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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Nov 1965, p. 16

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AWARD.- WINNING BAG A exciting travel bag ina pinky beige glove leather with a slight grain design is by Max Etra. Mr. Etra is one of the 1965 winners of the Leather Industries of America Handbag Awards. ee ported on creativity, not much thas been ascertained about cre- + lativity in the child from two to This. bag features double leather handles, double poc- kets secured by 'brass locks and a double hard-type clos- _ ing with an intricate catch. --By Tracy Adrian ANN LANDERS Every Nationality -\of creation by the youngster in a ithe nursery sthool or kinder- |CHILD GUIDANCE | ™ | Child's Creativeness Needs. | Parental Encouragement By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD In the many studies lately re- five. One may see good examples garten, but anybody may ob- serve the widest variety of creation by this child at home in hundreds of his daily activi- ties. Besides, we may have rich opportunities at home to stimu- late creativity in this little child. It's fun to watch the baby when he begins to handle such objects as a rattle, spoon or a block. Merely handling such an object, he hits different things, feeling. the vibrations in his hand and hearing the sounds. Gradually, he experiments to discover new sounds he can make--he's creating them. Sitting in his, playpen or on the floor with several objects such as a pan, spoon or wooden blocks, he soon may notice dif- ferent sounds he can make with them; also he may put one or several of the smaller objects into one of the containers, take choose to put these smaller things into the tube. Acciden-|* tally he may discover they move through the tube and come out. Then he may purposely put these small things into the tube and tip it, just to see them come out at the-other end. With only a few small blocks beside him, the child may cre- ate with them, putting two or more end to end or one on top of another so as to make a bridge. Before long he may build a tower all alone with several blocks. By the time he is two, if given several pans of different sizes, he may spend a lot of time put- ting the smaller one 'into the larger, picking it out or dump, ing it out and repeating the per- formance, Later, with three or ing. Also, if he has a few small toys like cars and trucks, he may iticorporate them into few blocks together and call them a train, or push the cars about imagining he is doing all sorts of things with them, Cer- tainly he is creating them, and nobody needs teach him to do at first just scribble on paper with a crayon, which is safer than a pencil. By and by he may begin to draw, giving his picture a name. Over the next several years, you will see his ability to create pictures developing. As early as the age of two, or earlier, he may begin to talk about things not present as if they were present. How delight- ful to see his imagination devel- oping -- serving you imaginary tea in real or imagined contain- out of his head. If you accept and enjoy his fantasies and cre- ations with words and things he will go on creating. four pans of different sizes, he may fit ajl of them together or he may ftrn them upside down and learn to build a tower with them. TOO KITS OWN TIME FLEETWOOD, England (CP) A postcard mailed in 1933 to this Lancashire fishing port lfrom Llandudno, North Wales, 0. ; When he is only two, he may} ers, making up all sorts of yarns (THE STARS SAY |FOR TOMCRRO W | Initiative and enterprise will pay off now, but don't try to force your spinions upon others. Any display of over-aggressive- jness will work to your detri- ment. In fact, instead of insist- ing on doing things in your own way, take others into your plans, since it's a day when team work will win. : FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, 'your horoscope promises fine achievement within the next 12 months. Long-range job and-or business programs put into ef- fect now should culminate suc- cessfully by the end of Decem- ber or by Jan. 21. Best periods \for finances: Early December, |January, the first 10 days of February, ali of September and October and January, 1967. Cre- lative workers have a generally good year before them, with June. outstanding for accom- |plishment Personal relationships should) ahead, and) |prosper in the year Still later, if you give him alhas just arrived. Both sender|travel will be governed by un- nest of cubical boxes which fitiand addressee are dead.' "We usually beneficient aspects from into one another, he may keep|don't know where it's been," July 1 through Sept. 30. Look | trying to put some or all of|said a puzzled post officejfor stimulating social experi-| lences in December, late March, | them together. HE'S CREATING them out with his hands or dump them out, even inventing new activities. | Given a good set of blocks, this child may choose at three, |spokesman. | By ESTRELLA lary, ins DUDGNE; OF He May Pisn a) ie inclined toward literature or & * : April and October. And, ff sin- gle, new' romance in mid-Janu- the first three nS of aarls:, AAs Say Sesy = A child born on this day will jamy have a:ieaning w ie iaw.