i= cy Genawa Tenea, Getereez, Becestes <. en rt oro ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSOR By Alfred Buescher External devotion of 7 @ and mind to G that makes God--Isaiah religiosity without complete In the vision that called Isaiah to prophecy, Isaiah recounts God's maj- esty, his own unworth and willing- ness to serve Him.--Isaiah 6. Isaiah warns od is men 1, is | | Conirois For Great Lakes CHICAGO (AP) -- Control of;plates lowering the extreme- levels of the Great Lakes/high stage by about one foot through a system of gates is|and raising the extreme low a envisioned Friday in a report|bit more than a half foot. by the U.S. Army Corps of En-| It would require regulatory gineers. works near the head of the Ni- Brig.-Gen. Roy T. Dodge, di-|agara river to contro] the out- vision engineer who issusd the|flows from Lake Erie. Lake report, said it contains tentgfive| Erie waters flow on to Lake On- plans that would have to béco-| tario via the Niagara. ordinated with Canadian plans| "These works would consist RK] |before a joint blueprint could|of a gated dam across the Ni- of terrible days to When the. Assyrians invaded, God come, exhorting reliance upon Jeho- saved Jerusalem by smiting them vah, rather than arms or allies, for preservation, -- Isaiah 7; 9; 31:1-3. with plague.--Isaiah 36; 37. GOLDEN. TEXT--Isaiah 1:2. BIBLE LESSON Isaiah: He Stands Alone, A Colossus Of Prophets By R. H. RAMSEY Isaiah towers above all the biblical prophets, for it was he who saved his nation from ruin and who, looking down the cen- turies, cried out with a cer- tainty which has impressed be- Hevers.in every age that right- eousness would be victorious and a better age would dawn for humanity. An aristocrat and statesman of Jerusalem who prophesied for some 40 years--during a erucia) era of Judah's history-- Isaiah sought both political and religious reform. He opposed Egypt's attempts to make Pal- estine a satellite to ward off the growing power of Assyria, which in 721 BC overwhelmed Israel, the northern kingdom. His neutral position was consid-}| ered unpatriotic for at the time Judah opposed Assyria and sought an alliance with Egypt)i her. When his advice): fulfil the will of God. When we set ourselves resolutely to this task of doing well, of seeking justice for all men, of relieving the oppressed, of taking a firm stand for righteousness, we live clean and devout lives, fulfiling in our hearts the righteous pur- pose; (Chapter 6) stands unrivaled in the Old Testament, grandeur of conception and the' simplicity of its style. In unfor- gettable language he pictures the awesome majesty of the Lord on His throne. of the God of perfection Isaiah} knew both terror and unworthi- ness. But God was ready with his redemption, and even as He demanded from him a life of service, Isaiah's reaction was Among his warned of terrible days coming for both Judah and Israel, as consequence of, and judgment for, their disregard of God's word, But he also foresaw great joy following afflication, in the birth of a child with the sacred name of Immanuel as a token that deliverance was sure. But beyond that he offers the cer- tain and ultimate promise of the salvation of Jehovah on the behalf of His people Israel. Cer- tainly the One referred to here would be both God and man, born among the Hebrew people as an indication of God's love for them and Hs final deliver- ance of them. After this message of hope, associated by Jews with the expected Messiah and by Chris- tians with Christ, the book con- tinues with prophecies of judg- ment, He warned of the folly of confidence in allies and arms. of God. Isaiéh's call to prophesy, both for Before the glory and brilliance laid His blessing upon Isaiah He mmediate and wholehearted: 'Here I am; send me." was rejected, Isaiah wrote that he saw God's hand in the ap- proaching downfall of Judah. Because of the quantity of scriptural material assigned to 's lesson, we will touch but upon the high points. The first chapter deals with the difference between that sin- Israel's strength lay in quiet- ness and confidence in Jehovah, earthly support was insufficient. Rather than constantly looking to Egypt for help in staving off the Assyrian threat Israel should look to the God who had aided and preserved her in ages past. No Longer Up In The 'Hair' WOODSTOCK (CP)--Parents 0 people Isaiah NEW YORK (AP)--President Johnson predicted this week a bright future for the U.S. econ- my. He told top business leaders that he expects a record level to albe achieved in 1966 without in- flation. The president discussed the outlook in an address by tele- hone to the Business Council in Washington from his Texas ranch. Johnson said there must be co-operation among businéss, labor and the government to avoid inflation. "Working together, the; ©an build and sustain an economy unmatched in the history of man," he said. He appealed to the business- men who represented many of the top U.S. companies, to sup- port the war