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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1965, p. 30

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25, 1965 VISITOR FROM OUTER SPACE \ Dr, P. A. Peach, of the Uni- versity of Toronto's geology department, examines the Manitouwabing m et e 0 rite which fell near Parry Sound, More Junkies In Britain Blamed On Gratis Drugs By LAWRENCE MALKIN |The group is headed by Lord LONDON (AP) -- Britain's|Brain, former head of the Royal lenient system of prescribing| College of Physicians and a dis heroin and cocaine for addicts|tinguished neurologist. through local doctors has failed) The British Medical Associa to curb "a disturbing rise" in|tion, representing most of Brit drug addiction, especiallyiain's general practitioners,) among the young. agreed the report depicted "a Reporting this today, a gov-)most disturbing situation" Ont., in 1949. The fall of the meteorit® was tracked but it was not until 1960 that it was found. The chunk of Nickle- and ernment committee recommen-|said it is giving careful study| ded that prescription loopholes|to committee's proposals. It de- be tightened to keep excess'scribed them as drastic. supplies from new addicts. : | h wd that confirmed ad-|/FEW REGISTERED ene dicts be treated only at special) Registered drug addicts in centres and be forced to con-|Britain still number only in the tinue through the difficult with-|hundrers -- miniscule com- drawal period. Doctors who|pared with the problem in the treated addicts without notify-|United States. The British sys ing the authorities would be|tem has been studied by Ameri guilty of a crime can authorities, and a team of This represents a reversal ofjinvestigators from New York policy by the committee on drug) recently recommended strongly addiction, which made its re-|against adopting it there. port to the minister of health.! Under British law, doctors GREENWOOD ENTRIES Buc Fever, No Boy 116 |Gum Swamp, No Boy 11? |Pritynn, Werry X114 | Vineyard, Kornblum X11) | Winning Score, Steve X110 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Cloudy and Muddy FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,300. Maiden, Jive Mister, Garden's Pride, Turcotte 116 Fair Dandy, McComb 111 Busher Jackson, Cuthbertson X109 Galanx, McComb 114 Irish Benedict, Dittfach 119 $Srita, Leblanc 116 Broth Of A Boy, Fitzsimmons 114 Prince Bunty, Steve X10? Little Sultan, Ferro X10? Worthy Craft, Kornblum X106 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. (4000) Claiming, three-year-olds and up, 7 Fur tongs. Barleycorn, No Boy 119 Shining Wings, Werry A-X105 Bonne Vitesse, Ferro Xi08 Miss Shepperton, Werry X105 Autumn Souvenir, Ferro X108 | Chopstick, No Boy 109 Son Blue, Leblanc 119 Hannibra, Walsh 113 Popsaysno, Steve A-X111 J Borg, C Gauci, L J Hempel and Mrs R E Fisher Entry SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,100. (3500) Claiming, two-year-olds. 7 Furlongs. Knight Out, Werry X112 Stan's Brief, Ferro X104 Harry Hughes, Turcotte 114 Renssik, Steve X10? Dr. Bricker, Ferro X112 Foredeck, Fitzsimmons 114 Able Ruler, No Boy A-117 Blue Briton, Inouye 117 Java Jive, Leblanc 112 Roman Pride, Steve X104 Mighty Gar, Potts 114 Cresta Roja, No Boy X105 Eligible: Mr. Jet Myth, No Boy. + Nailord, Werry, B-X112; Canadian rtson, B-X117. A--J © Meyer and Dare Hill Acres Entry. B--A Nadler and B Krupp Entry. THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000. (3000) Claiming, three-year-olds and up. 7 Fur. SIXTH RACE -- ances. Three-year-olds and un. foaled in Canada. Onne and one-sixteenth Miles, Winisteo, No Boy 119 French Wind, Fitzsimmons 114 Isle of Mull, No Boy 116 Mr. Brass, Inouye 123 Teardrop Lane, No Boy 116 Plain John, Werry X11 QUINELLA W. Purse $3,100. Allow. 4 AGERING SEVENTH RACE--Purse $2,700. Allow. ances, three- and four-year-olds. One Mile. | Countess Tana, Ferro X104 |Greek Tar, Kornblum X102 Beau's Delight, No Boy 114 Yankee Mac, No Boy 117 Phalanx Queen, Parsons 112 Willie's Brief, Cuthbertson X105 Encore Une, Fitzsimmons 114 |Royal Embassy, No Boy 112 Mary Catharin, Ferro X106 jCup of Kindness, No Boy 109 longs. Abitibi, Turcotte 113 Falls Way, Potts 122 Black Raven, Gordon 116 $usie's Roman, Ferro X105 Liberated, No Boy 120 Gandlo, No Boy 116 Select Sin, Steve X104 Lady Domain, Cuthbertson X105 Real Black, Ferro X117 What A Time, No Boy 119 Split The Loot, No Boy 119 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. (3000) Claiming, three-year-olds and up. (Divn. of 3rd). 7 Furiongs. Hootenany Annie, Barroby 116 Sliver Beau, Ferro X117 Bully Keane, Potts 114 Rock Age, Parsons 122 Bula Gail, Bell X11) Falsun, Werry X114 U EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. (3000) |Claiming, three-year-olds One land one-sixteenth Miles. | Ramsay 2nd, Werry X114 |French Twist, No Boy 117 | Judge Alone, Barroby 120 Elim Wood, Cuthbertson X115 | Popey, No Boy 114 |Chance Cover, Turcotte 123 | Jazz Round, Cuthbertson X106 |Keep A Thinking, McComb 117 Galactic Tryst, Ferro X118 What A Question, Parsons 120 Marathon Runner, Steve X112 POST TIME 1 P.M, and up. ART"S GUN SHOP SPECIAL! HITLER'S SECRET WEAPON: Brond new German Mauser in devastet- ing 8-mm_ celibre. Each From J Ontario's eet -de- pendable Hunting Rifle. LEE EN- KITS sronren 2.1.95 4.50 Brand new MILITARY AMMO .208, 8 mm and .303. 2 95 . 20 for Decorator's well Double Barrel Shot Guns. € pieces, © * Craftsmanship. items, ete. 9,95 Special 87 50 . 410 DOUBLE from, Each each 22 Colibre BARREL MILITARY SHOTGUNS J RIFLES cach 31650 | 45 119,95 GUN REPAIR 18 Bond St. West 728-9731 "CLEANING> TIME PAYMENT or LAYAWAY all Phoses of Gun-Work Handled. Large Stock of Ports and Components Always "On- Hand". ART'S | | 10,000 Canada No-Strings Aid 'Wins Trust In Africa By JOSEPH MacSWEEN DAR ES SALAAM (CP)--The story goes that when news proke .ofa big Tanzania-Zam- bia railway project, two Cana- dian experts were found exam- ining the scheme. at opposite ends of the line. They were Prof. Cranford Pratt of the University of Tor- onto, then special adviser here to Tanzania President Julius Nyerere, and Prof. Gordon Goundry of the University of Alberta, then chief economic adviser to the Zambian govern- ment. The story is cited here to il- sjiustrate the high degree of trust accorded Canadians . by new African countries, Can- ada's "without strings" exter- nal aid appears to be winning numerous friends--though sug- gestions for improvement were heard on an African tour. Canada has some 125 advisers in former British East - Africa alone--Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya--compared with 45 in March, 1964. There are 80 ad visers in Ghana. Nearly 170 East Africans are studying in All now is spit-and-polish at the Colito barracks where a shortlived .army mutiny _ last year threatened the Nyerere overnment and, coupled with concurrent mutinies in Kenya and Uganda, aroused fears of revolution in East Africa. The trouble was quelled by the Brit- ish army. Canada's role is. assisting in the founding of a_ military academy. Price's part is purely advisory and instructional. Long before Ottawa began an aid program, Canadian mission- aries were making a name for themselves in Africa, notably in the educational field, In re- mote Rwandi, Quebec's Rev. G. H. Levesque has been nomi- nated first rector of a new national university with a nu- cleus of Canadian teachers. Canadian University Service Overseas (CUSO), supported by industry and public sub- scription, has about 220 teach- ers in Africa. Dr. Douglas G Anglin, professor of political science at Carleton University in Ottawa, has been named vice - chancellor of Zambia's new university. In French-lajguage Africa, aid includes teaghers, film vans and. projection /equipment, and paper for a Cameroon textbook production centre serving the whole area once ruled from Paris. EMPHASIZES PEOPLE Canada's program is slanted primarily to the economic and social fields. The main emph- sis in education is 'people, not dollars."' For instance, total aid to Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda last year amounted to $2,000,- 000, "Canada probably gets more mileage out of its program, which really isn't all that big, than any country with the pos- jsible exception of Israel," said one Western diplomat. Some sources say it is unfor- tunate that Ottawa aid is "100- per cent tied'? to Canadian goods and services. Canadian aid for one housing project here fell through because of the terials from Canada. heavy cost of transporting ma Another complaint 1s that sometimes Canada takes long to say~yes or no to requests for aid. Ottawa officials are considered to fee] that the ask- ing countries should apply in good time, rather than expect prompt decisions. "But this shows a lack of un- derstanding of the problems of developing countries,' said an official. 'The fact is we haven't got the personnel to make these evaluations as, early as we'd like." Finance Minister Amir Jamal commented: "Perhaps we have not done enough to enable you to do more." STANDS UP WELL 'Diplomats say Canada stands up well by comparison with other Western countries, which generally are slow to react by comparison with the Commu- nist countries, One welcome aspect is that Canadian help is given without ideological strings. Canadian diplomats and aid officials favor the "project ap- proach." Aid is not dissipated and, incidentally, the recipient country is more pointedly jaware of it | An example"s the 600-student Dar es Salaam Technical Col- lege, where Canada provides manpower and $200.000 worth of equipment, as well as taking African teachers to Canadian jinstitutions to upgrade their 'qualifications He told the Ais tzaustoise Ag: sociation of Canada that this For US: Arms could reverse .the 1959-64 bal- ArT lance--about $190.000.900 in Cen- OTTAWA (CP) -- Robert ,|298's favor--in. the joint Can- Charles, assistant secretary of|#4a- U.S. defence production the U.S. Air Force, said Wed-|sharing program: nesday the new Canadian de-| "We are giving this problem fence program will result in alconiane i i 4 * serious consideration - substantial increase in Cana-| , mettes Arp dian spending on American\/'t to assure that the long-term weapons and equipment. |balance is maintained," Mr. | : Charles said, : | "The point is, if the Cana-| For example, he said, Cana- dians are here for a certaindian firms may win subcon- jnumber of years, they will not tracts from Lockheed of Cali- leave a vacuum on departure," fornia which will build the huge - said J. C. Quinn, 49, of Toronto.\C-5A supersonic transport - "project leader'? at the school plane. : wyich has 22 Canadian teach-| The Canadian aircraft indus- ~ oie try produced $536,777,365 worth | | In both East and West Africa, ; 1 \Canada is providing an essen- oepravacks i ee oy from $540,556,687 in © tial tool of development through slightly jmapping and aerial photog-|1963.: jraphy. In Kenya, aid is keyed) Most of the association's one- * to forestry, while in Ugandajqa:. annual: meeting) was de- - geology and fisheries are im-'yoted to discussion of research jportant. A $25,000 gill-netter and development funds for the |fishing boat, now plying Lake aircraft industry. Victoria, was transported from) Ajr Marshal Clare Annis, | Vancouver, the last 800 miles!chief of technical services at by rail from Mombasa. Canadian forces