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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1965, p. 2

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Disarmament Conference - In 2 Years Feels Marin By BORIS MISKEW- jsored by. 43 nations, but U.S.|proposed preparatory group. {Ambassador Arthur Goldberg) Martin met briefly with re- UNITED NATIONS (CP) --\told the UN shortly before the|porters after visiting Assembly Paul Martin, Canada's external|yote was taken that he would|President Amintore Fanfani of en a ee opti. Support it.- \Italy' and conferring for 45 min- mism Wednesday that a world) utes with Secretary-General U disarmament conference, Ml tree" Gitek" wok Thant. clomes Conmnenies Ching, Willy ace being the lone abstainer| The ibe convened in the next tw?' 14 Nationalist China, the fifth\teveal W |years. I i jcussed with Thant. He said he NY ember of the Security Coun-|C¥SSe He said he especially w ot participating in the|had planned to take up only one pleased that the United States )¥,o; é Vi ein |topic but, as it turned out, their joined Britain and the Soviet) |conversation touched on several Ford Production Resumes : fab} ia ee amuicown (CP)--The Ford! The plant halted operations Motor Co. of Canada Ltd. .car|Monday when 300 workers failed assembly plant here resume report for night shift duty. normal production Wednesday|Other workers who did show. up night following a two-day shut-|were sent home. 2 down caused by massive worker) The same procedure was re- absenteeism. jpeated Tuesday and Wednesday inister did not wish to| A company spokesman said|when an insufficient number of at subjects he had dis-/absenteeism was significantly|workers reported for day and less when the night shift re-/night shifts. Only key mainte- ported for work at 7 p.m. and/nance personnel were kept on the plant was able to operate|duty. Workers who did report normally. jwill receive a half-hour's pay We Booted Campaign, Says Hays By KEN CLARK OTTAWA (CP) -- Agriculture Minister Harry Hays said Wed- nesday the Liberals made some mistakes in the conduct of their Nov. 8 election campaign. He told an airport press con-| ference the Liberals should have let people. know "what kind of Tern iat a wo-way | OAKVILLE NEED STRESSED TO REHABILITATE CRIMINAL The need for the rehabili- tation of criminals was stressed by A. M. Kirk- patrick, right, executive HERE and THERE. A joint meeting of the ad- visory and co-ordinating com- mittee of the Northumberland and Durham Counties Council has recommended that the council authorize the institu- tion of county assessment im- mediately. The Northumberland and Durham Counties Council this week received a recommenda- tion that a county - equalized mill rate of nine mills, three more than the previous rate, be approved for roads pur- poses next year. The Rehoboth Choir of Bow- manville and the Glory to God Choir of Oshawa will be pre- senting Handel's 'Messiah' at Simcoe Street United Charch, Oshawa, Nov. 27 and at Bowmanville Trinity Unit- ed Church, Dec. 4. The role of the Royal Cana- dian Mounted Police in the Canadian Arctic will be out- lined Thursday at a Canadian Club of Ontario County dinner meeting at the Hotel Gen- osha. Supt. William Fraser, former commanding officer of the RCMP division re- sponsible for the policing of the entire Canadian Arctic, which includes the. North- west Territories and Yukon Territory, will be guest speaker. He now works in the RCMP criminal investiga- tion branch, Admissions to the Oshawa the director of the John Howard Society of Ontario, in an address to the Oshawa Coun- cil No. 2671, Knights of Col- General Hospital for the week ending Nov. 20 amount- | ed to 349, according to the Report to the People issued today by the OGH. Births during the week included 29 males and 25 females. New- born children' released from hospital totalled 34 males and 23 females. Other discharged patients at the hospital to- talled 344. Major surgical operations were performed on 89 patients while 115 cases of minor surgery were regis- tered. Ear, nose and throat treatments reached a total of 70. Hospital staff also made a total of 230 treatments and examinations and applied 33 casts, The physiotherapy de- partment noted a total of 606 visits by patients who were | The | given 785 treatments. occupational therapy depart- ment dealt with 169 treat- ments and 16 speech ther- apy treatments were made. umbus. Checking some of the points in Mr. Kirk- patrick's speech is Frank Helferty, Lecturer for the Oshawa K of C. Mr. Kirk- patrick underlined the need for a constructive approach to the problems faced by a man released from prison into society. --Oshawa Times Photo 6-Months Term On Bigamy Rap LONDON, Ont. (CP) Donna Elaine Homer, --Mrs. 29, of {Woodstock has been sentenced \to six months in jail on a big- amy charge. Mrs. Homer, formerly of Lon- don and Toronto, had pleaded|black bear on Vancouver Island ture. jguilty to taking part in a mar- riage ceremony with Peter a man we were dealing with." Mr. Hays apparently was re- Diefenbaker | He said the man "twists the truth." : Mr. Hays also said the Lib- erals should have fought back against Opposition charges of immorality in government. "If, we. had