Ms ' First- World War were the founders of the journal so issued a statement saying he has no % Or (as F ~ , Fclabl ee srachoner chee influential in setting out the aspira- intention of following Mr, Gordon SCC TER SSI ox! --" : , ferred in Athens with King : Oe ay * ; natin an ---- ' (ASSN, Constantine and Greek 'gen- 'tions of New Quebec. Economic and into retirement. It has been made stale' stehaltanheane Gas 'social reform was. furthered well-known that Mr. Favreau came AND NOW -- ON WITH THE DANCE Allies imposed. commercial through the efforts of Jean Mar- into the government in a fine spirit sanctions on Greece; the 3ritish Mesopotamian force ' . a eY , r ip eervicre 'aver sar. :chand with the Quebec unions. Their of public service, However the ser i ae : A SBtoee Q connie Gaus ox ee ace election can be a significant step to ious errors in judgment during tha Tigris. national unity. They can hasten the last Parliament cannot be undone. BIG INCREASE IN PAY FAILS CANADA'S STORY aah 8 eee genais Worl Wan 'renovations of the Liberal party They remain to dog future adminis- Twenty-five years ago to- machine and dispatch the remaining _ trations. ATTRACT CA NDIDA [ ES : day -- in 1940 -- the RAF members of the Old Guard With talent ntative sAtave e ° ae 4 bombed Duisburg and pos- x : ith talent more representative Hie ; , I sible invasion ports; RAF : F anadiz » of Public Opi With such proved talent available of the new movement in Quebec By The Camanian stn i Sf rat ante King Feared hnva s10n f fighters brought down 10 (World Copyright served) : F : nes ecatahin ea "f , Italian. aircraft in Libya both to the country and the Liberal available, Mr, Favreau could render Despite the increase in pay that Members of Parlia- with ni Does to enone prty it -is indeed unfortunate that worthwhile service by stepping ment gave themselves in 1963, (to $18,000 a year) the By BOB BOWMAN were remembered in Halifax-for come to see him and roared in }{mgary joined the Axis *the Hon. uGy Favreau seems to be down and giving Mr. Pearson a average anadian man and woman does not envy them There have been occasions in' many years. his sailor's voice "By God, I powers; Washington an- ? + : : ; re their jobs. This: attitude has shown an increase within the 3 AER " nH ra will neve consent to alienate nounced "flying fortresses'"' determined to "get back into the clearer field to select others from any decade ena when members of the In 1834, William was King, 1, Grown lands nor to make a the Soerte bombane itis " : . : +4. ice s ehonne F ; Royal Family have and there was growing unrestin ithe ¢ il 'elective. Mind. my : act" and retain his cabinet position, Quebec who could provide a strong- A large sezment 81 per cent -- of adults say they ' "ah ly sein fi e Council elective, Mind, my would be made available to I taken a direct interest in Cana- Upper and Lower Canada where Jord, the Cabinet, is not m3 Britain. ' . * * ] ling » » ate. i e lect 1Aanv > . or vorkab rovernment, have no inclination to become candidates in an election. : a anheery 0 = , To many he is a logical candidate to er and more workable governmen Ooi ak Go Sed cay Gy mA gore eee dian affairs. Edward. Duke of William Lyon Mackenzie and Cabinet. 'They had better take 'In 1956, when Parliamentary indemnities were $10,000 Kent, father of Queen Victoria, Louis Joseph Papineau were jj or by God I will have them Noy. 21, 1965... j commanded the military garri- leading movements for more re- jmpeached". The Cabinet was First World War a year, 75 per cent said they would not want to run in-a ; fe ees hee: r ' ; Federal election and-12 per cent felt they would be willing sons at Quebec and Halifax, and sponsible government. On No- gq afraid of the King that it Fifty years ago today--in e sé " . | ae ¢ ) p [ Py n ] to run later expressed strong opin- vember 2, 1834, Papineau's fol- weakened Gosford's powers, and 1915--Novi-Bozar in south- 1 Rawionaily the Ma nes and the West show the great- ions about how Canada should Ril th In eg tatigh oo oa ood a made his mission impossible to ern Sérbia fell to the Aus- wat hipcehed § "3 ade ensti eo governe vill through the Assembly calle nay ees z ahi RE a sy Gare est opposition to becoming candidates in an election -- be governed : a oi deeditinne' A oee carry out successfully e tro German oaplosaiag ne nearly