ee ee ee AnUMTTLE GIVER BLL, |_| Wednesday, November 24, i 7 Se rT NerEAa? , REDISTRIBUTING | | Me) 2 \ |APATA AND HiS CRONIES HOLD A SECRET MEETING, 38? ee Saesreses ae Sicesess : B Ser ys ah ANNOUNCEMENT Tr AROUND THE WORLD... I'M GOING TO SHOOT THE NIAGARA ds aah THE Sui KI98658 aide Siquwes 'The bidding: Opening lead--nine of clubs... The player who opens the bidding with a preemptive bid' ~ ntly starts a course of. events definitely injurious to one side.or the other. ik : NO/ THE TRAILHAND YOU KILLED BELONGED 70 THA iy GEE-IT SLIP, nit irik J ' PN THE ROAD SO \ OFPN TH auction and make it difficult for the opponents to exchange information at a safe level. The high-level opening bid is pri- marily a defensive, not an offensive, measure. Most authorities say that the' ' [preemptive bidder should be- within three tricks of his_ bid not vulnerable and within two ' |tricks of his bid vulnerable." However, experts don't always -- follow their own pronounce- ments -- as indicated by this hand which occurred in a match several years ago between Great Britain and Austria. Terence Reese, playing with Boris Schapiro for Britain, ~ opened the bidding with four hearts. This was a rather wild shot, judged from the view- point of safety, but Reese did have the vulnerability in his favor. The Austrian South over- called with four notrump, which , was the equivalent of a take- out double and showed a huge hand. North understandably. jumped to six diamonds, which' South converted to six spades,, Reese's double was conven- " tional. 'It barred a heart lead and indicated a void in either diamonds or clubs. Schapiro had. no trouble finding the club lead, which Reese ruffed. Reese cashed the ace of hearts, re-. turned a trump, and declarer~ eventually lost another club. trick to go down two -- 500: points. ve This was a disastrous result~ for the Austrian team, because the British pair holding the North-South cards at the other table bid as follows: se Pass 2 Paso $3. vile 3@ 3 4@- Pease ¢ 1 South made four spades for -- A a score of 620 points and Great. Britain gained 1,120 points on the deal. The Austrian East did not duplicate Reese's willing: ness at the first table: to stir up a hornet's nest. USE EVERY TALENT OXFORD, E d (CP) -- Artists Sir Winston Churchilt and John Lennon are helping the Oxford committee for fame ine relief. A painting by the late statesman and a drawing by the literary Beatle will appear on 800,000 Christmas cards of the Oxfam charity. * SALLY'S SALLIES THE LONE RANGER 2b Dil LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY WELL, THINGS WILL HAFTA GET BETTER! THEY CAN'T GET ANY WoRse/ EVERYTHING WENT WRONG TODAY/ I MADE A ZERO IN SPELLIN' AN' A ZERO IN 'RITHMETIC, AN' GOT SECRET AGENT X9 I UNDERSTAND You BLIMP I WAS NO LADY ! I'M GOING TO POP you RIGHT ON THE SNOUT! NOT UNLESS YOU'RE AN ABSOLUTE CHURL! DONALD DUCK ROW AM T GONt'TO GET HIM GETTIN' MYSELF TELEVISION LOG Channe) 2--Buffale 10:30 Pa. 03--Call My Bluff Channet 7--Money Movie 6--Luncheon Date 4--Noon News 3--Pepeye and Pols 12118 Pe. 4--Speaker of The House 12:98 PA, 1--News 9--1 Love Lucy 8-2--Let's Play 44--Search For Tomorrow B--Neandey Repert 118 Pe, 11--News &4--Guiding L ight - 10 Pam L-Theatre %--James Beard Show 6--Matines 7--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Summer Carousel Mike Devgiee shew 1m Pm, %--Sergeant Bilko o4-AS AOROSS 1, Rock 6. Total 9, Cure-all 10. Partly fused glass 12, Puts down 13, God of the forest: Polyn. 