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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Nov 1965, p. 28

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e¥La farm or business men's r 2 THE eenawas Haas, Wednesdey, November 24, 1965 \50---Autemabites Payee' 21__Camnaet Cara For Sale a eS Fispercies me 2. Pen : Eetate "Wanted For ei or Rent ° x Do You Want It SOLD or just listed? Business is good. We ore just about out of listings, If you have «a home to sell in Osh- Check These Features At. MALA GLEN COURT * Immediate Occupancy * Children Welcome -- Ist and 2nd Floors PIGEON Near PETEBORO- ~ LOT with COTTAGE $2,995 50. DOWN $48 MONTHLY PAYMENT § START JUNE, 1966 \_ JMMEDIATE . POSSESSION LOT 75' x 200' surveyed with family-sized cottoge, 3 bed- , Whitby, Ajax, Ba' pads erected. $2,995. cash Ridges, Pickin: i ' * 3 minutes to South Gener er Budget Plon, $50. down, PLEASE CALL Motors $48 monthly poyments stort - * Both ond a half inal! June, 1966, Limited num- GRIFFIN 2-ond-3-bedroom "sties. ber. Year round activities, * Twin elevators Good roads, open year round. REAL ESTATE LTD, * yc gee Hydro, telephone, swimming, excellent fishing, water ski- Ing boating, hunting, ete. Winter ski-town nearby. ~ PRACTICAL FOR RETIRE- GL. MENT, ENJOY Fell, Winter, "« $pring and Summer. This property selling rapidly. "DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED ORDER NOW! At Fowler's Corners, junction Highwoys 7 ond 7B on the Peterbore to Lindsoy Highwoy each doy this weekend at | . 723-4645 THREE-BEDROOM house, that meets VLA requirements. Must be near shoo and bus. Telephone 72- 4650. 24--Stores, Of ices, Storage OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building Rental Representatives on duty daily 1 --9 p.m. 728-9468 or - 728-9466 after hours 723-6255 OSHAWA REALTY (BOND, ST.) LTD. oppoint- : p.m. end 3 p.m. No ry THREE-ROOM furnisned apartment, Pri- ment necessary. vate entrance. Apply 164 Grenfell Street } « : TWO-BEDROOM apartments, immediate| ee ti contact: possession. Drapes, refrigerator, stove, | controlled entrance, 'intercom. Laundry Can be seen Monday through =| 4 L WILSON facilities. Adults preferred. Apply 349 "* Friday, doy or evening, by A wt Marlnod Avenue, Apt. 414. Telephone | appointment only, (ine AO REE oe _-- AT THE TIMES APARTMENT for rent, partly furnished, PI S / Telephone 723-1671. red | | | TWO-BEDROOM furnished apartment, pHoNe 112.372.9494 | COMMERCIAL [ito "monmiy. "possession, ogcember a Apply 496 Simcoe North, Apt* ~ HOMES AND, COTTAGES LTD. FS OBOURG ONT BU | LDI NG ONE-BEDROOM apartment, No. 18 on 300 " ' Ses | - High "Streetin Whitby. Modern bathroom . - North end of city and extra large. living room. $85 monthly aw Sal | P 7 }10 days possession. Apply caretaker, -21--Farms for Sale on Simcoe St. above address, for showing FURNISHED 'bedroom and kitchen lconveniences, suitable for couple jtrally located. Telephone 725-7073. |THREE - ROOM apartment, wiring, TV antenna wanted. Apply 240 Ritson Road South ay FARMS ~ and Small Acreages | abate eat": -- triplex. Refrigerator Tn | INSIDE STORAGE © [tit trac tanvery BOATS TRAILERS Stevenson Road South CAMPERS - ETC. 15' Runobout with Trailer Sept. to June i $18.00 TOWNLINE N. OSHAWA 728-4732 FOR RENT -- Store or office. 306 Kitch 2000 sq. ft. with office space. Will remodel to suit. Telephone 723-4 4452 Cc bedroom apartment stove, drapes entrance Apply Buying or Selling? ploce your confidence former former who Knows the | * District and your problems. Coll ALLAN THOMPSON -- | Repres. of - SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. Doytime 723-2265 ener Avenue, 725-0151 Evenings 728 2870 JANTED fo rent garage with 00 FARM -- 50 miles from Oshawa ba pielel Oshawa or Whitby area ved road, two new steel buildings, 40° x! p90 6455 y each; all electric feeders; conveyor 9 belts; water on pressure system: | 500 SQUARE FEET, suitable for beauty #ag washer, 3,000 capacity; 12,000 parlor or office, on Stevenson Road North, ekalb laying hens, good production with $125 per month, Call Jack Zurba at Osh 5 chain store ag yl sight-room mod-| awa Realty Ltd., 728 9466 mn frame home in good condition ee OFFICE SPACE or meeting, Sees find: Fo inom Realestate rent. Apply 17 King. Stres hours-cail. 7a8-asi3,..__| Ville 623-5967. om rulers |25--Houses for Rent from General Motors, Oshawa; DR house on large fenced lot frem Metro Toronto. Modernized home of|in Whitby. Garage. $110 monthly. New oll four bedrooms. Ol! heating. Good barn furnace, large basement. 