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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Nov 1965, p. 18

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Tay i By PETER ARNETY Nurses Serving In Viet Nam Rationed water is just' one of CSG 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 24, 1965 "Building Good Reading Habits" was the title chosen by Mrs. A. M. Foy, Children's Librarian at McLaughlin" Pub- lic Library, for her address to members of E. A. Lovell Home and School Association at their November meeting Mrs. Foy said that she is en- thusiastic about working with the children who come to the Library, and' enjoys opportu- nities to talk about this work. In the course of their work, librarians are sometimes able to meet authors. She had, that Reading Habits Of Children Studied At E. A. Lovell H AndS ations to attend the December 2 meeting of the Duke of Edin- burgh Home and School Asso- ciation when Canon F, G. Ong- ley will speak on 'Family Life." Since there would be no wiceting of the association in December, Mrs. Tipton wished all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Refreshments were served. Long Lean Look QUINHON, South Viet Nam (AP) -- Feminine squeals re- sounded from the thatch-walled stilt house. "Hey, please turn the water back on," was one cry. Another moaned: "'I've still got soap all over me. Let me wash it off." Under the rules of the U.S. Army's 85th Evacuation Hospi- tal, not even pretty nurses. could get more than the allotted the realities of field life that the nurses are having to adjust to. They fought and won a battle to have their tents lined with floorboards. But they eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with the 34 doctors and male nurses anywhere they ean find a seat. Their hospital still has no mess hall. For many of the 39 nurses at Shower each day. A senior officer explained: "I've told them time and again. Thirty seconds of shower to wet up, a 20-second break to soap themselves down, then another 30 seconds of water to wash all the-soap_off."" The cries continued from the; shower room. The army engi-| neer who controlled the pump) could withstand the entreaties) no longer. "T'll give you 10 more sec- onds,"' he shouted through the walls. A chorus of delighted cries lasted until he turned the the hospital, Viet Nam came as a shock, Even when they «got the news they were coming to Viet Nam, most remained optimistic--pos- sibly spurred by Nellie Forbush, the nurse in South Pacific who won _a hand French plant on a Pacific island in the Sec- ond World War. Why else did each girl bring over two trunks of pretty dres- ses? The only chance they had 'to wear them was on the troopship in August. DON'T NEED DRESSES CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING --Oshawa Times Photo Mr. And Mrs. J. W. Allan Honored By Saturday Evening Reception Mr. and Mrs, John W. Allan, Ritson road north were honored at a reception at their home on Saturday evening, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Allan, the former Flor- ence Alberta Pearce, was born in Darlington Township, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Pearce and lived in Taunton until her marriage to John Wesley Allan, born in Geneva, East Whitby Township, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Allan were married November 17, 1915, in the parsonage of King Street United Church by the late Reverend J. S. I. Wilson. Their bridal attendants were the bride's sister Maude, now Mrs. Ross Bryant, and the bridegroom's brother, Mr. Nor- man Allan. t Mr. and Mrs. ae | -- children, two sons, No: an Lewis and a daughter, Mrs. Reta Weidmark and four grand- children Mr. and Mrs. Allan are mem- bers of King Street. United Church and Mr. Allan was em- ployed at General Motors for SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Weir; Osh- 40 years prior to his retirement} four-and-one-half-years ago. | Mrs. Allan received her guests wearing a blue silk print dress. with a corsage of white! carnations sprayed with gold. | The teatable gracél with a lace, tablecloth, was centred by a three-tiered anniversary