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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1965, p. 26

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26 THE (OSHAWA TIMES, Hawg Mevember 25, 1965 "Want Extra Cash for Christmas..Use Times Action Want Ads Now' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturd BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants |Barristers wae JOSEPH GUTMANN, Charlered Account| James MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar- ant, Licensed Bg oe 7 Bond Street! rister and: Solicitor and Notary Public, East. Telephone 723-48: nis fie Commercial! Buliding, 286 cy baat k, Chartered Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking avail- iT Hosma Chana 'Account. ALBERT Jince, Street, suite 4, Oshawa,|@dIe. 720-4716 of 725-4717. Ontario, Telephone 723-1221. ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. < tered Accountants, Financial Trade Buik Barrister and Solicitor, 73 : 9 am. - 5.30 ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On appointments, Dial tario, 725-3509; S. T. Hopkins, CA; H. A. Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA, YALE, E, FRIEDLANDER AND Chartered Accountants. Licensed tees in Bankruptcy, i Simcoe North, Oshawa, 728-7371 HALiy PERKIN, | i MacILLAN N AND © Evening '|Building Trades 0. "| NOVEMBER SPECIAL Save up to 15%. during No- vember on Rec. Rooms, Cup- Chartered Accountants, 362 King St. E..| boards, Tiles and all general Oshawa, 725-6539; 8 a Si | Home Remodelling. 3 Grane ShseMitians AA ale '| All Work Guaranteed GORDON R. DAY, ~Cerlified General) , Just phone for my prices. Accountant, Suite 20SW, Oshawa Shop-) |]. McKoy _ 725- 8576 ping Centre, 725-9953. e & SOB CLANCY'S Accounling Service. ROOFING, concrere floors, flat Ensign Reacanine service, 299 Simcoejour specialty New work and repairs South, 725-0397. Res. 723- 7605 |Large and small jobs. L. and H. Roofi pa | and Construction, RR 4, 725-6937. NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, | and Barristers: ______|tgewatis- remogeling rec aor CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, andiestimates. A C., Woods, 728-3420 VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, | 728-4717. Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K- Gone to your satisfaction. Call Oshawa . ae Creighton, QC; or residences: G. Kriiine Improvemen ba Drynan; QC, 728-8554; G .. Murdoch, QC, 7723-4768; J. C. Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages arranged. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, QC; G. $. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, LLB; J. BD. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office: 728-1177; Reesidence: 725-4604; Whitby; 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA and other first mortgage funds avaliable JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14/2 King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232 __|prices. Call Tony 725-4953 McGIBBON ~ and BASTEDO, Barristers, : ash eel Solicitors. Mortgages arranged, National Delivery Trust Buliding, 32 Simene Street South, A 728-7336; Charles C, McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Grant H strong. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici tors, etc. 114 King Street East. Del 722-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, 728-5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB 725-2642. Pp \iST A North, wringer Call to ail Free estimates. GUARANTEED | repa' washers and ranges. 728-1742 ALL TYPES building, roofing repairs and remodelling;- chimneys, new and re- paired; sidewalk and concrete. repairs Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foot includes grading and fill, two-year guar antee. Terrano Paving, 723-5841 A-) CARPENTRY, block and cement work. New or remodelling. Special fal "and HILL- 364 =King plies Ltd., ng, For Custom Delivery Cail J. & §. DELIVERY 728-4882 new | rates. Rug- bel addy poidgen re upholstered 'and re- led. Classified Rates WORD ADS Cash--1 Insertion of .24 words, additional words, 4\#c. each: secutive insertions of 24 words, additional words 2c. each, 6 secutive insertions of 24 words, additional words 21c. each Charge -- 10 per cent additional charge Dressmaking if not paid within & days. Dentistry tor CAREFOOT, OR. JOHN M., Surgeon, 172 King Street East, "For appoir ntment, 728-5171 BIAL€K, DR. E. P.,. Dental 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa appointment, 728-5842 or Re. 728-844) Dental RE-uP Oshawa.ied 17 Workm Abad 8; 3 $2.88: aR; con- $5.04; Surgeon, | Free