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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1965, p. 5

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SHITTY DAY BY é a To Pace Ottenbrites , WHITBY (Staff) -- Led by two goals by Lynn Middleton, Arena Sunoco. dumped Kelly Disney 7-3 in Whitby Mercan- tile Hockey League action. In) the second game Art Rennick} fired three goals to power Ottenbrites to a 5-2 victory over Royal Hotel. In the first game, Sunoco grabbed a four goal lead on goals 'by Middleton, Gord Town- son, Gord Luke and Dave Colvile before Al MacDonald put Kelly's on the score sheet. In the third period Middle- ton picked up his second goal of the game to give Sunoco their four goal lead back again. Elmer Tran and Mike Gray ennick Has Hat Trick tried to bring the game back iff the reach of Kelly's, but Herb Tran and Ricky Switzer fired home two more goals for Sunoco. In the second game Otten- brite's Art Rennick fired two of his three goals in the first period before Jim . Christie scored for Royal in the Second. Lloyd Seymour once. again gave Ottenbrite's a two goal lead but Bil Lunmark narrowed it to one goal to end the scoring in the second. The game was put out of reach of Royal after Art Ren- nick and Aime Rouseau scored) in the third. IODE Chapter Plans Antique Sale The Viscount Chapter, IODE, Whitby, is planning an|doorway north of the Canadian} Commons seat in the Nov. antique and book fair, for Dec. | 3 and 4. The announcement was) made by the regent, Mrs. R. G.| Langford, who called on_ the} community for its full support. The event opens at 4 p.m.,| Dec. 3 and will continue until; Group Mends The Pentecostal Women's Mis-| gionary Council held its meeting) at the home of the president, Mrs. Albert Midgley. The vice- president, Mrs. John Leavitt, conducted the meeting. 9-p.m. in the vacant.store one Imperial Bank of Commerce. On Saturday, Dec. 4, the) event will be open to the public | | from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mrs, H. T. Fallaise will act as con- vener. Used Clothing A report was given on 'the; presentation of six dust mops) to the Bible school students of! Eastern Pentecostal Bible Col-| lege in Peterborough. It was) mentioned that. a Christmas| St, johns Men's Club | Vigorous Organization WHITBY -- The annual din- ner of St. John's Anglican Men's Club, at the Church Hall recently, was an unqualified success both as to meal and program. St. John's Women's Auxiliary, already well known as expert caferers, excelled themselves under the leader- ship of their president, Mrs. Martin Gouldburn. The pro- gram proved to be a most en- varied beauty of that part of the world '"'Where the moun- tains of Mourne sweep down to the Sea." Also, many of Mr. McKibbin's kodachromes are in- teresting as showing features and activities of daily life not entirely familiar in these parts. AID TO PARISH With Arthur Gower as _ its president, St. John's Men's Club tertaining journey through partlis an active body doing much a THE QSHAWA TIME. Thumdev. November xa. 1365 © tomers, and next month their lot at Victoria atid Brock st. s., will be transformed into a, mini- ature forest when some 400 trees will be offered for sale. St. John's Men's Club spon- sors another undertaking which is of general interest to the community, This provides for the installation of a stained- glass window in the church tower, to be clearly visible from the roadway outside. The win- dow will feature scenes illustrat- ing the history of St. John's Parish and the development <of Whitby and the port district. to support the church and par- ish in practical and financial ways. The chief item of busi- ness at the November meeting was the completion of arrange- ments for this year's sale of Christmas trees. In recent years the Men's Club has built up a of Northern Ireland, conducted by the rector, Rev, John Mc- Kibbin, Mr. - McKibbin spent five weeks in Ulster during the past summer and his pictures, many taken in the pouring rain which falls incessantly on the Emer- ald Isle, are revelations of. the large clientele of satisfied cus- It is hoped that installation will be made for Canada's cen- tennial year. Many people of the general community are sup- porting this venture through the selling campaigns which are under the supervision of H. G. Perry, a Men's Club member. VOTE ee RE-ELECT ATTERSLEY COUNCIL Harold SLICHTER as Town Councillor | | ! | HAYS SEES PRIME MINISTER Agriculture Minister in the capital Tuesday night Harry Hayes, who lost his after recuperating from an attack of pneumonia at his ranch near Calgary. 