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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Nov 1965, p. 14

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SA Home League Bazaar A Success The Salvation Army Home League held a successful ba- zaar in the Citadel with-alarge crowd in attendance. Mrs. Major Gordon Holmes introduced the. guest speaker who was Mrs. Stewart Alger. J Miss Janet Buller presented Mrs. Alger with a corsage. She ' oo told about the work of the Army, ~ and the Home League after which she declared the bazaar VY, ' G0 FS 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 29, 1965 St. Mary's Tree-Light Bazaar Is Annual Outstanding Success open. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang- field represented General and Mrs. William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army. Mrs, David St. Gregory's Auditorium was filled to'capacity Sat- urday night when the annual "Polish Night" dance was held. The event was spon- KEEP IN TRIM sored by Oshawa Council 2671. Knights of Columbus. Picture shows some of the head table guests as they assembled during the event. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SPONSOR ANNUAL POLISH NIGHT Hughes and Mr. Louis They are: Mr. George Gilewski, entertainment chairman; Mrs, Gilewski, Mr. Frank Shine, District Deputy Grand Knight; Mrs. Oshawa Council. The magic. and beauty of Christmas was~ reflected throughout St. Mary's of the People Auditorium when the Catholic Women's League re- cently held its annual bazaar. In a setting of countless lights, gold and red bells, holly and Christmas trees, the Reverend N. J. Gignac officially opened the bazaar in the name of Mrs. Leonard Weeks, the president, Mrs, Max Coleman, the general convener and Mrs. Angus Le- gere the co-convener. Father Gignac welcomed all present and with Father Joseph Borg extended warm greetings to the hundreds of guests throughout the afternoon and evening. The tea room was a busy corner; the tea table was at- tractively decorated with Christ- Grand Knight, Oshawa Times Photo [mas centrepiece and candles. |Al-Anon Comforts Families The pourers for the occasion were: Mrs, John Sammutt, Mrs. Michael Starr, Mrs. Lyman Gif- ford, Mrs. John Cardinal, Mrs. thur VanLecuven; grocery bas- ket, Mrs. Augusta Deschemée- ker, decorations, Mrs. Wilfred Ottenbrite and Mrs. Michael) McArthur on publicity. | The following were prize win-| ners: Mrs, Angus Leger, Mrs. Leonard Weeks, the Reverend N. J. Gignac, Mrs. Michael Hickey, Mrs; Giles Goulding, Mr. Michael McCarthy, Mrs. Elmer Mullen,. Mrs. D. Spiers, Mrs. G. Bond, Mrs. Robert Loney, Mr. William Hambly, Mrs. Ruteschausen, Derreck! Clarke, L, Cziranka, Mrs. Pat} Seaver, Mr, Wilfred La Plante,| Mrs, Harold Chinn, Mrs, Fred} Mortimer, Mrs. F. Porter, Mrs.) Bernard O'Brien, Mrs. F. Krae- mar, Mrs. A. Deminion, Paul] Power, Mrs. Thomas Norton, Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, Mrs. Bernard Jones, Mrs. Wallace Young, Mrs. A. Arkwright, Mrs. R. D. Luke, Mr. Kenneth Court- Owen and Mrs, William Given were also dres in long old- fashioned dresses, keeping in mind the 100 years the Army ha' been operating. A variety of tables were tastefully decorated with the Army colors, yellow, red and blue streamers. The tea room was a great attraction with a Christmas centre piece on the tea table, made by Mrs, Frank Buller, Tea was poured by Mrs. Major Earl and Mrs, Capt. Herbert Fraser, Bowmanville. MANY NEED HELP More than 15,000 retarded! children are born in Canada every year. | IN NEED of a HOMEMAKER? © Call... UNDER FASHION ] h li M A d W m leeeie Retainer page een ones ney, Mrs. Wilfred LaPlante,| co 0 IC en nN omen } : : John Ortwyn, Mrs. John Melny-| Those present fully enjoyed chuk, Miz, 0. R. Gay, James| Every Wednesday evening, a] The Oshawa Al-Anon group the capable auctioneer, Mr. Dall Mr Gerald anibeck. Best Road To Leanness number of wives in Oshawalelects a chairman for a two-|William Edwards, who Lap Richard Jolly, Mrs, James Me- and Whitby meet at the Alano|month period who presides atitioned off the left over articlesiQ,ray Mrs.' Veronica Ward,| I have dicted, gained it back Club on Thornton road north.