e: For | rebuilt hoister ~ |725-03) CHEST DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, at alterations, slip covers, drapes. specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. PERSONAL STYLING -- for fashion- wise women! Dressmaking, alterations Fitting a specialty, 728-1823 Yor appoint ment DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, alterations, Fitting a specialty. service. Phone 723-8755. Ga irdening « and } Supplies -- Less than 24 dresses, each word, counts | counts Method of Counting words counts as 24 words; Initial, figure or abbreviation as one word; phone number two words estimat BIRTHS--DEATHS-- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with tional charges if not days. dresses Quick P 25 cents addl- paid within 8 IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 35 words and && , each thereafter, plus 12c. per line of "for the BIRDS" TE verse; 25c. additional charge 'f not paid within & days. WILD BIRD MIX tan for the tat 3S words and sc | SUNFLOWER SEED . fter, with 25. ad na Biaroe We net pals witin days. rie ee oreas Bird Feeding Stations ICE SALT COMING EVENTS 42.00 per inch (display): $1.90 for the | WATER SOFT, SALT STRAW first 20 words and 5c. each thereafter (Word Ads). AUCTION SALES $2.10 PER INCH PER PURITY DOG MEAL. MASTER DOG MEALS PURINA DOG MEALS PET SUPPLIES COOPER: SMITH Ay: 16 CELINA ST. 723-1139 - 723-2312 TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or I'll cut them down, Free estimates, 725-5118 or 728-0610 | washer | 728-1742 |vas awi mates |Septi INSERTION DEADLINES WORD ADS $5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS et AND FOUND AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m. day of publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous umns or larger--l0 a.m. day prev | eg CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before Dublication will be charged one day's Insertion cas BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- 50¢ Instruction be numbers to While every endeavor wil! made fo forward replies to box the advertisers as soon as possible, we accept no liability in respect of joss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in for. warding such replies, however cau whether by negligence or otherwis The Times will not be responsible. for | replies uncalled for In 20 days. Canada Driving School @ Fully insured dual cors @ Licensed by Department Transport | Cars supplied for Government | | | | control Ontario of Tests @ Home pickup ser vice @ $4 per lesson 728-4811 GLISSANDO Organ Guild practice Try before REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times sponsible tor errors submitted otherwise than for more than. one insertion advertisement nor beyond charge for a single insertion ~arror occurs will not be re n advertisements n writing not | of any | the price n which on service 24 Free hour trial you buy 725-6617 Janitor Service ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! nomical ceiling, wall clean Modern machine Free estimates guaranteed. 728-7736 period reserves the right according to The Oshawa Times to classify advertising its proper classification advertisements held respoh ay be in the cases of dis; The Times not sible for more space than that which the actual error occupies. The pub lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad- Vertising matter correctly, but assume "no liability of advertisement if any inaceuracies in any form are contained therein. Fast, ng done by Work eco Wt H Money To Loan 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a rea sonable rate of interest .to consolidate your bills or 'for any other worthwhile purpose providing you are steadily ent ployed and have good credit. Telephone 773-463) iTS EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 A Mortgages MORTGAGE LOANS honey for fi ortgag 3~Sportaman's Column M ng? for first mortgages ic ¥ratiors Operi Mortgages' 4--Marine Equinment | Interest at 7% 7.-Swap and Barter No Bon &--Articies for Sale ; 5 No Charges 9--Market Baske! 10.--Farmer's Column Mortgages ond Agreements V--Pets and Livestock cet aia V2--Articles Wanted PUrENSse Money Fost Service 13--Articles for Rent M. F 14--Business Opportunities 26% King St INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS * 1--Wornen's Column 2--Personal for Valuations N for Second Mortgage 1S--Employment Wanted 16--Agents Wanted 7--Femaie Heip ~Male SWART A™ East Oshowa, Oritario 723-4697° MORTGAGE LOANS FIRST & SECONDS NO BONUS for "Bill" Horr 728-5157 Active Realty Ltd paiva an AND 'CORPORATE + monies for? 4 ail mortgages, Mortgages and we ments of sale purchased Drynan, Murdoch and Victor risters"'.) = Store: 25--Houses 26--Apartments tor 27---Rooms for Rent B--Room and Board MLWanted to Rent W--Automobites for Sale 3i--Compact Cars for Sale 32--~Trucks for Sale 23---Automobiles Wanted 44--Automobile Repair 25--Lost and Found --Lege 27.