| Fone SERRE PRESCRIPTIONS < MITCHELL'S : DRUGS Simcoe N. 723-343 Open Evenings Till 9 P/M. HOWARD'S @ Custom Made Drapes © Broedleom ©@ Custom Made Slip Covers DRAPERIES 725-3144 926 Simcoe St. N, ee tet Your Plan to Make Reservations for Your ow aban <n cia |four or five to build in all sorts ACCIDENTAL DISCOVERY lof ways with them. You may be Given a mailing tube and aljimpressed with the growth in few 'smaller objects he may'the nature and variety of his ~' Has Thoughtless Men Dear Ann Landers: I saw red| Our society has become di-|p when my eyes fell on the words:|/mension wacky in the last 25 "The American husband is the|years and it's nonsense. Some of most spoiled, pleasure-seeking|these top - heavy movie stars| parasite in the world." jlook like pasture animals. The I was married to a European|girl who is slightly undersized for 10 years so I speak as anjcan always add a little, but the) authority. The European hus-|over-endowed ones are _ stuck. band would sooner be caught/And I don't want any of you dead than with a dish towel injsmart aleck college boys to| his hand! He feels it is beneath|write and tell me not to waste| his dignity to carry out the gar-/my sympathy on girls who are bage or empty an ash tray. It)"stuck" with 38s, They might be! does not offend him, however, to/doing all right -- but for the sit in an easy chair with his|wrong reasons, | shoes off and watch his wife} Dear Ann Landers: Why do haul large baskets of laundry up|some members of the clergy from the basement. |feel free to call on members of | The European husband leaves|their parish any old time and| his wife home a lot. I was neverjexpect to be welcome as the invited on a business trip al-|flowers in Spring? though my husband's colleagues; Isn't it common. courtesy to often took their wives. I was not|telephone and ask if a visit is permitted to join a bridge club)convenient? Does a clergyman because my husband said re-jhave'a special licence to drive spectable women don't leave the] over whenever he feels like it house alone at night. jand ring the doorbell? | Ten years with that dingbat) J'ye discussed this with three| was like a life sentence. Now 1| other women in our parish and| am happily married to an Amer-|they, too, resent these unan-| ican who treats me like a hu-| nounced visits. If we are wrong, man being.--Thumbs Down 00/njease tell us. Thank you.--Just European Men ? ' ' Us it per eord Pb | ged ae Dear Just: No one has a right some American husbands who to drop in without first calling to 7 i" _|see if it is convenient. I see no have the traits which you de SelB A re " Ta like Justification for a woman being scribes as "European." I'd like 4 Fig ta i to hear from other women who shag in her own home by a have (or have had) European rop-in visitor when she is busy, | husbands, What goes (or went) grrr egy or perhaps dashing) on at your house, girls? another appointment. aa Nea te Wear Buy Quality at Black's @ Shirts by Forsythe & Hathawoy @ Colognes by Jade East & Canoe © Sport Hots Cuff Glove Dear Ann Landers: Recently @ Sweoters by Gino Paoli, Tony Doy, Jay-Berma, Parker of Vienna Handsome TY Gowns Shoes by Sloter See our Leather Counter Gift Certificotes wie swear by Jantzen by Dobbs Link Sets styled for Black's s & Vests NEW FORMAL WEAR & RENTALS acts MEN'S WEAR LTD. ESTABLISHED 1924 74 Simcoe North there was a letter in your col- WEARS A TATTOO umn about wives who undress in) The present Viscountess Nor-/ the closet. The letter attracted/wich has a tiny rose tattooed| | my attention because I am a 15-\6n her leg. Christmas problem, only I hate to undress} in front of my female class-| f it avorites. mates. I just die when I have to shower after physical education. | The dressing rooms don't have| don't buy a lifetime supply of} = ES 32-A cups. You are sure to out-| AND-- grow them. Cli PERS wror doors or curtains. It's not that) I am overly modest, Ann, it's) just that I wear a size 32-A cup brassiere and I am ashamed of having so little to put in it. | A flat-chested girl is like a peacock with. no feathers. I feel inferior and self-conscious. Is there anything you can say to make me feel better?--Little Eva Dear Eva: If you are only 15) PINWORM CARRIERS Q. Is it possible for @ person to become infétted with pin- worn through contect with « dog? The veterinerian said dogs are not carriers of pin- worm. A. The veterinarion was cor- rect. House pets, including the dog, have been shown to ploy no role in the spread of this infection. The human is the sole natural host of the Para- site. Transmission of the dis- --FROM-- SHOE STORE 55 King Street East iin eVeRYoNe MODEL || @ Free Parking at Reor e | 80 SIMCOE ST. N. or ' 728-6218 ease is from person to person, CHERRY SEEDS Q. Are cherry seeds polson- ous? | have heard they ere but children seem to swallow them without trouble. A. Cherry seeds contain a sub- stonce which, with water, pro- duces a poison. However, the seeds must be crushed to pro- duce this reaction. It is said thot 12 oz. of cherry seeds contain enough prussic acid to give symptoms of poisoning but it is not likely thot so rae - Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN! large on amount could be eoten. Prescriptions filled with ex- 1 ADE ane pert professional care by phormacists whe take « per- sone! interest in you. hae 28 King East Oshawo| Open Evenings 'til 9 p.m. Free City Wide Delivery Special This Week BANANA ROLL CAKE 73: Special This Wee PUMPKIN DELICIOU PIE 39: k @ Another Woolworth PARTY SANDWICH TRAYS Service! -- Serves 16 Only to~20 people 5.95 It's truly a Fairweather Christmas when you select weleome gifts from our wide selection OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE caRisTaas BANQUET Plan new on holding your holidey social functi Whether you ere entertoinin seme careful ettention from ou: We at the Flying Dutchm which hes been schieved through the 623-3373 amidst the pl surroundings of the Flying Dutchmen Motor Hotel -- Drive East of Oshowe) -- Interchange 75, on 'Ontario's er oes f Bpeer 8 Group of 10 or 150, you will ; ir expert and willing steff, weer Gre especially proud of the prestige persone! end meticulous consideretion which is given to the minutest detail of your function, For Your Reservation PHONE 623-3373 y --------MOTOR "HOTELS ighway 401 Bowmanville : . INTERCHANGE 75 USE OUR . LAY-AWAY PLAN A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Purchase 'Til Christmas OPEN DAILY 10 - 10 Adults 'Only Allowed Specials We reserve the right to limit quantities. Select Your Tree From The Largest Stock OF Cut Trees In The North American Continent CHRISTMAS TREES 97° F FREE DRAW on PUREBRED POODLE Registered with Canadian Kennel Club For Practical Santas Famous Products Sold For Particular Shoppers Fun - Premium - Savings For Price Sake For Perfect Selections For Powerful Specials Fantastic Price Slashing Fine Professional Service Tues. & Wed. Specials 2 3b tt >t > ot ot 6 GAMES IN ONE CROKINOLE BOARD With checkers, porcheesi, snokes & led h hinese he for all the rs, € . + + With pleying men jomes. mpere et 5.95. FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL MEN'S-LADIES'- YOUTHS' SKI GLOVES Fine grein simulated leather, pile lined, with stretch fingers in two-tone colo's. Compare ot 2.98 peir. FOR PRICE SAKE vaingas ee MAIN FLOOR TINY TOT SLIPPERS Sizes 4 to 10; felt lined with furry kle cuffs, C t en cu ompere a 1 44 2.00. FOR PRICE SAKE .. LOWER LEVEL PLUS RENCH General Electric Model $-22 DELUXE AUTOMATIC FRY PAN Compore at 29.85. 22.88 FOR PRICE SAKE .. LOWER LEVEL PUP CHRISTMAS | DECORATIONS For home; indoor and outdoor EXTENSION CORDS LIGHTS BULBS CLOTH Compare ot 98c. FOR PRICE SAKE PRINTED TERRY TEA TOWELS For fast, clean dish drying. SKIL CRAFT CHEMISTRY SET For the young scientist. Compare et 7.95. FOR PRICE SAKE . fs 5.55 LOWER LEVEL 2.85-0Z. JAR v4 FLOODLITES SANTA FACES TREE TOPS SCOTCH PINE TREES at 97¢ COLOR WHEELS TREE ORNAMENTS ICICLES, ETC, ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN LOWER LEVEL MEN'S FINE of sanforized cotton Compare at 5.98, FOR PRICE SAKE QUALITY PYJAMAS Exnertly tailored Canadien meade with elastic waist in all sizes. MAIN FLOOR CUTEX HAND CREAM Compare at 75¢ FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL TOP SELF-ST¥LING HAIR SPRAY Reguler and extra hold. Regular and extre bold. Compore at 1.89. 1,41 FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR broadeloth GUARANTEED FIT MEN'S FLANNEL SUIDTS UCC Re ke WEEE EE Ew Philishave Cordless RAZOR ae Se a WASHABLE; NON-SKID Craw wTren 14 4°T SLATIER. MAT Canadian made by Bell with extra long tails and two breast pockets . 3.97 + « oll sizes. Compare at 5.50 each. FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN- LEVEL In deluxe padded leatherette zip- pered travel case including cleen- ing brush. Compore at 19.95. FOR PRICE SAKE 14,71 LOWER LEVEL and BATH SETS Long-weering 100% cotton... @ Canadien penereeent it 4.98. Compare ¢' a 3.88 FOR PRICE SAKE KENNER'S BUILD-A-HOME SUBDIVISION SETS Set No. 7 has 400 pieces, including swimming pools, trees, landscape ec- cessories, etc, An educational toy. Compore ot 15.00. FOR PRICE SAKE Ay 8.88 LOWER LEVEL 100% NYLON FLIGHT BAGS Three ferge zippered compertments with leatherette trim and sturdy hard-~ boord frames. | 12.97 Compore at 19.95. FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL © # Lady Schick Consolette HAIR DRYER Compare at 39.95. 33.97 FOR PRICE SAKE... LOWER LEVEL WE HAD A LITTLE ACCIDENT GIRLS' 7 to 14 SLIMS, BLOUSES GOT WET You'll Find Then On Our Clearance Table This Week et Ya Pric 50% OFF DELUXE PERFUMED BUBBLE BATH IN r CHAMPAGNE BOTTLE By Lander Fifth Ave., New York... your choice of apple bossom, pine, . ee F FLOO Compare at 1.49. FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN Boys' and Girls' Sizes 2-6X STORMY WEATHER ASTRONAUT COVERALL Rubberized fabrie for wind proofin: and waterproofing . . . wet and eo! weather weer . . . bright colors for Sane 4.98 ompare et 4.98, FOR PRICE SAKE g 2,50 MAIN FLOOR LADIES' HI-BULK CARDIGANS All sizes; choice of colors and styles; yenee ompore et 8.98. FOR PRICE SAKE .......... 4,44 MAIN FLOOR MAIN. FLOOR OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUS AT GARRARD RD. 1038 KING ST. WEST

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