nin in ten voter Princess Louise, a daughter of hai hia i Gatsanded he Other Events on Nov. 20: man forc "ye iy ~ °4 . . wat pigs dete ae Queen Victoria, came to Canada o'er Bs > =6©1841 Sir Wilfrid Laurier born back west of Dvinsk on the £ ethsl . > , ' ' ' . . ieee ] T cekinns < soe . esankin ' = if . oe : fears of terrible tur moil confront special funds or loans immediately The question ; as wife of Governor General. recall of Governor Aylmer. at St. Lin, Quebec eastern front: Italian units the people of Rhodesia. As The Otta- available if the public emergency if you were 'nominated as a candidate by your the. Marquis of Lore, decided There was a Reform Govern- 1877 Edmonton, Alberta, got. continued attacks on Goritz, wa Journal states Rhodesians must ; oe political party in the next Federal election, would you he that the capital of Saskatche- ment in power in Britain at telegraph service on the Isonzo River. : i #3 : ; sj ividug "gency incline bes } "up ' . ; ny eatin their aeivata devils, It quite creates individual emergency. inclined to run or hot? wan should be called "Regina" the time, so the Canadian, move- 1886 Final agreement between . Wrestle EREIL PIIVALE ¢ ae nis 1 There are new taxes and auster- and was even invited to become ments were getting some atten- federal government and Second World War aptly considers "lonely the word ' ' > "i : ree TODAY Queen of Vancouver Island! tion. It was decided to send the CPR Twenty-five years ago to: for Rhodesia ity is coming. Perhaps bloodshed is Yes, would run «esos! 12% 14% The most colorful member of Earl of Gosford to take Lord 1893 U.S. Supreme Court held ay--in. 1940--Air Marshal ' ; , coming. These trials the white min- No, would not ; 81 the Roval Family who took an Avyimer's place, and he was that Great Lakes and con- Owen T. Boyd was yen The soldiers, sailors and airmen, ority might bear but ean they stand Can't say i 5 active part in Canadian affairs given wide powers to try to necting waters constituted | When his aircraft was force In the solitude of their thoughts of oe hepiehet % was King William 4. As a young remedy the grievances in Lower "high seas". This led to down in Sicily; the ist Ca- he : aS Sir H ' loneliness, the condemnation of most 100%, naval office? he had: served in Canada agreement in 1909. that nadian Division . presented wonder whether Governor Sir Hum- of the world? REGIONAL TODAY Halifax in the 1780's, and cut a When King William heard waters were to be open to Lord Beaverbrook with phrey Gibbs or Prime Minister Maritimes Quebec Ontario West dashing figure there. Historian about it, he was furious. He or- Americans and Canadians 5,029 for the purchase ro Yes, would run . 3% 16% 18% 10% ~ Thomas Raddall says his antics dered the Earl of Gosford to On equal basis. a fighter aircraft; a 500- = A 'tragic situation fraught with dence, but now finds there are no What they will know, in increas- Smith and the man he has named tie pions, the augne-of inna " oS a fighter alreraft; & $80 governor is entitled to their loyalty. It is the word even for the tobacco who sympathize with them will not foniured this beet eae § fo - } 2 ; > z oe 100%, 100% 100% 100%, atured this brief on their, edi. 'farmer who wanted independence, sacomeavi' sedrifica for: them, A ' Ms % READ ERS WRITE torial page of Nov. 17, 1965, see No, would not ..ss0e- 87 75 80 8h : . é ; r ; mE vi i un annh } tion. Now they are aware that those Cart Gay occ eczk ces 9 4 4 a anda in the United States ' was published, spurred Mr. Smith towards indepen- South Africa is being businesslike, ean phe sad rence vis YEARS AGO eet nu ale NUR aaalaerpe ssa inwilh koa. s Girlie ; oe : ublicity. : Portugal is careful not to damage Economy Picking Up Strength Maier fair that a teacher who has cone, TH€ student, who incidentally A * : . ! oy r air the acher Ww s ™ , cl ally 9 he Oshawa Simes her relations with Britain and from y > g h g Mr.. Editor ir that a teacher who has con- 4. Got digit Kis or RAE nou 76 29 YEARS AGO I am writing tI ter in. tributed into the fund under one : Noy. 19, 1945 the brief, writes a: follow 'It neither of these prospective allies A I US I 1 reply-to an article in the Noy. sct of regulations now finds that : An -Oshawa landmark, the 3 Z j j . ice: re pa is "ity posses HON 1 Jshawa ark, 1 TL. WILSON, Publisher come offers of outright assistance. new In U.w. in ast uarter 16 issue of The Time e one another set will apply when he * f.