~Auctions Uw--Coming Events %--Notices 4 Offices and Storage for Rent Rent Ask er SITY |Mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDS Purchase of Mortgages CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS roofing,|W. Schatzmann Realfor, '"9/FIRST AND SECOND jagreemenis p Meonick, Optometrist " Fis A191 |Painting and Decorating _ Brooc Jloom Plumbing and Heating : ALL PLUMBING 225 ALL TYPES of recovering. Da Charles covered Modern Upholsterers Fitting aiStreet Sales and Service HEINTZMAN GUARANTEED REPAIRS to al! BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds. SEPTIC TANKS Surveyors H. FLI TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS ECON Pr TER MS C ELECTRONICS Rou OSHA TV--Radio Repai es T T.V. Towers $50 Up T 0 RONS AN. 9 12 Years' Experience All Work Guaranteed 723-7521 RON BRIGHTLING 9 AM. -- 9 P.M. "TV SERVICE © DAY_OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS FIRST & SECOND e for well located homes e Prime apartments E E * rime Lease Commerciols = e and Sale Agreements CORPORATION 723-5221 ND 2ND MORTGAGE available 114 Brock Street 11--Pets ond Livestock ay 8 to 12. 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Mele Help Wanted GIVE & pony for Christmas, Welsh mares or colt. Gentle, broke for ride and drive, ail colours. Hampton, 263-2236. ENGLISH BULLDOG -- purebred, 1 ma fourteen mogths old, house trained, $50. Child's pony, 11% hands, five years, quiet and good with childrén, ninety dol- lars. Telephone 623-2881 ST. BERNARD pups, registered. Excel- fent pets and watch dogs, Stud service, boarding. Brooklin 655-4760. _UIT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J SCOTT ' SINGLE GIRL FOR GENERAL FOOD STORE WORK with some cash\ register ex- perience. Full time. PHONE 728-085] here's ra WANTED for progressive independent firm, able to work on his own, og i eee nth e, or related ex- perience required; Salary EP on te ability. Telephone Ajax 942 TRUCK DRIVER for a ato Mu ot be $8 c oll gro ' years or over. Ex« perienced preferred tor ae All replies confidential, Oshawa Times. essenfial. Write Box 9367, BEAGLE -- thoroughbred, regis' fernaie, spayed; 1% years old, hi needies, loves children, reasonable. rele phone 728-503) after 3} CHIHUAHUA PUPS for sale, registered, seven weeks old. Telephone Ajax 942- 1645. BLACK LABRADOR Retriever, female, lve. year old, Registered, Telephone Bowmanville 623-5075. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain. Apply. Mrs. T. Broad; 114 Elgin East. HORSES BOARDED new, insulated barn, box stalls, $35 monthly. Brooklin Dial 655-4937. WHITE SAMOYED puppies purebred, 6 and 8 weeks old. Male and female, $20. | and $30. Telephone Bréoklin, 655-3071, 1 3--Articles for Rent PRO. ROWLEY, UIVERSHAY OF MINNESOTA, DEVELOPED AMACHINE 40 MECHANICALLY COUNT THE PARTICLES OF DUST IK A SAMPLE OF AIR. Ae a PEIRIFIED INDIAN MORE THAN $)K FRET TALL WAS Fouxd x AMINE 4 CHILES WHAT Propuct % BLACKER THAN COAL 2 SYLICA BLACK, JOY i, oF SIDHEY, AUSTRALIA, DRANK A PINT OF SEA FAST T.V. SERVICE Service Call only $2.50 DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9a.m. to9 p.m. All work guaranteed. Whitby. 668-3338 | mortgage. Sale| 4 sold. Hennick King Street rchased an Barristers, 3) CHARD BLACK, OD, North, Suite 6, Oshawa 136 Simcoe Telephone --|Well Drilling --Diggi 9 |WELL DIGGING by machine specializing in 30-inch, tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809 PAINTING AND DECORATING ERIOR ond EXTERIOR ustom Draperies FREE ESTIMATE DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS on dressing, 396 Pine Westmount, Telephor Hair-| of} * Page corner } | | |2--Personal superfluous hoir be in 14th Removal Marie Murduff Oshawa Dec 13th, and 15th. Phone Genosha | Hotel on these dates for ap. | cathe ts aes will HEATING sup Harold H. Stark g and Engineer South. Telephone Plumbing ' Simcoe Street pointment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 DRIVING TO TORONTO, Queen and Spa dina area, arriving 8 o'clock. Telephone See our material | 723-7263. x 2 | Upholstering, 75 AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Canada,| Florida, California, Bonded drivers. o- ronto Drive Away Service, 5385. Yonge reet, 22 repairs and remodelling materials. Reasonable free. 723-1191, J. Foley Upholstery Service and used Estimates Free estimate Street HOLSTERY by experts years. Complete range of anship guaranteed five Establish: materials. i ye@rs.