saccade a a a Rem et elite die ta *~ BS Wrest rprenctts wees serena end Ere! THE GSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, Secember 4, JC Ve Ss JON aN ae | SCOUT GUL AUS ioe ee Oa eee en ee ~ ; With beautiful Christmmas/°¥-™™- Dinas Brock. \ : wr oti ag Here From England cao aying nthe "beck Several cal thro ci FOR THE FINEST BY JO ALDWIN und, the 9th Scout Group 1 P od t nd Recently arrived from Lyn- uxiliary preceded its meeting}, display ustom @ Mrs. Atherfold announced that e Ready Made of The Times g Moule. Miss Moule who has long #|Walter Atherfold said grace. "| there Morag not be a meeting in NE Sobibahit ; : nursed a wish to come to Can- ad A crazy hat contest was held, | December. 'i. DRAPES ada, is.on an extended visit Cabbage leaves, oranges, ar- ; ; / ' ' ' Mr. W. J. Fry, Brock street @ many other utensils provided The fur trapping business in e 1 bea : i Back in the office after five weeks' sick leave, I feel like (44. : the styles for the parade of hats, Ontario declined four per con | He nee Oy deste : j is f England's Mrs. Gordon Leddy's creation|from 1964 to 1965, with a tota' i fi i unreality about everything. My desk has been turned around |, Lynton is one o Pegs pengencesaget lager 'alue of about $850,000. ae. so the scenery is somehow different. The waste basket is on |famed summer resorts and = Pees Mis. Gecree ¥ 3 5 : filing the rough notes and envelopes. It is the same sort of hotel there for a number of : automatic reaction you have when you change the furniture |Yeats, Miss. Moule met travel- We Guarantee to | & DRAPERIES 4 ; - jcountries, among them Cana- ' i j DRAPERY TRACKS lamp that isn't there and bruise your hips on unfamiliar cor je sl a teomn thaw abe felt SAVE You EXPERTLY INSTALLED Memos I wrote to myself weeks ago stare back at me |horseif, ON YOUR ANNUAL FOOD cosT accuslingly and here and now I want to apologize to those ibs dae whatever wl Mik con agreed to perform. Until now I had a good record and I am annoyed that some microscopic bacillus could topple it. She is not daunted by the stock. I have come to the conclusion that a te spell of ; : auiet thinking can be a good thing. - lit'can be bleak in the winter, [ai HAS PROVEN ITSELF Forced inactivity can have a chastening effect, It is |{t is on the north coast and sub- ae Z Z blessing, it is also easy to become smug and condescending j|damp and dreary, so some snow] about the sickness of others. Now on the road to recovery [will be a welcome change. comes from their plain, hard and once again filling my engagement calendar, I have a |jyst Jovely and the shops are|@ir. I've had to walk four miles deeper sympathy for those whose lives are prey and cit- [most attractive, especially the|@ day for years. When there's _ Shakespeare who said everything so much better than |their unbelievable variety. 1|'0 do the next best thing.' anybody else put it this way "He jests at scars that never {have seen foodstuff that I have| Miss Moule might have added have a heartful of thanks for the doctors and technicians /if I'm in a sort of wonderland whose knowledge and experience made me well and for the (and want to try everything." daily sunshine. I cannot find the words to express my things and don't mind spending} ¢ ' f nd § | : FURNITURE P : thanks but I shall never forget. money to try anything new. "I DRAPERIES Shop at Your Stripe Discount Store For Attrac- "Ws nomics,"' she said. "'Ever since} : " Filling Long Hours the war we have not been able i , hy 15 King Street East In Your Life. What does one do propped up in bed all day? Between |, : t dare , CUSTOM MADE DRAPES H 4 Fy ji taking my temperature, pills and medicine I read several Bache eeeir ar 'She thy Complete Selections of Brand Name : Toiletries, Cosmetics, Phone 725-2686 Candy, and Chocolates, at Prices Designed for Gifting. Tw. i™~ Baws. iwiAit VDIANI {Samuel Gayer took third place. | ions made by the members were Women's Editor ton, North Devon, is Miss Jenny § LOE. "jem with a pot - luck supper. Mrs with a relative, "Uncle Bill", | rows, measuring spoons and . FURS FETCH LESS in the letest Shedes end a new girl on her first. days at school. Thére is an air of the opposite side and I keep throwing the fair copy into it and |Working as a receptionist in a pant SBE UO ebm oi é ; i DRY GooDs around in the living room; when you reach to switch'on a |lers and tourists from many ners of tables-in new locations, sha disive to Sonia and see far $100.00 i 723-7827 organizations and individuals whom I failed in duties I had has pleased her very. much; PHONE 723-1163 933 