2 OPP OFFICERS | ARE PROMOTED WHITBY (Staff) -- It was an- | Minister Pearson's residence in Ottawa Wednesday for a talk about his political fu- 8 election, arrives at Prime ture. Mr. Hays arrived back THE WHITBY & AJAX BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY nounced today that two mem- bers of the Whitby Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police have been promoted to the rank of sergeant and will assume command of other detachments. Corporal Joseph T. Tullock, a | member of the Whitby detach- ment for 16 years, will com-| Gilbert St. Closing Studied By Planners 2\2220"s WHITBY (Staff) -- The Whit-,Brass Co. factory has been be-jvelopers could meet all of the|J. Fitzsimmons will take com- by Community Planning Board/fore the planning board ever|town's zoning bylaw regulations|mand of the Killaloe detach-| will consider the closing of Gil-\since Jan. 18 of this year, it|if such an approval was given|ment in Renfrew County. He has| bert st., between Brock: and|was reported. by both the board and the town|heen stationed at Whitby two * DRAPES * BROADLOOM * PAINTS * WALLPAPER DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 CONSULT A LICENSED REALTOR FOR EXPERT ADVICE OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE - 668-5853 515 Brock St. S. Whitby HARRY'S JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873" @ INDUSTRIAL @ COMMERCIAL © COMPLETE JANITORIAL SERVICE 668-8873 609 HARRIET WHITBY gift was sent to Bonnie and|Byron sts., it was decided Wed-| Representing Key Investments David Morrison, children of|/nesday evening. Such action will|Ltd., of Toronto, William Go- Rey. and Mrs. Keith Morrison|open the way to a proposed|verde appeared before the plan- of Kenya, Africa. |high-rise apartment and com-|ning board at the meeting to Mrs. John Leavitt gave the |mercial complex. outline the developer's latest - osal. The members also. worked on|scripture reading and Mrs.| The new development to be|Proposa Christmas cards to be sent to|John Scott remembered the |located on the site of the former WRITTEN REQUEST the West Indies. They sorted|sick and shut-ins and the work | Whitby Malleable Iron and! Mr. Goverde suggested the de- aod ented cet nine ly te Ble eho ste In| i ren Pickering Board Plans 'Three School Additions sions. | During the work period, mem- bers sorted stamps to be sent to Toronto head office. Proceeds will be used for the Literature Fund, to rewrite Bible and lit-| erature in African languages. Anyone wishing to donate; Tea hostesses were Mrs. Joh used stamps or clothing, is ask-|Leavitt and Mrs. John Scott. ed to contact Mrs. Midgley at|The next meeting will be held 668-5295. A pick up will be|Dec. 6 at the home of Mrs. arranged, |Albert Midgley, 124 Lupin dr, Send Food Parcel To Missionary ROSEBANK (Staff) -- Pick-|push the issue through and : : ering Township Area 2 Schooljsuggested the board attend the The Whitby Baptist Church|ton Pond, Quebec. Board has approved a deben-|meeting and hold its ground. Women's Society for Christian) Members decided to makejture application for three school| Mr. Williams said the sub- Service held its meeting Nov.|plates of Christmas homemade) aqqitions and the purchase of|division agreement called-for a 23 at the Church Hall. Mrs.|cookies to be delivered to shut-\, school site at a total esti-maximum of 20 units. per acre Dudley Wilson presided andjins of the church. lmated cost of $1,263,000. and they. were now suggesting opened the meeting with pray-| Instead of its December meet-| 'The estimated debenture cost\to build between 40 and 45 er. Mrs. Murray Detlor was in/ing, members will enjoy dining}yi1; now go to the Ontariolunits per acre. - charge of the devotional period.|out at the Whitby Coach House, Municipal Board for approval] Mr. Williams said that figures Plans were made to send a/Dec. 21. _. |before tenders are called by the/indicated that assessment food parcel to Miss Ruth Troy- A social hour was spent with/.-chitect. would be $4,400 per unit if the er, a missionary in India, also) Mrs. Ruth Maw in charge of| The highest single debenture |proposed 2500 units were con- a Christmas gift will be sent to|games. Tea hostesses were Mrs./ 41) be for the Frenchman's|structed and that this would not Baptist Home Missionary Rev.|Len Rich and Mrs. Adelard| pay Public School. addition.|pay for itself in education costs. and Mrs. Eric Clayson, at Rox-!Morin. [The school will be opened at) Trustee Fred Hawes said that " ere ° .m. Dec, 6, d the|with' the) sed t ts Legion Auxiliary Plans Election Se siaiicn w enpectediand toma lena: te baer' 8:15 [proposed addition is expected /an town houses, the board ' 'to cost $560,000, jwould have to build a new The Royal Canadian Legionjof age for the Christmas party! An addition including anischool. since all neighboring Ladies' Auxiliary, Branch 112,Jof Dec, 19 at 4 p.m. at the/auditorium to the Fairport|schcols would be operating at held a social evening Nov. 23/Legion Hall. Beach Public School is expec-|100 per cent. in the Legion Hall with the pres-| Sick convener gave her Te-i1eq to cost $368,000. ident, Mrs. Phylis Norris, in the|port: Mrs. Florie Adam 4s still), second addition to the Sir, TENDERS RESI chair. jin hospital, and Mrs. Agnes Ash-|754) 4 Macdonald School at) Mr. Williams The topic was the auxiliary|ton, Mrs. Greta McDonough and|pay Ridges, which was opened|resignation at. the meeting Christmas party to be-held Dec.|Mrs. Marie Brown are sick atlthis yeat, is expected to cost|following the meeting. Mr. Wil-| 14. The nominations and elec-/home. Best wishes for recovery) goss goo, liams said it had been an hon-| tion of officers will be held. $0es to them all. ' "A new school site, expected|or and pleasure working with) All members are urged to at-| Anyone knowing of sick mem-j1, }. purchased in the West|the board and he would con- tend and use their vote. Dues|bers are asked to contact Mrs. | Rouge area, is expected toltinue to look out for its must be paid before casting|\Jean King, sick convener. | oct geo 000. interests. ballots. PS lb gan 3 aston peng Ps Area 2 trustees agreed to| Board Chairman 7. Be. ves : '| i ip| thanked Mr. Williams It was mentioned again that Violet Parkinson and her com-| iansing® Board. meeting, at\who was appointed in May, this is the last week to give the| mittee. Bingo and games were Sreauease Nov. 25, to present|1964, for the hard work he had : eres meme ep to 1) yeery giayed, lfurther argument of why 2500|put into the school area. Gillespie Big Gun For Police Team Storey' 'apartment. bul aig anne neue ae ce jstorey _ apartment building |accepted with regret. He will Two -wins and a-tie-highlight-|ciation-as_he blasted five goals | should not be -- in'he entering the race for town- ed Whitby Bantam Hockey Tom Arnold and Dave Ross had the Bay Ridges area by ©on-'ship council League action at the Whitbyjone each. GNATION | tendered his) iplan receives a 'green light' by} lcouncil. In accordance with the|years. jboard's advice, Goverde will| \provide the planners with a let- iter of written request for clos. (new: Both officers are residents. of ARNOLD"S ling of the street. Proof of boun-| ------------------------ jdaries enclosing the Key Invest-| VOTE ment property will also be sup-| ] plied. O'CONNELL | The suggestion to close the jstreet was introduced by Mr. |Goverde after he explained cer- |\tain regulations of the bylaw |were creating a definite prob-| for COUNCIL 115 BROCK N, -- WHITBY SIRLOIN or WING STEAKS |b. 79° TO-NIGHT Mioget Hockey jlem to development of the prop- erty. | The board's action was ad-| vised by Derek Little, represent-| jing Municipal Planning Consul-} itants, Mr. Little said the board| should provide Mr. Goverde with | jsome advice either involving the closing of the street or an al-| ternative plan which the de-| \yeloper's representative inti- mated. Should the board find the street closing a feasible plan it jis expected to make a recom-| mendation to council which} must approve such action be-| \fore further phases of develop-|- JUST ARRIVED ! New Fall Tailored TO MEASURE SAMPLES @ House of Hobberlin @ Tip Top Tailors --_et-- USS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-2091 Whitby vs Bowmanville Mercury Furniture and Appliances % Phillips %* Clairtone * GE. FREE DELIVERY Harwood, Ajax 942-3711 Enjoy "en evening out 171 Brock N. 668-5012 neve reachy fo f For As Little As $25.00 DOWN You Own A QUALITY CAR from NICOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. 146 BROCK N, 668-3331 CONNELLY SCHOOL of DANCING Dancing i| Instruction | from 4 years |ment can proceed, | |MUST PRESENT PLANS In the event the street closing| Pool Table 52" x 100" App. Size {both official groups, draft plans of the proposed apartment-com- of age. Classes for Ladies. Register NOW for Fall term 668-. BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. ; "Home Improvement Headquarters" 668-5818 419 Dundes &, Whitby Where it's so easy to look eos So nice. FOR APPOINTMENT 668-3992 Complete with Cues and mercial structure would be pre- sented to the board for com- balls. Reg. $210. $ plete investigation and study. | Sale Once approval of plans have| \been given by the board, in the! SPORTSMAN'S CORNER event the project reaches this) step, construction work could! A Z | B St. S., Whitb |proceed with little or no farther] ver aye a, Idelay, it was suggested. 177] One Block West of 4 Corners || 513 Mary E. Bros, Stafford gy. Ltd. Monuments in stone and marble { 4 Generotions | | | TOWN OF WHITBY | MEETING CANCELLED TAKE NOTICE that the Public Meeting for Tuesday, November 30th, 1965 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers regarding Cen- f | solidated Building Corporation. Arena, as Rotary downed Le-| pave Heron was top scorer|its homework, as suggested by SHORTY'S The board feels it has' done gion 7-2. The Pee Wee All-Stars|\for the Pee Wees as he scored : i | , Pdi ss , ' ed/the planning board, and will be| tied Police Association 7-7 and|three times, followed by Bea acest as long as the sub- bord Ramblers edged Kinsmen)ycMonagle, Wayne Cormack,|qiyiders stay within the sub- y i: , ' Daye Balson and Brian Harri-|qiyision agreement not to build 2 Si Bago pm gph allan 'more than 20 unis per acre. | WIG@Y SFOre e Clarke le e way.for| fi the winners with two goals fol-| Two three-game scorers high- Trustee oe ba get 121 Brock St. N. -- Whitby lowed by George Yates, Don|lighted the game between Ab's|he was at a loss of why ae Bradford, David Gillespie, Don Ramblers and Kinsmen, Bryce| planning Board is trying to PH: 668-8361 Harris and Ricky Marshal with|Jones for Kinsmen and Jim) --=---- = ees one each. Gary Twinning and/Snare for Ab's Ramblers. | ; Henry Huiniuk scored for the| Clay Foskett and Terry Hal-| | McQuay | losers. ton were the other scorers for| for | Gary Gillespie proved to be|the winners and Glen Jefferies) the big gun for the Police Asso-'for Kinsmen. L.. -- = oe S a 'Whitby Pee Wees Down Ajax SKATE Other Whit- Steve Gray, EXCHANGE 2.97 Bryan Harrison and Braydy Plus Your Trade Balson alsd picked up an assist/Harris. Ajax scorers were, in the win Gary Barford, Billy Hepburn, SPORTSMAN'S| CORNER Bob Richards, on the same Jim Heslin and Chester Mc- line as Balson, picket up one,Innes. 103 Byron St. $., Whitby One Block West ef 4 Corners NOBLESSE CIGARETTES Filter Deluxe -- Mild. The eig- arette for the Swing and Go-- Crowd. Each carton gives you a chance to win a Kodak In- matic 104 C Sok ies mee 3.19 JOHNNY SEVEN 7.95 Dave Balson fired home the! winning goal in the third period, to lead Whitby Pee Wees to a 5-4 win ever Ajax Pee Wees. goal and an assist by scorers were: SECRET SAM WEAPONS 11.95 Minister Baptizes Four Infants and Mrs. R. C. Burk; David Gerald Cox, son of Mr. and) Mrs. G. Cox; Kevin Edward Ritz, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A.! Ritz. The sermon at morning wor-| ship was entitled 'Come Alive-- : , To The Ministry of Evange-| Jeffrey David Maybee, son Of/ji) The choir sang the| Mr. @nd Mrs. D. A. Maybee;/anthem "Worship,". words by| Ronald Jack Burk,.son of Mr.iWhitter and music by Shaw WHITBY PERSONALS Gardenview United Church! Michael, son of Mr: and Mrs. Women are holding a bazaar|Douglas Reynolds, is celebrat-| Nov. 27 at St. Mark's Unitedjing his 15th birthday today.) Church Hall. The tea room com- Dinner guests for the occasion mittee consists of Mrs. R. Me-/will be his uncle-and aunt, Mr. Laughlin, Mrs. D. Snoddy, Mrs.j;and Mrs. Jim Campbell, Scar- H. Boettcher and Mrs. J.) borough. Lamont. The bazaar committee includes Mrs. W .Grylls, Mrs.