|\LADY WOULD LIKE RIDE to Toronto, stimates. Credit terms. Mattresses nanforth and Jones Avenue, arriving at : shed. Oshawa Up-|3.39 a.m. Please call Whitby 668-6146 ng Dean Avenue, urniture refin Company, 2 = 3--Sportsman' s Column best for less|WE SKIN CUT pg wrap deer or moose.| 42 Simcoe|Telephone 623-288 728- 6451. Free ERFIELDS ike new and old Get the ane weeps and Barter | THREE-PIECE "path sets, | $55.; shower, | medicine and kitchen cabinets, stainless steel kitchen and bar sinks; sump pumps pressure systems (repairs); piping, fit- , rads; small boat kits; new! » $15. H. Chinn, Hillside and) 723-7088 WILL TRADE good back lot building, roads, private dock. | ment on -a bungalow or income home. | Buckhorn area. Tolapnene 728- wha | | 8--Articles For Sale South. Call es Before You Buy A iano or Organ, See ready tor| Down pay-| & Co, Ltd 65 Simcoe $., Oshawa LEPHONE 728-2921 24-hour Burner Service TEXACO ---- Fuel and Stove oil, "Blue Coal" stove, nut, stoker coals @ Slab Wood e@ Canne! Coal @ Building Sup- plies, wringer Ca FREE s and ranges. Free estimates can Complete service, free est Jeinik, 726-1993 nings Mil "Service Cleaned. Walter Ward, Whitby 668-2563 serv Chestnut Prompt 204 668-3524 SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 Brock St, $ HONDA SHOP SNOW HUS-SKI Model 600. 10 hp. $595 XMAS GIFT arriers, Whitby M AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Elgin Street East. Phone helmets windshields T ' gloves, jackets NDAS $295 HO payrr 728-4242 ANNIVERSARY SALE All greatly reduced for this weekend thday. Anne's Fabr Byron Street South, Whitby woollens Cele and IMY, AND DEI |} DELUXE 1956 V-8 FNGINE, ed suit your budae Telephone' 728-127: ARRANGED ISHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED TAUNTON va '78- 8180. RADIO HOUR RVICE HOLMES Wool Shop $45. Good condition good con: best affer 723-7295 BLACK PERSIAN lamb coat, ditio ze 16. Ww sell for Modern styling. Telephone PIANO -- upright, with bench, good con dition 87 Telephone 7728 FRIGIDAIRE duty electric stovi four burner top, large oven, 21" wide, $5 200 ff. Goodrict grain. plastic hose $5 Whitby 668 RD garden Telephone 308} reegiard Wena Pad tip length size hone TWO PIECE chesterfield suite Kroeh good condition deep spring con uction throughout, Telephone 725-5190, PERSIAN LAMB coat, biack, full length Persian jacket, $25, Sizes 12-14. 723-3166 Fischer e > Wedel - ngs, Telephone King", metats, medium _ fiex,! 725-218) 2 good kiln dried piles of planks and: boar FOR SALE -- iso 2 ise Refrigerator to a play pen ali in new Ph. 649-5851 or call at t Uxbridge Twp., 2 mi, north ot 2 of 668-5679 Ah thy . 1itby 1956 TRIUMPH motor dition. Telephone cycle, after 7 p.m FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC range, beautiful condition. Only $75 4350 GIRL'S classic 728-6136 TYPEWRITERS, time clocks, TRIO. fee TELEVISION {and Divis good con 723-8645 40", in Telephone OT DIPPED GAL IZED TV TOWERS RE THE BEST! WHY SE YR LES bive style, Kenwood like new coat, $12. size Telephone a8! adding machines and! few and rebuilt.' One year! Outstanding good buys. Jen- Business Machine Sales and Ser- 728-2783. Open evenings | STEAK DINNERS, .99, consisting of steak, chips, coleslaw and roll. Crowley's Restau-|. on ant, Taunton and Garrard Roads. 725 968 }BUY AND SELL Lo -- Good used furniture and appliances. ve location only. Pretty)! \VA/A fa VV EN ON 4 baie sanitiaes ~ Cease eisai IGHT SERVICE Sime ifiqure work, custom picture -framing.| {Clark Studio, evenings and weekends,} 668-4497, 325 Brock North, Whitby |FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS -- offered now for Christmas. | Specials| Telephone -eve. 668-6583 | |SKATE EXCHANGE skates and used ew r a Malley Baver elettric reduction MUSKRAT FUR COAT -- %4-length, «mod=| n styling, back hides, size 38. Excellent 728-2970. 'condition WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- ture anything. you have, The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe South 6 Street TYPEWRITER, standard $ sdding "machine, $25 $40 total $ 4434 $25.) portable. electric type electrical "cash W two egiste 5K1-DO00 Inited (at Sales and Ww Snowmobile - "4 Rent-Alls, 252 Olive), 728-8565, TY TOWER Ser Road antenna 511 Dean Ison South | condition. }MERCURY FURNITURE Motors a) 37 y.|NEW, USED -- vacuums, | LIGHT range, |S RENTALS OF ALL KINDS WATER EVERY DAY: HE CLAIMED 4HE WATER. GAVE WIM RENEWED VIGOR AND PERFECT HEALTH, ema Deedes Se 108. sea wands LACK COAL AND 1¢A MIKED. 