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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1965, p. 5

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sesntartie se Spc Ns acing Nt PRL REE NEI i I) AP a TN EE SE ONE fe HOW TO BEAT THE BEATLE CRAZE hands barber Rolly Poirier a $5 bill to cover the cost of a Beatle Haircut. Poirier was first Timmins barber to raise the price on Beatle 1965 Town Debentures Hit Total Of $560,000 WHITBY (Staff) -- The Town|issued, a $543,000 Capital Works|with liabilities of just over of Whitby has sold more than|project has been started that|$4,000,000. The Surplus of $554, cuts but most of the town barbers have followed suit. Result, a noticeable trend toward shorter haircuts among Timmins youths Growing a Beatle hairdo didn't cost Dave Scovil of Timmins, Ont., a cent. But keeping it in shape has be- come a costly job. Dave 1965 according to the Town's fin-|A. Fairman Public School, the) this week. The statement covers|sanitary sewer main extensions) and the waterworks sysetm total from January until Nov. 10, (and the sanitary sewer improve-|more than half of the capital The projects listed as deben- ments. assets, being valued at slightly tured were, the new fire hall,| The statement also says that)more than $2,600,000. the addition to the water filtra-.the town has assets of $530,833) tion plant and the water feeder|with liabilities of more than/1965 were listed as main extension. $539,000. Capital assets of the|with $2,120,244 being In addition to the debentures'town total more than $4,000,000'as of Nov. 10. 2 eae ae Pecan Total expenditures for the ad- ministration of the general government for the town was estimated as $118,440 with $102, 061 being spent. The main- tenance of the municipal build- $2,412,991 collected Greenwood Chapter of IODE , Attends Monthly Meeting Vv Gr 4. Chapter|prizes were received by David|than $182,000 being estimated. IODE held its monthly Mmectnctroid and Miss Adrienne Haas.| Under protection to persons at St. Mark's United Church! Members were reminded ofjand property, the expenditure hall. | the Mammoth book and antique| estimate was $226,097, with Regent Mrs. Robert G. Lang-|fair to be held Dec. 3 and 4/$187,125 being spent. Public Total estimated revenues for NEWMAN | OM GE 8 A ae tio Hee Ri ON of Whitby will experience an election right across the board this year with candidates com- peting for all council; public school board; separate school board and public utility commis- sion seats. Another interesting feature this year is the fact a woman will again be contesting a coun- cil seat. Mrs. Teen Moore, dep- uty-clerk of the Division Court will run. : Running for. mayor in Whit- by is uncumbent Warren Mowat. Desmond Newman and Dr. Ken- neth Hobbs are his opponents. Everett Quantrill will face for- mer councillor Harry Inkpen. will be opposed by Gordon Os- bourne. d Electors will have a wide choice of candidates from which to select six coqncillors. Nine candidates qualified for the con- test. Incumbent councillors seeking re-election are: Thomas J. Ed- wards, Vernon R. McCarl, Har- old Slichter and Robert A. At- ltersley. Opposing the councillors Church Women's Unit Convenes St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 3 held its \November meeting at the iChurch parlor. | Leader Mrs. R. A, Smith was lin charge and opened the meet- ling with "Thoughts on Remem- \brance Day." The worship period was conducted by Mrs.|meetings, one on Nov. 23, the} Percy Pascoe, assisted by Mrs. Ida Simpson and Mrs. L. F. Richardson, the theme "Faith and Remembrance." Members of Unit No. 3 have! ] e ibeen invited to attend the meet-|Association are also. sponsoring ling of Unit No. 4, Nov. 23 at 2|2 public meeting. This one will) |p.m. | There will be an jmeeting of St. Mark's executive 7 at 8 p.m. Next Unit No. 3, Dec. 16 at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. L. tinued the Mission study ; Ambulance || } pmcee © icecream oa period. ee pa The hostseen" forthe der] _Junlor and Senior Forb 4 Lh were Mrs. rey First Aid and Home SUE'ANE 4) HOPE UNDE W canine A. Smith. \ : we Me A Se ava | Nursing Courses 1] LUGO HOLDH ity ALOUETTE DELAYE : OTTAWA (CP)--The launch- Phone 668-4666 OTHE BIG PARADE OF COMEDY" ing of Canada's Alouette II re- E ° 72 searc satellite has been de) Evenings 725-4197 MGM'S PARADE OF COMEDY OFFERS GREAT jlayed for at least three days, FILM COMICS IN MEMORABLE MOMENTS }the defence department said/| = en _ Sanam |Friday. The Jaunching from the} |California test range by an) American rocket had been scheduled for Nov. 23. Takeoff ings has cost, $149,963 with more now is scheduled