14. Biblical city 15. Dutch cheese 17. Needle. fish € 18, Ancestor 8. Teenie Gna coin 44, Greek shaped 8. Horse letter 21, Fresh ; te ry 23. Cipher 4 24. Prepares 0) for pub- lication '] 27, John i Garner, former ad vice- president 30. Midday 32, Descendant 33, Hawaiian Isis., old style 47, Ovum 48, Put into circulation DOWN 1, Elided 2. Falsehood 3. Wieel shafts 4, Mark of pronun- ciation 5. Substitute 6. Astern 7. Cavalry- Channel Channel Channel Channel 5-3--Festival 11:08 PAA, NV OB7-443-3--Nowe Channel %--Toronto Channel 11--Hamitten pipiens ca shes ennai centenasneress lEISIC} 11118 Pa. fon Lal Sate wooing aa SIEINISIE ME Yesterday's Answer WRONESOAY SVE. 6:08 Pa N--#Family Theatre -- 9--Five O'clock Show 6--Passport To Adventure 3--Secret Squirrel SLieyd Thaxton om Pm, O-Leave it Te Beever t--Metre Final 6--Viewpoint 1:88 Pak, JANE ARDEN bb ote Show Hight Metre 11.28 PA, l--The Saint 6--Sports B-Movie 11:48 PLM. $--Plerre Berton 6--The Long Hot Summer 35. Checks 36, Listens to $3. Hindu garment $4. Plant with « aromatic seeds 42, Unit of work 3--Hudson Bay 6:00 PM, 1-2--News 4--Generation oN Sports, ews, Chuck Healy 3--Golf 12:38 A.M. l1---News; Weather; Sports 6--Newscap THURSDAY 10 AM Ti--Schnitzel House Pip ei ain Kangaree The World Turns 0-42--News; Weather 9:00 Ae 10 Pm end Sports z %--Kids Is People 8--Huntley-Brinkley }--Topper 7--Nurses News re With Uncle | 67 password jobby 7--Dialing Per Deters | Moment of Trute Giri Tek 2:15 PLM, anes 0 rE 4--Mikes Cernival | seu Charlotte 2s em %--Camp Runamuck 9:39 Al | Co te $--People in Conflict 6#--The Doctors 4:20 BM. 1--News 4198 Pa, MICKEY MOUSE 7--Cheyenne Across Caneds «WE COULD NEVER SAVE ANY MONEY TO BUY A LEMON / SO 87. Books of ikea Allen . sy ose the Bible: | 3--boble. Giitls br. he Honeymooners | 38. Cuskoo Slatwane ciee 4-Linkletter's. Party 39. Pivot ee 8-2--Fractured Phrases | }--Movie 40. Cirrus: 6-3--Canadian Schools | 5:00 Pa abbr. an ey 'Donna Reed 7 = ' 41. Mature ie "Why can't you be logical 43. Kitchen | 9--Fractured Phrases " Ghassan see it my way? i sxate | Y-CHANGE | 7--Generai Heepital +43---To Tell The Truth New and Used on em \l--Funny Company Meve You Can Exchange Skates That. Are Too Smell For A New or THIS TIME OF YEAR P ICE CREAM VENDOR a COMING BY DAILY... » LLEMONA 7--A Time For Us &--Love That Bob 1:3) PA, 11--Green Acres 0:3) AM, 9B Ii $-2---Concentration 7--Donna Reed 6-3--Friendly Giant 4-The McCoys 9--Gidget 02--Virginian and Marrte? Courriers Sing Out 4--Lost in Space 10:45 A.M, 6:00 Pm N--Speciel Movie" 6-3--Chez Helene Spun Oke. Sarton 1:00 Am --P ai Ouke Show a 63-Okay Crackerberry | g! Ronnie Prudden §-2---Morning Star 6:08 Pm. 9--NHL Hockey 7--The Young Set 63--Butternut Square 4--Andy of Wayberry ete Your 8--You Don't Say 1--The Young YOUR HEALTH _ MD Asks Caution On Discharges By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD ight 2--Kartoon Karnivat om Pm 9%--Mickey Mouse Club S--The Match Game 7--Early Show 63--Bonnie Prudden Show 4--Secret Rocky end Mie Priende Montreal at Toronto 7~Gidget 63--Festival (Part 1) 4--Beverly Hi libiiiies 9:08 PM 9-63--CFL Play-Ofts 7--The Big Valley 8-2--Frank Sinatra 4--Green Acres : 9:38 Pe. ips $3--Festival BE ASKED TO HELP WITH THE 1118 AMA DISHWASHING? S--Summer Fun 6--Flelds OF Sacrifice 11:20 A.M, 63--Across Canada 11:38 A 11--Racing Forum and Albert J. Steed Pm JULIET JONES MUGGS AND SKEETER WHAT I'M GOING TO DO SOMETHING I SHOULD HAVE DONE ONE THOUGANT NEGATIVES AGO! YOU SURE ROZ \? Positive, = SAID THAT, EARL? Bey anne Vite | |being fearful | {woman has: stopped nursing a Dear Dr. Molner: Mrs. E. P.