effort in Viet Nam. The cost of living rose in Oc- tober to a record 110.4 per cent of the 1957-59 average, the la- bor department reported. This was an advance of 0.2 per cent from September. It meant that consumers paid $11.04 for items that cost $10 in 1957-59. The index was pushed up by higher prices for all goods and services except food. After the report came out, Bright Future, Says LBJ For American Economy This was interpreted at first in some quarters as an indica- about the price spiral. But the White House said: "We don't consider inflation a major threat at this time, but the president's advisers always); studying it very carefully.' The fell in November to 4.2 per cent of the labor force, the lowest in eight years. ployed 72,800,000. goods advanced to a record $22,- 400,000,000 in October, the com- merce department reported. tion that Johnson was concerned are watching the situation and labor department re- ported the unemployment rate The number of unemployed totalled 2,966,000 and of em- Factony orders for durable This was $2,800,000,000 or 14 per be drawn, agara River to control the Two tentative plans were for-|flows, and channel excavations mulated for Lakes Michigan-|above and below the dam to Huron, which connect at the|provide the required increase Straits of Mackinac, Under one/in discharge capacity," the re- the extreme-high stage would|port says. be lowered ahout 1.3 feet and| The total cost was estimated the extreme-low stage would be/at $105,000,000. raised about 1.1 feet. Under the other the extreme high would be lowered a little less than PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 half a foot and the extreme low would be raised about 1.1 feet. Regulatory works "would be needed in the St. Clair and De- troit River channels to control the outflow from Lake Huron, which drains through the rivers | into Lake Erie. "These w ork 8," the report sets forth, 'would consist of} gated structures to control the flows and channel enlargements | to provide the required increase | in discharge capacity.' | ESTIMATES COST The total cost of one plan was estimated at $426,820,000 and for the other at $905,000,000. Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister Ronald A, Jonsen, Vicar SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, DIVINE WORSHIP ee C wees 933 sha =: luases on. -- Michigan and jr Huron "witout change im thej naif Tovi. present regulatory works in the; The Lake Erie plan St. Mary's River," which ped pst gre with one Lakes Superior and Huron, The! proved for Lake 0} he ap Pedestrians & Motorists Pedestrian Crosswalks In Operation In The Following Locations: -- SIMCOE ST, NORTH... ot ROBERT STREET ADELAIDE AVE. WEST... .at GOLF STREET BOND ST. EAST at DIVISION STREET KING ST. EAST......ct DIVISION STREET "WILSON RD. SOUTH at TAYLOR AVE. RITSON RD, NORTH at WILLIAM ST. EAST PEDESTRIANS -- Point your way to safety when ' using the Crosswalks. MOTORISTS ---- Use core and courtesy when approaching a Crosswalk. @ SAFETY IS EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS @ ' Ald. J. G. Brady Traffic Committee City Council. The Lake Erie plan contem- higher man in October, For fair cent, 1964, The trend in durable-goods orders is considered a key indi- cator because it shows the vol- ume of business expected. CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH (Anglican) Mary and Hilleroft Streets SERVICES 8 AM.- 11 AM, = 7 P.M, NURSERY CARE 11:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL--11 A.M UNITED SPIRITUALIST and unbiased representation Experience and Ability on Darlington Council VOTE TO RE-ELECT | | CHURCH OF ONTARIO | Orange tomes Bruce $t., Oshawa | pstairs) | Mary T. aeagee! DECEMBER Sth BUDAI X | 30 P.M | HEALING 'and MESSAGES 7:00 P.M. 9s ond Mrs. Fitton On Dec. 6, 10 a.m. to 7 FOR INFORMATION CALL Johnson called his economic WEDNESBAY -- 10:00 A.M, | Divine Services and messages by Mr, J. Brig CHRISTMAS! PARTY,' DEC, 9th policy - makers to a HOLY COMMUNION special | 723-6786 623-2776 of a 12-year-old pupil Friday When the Assyrian forces did, cere type of religion that abides in in the inner hearts of truly re- ligious men and women, in com- parison with the external type of religion that consists mainiy of going through the motions of worship, making loud pretension of one's orthodoxy, and taking complacent pride in a religious devotion that is little more than pretense. ASSERT DEVOTION There is no doubt that exter- nal signs of religiosity are ne- cessary, but without that com- plete devotion of heart and mind to God, the external signs are as nothing. They are mere shams, turning religion into night withdrew their request for suspension of a they said had pulled a handful of hair from their son's head. claimed their son, Randy, had his hair pulled out Nov. 26 by Eldon Ahrens, teacher at D. M. Sutherland school. will look into it quietly," Mrs. Burton told the board of edu- cation after withdrawing the request to have the teacher