|the Oshawa meetings and the|but as few remained this wasiyy>. "Gordon Dignem, Miss Elsa and gotten nowhere. Now, for/The desire and purpose is the|Whitby group elects their chair-|an indication that all booths); acy Mrs. Robert Knox, Paul Why are fad diets ineffective? |neaith reasons, It is imperative}same for each one -- for they|man every month. jwere extremely busy and pro-|pry. "To begin with, most faddy fare/that I reduce and keep the haye a common problem --| The*meeting is held in a re-|ceeds totalled a grand success.| - as restricted to a few foods with weight off." they are either wives or friends|laxed atmosphere. There might/Booth conveners -- were: teen| "the meals monotonously the; j'ye come to the conclusion'of alcoholics. They come to the|be a speaker from the medicaljbar, Mrs. Leonard Weeks; Ap- 'same for the entire period. You that faddy diets are actually to/clyb to discuss their problems, /field or from AA or it might be|rons, Mrs. Kenneth McRae and wean lose weight, of course, since' hJame for much of the over-ito find themselves and to learnione of their own group. Group|Mrs. George King; grand draw 'any diet restricted in calories weight in our land of good liv-itg be more tolerant of their/discussions are held for about anjof bazaar, Mrs. William Ed- ewill enable you to reduce. But ing. Of course, lack of exercise/mate's drinking habits. hour and cover anything perti-|wards; Penny Sale, Mrs. James vat the end of the diet period,/ficures in too. We have cut! Their group is known as Al-(nent to the problem. Coffee is|Seaver; home baking, Mrs. Des- you invariably turn rightidown on food, but since we ane the etpheg group "ofiserved at the close of each/mond Delaney and Mrs. Nor- around and regain the lost/have cut down on exercise VED nich was founded in: 1947 by|meeting. 'Aids are sent out from|man Fry; touch and take, Mrs. poundage--generally with a few more, it is easy to get too MANY the sue sof the founder of|Al-Anon headquarters in New Donald Branch; tea room, Mrs x i David Burpee; candy, Mrs. John extra pounds calories. | Alcoholic Anonymous, in Akron,| York to assist the leaders. Kelly ie Mic Gerald' Cole, Any diet restricted to a few) The best reducing diet is still Ohio. Al-Anon now has 3,000/ The Alateen group meets OD| -nidren's draw, Mrs, Kenneth foods is so different from your the time-honored, varied low bole re , ti : groups throughout the world,|Thursday nights at the same. Mis. Gordon Dig: "regular ways of eating that it .siorie diet. It should be fwo of which are in this area. |place and is open to any eS dogg pine ordon Dig | "doe: to ch i . c ; dressed as i imine ae, doer chan eet f0 ket the pat Al-Anon. helps "families andjager who has one or more jolly clowns; bingo, Mrs. Ber EDNA ANN HA Ss dng habits, nor does it change tern of eating in line with your), : djust|alcoholi Fay Aik re you think about food.!,.., Fi as}, (friends of alcoholics to. adjust/alcoholic parent. ey follow|,orad Jones and Mrs. Leo Mc- | whan Be usual ways of eating, but with) the alcoholic's problems, It is|the same basic twelve steps and Carthy; decorations, Mrs. Wil- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M. RED CROSS Homemoker Service at 723-7073 By IDA JEAN KAIN PPPOE E TORE EREE EY FE Oe ORE OO OF Pe Re OF Pe Fe Fe RE ee ee ee Ree Pomkey EDNA ANN HATS Because you know Fashion you'll oppreciate our new collec- tion of fabulous sweoters, skirts, slims, all vibrantly alive and vivaclously colorful In lightweight wool . . . so right for ihat special gift, Do drop in soon, In most cases, overweights Canitewer calories. . I nd) i ini j famil roup, a fellowship|hold the same type of meeting} . : ' geet Eg Apc a This note from a successful|/ot men geo women who are|with the help of Al-Anon spon-|{red com tas ee ual reducer points the way... |husbands and wives, relatives|sors. They arrange dances occa| nq' Mrs, Robert Byrne; aT you ould look over myc} "After dallying with faddyor. close friends of the alcoholic. |sionally and find companion-|~prictmas decorations, Mrs. Ar- shoulder at the letters which|diets and getting nowhere, I de-| tn addition to. AA and Al-|ship among other teenagers) ------_ atteneciencacs demicadentationt 'come in to this dietitian, it/cided to eat to build leanness,|anon there is a third group|with the same problem. 