|from the nipple. This seldom D. wrote of a greenish fluid leaks out, but.can be expressed from her breasts. She has had/by gentle pressure. Again, the the problem eight. months. I/color may be yellowish, and have had this same thing for 12/stain underclothing. years. You advised her to see| These discharges are of inno- a doctor. jcent origin, That is to say, they I-know how worried Mrs. £,|40. not represent serious dan- P. .D. is; I've been worried|ger- The breast, of course, is since my early 30s. Perhaps|composed of many small secret- someone can help.--Mrs, G. H.|ing glands. Some of these may Breast: discharges should be|become sealed. They become aken seriously, since some of/|¢ysts. Fluid from the cysts can hem are a sign of gravejleak out, or be expressed. Then trouble. Others- are not. \you-have the type of discharge Since you have had yours for|you describe {2 years, it must be the benign) The flow which should cause dr innocent type. Please' stop|instant concern is a dark brown jor bloody color. This may (not What causes such discharges? |always will) mean cancer, and You doubtless know that there|must have immediate treat- can be a leaking of milk after a|ment. In such cases, a mass or lump baby. This is whitish usually can be detected. A pap Later, ordinafily at 40 or -sojtest.of the fluid' can be ~per- | |but sometimes earlier, a gray orjformed to see if malignant cells greenish discharge can appeariexist. If a mass is pregnant, it 4~Dick Van. Dyke 10:00 Pat, 1--Merv Griffin Show cadabra Ni--Atom Ant 8-2--Paradise Bay %--Sea Hunt é--Musical Interlude }--Barty Show +2--1 Spy 4---Dick Van Dyke Show/63--Razzie Dazzle 4--Danny Kaye Show 12:08 NOON 4--Movie 7--Pro Football History Toronto Today 2-Huckleberry Hound should' be removed for micros-|necessarily can be halted, bi copic examination -- just the|tO make sure that a more sei mass, not the entire breast, un-|°US Condition (cancer) does n less it shows malignanc: panzeely J. . URHEOANCY | Dear Dr. Molner: My daugi For the greenish or yellowish/ter is 16 and hasn't begun he discharges, once examination|periods. I have taken her to th has disclosed no lump, and aldoctor for a physita] but h Pap test shows no malignancy,|could find nothing wrong. I a: one. can feel secure that noth-|concerned. What should I d ing ominous has developed. Inow?--Mrs. C..S. ae A checkup once or twice a} There is a. very considerabl year is a precaution. (It's ajdifference in the time fo good idea anyway.) But there is|equally healthy girls. Under th no cause for alarm. jcircumstances my advice is (a As for preventing the dis-|stop being concérned; (b) wai charge, I can offer no effect-|another year. The problem ma ive method, except fo hope that/well have solved itself by tha it will cease spontanéously. time: While the average age fo My urging thet Mrs. E. P. D.|periods to start is earlier, it i Used Pair. DITION. HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. tion. that this small seepage'some delay as in this case, 723-3224 the discharge is not 1 expecta:{by ho means uncommon foi WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON- COMPLETE LINE OF Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings,