JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE mi WHAT KINO? Why Wi € HAVE TWENTY CGH FLAVORS | kay Sainhe' ei TINY 8! HAINT GOT \YELL FO' ME, TO KILL MAHSELF, CUS I TH' LUCK £" HE. w=? WHUTLL AH ) ( SAID" por WE NEVER marrige // UJ WEREN'T LISTENING! TO GET ie TY IM SHIVERIN, THE LONE RANGER on) itn nt vont Taeeie SPRECHES, 'CAPA, 0S OF PELLBOUN AND THOU: WATCH STUN ans Na 4 HELPLESSLY AROWPE A WHIRLPOOL . MAKE YOUR © King Fanturee Spnilicate, Joc. 1965. Watld sights weewnd. Wittiam wits WILLIAM JRy SPacTATORS, HOURS AS THE iy? Ana THE DISGUISED LONE RANGER RIDES INTO A TROUBLED TOWN ++ eee A MIRACL THE BARREL an SHOT INTO.A CALM 16 WHIPPED AFTER THIS, FATHER : S OFTEN y AN. SON AN RISKS HIS LIFE SO OFT: THE RIVER, ONCE IN RESOUE ANGWHREO... Ww ON Thm NIAGARA NOT ONLY WITH PEOPL BUT WILOLIFE TOO 7' THANK YOU FOR THE WARNING, | SAWYER, REST ASSURED WEL BE ON THE MAY BOY, 4h TRUE FRIEND! me SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK OF Course! MUCH RATHER KNOW ALL ABouT YOU : ANYWAY =PHICT A DAY AT THE EMBASSY, MADAME BARA. partner has ] The wors' rope 8, Subse- quently 4, Killed 5. Jap- anese coin 6, Palace 'warden 7. Mesopo- tamia 8, Trans- gress 9. Decade - GRANDMA,YOU LOOK LUKE YOU'VE LOST MY HOROSCOPE BOOK SAID TO BE CAUTIOUS THE LAGT FEW DAYS..; «AND TODAY |S THE FIRST DAY I'VE GOTTEN OUT OF BED TO EAT ANYTHING / WELL, LIKE P... BUT I DON'T THINK SHE EVER LEARNED HER ABCs! 10, Cunning 16, Expert 18, Killers 19, Meadow 20, Poetic ean ee foletats aialauics CIT Ol8S al UN! aaure anes 23. Tavern \erinic MTATOTE ia 24, Letter tolsie) MADE 25, Arab Yesterday's Answer 36, Scheme $7. Sphere 88, Spawn of fish 89, Hawaiian frigate bird 84, Relieves 40. Religious 35. Incite brother ment. 26, Youth 29, Mug 83. There- fore 2 43 Ly 7 Te |? jo Channe! 2--Buttate Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4~--Buffalo Channel 6--Toronto Channel 7--Buffaio Channel! 8--Rochester Channel 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton a PRAY Svamne 00 rm --Pamity Theetre 9--The Virginians 6--Filpper --Shindig me Pm O--Leeve & to 7--Rocketship 7 @--Huntley-Brinkley Mowe ¥--Cheyenne Across 7:00 Pa. li--Honey West %The Flintstones i! &--Comoat 3--Huntley-Brinkley 1 Pa. Man from U.N.C.L.8. ¢ Brothers YOUR HEALTH Keep Close Tab On Youngsters By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Is it pos- sible for an eight-year-old boy to be a homosexual? Is there any cure?--Mrs. E, J. Yes, it is possible. Yes, there jIf they fit naturally into groups lof other boys, that's fine. But if they persistently avoid being \'part of the gang," then it may {be a suspicious sign. Smothers 1--F lintstones é-Addams Family 4--The Wild Wiid Weet &--Ceamp Runamuck oe Om %---Patty Duke Show 7--Tammy 2--Hank on Pm 11--Twelve O'Clock High %---A GoGo barbie id 3--Tommy Hunter Show 4--Hogan's Heroes 0 Pm t--Movie T--Honay West ¢-Friday Movie 4-Gomer Pyle @ &--The Wild Wiid Weat ae \1--Patticoat Junction ro i 7--The Farmer's Daughter 4--The Smothers Broa. The 2-U.N.C.L.E. 7--Jimmy Dean Show 3-Triais of O'Brien 10:38 PM ight On ie Pa 'VO + 48-8 Bowed 'eels gts te he ee ft Ahetre Pinel gary 1s ee TELEVISION LOG 7--Milton The Monster 6--Tennessee Tuxedo 4--Adventures of Lasse 3--Whiplash ne Pa, 11--Sports Car Racing 64.