done this the story would have been different." Mr. Hays met reporters just before leaving by plane for his} ranch near Calgary. He flew here Tuesday to talk over his political future with Prime Min- ister Péarson, He had lunch with Mr. Pear-| {son Wednesday but declined to jcomment on his own future or \that of the agriculture portfolio |which he held in the last Par- jliament. WON'T SAY Mr. Hays still- is nominally agriculture minister - but de- jclined to say whether he had {submitted his resignation. Elec- jtoral defeat usually. means the) jend of the road for a cabinet member Mr. Hays also declined to comment on a report that he jmight be named to the Senate land retain his cabinet post. | The agriculture portfolio has itraditionally gone to a Prairie IMP. But Mr. Hays said he doesn't feel it is necessary to have a westerner in the job. The |Liberal party had a lot of good people elsewhere. Mr. Hays said the Prairies ap- parently prefer the Opposition but the Liberals will do a goodin job whether they have repre- sentation from the West or not. Mr. Hays said he plans a Hawaiian vacation. The meeting between Mr Hays and Mr. Pearson was the first for the two men since the election. Mr. Hays was confined' to his bed throughout much of the campaign because of a pneumonia attack. There has been some specula- tion that Mr. Hays might be ap- pointed to the Senate and main- tain his portfolio. HUNTS THE HARD WAY DUNCAN, B.C. (CP) -- Hun- dreds of Canadians have hunted have succeeded. Antilla brought and However scores Guy Union in suppdrting a resolution WELCOMES BACKING in the United Nations that set) Martin said Canada, which ferring to Conservative Leader|in motion the machinery to pave|had called in September for a| York Tuesday, wa8 scheduled to ug the way for such a conference.| world conference, welcomed the The UN General Assembly's|U.S. backing of the resolution. | political committee Tuesday ap-|Chances of a conference actu-| proved, in principle, the holding/|ally taking place were increased| of a world conference on dis-|because of the U.S. support. armament not later than 1967.! Much now would depend. on| It had been reported that the\the attitude 'of the Peking gov-| U.S. voting on the resolution, spon-ience and on the work planned to abstain from|ernment toward a world confer- of the! hed a | WEATHER FORECAST | Rain Today And Friday, Remaining Cloudy, Mild TORONTO (CP) -- Forecastjin temperature. Winds south 15 issued by the weather office atijtoday becoming light variablé 5:30 a.m.; tonight and Friday. Synopsis: Rain is expected to, Timagami, Cochrane, North occur over most of southern On- Bay, Sudbury: Snow today end- tario during the day but it is|ing Jate tonight then beginning not expected to be heavy. Over again Friday afternoon. Not higher terrain the rain willlmych change in temperature. probably be mixed with wetiwinds south 15 today becoming snow. Some improvement in/varjable 15 tonight-and Friday. weather maybe expected Trt] 'Algoma, Sault. Ste. Marie: pressure moves across the/r#in and snow mixed today Great Lakes while a "second ending tonight beginning -- hii y . a A \Friday afternoon. Not much storm will probably bring an- : : sheng other wave of precipitation Fri-|Change in temperature. Winds day nisht.- southeast 15 today variable 15 ay night. bait Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, tonight and Friday. southern Lake. Huron, Windsor,| White River: Snow today end- London: Overcast with inter-jing this evening beginning again mittent rain today ending to-|Friday. Not much change in ight. Friday cloudy with rain|temperature. by evening. Not much change in temperature. Winds south 15 Forecast Temperatures today becoming 'northwest 15 Low tonight, high Friday: Friday. Windsor Niagara, western Lake On-|St, Thomas.. tario, Toronto, Hamilton: Inter-| London mittent rain this afternoon and| Kitchener tonight. Friday cloudy with rain|Mount Fores again Friday night: Not much) Wingham change in temperature. Winds| Hamilton ' south 15 today becoming north-|St. Catharines west 15 Friday. Toronto Northern Lake Huron, Georg-| Peterborough ian Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe:|Kingston ..>. Overcast with rain and wet|Trenton snow spreading eastward today./Killaloe é |Precipitation ending tonight but|Muskoka ....... beginning again Friday night./North Bay... {Not much change in tempera-|Sudbury .. Winds south 15 today|Earlton ......... northwest 15 Friday. Sault Ste. Marie... Eastern Lake Ontario: Cloudy|Kapuskasing |Clowes of Woodstock while al-\down a 250 - pound spécimen|today followed by rain late this|White River....... \ready married to Frank Adam|with one shot--from his bow/afternoon and tonight. Rain end-|Moosonee \Homer of Toronto. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Santa ! you want money for the family 'special eccasion' of the year, call TCC. Holiday seasons have a habit of running away with cash--and if you're finding . self on the short side night now, give Trans Canada Credit a call. Your TCC manager wi be giadto arrange a loan to make-this Holiday Season a 'special occasion' for your whole family. Loans can be repaid in easy monthly payments--pay- Tree ments to suit your budget. Call your Trams Canada man today. Loans. for afl Special Occasions ERANWS"CANADA CREDIF CORPORATION LIMITED 48 King St. W..» Ph. 728-4628 Ohare 'and arrow ing Friday. Not much 'change!Timmins .. The carefree ones... Jordan Valley Table Wines are carefree wines, for carefree people. People who are enthusiastic about the good taste of wine anytimé--with or without food. Your choice of any Jordan Valley Table Wine is a matter of taste--your taste. They're surprisingly inexpensive. Enjoy them all. Jordan Valley Red Table Wine, White Table Wine, Stilt Rosé, Claret and Sauternes, in bottles and half bottles. | JORDAN WINES junderstood much of the minis- issues, Martin, who arrived in New/representatives will hold contin-| leave for Toronto today, where he has a speaking engagement. His visit to the UN came at! pioveg ; "|Ployed at the car and-truck as- a a the Popes dele-\sembly plants at this city 20 gation to the world organization) miles west of Toronto. is reported to be drafting a res-| Ed Bruce, vice-president of olution on peacekeeping. It was|, ™ » Vice-presicent 0 P ie '\Local 707 of United Auto Workers (OCLC), -- representing the workers, said a union,mem- ences. ter's time here was taken up Some 3,370 workers are em-|i0 the car others are employed in assem- Iblying trucks. He said company and union {or each shift. Ford has promised no re- us meetings to iron out differ-|prisals against the workers who went absent. About 2,500 work assembly plant. The A Ford spokesman said the plant lost production on 1,600 cars and 400 trucks during the shutdown. i with the proposed resolution. The Canadian resolution, ex- pected to be submitted to the| General Assembly's _ political) committee in the next few days, | q te ays, would endorse the secretary- ; ' a general's appeal for voluntary He. said the plant shutdown |contributions for peacekeeping|Was caused by militant workers | operations and would urge fur-|who made themselves absent} ther. study of thé problem of|from work because of two ma- jpeacekeeping, Canada has been|jor grievances with the com- one of the biggest contributors|pany. to UN peacekeeping operations., Bruce said the grievances in-| aS ies ~|has agreed to expedite the griev- ance concerning the steward| volved a company - instituted speed-up in production § sched-| ules during the last three) months, and the dismissal of) Shop Steward Harry Muller, 27.) He said Muller was dismissed! tawa Transportation Commis- by the company because of a sion Wednesday called for an|problem of "continued disri- lbership meeting will We held) Sunday at 2 p.m. to report on} grievance negotiations with the! company during the last two Like Tondiis Probe Called OTTAWA (CP) -- The _ Ot- o relieve Use Dodd's Kidney Pills for prompt relief from the systemic econdi- | tion causing the backache. Soon you feel better -- rest better. De- pend on Dodd's. SPECIAL, WEEKLY MESSAGE TO MEMBERS OF 60 -- Ws -- Ws 179 --~ 180 -- 230 -- 34 58 NEW SHOPPING HOURS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Tuesday - Wednesday end Thursday Evening 7 p.m. 'til 9 p.m. Fri, -- 1 p.m. 'til 9 p.m. Set. 9 a.m, 'til 5 p.m. December Prices in Effect November 20th investigation under the Com- pline." jbines Investigation Act into six/---- jidentical tenders for paper tow- How t firms each bid $7.05 a case for| 35. cases of white sulphite paper! towels in a joint tender called) case for. 60 cases of multifold) _ paper towels. | The six firms were identified | J. CLINTON jberley Clark of Canada Ltd., \Victoria Paper Co. Ltd., J. C. Wilson Ltd., and G. H. Wood els. Six paper manufacturing| BACK by the civic hospital. Four of} the six firms also bid $4.96 a} as the P. H, Abrahams Co. Ltd., Domtar Packaging Ltd., Kim- | Co. Ltd. NEED... Fuel Oil -- CALL PERRY Dey or Night 723-3443 An Oshewe School Principal for 30 Yeors end World Book-Child Craft Representative for 5 yeors RECOMMENDS THE 1966 WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA ond its associated four products Give Your Family the Gift of Learning A Christmes Gift which will pey dividends ell yeer Telephone 725-0619 for an eppointment one ecm FETTERLY 79.50 te 125.00. -- re Don't speculate when it comes to gifts of clothing . . . every trim slacks in this year's fashion shades . . mony other 'most wanted" gifts. . The home of such. quality nomes as:---- WARREN K. COOK CAMBRIDGE FORSYTH JANTZEN GINO ROSSI FLORSHEIM SHOES and many others. a man's world The Mark of Distinction . . . . @ suit from Doug Wilson's. Here are suits fashioned not by chance, but by impeccable tailoring. Imported woollens; classic herringbones and devon twists, in distinctive patterns ond colorings to delight his eye this Christmas. Doug Wilson's wil be sure you ere properly assisted in selecting the correct styling and size, From him with a smart waistcoat of dazzling scarlet or distinguished dove grey ...° . don't forget a belt er tie .. Don't anticipate anything but the warmest thanks with a gift from: Doug Wilson"s. "DOORWAY TO A MAN'S WORLD" 232 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE: 728-7974 ------------ BHARHAHHAHH OE ne | Gifts from @E man loves them.!>Gift . and so z

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