RITSON RD. 5. However, I have had time to philosophize and to take ager Aes plea ge ooh Le THE FOOD PLAN THAT one thing to be proud of one's health, but confident in this |ject to strong easterly winds, MISS JENNY MOULE with the optimistic prospect of soon being "in the swim" "I think the homes here are|f00d and walking in the fresh :¢umscribed .by uncertain and indifferent health. grocery shops and markets with|"© transportation you just have felt a wound . . ." Well I'm not jesting any more. I just jnever seen before. I 'ust feel as|another quality, endurance. | | ; * So : ' . friends who did so many kind things. My room has been a Miss Moule sees already that | etty y mY bower of flowers and the get-well cards brought their own (Canadians like variety in all INTERIOR DECORATOR | suppose it's a matter of eco- " ap ' BROADLOOM tive, Fragrant, Gifts For The Man or Woman to waste anything in England. books that had been on my list for'a long time and can |basic. Mind you, I think the We carry a complete recommend Charles Chaplin's autobiography. The tramp char- | py 9}j, fl : : : : acter that Charlie made so famous in his silent films was ie oh eect po aa line of _ and Open For Your Shopping Convenience Thursday and Friday 'til 9 p.m. -- drawn from the utter poverty and sadness of his childhood, |---- Eb Ses mpeee Saturday 'til 6 p.m. spent amid the low life of East London, | } I had a run on cross-word puzzles and reached the stage « apepronge! a th The Pet Centre | of tackling them ith a pen whichis & sign of somali |anfe?tnsetmeni el the car] 9 Calina St DISCOUNT STORES or other and I returned to knitting which had been one |®0V® Compartment of the car . ; and use to wipe steam from the 728-0403 | 24 SIMCOE ST. N of my accomplishments before I became a career woman. | " 7 ' 4 F |windows and windshield. Now I can proudly display four Norwegian style, junior | fe ie P play FORMERLY SABATS, cardigans. Meanwhile I rediscovered the radio and found it still has much to offer, but my chief delight and constant source of entertainment was my cats. Ching Ling and Tup-Ti, the '"'blue-eyed banditti", scarcely left my side. They put on all sorts of displays, such as hide and seek over and Ta ke Take Take under the bed, wrestling matches, footsie with the knitting Serie de tthe Se ea. |. the world's thelowest -- Lufthansa When they decided I needed cheering up they put on a circus act that consisted of chasing each other all over the + bedroom leaping from bed to chairs and tables, ruckling greatest resort prices to the rugs and scattering cards and papers in their flight. " There must be something of the monkey in Siamese cats oe because their jumps are phenominal. This dizzy demon- skiing... ever... Munich! stration proved it. When I shouted at them I think they thought I was urging them on and they went round and a ee Se round, up and down, faster and faster until at a given moment they would fly up the marquisette curtains and proceed with a trapeze act. Everything within reach I threw at them, reducing the already disordered orderliness of the sickroom to a sorry state. They discontinued their antics as soon as I was al- lowed up, so I think they were only trying to amuse me and ey gs ie ' % Ks i : Lae kee ; + oe: I've put dacron drip-dry marquisette curtains on my Christ- Hee, Se : aC ergs change it gras nice to have the news brought x 4 '" eg & ' , Silas : j : ' ' i "3 Diamonds _ Cuff Links Chis heater pula ot heen ee | Ege ee on See ma © Watches = Tie Bars Ce set ind Mee en ee ee | OO eS Ure © Rings © Lighters 23 expertly directed' by Harry Chapman who also designed : be oy ba | : d ' o , oA. . Jewellery ® Desk Sets the ingenious sets. a Ls eel : fo ge = EN © China © Cut Glass Players Come To Town be et a. ei _») ys © Silverware © Luggage Meanwhile at McLaughlin Collegiate the Canadian Play- ers presented for ohe night only, "The Importance of Being : Earnest" sponsored by the Oshawa and District Univer- ; wit ra deg Lava sity Women's Club. This was entirely a professional pro- Gee f ey oP "4 Pe J j ry LAY-AWAY NOW duction directed by Marigold Charlesworth with Charles ne : wa eR te) 5 be Kamran Palmer and Rosamond Burne in leading 'roles. To quote my Pr ; e eS 3 1 FOR CHRISTMAS informant: "it was quite deiighiful and I did wish we had a j ; : : } a more theatre-like auditorium because I wanted to-see ie ee. %5 ; : ' : gre ere a e Two LOCATIONS @ more of them and they merited it." ' 2 : ee ee S Ved 4 2 : Last May I had lunch with Mr. B Anthony Lawless gen- ai vip é j Nhe : ee 'i " a : % S ; : | eral manager of the National Ballet 'and we talked about -- d Z a ay : m~ us ' CREDIT bringing a small company fo Oshawa. The end result came ; ee - A fe : ge. c last week with a glittering performance at the Regent y? pein. oi ' 4 . 