suspended. finally, invade Judah, King Hezekiah, in his distress, asked Isaiah to pray for the people. Isaiah comforted the king, say- ing that God would defend Jer- usalem. Isaiah then how that very night the angel of the Lord smote the Assyrian camp with a plague and the city was saved. teacher Mr. and Mrs. George Burton his Grade 7 "I hope the board on its own hypocrisy and making those who indulge in such insincerity, superficiality and falseness un- acceptable to God. "Learn to do well" is Isaiah's plea. This is the only way to Tomorrow! Reveals the startling signl- flesnce behind world news! . with PROPHECIES next BAHA'I WORLD FAITH UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 320 en | South 723- 6325 The Whole Gospel to the Whole World . Sunday: 10 A.M.--Sundey Schoo! 11 A.M.--Morning Worship 7:30 P.M.--Evangelistic Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study ond Proyer Sat, 8:00 P.M.--Young People EVERYONE WELCOME What's your | eS 20 yeors! Teaches: "The foundation of all religions is belief in the one same God", Monday + Saturday 9:05 - 9:35 P.M. {or immediately following Jr. A Hockey) and Sunday 0 30---11:00 P.M, 10: For information re: "weekly meetings or Iiteroture Write Box AS Oshewo Times 1350 RADIO ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Temporary Place of Worship: DR. S$. J. PHILLIPS SCHOOL (Corner Rossland and Simeoe Sts.) PASTOR: REV. D. N. HABERMEHL, B.A., M.Th. 10:00 A. M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Nursery care provided during morning worship 7:00 P.M: -- EVENING SERVICE Tune In to CKLB et 11 A.M, on alternating Sundays (Services of Chr, Ref. Churches In the Oshewa-area) and ot 9:15) P.M, (Back to God Hour, each Sundoy) ? Idea of records | meeting. oe | ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE STS, The Reverend Canon F, G.-Ongley, M.A.--Rector The Reverend R, G. Brooks $.Th.--Assistant SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5th -- ADVENT II 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A, "soot bea COMMUNION Sermon: 'The Incarnation"----No, 1 Truth--Rector 7:00 P,M.--EVENING PRAYER Sermon; The Reverend R, G. Brooks Nursery Facilities available ot the 11:00 @.m, Serv THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9th HOLY COMMUNION -- 10:00 a.m seseeeamerote lee FAITH Pastor: "725-2755 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5th 9:45 A.M, -- SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. --- THE SERVICE ---LUTHERAN CHURCH MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING | THe REV. HENRY: FISCHER You Are Invited to Worship With Us THE SALVATION ARMY Corps Officers Major & Mrs. Gordon Holmes 133 Simcoe South SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5th \ TO SERVE GOD! trae religion? Unitarianism is 2 way of life, OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH (Tennis Club Hall) Ritson Road N. & Hillcroft Branch of Toronto Spiritualist Temple + Pastor: Rev. Rey F. C, Stoddard Meeting Sunday: 2:30 P. M.---HEALING & SPIRIT -- 1 7:00 P.M.--DIVINE SERVICE REV. E. M. McGRATH Thursday 7:30 P.M.--MESSAGE SERVICE MISS ELLEN OJE 11:00 A.M.--"HOLINESS IN PRACTICE" 2:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.--'Re-Generation or Reformation' TUES. 2:30 P.M.--HOME LEAGUE Salvation Army Band will be Christmas ploying for December 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16 "A Welcome Awaits You at the Army" beliefs. The stress is placed upon living this life nobly and effectively rather than on the preparation for an after-existence. Hf you have given up "old time" religion, Unitarianism has the enswer for you. DECEMBER Sth 11:00 A.M. SPEAKER Mr. A. Allon Borovoy Director of 'Labour Ctee on Hurren Rights, SUBJECT: _» "he oer of the small Libercis' UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP SIMCOR HALL Gece %. 5. at Ficher . THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX SIMCOE ST. NORTH. (Four blocks from King) Minister Rev. @ W. C, Brett, B.A, ST. LUKE'S Ressiand R4. W. of Nipigon Minister . REV. D. R. SINCLAIR, B.A, Musical Director Pianist Miss Jane Weir Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M, ST.. PAUL'S Wilson Rd. N. at King St. E. Rev. Walter Jackson Minister UKRAINIAN Simcoe St. South Minister Rev. J. Jacenty 9:00 A.M.----Chureh School 11:00 A.M,--Morning Worship Mr. Frank Waiter Musica! Director 9:45 AM, CHURCH SCHOOL COMMUNION SUNDAY 11:00 A.M eae Clore McGill B.D. SUBJECT: es "Tyal "Translator 9:30 A.M CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, THE SACRAMENT OF THE Problem" 7:00 P.Mm--Rev. D, R. Sine lair, B.A, Come and Worship With Us, LORD'S SUPPER All Cordially Invited 9:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER HUNGARIAN Minister Rev, E, Seresg at Knox Church Simcoe St. North 3:30 P.M.--Worship Service 2nd and 4th SUNDAYS 8:00 B:M, YNSSION. RALLY ARE MeGILL of Formosa, REV. "Draperies 20 LIVING ROOM DINING. ROOM BEDROOM IN OSHAWA CALL 694-3361 723-6751 PHONE