725-6797 "and driving shed. Year around jbo TWO - BEDROOM bungalow, Oshawa CLEAN furnished nousekerping room, Sowing through weeded Cirvey Hosen,(north area. $110 monthly. One child wel-/duiet home, central, euit gentleman giate i SS a8, ae wicduay. Realtor | come. Available now. Apply 731 Cedar Phone 723-922 -- | Street. 725-0809 TWO FURNISHED rooms for 22--Lots | 'For Sale [EXECUTIVE HOME for rent on Simcoe "lemen preferred. Apply 31 _|Street North. Three bedrooms. Refer- Avenue or telephone 723-6591 after 6 p jences and one-year lease required, $140. ROOM for rent for gentleman with ps -BE READY FOR SPRING |monthly rent. Call Guide Realty Ltd., ing space, 109 Park Road South. - Invest in your 723-5281. _ phone 723-1830 Building Lot Now ! 27--Rooms for Rent ROOMS FOR RENT by WHITBY HOTEL Whitby 668-2337 ATTRACTIVELY - FURNISHED ROOM private home, 5 and 7 p.m the week lockable Call room for + Bowman Available Call between n 728-867 | rent, THREE - BEDROOM bungalow double garage, on paved street, In Cour-jen, for nice clean gentleman tice, $125. monthly. Available December | novedale Drive, Whitby. 668-4870 EE a ian TWO SINGLE furnished rooms, sult - irni . TWO-STOREY bungalow, four bedrooms, girls. Telephone . 725-8933 oll heated. Spacious playground, on Ger- phon Looking For an Apartment: t? al all en- heavy duty Good clean people in laun $110 196 82 PARK RD. N. in Tele. gen Buckingham m rk: Tele with ROOM to rent with use of modern kitch Apply 222 wo in quiet home, rerd Road $824 FURNISHED BEDROOM aerate: -------\gentieman only. Parking space. Apply * Choice el lots '26--Aportment for Rent latter 6 p.m. 574 Crerar Avenue = --|NICE clean furnished bedroom in quiet 100' x 150' home. Apply 23] Conant Street er tele- ' PA AVAILABLE phone 723-9058. 4 miles East of Bowmanville. IMMEDIATELY FURNISHED room, suit two gentlemen Close to schools, just 20 min. kitchen to share, frem G.M EXCELLENT TERMS OP $150. down One bedroom apartment. . GRENFELL ST. ADULTS ONLY 723-6944 | 725- 9280. | GouBLie furnished room, beds. Suitable for gentlemen. Ritson Road South. Telephone 723-684 TWO FURNISHED bedrooms, to rent s with private bath, private jentrance, Oshawa Blvd. North, Telephone single Apply 559 4 ep- i A arately, Equipped kitchen to share. Plus end $48 80 for 36 months # FTER 6 P.M. use of living room. Ladies only. Tele COLBORNE EAST, 51 -- Twobedroom phone 728-8743 McGILL apartment, $120. monthly. 'Telephone 723-' two unfurnished rooms. After 5, apply 487 Albert Street or telephone 723-7024 c BASEMENT APARTMENT, private bath, LARGE panelied completely furnished REAL ESTATE BROKER couple, abstainers. One mile from South bed-sitting room, also' own refrigerator, 728-4285 General Motors, Available December 1.|in two-bathroom home. Parking. Suit one . Call 72B-omney between 1-2, 7-9 p.m or two, 728-9279 after 5 p.m, TWO-BEDROOM apartment on month- FURNISHED room, suitable for two girls, THIeKsoN ROAD NORTH _---. ready to -+o.month-basis; Simtoe Street. South, $100. single-beds. Telephone 725-1433 bulld on, Make an offer! Call monthiy rent plus utilities. "Call Steve Lou Pht and Oshawa Realty, 728-9466 OF Engiert, 728-5381, Guide Realty Lid, BED - SITTING ROOM and single bed 48-2606 73.598 om, suitable for one or two gentlemen, hws set willing to share, single beds, Near Fit PRIVATE SALE. one scenic building lo! THREE-ROOM basement apartment, re tings. Telephone 728-7 on Grandview Street Sou elephone frigerator, stove, private bathroom. AP- single ROOM | - 'wime-5604 ply.112 Rossland Road West eee Roe 'or tron om Herman a oan Rn qu oF nie 0 , NEXT TO GOLF COURSE, near GIy BOWMANVILLE -- 'Three-room aparj- Immediate - possession. Apply 227 Chad tons Choice ee fr Oy Menity Lia iment, stove, refrigerator, $80. monthly. | burn. tall Jack Zurba at Oshawa Realty Available December 1., Telephone 725 Y2R-9466 oF 725-31 " R574 SINGLE furnished bedrooms, for steadily i employed gentlemen. Newly decorated ROSSLAND Lado at Gibbons, vehi ®P-' SPACIOUS two-bedroom apartment, in carpeted, Parking. One block north of proved, haseme: ber Laces bl Mgr modern four-plex Refrigerator, stove, General Motors. 728-6497 Byilt now under winter works bonus. Call! dryer, and: drapes supplied. Own rec {Lou Robinson at Oshawa Realty Ltd.) room and teudry, rest. on bus revie CLEAN housekeeping room, everything 1 i ute, ' pr dt ling 46. % Gr P4EE OF 468-0606. uae close to. schools, Idea! tor couple with SUPPIied, suit two willing to share. $7 GET READY for spring with the pur-|!wo children, Available December 1, $120 -- gg week Bu at door and parking ehase of a good-sized building lot with a2 monthly plus utilities. 728-1834 son South area. 725-2892 ae #%: frontage and 132 ft. depth. Located in| Gipg STREET, $103, One-bedroom apart. FURNISHED living room and kitchen Brooklin, $3,500 with $1,000 down. Contactiment in modern apartment building, Re. combined, plus bedroom, on ground floor rh North Simcoe Street. Telephone 723 eo, eg Brooklin 655-3663, D. W.\trigerator and range in kitehen, dinette, \ Simcoe Street. Telephone 723-440 wccastel Ahad drapes, balcony. Near Oshawa Shopping FURNISHED clean single room. Apply FOR SALE -- Apartment fots in north Centre. Adults. Available January 1.368 Pine Avenue or telephone 723-5522 nd. Six-suite, nine-svite, |2-suite and 54- Phone 723-2570 Evite, Telephone 728-8378 fotte, Tele : S CLARK STREET -- Two completely fur. 28----Room and Board 40 ACRES near No. 2 Highway, four hun. nished rooms. 'Would sult couple or single 9! SINGLE rooms and board. Apply 25 Di deed per acre, paved road, school. Call(gir!. Adults, Telephone 723-6176 Hs ; s sion Street Earle Alter, Keith Peters Realty LI. FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent tor ive Giula Gi or have, Bi bar week COLBORNE STREET EAST, S7--Room, Telephone 668-2621 0a: Gentlemen to share. ose to north 23--Real Estate Wawted SOMPAET APARTMENT, Prigle wie ee nk BSSS55585555 $5 § § trance and bathroom. Available immedi- ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, will ately. Telephone 668-8129. Apply 110 Ashi to share, close to South General s + S| Street, south: door "pris. em workers bnly. Telepiione 1GH t . . $ DEMAND I$ HiGH ! S'THREE ROOMS, private bath and en . rs SUPPLY IS LOW ! Sitrance. Available anytime. Telephone ROOM AND BOARD five-day week, TV . ; 728-2197 or FORBTIS in room, near South General Motors. Pri Ss WANTED NOW ! S vate entrance Telephone 725-9483 cr apply 5 S| THREE BEDROOM apt. private bath, 1429 Oxford Stree! fee < entrance and garage. Available now. Ap & Urgently Neéded >' ply 15 Wayne St. after 6 p.m ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen only s LISTINGS S foiiches packed if desired, very, conteally g 2 WHITBY -- One bedroom apt. in apt at 296 King Sf. E. near : ais ik > building, stove, frig, washing drying and R 465 S parking facilities: Apply apt ! 5 J © iCraydon Rd ROOM AND BOARD, seven days weekly 5 willing to share, single beds. 95 Albert & DON STRADESK] 5 FURNISHED two room self-contained Street or ielephone 195 8907 : pea " 2 iapartment, refrigerator, stove, TV outlet 5 LTOR Sietc., off street parking. Apply 184 Beatty ROOM AND BOARD, single and double Ss 63 King St West S | Avenue rooms, seven-day week, parking facilities, ' yt : fe Se shift workers welcome. Good central loca : OSHAWA } Two. FURWISHRD rooms, new bedroom tion. Telephone 725-2684 S furniture, and kitchen, on third floor SSSSSSSSSS$SESS5S Sirvaiavle Immediately, suit two willing ROOM (board optional), one or two will ' 5 5 Sito share. Apply 154 Tyler Crescent ng to share. Lunches packed.. Room | i tte s a B seven days $8, Board, fi FOUR-ROOM apartment,. second floor, Telephone 1 Se90 phe oA ocatgpdst Lj tj | . d newly decorated. Adults only, abstainers . Call between 9 a.m, and 12 noon, 5-7 > LISTINGS NVITeG {ca between 29--Wanted To Rent ADELAIDE WEST -- Two-bedroom 'MMEDIATELY three room heated partment, stove and refrigerator, wall-|aPariment. Ufilities paid. Reasonable fo-wall_broadioom. Telephone 725-6851, | $55. Downtown area. Telephone Windsor 252-4876 collect |NEW ONE bedroom apartments. Close to Phone| YOUNG COUPLE SIBBY'S vi downtown available December ist require one bedroom 728-9466 Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Lid leas ment fer January 1} or February ; se ter 5: telephone 725-9 REAL ESTATE LTD, TWO-BEDROOM apartments available in|. we ~ 728-7576 new buildings with possession for Jan- URGENT three-bedroom house need . vary walkout balconies, stoves,/&¢ immediately, Near school and bus a |fridges, electric heat and broadioom rent phone 728-6650. : Oe og for $115 and $125 per month, which ae erric! < 5.. FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE - | includes hydro, water and hot water tank i ' c all $ D. Hy n Real i NO) MUSS, "NO FUSS, ~ [Sail P--Hyman Real Estate. Limites TO SELL r jee ' DON'T CUSS;--CALL US. [ss sineitt, sy aousres ceny, spec wean