for no earlier }than Nov. 26, the department | said. Be mt Fae pee tee x Wide Selection Seen In\ Town Elections are: Mrs. Eileen Moore; Don- ald W. McQuay; Raymond B. Prosser, C.A.; George Edward Sullivan and, Hugh McConnell. FOR PUC Five candidates are qualified and running for the four Public Utilities Commission seats. In- cumbent commissioners are: Robert Cawker, James Ross, E. J, Bryant and Everett Randall. Ee ner ad eae ce <seha tai gion coos ae oa. or a go a Se Interim Board Chairman Named WHITBY (Staff) -- Graham ee eer ee eee _ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 20, 1965 § Willan, has been elected chair-|tic needs. FIND FEW HOME SHEEP CANADIANS READ LITTLE Canadian wool production Bulgaria and Argentina each meets only one-tenth of domes- |published more new books. in 1961 than did*Canada. man of the interim Board of -- Governors of the newly formed Whitby. Family Y.M.C.A. hoard where nine candidates; The new board, was given will try for one of eight seats. |fuii powers at a public mosting) Incumbent board members are:|Thursday night to raise money Mrs; Molly Hughes, Donald Lun-|to begin activities. ny, Adrianus Goverde, Harold; Anyone interested in support- | Forbes and Morgan J. O'Con-|ing the "Y" can contact Gra-| nor. Four newcomers will try|ham Willan. they are: Harold M. Pineau, Donald A. -MacDonald, K. P. to win a spot on the board, (Ken) Campbell and Michael J. i was 23 meeting will be United! |Church Women Nov. 29 at g\start at 8 p.m. ip.m. Next general meeting Dec. ------e meeting of| F. Richardson con- on| $560,000 worth of debentures in|includes the addition to the E.|509, is invested in fixed assets.|Brazil dealing with Education The municiap! fire hall, muni-jand Missionary work, this was ancial statement-released earlier|Brock street storm sewer, the/cipal building the High schools|followed by 'a short discussion Opposing them is newcomer,| Engel. | Beverley Randall. i RSE Nine candidates will contest TOWN OF WHITBY TICE RE PUBLIC MEETING -- an RUIIVE RE Take notice that o Public Meeting will be held at 8 o'clock p.m. on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1965, in the Counell Chambers of the MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 405 Dundas St. W., ene for the purpose of discussing CENTENNIAL CELEBRA- All interested persons are invited to attend, Dated at Whitby this 18th doy of November, 1965. W. J. MOWAT, MAYOR the eight public school trustees seats. Incumbents trustees are: Mrs. Joan Elizabeth Reed, Mrs. Ian Hamer, Godfrey Schilling, Gordon Mcllwain, John How-| ard, mobert J. Clements and! Douglas F. Maundrell. Norman) H. Edmondson will compete for a trustee position. | Completing the election pic: ture is the separate school' The Holly Tea & Bazaar The Presbyterion Women of St. Andrews Chureh SAT. DEC. 4 In the Church Hell | 'Four a. | ue j Everyone Welcome | Meetings Set Four public meetings for all} candidates in the December 6) 'Municipal Election have. been! set up for the next two weeks. On Noy. 22, the Blair Park) |Vieta Ratepayers Association is| holding a forum in the R. A Hutchinson School for all can- didates excluding the Mayor-! ality BE YOUR PLUMBING MENDER Family Monuments Rik oy AGES Si To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. The Whitby Chamber of Com- LTD. merce is sponsoring two public MONUMENTS 'other on Nov. 30. Both meetings' 318 DUNDAS EAST jare for all condidates. The Nov. 668-3552 held in Kathleen Rowe Public School. The Northview Ratepayers Evening Programs 6:55 & 8:20 Saturday Matinee 1:30 p.m. BRONCS AND BABES! | cee.) SR BROCK WHITBY be held on Nov. 24, for all can- Ts didates. (e) All meetings are scheduled to I COWB' YS, Emergency Measures Organization |. ey Civil Defence Training 1, RESCUE: Men only, 1814-55 years. Oshowa Airport, short course six Tuesdoy evenings 7:30-10:00, Learn now te do hard hazardous work the sofe, easy way. 2. RADIOLOGICAL DEFENCE: Men or women 19 years or over. From Oshawa, Whitby, Ajox or surrounding townships. Must have good shelter protection at home. Rediation Detection instruments issued to qualifying "Supplementery Monitors". Six lessons requiring grade 10 education or better. 3. COMMUNICATIONS; Men or women 1814-55 years. Part 1. Six h for Dep of Transport "Restri od Redictilant 0 +6 Pp Pp : cer Part 2. Six lessons os above plus speciol training for selected applicants te work inside en Emergency Headquarters. NO FEE -- CERTIFICATE AWARDED, For Information: 1. WRITE; E.M.0., Box 10, Airport, Oshewe, 2. TELEPHONE: 668-8881 days : 725-9682 evenings. 