cake,| baked by the bride of 50 years, flanked by brass candelabra! holding white tapers, and' cut glass 50-year-old goblets hold-! ing white and bronze chry-| santhemums. | Mrs, Ernest Henry poured tea! and the tea assistants were the! couple's two granddaughters,| Miss Susan and Miss Nancy| Allan and a niece, Miss Bar- daughter, Mrs. Weldmark, kept! the guest book. } Mr, James Randall read aj day, ,been to Toronto to meet Mr, Brian Wildsmith, a prize-) winning illustrator of children's books, at a gathering to which librarians . had been invited. Mrs. Foy spoke of some of his books and showed samples of|row hips thrust forward. the art work which had won| Drape a bit of flaring fabric the Caldecott Medal. This isjaround the hips at night, nar- 'awarded annually to the illus-jrow or flounce it for day. trator of the most distinguished) That's California fash- picture book for children, bylion's look for 1966. the Children's Library Associa-| The long; lean look pervaded tion. Also displayed were some|the windup Monday of spring books which had won the Johnjand resort .wear showings to Newberry Medal, awarded an-/fashion editors. nually for the most distin-) Michael Novarese seamed guished contribution to Ameri-/silk dresses and costumes for a lean literature for children, --_[semi-fitted look he called his Mrs, Foy mentioned the diffi-/signature for day, "high in the} culties and cost encountered injrih cage, elongated, slightly writing, illustrating and publish- concave." ing a child's picture book. Since) His colors were strong--gar- good picture books are expen-inet for a Jimmy Cagney suit, | Leads New Fashion By DORIS KLEIN BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP)--Stand like a model, flat- bosomed chest caved in, nar- lsive, one should take advan-/double-breasted in linen with} tage of the wide selection to be/shawl collar and attached -print found in the library. jslk blouse. Children's interest in books} A. blue silk tomboy 'suit with) usually begins with nurseryjan abstract tracing of red print| rhymes, and progresses on tolturned up with a reverse print} picture books, then fairy tales./red-on-white blouse. } Later still they enjoy biog-| "In most of my _ daytime raphies. Children should belwear," explained Novarese, allowed to choose their OWN|'the shaping is controlled by| books but might need cunt just four seams." ce in their choice. ere anges h a few years for the|GOES SPANISH child to read, absorb, and en-/ A saffron moire gown with| joy children's books so this/high-rising waist was topped by! time should not be wasted on/a strapless bodice embroidered} mediocre books. in pailettes and jet for a Span-| The children's library pro- ish effect. A two-tier, elbow- vides books to supplement length cape matching the bod- those available in the schooljice completed the costume. libraries. Books concerning hob- Designers Stanley Nelson and bies were very popular, and|Bill Travila both made much classics such as Alice-in-juse of cotton in their spring} Wonderland were found in 'up-jsuits. to-date print. Children were in-| "Cotton is being woven so| troduced to poetry suitable for|imaginatively," said Travila,| their age level so they would "that I'm thinking seriously. of learn to appreciate and enjoy it-|using it in my fall and winter During the summer some'line," bara Allan from Hamilton. Their|children participated in an art) Nelson used other fabrics, too|jackets topping little silk or|Cfub, for her coverage of the and reading project. They|--baby blue cut velvet in a would read a book, then create |body - skimming all - weather jtorso in both coats and dresses, | MR. AND ims. AE. siden | Jones Avenue Couple Honored | On Silver Wedding Anniversary On the occasion of their 25th; A Uilarious mock wedding anniversaky Mr. and Mrs. A. E.