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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Nov 1965, p. 16

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 24, 1965 --, = LONDON. (AP)--From_ Mos- cow to Jerusalem to Saigon, young men face the same prob- that provokes discussion in " ataad States--the military Conscription is more the rule | ae the exception in a deeply vided world, a survey shows.|accepted. - Canada, Britain, India and} Pakistan maintains irregular|20,000,000 to 30,000,000 men and uniforms and housing made mil-|military groups such as" the itary service such a privilege|mujahids, units of farm and vil-jpoorly armed and sometimes there is no need for conscrip-|lage warriors. tion. India could raise an army; Communist China--Has a bot- of millions if it had the equip-jtomless pool of manpower .to ment and training cadre; Pak- istan's applicants for servicejing military force is- estimated exceed the number that can be/at 3,500,000 men and available SUaGuisS women. The 'militia usually is not given arms at all except for training purposes. is Down Under--Australia and New Zealand are gradually 'boosting their military training iprograms. Australia, with troops fighting guerrillas in Southeast Asia, will draft 4,200 men for two years of milita draw upon. Its selected stand- standby militia is estimated at Pakistap are among the few big countrits that rely solely on vol- uitary enlistments. Quarreling India and Pakistan lack officers of equipment to handle the hun- dreds of thousands who would efilist if they could. "Israel, surrounded by hostile Arab countries, drafts both men atid women. In Mexico, training is:on a Sunday-only basis. "The United -States draws from men in the 19-to-26 age group, with selective service to furnish 36,450 men this month to the army, navy and marines. That's the highest call since the end of the Korean War and some states expect to start inducting childless married men to fill their December quotas. Wash- ington plans to strengthen the Military forces by 340,000 men for a total of about 3,000,000. How does the U.S. conscrip- tion policy compare with those of other countries? Tougher than some, more lenient than ethers, the following survey of representative countries. shows: Soviet Union--Strict universal military training calls for in- duction of all youths 17 and 18 who have completed secondary school. When they reach 19, they're drafted even if they have not finished secondary school, but college students are exempt. Draftees must serve two to five years, depending on the branch to which they are as- being contested, the outcome of big jthe present electibn is hardly in Britain--With neither univer-|doubt. The ruling Unionist (Con- sal military training nor a con-|servative) party of Capt, Ter- scription system, Britain took/ence Marne O'Neill, supported itd last draftees in 1960. Since/by most of the country's two- then the regular army has been'thirds Protestant majority, is bélow strength. It now is 15,000/expected to skate back to power under the goal of 131,000 men.\in a House of Commons little Britain's Territorial Army is the|changed from the old lineup: 34 Teserye force, composed en-| Unionists, four Labor, nine Na- tifely of volunteers, mostly for-|tionalist, one independent, one mer servicemen. |Liberal, one Republican Labor, sentimental ties to Britain. same political party for general election, nored this side of the Irish Sea. Parliament, external affairs, defence and taxation. With only 29 of the 52 seats Ulster Politics Predictable As Love, Death And Taxes LONDON (CP) -- Few coun- tries in the world have more predictable politics than North- ern Ireland, that Tory enclave of the Emerald Isle bound by and constitutional It has been governed by ie 4 years, ever since separate par- liaments were set up for the six counties gf pro-British, Protes- tant Ulstér and the 26 counties of nationalist, Roman Catholic Eire, now the Republic of Ire- land. Small wonder that its 11th being held Nov. 25, is taken for granted almost to the point of being ig- The Northern Ireland Parlia- ment is, related to Westminster in much the same way as a Ca- nadian provincial government is to Ottawa, legislating on domes- tic affairs while the British to which Ulster/jation away from the cities elects 11 members, retains re- |sponsibility for such matters as/party service this year. The 1966 tar- get is double that figure. Draft- ees are selected by lot on their 20th birthday, and those con- scripted resent about 10 per iil Sie Datug Against Fs x at til . Cents-Oif Ads TORONTO (CP) -- The Con- sumers' Association of Canada eampaigning against manu- facturers who mislead consum- ers with inconsistent "'cents off" advertising: ' The current edition of the as- sociation's magazine cites a number based on studies conducted in two Quebec municipalities. In some. cases, shows, take the stated reduction from|' the regular price. of pricing practices the study manufacturers actually But itt other cases the initialll. reduction is negligible' or is ajp- Coveraun to & price increase; Gee magazine says. In cases of -cov- ering up for an increase, the manufacturer cuts the price, jbut not. by the full amount stated. Then, when regular prices are restored, the price is higher than the original reg- ular price. A, E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST _, 14% King St. East 723-2721 cent of that age group. Mideast--Tiny, Israel has pos- sibly the most sweeping mili- tary training programs. It re- quires military training for men and unmarried women 18-26. Men serve 26 months, women 20. Men 27-to-29 must serve 24 months after completing their Labor party, which has close ore aus boner + ei links with Britain's socialists|Teserves until they are 49, cue and has shown signs of growth|!ess women to the age of 34. As! in recént years. Its member-|reservists, the men report for| ship is less dictated by religious|! days of training a year until| lines than that of the, other-two|they are 40 and then 14 days major parties. » |annually until they reach 49. Labor hopefully boosts the| ,Westerm Europe -- France, British government's legislative| Germany and Italy all use mil-) record as an electoral asset, but|!tary training to augment their a recent British proposal to|'egular services. The West Ger- close the naval dorkyard at/man youth is liable for 18 Derry, coupled with growing months of duty when he reaches uncertainty over the future of|!8, and nearly all of those bet Belfast's giant Harland and gible are being taken now since! Wolff shipyard, may prove use- the birth rate was down after ful to the Unionists. Second World War. j Labor's strength in the indus-| France has universal military) trial areas may also be weak-|training with youths at 19 sub- ened by the movement of popu-|ject to 18 months' active duty, | plus 3% years of availability! the 1962 election. The|plus 12 years in the active re-| has only nominated 1)serves. In 1965, the pool of men} leandidates, including its four | reaching draft age was 400,000; Belfast members, against the/about half were conscripted. | one Eire Labor and one non- party Speaker. Some observers predict the Unionists may lose a couple of seats in Belfast 'and possibly Antrim to the Northern Ireland jsince This Christmas Giye The LOVING GIFT To Thot One Pers@i In Your Life At Oshawe's Watch World you can choose _ thet Extra Special Gift from a widely veried selection of finely crafted mokes and models. And et greet savings also--from 20% to 50% ... BULOVA'S Ranging from $35.95 & up RODANIA'S From $14.97 & up ENICAR From $29.95 & up (This does not include the Watch World also has @ top line stock ef Bends--Pius Men's and Ladies' Jewellery-- Alarm and Wall Clocks. discount) EXCLUSIVE IN OSHAWA CYMA Men's and Ladies Watches from 59:75 to 130.00 WATCH WORLD 24 PRINCE ST. 723-6922 government's 39 and a sense of; defeatism is apparent in its election manifesto 'where the strongest attack it can mount against the Unionists is to call them "'legislative laggards." g Labor's four members of Par- liament are recognized as the official opposition because the predominantly Catholic Nation- alists, who stand for severing} the link with Britain, won't ac-! cept the title of Her Majesty's Opposition. Far East--South Vietnamese| youths face three years of mili-| tary service under a draft law that covers all men 18-to-35. The SAVE $$ ON . Women's army corps is. volun- tary. In India and Pakistan, food, | AUTO INSURANCE|} IN NEED of a HOMEMAKER? $26.00 on your auto See ic; JOHN DIAL 728-7567 Call eee RED CROSS Homemaker Service at 723-7073 If you are an Abstainer you save up to insurance, 3 RIEGER E., OSHAWA te OSHAW SHOPPING CENTR DECEMBER STORE OPEN EV NIGHT UNTIL JS INCLUDING SATU WATCH FOR THE Christmas. Gift Circular. P.M. HOURS ERY For the right taste in Ale What's the right taste in ale? You be the judge. Next time "Look to the sign of the Golden Lion." Try a Molson Golden Ale. RDAYS MOLSON GOLDEN ALE if | | also in TAB TOP Cans FROM MOLSON'S INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 651-8 > "ff Where Savings ON Quality Foods "ARE A Weekly Event FANCY RED EMPEROR GRAPES Ib. 12° New Crop Tangerine OPEN DAILY 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. For Your _ Convenience SIZE 150 bOz. 49° New Crop Florida «» Juice (large size) ORANGES ... 49° "SS i ee The Best Beef Ever nounp steak 999i Devon Rindless Bacon ...... Ib, 85¢ Peameal Cottage Rolls ...... 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