'would be a startling eye-opener,|and re-educate my appetite./formed in 1957 to help the teen-/ Onn wEETING Jf the letter starts out: "I have|Also, I exercise regularly, fol-lage children and friends of 4ried every faddy diet that has|lowing a TV program. Now 25/aicoholics, known as Alateen.| jNovemhber 30, AA and Al-Anon|members "eome along. . . ," I know thejof the 40 excess pounds are/Qshawa has an Alateen group)... aiding a combined meeting|Prayer |work towards changing them- jselves and their outlook on the In Oshawa on Tuesday night;|problems of alcohol. Most find the Serenity a mainstay. "This Look; feel and be exquisite In foundations SPECIALS by Cordless Electric Toothbrush. . . T.V. Table and Tray Sets, Reg. 15.95 9.99 Cordless Automatic Shoe Brush....,.. 3.98 NEW X-POSE BRA: An artful blend of Iyera® nd nylon ut don't let its BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON WITH 15-Pce, Punch Bowl Set. Reg, 6.95..... 3.87 woe WEEKLY SPECIA Lae Ban-Lon® lace. This is a froth of a bra, delicate appearance deceive you. It's heavenly comfort to 'wear, yet gives you control for firm, round curves, Stretch stray w into @ criss-cross for gentle, but pere suasive, and separation . . , then sweep around to its New Drapes From Ward's low out back, In misty white. A, B, C effpe; 82-40... $5 KODEL*-LINED X-POSE BRA: (not illustrated) This bra has all the features of the above plus a resilient Kodel® ing.. . . for the woman whose bosom is slight! wii ee LONG LEG PANTY GIRDLE: This Lycra® power net girdle by "Exquisite Form" is quite firm about slimming, yet is 80 esgic. you hardly know it's there, Split hip design firms and molds hips and thighs for a slender unbroken a Slant waistband _ -- og ey 4 Bod contour (everyone's different), to stay in place. tae this remarkable girdle and discover makes in the way you look and feel. White, 8, M, La....00-. 12 Wlivsscassesccgenen Matching Girdle: S,M, LessevsseeeeSpyD © Reg'd. T.M. 5 0 PCE. ENGLISH Service for 8, Many pleasing patterns on new snow white background. UNUSUAL VALUE ue a CHOOSE YOUR NEW! DRAPERIES FROM THE LARGEST VARIETY Miss ve csaines ee 'SHOPPING 18 CONVENIENT as ors MOD ON A WALKER'S PLAN ACCOUNT: TOYS tic 7 Pas psd. Tiger Joe Tank ... 14.88 Plus thousands of others for children of all ages. Ask anyone, we hove the finest selection in Oshawa. ' Feel Free To Browse At i OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE You Name it -- We've Got lt! Big variety of fabrics, patterns and colors... Sizes to fit any window or wall-to-wall .. . at.low, low prices Immediate delivery . . . Ward's have over pair of beautiful drapes in stock now. rest of the story. The writer ofjgone. I could write pages, butiwhich meets on Thursdays atii+ tne Mark's Theatre, Kingiprayer is a big help to us," *Do you have a protective diet} Splendid. Give credit to your|nouse, In Oshawa members Ofjinyited to attend. lchanee the courage 40. chanee For All Ages! Al-Anon take place and on Wed- To Face Tragedies Of Viet War : ; g the Whitby group the next @ RIFLES o . en . r ° Ing is over. The husbands they 4S he took his Charlie Company, their husbands' problems, is © VACUUM CLEANERS © KITCHEN SETS e e ; six continued as a member of Campbell is AA has an answering service, Df the 101st Airborne in action, | TORS Sm 'they saw pictures of their hus- = About 8,000 of the U.S. troops here because this is home to HER WAITING ENDED "These are things we have to/ as PARKWAY JOHN SWAN'S that letter is still burdened with will seg win argh Sigel Alano Club. street, at 8.00 p.m., which. will/says an Al-Anon member. "It HARDWARE 'excess weight and feels dis-|discourage Fogg 8 an oy|, There are no fees or dues in)be an open meeting. They are|provides the most lasting help couraged about ever being sags hag spr igen | Jou\AA or Al-Anon but most local having an AA speaker and aitlto hiw mamta re to reduce. can reduce a |groups take up a collection to/a)Anon speaker and any wife| «coq sala aan the: dave eee 'of less than 1,000 calories a dayjexercise program for a go0odj,a have their own club house) 4) b ; : : i 'und one that contains no cottage|share of that wonderful feeling-|-ajjed the Alano Club on Thorn-| At Aner pyr ge hg Pld pray dl con oa ie. wis cheese. No more cottage cheese,|Nature never meant for us 10 ton road north. ie . ver! I have to lose 50 pounds.