°° ia by driving xnox Glass building on Athol R. C. ROOKE, General Marrager Th ae f i i phite ; ; f : 1 refer to is brazenl entitled wishes to get his money out. 5 1 Dy a wrap st . formerly known as the C. J. MeCONECHY Editor The experience of the white min- By SAM DAWSON Copper prices are going up a8 "panil Smoke Rooms Urged, There is no doubt that inte. #70uUnd philosophy, observing Oriental Textiles, was purchas: ' ' nee vag ; 7 : < is pee | ' 4 > +] throug it rear rate : me The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawo Times oOrity'has been in 'the association of NEW YORK (AP)--The U.S. . supplies i en, fag of se Smoking a Crime Muze gration will adversely affect the the world th oh ye Fear 'ed by Alger Press Limited, (established 1871) ond the Whitby Gazette ond ' i ' i economy is picking up new push behind prices in this meta | 5 gentlen Mr. -Teachers' § - i ; vision mirror and whose citi- if ' Chronicle' established 1863). is published daily Crown and Commonwealth and the ee ek. Eiiel lariat! We cparedanigl ga Apparently, this gentleman, Mr. 'Teachers' Superannuation Fund 770) Uurot An dominator he Suiavi end Statutury Holidays. exesoted); EOS OE aL strength at the halfway mark in 1s from political uproar in pro- RB. J. Muzeen is worried about and many citizens will be- in- ' * y Frank J. Meagher was install: ' comradeship of freedom's causes.' the final quarter of the year. duction centres in South Amer- the lack of smoking snace for censed if the present govern- the automobile that the annual. oq as Grand Knight of the Osh: bight of yo elec aaaed is the awa Chapter of the Knights of Spectacular climax .of the Gormmbus at a colorful: "cere year." DUS h -- mony in St. Gregory's Hall. Member ¢t Canad) Daily News; Publish- y } at ' a ¢ @. "iCa ae : en Association. The Canadian Press, Audit Burecu Now, suddenly, they are apart, cut And the hullaballoo over ica and central Africa, forcing high school 1 He stated ment carries out such a move, of Circulation and the Ontario Provincial Dailies ' on ; 1 ; aluminum prices -- even the world prices higher, But much some pupils head for the creek 1 do not wish to criticize Association. The. Canadian Press. is. exclusively Off, sent to Coventry, no longer be- temporary. breakdo\ f elec- of the rise in the United States ise ney Ge BRtauate Within . at entitied to the use of republication of all 'news ' emporary: Sreakcown Or en : n ' for a puff or two, as "Students without pointing out that there is depatched in the pope cadited tof ete The lOnging. tric power in the industrial U.S. is due to increasing demand for ¢an't smoke anywhere on schoo] an alternative plan that would , I disagree most heartily with Avorictad cree ot RUE snd oe ie. local Mr. Smith -speaks of a regent to northeast--is likely to add to the meta r.property." Well, if Mr. be fair to all. This would be the the writer. It is true that as our ' 35 YEARS AGO patches cre also reserved. substitute for the Queen now that tempo on the final weeks of the Steel production is taking @ Muzeen's proposal even gets off "decking" of the Canada Pen- largest industry, General "Woe "19, 1930 velalisy : z year, if for no other reason than tentative step upward again. It the ground. I hope Comr so sion Ple onto tl Ontar Motors, produces automobiles NOV. AY, 28 Gffices:_ Thomson Building, 425 Universi ; F sae : Abad ate ' ety ane ; B hes te sig 0 SO NG eae , ? echt rk was -star erectio Avera: atonte, Onierie; 626. Catheere Street, London counts, his government in the rush to catch up after the had been lagging since a labor (Chairman Sy! Apps delivers a Teachers' Superannuation Plan. We may think of them more peu he Pig Rea odo . r . ; 2 1 sy tt settler ¥ ' rly se J 7 N "a " a . ay ne 5 a sorted. FG rebellion, Who can accept a regent disruption and uncertainty of settlement early in S¢ ptember few more wonderful plans for 'Decking' means that separate Often than say, the citizens of ° se ste on. the cig in * i f vem- . ar ce T : " wre ¢ pany r ' ig SUBSCRIPTION RATES ithout thinking of the old loyalties the first two weeks of Novem- ended fear of a strike. This sent other such "rooms." How about' cor utions would be made by Toronto or Peterborough, but to GOMPany