| Mrs. Kay Young, Kitchener, E. Goodhand, Mrs. G. Sweet,/snent last weeke visiti Mrs. ©. McAughey and Mrs ate ' Mrs 24 pepors "a4 W. McIntyre. The bake table|" ' ss OUASERU, committee is Mrs. G. Wiggans,|5!» 211 Reedaire court. "Mrs W. Edwards, Mrs. L,| Jones and Mrs. D. Reynolds./ The Sacrament of Infant Bap- tism was observed at St. Mark's| United Church Sunday morn- ing when the minister, assisted by Elder 0. Jewell, received the following children present- ed by their parents. TIGER JOE by. Deluxe TEARIE.DEARIE DOLLS 4.00 Complete Line of Barbie Dolls and Outfits Don't Forget Ded. | BRIGHAM BRIAR PIPES} for Christmas. Hl Over 200 to 1,95 4x? | . ae il Choose from Smith Corona Typewriter, Reg. 79.95. 6§ 95 LJ Shorty's Price BROWNING GUN DEALER RADIO TELEVISION HOLMES ELECTRONICS 24-Hour S#vice Louis ~\ Bill Vickers is the new cross. ing guard at the Anderson -st. | Mrs, Ex yan, 5 ,|crossing area for school chil-| 3. Emmy Ryan, 514 Perry | seen ie" Vickers" who cok l st., has returned from a twor up his duties on Nov. 23, will! month trip to Bad Bertrich, Ger- he on duty in the morning, at many, where she received treat- lunch time and from 3:30 p.m.| TIMEX WATCHES - Kodak Instamatie Camera 104° Outfit. 16 95 i Only WHITRY 668-5679 tennial Celebration has been CANCELLED. W. J. MOWAT MAYOR Evening Program Starts... 6:55 Last Complete Program .. . 8:20 BROCK of Experience 318 Dundes €. 668-3552 BUSINESS OF THE WEEK GOOLD FURNITURE 215 Dundas E. Clarance Goold first began bus- ABNER'S ESSO feoturi THE GREAT NEW RAMBLER Secretarial ) Brien Epstein presents "| AUDIE MU - B) ANWE BANCROFT + PAT CROWLEY om CHARLES DRAKE - Jay BrUTRWETLS. (A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE SHOWN ONCE ONLY AT 8:30 P.M. ORCHARDS Invites You to Come and See the Many Different Varieties of | 411 Fairview Dr. Overload Service *& SECRETARIES * TYPISTS * EXTRA STAFF * MAILING & DUPLICATING SERVICES | 101 Dundas W. 668-8181 | | | iness in Whitby in 1962 and now offers a large voriety of house- hold items to the public of Whit- by. Dealing mainly in used furni- ture, Goolds- is _the_ideal_place to find those items for your cottage and recreation room. Mr. Goold will also buy or trade. furniture and household effects and also has available new unpainted furniture for the person who wishes to match other furniture. Originally from -- Sussex, Brunswick, Mr. Goold came to Whitby in 1950, He was employ- ed in the harwore and grocery business and thus has a firm back- ground for the furniture business. He is married and has 4 children. He enjoys bowling, horse racing ond fishing and is a member of the Legion. New Remember when it comes to furniture | or -- appliances, whether it's to buy, sell, or trade, you need go no fur- ther than Goold's Furniture, 215 Dundas E. in Whitby. aia a aac! gu aRtiien s ITE EXPERT DRY CLEANING SERVICE AJAX CLEANERS e@ COLD STORAGE @ SHIRT SERVICE 942-0310 72 HARWOOD $., AJAX ARMSTRONG | HOMES Proudly -Presents Southwood Park Ajax and Rolling Hills Estates Olive & Grandview, Oshewe 942-2401 43 SHERWOOD E. Lenderest MESES JUST OPENED I WHITBY MEAT MARKET 313 BROCK S. 668-6941 WHITBY PICKERING HORTON'S STUDIO e INDUSTRIAL @ CHILD STUDIES @ PORTRAITS e. WEDDINGS 942-1110 37 STATION PLAZA, AJAX BROUGHTON MOTORS * Licensed Mechanics * General Repairs .. % Quality Fina Products 1101 Brock S. 668-8211. GOOLD'S FURNITURE New -- Unpainted Furniture and Chrome Kitchen Sets SPECIAL... - 215 DUNDAS ST. E. 668-5481 GEO. HARDING EXCAVATING © Trenching is Our Specialty FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE 668-3566 Whitby DX OIL Now is the time to to arrange for your FUEL OIL from DX. 668-3341 No. 2 Hwy. ) Whitby LEHN'S BAKERY Specializing In © Cakes © Pastries Open 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tues., Sat., Sun. 12 - 9 p.m. 668-8111 114 Lupin Drive Whitby Apples. Located 214 Miles West of Whitby on Highway No. 2 at the "Big Red Apples" | Whitby ---. Ph, 668-3226 HOMELITE XL-12 @ Custom Cutting SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundas St. E. SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE * Brigham Briar Pipes * Guns * Ammunition * Cameres * Films HOURS'8S A.M. -- 10 P.M. DAILY 121 Brock N. 668-8361 beat } Geo, H. Vick Ltd. 668-3579. and 668-3330 108 Brock N. Whitby nt, 'until 4:30 p.m, \ q

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