1 Sanding Machines Tools 8--Articles for Sale Plumber's 303 RIFLE for \8--Articles For Sale WATCHES 40% SAVINGS On all top merchandise plete line of men's and ladies' plus top savings other merchandise. A small deposit holds any article un- til Christmas. Year guaran tee to watch repairs WATCH WORLD 24A PRINCE ST. 723-6922 'til 9 Thursday ond Friday Soturday 'til 6 USED LUMBER FOR SALE 2h, 2x 6-2-8 Bete. sheetirig, windows, doors, sinks, toilets, pipe, bathtubs, panel boxes, fluores- cent lights, 150,000 B.T.U. Hanging oil furnace, 3 circu- laters heaters, steel beams, angle iron, channel iron, pip- ing, valves. Many other items too numerous to mention Apply between 8 o.m.-5 p.m OLD BUCKLE FACTORY Brock St., Whitby or telephone 725 a7) MOFFAT CLOTHES DRYER Like new, CALL 725-9564 After 6 p.m Painter's Equipment * * * * Welding Equipment a Builder's Equipment its accuracy and quip reliability, this mygged gun will deliver years of satis- factory shooting $24.95 SKATES Big savings on Skating Out fits for the whole' family dur- ing our Big Fall Sole from $7.25 pr. SNOW TIRES All nylon. construction, full depth traction tread. A brand new winter tire priced almost os low as a retread from $17.56 up DOMINION TIRE STORE 145 King St. W Telephone 725-6511 PARTS Washers, Stoves and Dryers -ECTRIC MOTOR Repair and Exchange -- OSHAWA 186 Simcoe 5S 728-7535 CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, four-seater; kitchen set, coffee table; three beds, headboard). All In good. condition, Known SKATE AND HOCKEY EQUIPMENT EXCHANGE quality Rodania We carry a com im other on a a Now at Stan's you can ex- change your old SKATE and ~HOCKEY EQUIP- MENT with a fair allow- ance on New or Used Equipment. STANS Sharpening & Rental Ltd. 223 King St. West, PHONE 723-3224 /'ap) tio' | Open Oshawa sewer Dish- Coffee Briadl White a jar Chairs, Linens, Cutlery, Glasses, Urns, Punch Bowls, Wear, Men's Formals, Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred people! Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries. | Facilities, bar kitchen, parking. Reason- able rates, 728-6315 |CHAIRS,. card and banquet tables, church aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 }Simcoe Street North. Call. 723-2414. | WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, || reducing machines, sick room supplies. | Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, THREE-TON STAKE TRUCK for rent, evenings, with driver. Telephone 723-474 Tables, es, For |W nylon. end tables and) (one bookcase 728 COZY-J RANCH KENNELS Shepherds, trained grown Boarding; Palominos, Pintos, foals, ponies. Ashburn, 655-4662 evenings. 75 JOHNSON OUTBOARD. Like new sed two summers, onciudes two tanks FOR SALE! Electrohome TV floor model psy M n very good, condition, $70. 101 Crrms|and controls. Phone Dunbarton 839-1573 Avenue. Phone 725-4444. BABY ITEMS -- Jump chalr, $6.; i a ---- able baby lounge and car seat KENMORE" 30" stove and : ' deep-freeze refrigerator, -both cians igi ae herp odi bag, blue, $3 Telephone 728-6015 snowsuit, yellow, $3., crib, $ German stock; pups.| port $3.) VARIETY excellent) 6 prespect store, new plaza, for right person, low invest- ment. Stock, fixtures at cost. Owner has ofher commitments, Write Box 9132) large in size| good! | Experienced. Appl |South, or HAIRDRESSER wanted for parttime. | Telephone between 9-6 p.m. Pickering, | 942-3642 |suPeRINTENDENT Graduate nurse to erences. Send lreply 16 Mrs. | Avenue East, Toronto 7. | EXPERIENCED ~ waitresses. A | person. jHouse, 15 Bond Street East, Oshawa. | DOES A know the 723-9471, HAIRDRESSER be experienced In color work, Alax Shop- ping Centre, 942-4421, EXPERIENCED waitress, full- or part time: Neat, polite and able te work with others. Age not a factor. All replies con- fidential, 723-375: EXPERIENCED variety store, 5-1 725-3932. children, welcom CAPABL WOMAN | FOR GENERAL DUTIES At BIG K-DRIVE-IN Phone 728-6756 After 11 A.M. PART-TIME $1 to $1.50 per hour Woman for pleasant tele- phone work, 4 hours daily. 723-5051 MR. GOULD Full and part-time, 7 to 4 p.m. -- 4 to 11 p.m, 11. to 7 a.m, Apply MR. CAMPBELL Genosha 'Hotel _ PART. TIME SALESLADY Experienced Apply FOX'S Ladies' Wear Oshawa Shopping Centre in writing, stating age, to: Box 9392, Oshawa Time: ply ns, HOUSEKEEPER fo live in. Good home. |Help care for two children. Good salary | Box 9648. |WAITRESS wane "-- steady days. 580 Ritson Rosd folephons 723-5712. ve in home for aged. Town and ea, or call for products. 