Plant on te Ab d wi oul caine 1€ 0 yaities ber customers to living off stock- 4%)o0m for drinking? More and a teacher to the CPP in addi- Claim we are completely domi- dus al ay BEDE A side t Delivered by carriers in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajex, and friendships and the days that The statistics of the economy piles built up as a precaution. Ane teenniark wen. ab t- tion to the contributi w Nated by them -- hogwash bert E, Coulter was presiden bukaswa, Boowan, Srcoklin, Pack Perry: Wrines | more teenagers a ing i 1 ntributions now ; gwash. and Clitford Griffin, superinten- Albert, Maple trove, Hampton" Frenchman's 'Bey have gone? Economic sanctions seem sure to 8 an re . : rae! erence a tiga anyway. Besides, 'a good stiff paid to the. Ontario Teachers' If this student will park the sent ad * director of the com- ; end--both in dollar volume (in- And so are sales of the new belt of whiskey will do more Superannuation Fund. A mem- A : ' : es casneety Crone, Leske ugham, Burkaton Claremont, may be borne but there are other fluenced by rising prices) and. models. Most people see this aS for a student prepating to write hat would collect: the pension he honda, shake the hair from his pany. onchester ntypool, an jewca: 0 er . . ; eH ; ts vK bbioas pads . 2y eves an ' Ld in Province of Onterie sanctions that impose loneliness and - in unit volume. assurance that public confidence © an examination than will along may now expect from the her eyes, and take a good 'aul B. Gelatt accepted 1 . ' ae me m niinnea eood + . " os ha; tats , co teV. 2 ' e 4 15.00 per year. these, to Rhodesian whites, may be Prices of some items continue. ingood times ahead is strong-- breath of smoke. Teachers' Plan and at age 65 look, he will see the finest city ne t become pastor of Cal re a noe On . to rise, despite the government- and that consumer spending still : s . would receive another from the in all Canad h a call to 0 Pp S.A. and foreign $27.00 per the hardest to bear. , : Why doesn't Mr B a \ m anada, whose people are , . . forced rollback in aluminum is free-wheeling. fe A Sen on i. ; Canada Pension Plan EERE RANE ale Muzeen wake up? Would he . very sports minded, We have a vary Baptist Church. smoke in church, or the art If the Ontario Teachers' Su- champion lacrosse team, a run- vee ar 1a " TL en oC nme: «gallery of the Louvre?" Stu- perannuation Fund was held by "¢r-up in the Canadian Soccer PC INTE] i arn some Z cha 5) s . SUNT : dents should lea ome a private trust company it is lampionship and this year our > r este ant Ais "ea Os renere "kev te QUEBEC EDITORS COMMENT... ... SERVICE. VOTE AT SAME TIME %%°¢t, {or the establishment in highly likely that "decking" of Oshawa Generals hockey team HS c ey 1 spe ; s g adiv i pee Hi i dive ee : the two plans would take place. 5 doing too badly, PARAGRAP . haha , ree end as chly Jf this is not the intention of We have an ultra modern re tha rc ssibly ; miata? ' . cn Suna s si Pies possi)'Y Queen's Park, then the teachers sports stadium subscribed for Ru s alarm over the poss!- on TO eI 10 Oo O O cer ae Dey of Ontario deserve to know im- and built by our citizens -- also _ Pility that the Indian-Fakisite n n mm nh n n ; By instituting s moke- mediately how their fund if £0 modern uptodate chop, Nat Might precipitate World , a : : : Rooms," all we are doing is, in jng to be administrated. pro-dale shopping . War IIL is reassuring, as it This is a selection of edi- enough flexibility to stimulate he should have proclaimed nadian federalism; how can fact, saying, "Well. kids. you . . : centres, hospital and city hall. strongly indicates she won't torials on current topics, economic activity in case the expulsion in their collec- one explain that there is not win. we give in. here's another tespectfully yours, Our public library is. th ee } Ban her fen rattling bombs translated from the French- there are signs of weakness tive name.) Failing consulta- a French - Canadian among step toward your degeneracy!' 42 Earl road, Scarborough, Ont, publi ary is the best back ur ea iti a wbrdat language press of Canada \ 1 the end of 1966. Cana- . ig , P om? hoch. Oadacge ee : and missiles by suiting wor 0 anguage 7 SO anada, toward the end of 1966 ana tion, he might at least have them Oshawa's high schools already FE. J. WALKER ctior F al ee fe AS action, dian industry, left to itself, had the decency to leave it Mr, Pearson said the other have more than their quota of the finest summer recreational 9010" - a Presse--As ex- nN #enerally provers é 5 hs ' ' ' Sets . 5; : ee , ar ae oe 4 er ean Lishtets 2 +0 i ., ex tip oe wi : and brand new das in reply to a question we students who have no respect MALTESE HEAD-DRESS facilities available anywhere -- 2 , ed, th ryvice vote, pand and ensure what growth ecrelary-general of the Com asked him on television that for their school, their teachers, our own TLakevie Park ¢ ' r almost two-thirds is necessary, The extent of monwealth, Canadian Arnold perhaps French - Canadians or their marl Tat "because mee waltor: ate ace ARG OLD WORLD TRADITION aye Mr. Pearson's our success depends nearty al Smith, to make the proclama had not been prepared, until smoking is accepted by a With reference to your Scott's adjoining Darlington Provincial ; eee i xtra seats in the Ways on condilions abroad, tion. If the secretary-g w, to play leading roles in degenerate society. must we in- S¢tap Book in the Oshawa Park. ' ane Common ut 131 members especially in the United is more than a. meanin 5 te administration of eco- fest our institutions learning Limes of Friday, Nov. 12, 1965, Our cilizens are the friend- remains ree short of the States, and on conditions cre- functionary, this was the log- nomic departments, The same with specified locations to Please beshereby informed that Jiest and happiest of any city in absolute majority that' was ated at home by the federal ical course to follow. thing was said in private en smoke between classe No: in the history of Malta there is' all Canada. They should be a , sc | a sOVver | . | ~rnris ; Be gal ' " A ' "asi so _much discussed in the and provincial governments By his action, Mr. Wilson terprise until the day we de- I say we must keen our "0 such thing as the 'Hood of they are well paid and well fed. election campaign. ; and other public bodies ee leaves the impression that he cided to establish certain schools clean, Students must re- Sane'. We enjoy one of the highest W pen will the anomaly of a To control inflation the co- could decree the expulsion of firms. These firms permitted spect the schoo! building and The national head-dress of wage rates of Canadian cities. military vote cast in advance operation of businessmen, po- all other member countries top-notch men to distinguish authorities Let's keen the Malta, better known in Maltese The people here think and LONDON of elections but announced litical and civil leaders and from the Commoneealth--in- themselves in a very short cigarettes down by the creek language as Faldetta or Ghon- act the same as in ane othe : only five days after voting be labor: chiefs is needed. The cluding Canada, for example. time. It is a good bet that in where they belong. It at least nella, does not owe its existence, - similar "Ontario Bani? ee CREAM rected? , ; y . ; f f as , { Pee ' corrected? In. the last three economic interests of Canada ; Marcel Gingras (Nov. other firms where there are looks better there than in the aS some people think, to the ¢heir thoughts are not cor ny q elections, the situation re- » a matter o f con- 3 'lose s, these } ' : i ofp is : bidet f ep} aie . ig are a matter o fcommon con 13) ; : closed clans, these men would halis or rooms of a school. days of Napoleon, but is of Jy on cars. During the month in nadian Mery sult on election night in un- cern and it is necessary to Montreal Le Devoir--Before have remained all their lives Fumer Defendre nd let' much more ancient origin -- the course of my busine I certainty that the public could demonstrate that to the pub- leaving the finance ministry, as assistants to this one or rel pees aden tie tie ts Napoleon came to Malta on the i : : ele : well do without ~ oN ; : Hl ; stick to it : come in contact with hundreds UORDOR WINERY LIMITED li do withou lic. Noy. 16) Walter Gordon left a little that one, or simple district 9th of June, 1798, and left for j : Would ic not be Jativaly i Solve Si 4 ' ' ' , * of clients and the topic of con- LONDON @ ONTARIO yuld it not be relatively legacy which says a good deal managers. . . BOUTS minCerely Egypt on the 19th of July, 1798. yersation is hardly. ey 'a ' CANADA easy, with methods of com- Ottawa Le