4 JEWELLERS. Theatre; Nutcracker Suite in all its fun and fantasy and the brilliant dancing of Lois _. lh ge lo scigg Me Bae Shiai oa cas : ; : Ee es i | 20 SIMCOE ST. S. e OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE her fairy prince partner, and Alastair Munro danced a magnificient pas de deux to Debussy's Claire de Lune and Martine van Hamel shone : . . with a pure light in Solitaire, Lawrence Adams. and many Munich is the natural gateway other faultless dancers combined in a superb production that was supported by a noteworthy 30-piece orchestra, The for skiers to the Alps... pizzicato passage converted one agnostic and the solo flautist richly deserved his round of applause. ; and Lufthansa is the natural way to fly there! Such a performance does not just happen. The company rehearsed until curtain time, tailoring the choreography to the size of the stage and adapting the lighting. Trans- ee : port vans were parked on the side street and in them the Gay, delightful Munich is the very top of the run to most ski resorts dancers changed their costumes, rushing off the stage, in Europe! More alive than ever in the winter, Munich is the starting Lufthansa German Airlines oT glistening with perspiration, out into the cold; then a quick point to all the Alps for skiers from all over the world. 55 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. bees and a strengthening of the make-up and back again Your best way there? Lufthansal And Lufthansa's famed ' "Ski Team" beni hg marge garb emgage ee ee helps smooth your way--in planning your trip and timing it so that ski vacations. send me details on Ski-the-Alps The audience was devoted and paid the artists the it oni ; he full P ng Vacations and Lufthansa Winter Schedules, compliment of making the National Ballet's premiere in you will enjoy your trip to the futlest. Oshawa a "'white gloves' social event. Prices this year are lower than ever. May we suggest two weeks in Name Kitzbuhel and St. Anton. Or you may prefer St. Christoph, Lech and Aibdoaiis Zurs, The remarkably low price will include private room, breakfast, Farewell November ground transportation and the round trip air fare.* A happy reminder: City Well, it just seems that November and I passed out you may, if you wish, pay jatst 10% down and then take 24 months together. 1 missed the St. Andrew's Society Ball and noth- to pay the balance at 6% bank interest. My Travel Agent is ing pleases me more than a whirl though an eightsome reel ; with a light-footed partner and I just love to see the dress Take the expert's advice. Call your Lufthansa Travel Agent or mail kilts and lace cravats worn with Scottish pride even though the coupon. Make this the greatest ski holiday you've ever knownl U ansa there's no denying I'm a Sassenach and my ancestors of | the House of Northumberland were forever feuding with sues tenan eae en G . those Blue Bonnets over the Border. By all accounts it was Crane Pontwents $998-08) erman Airlines at sup er ar et a@ gay evening. a m I had to send regrets in answer to the irivitation to the 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OSHAWA chrysanthemum tea at Parkwood. Colonel McLaughlin al- ways has a successful house party that anyone would hate to miss. It lures back former residents and Oshawa old- Oo, Ge & secs pees signs | FOR RESERVATION AND INFORMATION CALL @ OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. f ti f ds id catchi ES lanasarel ny Speed wpicer ange tel DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE @ FREE PARKING @ FREE DELIVERY S's of the gorgeous chrysantnemums and Yne conservatories full of delicate plants in full bloom. OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN @ FINER QUALITY @ GREATER SELECTION : Well, I'm tired of being a hot house Plant. : 104 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY PHONE 668-8867 SHOP BY PHONE AT GLECOFF'S haute coiffure ... FOR TRAVEL INFORMATION CALE OR SEE wi | FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL oo a : : | 57 KING ST. E. 728-6201) Modella Hair Stylists 56201 GLECOFF'S ; SUPERMARKET international coiffures CALL NOW FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS : MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 6 european celina st 725-4531 stylists oshawa, ont. | 25 KING ST. E, OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001