-The Movies 7--Hoppity 6-3---Wrestling é--Rurel & |-OHA Jr. B® Hockey §--HI-Time $2=-NCAA Football $23--Sports Presents 4--Changing Times 2:98 PLA, 7---Stan Roberts Show Satemes Theatre nF 4--Santa Claus 8 AM ViBehnitzel House %-Cartoon Pleyhovee &--Funny Co. 0:88 ARR, B-Recketship 7 4--Fun To Leara a-Porky Pig 0.8 The Sonins §~Merevies wee A, 2---Secret Squirrel Foreneve 6--Extension 4Mighty Movee Play~- house we A VJoha Bradshew Ua--Under Dog x nder 7--The Beaties &--Cousin Bill 4--Linus The Lionhearted Nie AM, Vi--Hebey Thine WHR Jone Gray %--Milton The Monster +2--Top Cat 1--Cartoon 4-Tom and Jerry ne Am 9--Peter Potamus 7~Porky Pig €-Robin Hood 4-Quick Oraw McGraw ne ween 11--Wreatling 9--! Wish You Were Here %-2--The First Look Bugs Bune King Leonarde sky King 3--Popeye And Pais 1 PA, | 9--Theatre 8-2--Exploring $08 Pe. 9--Wrestling 4--Zene Grey Theatre 09 Pm T--Buttale Bille 4--Bara Dance 00 Pm. 1--Outdoors Unlimited %--After Pour #3--NCAA Football T--Champlonship Bowling 4---NFL Countdown Te ra ata eRelier Dery an Pm Hawkeye --Werld of Sports 6--Operts Presents oe Pam Dennis the Menace, 7--World ef Sports 3--Forest Raagere 4~Beat The Came Bowling Series, 0 Pe li--Johany Quest &3--Bugs Bunny SATWROAY SVE. on rm Vi---F lipper %~Voyage To The Bottom Of The See 7--World of Spots &--Ceuntrytine 4--Wrestling 3--Shindig 2--Checxmate an Pm liewMickie - A - Go *.Go 7--Shindig 6--U.N, Review 3--Musical Showcase 18 PM. 7-4-4-3--News) Weather; Bperts THE OSHAWA TIMES, 23. Friday, November 46, i708 = BRIDGE - By B. JAY BECKER ; (Top record-holder in Masters'. Indhvidvel Chemplonship Pley) BIDDING QUIZ ~ Partner bids One Diamond, next player passes, neither side-- vulnerable. What would you™ now bid with each af the follow-. ing four hands? mt 8. 48 YI @KQITa HASB- 4% 49% WKIS GAGs QAKOD. 1. One heart. The bids to con-~ sider are a heart, a spade or @ notrump. A notrump response should be dismissed because it= would violate the general : of trying to find a major fit before stempting nol a lgnaring this rule could atal in many hands, = There is good reason for pres. ferring a heart response to a~ spade response. In hands wherg~ you plan to bid only ence --.. unless partner forces you to again--you use the step syste that is, you hid the lower sult- first. = The advantage of this method is apparent here. If you rer. sponded one spade, your side might never discover a 4-4 heart fit if it existed. By res one heart, you can not oi find the possible heart fit, but also leave room for partner to bid a spade and thus find the other major suit fit. 2. Two clubs. Game-is likely, though not certain. The best you can do in hands of this type is identify your distribution and high-card values as accurately as possible and let partner do the rest. In line with this you bid two clubs, planning to bid two spades over the probable rebid of two diamonds. This tells partner that your hand is worth two bids (probably 11 to 16 high-card points) and that~ your clubs, having been bid first, are longer than your spades. What happens next de« '|pends on what partner does. 3. One heart. This is a more illuminating response than @ jump to three diamonds which the hand is easily worth. The heart response won't sound like much at this point, since it eould be based on a 6-point hand, but you intend to bring out the big guns later, after rebid over one heart. 4, Three notrump. Hig are very important in b but good distribution, or lack of it, cannot be ignored in appraising the value of a hand, possible distribution is 4-8-3-3 and you have te be careful not to overrate such hands even when they contain great high-eard strength. A jump response to three no trump is clearly indicated. This bid identifies a- balanced hi 16 or 17-high-card points, ai strength in all suits. Obviously, three notrump suggests a slam if partner has excess values, but it is by no means a forcing bid. FIND FOREST TRACES CLARK'S HARBOR, N.8, (CP)--Twisted tree - stumps sunk in mud-flats gear this south-shore community on Cape Sable Island are eagerly cele lected by ornament dealers for polishing up for sale, Some of the broken remains of an an- cient forest, thougt to be of softwood species, are partially petrified. ; SALLY'S SALLIES X-CHANGE New and Used You Can Exchange Sketes Thot Are Too Small For A New or Used Pair. WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON. neg ercernee 1 'SETION, overpro-land courteous behaviour are;there is an increase in venerea }, part Of/reasons for suspicion, but be on|disease in teen-agers, and onec|} COMPLETE LINE OF are thirigs we can do about it, e} Overindulgence or pecially in the years when theltectiveness on the JULIET JONES SORRY I GOT NASTY WITH YOU--AND THE Py JONES GIRL. BUT YOU KNOW HOW SERIOUSLY LTAKEMY JOB, EARL, STICK AROUND THI9 Sip) [ me ALL MY TOWN A WHILE, WILL YOU F YOU KNOW,TO GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS AND STUFF, ITS FAULT! EARL | WILL GET FIRED, | JUST BECAUSE HE TOOK THOSE 'lfeelings, and | /activity. tendency is beginning Just before and during puberty there is an awareness of sexual curiosity about them. At such an impression- able age if a younger boy fra- ternizes with a somewhat older one who has homosexual tenden- cies, he can innocently fall prey to the older boy's siiggestions and behavior Hence, without being nosey or bossy about it, try to be aware of the boys he plays with. Steer a boy into wholesome physical Beware of secretive twosome arrangements. It's na mothers may be a factor in horniosexial tendencies; Ps y |chologically, later on the boy is lunable to emancipate himself from this maternal dominance, and for fear of being "disloyal" by becoming interested in a girl, he concentrates his attention on male companionship. RECOGNIZE SIGNS Understanding these things can help you recognize danger signs and quietly directa boy's interests into other channels. We certainly have nothing against nice, mannerly, quiet iboys--but it is boy nature to be tural enough, of course, for. ajnoisy and have something of the} guard when a youngster seems to be too much of a perfect little gentleman if, in addition he also has a knack of disappearing too long, too consistently, too quietly, too perpetually as a twosome--and you never hear anything about what he. does with his time, Use your most thoughtful judgment. Don't jump to conclu- sions because a couple of kids are close pals. It's the subtle signs heyond that which distin- guish between the normal. and the dangerous. Finally--this may be repulsive boy to have a special pal, andjroughneck in him, some of the|t0 us, but we can't avoid facts there's no reason he shouldn't./time, 1 don't say good manners by shutting our eyes to them-- of the factors is homosexuality This. column may be disquiet- ing, but I write it because | have had too many letters from parents to ignore the facts of life as they are. Dear Dr. Molner: Is it okay to take calcium tablets every day with skim milk? -- Mrs, G. 8. I don't see how they can hurt you, butmilk is loaded with cal- cium, and the skimming process removes fat, not the calcium, so unless your doctor wants you to have extremely large amounts of calcium I don't see why you need both the milk and the tab- lets. ' HOGKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. TAN'S - SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. 723-3224