723-9349. for permanent. OMAN "for light } housekeeping, 'Telephone. $ 72. '5056. keeping, live in or out, USEKEEPER required, livein, evenings. Telephone 725-7547. "WAITRESSES REQUIRED |EXPERIENCED WOMAN tp clean and) ron, on Fridays only. Telephone 723-5054. GIRL OR WOMAN for lunch' counter, 10 m, to 6 p.m. Apply Modern Grill, 345 Ritson Road South, DENTAL RECEPTIONIST -- Age 25- Education at least Grade 12. Ree icuare qualifica- Wm. Magee, 455 Hillsdale "BEAUTY COUNSELOR" call lon you? We may need someone in your |EXPERIENCED hairstyilst wanted. Must latest style trend. Telephone Must irl for coffee bar and p.m. shift. Telephone efor two school age, ive" Pad Child WOM jo do plain cooking under supervision at he: Cedar Nurs- ng Home, Ritson Road North, Columbus. Telephone 655-4931. WOMAN to babysit ¢ and do "Tight h house- one school-age 9 child. Wilson Road South. Five-day week. 'i "| Telephone 725-9477 after 5.30. 4 ' ities HO care 1 Business Opportunities } for three, children (two school age). After SHEET METAL man with experience in heating and air conditioning, to work on a spre neriine basis. After 6 p.m. 728 axeuRieNceo "a 'salesman ¢ required, J Ap ply Canadian Tire Corp. 311 Brock Street et North, Whitby. REAL t ESTATE SALESMAN -- Wanted for Oshawa area, prefer selling experl- ence. Experienced help and every sup- port. Progressive firm. Contact Lioyd G. Lee, Manager, H. Keith Limited Realtor, 181 Eglinton exes East, Toronto, On tario, HU 7-3333 YOUNG MAN "Saal drummer, bass, rhythm, organ to form group. Close te 21, Contact Box 192, Whitby. SHOE REPAIR MAN -- experienced, time. Excellent wages, Part- or . full Write Box 9350, Oshawa Times, SALESMAN -- @ career opportunity with international organization, young man, 21- 40, ambitious and willing to work. Salary and commission, retirement and group ~~ \benefits. No experience required, we train you. Opportunity for advancement to the right man. Write in strictest con- fidence to: Box 9152, Oshawa Times. MESSENGER, n neat "appearing, from 9 sm. to 4 p.m. for temporary duties. Must have car and be familiar with area, Contact Mr, Brink 723-8105, '19--Male or Female Help. Wanted PART TIME WORK If you are @ young man be- tween the ages of 12 ond 18 ond are interested in part time work Call 725-4473 If you have 4 car ond are in- terested in part time work Call 725-4473 Director of Nursing Male or Female For modern 140 bed hospital situated in the beautiful Kawartha Lakes district. Ex- cellent working conditions and employee benefits. Please reply stating qualifications ond salary required to: rsonnel Director Ross Memorial Hospital Lindsey, Onterie TAXI DRIVERS Part er Full Time Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert St. 725-4771 for RIE bookkeeper' retall Store, pl t_ surroundings. Write Box 9647, Osh Times. YOU SEEKING an interesting ca- reer with a challenge, a career where earnings are unlimited? We urgentiy re- quire two ambitious persons who are interested-*in a career in selling real estate. For a confidential interview with 1 8--Male Help Wanted please call Joseph Bosco, out Realtor, 728-7377. ou: All in excellent condition. Telephone 725 ADDING" MACHINES, typewriters, 8916 s, pli lors, chequewriters, files, rT ib li We buy, sell, rent, service) RANGE -- Bive tibbon, 24" heavy duly, | aod trade--with budget terms. New. and ape Spoaitien, Apply 23 Drew Btrewt: (ott Low, "iow prices: BHI Hamilton, "ino Street Eas LOVING day care e eae WRECKING °54 Oldsmobile, ait parts|snd-Harmony_area HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appli-/for sale. Telephone 728-1400 or 235 Grand-|pe;iABLE WOMAN will look after pre-| ances. Big discounts without sacrificing! view South school 'child: in her home. Park Road-| quality. 424 King Street West, Oshawa.|MOFFAT top oven stove, $268; Hillside Telephone 723-5934 ' leather bed chesterfield, chair, $175.; v 4 MAN will | ft HARDWOOD, beech and maple, cut any|Beaver bench saw, $175.; Viking heat enndrer, Rahs five | length; single cord, $10. double $i8 de-/erator freezer, $375. 668-2944. day week, He Road and Olive] vered. Newtonville 786-2283 collect ELECTRIC. bass guitar" Avenue. area BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture|bass amplifier. Cost $750, " 17---Female Help Wanted cash- Oshawa Times 15--Employment Wanted -- | in my home -- King! Telephone 728-2858. | brown " refri [ and Gibson will accept and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215) $600. Six months old. Must sell, 723-2134 Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481. ACCORDION, 120 bass, with case, $100 SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and usea/E%cellent condition, Telephone 725-1884. skates. Sold, exchanged: Expert sharpen-| 1955-57 CHEV - Pontiac, re-built standard ing. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East, 725-6344, |transmission, $15. Other drive train CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS -- at wii-/PA!S- 728-4772 son's, Brand new two-piece suites, mod-| PIANO -- $100., needs $75. repair. Har-| ern styling, foam cushions. From $99,)mony Road North, half mile north of Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street,/end of pavement. First house on left side| Oshawa of road. Telephone 655-3094 | RE-CONDITIONED refrigerators, guar-|RED MAPLE double bed, complete with| anteed. Apply 505 Anderson § Street,|matching chest of drawers; also com-! Whitby 668-6661 plete double bed and chest of drawers.| TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- afoot tower 'elePhone 723-3075. structure all-channe! antenna installed, SPANISH GUITAR, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, 361 lent condition, Gibbons Street, 728-8180 Woodles Avenue, TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-f\. ; siruclures Rot aipped "gateaniaee 17 tower |BURROUGH'S ADDING included, single all-channel antenna com-| telephone 228-7772." Plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed one year, $50. See all towers at TRIO|SHOWCASE of stuffed Television, corner Bond and Division,|birds. Cost $350., sell of 728-5143-4 rifle, $18, 623-2440 Skiar and WATER PRESSURE Kroehler; GE and Phillips small appli-;with tank, $75. ances, TV's. Discounts for Christmas!|machine and dryer, Open evenings in December. Ajax 942-| 8876 aM _| THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50, No polishers, Re-|down payment, $15 monthly at Hones! Phone |Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191 BICYCLE man's, Viscount condition, $20. Telephone 725-5389 *imu| - SECRETARY REQUIRED Well e surance used,| of up Ma-| EXPERIENCED Steno-Bookkeeper REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY To work of office under supervision manoger, 23-40 years of age, Able to take shorthand at 120. w.p.m. and type at 60 w.p.m. mini- mum, Company benefits, in- teresting work, pleasant sur- daondings top wages Only those with above qual- ifications, need ap- ply -- in person to Joi de PG PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 319 College Ave., telephone .calls please) good quality, excel-| with Case, $45, Apply 356 723-9301 | machine, good rea condition or better, animals $100. Also and 303 nie PUMP, electric, Also automatic washing $50. Telephone 728 Oshawa (ne pairs to all makes, New hoses. Jack Lees, 728-6956. BEST QUALITY aiuminum windows, doors, awnings, railings, etc. Low, low ONE five. i piece dinette suite, Prices! Call 728-5385. or 723-3692. nut veneer, good -- condition. GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired |725-1356 ' op, 1 a8 ars Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, vacuum repairs, all makes, 28-973 brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery SKATE-X-CHANGE Discount! New,| Fleming Vacuum Service, Main used. United Rent-All. _ (Householder's| Pickering il ne store, 352 Wilson Road South (at STUDENT TV PAGRITERE new, cash' registers, adding machines, $35 TYPEWRITER, standard, $35; portable,| Year guarantee, Oshawa Business $30; adding machine, $25; electric type-|chines, 728-3664, 725-9748 teers $100, PIS cash register, ttem- FREE! seers cleaned, adjusted free.) Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you REFRIGERATORS, $12.;|purchase from Western Oil Co, 795-1212 ne Smooth-top mattresses, $24.95 | stoves, $24.95; cribs, $1095; 'new. crik| TELEVISION, 1961 General Electric, 2.] mattresses, $9.95; stoves, $24.95; TV's,|Gives good reception and in good condi $49.95; space savers, $54.95; dressers,|tion, Telephone '725-6280 chrome sets, radios. Guns, new and used. Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West,| WEDDING DRESS, size 10-12; white bro ade, with chapel train, $75. Phone 728 18 CUBIC FOOT treezer, "Marquette", good condition, $150. Apply. 102 Olive Ave-| --~ --| enve, | d és |9--Market Basket HARWIN GUITAR, Armand pick "UP, Universal amplifier, $80. Perfect condi |No. 1 WINTER POTATO; 75:ib. tion. Apply W. Brock, Halls Road, No.|!ntosh apples, $2.75 bushel. Free 2 Highway, RR 1, Whitby jdelivery. Call evenings 645-4983 WEIGHT VACUUM Cleaner,| ROASTING CHICKENS -- Orders Call after 5 p.m., 728-3151. freezer, 4 ib. $1.3. 3 Ib. $1.15. Del ™ SKATE EXCHANGE.