rates. Small apartments. avaliable Beare | : ACTIVE cling Holiywond Motel and" Res'our | H FRUITS ety 14 : Whitby 468-2067 2 | : & XECUTIVE apartment, large two-bed-| 728 5187 room sulle, "speclout {Wingo toe} and Hg bathrooms, two balconies, lovely "View. enirally. located. Early' passession, $250 : "STOP THINK Ort eee &GETABLES é ; A YOUNG TEACHER desires & aaa For fost action, list all: pro- young woman to share two-bedroom fur-| perties with nished 'apartment. For further informa-| e tion call 723-9072 after $ p.m USE THE OSHAWA REALTY ONE Ce BEDROOM apartment tor rent borne Street East. Available De BOND ST.) LIMITETL bed, Call. between 8 a.m. and 4 M 25 Bond West 28-9AKE Pum, 7289152 - OREW. STREET, 74 -- Twa or three BUYERS WAITING Mings. needed|rooms, furnished, central, adults " x es irgentiy an hemes and prenpert working couple or three ind Jiduals, ab. - a S weecr satiate ai hav entero | arene coum ar Three nai BASK da. ean Salers Resity \ fe ine pac non-smokers, No childre Avail % CG. M. USED CARS ; 1965 PONTIAC V-8, custom sport, 'Blue', bucket seats with console, two door hardtop, pow= er steering, power brakes. Pre- vieus owner trades every year, "mileage is very atti the ice is right! Lic ; ae " . $3,395 1963 CHEVY 11 automatic, .6 cylinder, white, stationwagon, Lic. 2583X. The vehicle permit classifies this car as dual-pur- pose for the. weekend to the cottage, with the family; or if fey're a do-it-yourself resident, 1962 FORD FALCON, WHITE SEDAN. Previous owner -- Capt. Wiseman of the Salva- tion ony Lie, 212453 $1,295 1962 FORD Sinko dA little gem. Horry says this cor " pa ns SY SER oats a must go! Coll Horry. Lie, H- 137 gs EH Nal E. |32--Trucks for Sale Bochond: owner. Open till | 25388. : 10:00 p.m, 725-8232, LIKE ARMCHAIR } 723-6322 1953 'CHEVROLET one ton stake. Excel oe : body and motor Four nearly new --| SHOPPING ? in the spot financin tires, 6"x 9 body with 6' racks. Price! 963 CHEVROLET, RED AND : ' BO eleimerie Alex. 942-240 : GIFT PROBLEMS "| Phone 668-331] 1963 C , 58 CHEV. half ton pick-up fi i | | For details on Gift WIFE = ANG deb, want MORE CASH: ie ramuoras oe SL SOLVED AT. | of SELECT APPLES coast mirrors; 2 ton pick-up, Paid for Good Clean Cars Has {6 be ety Aig ts of best vas | | RED WING ORCHARDS atie-ay 8 fost box Le! pee' Trade up or down, Liens paid erly Clarence Essex, 24 Eigin St. E.| in this truc as gone ; DODD MOTOR SALES shawa | - -- ' seat miles, Lic. 159428. ~ |1952 CHEVROLET, 'ton truck. Teie-| | ORDER FOWL + 314 PARK RD, SOUTH | Iphone after six, 725-1433 | NOW! 1962 CHEV four door hardtop, 723-942) '59 GMC Viton pick-up, "leat ox = HARDWARE : color yellow, V-8 automatic, Rib psc Mahon pipet ae Hehe Brown | 2 723-4722 power steering, power brakes, Motors Ltd., 725-6568. 337 Simcoe St. 3: LITZ PROCESSING. whitewalls ae se is a ~ ALL CASH 1959 CHEVROLET 'ston panel. Good} Telephone 723-4425 | PLANT owner car, owned and operate. Wie lag cole oe tncke" We running condition. Needs body work. $125 For Banquets - Bowlin : a ' 4 Greeny ad Cres t, Whitb Aft bd by a distinguished Ajax resi deal up or down. Liens paid p.m. 'pt ino 'sa . la : os Alleys. Special Rates dent, Lic. H47858 NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED * FLYING TRAINING | 117 BLOOR ST. EAST 146 BROCK ST..NORTH 2277Automobiles Wanted * PLEASURE FLIGHTS OSHAWA A ] R R tc Batra level hinds Bie actin! i Maid: Bat ais -- Across from Royal Hotel ' Government Approved School HEALTH FOOD for health's sake!| '62. PONTIAC DUAL - PUR Whitby. 668-3331 CARS WANTED | GIFT aural vitaming, alnral, 'Snahine| 3s | ' ' wa POSE STATION WAGON. You 42 GALAXIE 500 Sunliner convertible Buying A New Car? | CERTIFICATES : at must see to appreciate! Do | Raven black with spotless red interior, ; % aa AVAILABLE you want to feel young aryd /380 V-8 engine, automatic, radio, power Sell your used car to 'Ted | > steering and nearly new whitewalls. Best Talk " " A . . important? Here's the cor for. |bty" uleacarticence Nisa seawey| alk cash" tothe New =| J Aviation you Motors (1965) {td., 1120 Dundas Street ire per Adah ey ye } , East, Whitby. 