Droit--. . . Lon- about fhe road still to be bringing about a true DOUGLAS L, CLIFFORD, 2 tee ' munication now: available, to dion doubtless is the nerve cen- travelled to bring about a association between the two Grade 134 announce the result of the tre the . Commonwealth real association among Eng- ounding races, the te McLaughlin Collegiate and h alth, cal associat al g Eng inding races, the task of the tea cat hi © vest S878 « 'RRYy \ ' £ ; Inaat print of » year 1576 showing JERRY COAD service vote at the same time But it is only one capital h-speaking and French- loader of the wove - Vocational Insti rint @ yea y as the civilian vote? _ g y all t % ia oe Be eS uh ' paacgs ae He BO een GAS 8 Leader of the Opposition of the # Maltese lady wearing the 121 Tyler Crescent EW WORLD PERFECTION t civil Pie among all the others--without speaking Canadians in the formidable; First of all, it is 2 ; } yy national head-dress f x Cyrile Felteau. (Noy. 16) special rights and, particu- public service of Canada up to him to see that a satis- Student- Parliament of the MCVI ™ one ise ae irl without authority over Ir... Gordon anticipated factory balance exists in 'all The Faldetta or Ghonella . ts Quebec Le Soleil--The in- its partners. It has admitted with a certain amount of ap- sectors of the administration. DECKING OF FUNDS made of rich black silk and is crease in prices in Canada his freely at conferences of prehension the monumental To do that he must know how ; still used in some parts of the e is I le ( that h W Mr. Editor, and the United States does not Commonwealth prime minis- report which the Carter com- t irround himself, on the Each teacher in Ontario, whe- {sland. DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS compare wit what has hap- ters. That fact admitted, what mission is expected to deliver lish language side, with ther he wants' to or not, is com- Yours truly nened os 1 pee - xht » riti i . ICT LeVIC ied in most European coun right does British Prime Min- about December. Not wishing men wh ily. support his pelled by law to contribute six CHARLES PUGLISEVICH it ( : tries although it is clearly ister Wilson have to- expel to lose any time, the minister F and the French-lan- percent of his salary into.a gov- 226 Linden Court, MONTEITH, RIEHL WATERS & CO ' Io een le acceler : alter many yea ii Rhodesiz rom. tl iSSOCia- ( ip within it weeks a gu with men who ernment operated uperannua Oshawa, Ont of stability. The economi out tion of free ; | as the team of specialists to help 1 the vision and the neces- tion fund. A large sum of money Chartered Accountants look of.our country, while still Commonwealth is called? him in the study of the com- ary: contacts to support him has accumulated and has been PROUD OF -CITY orous and visibly inflation- Mr. Ian Smith, the Rhode- mission's recommendations on iergetically and without held in good faith (up until now) hs Montreal Oshawa Toronto Hamilton , calls for the pursuit in sian prime minister, surely fiscal relations. complacency in the carrying hy the Provincial Goverment Mr. Editor: Windsor Winnipeg Renine Calgary the few months ahead of a deserves expulsion but Mr. \ curious phenomenon : out of his aims. This will not 'Tam concerned over the plans I wish to comment on a brief Edmonton Prince George Vancouver restrictive monetary _ poli Wilson had no right to under- NOt one of the KBeélaTiSiS was BNO LATERE. i GH Mie ee nf dha Cantupeation Praviknal. wrilten by a Dr. Fg. Donecan this without i pie cee yn thie) Colleciate student and 'forward: ng on "10 j ; ed to the- Legislatures Select Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728% 527 on requires brie If by accomplish. is of utmost im Claude Ryan Nov. tario Teachers' 'Superannuation Committee on Youth, Whitby Brock Buildin 6131 of spending although with chance he did consult them. portance to the future of Ca- Plan with the proposed Canada The Toronto Glove and Mail . beable 1 r Liverpgol Ta rone, Dunbarton, Enniskillen, and well patronized. We haye To prove the above, there is in the Royal Malta Library a Yours truly Oshawa, Ont with whom are now merged As ; Gordon W Rich! C.A., R.LA Burt R. Waters =A, - ; anantting P 4 vine ( oung men soon (ad ' a 1 one i ' ) i ee t th j ' 0 ' n morey ar tic a4 moderation member )

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