-- $2.97 plus vour| nt' 0% 10 oF more, 728-5291 trade. Sportsman's Corner, 103 Byron NO. 1 WINTER "Selnge 75-lb. bag, $2.75 One biock west of Four Borate 723-943 in' good hoses, | 942-0213. | ; Street, | shed. general in Knowledge uronce essential. ry stabl agency general ins Salary commensurate with ab- ility. Apply in writing or in person to: Mr. W. R. BOBIG H. G. ROUGHLEY BED, 187 KING E JEWELLRY SALESLADY Required taken| Free $24.95; beds, _ Me home| in PS after like new! H t IBURN'S JEWELLE LTD. 20 SIMCOE NORTH 723-7022 LADIES Average-of $5 per hour Nhitby Corners SURNITURE -- tires fobs, new Qual |10--Farmer' s Column | SBM NE, oh) $297., Inc: completel HEAD and crippled farm sock "picked | ¢ ensemM lyn: promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone bles. Pay. only $3. wkly Tel ' ' valve! -Barons' Home Furnishings, 424| ('cence 09-085. ree oe kitchen | | Simcoe South | j | Unbeatable living room, SCRAP HARDWOOD -- onetoot |30 GRADE Cattie, Holstein, some Shane cord, Phone 723-2281 is evenings lengths, | before | 9808 ducks, $7.75 single Police pups. 668-2067 9.30 a.m. or Worl ings a ality and collecting' or ae ona ing 2 or mere. even na.| 1 1--Pets and Livestock Tele-|TRAINED puppies, 6 | breeds: Also one Toy Collie, delivered, Port Perry, 985-2445. week Good person required, No delivery 942-6603 or 725-3946 AIR CONDITIONER, bile air 5000. One phone 725-7824 BUYING OR SELLING furniture ap pliances. Call Eimer, Harton 263-2294, GERMAN SHEPHERD Silver "and black, or 263-2695, 12 years. Best offer, Call 725-5121 Westinghouse, year old. $100. Re. eon months, small $25 to $35. car or Phi |required. Ask | A L7 SE: \wWJ NS NY requires ELECTRICAL DESIGN DRAFTSMAN THE COMPANY A new dynamic steel plant with exceptional growth pos- sibilities. THE MAN Will hove experience on con- trol circuitry, power cable layout and sub-stations, THE POSITION Reporting to the Plant Engin- eer, he will be assigned to process improvement ond new equipment development. RESUMES Detailing previous work his- tory and fisting salary re? quirements moy be sent. in confidence to: Mr. RETAIL SALESMAN Wonted by Franchise dealer to sell popular line of import- ed automobiles. Reply in confidence, full particulars of experience to BOX 9092 OSHAWA TIMES stating previous fast Ridges for Mr alty Ltd, 942- 261F G. M. Boles, Personnel Manager, Lake Ontario Steel Company Ltd., Box 330, Whitby, Ont. |LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN jurgently required. for jhome subdivision in Bay selling new |bungalw with Draw if Wilkes at P.M.A. MEN-WOMEN would you J Hike to build 8 high paying career In your spare time? Don't wait! Start now. No restritcion on education. For information write Box 9117 Oshawa Times. EXPERIENCED automotive parts sales- I years of age. Ex- to Canadian | benefits. in person us |Tite Corporation Associate Store, |Simcoe Street South, Oshawa |CONSTRUCTION FIRM requires experl- enced bookkeeper to take charge of com- plete set of books, part-time, graduating to full time. Telephone 723-7683. 20--Real Estate for Sale >. BD. REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King St. West 728-6286 NORTH WEST Four bedrooms and dining room in this beautiful brick bungalow with carport, Spaci- ous landscaped lot, finished recreation room, spotlessly clean and neat, nicely degor- ated, Priced for quick sale. -- about $4000 down will handle. See this one--don"t miss out. NEW HOMES Seven different models to choose from consisting of bun- galows and split levels, all with carports or garages and electric heat. Must be seen-- call for on appointment today. REWARD Wonted desperately----homes of all types for ready buyers. We offer you a reward to fast honest and conscientious service, Our experienced staff is ot your disposal. For on honest appraisal of your home, with no obligation, pick up your phone and call S; 2. Hyman. Real. Estate _Limited now. Open 9 a.m, -- 9 p.m. After hours call Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 Les Holl 728-5513 Frank Smith 723-3533 Bob Stevenson 728-1903 Dick Barriage 725-6243 Jack Sheriff 723-3775 936 MARY STREET North, four-bedroom attached garage, rec... end Street, ol hewn neighberhood. 521,- 000 with $5,000. down. Telephone 728-9702, jOK -- Neat appearance @ 668-3386, Preseniable|FOUR BEDROOMS, College Hill, Older jfor_ preparation and serving at French: 'clean home with -- payments. Buffet. Apply Spruce Villa Hotel, Whitby. lanly $11,500, Call Asking George Valentine, 728- 633, Active Realty Limited,

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