|took place and those who took Mosier, Jones avenue, wereja part in it were Mrs. Wil- honored by a surprise party at|liam Mosier, Mrs. Jack Stacey, the Canadian Corps banquet/Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Mrs. Geo. hall. |Price and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- They were welcomed at the|/iam Watts. door by their eldest son, Rich-| On behalf of friends and rela- ard, and Mr. and Mrs: William |tives, Mr. Watts presented the Watts who arranged the party.;couple with an anniversary An orchid corsage and bouton-|clock, a purse of money, and a niere were pinned on the couple|personal set of sterling silver by their daughter Patti and son|jewelry. Mr. Lloyd Hazelton, John. |brother of the bride. of 25 years, water off. Then the nurses, most of them in their early. 20s, trooped out in raincoats and sandals. By the time they had reached their tents 200 yards away, across a sea of sand, they were just as hot and dusty again, [LACKS GLAMOR "Really," said one as. She jflopped on her canvas cot, pers- piration gathering on her brow, 'isn't there any glamor to war any more?" NEWS BRIEFS TURN, EYE TO ART ville United Church women at this rural community. near Guelph saw 90 lantern slides showing 1,600 years of Christian art. given by Mac Thompson, a Toronto teacher brought up in the district. RUNAWAY CAR CUT HAND PENTICTON, B.C. (CP)--Left ~ |thanked Mr. and Mrs. Watts on coat, and soft pastel tweeds in/Dehalf of the guests and Mr. front-fitted travel coats. Mosier replied. Travila also employed a new French synthetic fabric, rus-|Robert Ogden supplied in printed suits and costumes, cious putfet supper prepared by the dresses with little rounded the Ladies' Auxiliary. of. the sleeves. ; 'e | s Associati yas His look for day was long ee Corps Association was flippi to st: ed| Bipping into staggered flounced) = womeg AWARD Knit designer Lee Herman! Dorothy Kilgallen was one of tended to a tailored or little|the few women to be honored by girl feeling 4n hip-length knit/the all-male Silurians Press double knit dresses, many injcoronation of Queen Elizabeth empire lines. . \II. é their interpretation of this book.| tribute composed by members|The work done for this project) of the family and Mr. and Mrs.|was being exhibited this week: | Allan were presented with a| Mrs. Foy cautioned parents) French Provincial coffee table|not to buy condensed versions) from the family, a pole lampjof.a book. She felt that it was) from relatives and numerous|better to have the child walt) cards, gifts and flowers. until he was old enough, to) Messeges of congratulations|read the complete version. | were received from the Leader| Several books depicting the) of the Opposition, the Right|Christmas story were display-| Honorable John Diefenbaker, theled. It was suggested that one) Honorable Michael Starr and|should go to the library and) Mrs. Starr; the Prime Minister look at the books before decid- of Ontario the Honorable John|ing which one to give' as a gift.| Robarts; a framed plaque from|The library staff would be the Honorable John Yaremko, |pleased to help, and to answer) --] unattended in the tami» car, four-year-old Drew Lang re- jleased the brake and went for | finger. FERGUS, Ont. (CP) -- Mel-| An illustrated talk was! "T"ve already sent one trunk back to the states," said Lieut. Buzavein Lemieux of hbeckiord, ~~ Ill, "Yl get the: other home later this year." wea The. other nurses 'are sagiy taking a last look at the crea- tions they used' to wear at-army bases back home. : Standard attire here is fati- gues, : "What would a French planter see in me?" asked one nurse as she tried to keep her khaki fatigue blouse tucked in. There. are plenty of French planters around Viet Nam in the tea, rubber, coffee and sugar plan- tations, but none has come te call, 'Most of the nurses are young. Some are philosophical. Some of the nurses: dislike be- ing in Viet Nam and do not hesi- tate to say so, But this has not impaired their work, the doc- tors say. Some doctors, however, have doubts about the effectiveness of female nurses on' the war front. "I often wonder here if the nurses' tranquilizer value is less effective than their frictional in- fluence," said one doctor. He apparently was. trying to Say that demands for better liv- ing quarters and amenities are an upsetting influence. Ladies' dainty satinefte or nylon tricot BRIEFS, S.M. L. White shell pink, blue. REG. 2.00 ~ VY PRICE SAVING A group of friends led by Mr.