|just sit. intl : : |MEETING PLACE @ MELMAC DINNERWARE @ CORNING WARE inesday nights at 8.30 p.m. the ° SNOW BLOWERS \two local groups meet. The © TV TRAYS \Oshawa group takes charge one = FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (AP), Mrs. Rawls is no longer a) week so that once a week there © RODS AND REELS 'They call themselves "'the wives|wife who waits. Her husband, |i; 9 meeting where any one can COCKTAIL SETS who wait." ; Capt. Robert Rawls, was raked/attend. The numberof wives CANISTER SETS 'waited for will never come|!st Brigade, 101st Airborne, up/creat and it is this group which POWER TOOLS © FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT back from the fighting in Viet|4 hill near An Ninh Sept. 18. jaj-Anon tries to reach. An SMALL APPLIANCES © FIGURINES Nam. They have died in action} Upon the advice of the chap-|alcoholic husband does not have ee 'with the 101st U.S. Airborne Di- pert, blonde site belang to AA, in order for his And Meny'More Gitts Thet Please! ~ For others the waiting goes toe Broup ' : listed in the telephone directory 'pn. They meet over coffee from| We don't have any officers| and anyone needing transporta- time to time to help keep up ° dues," Mrs. Rawls explains.ition to a meeting has only to fach other's morale 'We just have each other--to/dial that number and ask for a pieced together from television film and newsreels, were shown to the wives who. wait * Some members of the audi- bands flash across the screen Some of the husbands were still Alive, some were dead. Three had .been killed in the preced- committed in southeast Asia have been dispatched from this 'prawling base on the Tennes- ee-Kentucky border since July. the career soldiers and their families. Many own homes off the base of the "Screaming Ea- | gles," as the division calls it- * The mutual interest group | formed by the wives has done | much to help them face the| fometimes tragic problems | talk about because we know it's | ' : @ real war, even though we're | gue , ELECTROHOME perfection waiting in a nice room in pretty | ; comes in all shapes, sizes... @resses," says Mrs. Joan and color, too = cone -- AT -- TOWN and COUNTRY Charcoal House "We Service What We Sell , . . Ourselves' 918 SIMCOE ST. N. PH. 723-3043 HLECTROHOME | Here is a typical example: |wonderful." defray the cost of a meeting/or husband of an alcoholic is|to accept the things I cannot 10 000 ti 'Th Wi Wh W it' Or . This is where meetings of |Wednesday and alternates with @ CARVING SETS Gift - For some-of them the wait-|by machine-gun fire and killed) ho break under the stress of POLISHERS pert, blonde-mother of ** wision, whose home base Ft. wife to be a member of Al-Anon. = At a recent meeting, movies|help each other." jride. 'ence rushed out in tears when Ing four days. | °« Many of the wives remained! Self. which result from war. Rawls. YOUR COLOR TV STORE = STEREO Hi-Fi WITH FHE DIFFERENCE | This Restourent wos crested for your Dining Pleasure. Our food is the very best money can buy. if you are planning @ family gethering, club meetings, or a Christmas Party or Benquet. En- quire about eur BANQUET ROOM, drop by end see us of phone 723-1821. 15 Bond E. Don't put up with those old-drapes or bare win- dows ony longer . . . treat your windows to new beauty this week! WARD'S " Simcoe St. S. at Athol 725-1151 OPEN DAILY 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thurs. and Fri. to 9:00 p.m, 723-1821

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