headquarters, "Canada is doing its share," said the defence department jsaid Adoko Nekyon, Uganda's|hopes to increase its develop- * | minister of planning. "We don't}ment: spending in 1966-67 by 20 ° care so much about the amount | per cent over the 1965-66 figure, » of aid a country gives. What/Estimates of this spending in we're concerned with is the|195-66 tary but are somewhere 'spirit in which it.is given." [between $100,000,000 and $150,- 000,000. More Spending 'Canadian colleges under the aid | program : DEVELOP GHANA | Canadians are looking into} Ghana's diamond prospects and| jalso helping with its Volta dam| , television network and | are engaged in aerial mapping of Tanzania and Ni- | making forest inven in Kenya and Nigeria ; igeria, iron is believed to be part of | tories a planet which was once in | doing a natural gas survey in orbit between Mars and Ju- |Nigeria and ae Uganda's 2 terrain for minerals puter (CP Photo) "Your country is a Western one eS "lcountry, but it is one of the jare allowed to prescribe regu-jfew which are not too doctrin lar doses of drugs to addicts re-jaire,"' said Nyerere, explaining gistered with the government! WAY Tanzania turned to Canada hs 3 for army and air foree training jwhile ostensibly trying to cure) Tanzania, termed the "bad ithem. Unregistered addicts can|boy" of East Africa because it e imprisoned. png ns rg pose has| z i i oupee seen how Canada has been pro- Orca pe bs grea figures viding military instructors for jfor the number of unregistered! ~ 1961. although the addicts: The home office admits| "ana since 1961, "4 they are @ problem, Ghana regime is unpopular in} ; Western circles During 1964, there were only; Col. H. E. C. Price of Quebec, 115 prosecutions for drug push-|commander of the 30-man Ca- ing and illegal addiction to her-|nadian military contingent in oin, cocaine and opium--a rise|Dar es Salaam, says that "'eve- of 32 over the year before. This|rything is going extremely) does not include convictions for|well."' The 48-year-old Price} marijuana, a drug not covered|served in Newfoundland before in the report. coming to the tropics. JOHN SWAN'S HARDWARE SZ» has... © KITCHEN SETS © FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT @ FIGURINES And Many More Gifts That Pleose ! \ . For All Ages! MELMAC DINNERWARE CORNING WARE SNOW BLOWERS TV TRAYS CARVING SETS: RIFLES RODS AND REELS COCKTAIL SETS CANISTER SETS POLISHERS VACUUM CLEANERS POWER TOOLS SMALL APPLIANCES iG eeeeeeesesenee02esde SPECIALS Cordless Electric Toothbrush T.Y. Table and Tray Sets, Reg. 15.95 Cordless Automatic Shoe Brush 15-Pce, Punch Bowl Set. Reg, 6.95..... 9.99 woe: WEEKLY SPECIAL 5 0 PCE. ENGLISH Service for 8. Many pleasing patterns on new snow white background. 29.99 UNUSUAL, VALUE Ne Ft 14.88 Plus thousends of others for children of elf ages. Ask anyone, we have the finest selection in Oshawa. Feel Free To Browse At anes OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE You Name it -- We've Got It! Tiger Joe Tank system i Y Men's Two- Trouser SUITS Pressed for time, pressed for action, you'll always look well dressed with a pair to spare. That's why our. two trouser suits double your mileage, and deliver « double measure of value. Choose from our wide select . or 3 button shetiands, tweeds and imported sherkskine, range of colors from medium to light shades of blue, brown, grey, SIZES 34 TO 50 -- SHORT & TALLS del in fine black and olive. ¢ SPORT COAT or ¢ CAR COAT PRICED FROM N59 36 KING DOWNTOWN Open to 9 P.M. Friday and Evary Thureday and Friday Nights in December. With The Purchase Of Every Suit EAST OSHAWA Complete : LOCATIONS ion of 2 cheviots, OSHAWA ~SHOPPING CENTRE Open Until 9 P.M. Thursday end Pridey end Every Niche tn December. TWO

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