668-5893. TED CAMPIN MOTORS LIMITED CHEVY '64 IMPALA CON- |1957 FORD Fairlane S00 VA siandard| 723-4494 Res i : ; Ari | Oshawo Municipal Airport, VERTIBLE -- Lic. 490072. | shift, fair fondition,, $100, or best: offer. | Sciwa AUTO PARTS -- 7 1 SMITH BEVERAGES will say no more! da A 3 ¥: for wrecking, Tires and parts for sale " LIMITED 1964 OLDSMOBILE Super 88, four - door|1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162 Authorized Botti f , i hardtop, power steering and brakes = MATEO ee es tor $100.00 CAR Come and ration tare laa a oh meienine interior (LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want PEPSI-COLA GANADA LTD see or moke a phone call, | Telephone 725-8465 cars for wrecking. Highest prices. pald INDIA HANDICRAFTS and ; 200. Wentworth East, 725-1181 "63 PONTIAC converti : : poet hr tarei : i i Gower brakes, seeringn red, bivce trim |WARTED = Cars for wrecking Tale) For your Chvisimos git | Sep" pintermational Limited No down payment, Terms to sult Licence (Phone 728-4549, Robert Nichols selections, may we suggest 50 Farewell St., Oshawa a H37825, Gus Brown Motors Lid., 125-6568.|SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars this year ao handcrafted Telephone 723-1011 "8. PONTIAC excellent condition through: Pought, parts for sale. Iron and metals gift from India. On display is iVE * * * Sry a STARR outs iat SoH. Talentione 446-3455 bought. 8 Bloor Street East, 725-2311 aie brake cud Wnkd cation uit RPE ad . a een lal 'i rty es FOR SALE '64 Chevrolet convertible V-8 . . tobles, Rosewood and Ivor ' automatic, beige, telephone 7259807 days |24-Automobile Repair Le Ee aaee lier favellan, "THE FESTIVE LOOK" "Your Fendly GM aa RREURY ont ne dan, OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex-| me : ead j O.K. Used Cor Dealer' immaculate burgundy finish with beauti. Pert carburetor and auto electric service silks, ih gtithe pares vos Vadiant Cleaners ful contrasting interior, V-8 engine, auto- 222 King' Street West, 728-0817 es, candleholders, rose Oshawa Shopping Centre STATION ROAD, AJAX [matic radio, power steering and brakes, TRANSMISSION specialisis. Transmis bowls ond many other 725-1023 : = jbreezeway window .and whitewatis. Two sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe beautiful and exclusive 1120 e to choose from. Licence 41646 andiNorth. Phone 728-7339. i : Simcoe St N., 728-236] 942 6300 6806807 Seaway Motors (1965) Ltd., 20 i i' Risa) AE a bas Pick-Up and Delivery aa SPundas Street East, Whitby. 668-5893. 35--Lost and Found iew location solina Kd, Bi eee EE ae saat ec ""1959 CHEVROLET, two-door hardtop, six . "8 te 1% miles south of | The Safe W. cylinder automatic, good body, motor and LOST -- Girl's timex wrist watch| N. 2. Highway | e ate Way 462 GALAXIE 500 Fordor hardtop. Smart|!"nsmission, snow tires. $575. Telephone shopping centre between Eaton's and} FOR APPOINTMENT | To Celebrate chestnut finish with tan interior, V-8 en-| 725-8885 Nga ath cB | : | THE HOLIDAY SEASON gine, automatic, radio and power brakes. |1960 PONTIAC Laurentian, a-door hardtop |LOST -- A top coat exchanged in error) PHONE 725-2987 | Soid mew and serviced by us. Licence high performance V-8 engine, «standard)4! McLaughlin Collegiate Thursday, No | Pi 25783. Seaway Motors (1965) Lfd., 1120/shift, positraction, calor red, radio. 723-\vember 18. Telephone 725-1068. Ride with Dundas Street East, Whitby, 668-5893 '63 PONTIAC Parisienne, two - door hard CERTAIN NE Buy It Now Wi LOAN THE BANK iN LOVE WITHA CAR-? th A Low-Cost, Life Insured SCOTIA PLAN OF NOVA SCOTIA o terior, whitewalts, bucket seats and bel sul, stick-shift, ond steering. Only thousand miles. __725- A576 after 6 » KELLY DISN 1200 DUNDAS ST, Cars bought and Liens paid off Always top. quolity. Cars Bought and 6496 after 6:30. '64 BUICK WILDCAT 2-door hardtop. Beige-tar' in- radio, ts. Con- power brakes eleven Balance of new car warranty. Absolutely spotless, Will finance, . 725-6559 DAYS PMs EY USED CAR LTD. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 sold Trade up or down Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 1964 IMPALA two doer hardtop, V-8 au ae VOLVO -& PEUGOT % MERCEDES BENZ . General Repair and JAKE AND BILL'S GARAGE Autgtelectric Service 449 Ritson Rd, South Oshawa 728-0921 The Oshawa Times GIFT SPOTTER Your Guide to Practical. Christmas. Gifting For Everyone On Your Gift List Zoltan, Nick and Dan's Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service. 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 RITSON RD, §, 723-3461 Open Evenings 1955 T-BIRD Porthole top California car, $2,900, Telephone Toronto 922-6063. '|1959 VAUXHALL sedan, good condition, new clutch and exhaust system. Phone 725-7139 after 5 p.m. |1963 CORVAIR Monza, four-speed, Best| j offer, Please call Albert 723-8684. |'60 FALCON sedan in exceptional condi |tion, radio, washers, back-up lights. Orig- inal owner. Forty-six thousand, eight hun- dred miles. Very economical. 725-2949, "61 BUICK Special, automatic. $1,600 or ROMAN CATHOLIC ARTICLES ETC, Lovely assortment of Ros aries, crucifix and nativity -- CAPONS -- -- TURKEYS -- Dressed and Delivered 'best offer. Telephone 725-8575 |1961 CORVAIR Monza coupe, green with ms. FRANK HOAG white bucket seats, Equipped with auto- PARKVIEW Rossland Rd. West |matic radio, s tices and the jextras. $975. Fuel pce "Cnt 72 '30. VARIETY STORE Oshawa = 725-6837 773-5650. 98 Olive Ave., Mrs. V. LOST -- Lady's white gold wrist watch, Saturday evening, Near K-Mart or Shop. GIVE oe MERCURY TAXI re yese top, V-8, automatic, double power, Trade tomatic, power steering, power brakes, Ping Centre. Telephone 723-9624. down. Licence. 995508 ihr ee Nathtng low mileage. Telephone 728-8875 CLOCK, open-faced, placed In. city dump That Lasting Gift 425-4771 itd. 728-4568, % 1958 OLDSMOBILE dynamic 88, two door Sunday by mistake. Keepsake. $15 reward | "A Gift Certificate" : hardtop, power steering, power brakes, 10 finder., Telephone 723-6392 Ue ee eee 14 ALBERT ST 4 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, V-8, radio, whitewall tires. Car in very good|LOST -- male Beagle, Saturday atier-| z ; Bui gulomatic,, double power. Low mileage. |condition. Telephone 725-3171 noon, Park Road - Courtice area, Anyone For A Oshawa's Most Moder Taxi e ave! Nothing down. Terms. Licence ; finding call. 725-9502. R ~ | 119139. Gus Brown Mot a, Fas, 63 MERCURY Monterey tudor hardtop. finding 2 eward. ») ae § , ors Lid. 725-6568. _ | wimbiedon white with immaculate red in an PORTRAIT '59 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 hardtop, avto-'terior, V-8 engine, automatic, power } matic, fully powered, radio, black. body, steering and brakes, radio, whitewalls IN OIL red trim. Terms! Licence 47442. Gus! and power back window. A one owner PER MONTH Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568 new car trade in excellent condition Sittings by. H 68 PONTIAC Fordor station wagon. Orig inal Oshawa bive finish, automatic, radio, tible, Red with white top Fully equipned with many extras Telephone 648.8419, Whithy, after 4.20 p.m cence H33105 1120 Dundas Street East, Whi 723-3492 Seaway Motors (1965) itd thy. 668-5893 123 The cost of this 6d. dolly for one appointment only er and whitewalls, This Is another one owner! '64 PONTIAC convertible 327 V8, auto r | nm : new car trade that will provide excellent matic. Power steering, brakes. Diplomat eor.. Too small CLARK STUDIO GIFTS lap transportation for some tucky family. blue, matching interior. Whitewalls, discs. to be noticed? You're read- é 4 Licence X1881. Seaway Motors Lid., 1120 | Licence H73928. Gus Brown Motors, 728 iP 325 BROCK NORTH CHILDREN . . . of all ages Dundas Street East, Whitby. 668-5893 7375, ing! WHITBY --- 668-4497 @ BICYCLES '@ CHEVROLET station wagon, perfect '59 PONTIAC :Parisienne, 4door hardtop | (New and. Used) mechanically, 6 cylinder, standard, radio.|é automatic white blue trim, radio white - ~ @ TRICYCLES No down payment. Trade considered. | walls, discs, Very-clean, tocal-car-ticence 36--Legol F Terms available. Licence X6535. Gus | H49716. Gus Brown Motors Ltd, 728-7375 1 © ICE SKATES rown Mot ¥d.,, 725- ( dbl decd dd Rte '99 METEOR fordor sedan, tutone bive | FLMER S Sold 'and Exchanges) MUST SELLI 1964 Pontiac Parisienne and white finish with matching interior | # HOCKEY EQUIPMENT convertible. Power equipped. Red with Radio and nearly new whitewalls. Excel- NOTICE TO | @ TOYS, etc black top. Price $2550, Phone 725-1850 lent condition. Licence 27605. Seawa eee i a after 6 Motors (1965) Ltd,, 1120 Dundas' Street CREDITORS The Christmas Store "#4 PONTIAC Strato tudor sedan. Original E Ast Whitby. 668-5893 P rel? YCLE aqua finish with matching turquolse trim. |65 BUICK Wildcat, convertibie. * Power AND OTHERS with Gifts Galore : Ecenomical 6 cyiinder engine, radio and steering,- brakes, windows, seats. Rever whitewalls Real value in this low priced berator, cornering lights, white, red| Creditors and others having Got gift problems? Drop ENTRE automobile. Licence 323411. Seaway trim, black top. Licence H585B8. Gus : ' Motors Lid, 1120 Dundas Street East,|Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375 aims ae (we estate of sath tant Bargain oe Whitby. 668-589 RANK ILSON. w | and see the lorge selection y. 4 '$7 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan Ars FRANK WILSO , who died ot | at arg es | 204 Bond £., 725-6344 1963. PONTIAC Laurentian, automatic 6,|lutely perfect condition. New motor. stoo| Oshawa, February 2nd, 1965, -- | Pe een Ue Male L Now ! radio, whitewalls, many extras. Excel- cash or terms. Licence 523529. Gus Brown are requested to send particu- family ack td AL inthis OREO E S ent condition, $1,750 or best offer. Whitty Motors Lid 125-6568 468-803 - ; lars of such claims to the un ' USED CAR PARTS, spindles fo make Wy 1958 PLYMOUTH Belvedere V8, aulo-trallers, also used tires' 509 Bloor street, dersianed, solicitors for the | ELMER S i dooeie 8 matic, radio. Best offer. Apply. 1396 Ox- East, after 4. 723-228) Administrators, on or before | OR NYONE ord Street the 12th day of December : f 1959 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard! seb ; : : 1960 CHEVROLET. $100 down, fake over |top, 6 cylinder, automatic. two new fires} after which date the Estate BARGAIN HOUSE ius ox) payments. Telephone 725-8519, on snow ire Hig sell immediately! will be distributed having re "62 BUICK Le Sabre sedan, & cylinder, | 600. 728-0776 or 728-724 gard only to claims that have' | STORE HOURS GIFTS FOR THE automatic, power brakes, power steering, SNOW TIRES 14" - 15'; wheels $3 up : tinted windshield, excellent running con-|283 engine, new. Courtice Auto Wreckers,| Deen received 12 noon to 9 p.m | HOBBYIST ion. Two new front tires. § 38.. Night | rear. For quick sale, $1,450 cash, Phone) rove non en cee ne MARKS AND. McNEELY Sat. 9 a.m, to 6 pm |--Modal Automobile, . Air- 725-2420 after 5 LIENS PAID OFF! We irae up, down olietors, , | plone, Boat Kits: The Big cose from over 60 cars. No downpay Clos 0 } '59 ANGLIA. Ideal second car. Good con-| ments! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375 17 King St. Fost, | Closed oll: day Monday est Selection in town. dition. Terms available. Licence 107069 rex: \ | ¥ | Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568 Tale. GIR slic Bhar res tik vey ne 253 BLOOR ST, E. | POLLARD radio, W le walls, chrome iscs like ' 99° 5 (0 TRIUMPH convertible, Licence|new. inside and "sub: Télephone paa-see 92 Simcoe St. -N, 723-9512 c 1 wi matching t = Gyo ae eee nia pei fs Please : t power brakes, steering, white red trim yaay terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728 One owner, Terms. Licence 52033. Gus NOTICE TO Brown Motc Lid., 725-6568 1 RAMBLER = Arian Soni oy eweyeol ey sign CREDITORS i : lee station wagon, licence pla eg hore en amy car ive down poy AND OTHERS shai ment. Easy terms, Gus Brown Molors ' Ltd, 728-73 } 1957 OLDSMOBILE Super #8 hardtop. . Creditors and others having | $100 or best offer or will Irade tor '58 or ral gayle ah capi diy Wedoor hard claims against the estate . rd product with ' ite wi interior, f f 'ae With Dad: motor," 423 iy equipped, One owners iow mileage], Of MARY WILSON, © who it PONTIAC GS Sai F Telephone 728-2583 died at Oshawa, August 27th ardiop, V-8, k a radio, aRCRDHONAIY paad cone arn '64 BUICK Skylark convertible, power 1965, are requested to send available. No down payment, Licence @avipped, radio, bucket seats. Still under particulars of such claims to 50272. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 725-6568 Sean $2,850 or best offer. Telephone -- the undersiqned, solicitors for PRIVATE -- 1960 Volkswagen bus, beau : the Administrators, on or be a) * : - tiful condition, $650 or nearest offer,/'965 IMPALA sedan, blue, low mileage fore the 12th day of Decem @) ve | t f ems Alex 940.5006 automatic, V-8, radio, Royal Master tires nh . ae eOnTIAG "raga other extras. $2,750. Telephone 723-243 ber, 1965, after which date f r arisienne convertible, V-8, , th stat i b Stri j automatic, double power. Low mileage., $5 CHEVROLET hardtop, V-6, automatic, Hid co nbelecb shee Aaead Birla See! Save! Nothing down. Terms: Licence rae One ocal owner. Still under war vaving regatd only to claims : ky 19139. Gus B Mot: td, 725 ranty, Low mileage. Terms availabie. L hat ha =r ived E | étf | d be so od jotors : id a ae Rese Oe eo oe ad | ne have been. receive -AS] y icient y. a. | arisienne two door har 725-6568 « » top, V-8 automatic, 'Deluxe blue . MARKS AND McNEELY, Many extras. Will .accept trade, Tele-| 1958 PONTIAC 6 cylinder, new fires, re Solicitors, | leasin | for ever one on phone 723-5710 afler 5 p.r Duilt motor, radio, Good second car.. ae FoniviLe i Telephone 728-6112 17 King St. Eost, | our door, standard, radio, OSHAWA, Ontario lew paint good tires. Telephone 798-729]. | 1963 CHEVROLET Biscayne automatic 6, d | mM g After 7 Saleen marie _-- 4-door, good condition. White Blue trin ae | Our rist as .e) in ist ! Very clean, Sacrifice $1,395. Telephon . | 1956 DODGE station wagon, V8 stick.(7750137. om seen' 37--Auctions 78 00 ' teri ' " " Sine ede tr ag CADILLAC) BaRUIIE Tater And Tran Tha gift thot lets 'them' choose is always a welcome gift ! mission. Very good body, $425 or bes hifull k z c s if v 5 bed piesa Tad Sports car Rad body. offer, Telephone 725 5855, PUBLIC AUCTION Beautifully packaged in Christmas cylinders if value is over red uckel seats E xceller le Gown payment, 'Terms. Licence 4055) 63 CHEVROLET d-door sedan V-8 auto «$5.00 festive envelopes for smaller amounts Gus Brown Motors Litd:, 725-6568 inthe Custas radio ? The. undersigned - quctioneer 7 interior, Very - popular will sell b blic tio 1959 BUICK four door hardtop, automatic,| Licence 62707D. G a Maare Et t Y public auction ot new. paint job. Best offer. Telephone 778.7375, ie ces kaif a least Sturtevant's Auction Holl, Available in denominations of . 778-7291. Evenings after 7 call 728-4733. 33 'Holl St. oT , n 1989 JAGUAR XKIS0 convertible, wire all St., Thursday, No e L396) PONTIAC, four door, wagon, radio, wheels, adie. Good condiion. Telephone) vember 25 ot 7.30 pm. Din 20; 50, 1.00 2.00, 5.00, 10.00, 25. 06, new tires icence 3X. Will ae) 798-303 cept-trade.Can-finance,- 1961 Oldsmobil ing room suite, beds, dishes piston: harktpn, Seeer athena, brakes, jE CHEVROLET super sport hardtop, 37) tables sewing - machine, 50.00 and 100.00 windows, double Eagié Goodyear tires, horsepower, 1 aya ieee r oilclot ' Licence 822430, Telephone 725-7887 any. | 22500 miles. Extras. 725-2 punks, © th, washing ma firne 'fi a zi chine, other articles to nu pe © s a '59 BUICK Black 4door hardtop. Power | merous to mention. Terms EATON'S UPPER LEVEL steering, brakes, whitewalls, discs, No| For cash down payment. Easy terms. Licence H c ~ ' 47918. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375. | ESULTS Myles King, Auctioneer CUSTOMERS ACCOUNTS OFFICE 1960 VAUXHALL Victor station wagon.| Use Excellent condition, whitewall tires, 'ideal TIMES THIS 18.70 ADVISE "that oh e small car for: family. Will accept best 5 Ang Pa Ses PER Hag - offer, Telephone 725-782: Classified sta ve) ve rig comnany to sell by PHONE i pe as 7373 2 ¢ Auction Thursday," December nd 1948, CHEVROLET Super sport conver ACTION ADS 1965. the personal and household effects Mrs, ©. A ' address Apt. 33,1 iviile Ontario. 4 of Haggelt knowr PUT YOUR HOME h in the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT Tf "Christmas Trees * Lights. Decorations 2 LOCATIONS: J. A. JANSSEN & SONS | LTD. | 843 King W., 728-9429 | AL PRESTON'S SUNOCO | Simeoe St. North 5000 TREES ON LOT "Nursery Grown Pruned Scotch Pines Also Spruce and Balsam 1 ORs Teo Oe [SRO 97c - 1.50-2.00 Sprayed any Color For Nominal Charge Oshawa Garden Centre 1259 Simcoe St. N., 723-1161 OPEN EVENINGS CHRISTMAS TREES. Soid-by Pentecos- i" Church Youth. Ist Class Scotch Pine, Free delivery, Whitby or Oshawa, Brock | Street North, next to Canadian Tire. Call early and reserve. 668-6772. CHOICE PRUNED Scotch and Spruce Christmas Trees, Scott's Farm. Harmony Road North, to the end of pavement, turn left, 3rd house, north side. CHRISTMAS SALE ! Brand new, beautifully designed a HAND-WOVEN RUGS | Size 9' x 12', 1 inch thick Made in India from the best quality wool. Originally priced at $825. NOW ONLY $625. each TELEPHONE 725-8963 anytime BETTER CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES T.V. Towers $50, Up, OSHAWA TLV, SUPPLY LTD. Tounton ae East 728- 8180 BILL LEASK GIVE DAD BLACK & DECKER POWER TOOLS MILLWORK ond Building Supply 7228-6291 1279 Simcoe N. Manufactured in Oshawa ! POOL TABLES 1} models NO MONEY DOWN 6 months poyments defer- red with up to 4 years to poy MAJOR POOL FQUIPMENT CORP. CANADA LTD 690 Droke St., Oshawa 725-9151) 725-6582 After hours 725-3661 CHAIRS FOR CHRISTMAS * High. Back Swivel Rockers ..... $22.95 * Platform Rockers $39.95 * All Vinyl Recliner Chair $68.00 WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. 723-3211 ein -- For the t AML, MAKE "A TRAILER CHRISTMAS" IT ssories Give Trailer Acc Mitler Trailers AJAX 942-3491 ENJOY. LIFE mn GOOD HEALTH SUNSHINE SHOP 24 Prince St. 725-2241 Quice extractors, health appliances, etc.) m0 Meet wie: Sree Ce ee

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