3. CALL: Room B7, County Building, Whitby. Individuals or Groups: for St. John TOWN OF WHITBY ANNUAL BAZAAR & TEA St. aes Anglican Chureh WED., NOV. 24 2:30 te 5:30 P.M. Everyone Welcome Statement of a question to be submitted to the electors at the annual elections to be held on December 6th; 1965. "ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF PUBLIC GAMES AND SPORTS ON THE LORD'S DAY TO BE REGULATED BY MUNICIPAL BY-LAW UNDER THE AU- THORITY OF THE LORD'S DAY (ONTARIO) ACT." TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a correct statement of the question to to be submitted to the vote of the electors of the Town of Whitby pursuant to By-law No. 2632 passed on the 9th day of November, 1965. * The day for taking the vote of the electors upon the said question, the opened with the prayer of the|of Commerce. $177,609, $100,000 less than es- recently held Birthday json, Mrs. Louis Rousseau, Mrs.jand community services $33,- Megan Langford. Flec-|soaceeessmmnnnnenenn most successful. Guest speaker, Mrs. John) donated a wreath placed at\ter, Oshawa was introduced by| | A framed picture of Her Ma-jsemi - annual: meeting of the school. Hugh Nichol on behalf of the} Schoo! Commencement: to Miss| At the close of the meeting REY. DeLOSS M. SCOTT, minister Order and salute to the flag. A nominating committee wasjtimated. Sanitation and waste Bridge} held at the Royal land Mrs. R. G. It was mentioned that Vis-\yivash Provincial Councilor and Whitby Cenotaph on Remem-\yrs. J,angford and gave a most jest 'Queen Elizabeth" will be/Provincial Chapter which she Scholarship award of $100 was| Chapter thanked the guest Margot Hamer, also _book|refreshments were served. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES WHITBY LAS VS. WESTCLAIR YORK STEELERS ford presided. The meeting|Brock st. n., next to the Bank! work expenditures totalled A report was given on the|formed with Mrs. J. A. Ander-|removal. cost $124,090, social iF. J. Spellen, Mrs. Hugh Nichol! 672. Legion Hall which proved to be tion to be held in January. count Greenwood Chapter IODE|\Regent of Golden Jubilee Chap- brance Day enlightening account of the} presented to Sinclair . publicjattended in Niagara Falls. Mrs. presented at Henry Street High'speaker. 419 BROCK STREET N. 9:15 AM.--FAITH TIDINGS" Broadcast CKLB--1350 on your dial 9:45 AM.--Our Fomily Bible School 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE PASTOR'S SERMON "BORN OF SPIRIT' Admission Whitby Community Arena Mon., Nov. 22-Game Time 8 P.M. _ Adults $1.00. Students (with cards) 50 cents, Season Tickets now on sale at the Arena Box Office O.H.A. METRO JUNIOR "BY" HOCKEY CO STEELERS 7:00 P.M.-- EVENING GOSPEL HOUR places where the votes are to be taken and the Deputy Returning Officers shall be the same for the election for the Municipal Council and the Re- turning Officer appointed to hold the said election shall take the vote. AND NOTICE is further given that MONDAY the 29th day of NOVEMBER 1965 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West in the Town of Whitby, has been fixed as the time BOARD OF ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL TRUSTEES for the TOWN OF WHITBY Statement of a question to be submitted to the Separate School ratepayers at the annual election to be held on December 6th, 1965. "ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF UNION BETWEEN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE COMBINED RURAL ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL NO. 1, WHITBY TOWNSHIP, AND THE BOARD OF ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL TRUSTEES FOR THE TOWN OF WHITBY?" Take notice that the foregoing is a correct statement of the question to be submitted to the vote of the Ratepayers of the Whitby Separate Schools pursuant to By-Law No. 13, passed on the 4th day of November, 1965. The day for taking the vote of the ratepayers upon the soid question, the places where the votes are to be taken and the Deputy Returning Officers shall be 'the same for the election for Separate School Trustees, which will be held et the same time and in the same places and conducted by the some election officials appointed for the municipal elections. And notice is further given that Mondoy, the 29th day of November, 1965, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Municipal Building, 40,5 Dundas Street West, in the Town of Whitby, has been fixed as the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend the polling places and ot the final summing up of votes by the Clerk. On Tuesdoy, the 7th day of December, 1965. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Municipal Build- ing, the Town Clerk shall attend the summing up of the votes given for and against the: said question. DATED at the Town of Whitby, the 8th day of November, 1965, Benson S. Hamilton, Business Administreter. and place for the appointment of persons to attend the polling places and at the final summing up of votes by the Clerk. On Tuesday, the 7th day of December, 1965, at the hour of 10:00~ ~ o'clock in the forenoon at the Municipal Building, the Town Clerk shall attend and sum up the votes for and against the said question. DATED at the Town of Whitby the 11th day of November, 1965, JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby. Service of Believers Baptism PH nnn WEDNESDAY EVE., 8:00 P.M. PRAYER, PRAISE and BIBLE STUDY "You Will Always Find a Welcome at Faith' ae TOWNSHIP ST. ANDREW'S in PRESBYTERIAN Township Hall, EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Rood West Corner Byron at St. John Rev. Harold Hesselink Rey, W. J, $. McClure, BA. ee Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist From 7:00 p.m. to 8 nominating fit ond proper pe Deputy Reeve, 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.--Church School NOMINATION MEETING Monday, November 29, 1965 three Councillors for the OF WHITBY the Brooklin, Ontario 00 p.m. for the purpose of rsons for the offices of Reeve, Township Council Public School Board 7 P.M ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED 00. AM and two Public School Trustees for the 2PM ; i shi f t DUTCH SERVICE 'ited cad lnoidel" of the Township Area of Whitby Colossioms 4:1-18 Junior Congregation ond Nursery Core During Divine Worship ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH ntre & Colborne Sts Re M. Smith, BA, B.D. M lla Ni Deaconess Ars: JL ART. 11 AM~~'COME ALIVE" To the Christian. Ministry of Evangelism. SUNDAy SCHOOL 9:45 AM un Intermediates, 1) AM.~-Norsery Primary, Junie ng Telehone 648-3091 for information WHITBY BAPTIST et Sonn Meee Orgonist ' Mrs. W, E. Summers, A.T.C.M. 1) AM.--"The Supreme Gift" 7 P.M.---Boptist Training Institute Students, Brontford 9:45 AM.---Bible School Proyer Meeting and Bible School Wed. 7:30 All electors are hereby required to take notice of this 'nomination meeting and govern themselves. accordingly and if a greater number of candidotes thon ore required to fill the soid oficers ore nominated and make the required declara- tions, polls will be open in the following ploces (1) Mr. Robert Austins residence (No, 2 Highway west of Almonds store (2) (3)-& (4) The Dr. Robert Thornton School (5) Sinclair School (4th concession). (6) & (7) Township Hall, Brooklin, (8) & (9) Meadowcrest School (10) Myrtle Community Hall (11) James Sandisons Residence, Ashburn In the said Township of Whitby on Saturday, December 11, 1965 and will be open from 9:00 o'clock in the fore- noon until 7:00 o'clock in the aftérnoon and no longer. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY NOMINATION MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a MEETING OF THE ELECTORS of the Township of East Whitby, WILL BE HELD at the TOWNSHIP HALL IN COLUMBUS, ONTARIO, from | 7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1965 for the PURPOSE of receiving NOMINATIONS for the OFFICES of REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE, and THREE (3) COUNCILLORS for the year 1966, and for THREE (3) MEMBERS OF THE EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL AREA BOARD for the years 1966 and 1967. IF A POLL is necessary, POLLS for the taking of the VOTES OF THE ELECTORS SHALL be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1965 beginning at 10 a.m. and continuing until 7 p.m. THE ATTENTION of prospective candidates is drawn to the following: When o@ proposed didate is not p ot the ting there must be satisfactory evidence given to the Re- turning Officer, at the Nomination Meeting, that the didate hos d to his i tion; ond before 9:30 p.m. or one hour after the closing of the Nomination Meeting, the same day, whichever is later, @ candidote moy resign in respect te one or more offices for which he is nominoted by filing his resignation in writing with the Returning Officer, the Clerk; other- wise he shall be deemed to be nominated for the office for which he was first nominated. M. Wm. GOLDIE, Returning Officer and Clerk Wm. H.. Wolloce, Returning Officer, Township of Whitby, Box 160, Brooklin, Ontaric |. | Township of East Whitby, Columbus, Ontario GREAT EVANGELISTIC RALLY Featuring ENVOY BOB HABKIRK @ East Toronto Salvation Army Band @ 40-Voice East Toronto Songsters AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE Ajax, Ont. SUN., NOV. 28, - 3 P.M. (PRELIMINARY MUSIC, 2:30)

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