\a wild ride over an embank-| the|ment. The car was wrecked but tica, which resembles fibrane,/music for dancing and a deli-\the boy escaped with a cut| V LINGERIE Satin semi-plunge contour BRA. Attractive embroidery over nylon sheer cups with fiberfill, lining. White only. Sizes AA 30-34, A 32-36, B 32-38, REG, 1.49 SALE PRICE FASHIONS SINCE 1867 be. Your For Your Reservation Provincial Secretary and Min-|questions at any time. ister of Citizenship; Mr. A. V.| During the business' period| Walker, MLA, and Mrs. Walker.|conducted by Mrs. Thomas Tip-| Among the many local guests|ton, president, it was --an-| present to offer congratulations|nounced that $143.27 had spe John Walker, Scarborough. The|was the Honorable Michael|collected in UNICEF boxes by wedding is to take place on Sat-\Starr and other guests werelour students. -Mention was! urday, December 4, 1965 at 5.30 present from Hamilton, Port|made of an open invitation to| p.m. in Knox Presbyterian|Perry, Toronto and Whitby. other Home and School Associ-| Church, Oshawa. ta | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | < So! You Were Born in December? awa, wish to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daugh- ter, Bette Jean, to Adde Jan Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. BANQUET * Plan Now on holding your holiday social fugetion emidst The forthcoming marriage is | announced of Carol Diane, daughter of Mrs. George Blyth, | Caesarea, and the late Mr. | Blyth, to Mr. John Henry Doyle, | son of Mrs. Orville Tripp, | Nestleton,; and the late Mr. John | Doyle. The ceremony will take place on Saturday, November 27, | 1965 at the Caesarea United Church. the pleasont surroundings of the Flying men Motor Hotel -- JUST 10 MINUTES DRIVE EAST FROM OSHAWA. Interchange 75, en Ontario's new super highwoy 401 et Bowmenville. Whether you ere entertaining a group of 10 or 150, you will receive the same careful attention from our expert and willing staff, ' Our Kitchen is headed by one of Ceneda's finest chefs, essisted by @ very capable steff, who will furnish you with ell the culinary delicacies, FOR YOUR RESERVATION PHONE.,. 623-3373 HWY. 401 -- BOWMANVILLE INTERCHANGE 75. CHECK EVERY CHILD MONTREAL (CP) -- Every! baby born in 11 Montreal hos- | pitals is screened for struc-} tural and biochemical abnor-| malities under the city Chil-| dren's Hospital's newborn) health project. Detecting de-| fects early can mean the dif-| ference between life and death, | says Dr. Leo Stern. You are broad-minded tolerant, truthful and humorous. Your birthstone is the beaviful blve zircon. ' Wearing # will bring you pleasurable rewards! TRAFFIC KILLS MOST Compared with 10 deaths from diphtheria and polio in 1964, 527) Canadian children died from| pedestrian road accidents alone. | ee GIFTS FASHION FLAIR From Black's. . . Because your baby needs iron for its blood-building quality, we add a special kind of iron to his cereals that's easy for his young body to utilize. All the Gerber Cereals--Rice Cereals, Barley, Oatmeal, Mixed Cereal and Protein Cereal Food--have this added iron, Caicium and B-vitamins--thiamine (B,), riboflavin (B2) and niacin--are added, too. Gerber Cereais are easy to mix with mitk or formula. Stay smooth and creamy all through the sérving Z to please your baby's palate. All these things are typical of the extra you get--from a company that specializes in good things for baby. Babies are our business...our only business! Gerber Baby Foods macara rats, CANADA 'HER' BIRTHSTONE Lovely synthetic stone 4 side diormonds. 10K gold $35 'HIS' BIRTHSTONE Heavy 10K gold with big handsome synthetic stone $27.50. On Easy terms! CHARGE-IT BURNS JEWELLERS @ Suits and Dresses _ © Sportswear @ Evening Gowns © Sweoters @ Blouses @ Costs and Jackets @ Slims and Skirts Be PLAN YOUR ristmas Dinner E "Te be held et the Flying Dutchmen. It will be @ Dey thet the whole Family will remember es o GIFT CERTIFICATES fond memory, BLACK'S Ledies' Weer Ltd. 72 Simece North © Phone now for your Reservation, 623-3373 20 Simeoe North Open to 9 p.m, Fridays re 5

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